additional vocabulary the complete latin course - … · additional vocabulary the complete latin...

Additional vocabulary The Complete Latin Course Each chapter’s learning vocabulary is included here. The ‘Additional Words’ appended to each chapter provide more exhaustive lists of words which appear throughout the course. They are for teachers to introduce if and when they think suitable, in new examples, as selective additional learning, or for other activities and tests. Vocabularies are listed by chapter. To access, search/find Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc. You can also search/find these section titles 1 st declension nouns 2 nd declension nouns 2 nd declension neuter nouns 3 rd declension nouns 3 rd declension neuter nouns 4 th declension nouns 5 th declension nouns 1 st conjugation verbs 2 nd conjugation verbs 3 rd conjugation verbs 4 th conjugation verbs Mixed conjugation verbs Adjectives like bonus,-a,-um 3 rd declension adjectives Prepositions Enclitics Adverbs Adverbs and conjunctions Interrogative words Correlatives Compound verbs Compounds of irregular verbs Deponent verbs Verbs with a range of meanings Latin numbers Typical prefixes Participles

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Additional vocabulary

The Complete Latin Course

Each chapter’s learning vocabulary is included here. The ‘Additional Words’

appended to each chapter provide more exhaustive lists of words which appear

throughout the course. They are for teachers to introduce if and when they think

suitable, in new examples, as selective additional learning, or for other activities and


Vocabularies are listed by chapter. To access, search/find Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc.

You can also search/find these section titles

1st declension nouns


declension nouns


declension neuter nouns


declension nouns


declension neuter nouns


declension nouns


declension nouns

1st conjugation verbs


conjugation verbs


conjugation verbs


conjugation verbs

Mixed conjugation verbs

Adjectives like bonus,-a,-um


declension adjectives




Adverbs and conjunctions

Interrogative words


Compound verbs

Compounds of irregular verbs

Deponent verbs

Verbs with a range of meanings

Latin numbers

Typical prefixes


Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


Chapter 1

agricola farmer

Ascanius Ascanius

Britannia Britain

Brūtus Brutus

dea goddess

deus god

domina lady, mistress

dominus lord, master

equus horse

fīlia daughter

fīlius son

Lāvīnia Lavinia

poēta poet

populus people

puella girl

Rōma Rome

Romulus Romulus

rosa rose

servus slave

taurus bull

Additional words for Chapter 1 none listed

Chapter 2

amīca friend (female), girlfriend

amīcus friend (male)

annus year

Brūtus Brutus

fēmina woman

gladius sword

Horātius Horatius, Horace

Ītalia Italy

lectus bed, couch

Lucrētia Lucretia

mēnsa table

Porsenna Porsenna

prōvincia province

puer boy

rēgīna queen

Rōma Rome

Tarquinius Tarquin

terra ground, land

vīlla villa

vir man, husband

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


Additional words for Chapter 2 none listed

Chapter 3

arma,-ōrum [n.; used only in the plural] weapons, forces

auxilium,-ī [n.] help, aid

bellum,-ī [n.] war

caelum,-ī [n.] heaven, sky

captīvus,-ī [m.] captive, prisoner

cōnsultum,-ī [n.] decree, resolution

dōnum,-ī [n.] gift

elephantus,-ī [m.] elephant

exemplum,-ī [n.] example, precedent

ferrum,-ī [n.] iron instrument, knife, sword

forum,-ī [n.] forum

gaudium,-ī [n.] joy

habēna,-ae [f.] rein, strap imperium,-ī [n.] power, empire

incendium,-ī [n.] fire

lacrima,-ae [f.] tear

littera,-ae [f.] letter (of the alphabet)

litterae,-ārum [plural of the above] letter (missive), literature

numerus,-ī [m.] number

patria,-ae [f.] country (one’s own)

praeda,-ae [f.] loot, plunder

praemium,-ī [n.] reward, prize

proelium,-ī [n.] battle

rēgnum,-ī [n.] kingdom

silva,-ae [f.] wood

tribūnus,-ī [m.] tribune

unda,-ae [f.] wave

ventus,-ī [m.] wind

verbum,-ī [n.] word

vestīgium,-ī [n.] trace, footstep

victōria,-ae [f.] victory

Additional words for Chapter 3 none listed

Chapter 4

at but

atque (or ac) and

cūr? why?

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


et and (occasionally even, and also, and ... too)

et ... et both ... and

etiam also, even

iam now, already

neque or nec and not, but not

neque … neque (or nec … nec) neither … nor

nihil nothing

numquam never

nunc now

quia because

sed but

semper always

sī if

ubī? where? when

Additional words for Chapter 4

Adjectives like bonus,-a,-um and miser,-era,-erum which appear in the course

asper,-era,-erum harsh, bitter

āter,-tra,-trum black, gloomy

benignus,-a,-um kind

bonus,-a,-um good

cūnctus,-a,-um all, all together, entire

dīvus,-a,-um divine

falsus,-a,-um false, deceptive

īnsānus,-a,-um mad, raging

laetus,-a,-um joyful, cheerful

līber,-era,-erum free

longus,-a,-um long, extended

magnus,-a,-um great, large

malus,-a,-um bad

maximus,-a,-um very great, greatest

medius,-a,-um mid, in the middle of

meus,-a,-um my

miser,-era,-erum wretched, unhappy

multus,-a,-um much (plural: many)

noster,-tra,-trum our

novus,-a,-um new

optimus,-a,-um best, excellent, very good

opulentus,-a,-um wealthy, lavish

prīmus,-a,-um * first

pulcher,-chra,-chrum fine, beautiful

Rōmānus,-a,-um Roman

saevus,-a,-um cruel, harsh

sānctus,-a,-um sacred, holy

summus,-a,-um utmost, top of

superbus,-a,-um proud, arrogant

tantus,-a,-um so great, so much

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


tener,-era,-erum tender, soft

tuus,-a,-um your (s.)

Chapter 5

animus,-ī [m.] mind, intention, courage

avāritia,-ae [f.] greed

causa,-ae [f.] case, cause

cēna,-ae [f.] dinner

cūra,-ae [f.] care, anxiety

fātum,-ī fate

flagellum,-ī [n.] whip

lībertus,-ī [m.] freedman, former slave

pecūnia,-ae [f.] money

poena,-ae [f.] punishment, penalty

studium,-ī [n.] pursuit, eagerness

triumphus,-ī [m.] triumph, i.e. triumphal procession

vir,-ī [m.] man, husband

vīta,-ae [f.] life

Additional words for Chapter 5 none listed

Chapter 6

amō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum love

creō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum choose, elect

dēligō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum tie, bind

dō, dare, dedī, datum give

errō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum wander, make a mistake

fugō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum chase, put to flight

laudō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum praise

necō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum kill

ōrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum beg, plead

parō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum prepare

pugnō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum fight

sūdō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum sweat

trucīdō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum slaughter, murder

vocō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum call,summon

Additional words for Chapter 6

1st conjugation verbs which appear in the course

amō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum love

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


appellō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum name, call, call upon

arō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum plough, grow crops

bāsiō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum kiss

bellō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum fight a war

calcō,-āre,-āvi,-ātum tread on, in

certō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum strive, compete

clāmitō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum cry aloud, shout, bawl

clāmō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum cry, shout

cōgitō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum consider, contemplate

cōnfirmō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum establish, reassure

creō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum choose, elect

cūrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum care for, see to, look after

decimō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum decimate, execute every tenth man

dēligō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum tie, bind

dō, dare, dedī, datum give

dōnō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum give as a present

dubitō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum hesitate, doubt

equitō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum ride

errō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum wander, make a mistake

exspectō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum expect

fugō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum chase, put to flight

habitō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum live, dwell

implōrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum invoke, entreat

intrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum enter

invītō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum invite

iūrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum swear

iuvō,-āre, iūvī, iūtum help, please

laudō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum praise

lavō,-āre, lāvī, lautum wash, bathe

līberō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum set free, release

locō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum set, arrange, contract

memorō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum relate, tell

mūtō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum change

necō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum kill

nuntiō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum announce

optō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum pray, wish

ōrnō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum adorn, equip, honour

ōrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum beg, plead

parō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum prepare

plōrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum weep

postulō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum demand

pōtō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum drink

probō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum cherish, commend

pugnō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum fight

putō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum think, reflect, suppose

rēgnō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum reign, rule

rogō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum ask

salūtō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum greet, salute

secō,-āre, secuī, sectum cut

servō,-are,-āvī,-ātum save, keep, guard

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


spectō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum watch

spērō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum hope (for)

