
ADD/ADHD Treatment

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ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) are psychiatric disorders belonging to the area neurodevelopmental concerns. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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• ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder

• ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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What is ADHD?

ADHD is a common behavioral disorder that affects about 10% of school-age children. Boys are more prone to this disorder than girls.

A medical condition characterized by inattention and hyperactivity - impulsivity. It is the most common behavioral disorder that starts during childhood. However, ADHD not only affects children but also affects people of all ages.

An individual with ADHD finds it much more difficult to focus on something without being distracted.

He has greater difficulty in controlling what he is doing or saying and is less able to control how much physical activity is appropriate for a particular situation compared to somebody without ADHD.

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What is ADHD?

In other words, a person with ADHD is much more impulsive and restless.

Kids with ADHD act without thinking are hyperactive and have trouble focusing. They may understand what will be expected of them but have trouble following through because they can't sit still, pay attention, or focus on details.

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Types of ADHD

There are three types of ADHD. They are defined according to which symptoms stand out the most.

1. Predominantly Inattentive ADHD

Impaired attention and concentration mark this ADHD.

The person finds it very difficult to organize or finish a task.

They find it hard to pay attention to details and find it difficult to follow instructions or conversations.

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Types of ADHD

2. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD

Hyperactivity marks this without inattentiveness. The person finds it hard to keep still - they fidget and talk a lot.

A smaller child may be continually jumping, running or climbing. They are restless and impulsive - interrupting others, grabbing things and speaking at inappropriate times.

They have difficulty waiting their turn and find it hard to listen to directions.

A person with this type of ADHD will have more injuries and accidents than others.

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Types of ADHD

3. Combined ADHD

A person whose symptoms include all those of 1 and 2, and whose symptoms are equally predominant. In other words, all the signs and symptoms in 1 and 2 stand out equally.

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Symptoms of ADHDThere are three different categories of ADHD symptoms: inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity.

1. Inattention   Making careless mistakes – for example, in schoolwork appearing

forgetful or losing things being unable to stick at tasks that are tedious or time-consuming appearing to be unable to listen to or carry out instructions consistently.

Changing activity or task - having difficulty organizing tasks.

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Symptoms of ADHD

2. Hyperactivity

Often squirms, fidgets, or bounces when sitting.

A Child always goes out for running or climbing on things.

3. Impulsivity

Blurts out answers before the question has been completed.

Often interrupts others.

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Causes of ADHD


ADHD has a strong genetic basis in the majority of cases. ADHD tends to run in families and, in most cases, it is thought the genes that inherit from your parents are a significant factor in developing this condition.

Nutrition and Food:

Some experts believe that food additives may exacerbate ADHD. A popular belief is that refined sugar may be a cause for a range of abnormal behaviors.

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Causes of ADHD

Environment: There may be a link between ADHD and maternal smoking. Nevertheless,

nicotine can cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in utero of mother that impact on her baby leading to

Brain Injury: Brain injury may also be a cause of attention deficit disorder in children.

Exposure to toxins or physical injury, either before or after birth is also a cause for this disorder.

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Causes of ADHD

Other Possible Causes:

Various other reasons have also been suggested as having a role in the development of ADHD.

Being born prematurely (before the 37th week of pregnancy)

Having a low birth-weight

Brain damage either in the womb or in the first few years of life

Drinking alcohol, smoking or misusing drugs while pregnant

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Diagnosis of AD

There is no single medical, physical, or another test for diagnosing ADD/ADHD. ADD/ADHD looks different in every person, so there is a wide array of criteria—or measures for testing. To determine if you or your child has ADD/ADHD, a doctor or other health professional will need to be involved.

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Diagnosing ADHD in Children

Some symptoms that suggest ADHD in children include inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Many children with ADHD:

Are in constant motion

Squirm and fidget

Make careless mistakes

Do not seem to listen

Do not finish tasks

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Diagnosing ADHD in Adults

In addition to symptoms of inattention and/or impulsiveness, adults with ADHD may have other problems, including:

Chronic lateness and forgetfulness


Poor organizational skills

Low self-esteem

Employment problems

Short temper

Difficulty finishing a task

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Treatment of ADHD ADHD cannot be cured. But many of the symptoms that interfere with

functioning and cause distress can be controlled.

Treatment for ADHD often includes a combination of medication and various psychosocial therapies.

Medication can help reduce symptoms of hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsivity in children and adults with ADD/ADHD.

However, medications are not the only treatment options for solving this ADD and ADHD problems.

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You may be a parent or a patient nothing matters, it’s important to know the facts about ADD/ADHD medications without side effects. So feel responsible and get rid of these problems with best practices and decisions.

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