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Welcome to Adams/Car

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  • Welcome to Adams/Car

  • Adams/Car2

    About Adams/CarAdams/Car, part of the MD Adams R3 suite of software, is a specialized environment for modeling vehicles. It allows you to create virtual prototypes of vehicle subsystems and analyze the virtual prototypes much like you would analyze the physical prototypes.

    Using Adams/Car, you can quickly create assemblies of suspensions and full vehicles, and then analyze them to understand their performance and behavior.

    You create assemblies in Adams/Car by defining vehicle subsystems, such as front and rear suspensions, steering gears, anti-roll bars, and bodies. You base these subsystems on their corresponding standard Adams/Car templates. For example, Adams/Car includes templates for double-wishbone suspension, MacPherson strut suspension, rack-and-pinion steering, and so on.

    If you have expert-user access, you can also base your subsystems on custom templates that you create using the Adams/Car Template Builder.

    When you analyze an assembly, Adams/Car applies the analysis inputs that you specify. For example, for a suspension analysis you can specify inputs to:

    Move the wheels through bump-rebound travel and measure the toe, camber, wheel rate, roll rate, and side-view swing arm length.

    Apply lateral load and aligning torque at the tire contact path and measure the toe change and lateral deflection of the wheel.

    Rotate the steering wheel from lock to lock and measure the steer angles of the wheels and the amount of Ackerman, that is, the difference between the left and right wheel-steer angles.

    Based on the analysis results, you can quickly alter the suspension geometry or the spring rates and analyze the suspension again to evaluate the effects of the alterations. For example, you can quickly change a rear suspension from a trailing-link to a multi-link topology to see which yields the best handling characteristics for your vehicle.

    Once you complete the analysis of your model, you can share your work with others. You can also print plots of the suspension characteristics and vehicle dynamic responses. In addition, you can access other users' models without overwriting their data.

    Benefits of Adams/CarAdams/Car enables you to work faster and smarter, letting you have more time to study and understand how design changes affect vehicle performance.

    Using Adams/Car you can:

    Explore the performance of your design and refine your design before building and testing a physical prototype.

    Analyze design changes much faster and at a lower cost than physical prototype testing would require. For example, you can change springs with a few mouse clicks instead of waiting for a mechanic to install new ones in your physical prototype before re-evaluating your design.

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    Welcome to Adams/Car

    Vary the kinds of analyses faster and more easily than if you had to modify instrumentation, test fixtures, and test procedures.

    Work in a more secure environment without the fear of losing data from instrument failure or losing testing time because of poor weather conditions.

    Run analyses and what-if scenarios without the dangers associated with physical testing.

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  • Learning the Basics

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    Starting Adams/CarIn the Windows environment, you start Adams/Car from the Start button. In the UNIX environment, you start Adams/Car from the Adams Toolbar.

    This topic describes how you start the two Adams/Car interface modes, standard interface or template builder.

    Adams/Car Standard Interface Adams/Car has two interface modes: Standard Interface and Template Builder. This topic explains how to start Adams/Car Standard Interface.

    To start in the Windows environment:1. From the Stat menu, point to Programs, point to MSC.Software, point to MD Adams R3, point

    to ACar, and then select Adams - Car.The Welcome dialog box appears on top of the Adams/Car main window.

    2. Do one of the following: If the Welcome dialog box contains the options Standard Interface and Template Builder,

    select Standard Interface, and then select OK. If the Welcome dialog box does not contain any options, then Adams/Car is already

    configured to run in standard-interface mode. Select OK.The Adams/Car Standard Interface appears.

    To start in the UNIX environment:1. At the command prompt, enter the command to start the Adams Toolbar, and then press Enter.

    The standard command that MSC.Software provides is adamsmdx, where x is the version number, for example adamsmdr3.The Adams Toolbar appears.

    2. Select the Adams/Car tool .The Welcome dialog box appears on top of the Adams/Car main window.

    3. Do one of the following: If the Welcome dialog box contains the options Standard Interface and Template Builder,

    select Standard Interface, and then select OK. If the Welcome dialog box does not contain any options, then Adams/Car is already

    configured to run in standard mode. Select OK.The Adams/Car Standard Interface appears.

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    Learning the Basics

    Adams/Car Template Builder Adams/Car has two interface modes: Standard Interface and Template Builder. This topic explains how to start Adams/Car Template Builder.

    Before you start Adams/Car Template Builder, make sure that your private configuration file, .acar.cfg, shows that you have expert-user access. Your private configuration file is located in your home directory.

    To check user access:1. In a text editor, such as jot or notepad, open .acar.cfg.2. Verify that the following line appears as shown:

    ENVIRONMENT MDI_ACAR_USERMODE EXPERTThis line sets the user mode for the Adams/Car session.

    To start in the Windows environment:1. From the Start menu, point to Programs, point to MSC.Software, point to MD Adams R3,

    point to ACar, and then select Adams - Car.The Welcome dialog box appears on top of the Adams/Car main window.

    2. Select Template Builder.3. Select OK.

    The Adams/Car Template Builder window appears.

    To start in the UNIX environment:1. At the command prompt, enter the command to start the Adams Toolbar, and then press Enter.

    The standard command that MSC.Software provides is adamsmdx, where x is the version number, for example adamsmdr3.The Adams Toolbar appears.

    2. Select the Adams/Car tool .The Welcome dialog box appears on top of the Adams/Car main window.

    3. Select Template Builder.4. Select OK.

    The Adams/Car Template Builder window appears.

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    Interfaces and AccessYou can use Adams/Car through two different interfaces depending on your user access.

    Interface Modes Adams/Car has two interface modes:

    Standard Interface - You use it when working with existing templates to create and analyze assemblies of suspensions and full vehicles. Users with standard and expert access can use the Standard Interface.

    Template Builder - If you have expert-user access, you use the Template Builder to create new templates for use in the Standard Interface.When you create a new component in the Template Builder, your product automatically adds a prefix based on the entity type and the symmetry. Your product uses a naming convention to let you easily determine an entitys type from the entitys name. Learn about the naming convention and see a table that lists the prefixes of various entities. If you have expert-user access, you use the Template Builder to create new templates for use in the Standard Interface.Using the Template Builder, you can assemble standard components, such as springs, parts, and bushings, to define the topology of your system, such as a suspension or a single valvetrain in an engine.

    To switch between modes:Do one of the following:

    From the Tools menu, select [Product Name] Standard Interface or select [Product Name] Template Builder.

    Press F9.

    About User AccessYour access to the standard-interface or template-builder mode depends on your assigned user access:

    Standard user - Standard users do not have access to the Template Builder, only to the Standard Interface. Therefore, the standard user cannot make topological modifications to templates, but can operate on subsystems, varying design parametrics and analysis inputs.

    Expert user - Expert users have access to modeling capabilities available in theTemplate Builder. Therefore, expert users can open templates and modify their topological information, as well as create new templates.If you are an expert user, when you launch your Adams product, it prompts you to select either Standard Interface or Template Builder.

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    Setting User AccessYou use the MDI_ACAR_USERMODE keyword in your private configuration file to set your user access, which determine you access to the Template Builder and other development tools. Your private configuration file is found at $HOME/.acar.cfg, where $HOME is the location of your home directory.

    You can set USERMODE to:

    STANDARD - User can only access the Standard Interface. EXPERT - User can access the Template Builder and create and modify templates. User can

    access the Template Builder and other development tools that are located under the Tools menu. Expert users can use the MDI_ACAR_PLUS_AVIEW keyword in the private configuration file to access Adams/View. Learn about accessing Adams/View.

    To change the value of this keyword, you must edit the private configuration file (.acar.cfg) using a text editor and modify the corresponding string. The following gives you expert access:

    ! Desired user mode (standard/expert)ENVIRONMENT MDI_ACAR_USERMODE EXPERT

    When you start a new session, your template-based product reflects the changes to the private configuration file.