stō,-āre, stetī, stātum stand, be stationary

sūdō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum sweat

superō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum overcome, surpass

temptō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum try, make trial of, test

tolerō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum endure

trucīdō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum slaughter, murder

verberō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum beat, whip

Chapter 7

dēbeō,-ēre,-uī,-itum owe, ought

doceō,-ēre,-uī, doctum teach, show

doleō,-ēre,-uī,-itum grieve

exerceō,-ēre,-uī,-itum keep busy, occupy, work at

faveō,-ēre, fāvī, fautum [+ dat.*] favour

fleō,-ēre, flēvī, flētum weep

habeō,-ēre, habuī, habitum have, hold

iaceō,-ēre, iacuī, iacitum lie

iubeō,-ēre, iussī, iussum order

maneō,-ēre, mānsī, mānsum remain

moneō,-ēre, monuī, monitum advise, warn

pāreō,-ēre,-uī,-itum [+ dat.*] obey

placeō,-ēre,-uī, placitum [2; + dat.] please, satisfy

rīdeō,-ēre, rīsī, rīsum laugh (at)

sedeō,-ēre, sēdī, sessum sit

taceō,-ēre, tacuī, tacitum be silent

teneō,-ēre,-uī, tentum hold, keep, occupy

timeō,-ēre,-uī,-itum fear

videō,-ēre, vīdī, vīsum see

arx, arcis [f.] citadel

coniūnx, coniugis [m./f.] husband, wife

dux, ducis [m.] commander, leader, guide

iūdex, iūdicis [m.] judge, juror

nox, noctis [f.] night

pāx, pācis [f.] peace, treaty

rēx, rēgis [m.] king

vōx, vōcis [f.] voice, speech, sound

frāter, frātris [m.] brother

māter, mātris [f.] mother

pater, patris [m.] father, patrician, senator

amor, amōris [m.] love, passion

clāmor, clāmōris [m.]

senātor, senātōris [m.] senator

uxor, uxōris [f.] wife

victor, victōris [m.] conqueror, winner

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


amāns, amantis [m./f.] a lover

mōns, montis [m.] mountain

ambitiō, ambitiōnis [f.] ambition

obsidiō, obsidiōnis [f.] siege, blockade

eques, equitis [m.] horseman, equestrian

mīles, mīlitis [m.] soldier, army

hūmānitās, hūmānitātis [f.] civilization

lībertās, lībertātis [f.] freedom, liberty

nōbilitās, nōbilitātis [f.] high rank, nobility

voluntās, voluntātis [f.] wish, choice, inclination

ars, artis [f.] art, skill, practice

mors, mortis [f.] death

pars, partis [f.] part

mōs, mōris [f.] custom, habit, conduct, moral

plēbs, plēbis [f.] people, masses

urbs, urbis [f.] city

homō, hominis [m.] man, person

imāgō, imāginis [f.] portrait

cīvis, cīvis [m.f.] citizen

cōnsul, cōnsulis [m.] consul

mulier, mulieris [f.] woman

Caesar, Caesaris Caesar

Cicerō, Cicerōnis Cicero

Hannibal, Hannibalis Hannibal

Additional words for Chapter 7


conjugation verbs which appear in the course

appāreō,-ēre,-uī, appāritum appear

ārdeō,-ēre, ārsī, ārsum be on fire, burn, be passionate

careō,-ēre,-uī, caritum [+ abl.] be without, lack, lose

coerceō,-ēre,-uī, coercitum restrain

commoveō,-ēre, commōvī, commōtum excite, disturb

dēbeō,-ēre,-uī, dēbitum owe, ought

displiceō,-ēre,-uī [+ dat.] displease

doceō,-ēre,-uī, doctum teach, show

doleō,-ēre,-uī, dolitum grieve

exerceō,-ēre,-uī, exercitum keep busy, occupy, exercise

exhibeō,-ēre,-uī, exhibitum hold forth, present, show

faveō,-ēre, fāvī, fautum [+ dat.] favour, support

fleō,-ēre, flēvī, flētum weep

flōreō,-ēre,-uī blossom, flourish

foveō,-ēre, fōvi, fōtum warm

gaudeō,-ēre rejoice, be jubilant

habeō,-ēre,-uī, habitum have, hold, consider

haereō,-ēre, haesī, haesum cling to

iaceō,-ēre,-uī, iacitum lie

impleō,-ēre, implēvī, implētum fill

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


indulgeō,-ēre, indulsī, indultum [+ dat.] gratify, yield to

iubeō,-ēre, iussī, iussum order, tell

maneō,-ēre, mānsī, mānsum remain

mereō,-ēre,-uī, meritum deserve, obtain

misceō,-ēre,-uī, mixtum mix, mingle

moneō,-ēre,-uī, monitum advise, warn

moveō,-ēre, mōvī, mōtum move, stir

noceō,-ēre,-uī, nocitum [+ dat.] harm, injure

pāreō,-ēre,-uī, pāritum [+ dat.] obey

pateō,-ēre,-uī stand open, lie open

placeō,-ēre,-uī, placitum [+ dat.] please, satisfy

praebeō,-ēre,-uī, praebitum: contraction of ‘praehibeō’

praehibeō,-ēre,-uī, praehibitum hold forth, furnish, offer, supply

respondeō,-ēre, respondī, respōnsum answer, reply

retineō,-ēre,-uī, retentum keep, restrain

sedeō,-ēre, sēdī, sessum sit

sileō,-ēre keep silent, be silent

soleō,-ēre be accustomed

studeō,-ēre,-uī study, strive after, pursue

taceō,-ēre,-uī, tacitum be silent

teneō,-ēre,-uī, tentum hold, control

timeō,-ēre,-uī fear

valeō,-ēre,-uī,-itum be well, fit, powerful

videō,-ēre, vīdī, vīsum see


declension nouns which appear in the course

accūsātor, accūsātōris [m.] prosecutor, accuser

aedēs, aedis [f.] shrine

aetās, aetātis [f.] age, era, time, lifetime

aethēr, aetheris [m.] sky, heaven

amāns, amantis [m./f.] one who loves, a lover

ambitiō, ambitiōnis [f.] ambition

amor, amōris [m.] love, passion

ars, artis [f.] art, skill, practice

arx, arcis [f.] citadel

auctor, auctōris [m.] author

auctōritās, auctōritātis [f.] power, authority

bōs, bovis [m./f.] ox

Caesar, Caesaris [m.] Caesar

calamitās, calamitātis [f.] mischief, misfortune

carcer, carceris [m.] prison

centuriō, centuriōnis [m.] centurion

Cicerō, Cicerōnis [m.] Cicero

cīvis, cīvis [m./f.] citizen

clāmor, clāmōris [m.]

