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ADCN MURI Tools for the Analysis and Design of Complex Multi- Scale Networks Review Meeting September 9, 2009 Overview Jean Walrand Department of EECS University of California at Berkeley

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MURI Tools for the Analysis and Design of Complex Multi-

Scale Networks

Review Meeting

September 9, 2009


Jean WalrandDepartment of EECS

University of California at Berkeley


1. Team Members

2. Perspective

3. Agenda of Review Meeting

ADCNTeam Members


Venkat Anantharam (UCB)

John Doyle (Caltech)

Weibo Gong (UMASS)

Steven Low (Caltech)

R. Srikant (UIUC)

Don Towsley (UMASS)

Jean Walrand (UCB)

Avideh Zakhor (UCB)

PhD Students/Post-Docs*:*Elina Athanasopoulou (UIUC)

Yan Cai (UMASS)

*Lijun Chen (CALTECH)

Assane Gueye (UCB)

Krister Jacobsson (CALTECH)

Bo Jiang (UMASS)

Libin Jiang (UCB)

Michael Krishnan (UCB)

Javad Lavaei (CALTECH)

Jiwoong Lee (UCB)

*Patrick Lee (UMASS)

*Jian Ni (UIUC)

Barlas Oguz (UCB)

Nikhil Shetty (UCB)

*Wei Song (UCB)

Somayeh Sojoudi (CALTECH)

*Chee-Wei Tan (CALTECH)

JK Unnikrishnan (CALTECH)

Sheng Xiao (UMASS)



[P1] C. W. Tan and A. R. Calderbank, "Multiuser Detection of Alamouti Signals," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 57, No. 7, pp. 2080-2089, Jul. 2009.

[P2] C. W. Tan, D. P. Palomar and M. Chiang, "Energy-Robustness Tradeoff in Cellular Network Power Control," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 912-925, Jun. 2009.

[P3] K. Jacobsson, L. L. H. Andrew, A. K. Tang, S. H. Low and H. Hjalmarsson, "An Improved Link Model for Window Flow Control and Its Application to FAST TCP, " in IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, March 2009.

[P4] Chen, L., T. Cui and S. H. Low, " A Game-theoretic Framework for Medium Access Control," IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, 26(7):1116-1127, September 2008.

[P5] Chen, L., S. H. Low and J. C. Doyle, "Random Access Game and Medium Access Control Design," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, submitted 2008.

[P6] Chen, L., T. Ho, M. Chiang, S. H. Low and J. C. Doyle, "Congestion Control for Multicast Flows with Network Coding," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, submitted 2008.

[P7] Venkat Anantharam,``Counterexamples to a proposed Stam inequality on finite groups," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, submitted August 2009.


[C1] Javad Lavaei, John Doyle and Steven Low, "Congestion Control Algorithms from Optimal Control Perspective," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 2009.

[C2] K. Jacobsson, L. L. H. Andrew and A. Tang, "Stability and Robustness Conditions using Frequency Dependent Half Planes," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 2009.

[C3] M. Wang, C. W. Tan, A. Tang and S. H. Low, "How Bad is Single Path Routing? " Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Honolulu, Hawaii, Nov 30-Dec 4, 2009.

[C4] C. W. Tan, M. Chiang and R. Srikant, "Optimal Power Control and Beamforming in Multiuser Downlink Systems," Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Monterey, CA, Nov 2009.

[C5] W. Song, M. Krishnan, and A. Zakhor, “Adaptive Packetization for Error-Prone Transmission over 802.11 WLANs with Hidden Terminals,” IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2009.

[C6] M. Krishnan, S. Pollin and A. Zakhor, "Local Estimation of Collision Probabilities in 802.11 WLANs With Hidden Terminals," IEEE Globecom 2009 Wireless Networking Symposium (GC'09-WNS), Honolulu, HI, December 2009.

[C7] Libin Jiang and Jean Walrand, "Utility-Maximizing Scheduling for Stochastic Processing Networks," Forty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference, Illinois, USA September 2009.

[C8] Libin Jiang and Jean Walrand, "Convergence and Stability of a Distributed CSMA Algorithm for Maximal Network Throughput," IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec 2009.


[C9] Libin Jiang and Jean Walrand, "A Distributed CSMA Algorithm for Throughput and Utility Maximization in Wireless Networks," Forty-Sixth Annual Allerton Conference, Illinois, USA September 23-26, 2008.

[C10] Libin Jiang and Jean Walrand, "Approaching Throughput-Optimality in a Distributed CSMA Algorithm: Collisions and Stability," Mobihoc 2009, New Orleans, LA, May 2009.

[C11] Jiwoong Lee and J. Walrand, "Reliable relaying with uncertain knowledge," Game Theory for Networks, vol., no., pp.82-87, 13-15 May 2009.

[C12] C. W. Tan, M. Chiang and R. Srikant, "Maximizing Sum Rate and Minimizing MSE on Multiuser Downlink: Optimality, Fast Algorithms, and Equivalence via Max-min SIR," Proc. IEEE ISIT, Seoul, South Korea, Jun 28-Jul 3, 2009.

[C13] Jayakrishnan Nair and Steven H Low, "Optimal Job fragmentation (Extended Abstract)", The Eleventh Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis, Seattle, WA, June 2009; Also in Performance Evaluation Review, 2009.

[C14] C. W. Tan, M. Chiang and R. Srikant, "Fast Algorithms and Performance Bounds for Sum Rate Maximization in Wireless Networks," Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, Apr 20-25, 2009.

[C15] M. Suchara, L. L. H. Andrew, R. Witt, K. Jacobsson, B. P. Wydrowski, and S. H. Low, "Implementation of Provably Stable MaxNet," in Proc. of BROADNETS 2008, London, UK, September 2008.



