adam, noah, abraham (blue book)

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  • 8/14/2019 Adam, Noah, Abraham (Blue Book)


    Matt Davies

    The Holy QuranApril 4, 2008

    Adam, Noah, and Abraham

    Discuss the use of Jewish sacred texts in the Quran

    There is very little doubt that Muhammad was influenced by Jewish and Christian

    communities that existed in the region where he lived. The phrase People of the Book,

    the Quranic description of Jews and Christians, was used to address problems inside

    those communities or to criticize their rejection of Allah or even to praise them for

    trying to follow Allah. Muhammad had a tumultuous relationship with the Jewish

    tribes inside Medina, which influenced the writings and revelations that Muhammad

    preached. The Jewish stories, which were adopted into the Christian cannon, were

    known inside Mecca due to the citys key position in the trading routes. Muhammad,

    being a trader and marrying a prominent trader, would have been in contact with at least

    the basics of the Jewish texts. Jewish mythology shaped a new social religiosity.

    Muhammad was part of a prominent trading company, due to the influence of his

    uncle, Abu Talib. He would have, therefore, known at least the origin stories of various

    cultures that passed through Mecca. He would have understood the importance of

    Abraham to the Jewish community and the adopted significance that it played inside the

    Christian faith. When Muhammads revelations began, he realized that he needed to

    have an origin story that was legitimate to the surrounding communities or faiths. He

    therefore adopted a story using Ishmael, the eldest son of Abraham through the slave

    Hagar. Surah 21 is one of the Surahs that establishes a connection with Abraham and

    gives the basis for one of Muhammads future quests. The Quran and the Bible share

  • 8/14/2019 Adam, Noah, Abraham (Blue Book)


    Matt Davies

    The Holy QuranApril 4, 2008

    the story that Abraham leaves his parents and the land of Ur and travels to a distant land.

    The Quran puts a reason behind this story. Abrahams father worshiped idols that were

    passed down through his ancestors. Abraham told his father that he was clearly in error

    and smashed all but one of the idols. Abraham realized that worshipping the true God

    was more important than continuing family ties with an unfaithful father. Abraham

    preached that these gods could not speak and, therefore, could do neither good nor harm

    to the people. Muhammad found himself in a similar situation while inside Mecca, where

    most scholars attribute Surah 21 to be written. The Kabah had 360 idols surrounding it

    and obviously contradicted Muhammads claim for monotheism. Muhammad destroyed

    these 360 idols and told the Meccans to worship Allah, the one true God. By relating this

    story to Abraham, Muhammad legitimized a wholly unpopular move and began to

    establish a connection to the Jewish and Christian communities.

    Later in his career, Muhammad moved to Medina, where it is believed that he

    established the idea of the umma. The umma transcended the typical tribal emphasis and

    established a community of multiple tribes. Admittance into the umma did not require

    the correct blood or ancestral line; instead, the umma required only belief in Allah and

    that Muhammad was his prophet. Surah 11 could have been written during the traveling

    time between Mecca and Medina and it established a reason behind the umma using the

    popular figure of Noah. Noah was told to build an ark so that those who believed could

    escape the coming of a disastrous flood. Noah was told to take a pair from every

    species, your kinsfolk (except for those already doomed), and all the true believers. One

    of Noahs sons decided to take his fate into his own hands and take refuge in the

    mountains, where he believed the height of the mountain would save him. When Noah

  • 8/14/2019 Adam, Noah, Abraham (Blue Book)


    Matt Davies

    The Holy QuranApril 4, 2008

    confronts Allah about the death of his son, Allah responded by saying that he was no

    kinsman of Noah. Salvation does not come from family members or blood relations;

    salvation only comes from accepting Allah and his prophets and submitting to them.

    This established a justification for the creation of the umma. If the hero Noah had to

    reject his own son in order to follow Allah, then why wouldnt the Arab community

    entertain the rejection of their family for Allah as well? This validation, playing on the

    popular figure of Noah, would have been appealing to most communities in the area.

    Finally, Muhammad finalized his Abrahamic connection during his time in

    Medina, where most Jewish tribes rejected him. The Jews did not believe that any more

    prophets were coming to preach from God and believed that Muhammad was a fraud.

    However, Muhammad still wrote about a revelation that further established his

    connection with Ishmael. Surah 2 reveals that the Kabah was created by Abraham and

    Ishmael and was dedicated as the House of Allah. Muhammad could then recount his

    destruction of the idols in the Kabah to convince the Jewish tribes that he was trying to

    protect their God, who was the same as Allah. Although most Jewish tribes discounted

    him, some believed that he was a messenger from God/Allah and believed his claim of

    Arab lineage from Abraham and Ishmael. By appealing to the Jews that he worshipped

    and spoke from the God of Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, and Jacob, he tried to gain

    legitimacy. He knew that if he traced back his race through the patriarch of the Jewish

    faith, he would be credited among the communities of both Jews and Christians; he

    gained some converts from both sects.

    I believe that Muhammad was fully convinced of his lineage back to Ishmael and

    that the Arab race, and eventually the Islamic faith, was traced to Abrahams eldest son.

  • 8/14/2019 Adam, Noah, Abraham (Blue Book)


    Matt Davies

    The Holy QuranApril 4, 2008

    By not including a covenantal relationship between God and either Ishmael or Isaac,

    Muhammad tried to prove that the Jewish and Christian fight over Abraham, and which

    religion he truly belonged to, was absurd and damaging to the true faith. It did not matter

    whether they traced their lineage to Ishmael or Isaac because Muhammad did not

    recognize a covenantal relationship with either of them. The fight between Jews and

    Christians distracted them from the faith that God/Allah had revealed through the great

    prophets. This hypocritical view of Abraham further complicates the matter, however.

    Muhammad tried to reveal that true religion again, using traditional associations with the

    Jewish heroes and patriarchs and, therefore, claiming them as Muslims. By making the

    claim that Abraham was a Muslim, Muhammad added a third religion into the mix that

    tried to establish Abraham as the father. He made a connection with Abraham, using

    Abrahams destruction of his fathers idols and the building of the Kabah with Ishmael.

    By using Abraham inside his revelations, he could appeal to the Jewish and Christian

    communities and show that Abraham was also his father, in a religious sense. He

    revealed justification for the revolutionary umma by recounting Noahs struggle with his

    son. Someone who does not submit Allah is not worthy enough to be considered a

    kinsman. Muhammad used these Jewish sacred stories to create a new religiosity that

    forever shaped the Arab world.