    Note: The private configuration file is not located in the installation directory. Never change the acar.cfg file located in the installation

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    Navigating Through a Modeling DatabaseThe Database Navigator helps you view, select, and modify objects in your modeling database.

    Learn more:

    About the Database Navigator

    Viewing Objects Showing, Hiding, and Selecting Objects in the Database Navigator Managing the Select List Filtering Objects in the Database Navigator Sorting Objects in the Database Navigator Setting Highlighting in the Database Navigator

    Changing Objects Setting Appearance of Objects Through the Database Navigator Renaming Objects Through the Database Navigator Adding Comments Through the Database Navigator

    Viewing Information About Your Model Viewing Model Topology Through the Database Navigator Viewing the Associativity of Objects Viewing Object Information Through the Database Navigator Viewing Model Topology Map Through Information Window

    About the Database NavigatorThe Database Navigator has several modes in which you can display object information. It can be set to just let you browse for objects or you can set it to rename objects, view information about the objects, such as view how the object relates to other objects, and view dependencies.

    The Database Navigator only displays the types of objects that are appropriate for the command you are executing. For example, if you are renaming a model, it only displays models in your database. On the other hand, if you are searching for any modeling object in the database, it displays all types of modeling objects. You can also set a filter for the types of objects that the Database Navigator displays.

    The Database Navigator shows objects in their database hierarchy. The following figure shows the Database Navigator with the top-level modeling objects in a small database that contains one model,

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    model_1 . These objects do not have parents. Double-click the name of a model, in this case model_1, to find all the objects belonging to that model.

    To display the Database Navigator, do any of the following: From the Tools menu, select Database Navigator. Execute an editing command, such as Modify, from the Edit menu when no object is currently

    selected. Request to view information about an object using the Info command on the Edit pop-up menu. Browse for the name of an object to enter in a dialog box using the Browse command.

    Your template-based product displays the Database Navigator.

    Showing, Hiding, and Selecting Objects in the Database NavigatorIn the Database Navigator treelist,a plus (+) in front of an object indicates that the object has children below it but they are hidden. A minus (-) indicates that all objects immediately below the object are


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    To show or hide objects below a single object: Double-click an object with a plus or minus by it.

    To expand or collapse all objects by one level: In the lower right corner of the navigator window, select the + or - button.

    To hide all objects: In the lower right corner of the navigator window, select the - button.

    You can use the Database Navigator to select any object in the database. You can also select more than one object to complete a command. You can create a list of selected objects on which to perform options by choosing Select List from the pull down menu at the top of the Database Navigator.

    To select a single object: In the tree list, click the object and select OK. If the Database Navigator is not in multi-select

    mode, you can also double-click the object to select it.

    To use the mouse to select a continuous set of objects:1. In the tree list, drag the mouse over the objects you want to select or click on one object, hold

    down the Shift key, and click the last object in the set. All objects between the two selected objects are highlighted.

    2. Select OK.

    To use the Up and Down arrow keys to select a continuous set of objects:1. In the tree list, click on the first object, hold down the Shift key, and then use the Up or Down

    arrows to select a block of objects.2. Select OK.

    To select a noncontinuous set of objects:1. In the tree list, click on an object, hold down the Ctrl key, and click on the individual objects you

    want to select.2. Select OK.

    To clear any selection in the tree list: Hold down the Ctrl key and click the selected object to clear its highlighting.

    Managing the Select ListYou can use the Database Navigator to view objects you've selected using the procedures explained in Showing, Hiding, and Selecting Objects in the Database Navigator. The list of objects is called the Select list. You can also add and remove objects from the Select list.

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    To view the select list: From the pull-down menu, select Select List.

    The selected objects appear in the text box to the right.

    To add objects to a select list:1. From the pull-down menu, select Select List.2. From the tree list or main window, select the objects to be on the select list as explained in the

    previous section.3. Select Add.4. Select Apply.

    To remove objects from the select list:1. From the pull-down menu, select Select List.2. From the list that appears on the right, select the objects to be removed.3. Select Remove.4. Select Apply.

    To clear all objects from the select list:1. From the pull-down menu, select Select List.2. Select Clear.3. Select Apply.

    Filtering Objects in the Database NavigatorYou can filter the types and names of objects that you want displayed in the Database Navigator to narrow the display to exactly what you want or to broaden the display using wildcards. For example, you can narrow the display to only parts or broaden the display to include all objects that begin with a particular character, such as an h.

    To set the filter of the Database Navigator:1. In the Filter text box, enter the name of the objects that you want to display. Type any wildcards

    that you want to include.2. From the pull-down menu, select the type of object or objects that you want to display in the

    Database Navigator. To select from all the different object types in the modeling database, select Browse.

    3. Select OK.

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    Sorting Objects in the Database NavigatorYou can sort objects in the Database Navigator by their name or type, such as parts or geometry. You can also select to not sort the object so the objects appear in the Database Navigator in the order they are stored in the modeling database.

    Note that sorting by name can be slow for objects with very long names. Setting no sorting is the fastest way to see objects.

    To sort objects in the Database Navigator: At the bottom of the Database Navigator, from the Sort by pull-down menu, select how you'd

    like the objects sorted.

    Setting Highlighting in the Database NavigatorYou can set up the Database Navigator so that whenever you select an object in the tree list, it also appears selected in the main window and the reverse. Highlighting is off by default.

    To toggle highlighting:

    Select Highlighting.

    Setting Appearance of Objects Through the Database NavigatorThrough the Database Navigator, you can set how individual, types of objects, and children of objects appear in your template-based product.

    You can set:

    Visibility of the object and of its name on the screen. Color, line style, line width and transparency of the object. For example, you can set the color of

    the objects outline or its name. Size of the screen icons that represent the object in your model. Note that these changes take

    precedence over the size you specify globally for the modeling database. State of the object during a simulation: active or inactive.

    To set the appearance of objects:1. Select an object from the Database Navigator tree list.2. Use the options in the dialog box to set the appearance of the object. To inherit an attribute from

    a parent of the object, select None from any of the pull-down menus.

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    3. To set the scope of the appearance changes, you can select either: Object - Only apply to the selected object. Siblings - Apply changes to all objects of the same type that are children of the parent of the

    selected object. All - Apply changes to objects matching the filter you set in the Filter text box.

    4. Select Apply.

    Renaming Objects Through the Database NavigatorYou can use the Database Navigator to rename any object.

    To rename an object:1. From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Rename.2. From the tree list, select the object to rename.3. In the text box that appears to the right, type a new name for the object.4. Select Apply.

    Adding Comments Through the Database NavigatorYou can use the Database Navigator to associate comments with any object in the modeling database.

    To associate comments with an object:1. From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Comments.2. From the tree list or main window, select an object.3. In the text box that appears to the right, type or modify the comments associated with the object.4. Select Apply.

    To save the comments in a file: Select Save to File.

    Tip: For transparency, the higher the value, the more transparent the object is, allowing other objects to show through. The lower the value, the more opaque the object is, covering other objects. However, setting the transparency of objects can have a negative impact on graphical performance if you are using a graphics card without hardware acceleration for OpenGL. Instead of setting an objects transparency, consider setting the objects render mode to wireframe.

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    Viewing Model Topology Through the Database NavigatorThe model topology map displays information about the parts in your model and determines what constraints are owned by the model and what parts the constraints connect. The information appears in the window on the right of the Database Navigator.

    You can view the part connection information in the following ways:

    By part - Lists each part in the model, along with the parts it is connected to and what constraints or forces are affecting it.

    By connections - Displays each constraint and force with the parts they connect and act on. Also displays any unconnected parts.

    Graphically - Displays a representation of the selected part and shows its connections to other parts.

    To display model topology of parts and connections: From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Topology by Parts or Topology by


    To graphically view the topology of parts:1. From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Graphical Topology.2. From the tree list or main window, select an object.