color, colōris [m.] colour

comes, comitis [m./f.] companion

competitor, competitōris [m.] rival, competitor

coniūnx, coniugis [m./f.] husband, wife

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


cōnsul, cōnsulis [m.] consul

crux, crucis [f.] cross

cupīdō, cupīdinis [f.] desire, longing

dēlectātiō, dēlectātiōnis [f.] delight, pleasure

difficultās, difficultātis [f.] diffulty

dīgnitās, dīgnitātis [f.] prestige, rank, authority

dolor, dolōris [m.] pain, grief, suffering

dux, ducis [m.] commander, leader, guide

eques, equitis [m.] horseman, equestrian

error, errōris [m.] mistake

faex, faecis [f.] dregs

famēs, famis [f.] hunger

favor, favōris [m.] favour, support

fax, facis [f.] torch

fēcunditās, fēcunditātis [f.] fruitfulness, fertility

fīnis, fīnis [m.] boundary, limit, end

flōs, flōris [m.] flower

fōns, fontis [m.] spring, fountain

formīdō, formīdinis [f.] fear, dread

frāter, frātris [m.] brother

frūx, frūgis [f.] fruit, crop, produce

furor, furōris [m.] rage, passion

gēns, gentis [f.] clan, race

gravitās, gravitātis [f.] weight, seriousness

grex, gregis [m.] flock

homō, hominis [m.] man, person

honestās, honestātis [f.] reputation

honor, honōris [m.] public honour, respect, favour

hospes, hospitis [m.] host, guest

hostis, hostis [m.] foe, enemy

hūmānitās, hūmānitātis [f.] civilization

ignis, ignis [m.] fire, firewood

imāgō, imāginis [f.] portrait, likeness, bust

imber, imbris [m.] rain, shower

imperātor, imperātōris [m.] commander, emperor

īnfāns, īnfantis [m./f.] infant

īnscrīptiō, īnscrīptiōnis [f.] inscription

iūdex, iūdicis [m.] judge, juror

labor (labōs), labōris [m.] toil, exertion

latrō, latrōnis [m.] robber

legiō, legiōnis [f.] legion

leō, leōnis [m.] lion

lēx, lēgis [f.] law

lūx, lūcis [f.] light, daylight

maiōrēs, maiorum [m.] ancestors

meretrīx, meretrīcis [f.] prostitute

mīles, mīlitis [m.] soldier, army

mōns, montis [m.] mountain

mors, mortis [f.] death

mōs, mōris [m.] fashion, custom, conduct

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


mulier, mulieris [f.] woman

nāvis, nāvis [f.] ship

nōbilitās, nōbilitātis [f.] high rank, nobility

novitās, novitātis [f.] newness, novelty

nox, noctis [f.] night

obsidiō, obsidiōnis [f.] siege, blockade

ops, opis [f.] strength; [in plural] resources, wealth

optimātēs, optimātium [m.] aristocrats

orbis, orbis [m.] circle, world

orīgō, orīginis [f.] origin

parēns, parentis [m./f.] parent

pars, partis [f.] part

pater, patris [m.] father, patrician, senator

pāx, pācis [f.] peace, treaty

pedes, peditis [m.] walker, footsoldier

pēs, pedis [m.] foot

pictor, pictōris [m.] painter

pietās, pietātis [f.] piety, sense of duty, dutiful conduct

plēb(ē)s, plēbis [f.] common people

pōns, pontis [m.] bridge

possessor, possessōris [m.] owner

potestās, potestātis [f.] power, authority

praeceptor, praeceptōris [m.] teacher, instructor

praetor, praetōris [m.] praetor, magistrate, governor

prex, precis [f.] prayer

prīnceps, prīncipis [m.] princeps, leading citizen, emperor

pudor, pudōris [m.] decency, shame, embarrassment

ratiō, ratiōnis [f.] argument, reason, justification, procedure

rēgnātor, rēgnatōris [m.] ruler

rēx, rēgis [m.] king

rhētor, rhētoris [m.] professor

sacerdōs, sacerdōtis [m./f.] priest/priestess

sanguis, sanguinis [m.] blood

scrīptor, scrīptōris [m.] writer

secūris, secūris [f.] axe

sēcūritās, sēcūritātis [f.] security, safety

sēditiō, sēditiōnis [f.] rebellion

senātor, senātōris [m.] senator

senectūs, senectūtis [f.] old age

senex, senis [m.] old man

serpēns, serpentis [f.] serpent

servitūs, servitūtis [f.] slavery, servitude

societās, societātis [f.] political alliance, pact, partnership

sōlitūdō, sōlitūdinis [f.] loneliness, desert

soror, sorōris [f.] sister

strīdor, strīdōris [m.] rattling, clanking

superstitiō, superstitiōnis [f.] superstition

supplex, supplicis [m.] supplicant

suspīciō, suscipiōnis [f.] suspicion

terror, terrōris [m.] terror, fear

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


testis, testis [m./f.] witness

tōnsor, tōnsōris [m.] barber

turris, turris [f.] tower

urbs, urbis [f.] city

uxor, uxōris [f.] wife

vēnātor, vēnātōris [m.] huntsman

vestis, vestis [f.] clothing

vetustās, vetustātis [f.] old age

victor, victōris [m.] conqueror, winner

virgō, virginis [f.] girl, virgin

virtūs, virtūtis [f.] courage

voluntās, voluntātis [f.] wish, choice, inclination

vōx, vōcis [f.] voice, speech, sound

Chapter 8

corpus, corporis body

facinus, facinoris crime

frīgus, frīgoris cold, chill

fūnus, fūneris death, funeral

lītus, lītoris shore

opus, operis work

scelus, sceleris crime, wickedness

tempus, temporis time

nōmen, nōminis name

agmen, agminis crowd, throng, troop

carmen, carminis poem, song

crīmen, crīminis crime, charge, offence

flūmen, flūminis river

līmen, līminis threshold, doorway

lūmen, lūminis light

brevis,-e brief, short

cīvīlis,-e civil

facilis,-e easy

familiāris,-e domestic, family, private

fortis,-e brave, strong

humilis,-e humble, insignificant

mīrābilis,-e wonderful, extraordinary

mollis,-e soft

mortālis,-e mortal

nōbilis,-e noble

terribilis,-e terrible

turpis,-e disgraceful

ūtilis,-e useful, suitable

atrōx (atrōc-) fierce, repulsive

ferōx (ferōc-) bold, spirited, headstrong

ultrīx (ultrīc-) avenging

dēmēns crazy, foolish

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


prūdēns knowing, experienced, wise

imprūdēns without knowing, unwitting

sapiēns wise

Additional words for Chapter 8


declension neuter nouns which appear in the course

agmen, agminis [n.] crowd, throng, troop

carmen, carminis [n.] poem, song

certāmen, certāminis [n.] battle, conflict, competition

crīmen,-inis [n.] crime, charge, accusation

flūmen,-inis [n.] river

fulmen,-inis [n.] thunderbolt

grāmen,-inis [n.] grass

līmen,-inis [n.] threshold, doorway

lūmen,-inis [n.] light, eye

nōmen,-inis [n.] name

nūmen,-inis [n.] nod, divine will, god

corpus,-oris [n.] body

crūs, crūris [n.] leg

facinus,-oris [n.] deed, misdeed, crime, outrage

frīgus,-oris [n.] cold, chill

fūnus,-eris [n.] death, funeral

genus,-eris [n.] race, stock, offspring

iūs, iūris [n.] justice

lītus,-oris [n.] shore

mūnus,-eris [n.] gift, service, public show

onus, oneris [n.] burden

opus, operis [n.] work, action, task

ōs, ōris [n.] face, mouth

pectus, pectoris [n.] breast, heart, courage

rūs, rūris [n.] country, land, estate

scelus, sceleris [n.] evil deed, wicked act, crime

sīdus, sīderis [n.] star, [pl.] sky

tempus, temporis [n.] time

vulnus, vulneris [n.] wound

caput, capitis [n.] head

iter, itineris [n.] route, way

mare, maris [n.] sea

marmor, marmoris [n.] marble

os, ossis [n.] bone

verber, verberis [n.] blow, lash

cubīle, cubīlis [n.] couch, bed


declension adjectives which appear in the course

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aequālis,-e equal

agrestis,-e rustic, uncultivated

brevis,-e short, brief

cīvīlis,-e civil, political, public

commūnis,-e in common, shared, as one

curūlis,-e of a chariot, curule

difficilis,-e difficult

dulcis,-e sweet, pleasant, charming

exitiābilis,-e deadly

exsomnis,-e without sleep, wide awake

facilis,-e easy

familiāris,-e domestic, family, private

fortis,-e brave, strong

frūgālis,-e worthy, virtuous, thrifty

gentīlis,-e belonging to their race, native

gravis,-e heavy, serious, important

humilis,-e insignificant, humble

