{adaption b} interim crit pres

{Adap&on B} Interim Crit Danny Rollings

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Post on 16-Nov-2015




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My Interim Crit presentation as part of our Adaption B project in which I have adapted some of the Periodic Elements as characters :) Namely Helium, Hydrogen and Carbon.Danny RollingsComputer Animation Arts, 2nd YearUCA, Rochesterhttp://dannyrollings.blogspot.co.uk/


  • {Adap&on B} Interim Crit

    Danny Rollings

  • The Task To adapt Elements of the Periodic Table as characters.

    Chosen Elements

    Helium, Hydrogen and Carbon.

    The Final Aim To produce a possibly animated, fully textured character turntable.


    S&ll turntables of two textured character models.

  • Helium

  • About Helium Lighter than air. A noble gas, not very reac&ve (if at all). Used in party balloons, and blimps. Glows purple when electrically excited. Can be used as part of neon signs.

  • Hydrogen

  • About Hydrogen Extremely flammable.

    Large quan&&es used in rocket fuel.

    Low reac&vity at low temperature, high reac&vity at high temperature.

    Joins explosively with Oxygen to make water (H2O) via pla&num / electric spark.

    Largest bomb ever = Tsar Bomba, a Hydrogen bomb (mushroom cloud 7x the height of Mt Everest).

  • What about the colour scheme? Rather than pulling my colours from those usually related to different emo&ons, I chose a more scien&fic approach.

    I merged Hydrogens reac&vity differences with the colour of stars at different temperatures.

    Stars combine Hydrogen atoms to make Helium, Helium atoms to make Carbon and so on

    To me high reac&vity/temp translated as angry, and low reac&vity/temp as sad.

  • Hydrogen Pose Sketches

  • Carbon

    as Graphite and Diamond

  • Carbon as Graphite

  • Carbon as Diamond

  • Graphite: 3D Block Out

  • Graphite: 3D Block Out

  • 4m 2m 40cm 1m