    Viewing the Associativity of ObjectsYou can use the Database Navigator to display the objects that a selected object uses. For example, you can select a joint in the tree list to show the I and J markers that the joint uses. You can also select to view the objects that use the selected object.

    To view the associativity of objects:1. From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Associativity.2. Set the associativity:

    To show the objects that the selected object uses, select Uses To show the objects that use the selected object, select Is Used By.

    3. From the tree list or main window, select an object.

    The objects associated with the selected object appear in the text box to the right.

    To set up automatic navigation of the objects: Select Auto Navigate.

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    To save the current associativity information to a file: Select Save to File.

    Viewing Object Information Through Database NavigatorYou can use the Database Navigator just as you would use the Information window to display information about an object.

    To display object information:1. From the Database Navigator pull-down menu, select Information.2. From the tree list or main window, select an object.

    The information about the object appears in the window to the right.

    To save the information to a file: Select Save to File.

    To return to the information about a previous object:

    Select .

    Viewing Model Topology Map Through Information WindowThe model topology map displays information about the parts in your model and determines what constraints are owned by the model and what parts the constraints connect. The information appears in the Information window.

    You can view the part connection information in two ways:

    By part - Lists each part in the model, along with the parts it is connected to and what constraints or forces are affecting it.

    By connections - Displays each constraint and force with the parts they connect and act on. Also displays any unconnected parts.

    To display model topology by parts, do one of the following: From the Tools menu, select Model Topology Map. In your template-based product, on the status toolbar, from the Information tool stack, select

    the Model Topology by Parts tool .

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    To display model topology by connections: On the status toolbar, from the Information tool stack, select the Model Topology by

    Constraints tool .

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    Learning the Basics

    Working with the Information WindowYour template-based product uses the Information window to display many different types of information about your model, simulation, and so on. In addition to just viewing information about your model, you can perform a variety of operations in the Information window. For example, you can display additional information about the current object's parent or child, print the information, display information about a different object in the database, and more.

    Displaying Information Displaying Object Information and Accessing the Information Window Displaying Parent and Children Information Displaying an Object's Modify Dialog Box

    Managing Information Clearing the Information Window Saving Information in the Information Window Displaying a Text File in the Information Window Copying Text in the Information Window Setting the Information Mode

    Displaying Object Information and Accessing Information WindowYou can display information about each object in your modelling database, including parts, geometry, motion, and markers. Learn about markers.

    You can view the information about an object currently on the screen or any object in the database, including the main window or dialog boxes.

    When you display information about the objects in your modeling database, your template-based product displays information specific to that type of object. For example, when you display information about a rigid body in your model, your template-based product displays information about its material content, inertial properties, initial conditions, orientation, velocity, and more. When you display information about a motion, your template-based product displays information about the type of motion it is, its function, and time derivative.

    To display information about a modeling object displayed on the screen: Right-click the object on the screen, and then select Info.

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    Information about the object appears in the Information window.

    To use the Database Navigator to display information about objects in the Information window:

    1. On the status toolbar, select the Info tool from the Information tool stack. The Database Navigator appears.

    2. Select the object about which you want to display information. Learn about selecting objects.3. Select OK.

    The information window appears.

    To display object information once you've displayed the Information window, do one of the following:

    In the text box at the top of the Information window, enter the name of the object, and then select Apply.

    If the object name already appears in the Information window, place the text cursor in the name of the object, and then select Apply.

    Displaying Parent and Children InformationEach object in the database has an object that owns it, called its parent, and many objects own other objects, called their children. The top-level objects in the database are models, plots, and interface objects, called gui objects. These objects do not have parents. You can display information about the parent or children of the object currently displayed in the Information window.

    If an object has a parent, the type of parent it has appears in the Information window under the heading Parent Type and the name of the parent is placed in front of the name of the object in the Object Name heading. For example, for the part LINK_2, its parent type and name appear in the Information window, as shown next:

    To display an object's children: In the Information window, select Children.

    Tip: You may want to zoom in on the object on the screen to more easily place the cursor over just that object.

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    To display an object's parent, do one of the following: In the Information window, select Parent. In the Information window, place the text cursor in the name of the parent and select Apply.

    Displaying an Object's Modify Dialog Box from the Information WindowWhen information about an object is displayed in the Information window, you can access that object's modify dialog box so you can modify the object.

    To access an object's modify dialog box from the Information window: In the Information window, place the text cursor in the name of the object and select Modify.

    Clearing the Information WindowEach time you request information in the Information window, your template-based product adds the information to the bottom of the Information window without removing the current information. You can remove all current information.

    To clear the Information window: In the Information window, select Clear.

    Saving Information in the Information WindowYou can save the contents of the Information window to a text file.

    To save the contents of the information to a text file:1. In the Information window, select Save to File.

    The Select File dialog box appears.2. Select the directory in which you want to place the file.3. In the File Name text box, enter the file name.4. Select Open.

    Displaying a Text File in the Information WindowYou can display any text file in the Information window. You will find this helpful if you want to display an information file that you saved or you are creating a demonstration of your model using a command file and you want to display information about a particular object or aspect of the demonstration.

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    To display a text file when the Information window is already displayed:1. In the Information window, select Read from File. dialog box appears.2. Select the directory in which you want to place the file.3. Highlight the file that you want to open in the list, or type the file name in the File Name text box.4. Select Open.

    To display a text file when the Information window is not displayed:1. On the Tools menu, select Show File.

    The Info Window Read dialog box appears.2. In the File Name text box, you can either:

    Enter the name of the file. Browse for a file: right-click the File Name text box, and then select Browse to display the

    File Selection dialog box.3. Select OK.

    The Information window appears with the text of the file as its content.

    Copying Text in the Information WindowYou can copy any text in the Information window for use in another window, dialog box, or application. You cannot paste or delete any text in the window.

    To copy text in the Information window:1. Highlight the text that you want to copy.2. Right-click the Information window and select Copy.

    Setting the Information ModeBy default, the Information window displays only a part's parent and type. To display more information about the part, you can turn on verbose mode. When you turn on verbose mode, the Information window displays the children of the object, its geometry, whether or not comments are associated with it, and its attributes, such as its color and visibility.

    To turn on verbose mode: Select the Verbose check box.

    Using WildcardsYou can use wildcards to narrow any search, set the type of information displayed in a window, such as

    the Database Navigator or the log file, or specify a name of an object in a dialog box.

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    This Character:* (asterisk) Zero or more characters? Any single character[ab] Any one of the characters in the brackets[^AB] Any character other than the characters following the caret symbol (^) in the

    brackets[a-c] Any one character in a range enclosed in brackets{AB, bc} Any of the character strings in the braces

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    Setting Preferences

    Setting Screen and Printer FontsYou can change the font your template-based product uses to display text in a view, such as the name of a part or a note on the screen, or to print text to a printer. The fonts available for displaying text in a view are those available with your operating system. The fonts available for printing text are a fixed set of 12 fonts. Note that your printer may not support all of these printer fonts.

    To select a screen or printer font:1. On the Settings menu, select Fonts.

    The Fonts dialog box appears.2. In the Screen Font text box, enter the name of the font you want your template-based product to

    use to display text in a view. To browse for a font, right-click the text box, select Browse, and then select a font.

    3. Set Postscript Font to the font you want to use to print text.4. Select OK.

    Specifying Working Directory By default, your template-based product searches for and saves all files in the directory from which you ran your template-based product. You can change the working directory.

    To change the working directory for the current session:1. On the File menu, select Select Directory.

    Select the directory in which your template-based product should save files.2. Select OK.

    You can also set the working directory when you start your template-based product.

    To change the working directory for all sessions:On UNIX:

    1. From the Adams Toolbar, right-click your template-based product's tool, and then select Change Settings.

    2. In the Registry Editor, select WorkingDirectory, and then change the working directory.

    On Windows:

    1. On the Desktop, right-click your template-based product's shortcut, and select Properties.2. In the Start In text box, enter the working directory.For more information, see your Windows online help.