īnsignis,-e distinguished

irreparābilis,-e irrecoverable, irretrievable

levis,-e light, superficial

memorābilis,-e memorable

mīlitāris,-e military

mīrābilis,-e wonderful, extraordinary

mollis,-e soft

mortālis,-e mortal

muliebris,-e womanly, of a woman

navālis,-e naval

nōbilis,-e noble, well-born

nūbilis,-e marriageable

omnis,-e all, every

optābilis,-e desirable

rudis,-e raw, rough

tenuis,-e narrow, small, insignificant

terribilis,-e dreadful, terrible

trīstis,-e sad, grim, gloomy

turpis,-e disgraceful

ūtilis,-e useful, suitable, profitable

vīlis,-e cheap, worthless

atrōx fierce, repulsive

fēlīx fortunate, successful

ferōx bold, spirited, headstrong

īnfēlīx unfortunate, unhappy

pertināx determined, stubborn

tenāx persisting, holding fast

ultrīx avenging

vēlōx rapid, quick

āmēns crazed, demented

dēmēns mad, crazy, foolish

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imprūdēns unaware, ignorant

impudēns shameless

ingēns huge, immense

īnsolēns haughty

prūdēns knowing, experienced, wise

pudēns modest, bashful

recēns fresh, recent

sapiēns wise, judicious

tepēns warm

Chapter 9

cēdō, cēdere, cēssī, cessum go, give way

crēdō,-ere, crēdidī, crēditum [+ dat.] believe, trust

dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictum say

dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum lead

incendō,-ere, incendī, incēnsum set fire to, inflame, distress

mittō,-ere, mīsī, missum send

occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, occīsum kill

petō, petere, petīvī (-iī), petītum seek, ask, strive for, attack

pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum place

scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, scrīptum write

vincō, vincere, vīcī, victum conquer, win

audiō, audīre, audīvī (-iī), audītum hear

sciō, scīre, scīvī (-iī), scītum know

veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum come

capiō, capere, cēpī, captum take, capture

cupiō,-ere, cupīvī (-iī), cupītum desire

faciō,-ere, fēcī, factum make, do

fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitum flee, escape

iaciō,-ere, iēcī, iactum throw, hurl

Additional words for Chapter 9


conjugation verbs which appear in the course

abdūcō,-ere, abdūxī, abductum lead away, take away

accendō,-ere, accendī, accēnsum inflame, stimulate

acquīrō,-ere, acquīsīvī, acquīsītum obtain

addō,-ere, addidī, additum put to, add to

addūcō,-ere, addūxī, adductum lead to, bring along

agō,-ere, ēgī, āctum do, lead, act, perform

bibō, bibere, bibī drink

cadō,-ere, cecidī, cāsum fall, fall down

carpō,-ere, carpsī, carptum pluck

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cēdō,-ere, cessī, cessum give way, go, submit

cognōscō,-ere, cognōvī, cognitum become acquainted with, learn, recognize

cōgō,-ere, coēgī, coāctum compel, force

combibō,-ere, combibī drink entirely

comedō,-ere, comēdī, comēsum gobble up

compōnō,-ere, composuī, compositum arrange, settle, record, write

concēdō, concēdere, concessī, concessum retire, concede, allow

concupīscō,-ere, concupīvī, concupītum desire, aspire to

condō,-ere, condidī, conditum found, establish

cōnfluō,-ere, cōnflūxī flow together

conquīrō,-ere, conquīsīvī (-iī), conquīsītum search for, procure

cōnstituō,-ere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtum determine, decide, manage

contemnō,-ere, contempsī, contemptum despise, scorn

contendō,-ere, contendī, contentum compete

contingō,-ere, contigī, contāctum touch

coquō,-ere, coxī, coctum cook

crēdō,-ere, crēdidī, crēditum [+ dat.] believe, trust

crēscō,-ere, crēvī, crētum grow

currō,-ere, cucurrī, cursum run

dēcēdō,-ere, dēcessī, dēcessum go away, withdraw, die

dēcernō,-ere, dēcrēvī, dēcrētum decide, make a judgment

dēcurrō,-ere, dēcucurrī run down

dēdūcō,-ere dēdūxī, dēductum lead away, bring down, take as a bride

dēfendō,-ere, dēfendī, dēfēnsum defend, ward off, repel

dēpellō,-ere, dēpulī, dēpulsum remove, expel

dēpōnō,-ere, dēposuī, dēpositum put aside

dēprehendō,-ere, dēprehendī, dēprehēnsum catch, arrest

dēprōmō,-ere, dēprompsī, dēpromptum bring forth

dēscrībō,-ere, dēscrīpsī, dēscrīptum describe, register

dēsinō,-ere, dēsiī, dēsitum stop, cease

dēsistō,-ere, dēstitī stop, cease

dīcō,-ere, dīxī, dictum say, tell

dīligō,-ere, dīlēxī, dīlēctum value, love

dīmittō,-ere, dīmīsī, dīmissum dismiss, release

discēdō,-ere, discessī, discessum depart

discernō,-ere, discrēvī, discrētum divide

discumbō,-ere, discubuī, discubitum recline at table

dīvidō,-ere, dīvīsī, dīvīsum divide, part

dūcō,-ere, dūxī, ductum lead, bring

ēdiscō,-ere, ēdidicī learn thoroughly

ēdō,-ere, ēdidī, ēditum utter, bring forth, give birth

ēdūcō,-ere, ēdūxī, ēductum bring out, lead out, bring up, educate

ēligō,-ere, ēlēgī, ēlēctum pick out, choose

ēmittō,-ere, ēmīsī, ēmissum send out

emō,-ere, ēmī, emptum buy

ērumpō,-ere, ērūpī, ēruptum break out

ēvādō,-ere, ēvāsī, ēvāsum go out, come out, escape

exclūdō,-ere, exclūsī, exclūsum shut out, exclude

excolō,-ere, excoluī, excultum tend, improve

expellō,-ere, expulī, expulsum banish

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exquīrō,-ere, exquīsīvī, exquīsītum search out, discover

exstinguō,-ere, exstinxī, exstinctum kill, extinguish

exsūgō,-ere, exsūxī, exsūctum suck out

extendō,-ere, extendī, extentum overreach

extruō,-ere, extruxī, extructum build up

exuō,-ere, exuī, exūtum lay aside, cast off, deprive

fallō,-ere, fefellī, falsum deceive, escape the notice of

fingō,-ere, finxī, fictum make, fashion

flectō,-ere, flexī, flexum bend, turn

fluō,-ere, fluxī, fluxum flow

frangō,-ere, frēgī, frāctum break, corrupt

fundō,-ere, fūdī, fūsum pour, scatter, pour forth, utter

furō,-ere, furuī rave, rage

gemō,-ere, gemuī, gemitum groan

gerō,-ere, gessī, gestum carry, wear, perform, manage

glūbō,-ere pick off, rob

īgnōscō,-ere, īgnōvī, īgnōtum [+ dat.] forgive, excuse

imbuō,-ere, imbuī, imbūtum fill, taint

immergō,-ere, immersī, immersum plunge, dip

immittō,-ere, immīsī, immissum send in, let in

impōnō,-ere, imposuī, impositum place on, establish, impose

incendō,-ere, incendī, incēnsum set fire to, inflame, distress

incolō,-ere, incoluī inhabit, live

increpō,-ere, increpuī, increpitum rebuke

incurrō,-ere run (into or on to), attack

indūcō,-ere, indūxī, inductum draw upon, spread over

ingemō,-ere, ingemuī, ingemitum groan over, sigh at

inquīrō,-ere, inquīsīvī, inquīsītum inquire into

īnscendō,-ere, inscendī, inscēnsum climb on, up

īnsistō,-ere, īnstitī [3; + dat.] stand on

īnstituō,-ere, īnstituī, īnstitūtum undertake, begin

intellegō,-ere, intellēxī, intellēctum understand

interdīcō,-ere, interdīxī, interdictum [+ dat.] banish, forbid

interficiō,-ere, interfēcī, interfectum kill

intermittō,-ere, intermīsī, intermissum pause, suspend

irruō,-ere, irruī rush in

legō,-ere, lēgī, lēctum pick, select, read

linquō,-ere, līquī let go

lūdō,-ere, lūsī, lūsum play, tease

manūmittō,-ere, manūmīsī, manūmissum set free

metuō,-ere. metuī fear, be apprehensive

mittō,-ere, mīsī, missum send

neglegō,-ere, neglēxī, neglēctum [3] disregard

nigrēscō,-ere grow dark, become black

nōscō,-ere, nōvī, nōtum get knowledge of, become acquainted with (‘nōvī’ =

I know)

nūbō,-ere, nūpsī, nūptum [+ dat.] marry

obdormīscō,-ere fall asleep

obstipēscō,-ere, obstipuī be amazed

occidō,-ere, occidī, occāsum fall, die

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occīdō,-ere, occīdī, occīsum kill