[C16] B. Gauvin, B. Ribeiro, B. Liu, D. Towsley, J. Wang. "Measurement and Analysis of Publishing Characteristics on MySpace," submitted to INFOCOM 2010.

[C17] Y. Cai, P.-C. Lee, W. Gong, D. Towsley. "On the Mitigation of Traffic Correlation Attacks on Router Queues," submitted to INFOCOM 2010.

[C18] J. J. Jaramillo and R. Srikant. Optimal Scheduling for Fair Resource Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks with Elastic and Inelastic Traffic.

[C19] S. Liu, L. Ying and R. Srikant. Throughput-Optimal Opportunistic Scheduling in the Presence of Flow-Level Dynamics.

[C20] Jian Ni, Bo (Rambo) Tan, R. Srikant, "Q-CSMA: Queue-Length Based CSMA/CA Algorithms for Achieving Maximum Throughput and Low Delay in Wireless Networks," Submitted on 15 Jan 2009.

ADCNCollaboration/Common Themes

• Srikant/Walrand: Distributed CSMA algorithms and their performance analysis

• Shroff/Srikant/Walrand: LQF/GMS

• Shroff/Srikant: Performance of the MaxWeight algorithm under general traffic models

• Kumar/Srikant: Scheduling packets with deadlines

• Srikant/Towsley: Delay performance of TCP in wireless networks

• Doyle/Kumar/Low/Modiano/Shroff/Srikant/Walrand: Network Utility Maximization


Goals of Research Project:

• Understand complex effects in networks,

including long-range dependency and mutli-scale


• Propose new designs that take advantage of the

improved understanding

•Theory - Designs - LRD

ADCNPerspective: Theory

•Scheduling for Stability: [Lyapunov function]

• Maximum Weight - Tassiulas, Ephremides 93; McKeown, Anantharam, Walrand 98

• Longest Queue First - Dimakis, Walrand 06; Shroff et al. 08; Srikant 09

x, y

•TCP as Utility Optimization [Primal/Dual; Gradient Algorithm]

• Gong-Towsley-Mishra, PTFK 98, Kelly et al. 98,

Low & Lapsely 99, Srikant 00, Mo & Walrand 00, Srikant 04

•Integrated Protocols [Primal/Dual]

• Backpressure with Per Flow Queuing - Modiano & Neely; Srikant; Lin &

Shroff; Chiang; etc.

• Single Queue - Srikant & Stolyar 09 ...

•CSMA [Gradient Algorithm; Relative entropy]

• Basic Protocol - Jiang & Walrand 08

• Collision Models - Jiang & Walrand, Srikant 09

• Dynamic Control over Finite Horizon

• Formulation - Doyle & Low 09

ADCNPerspective: Theory










Shared link


E e


ADCNPerspective: Designs


• Improvement in WiFi throughput with loss differentiation - Zakhor et al. 09


• Self-Clocking in TCP - Low et al. 09

• Generalized Stability Criterion - Caltech. 09


• Improved Power Control - Srikant et al. 09


• Generating Secret Key - Gong & Towsley 09

• Analysis of Burst Attacks - Gong & Towsley 09


• Effect of Parameter Uncertainty - Walrand et al. 09

ADCNPerspective: LRD

. Empirical Observations - Willinger et al. 95

• Queuing Analysis - Norros, Duffield, O’Connell, Piterbarg, Husler etc

• Explanation - Konstantopoulos et al., Doyle, ...

• Controversy - Bhattacharya et al., Gibbens & Kelly, Cleveland

• Network Models, Control Theory - Anantharam

• Mitigation with Optimal File Partitioning - Low & Doyle 09

• Mitigation with Alternate Routing - Gong & Towsley 09

•Analysis in CDN Networks - Anantharam 09

• Poisson Counter Models - Gong & Towsley 08

• Stochastic Approximation Theory - Anantharam & Borkar 09

ADCNAgenda of Review Meeting

9:00 - 9:15 - Harry Chang: Opening remarks9:15 - 9:50 - Jean Walrand: Overview9:50 - 10:25 - Venkat Anantharam10:25 - 10:40 - Coffee Break10:40 - 11:15 - Jean Walrand11:15 - 11:50 - Avideh Zakhor11:50 - 1:00 - Lunch Break1:00 - 1:35 - R. Srikant1:35 - 2:10 - Weibo Gong2:10 - 2:45 - Don Towsley2:45 - 3:00 - Coffee Break3:00 - 3:35 - Steven Low3:35 - 4:10 - John Doyle4:10 - 5:00 - Feedback

Longest Queue First

Graphs satisfy “Local Pooling” - For every subset, there is a further subset that LQF serves at a constant rate larger than the sum of arrival rates in that set- Hence, if those queues are all longest, they decrease- Thus, max. queue length is a Lyapunov function


x, y

L(x, y; )

D( ) = max L(x, y; )

x*, y*, *

where λ minimizes D(λ) := Maxx,yL(x, y;λ)

Maximize L(x, y;λ) = f(x, y) − λg(x, y)

x, y

xn+1 = xn + αLx(xn, yn, λn)yn+1 = yn + αLy(xn, yn, λn)λn+1 = λn − βLλ(xn, yn, λn)

Backpressure Protocols










Shared link


E e


==> serve A if qA > qB

serve B (not C) if (qB - qD) > (qC - qE)+

serve D (not E) if qD > qE

CSMA Protocols

THEOREM: Achieves the maximum throughput

Key Ideas: Backoff rates Ri Service rates Si of queues Minimize d(S, ) over R: Minimizer such that S* Gradient algorithm yields Ri = Exp{ Xi} Analysis: Mixing time bound + Supermartingale convergence