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    Setting Units of Measurement You can set the units that your template-based product uses in modeling, importing, and exporting files. You can select individual units or select a set group of units.

    To set the unit of measurement:1. On the Settings menu, select Units.

    The Units Settings dialog box appears.2. Select the unit of measurement for each of the dimensions using the table below for assistance.3. Select OK.

    To Select: Do the following:Unit for a specific dimensions

    Select the individual unit from the pull-down menu associated with the dimension.

    Predefined unit system

    Select one of the following buttons. In all the unit systems, time is in seconds and angle is in degrees. When you select a predefined unit system, the units selected appear in the upper portion of the dialog box.

    MMKS - Sets length to millimeters, mass to kilograms, and force to Newtons.

    MKS - Sets length to meters, mass to kilograms, and force to Newtons. CGS - Sets length to centimeters, mass to grams, and force to Dyne. IPS - Sets length to inches, mass to pound mass, and force to PoundForce.

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    Setting Screen Icon DisplayWhen you first start your template-based product, it displays screen icons. As you add objects to your model, however, these icons can clutter your view of the model. To clear the display of a window, you can turn off the icons. You can select to turn off:

    All icons Only icons of certain types of objects, for example, all joints Only icons for individual objects, such as FORCE_1

    In addition, you can set the size of the icons either in current units or as a factor of their current size.

    Learn more about how to set the display of screen icons by database and object type.

    Setting Screen Icon Display by Database Setting Screen Icon Display by Object Type

    For information on quickly toggling the display of all screen icons, see Displaying View Accessories. For information on setting the display of icons for individual objects, see Setting Object Appearance through Edit -> Appearance Command.

    Setting Screen Icon Display by DatabaseYou can set up how you want screen icons to be displayed for an entire modeling database. By default, all models and objects in the modeling database inherit the screen icon settings that you specify for the database. You can, however, override the inheritance for different types of objects as explained in Setting Screen Icon Display by Object Type, or for individual objects as explained in Setting Object Appearance.

    To set up the screen icon display for the entire database:1. On the Settings menu, select Icons.

    The Icon Settings dialog box appears.2. Set New Value to one of the following to select whether or not you want to turn on screen icons:

    No Change - Select No Change to not change the current settings. On - Turns on all icons regardless of how you set the icon display for individual objects or

    types of objects. Off - Turns off all icons regardless of how you set the icon display for individual objects or

    types of objects.3. In the New Size text box, enter the size you want for the screen icons. Note that any changes you

    make to the size of icons for individual objects or types of objects take precedence over this size setting.

    4. To save the settings for each new database in your template-based product settings file (*BS.cmd), select Save new size as default. 5. Select OK.

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    Learning the Basics

    To reset the screen icon display to the previous values: On the Icon Settings dialog box, select Reset.

    Setting Screen Icon Display by Object TypeYou can set up how you want creen icons displayed for a particular type of object, such as all parts or joints. By default, all objects inherit the screen icon display options that you specify for the modeling database. You can set screen icon options for the following types of objects:

    Parts Joints Forces Motion Markers (Note that markers belong to parts and, therefore, by default, inherit screen icon display

    options for parts.) Points Data elements Equations (system elements)

    To set screen icon display options for objects of a particular type:1. On the Settings menu, select Icons.

    The Icon Settings dialog box appears.2. Set Specify Attributes for to the type of object for which you want to set the screen icon options.3. From the Visibility area of the Icon Settings dialog box, select whether or not you want to turn

    on screen icons for the selected object type. You can select: On - Turns on the display of screen icons for the selected type of object. Off - Turns off the display of screen icons for the selected type of object. Remember,

    however, that turning on the display of screen icons for the entire database overrides this setting.

    Inherit - Lets the object type simply inherit the display settings from its parent. For example, a coordinate system marker inherits settings from its parent part.

    No Change - Does not change the current settings. Lets you make changes to other display options without affecting the visibility of the icons.

    4. Enter the size you want for the icons or select the amount by which you want to scale the icons. The scale factor is relative to the current size set. A scale factor of 1 keeps the icons the same size. A scale factor less than 1.0 reduces the size of the icons and a scale factor greater than 1.0 increases the size of the icons. Note that these changes take precedence over the size you specify globally for the modeling database.5. Enter the color you want to use for the icons.

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    6. To browse for or create a color, right-click the Color text box, and then select Browse or Create.7. Set Name Visibility Option to whether or not you want the names of objects of the selected type

    displayed in the view. Refer to Step 3 for an explanation of the choices.8. Select OK.

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    Learning the Basics

    Setting Display OptionsLearn about:

    Setting Part Display Displaying View Accessories Setting Rendering Mode Displaying the Status Toolbar

    Setting Part DisplayYou can set the main window so it displays a particular part in the current model. You will find this helpful when you want to compare or work with different parts at the same time.

    To display a single part in the main window:1. Click the main window.2. From the View menu, select Part Only.

    The Database Navigator appears listing the parts in the current model.3. Select the part you want to display.4. Select OK.

    The selected part appears in the currently active view.

    Displaying View AccessoriesWhen you first start your template-based product, it displays several accessories to help you manage the view of your model:

    Working grid Screen icons View triad View title

    To use a dialog box to toggle on and off the display of view accessories:1. Click the main window.2. On the View menu, select View Accessories, and then select the accessories that you want to turn

    on or off from the View Accessories dialog box that appears.3. Enter the title you want displayed in the main window, and then press Enter.4. On the Window menu in the View Accessories dialog box, select Exit.

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    Setting Rendering ModeYour template-based product provides six rendering modes in which you can display a model in the main window.

    To select a rendering mode: Click the main window. On the View menu, point to Render Mode, and then select a rendering mode.

    To toggle the display between wireframe and smooth shaded mode: Type an uppercase S in the main window.

    Displaying the Status ToolbarYou can turn on and off the display of the status toolbar. You can also set where the status toolbar appearseither at the top of the main window under the menu bar or at the bottom of the window. By default, the status toolbar appears at the bottom of the window.

    To turn the status toolbar on and off:1. On the View menu, select Toolbox and Toolbars.2. Select Status Toolbar and its placement in the main window. Your changes take place

    immediately.3. Close the dialog box.

    Refreshing the Model DisplayYou can redraw the main window to return the model to its initial configuration and display all geometry in the model . This is particularly useful if you selected to view only certain parts and now want to view the entire model.

    To refresh the model display: On the View menu, select Refresh.

    Tip: Type a lowercase g while the cursor is in the main window to toggle on and off the display of the working grid.

    Type a lowercase v to toggle on and off the display of screen icons.

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    Learning the Basics

    Setting View Background ColorsBy default, your template-based product uses a blue background to display the main window. It also provides a set of colors in which you can display the background. You can set the view to any color by setting the red, green, and blue colors directly.

    Selecting a Preset Background ColorYou access the palette of background colors using View Background Color command on the Settings menu.

    To select from the entire palette of background colors:1. From the Settings menu, select View Background Colors.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Edit Background Color.3. Select OK.

    Creating a Background ColorYou can create a background color by setting its red, green, and blue light percentages and change the background of the main window to this new color. You cannot add the color to the preset palette of colors or change the colors in the preset palette.

    To create a color:1. From the Settings menu, select View Background Colors.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Edit Background Color.3. Select OK.

    To reset a color to the original background color: Select the R tool in the Edit Background Color dialog box.

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    Using Template-Based Product ToolsLearn about using the following template-based product tools:

    Coordinate Window Command Navigator

    Command Window Message Window

    Information Window

    Database Navigator

    Working with the Coordinate WindowYou can use the coordiante window to help you identify the coordinates of any location in the main window. You can also measure the distance between objects based on their coordinate locations.

    The sections below explain how to work with the coordinate window:

    Displaying the Coordinate Window

    To toggle on and off the display of the coordinate window, do one of the following: On the View menu, select Coordinate Window.