occulō,-ere,-uī, occultum hide, cover

oppōnō,-ere, opposuī, oppositum place opposite

opprimō,-ere, oppressī, oppressum crush, overwhelm

ostendō,-ere, ostendī, ostentum show

parcō,-ere, perpercī, parsum [+ dat.] spare

pāscō,-ere, pāvī, pāstum feed, pasture

pellō,-ere, pepulī, pulsum drive, beat, strike

percellō,-ere, perculī, perculsum strike, discourage

perdō,-ere, perdidī, perditum ruin, waste

perfundō,-ere, perfūdī, perfūsum pour over, sprinkle, moisten

pergō,-ere, perrēxī, perrēctum go, proceed

perimō,-ere, perēmī, peremptum destroy

permittō,-ere, permīsī, permissum let go, give up, entrust

pervādō,-ere, pervāsī, pervāsum spread through, reach

petō,-ere, petīvī (-iī), petītum seek, ask, strive for, attack

pōnō,-ere, posuī, pos(i)tum put, place, put down, set up

poscō, poscere, poposcī demand, desire, beg

premō,-ere, pressī, pressum press

prōcurrō,-ere, prō(cu)currī, prōcursum rush forth

profundō,-ere, profūdī, profūsum pour forth

prōmittō,-ere, prōmīsī, prōmissum send forth, let hang down, promise

prōscindō,-ere, prōscidī, prōscissum revile

prōtegō,-ere, prōtēxī, prōtēctum protect

prōvolvō,-ere, prōvolvī, prōvolūtum roll forward

quaerō,-ere, quaesīvī (-iī) quaesītum ask, seek, look for

rādō,-ere, rāsī, rāsum shave

recumbō,-ere, recubuī recline

reddō,-ere, reddidī, redditum give back

redimō,-ere, redēmī, redemptum redeem, buy back

redūcō,-ere, redūxī, reductum bring back, lead back

refellō,-ere, refellī refute, challenge

regō,-ere, rēxī, rēctum rule

relinquō,-ere, relīquī, relictum leave, abandon

repellō,-ere, reppulī, repulsum drive back

repetō,-ere, repetīvī (-iī), repetītum seek again, return to

repōnō,-ere, reposuī, repos(i)tum put away, put down

reprehendō,-ere, reprehendī, reprehēnsum find a fault with, catch out

reprimō,-ere, repressī, repressum curb, keep in check

requīrō,-ere, requīsīvī (-iī), requīsītum seek to know

rescindō,-ere, rescidī, rescissum repeal, cancel

resistō,-ere, restitī resist

restituō,-ere, restituī, restitūtum bring back, restore

retrahō,-ere, retraxī, retractum drag back, bring back

revīsō,-ere, revīsī revisit, rejoin

rōdō,-ere, rōsī, rōsum gnaw, nibble

rumpō,-ere, rūpī, ruptum break

scindō,-ere, scidī, scissum tear, cut up

scrībō,-ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum write

serō,-ere, sēvī, sātum sow, cause, bring forth

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sinō,-ere, sīvī, situm allow

solvō,-ere, solvī, solūtum loosen, release

subdō,-ere, subdidī, subditum substitute, introduce falsely

subvertō,-ere, subvertī, subversum overthrow, upset, ruin

succēdō,-ere, successī, successum enter, approach, succeed

succingō,-ere, succinxī, succinctum gird up, tuck up

sūmō,-ere, sūmpsī, sūmptum take, take up

surgō,-ere, surrexī, surrectum rise

tangō,-ere, tetigī, tāctum touch

tendō,-ere, tetendī, tentum stretch, reach, march

texō,-ere, texī, textum weave

tollō,-ere, sustulī, sublātum take up, lift up, remove

trādō,-ere, trādidī, trāditum hand over, pass on, record

trahō,-ere, traxī, tractum draw, drag

trānsdūcō,-ere, trānsdūxī, trānsductum transfer, bring across

tribuō,-ere, tribuī, tribūtum grant, give

ūrō,-ere, ussī, ustum burn

vādō,-ere, vāsī, vāsum go, walk

vehō,-ere, vēxī, vectum carry, bring, ride, travel

vertō,-ere, vertī, versum turn

vincō,-ere, vīcī, victum conquer

vīsō,-ere, vīsī go to see, gaze on

vīvō,-ere, vīxī, vīctum live

vomō,-ere, vomuī, vomitum pour forth


conjugation verbs which appear in the course

adveniō,-īre, advēnī, adventum arrive

audiō, audīre, audīvī (-iī), audītum hear

circumveniō,-īre, circumvēnī, circumventum surround

conveniō,-īre, convēnī, conventum meet, agree

dormiō,-īre, dormīvī (-iī), dormītum sleep

ēveniō,-īre, ēvēnī, ēventum happen

exaudiō,-īre, exaudīvī (-iī), exaudītum hear clearly

expediō,-īre, expedīvī (-iī), expedītum disengage, set free

fīniō,-īre, fīnīvī (-iī), fīnītum finish, limit

hauriō,-īre, hausī, haustum drain, drink up

inveniō,-īre, invēnī, inventum discover, find

perveniō,-īre, pervēnī, perventum reach

praesentiō,-īre, praesēnsī, praesēnsum feel beforehand

pūniō,-īre, pūnīvī (-iī), pūnītum punish

saepiō,-īre, saepsī, saeptum fence in, barricade

saeviō,-īre, saeviī, saevītum rage, vent one’s fury

sciō,-īre, scīvī (-iī), scītum know

sōpiō,-īre, sōpīvī (-iī), sōpītum put to sleep, lull

veniō,-īre, vēnī, ventum come

vestiō,-īre, vestīvī (-iī), vestītum clothe, dress

Mixed conjugation verbs which appear in the course

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accipiō,-ere, accēpī, acceptum receive, take, get, welcome

adiciō,-ere, adiēcī, adiectum throw to, add

afficiō,-ere, affēcī, affectum treat, affect, afflict

aspiciō,-ere, aspexī, aspectum look upon, consider

capiō,-ere, cēpī, captum take, capture

concipiō,-ere, concēpī, conceptum conceive

cōnficiō,-ere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectum complete, finish

cōnfodiō,-ere, cōnfōdī, cōnfossum pierce, stab

cōnspiciō,-ere, cōnspexī, cōnspectum catch sight of, see

cupiō,-ere, cupīvī (-iī), cupītum desire

dēfīciō,-ere, dēfēcī, dēfectum revolt

dēiciō,-ere, dēiēcī, dēiectum throw down

dēripiō,-ere, dēripuī, dēreptum tear down

efficiō,-ere, effēcī, effectum effect, produce, bring about, accomplish

ēripiō,-ere, ēripuī, ēreptum snatch, take away

excipiō,-ere, excēpī, exceptum take, take the place of

excutiō,-ere, excussī, excussum remove

faciō,-ere, fēcī, factum do, make

fugiō,-ere, fūgī, fugitum flee, escape

incipiō,-ere, incēpī, inceptum begin, undertake

īnficiō,-ere, īnfēcī, īnfectum colour, stain, infect

īniciō,-ere, īniēcī, īniectum throw on, in

patefaciō,-ere, patefēcī, patefactum reveal, open

profugiō,-ere, prōfūgī flee away

prōiciō,-ere, prōiēcī, prōiectum throw, throw forth, throw down

rapiō,-ere, rapuī, raptum seize, take, plunder, rape

recipiō,-ere, recēpī, receptum take, accept, recover

reficiō,-ere, refēcī, refectum make again, restore

refugiō,-ere, refūgī flee back, away

sapiō,-ere taste, have good taste, be wise

satisfaciō,-ere satisfy, apologize

subiciō,-ere, subiēcī, subiectum throw under, subject, subdue

sufficiō,-ere, suffēcī, suffectum provide, supply, be enough

Chapter 10

cāsus,-ūs [m.] accident, misfortune

cōnsulātus,-ūs [m.] consulship

domus, domūs (domī) [f.] house, home, family (see p.00)

flētus,-ūs [m.] weeping, tears

gemitus,-ūs [m.] groan, sigh

gradus,-ūs [m.] step

lūctus,-ūs [m.] grief

manus,-ūs [f.] hand

metus,-ūs [m.] fear

socrus,-ūs [f.] mother-in-law

spīritus,-ūs [m.] spirit

tumultus,-ūs [m.] uproar, insurrection

vultus,-ūs [m.] face

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sum, esse, fuī be

absum, abesse, āfuī be absent

adsum, adesse, adfuī be present, at hand

eō, īre, iī, itum go

exeō,-īre, exiī, exitum go out

pereō,-īre, periī, peritum perish, die

trānseō,-īre, trānsiī, trānsitum go across, pass through

ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum bear, carry

afferō, afferre, attulī, allātum bring

auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātum take away, steal

circumferō, circumferre, circumtulī, circumlātum carry around

perferō, perferre, pertulī, perlātum endure, suffer

referō, referre, rettulī, relātum bring back, report

Additional words for Chapter 10


declension nouns which appear in the course

acus,-ūs [f.] needle

adventus,-ūs [m.] arrival

amplexus,-ūs [m.] embrace

apparātus,-ūs [m.] preparation

artus,-ūs [m.] limb

aspectus,-ūs [m.] appearance

cāsus,-ūs [m.] chance, accident, misfortune

cōnsēnsus,-ūs [m.] agreement, unanimity

cōnsulātus,-ūs [m.] consulship

cornū,-ūs [n.] horn

cultus,-ūs [m.] cultivation

currus,-ūs [m.] chariot

cursus,-ūs [m.] course

dēscēnsus,-ūs [m.] descent, way down

domus,-ūs [f.] house, home, family

ductus,-ūs [m.] leadership

exercitus,-ūs [m.] army

flētus,-ūs [m.] weeping, tears

frūctus,-ūs [m.] fruit, produce

gemitus,-ūs [m.] groan

gradus,-ūs [m.] step

ictus,-ūs [m.] blow, thrust

Īdūs, Īduum [] Ides

lūctus,-ūs [m.] grief

luxus,-ūs [m.] extravagance, excess

manus,-ūs [f.] hand

metus,-ūs [m.] fear

morsus,-ūs [m.] bite

mūgītus,-ūs [m.] bellowing

porticus,-ūs [f.] entrance, colonnade

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prīncipātus,-ūs [m.] principate, reign

quaestus,-ūs [m.] profit, business

recessus,-ūs [m.] corner, retreat

senātus,-ūs [m.] senate

sexus,-ūs [m.] sex, gender

sinus,-ūs [m.] fold of a garment, bosom

socrus,-ūs [f.] mother-in-law

spīritus,-ūs [m.] breath, spirit

strepitus,-ūs [m.] noise

tumultus,-ūs [m.] uproar, insurrection

versus,-ūs [m.] verse

vultus,-ūs [m.] face

Compounds of irregular verbs which appear in the course

sum, esse, fuī be

absum, abesse, āfuī be absent

adsum, adesse, adfuī be present, at hand

eō, īre, iī, itum go

abeō,-īre, abiī, abitum go away

adeō,-īre, adiī, aditum approach, go to

exeō,-īre, exiī, exitum go out

ineō,-īre, iniī, initum go in, enter

pereō,-īre, periī, peritum perish, die

trānseō,-īre, trānsiī, trānsitum go across, pass through

ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum bear, carry

afferō, afferre, attulī, allātum bring

auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātum take away, steal

circumferō, circumferre, circumtulī, circumlātum carry around

dēferō, dēferre, dētulī, dēlātum offer, bring down, accuse

īnferō, īnferre, intulī, illātum bring in, put on, cause

referō, referre, rettulī, relātum bring back, report

Chapter 11

put to flight, chase fugō, fugāre ….. fugiō, fugīre flee, escape

this, he hic ….. hīc here

free līber,-era,-erum ….. liber, librī book

knock down, kill occīdō, occīdere ….. occidō, occidere fall, die

prepare parō, parāre ….. pāreō, pārēre [+ dat.] obey

which, whom [f.] quam ….. quam than, as, how

indeed, even quidem ….. quīdam a certain (one), somebody

who, which quis ….. quis any(one), some(one)

which, that which quod ….. quod because

keep, protect servō, servāre ….. serviō, servīre [+ dat.] serve

deinde (sometimes shortened to dein) then, next, afterwards

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ēheu, heu alas, oh no

inde then, after that, from that place

intereā meanwhile

igitur therefore, then, accordingly

ita so, in such a way, thus

minimē not at all

modo only, recently

nōnne surely …? (expecting the answer ‘yes’)

num surely …not? (expecting the answer ‘no’)

sīc so, thus, in this way, just so, yes

tamen nevertheless, yet, still, for all that, however

umquam ever

vērō indeed, yes

Additional words for Chapter 11

Latin numbers

cardinals ordinals

I 1 ūnus,-a,-um* prīmus,-a,-um first

II 2 duo* secundus,-a,-um second

III 3 trēs, tria* tertius,-a,-um third

IV 4 quattuor quārtus,-a,-um fourth.

V 5 quīnque quīntus,-a,-um fifth

VI 6 sex sextus,-a,-um sixth

VII 7 septem septimus,-a,-um seventh

VIII 8 octō octāvus,-a,-um eighth

IX 9 novem nōnus,-a,-um ninth

X 10 decem decimus,-a,-um tenth

XI 11 ūndecim etc

XII 12 duodecim

XIII 13 tredecim

XIV 14 quattuordecim

XV 15 quīndecim * variable endings

XVI 16 sēdecim

XVII 17 septendecim

XVIII 18 duodēvigintī

XIX 19 ūndēvigintī

XX 20 vīgintī

XXI 21 ūnus* et vīgintī

XXII 22 duo* et vīgintī

XXVIII 28 duodētrīgintā

XXIX 29 ūndētrīgintā

XXX 30 trīgintā

XL 40 quadrāgintā

L 50 quīnquāgintā

LX 60 sexāgintā

LXX 70 septuāgintā

LXXX 80 octōgintā

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XC 90 nōnāgintā

C 100 centum

CI 101 centum et ūnus*

CC 200 ducentī,-ae,-a*

CCC 300 trecentī,-ae,-a*

CCCC 400 quadringentī,-ae,-a*

D 500 quīngentī,-ae,-a*

M 1000 mīlle (plural: mīlia*)

MM 2000 duo* mīlia

Chapter 12

aciēs, aciēī [f.] battleline

diēs, diēī [m./f.] day

faciēs, faciēī [f.] face, shape

fidēs, fideī [f.] faith, loyalty, trust

rēs, reī [f.] thing, matter, business, issue

spēs, spēī [f.] hope

adhūc still, yet

aut or

aut ... aut either … or

autem however, but, and now

ergō (ergo) therefore, so, accordingly, then

itaque and so, and thus

magis … quam rather … than

mox soon

quidem indeed, certainly, no less (emphasizes the word before it)

nē … quidem not even ...

quod which, because

quoque also, too

statim immediately

ubīque everywhere

vel or

vix barely, hardly, scarcely

Additional words for Chapter 12


declension nouns which appear in the course

aciēs,-ēī [f.] battle-line, battle

diēs,-ēī [m./f.] day

effigiēs,-ēī [f.] image

faciēs,-ēī [f.] face, shape

fidēs,-eī [f.] faith, loyalty, trust

rēs,-eī [f.] thing, matter, business, issue

saniēs,-ēī [f.] gore

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spēs,-ēī [f.] hope

Chapter 13

Verbs with many compounds

capiō,-ere, cēpī, captum take, capture

cēdō,-ere, cessī, cessum give way, go

dūcō,-ere, dūxī, ductum lead, bring

eō, īre, īvī (iī) go

faciō,-ere, fēcī, factum do, make

ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum carry, bear, say

iaciō,-ere, iēcī, iactum throw, hurl

mittō,-ere, mīsī, missum send

moveō,-ēre, mōvī, mōtum move, stir

pōnō,-ere, posuī, positum put, place

teneō,-ēre,-uī, tentum hold, control

veniō,-īre, vēnī, ventum come

Additional words for Chapter 13

Compound verbs which appear in this course (see Ch.10 for compounds of irregular


capiō, capere, cēpī, captum has the meaning of take:

accipiō,-ere, accēpī, acceptum receive, take

excipiō,-ere, excēpī, exceptum take, take the place of

incipiō,-ere, incēpī, inceptum begin, undertake

recipiō,-ere, recēpī, receptum take, accept, recover

cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessum has the meaning of go or yield

concēdō, concēdere, concessī, concessum retire, allow

dēcēdō, dēcēdere, dēcēssī, dēcessum go away, depart, withdraw, die

discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum depart

succēdō, succēdere, successī, successum enter, approach, succeed

dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum has the meaning of lead or bring:

abdūcō, abdūcere, abdūxī, abductum lead away, take away

dēdūcō, dēdūcere, dēdūxī, dēductum lead away, bring down, lead in a

procession, take as a bride

ēdūcō, ēdūcere, ēdūxī, ēductum bring out, lead out, bring up, educate

prōdūcō, prōdūcere, prōdūxī, prōductum lead forth, bring before

redūcō, redūcere, redūxī, reductum bring back, lead back

facio, facere, fēcī, factum has the meaning of make or do:

afficiō (adficiō), afficere, affēcī, affectum treat, affect, afflict

efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectum effect, produce, bring about, accomplish