    The coordinate window appears in the lower right corner of the screen. You can move and size it as you do any window in your operating system.

    Measuring the Distance Between PointsIn delta mode, you can use your mouse and the coordinate window to find the distance between two points.

    To measure the distance between two points:1. Move the cursor to the point in the main window where you want to begin, and press and hold

    down the mouse button.2. Drag the cursor to the next point. As you drag the cursor, your template-based product displays

    the distance the cursor moves in the coordinate window.3. To end delta mode, release the mouse button.

    Tip: Press the F4 key to toggle the display of the coordinate window.

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    Learning the Basics

    Command NavigatorEnables you to enter Adams/View commands without having to know the entire syntax of the commands.

    The Command Navigator displays a list of all Adams/View command keyword. A plus (+) in front of a keyword indicates that the command has more keywords below it but they are hidden. A minus (-) indicates that all keywords below the keyword are displayed. No indicator in front of a keyword indicates that there are no more keywords below the object. When you select an object with no indicator, a dialog box appears in which you enter parameters for executing the command.

    Using the Command WindowThe command window provides a text-based way to enter commands. It assumes that you understand the command language underlying your template-based product's interface. The command window contains both a command entry area for entering commands and a command information area for displaying informational and error messages:

    Message WindowProvides you with messages on the status of Adams/View and displays helpful information while you are using Adams.

    Adams/View displays messages about the execution of a command in the message window. By default, the message window only displays messages about commands you execute from the user interface. You

    can also set it to display messages about commands that you execute from the command window, command Navigator, and command files.

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    Information WindowAdams/View uses the Information window to display many different types of information about your model, simulation, or motion data. In addition to just viewing information about your model, you can perform a variety of operations in the Information window.

    The information includes:

    Topology on the different objects in your model Object information, such as information about a part or a view Model verification results Measurements from one coordinate system marker to another Result set component information View attributes Results from a system command you run using the Tools -> System Command

    Database NavigatorDisplays the types of objects appropriate for the command you are executing and shows objects in their database hierarchy. You can browse for objects or set it to rename objects, view information about the objects and view dependencies. You can also set a filter for the types of objects displayed in the Database Navigator.

    The Option: Does the followingApply Executes the command but leaves the dialog box open so you can execute the

    command again.Parent Displays an object's parent.Children Displays an object's children.Modify Select to display the modify dialog box for the object displayed in the text box

    at the top of the Information window.Verbose Select if you want to display more information about the object such as

    children of the object, its geometry, whether or not commands are associated with it, and its attributes like color and visibility.

    Clear Removes all current information in the window.Read from File Allows you to read information from a saved file.Save to File Allows you to save the information.

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    Learning the Basics

    For the option: Do the following:Pull-Down Menu Use the pull-down menu to choose a mode option. Select one:

    Browse (the default; the options on this page describe Browse) Display Attribute Rename Comments Information Topology by Parts Topology by Connections Graphical Topology Associativity Select List

    Filter Select if you want to filter the types and names that you want displayed in the Database Navigator. Then, enter the name of the objects you want to display in the text box and use the pull-down menu to the right to select the type of object(s) you want to display. You can also use the pull-down menu below the Filter text box to only display those objects that are active or inactive.

    Sort by Use the pull-down menu to choose how you want the objects sorted. You can also select to not sort the objects so they appear in the order they are stored in the modeling database.

    Highlight Off by default. Select if you want an object to appear selected in the main window and the reverse.Use the plus sign (+) or the minus (-) (--) signs to display or hide all of the children hidden/shown in the tree view.

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    Files and Commands

    Executing a System CommandYou can execute an operating system command from within your template-based product so that you do not have to leave your template-based product window.

    You can select to display the results of the command in the Information window or the log file. If you select to display the results of the command in the Information window, you can:

    Clear the window and only view the results of the command. Save the results of the command to a file.

    If you select to display the results in the log file, you can keep the command results with the other commands that you execute so that you can cut and paste the information together into a new file.

    To execute a system command within your template-based product:1. On the Tools menu, select System Command.

    The Execute Systems Command dialog box appears.2. In the Command Text text box, enter the operating system command that you want to execute.

    See your operating system documentation for more information.3. Select whether or not you want the output of the command to be displayed in the Information

    window or the log file.4. Select OK.

    Using the Log File Your template-based product generates a log file during each session, called *.log.

    While you are running Adams, you can display the current contents of the log file. In addition, you can display the log file in a text editor. The following sections explain how to display the log file in your template-based product and set the type of messages displayed.

    Viewing the Log File in Your Template-Based Product Updating the Log File Setting the Log File Information

    Note: You can change the name of the log file through the initialization file .mdi_init.

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    Learning the Basics

    Viewing the Log File in Your Template-Based ProductYou can use the Log File command on the Tools menu to display the log file. You can keep the dialog box open as you execute commands so you can keep track of the commands and messages that you receive.

    To help you use the log file as a command file, your template-based product marks any messages as comments so that it does not try to execute them when you import the command file. It indicates a comment by placing an exclamation mark (!) in front of the message. Your template-based product also displays as comments any commands that it executes when it starts up. To help you distinguish the startup commands from messages, your template-based product follows the exclamation mark (!) with the command prompt (>>).

    To display the log file:1. On the Tools menu, select Log File.

    The Display Log File dialog box appears.2. Select Info to display all messages written to the log file. The default is to display only warnings,

    errors, and fatal messages.

    Updating the Log FileYour template-based product does not update the Display Log File dialog box each time you execute a command. Therefore, if you want to see the commands that you executed since you opened the dialog box, you must update the log file.

    To update the contents of the log file: From the Display Log File dialog box, select Update.

    Setting the Log File InformationWhen you display the log file, your template-based product displays only warnings, errors, and fatal messages that you have received. You can change the type of messages that your template-based product displays as well as display the commands that your template-based product has executed. You can also display only lines that contain certain information, such as display only commands that create links, and remove any duplicate lines that occur if you encounter the same error again.

    To set the type of information displayed in the Display Log File dialog box:1. Select the Show only lines of type check box and then select one of the following:

    Info - Displays all commands that you have executed in your template-based product. Warning - Displays non-fatal messages that warn you of possible problems with commands

    you entered. Error - Displays fatal messages that your template-based product did not understand and,

    therefore, did not successfully process.

    Fatal - Displays messages that indicated that your model would not simulate.

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    2. If desired, select Show only lines containing and enter the text that the line must contain in the text box. You can also enter wildcards.

    3. Select Apply.

    To remove duplicate lines: From the Display Log File dialog box, select Suppress duplicate lines.

    Loading and Unloading PluginsMSC has many add-on modules or plugins to template-based products, which expand their functionality. The plugins include Adams/Driveline, Adams/Car Ride, Adams/Vibration, Adams/Controls, and Adams/Durability. You run these products from within your template-based product. You can set your template-based product to load them automatically when you start up. You can also unload them while in your template-based product's current session. To run a plugin, you must have a license to it.

    To see if there is a license available to run a plugin:1. From the Tools menu, select Plugin Manager.

    The Plugin Manager appears.2. At the top of the Plugin Manager, select a plugin.3. At the bottom of the Plugin Manager, in the text box Licenses, view the number of licenses


    To load an available plugin:1. From the Tools menu, select Plugin Manager.2. In the Load column, next to the plugins you want to load, select Yes.3. Select OK.

    The commands or menus for the plugins are added to your template-based product.

    To unload a plugin:1. From the Tools menu, select Plugin Manager.2. In the Load column, next to the plugin you want to unload, clear the selection of Yes.3. Select OK.

    Your template-based product removes any plugin menus or commands.

    To set up a plugin so it loads automatically when you start your template-based product:

    1. From the Tools menu, select Plugin Manager.2. In the Load at Startup column, next to the plugin you want to load automatically, select Yes.