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inficiō, inficere, infēcī, infectum colour, stain, infect

reficiō, reficere, refēcī, refectum make again, restore

satisfaciō, satisfacere, satisfēcī, satisfactum satisfy, apologize

habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum has the meaning of have, hold, possess:

adhibeō, adhibēre, adhibuī, adhibitum bring, summon, invite

exhibeō, exhibēre, exhibuī, exhibitum hold forth, present, show

praehibeō, praehibēre, praehibuī, praehibitum hold forth, furnish, supply

iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactum has the meaning of throw:

adiciō, adicere, adiēcī, adiectum throw to, add

dēiciō, dēicere, dēiēcī, dēiectum throw down

īniciō, īnicere, īniēcī, īniēctum throw in, on, put on

prōiciō, prōicere, prōiēcī, prōiectum throw, throw forth, throw down

mittō, mittere, mīsī, missum has the meaning of send or let go:

dīmittō, dīmittere, dīmīsī, dīmissum dismiss, release

ēmittō, ēmittere, ēmīsī, ēmissum send out

prōmittō, prōmittere, prōmīsī, prōmissum let go forward, let hang down,


remittō, remittere, remīsī, remissum let go back, send back

pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positum has the meaning of put, place, put down or set


compōnō, compōnere, composuī, compositum [3] compose, arrange,

settle, record, write

dēpōnō, dēpōnere, dēposuī, dēpositum put aside

impōnō, impōnere, imposuī, impositum place on, establish, impose

repōnō, repōnere, reposuī, repositum put away, put down

stō, stāre, stetī, stātum has the meaning of stand or be stationary:

obstō, obstāre, obstitī, — stand in the way, hinder, obstruct

prōstō, prōstāre, prōstitī, — stand for sale, be on sale

teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum has the meaning of hold, control, occupy

abstineō, abstinēre, abstinuī, abstentum hold back, abstain

contineō, continēre, continuī, contentum hold together, restrain

retineō, retinēre, retinuī, retentum keep, restrain

veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum has the meaning of come:

circumveniō, circumvenīre, circumvēnī, circumventum surround 1

conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventum meet, agree

inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, inventum find, come upon

perveniō, pervenīre, pervēnī, perventum reach

Typical prefixes, with assimilated forms in brackets:

1 Some compounds can govern a direct object, even though their simple forms cannot, e.g.

veniō/circumveniō: you cannot ‘come’ something, but you can ‘surround’ it.

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ā-, ab-, abs-, (au-) from, away from

ad- (acc-, aff-, agg-, all-, ann-, app-, arr-, att-, āsp-, ass-, att-) to, towards

ante- before, in front

circum- around

con- [i.e. cum] (co-, coll-, comm-, comb-, comp-, corr-) together with

dē- down, down from, lacking

dis-, dī-, (diff-, diss-) apart

ē-, ex-, (eff-) from, away from, out, out of

in- (ill-, imb-, imm-, imp-, irr-)2 in, into, on, onto, against

inter- between

ob- (occ-, off-, opp-) in the way of

per- through, thoroughly

post- after

prae- in front, at the head of, very

prō- forward, in front of

re-, red- back, again

sē- apart

sub- (succ-, suff-, sugg-, summ-, supp-, surr-, sus-) beneath, from under

super- above, over

trāns-, trā- across

Chapter 14

hic, haec, hoc this (man, woman, thing), he, she

ille, illa, illud that (man, woman, thing), he, she

is, ea, id this, that, he, she, it

sē himself, herself, itself, themselves (reflexive)

ipse, ipsa, ipsum (my/your/him/her/it)self, (our/your/them)selves (emphatic)

hīc (not hic as above) here

illīc in that place, over there

hūc to here, hither

illūc to that place, thither

hinc from here, on this side

īdem, eadem, idem (the) same:

iste, ista, istud that … near you, that … of yours

Additional words for Chapter 14 None listed

Chapter 15

cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus [1] try

fateor, fatērī, fassus [2] speak

2 The ‘in-’ prefix in some words has the very different function of negation: ‘indīgnus’ = unworthy.

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gradior, gradī, gressus [M.] step, walk, go

loquor, loquī, locūtus [3] speak

mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus [1] admire, marvel at, be surprised

morior, morī, mortuus [M.] die

patior, patī, passus [M.] allow, endure, suffer

reor, rērī, ratus [3] think, imagine, suppose

sequor, sequī, secūtus [3] follow

ūtor, ūtī, ūsus [3; + abl.] use

vereor, verērī, veritus [3] fear

Additional words for Chapter 15

Deponent verbs which appear in the course

aggredior, aggredī, aggressus [M.] attack, approach

audeō, audēre, ausus [2] dare #

cōnfiteor, cōnfitērī, cōnfessus [2] admit, confess

cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus [1] try

cūnctor, cūnctārī, cūnctātus [1] hesitate, delay

dēlector, dēlectārī, dēlectātus [1] delight, give pleasure to

faenerāror, faenerārī, faenerātus [1] lend money

fateor, fatērī, fassus [2] speak, confess, make plain

for, fārī, fātus [1] speak, utter

frūstror, frūstrārī, frūstrātus [1] deceive, elude, frustrate

gaudeō,-ēre, gāvīsus [2] rejoice #

glōrior, glōriārī, glōriātus [1] boast

imitor, imitārī [1] imitate, copy

indīgnor, indīgnārī, indīgnātus [1] think demeaning, resent

ingredior, ingredī, ingressus [M.] go forward

intueor, intuērī, intuitus [2] look upon, consider

lacrimor, lacrimārī, lacrimātus [1] weep

loquor, loquī, locūtus [3] speak

mentior, mentīrī, mentītus [4] lie

minor, minārī, minātus [1] threaten

mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus [1] be surprised, amazed

miseror, miserārī, miserātus [1] pity, feel compassion for

morior, morī, mortuus [M.] die

moror, morārī, morātus [1] delay, wait

nītor, nītī, nīsus [3] strive

orior, orīrī, ortus [4] rise, arise

patior, patī, passus [M.] allow, suffer

perpetior, perpetī , perpessus [M.] endure

persequor, persequī, persecūtus [3] pursue

precor, precārī, precātus [1] ask, entreat

queror, querī, questus [3] complain

regredior, regredī, regressus [M.] go back

reor, rērī, ratus [3] think, imagine, reckon, suppose

rēvereor, reverērī, reveritus [2] be in awe of, revere

revertor, revertī, reversus [3] return, come back, turn back

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sequor, sequī, secūtus [3] follow

suffrāgor, suffrāgārī, suffrāgātus [1] support, vote for

testor, testārī, testātus [1] declare, give evidence

trānsgredior, trānsgredī, trānsgressus [M.] go across, cross

tueor, tuērī, tuitus [2] look upon, regard, protect

ūtor, ūtī, ūsus [3; + abl.] use, profit by, benefit from

vereor, verērī, veritus [2] fear, respect

# one or two verbs are deponent only in the past tenses (called ‘semi-deponent’)

Chapter 16

ut [+ subjunctive] that, so that, in order that, with the result that

ut [+ indicative] as, when

nē [introducing a subordinate clause] that … not

nē [after a verb of fearing] lest, that

nē [+ perfect subjunctive] do not …

cum [preposition + ablative] (together) with

cum [conjunction] when, since, although

Words which may introduce an indirect command

cūrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum [1] take care, see (that)

imperō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum [1; + dat.] order

iubeō,-ēre, iussī, iussum [2] * order, tell

moneō,-ēre, monuī, monitum [2] advise

ōrō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum [1] plead, entreat

petō,-ere, petīvī (-iī), petītum [3] seek

poscō, poscere, poposcī, — [3] demand, desire, beg

postulō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum [1] demand

rogō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum [1] ask * followed not by ut + subjunctive as the others but by an infinitive

Verbs of fearing

metuō,-ere [3] fear, be apprehensive

timeō,-ēre [2] fear, be afraid of

vereor, verērī [2; deponent] fear, respect

Verbs which may introduce an indirect question

interrogō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum [1] ask, question, interrogate

quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī (quaesiī), quaesītum [3] ask, inquire, seek

rogō,-āre,-āvī,-ātum [1] ask, question

sciō,-īre, scīvī, scītum [4] know

Additional words for Chapter 16 None listed

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


Chapter 17

quis/ quī (m.), quis/ quae (f.), quid/ quod (n.) who?, which?, what?