    3. Select OK.

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    Learning the Basics

    Displaying Product InformationWhen using any Adams product, you can display the following information:

    Software version number and the date it was built Directory where Adams is installed Copyright statement

    To display information about your product:1. From the Help menu, select About .2. View the information, and then select OK.

    Tip: From the status toolbar, select .

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  • Building Models

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    SubsystemsYou only use subsystems in the Standard Interface. You can either create new subsystems or read in existing ones. When you create a new subsystem, you must reference an existing template. When you use an existing subsystem, the template associated with it is automatically read in.

    Subsystems are based on templates and allow standard users to change the parametric data of the template as well as the definition of some of the components. For example, you can change the location of hardpoints and modify parameter variables.

    The template-based products organize the basic components that make up a full assembly or subassembly into subsystems. For example, subsystems can include suspensions, wheels, drivelines, chassis, and so on.

    Subsystems contain descriptions of the component that they model. These descriptions consist of:

    Design data, such as wheel radii, toe angles, and locations of various points in the subsystems, named hardpoints, mass properties of parts, and so on.

    References to property files that contain design data for bushings, bumpstops, dampers, engines, springs, and tires. A bushing property file, for example, contains a description of the bushing's stiffness and damping characteristics.

    Reference to a template that defines the subsystem's construction, including the kinds of parts and how the parts interact and attach to one another. For example, a template that defines a rack and pinion steering system defines a rack part, a pinion part, and a housing part. It also defines that the rack slides in the housing, that the pinion rotates in the housing, and that the rack and pinion are geared together. Since the construction of all rack and pinion steering systems is similar, all subsystems describing a rack and pinion steering system can reference the same template.

    Learn more about subsystems:

    Opening Subsystems Getting Subsystem Information Creating Subsystems Updating Subsystems Synchronizing Subsystems Adding Subsystems Replacing Subsystems Removing Subsystems Setting Subsystem Activity Saving Subsystems Closing Subsystems

    Subsystem Modes

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    Building Models

    Minor Roles Publishing Subsystems

    Opening SubsystemsWhen you open a subsystem that specifies a flexible representation of a rigid part, your template-based product replaces the equivalent rigid body from the template with the flexible body. Learn about flexible bodies.

    To open an existing subsystem: 1. In Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Open and then select Subsystem.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Open Subsystem.3. Select OK.

    Notice that once the subsystem is open, the Edit and Adjust menus become active. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with each menu item.

    Getting Subsystem InformationYou can get detailed information about subsystems in the current session.

    To get information about a subsystem: 1. In the Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Info, and then select Subsystem.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Subsystem Info.3. Select OK.

    Creating SubsystemsYou create subsystems by selecting a template that defines the topology and default data for your subsystem. Using the Standard Interface, you can modify the default data to match your design. We supply several templates with each product. For example, for Adams/Car users, we supply templates that represent MacPherson strut and double-wishbone suspension subsystems. Using the Template Builder you can create templates for your company-specific topologies.

    When creating a new subsystem, you can reference the property files that the template references, or reference other property files held either in a different database or with a different file name, as indicated by the dashed lines in the example model architecture. A collection of subsystems merged together forms an assembly.

    To create a subsystem:

    1. In the Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to New, and then select Subsystem.

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    2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for New Subsystem.3. Select OK.

    Updating SubsystemsResets the values of a subsystem to those stored in a subsystem file. You can update a subsystem using any subsystem file that is based on the same template as the subsystem in session.

    When you update a subsystem, your template-based product does not reload the template.

    To update a subsystem: 1. In the Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Manage Subsystems, and then select

    Update.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Update Subsystem.3. Select OK.

    Synchronizing SubsystemsWhen you synchronize a subsystem, you apply the values of the selected master subsystem to one or more subsystem instances using the automated subsystem update feature. You can synchronize the subsystems in session that are based on the same subsystem file. The subsystem mode flags (kinematic or compliant) of the target subsystems will be retained.

    For example, you may have several instances of one subsystem open in your session under several assemblies. If you modify one subsystem and want to propagate those changes to every instance of the subsystem, you can use the synchronize subsystems functionality.

    To synchronize subsystems: 1. In the Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Manage Subsystems, and then select

    Synchronize.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Synchronize Subsystem.3. Select OK.

    Adding SubsystemsWhen you add a subsystem into an assembly, your template-based product disassembles the assembled model, opens the subsystem, and then reassembles the model to include the new subsystem.

    Note: The subsystems is not renamed during the update.

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    Building Models

    To add a subsystem: 1. From the File menu, point to Manage Assemblies, and then select Add Subsystem.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Add Subsystem. 3. Select OK.

    Your template-based product does the following: Disassembles the assembly, which includes 'unassigning' communicators. Opens the new subsystem under the existing assembly. Reassembles the assembly, which includes re-assigning the communicators.

    Replacing SubsystemsWhen you replace a subsystem in an assembly with a new subsystem, your template-based product disassembles the assembled model, deletes the subsystem, opens the new subsystem, and then reassembles the model to include the new subsystem.

    To replace a subsystem: 1. From the File menu, point to Manage Assemblies, and then select Replace Subsystem.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Replace Subsystem.

    Select OK. Your template-based product does the following: Disassembles the assembly, which includes 'unassigning' communicators. Deletes the subsystem from the existing assembly. Opens the new subsystem underneath the existing assembly. Reassembles the assembly, which includes re-assigning the communicators.

    Removing SubsystemsWhen you remove a subsystem from the assembly to which it belongs, your template-based product disassembles the assembled model, deletes the subsystem, and then reassembles the model.

    To remove a subsystem: 1. From the File menu, point to Manage Assemblies, and then select Remove Subsystem.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Remove Subsystem. 3. Select OK.

    Your template-based product does the following: Disassembles the assembly, which includes 'unassigning' communicators.

    Deletes the subsystem from the assembly.

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    Reassembles the assembly, which includes re-assigning the communicators.

    Toggling Subsystem ActivityToggles the activity status of an existing subsystem. Your template-based product disassembles the assembled model, sets the subsystem activity accordingly, and then reassembles the model to take into account the subsystems activity status.

    When you set the subsystem activity status to inactive, your template-based product ignores the subsystem during model assembly, and will not write it to the Adams/Solver files.

    Note that compared to the Remove Subsystem functionality, which deletes the subsystem, the Toggle Subsystem Activity functionality only de-activates the subsystem and all objects in it.

    To toggle subsystem activity: 1. From the File menu, point to Manage Assemblies, and then select Toggle Subsystem Activity.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Toggle Subsystem Activity. 3. Select OK.

    If activating the subsystem, your template-based product does the following: Disassembles the assembly, which includes 'unassigning' communicators. Activates the subsystem, which means that it will now be considered a valid part of the

    assembly. Reassembles the assembly (with the activated subsystem now taking part), which includes re-

    assigning the communicators. If deactivating the subsystem, your template-based product does the following: Disassembles the assembly, which includes 'unassigning' communicators. Deactivates the subsystem, which means that it is not actually removed from the assembly, but

    simply ignored. Reassembles the assembly (with the deactivated subsystem not considered), which includes

    re-assigning the communicators.

    Saving SubsystemsYou save subsystems in ASCII format, and you can publish subsystems to databases so other users can share them. We support two formats: TeimOrbit and XML.

    If your subsystem contains a flexible part, your template-based product saves information about the part, as well as the marker-node association, in the PART_ASSEMBLY block of the subsystem file. Your template-based product writes one block for a single flexible part or two for paired parts, of which one is flexible.

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    Building Models

    To save a subsystem: While viewing a subsystem, from the File menu, do one of the following:

    Select Save (or use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + s) - Your template-based product saves the TeimOrbit version of the subsystem to the default writable database and prompts you if a subsystem already exists. For save options, select Save As.

    Point to Save As, and then select Subsystem - Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Save Subsystem. Select OK.

    To save a subsystem that is part of an assembly: 1. View the subsystem you want to save:

    From the View menu, select Subsystem. Set Subsystem to the subsystem you want to save. Select OK.

    2. Do one of the following: Select Save (or use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + s) - Your template-based product saves the

    TeimOrbit version of the subsystem to the default writable database and prompts you if a subsystem already exists. For save options, select Save As.

    Point to Save As, and then select Subsystem - Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Save Subsystem. Select OK.

    Closing SubsystemsYou can close a subsystem without first saving it to a database.

    To close a subsystem: 1. In the Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Close, and then select Subsystem.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Close Subsystem.3. Select OK.

    Subsystem ModesA subsystem exists in one of two modes - kinematic or compliant. When you toggle a subsystem between these two modes, certain elements such as joints and bushings may be enabled or disabled. When you create a joint, you define it to be active always or only in kinematic mode. Conversely, when you create a bushing, you define it to never be inactive or be inactive only in the kinematic mode. This allows you to use the same subsystem for both dynamic and kinematic analyses.

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    Minor RolesYou assign a minor role, or function, to every subsystem. The minor role of a subsystem is stored in a variable as a string. This string will also be written to the subsystem file. You select a minor role to identify how your product should use the subsystem when creating an assembly of subsystems for analysis.

    A minor role defines the subsystem's location.

    Adams/Car - A minor role can be front or rear. The following are the minor roles for Adams/Car: any, front, rear, and trailer.If you create a new subsystem with the minor role front based on a steering template, during assembly Adams/Car connects your front steering subsystem to a front suspension subsystem, but not a rear suspension subsystem.If you create a new subsystem with the minor role any, during assembly Adams/Car connects your new subsystem to any other active subsystem having matching communicators.

    Publishing SubsystemsWhen you publish a subsystem, you copy the subsystem file and all its associated property files to the target database, which is the database where your template-based product saves all files. You can also select to publish the subsystem's template file. As you publish the subsystem, you can choose to write over existing files or create backups of the files.

    You can also select to update the in-session subsystem data to point to the target database or to have the subsystem retain the existing references.

    The subsystem you are publishing must be currently opened in the standard interface, and the target database must be writable. Learn about setting the writable database.

    You can also publish an entire assembly. Learn about publishing an assembly.

    To publish a subsystem:1. From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Publish Subsystem. 2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Publish an Open Subsystem.3. Select OK.

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    Building Models

    AssembliesAssemblies represent a collection of subsystems, along with a test rig, which when assembled form a system that you can analyze using Adams/Solver.

    In Adams/Car for example, a steering subsystem and a front-suspension subsystem, plus a suspension test rig, form the basis of a suspension assembly that you can analyze for kinematic behavior.

    In the Standard Interface, you can create, open, save, and analyze assemblies. You can also publish assemblies to databases so other users can share them. Learn about publishing assemblies.

    Learn more about assemblies:

    Opening Assemblies Getting Assembly Information Creating Generic Assemblies Updating Assemblies Saving Assemblies Closing Assemblies Publishing Assemblies

    Opening Assemblies

    To open an existing assembly: 1. In Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Open and then select Assembly.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Open Assembly.3. Select OK.

    Notice that once the subsystem is open, the Edit, Adjust, and Simulate menus become active. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with each menu item.

    Getting Assembly InformationYou can get detailed information about assemblies in the current session.

    To get information about an assembly: 1. In the Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Info, and then select Assembly.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Assembly Info.3. Select OK.

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    Creating Generic AssembliesYou can create a generic assembly from specified subsystems.

    To create a generic assembly: 1. From the Tools menu, point to Dialog Box, point to Display, and then select

    dbox_fil_ass_new_gen.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for New Generic Assembly.3. Select OK.

    Updating AssembliesYou can re-read an assembly file, in case you modified the file by an alternative process. For example, if you edit in a text editor an assembly file stored in the shared database, you can reflect this change in your template-based product by using the update assembly functionality.

    To update an assembly: 1. In the Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Manage Assemblies, and then select

    Update.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Update Assembly.3. Select OK.

    Saving AssembliesYou save assemblies in ASCII or binary format:

    ASCII Assemblies - An ASCII assembly file references subsystems, but does not contain subsystem data. If you want your assembly to be updated with the current template/subsystem files, you should save your assemblies in ASCII format. When you open an ASCII-format assembly, your template-based product opens each individual subsystem, which in turn accesses the current version of each corresponding template.

    Binary Assemblies - A binary assembly is a static snapshot of what's currently in your session. That is, when you reopen a binary assembly, you will return to the exact state at which you left. Adams/Car ignores any subsequent modifications made to templates and/or subsystems, which were originally used to create the assembly, when you open the binary assembly. Therefore, if you want your assembly to be updated with the current template/subsystem files, you should save your assemblies in ASCII format.Binary assemblies can be very useful, however, if you are working on a project where the templates will not change, and a static snapshot of the assembly is sufficient.Note that saving an assembly as a binary will not save the plots, nor the setting for simulation (hold_solver_license). It will, however, save the analyses associated with the assembly, and you

    could re-create plots using a plot configuration file. Learn about plot configuration files.

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    Building Models

    To save an assembly: 1. From the File menu, select Save or Save As.2. If you selected:

    Save - Your template-based product saves the ASCII version of the assembly to the default writable database. Your template-based product prompts you if it detects subsystem changes. It also prompts you if the assembly already exists in the database. For save options, select Save As.

    Save As - Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Save Assembly. Select OK.

    Closing Assemblies

    To close an assembly: 1. In the Standard Interface, from the File menu, point to Close, and then select Assembly.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Close Assembly.3. Select OK.

    Publishing AssembliesWhen you publish an assembly, you copy each subsystem file included in the assembly definition, including the associated property files for each subsystem, to the target database, which is the database where your template-based product saves all files. You can also select to publish each subsystem's template file. As you publish the assembly, you can select to write over existing files or create backups of the files.

    You can also select to update the in-session assembly data to point to the target database or to have the assembly retain the existing references.

    The assembly you are publishing must be currently opened in the standard interface, and the target database must be writable. Learn about setting the writable database.

    You can choose to publish only a subsystem, not an entire assembly. Learn about publishing a subsystem.

    To publish an assembly:1. From the Tools menu, point to Database Management, and then select Publish Assembly. 2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Publish an Open Assembly.3. Select OK.

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    Property FilesProperty files are ASCII-based files that contain data for modeling components, such as valve spring, cams, and bushings. Because property files are flat text files, you can use any text editor to create or modify them.

    You use property files to:

    Apply the same characteristics or parameters to many components within a template or subsystem. In Adams/Car for example, a suspension might contain many bushings with the same properties. In this case, all the bushings could reference the same property file.

    Share a component between different templates and subsystems.

    You can reference property files in different subsystems and templates, as shown in the example model architecture.

    All property file types are specified in the configuration file (acar.cfg). When you edit property files, you can save them either with the existing file name or with a new file name. Learn about managing property files through configuration files.

    Property files are grouped in classes and stored in databases. Every class (such as bushings and dampers) is filed in the corresponding database table (in this case, bushings.tbl and dampers.tbl).

    A subset of property files define force-displacement or force-velocity characteristics for springs, dampers, bumpstops, reboundstops, and bushings. For those components, you use the Curve Manager or Property File Editor to create, edit, and view property files. You can access the Curve Manager from the Tools menu. From within dialog boxes, you can edit property files using the Curve Manager/Property

    File Editor tool and view property files using the View File tool .

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    Building Models

    TemplatesTemplates are parametric models, built by expert users within the Template Builder. Templates define the default geometric data and topology of models, such as a double-wishbone suspension, an engine cranktrain, or an aircraft landing gear. The components within a template are parametrically defined such that you can use a single template within numerous subsystems.

    Templates are intended to be a generic representation of a mechanical system, such that a template that is common to a number of different vehicles can be reused in each of those vehicles. For example, assume that you have two cars, a small car and a large car and that each of the two cars have a double-wishbone front suspension. You could use a double-wishbone template in each of the two vehicles. The only difference is that the large car requires stiffer springs, larger A arms, different dampers, and so on. The basic topology is the same: it is the components/properties that are changed. It is the subsystem file that references the topology of the template but changes the characteristics of the suspension by referencing different springs, parts, dampers, and so on.

    Templates provide a quick way to experiment with different subsystems and still retain the basic design components that are required.

    A template in its most fundamental form cannot be used in the Standard Interface without first being referenced by a subsystem file.

    You can modify the data of a template by changing the values of design parameters. Hardpoints, parameter variables, and property files are the design parameters of templates, where:

    Hardpoints define locations for geometry, attachments, and construction frames. Parameter variables contain strings, integers, and real values that you can modify in the Standard

    Interface and store in the subsystem file. Property files are referenced by some components.

    Templates contain communicators to enable the exchange of information with other templates.

    Learn more about templates:

    Opening Templates Creating Templates Saving Templates Closing Templates Major Roles Location of Templates

    Opening Templates When using the Template Builder for the first time, we recommend that you first open some of the

    example templates we provide and familiarize yourself with them.

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    To open an existing template: 1. From the File menu, select Open.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Open Template.3. Select OK.

    Creating Templates To ensure that an analysis will work with your new template, when you create a template you must make sure that the template is compatible with other templates and with the test rigs. The template must contain the proper output communicators.

    To create a template: 1. From the File menu, select New.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for New Template.3. Select OK.

    Saving Templates Using the Template Builder, you can save your files in ASCII or binary format. Saving your files in ASCII format provides the benefit of small file sizes and being human readable. On the other hand, saving your files in binary format ensures faster processing, but does not have the benefits associated with ASCII format.

    When saving a template that includes a flexible part, your template-based product saves the part as rigid.

    To save a template: 1. From the File menu, select Save or Save As.2. If you selected:

    Save - Your template-based product saves the binary version of the template to the default writable database and prompts you if the template already exists. For save options, select Save As.

    Save As - Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Save Template. Select OK.

    Note: Notice that once the template is open, the Edit and Build menus become active. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with each menu item.

    Note: Notice that once the template is open, the Edit and Build menus become active. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with each menu item.

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    Building Models

    Closing Templates You can close a template without first saving it to a database.

    To close a template: 1. From the File menu, select Close.2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Close Template.3. Select OK.

    Major RolesYou assign a major role, or function, to every template. The choices in the Major Role option menu correspond to the available major roles for a template.

    A major role is a property of a template. A subsystem inherits the major role of the type on which it is based.

    In Adams/Car, examples of major roles are: suspension, steering, and body. Note that for each major role (for example, suspension, steering, and so on) Adams/Car allows only one active subsystem with the minor role any. The choices in the Minor Role option menu correspond to the available minor roles for an Adams/Car subsystem.

    Location of TemplatesThe templates are located in the templates.tbl table, or directory, of your template-based product's shared database. The shared database is usually located in your product's installation directory. For location details, see your system administrator.

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    Test-Rig TemplatesYou can extend the functionality of your templates by converting them into test-rig templates, also referred to as test rigs.

    In the template-based products, test rigs are almost completely comparable to regular templates. The basic topological difference between test rigs and regular templates is that besides containing parts that are attached using attachments and forces, test rigs also contain actuator elements, such as motions and forces, to excite the assembly. Just like regular templates, test rigs also contain communicators to enable the exchange of information with other templates.

    You use test rigs when creating assemblies. A collection of subsystems and a test rig form an assembly.

    Note that the name of a test rig is always preceded by a period and two underscores, that is .__. For example, .__MY_TESTRIG. This is a convention used by all template-based products to differentiate between templates (period and one underscore, ._), subsystems (period, .), and test rigs (period and two underscores, .__).

    Learn about test rigs:

    Process Overview Creating Test-Rig Templates Saving Test-Rig Templates Converting Templates into Test Rigs Adding Test Rigs to Binaries

    Process OverviewThe process of working with test-rig templates involves the following steps:

    For Adams/Car: 1. Creating a template and saving it in ASCII format as explained in Creating Test-Rig Templates

    and Saving Test-Rig Templates.2. Modifying the ASCII template file to become an ASCII command file, which is now the test rig,

    as explained in Converting Templates into Test Rigs. 3. Saving the ASCII command file into a binary file as described in Adding Test Rigs to Binaries.

    Creating Test-Rig TemplatesYou create test-rig templates the same way you create regular templates.

    To create a test-rig template: 1. From the File menu, select New.

    2. Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box for New Template.

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    Building Models

    3. Select OK.

    Saving Test-Rig TemplatesYou can save test-rig templates to files, just as you would save regular templates. We recommend that you save test rigs in ASCII format so you can hand edit them. Storing test-rigs in ASCII format also ensures portability from one machine to another. It allows you, for example, to use the same file when building a site binary on either a Windows or UNIX machine.

    To save a test-rig template: 1. From the File menu, select Save or Save As.2. If you selected:

    Save - Your template-based product saves the binary version of the template to the default writable database and prompts you if the template already exists. For save options, select Save As.

    Save As - Press F1 and then follow the instructions in the dialog box help for Save Template. Select OK.

    3. Depending on the template-based product you are using, continue as follows: If working in Adams/Car go to Converting Templates into Test Rigs.

    Converting Templates into Test RigsTo convert templates into test rigs you must make the following modifications to your ASCII test-rig template file generated from your template-based product:

    Removing the Header Information You must remove the header information that is added at the beginning of the ASCII template file because the command file reader will not understand the information stored in this header and will output errors.

    The following example shows a typical header from an ASCII template file:

    $-----------------------------------------------MDI_HEADER[MDI_HEADER] FILE_TYPE = 'tpl'


    Note: You must specifically set the minor roles of communicators in test-rig templates to any. Do not set them to inherit. You set the minor roles to any because generally a template test rig should be capable of connecting with any subsystem.HEADER_SIZE = 9

  • Adams/Car56

    (COMMENTS) {comment_string}

    'Simple Double Wishbone Suspension' $--------------------------------------------TEMPLATE_HEADER

    [TEMPLATE_HEADER] MAJOR_ROLE = 'suspension'

    TIMESTAMP = '1999/07/15,17:21:32' HEADER_SIZE = 5

    You should remove all the lines from the beginning of the file up to, and including, the line containing the HEADER_SIZE attribute.

    Modifying Adams/View Variables Templates and test rigs in template-based products have information that is stored in Adams/View variables to determine how the template is used. All templates, including test rigs, have three required variables: major role, minor role, and model class. Test rigs, however, have an additional required Adams/View variable called test rig class.

    When you create the test-rig template, your template-based product automatically creates the first three variables. You must, however, manually create the last variable, the test rig class variable.

    The following sections introduce the variables:

    Major Role Minor Role Model Class Test-Rig Class

    Major Role The major role of templates and test rigs is stored in an Adams/View variable called role. The major role of a test rig is always analysis.

    When creating a test rig, make sure that you set the major role as shown next:

    variable create &variable_name = .__acme_4PostRig.role & string_value = "analysis" & comments = "Memory for Adams/Car major role"

    Minor Role The minor role of templates and test rigs is stored in an Adams/View variable called minor_role. The minor role of a test rig is typically any. Setting the minor role to any is very important if you are designing a test rig that is supposed to work with other subsystems that can have different minor roles.

    In Adams/Car for example, a suspension test rig should work with either front, rear, or trailer-type suspensions. If the minor role of the test rig were defined as front, the test rig would hook up only to front


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    Building Models

    Set the minor role as shown next:

    variable create &variable_name = .__acme_4PostRig.minor_role & string_value = "any" & comments = "Memory for Adams/Car minor role"

    Model Class Every assembly in template-based products has a specific model class. The model class of an assembly