(interrogative); who, which (relative); any (indefinite)

quam as, than, or acc.fem.sing. of quis/ quī above (whom, which)

alius, alia, aliud other, another

nūllus, nūlla, nūllum none, no

sōlus, sōla, sōlum only, sole

tōtus, tōta, tōtum whole, entire

ūllus, ūlla, ūllum any

Verbs with a range of meanings

agō, agere, ēgī, āctum

do, perform, lead, drive, rouse, excite, pursue (a course of action)

(i.e. put something in motion, stimulate some action, stir something up)

The imperative age! is often used as an encouragement: come on!

faciō, facere, fēcī, factum

make, do, perform, accomplish, prepare, produce, bring to pass, cause, effect

Faciō is the equivalent of both ‘make’ and ‘do’ in English, like its descendants

in French, Spanish and other Romance languages. The imperative fac is used

with the subjunctive with or without ut to mean see that …, make it happen

that …

ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum

bring, support, endure, bear, carry, say

gerō, gerere, gessī, gestum

bear, carry, wear, have, manage, show, perform, accomplish

(i.e. broadly to do with personal performance or appearance)

habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum

have, hold, possess, consider, deem, regard

Additional words for Chapter 17

agō, agere, ēgī, āctum

do, perform, lead, drive, rouse, excite, pursue (a course of action)

Idioms and phrases:

agō grātias [+ dat.] thank

causam agō try or plead a case

age! [imperative] come on!

Two compounds of agō appear in the course:

adigō, adigere, adēgī, adāctum [3]: see 11.9

cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctum [3]: see 10.3

faciō, facere, fēcī, factum

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make, do, perform, accomplish, prepare, produce, bring to pass, cause, effect


fac [imperative, used with the subjunctive with or without ut] make it

happen that …, see that … [19.9]

Compounds of faciō:

afficiō (adficiō), afficere, affēcī, affectum treat, affect, afflict

dēfīciō,-ere, dēfēcī, dēfectum desert, fail, revolt

efficiō, efficere, effēcī, effectum effect, produce, bring about,


inficiō, inficere, infēcī, infectum colour, stain, infect

reficiō, reficere, refēcī, refectum make again, restore

satisfaciō, satisfacere, satisfēcī, satisfactum satisfy, apologize

sufficiō,-ere, suffēcī, suffectum provide, supply

ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum

bring, support, endure, bear, carry, say

This verb has an eccentric present tense. The future and imperfect are

regular (feram, ferēs, etc; ferēbam, ferēbās, etc). The perfect and past

participle are radically different from the present ferō.

Compounds of ferō:

dēferō, dēferre, dētulī, dēlātum bring away, bring down, accuse

afferō, afferre, attulī, allātum bring to

auferō, auferre, abstulī, ablātum take away, steal

circumferō, circumferre, circumtulī, circumlātum carry around

perferō, perferre, pertulī, perlātum endure, suffer

referō, referre, rettulī, relātum bring back, report

gerō, gerere, gessī gestum

bear about with one, bear, carry, wear, have, manage, show, perform,

accomplish (broadly to do with personal performance or appearance)

Idioms and phrases:

sē gerō conduct oneself, behave

mōrem gerō [+ dat.] comply with the wishes of, gratify, humour


rēs gestae exploits, deeds, lit. the things accomplished (the title of

Augustus’ own record of his political achievements)

habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum

have, hold, possess, consider, deem, regard


pēnsī habeō,-ēre care a jot for [19.1]

cōleōs habeō,-ēre have some balls [20.3]

Compounds of habeō:

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adhibeō, adhibēre, adhibuī, adhibitum bring, summon, invite

exhibeō, exhibēre, exhibuī, exhibitum hold forth, present, show

praehibeō, praehibēre, praehibuī, praehibitum hold forth, furnish,


Chapter 18

quod which, what, any

that, namely that, in that, that which, because

quia because

quam whom, which, any (feminine accusative of quis/quī)

as, than, how … ? how … !

quam + superlative as … as possible

quamquam although

alter, altera, alterum one ... another, the one ... the other

aliquis, aliqua, aliquid any, some, anyone, someone, anything, something

(aliquī, aliquae, aliquod)

quisquis, quidquid whoever, whichever, whatever

quisquam, quidquam anyone at all

quisque, quaeque, quodque each, every

quīdam, quaedam, quiddam/quoddam a certain (person, thing)

quidem indeed, certainly, no less

nē … quidem not even

quō in/on/by/with/from…whom/which/any (masculine or neuter ablative of


to where

quā in/on/by/with/from…whom/which/any (feminine ablative of quis/quī)

by which way

by any way

Additional words for Chapter 18 None listed

Chapter 19

ācrius more keenly

adhūc still, yet

bene well

certē surely, certainly

diū for a long time

etiam also, even, yes

facile easily

forte by chance

frūstrā in vain

hīc here

iam now, already

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intereā meanwhile

maximē especially, very, most

minimē in the smallest degree, not at all, no

modo only, recently

mox soon, presently

numquam never

nunc now

ōlim once upon a time

paene nearly, almost

paulātim little by little, gradually

quoque also, too

saepe often

sānē certainly

satis enough

semper always

simul at the same time

sponte willingly, of one’s own accord

statim immediately

turpiter disgracefully

umquam ever

vix hardly, scarcely, with difficulty

Additional words for Chapter 19

Adverbs which appear in the course

ācrius rather keenly, too keenly

adeō so much, to such an extent

adhūc still, yet

aegrē with difficulty

aequē equally, in like manner, as much

aliter otherwise, by another way

amplius further, again, more so

antehāc before this, hitherto

assiduē assiduously, busily, constantly

audācter boldly

bene well

certē surely, certainly

circā, circum near, around

citius more quickly

contrā opposite

cōram openly, in public

deinde, dein then, next, afterwards

diū for a long time

ergō therefore, so, accordingly, then

etiam also, even, yes

extemplō immediately, without delay

facile easily

ferē almost, nearly

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forās out of doors

forte by chance

frūstrā in vain

hāctenus thus far

hīc here

hinc from here, on this side

hodiē today

honōrificē respectfully

hūc to here, hither

iam now, already

ibi there

identidem again and again, repeatedly

igitur therefore, then, accordingly

illīc in that place, over there

illūc to that place, thither

immō on the contrary, by no means, no

intereā meanwhile

interim sometimes, meanwhile

istīc there

ita so, in such a way, thus

iterum again, a second time

iūre rightly, justifiably

libenter willingly, gladly

magis more, rather

magnopere greatly, very much

male badly

māne early, in the morning

maximē especially, very, most

minimē in the smallest degree, not at all, no

minus less

modo only, recently

mox soon, afterwards, presently

nēquīquam in vain, fruitlessly

nimis too, too much, excessively

nōndum not yet

nōnne surely

num surely not, whether

numquam never

nunc now

nūper recently, not long ago

ōlim once, previously

omnīnō entirely, in entirety

paene nearly, almost

pariter equally, in equal degree

parum too little, not enough

passim everywhere

paulātim little by little, gradually

paulum briefly, little

persevēranter steadfastly

placidē calmly, peacefully

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plūs more

potius more, rather, preferably

praecipuē especially, chiefly

praetereā moreover

prīdem long ago, long since

prīmum, prīmō at first

procul far off, distant

prope almost

prōtinus immediately, at once

pulchrē well, splendidly

quidem indeed, certainly, even

quippe indeed, to be sure, by all means

quondam formerly

quoque also, too

rēctē properly, correctly

repente recently, suddenly

rūrsum (rūrsus) again

saepe often

sānē certainly

satis enough

scīlicet no doubt, to be sure, of course

scītē elegantly, tastefully

semper always

sīc so, thus, in this way, just so, yes

simul at the same time, together

sōlum only

sponte willingly, of one’s own accord

statim immediately

subinde then

super above

tam so

tamen nevertheless, yet, still, for all that, however

tantum only, just, merely, so much

timide timidly

tot so many

tum then, at that time

tunc then, at that time, thereupon

turpiter disgracefully

ultrā beyond

ultrō moreover, even, actually

umquam ever

ūnā together, at the same time

undique from all sides

ūnicē especially, above all

utinam if only

vērō indeed, really, certainly, for sure, yes

vērum but, certainly, yes

vix hardly, scarcely, with difficulty

vixdum scarcely yet, barely yet

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Chapter 20

Additional words for Chapter 20

Here are most of the 200+ participles as they appear in the course. A few which

settled as nouns in their own right have been omitted (e.g. ēdictum, nātus, strātum):

fluēns [1.4]

creātī [2.5]

dēligātī [2.7]

creātus [2.10]

amantem [3.9]

dicta [3.12]

audītā [4.3]

inventae [4.4]

capta [4.6]

laudantēs, mīrantēs [4.7]

subiectīs [4.10]

ārdēns, ferentīs [4.13]

occīsus, īnsepultus, prōiectus [5.1]

pulsus, occīsus [5.2]

ductus, necātus [5.7]

occīsus, prōmissum, manūmissus, dēiectus [5.10]

incepta [6.5]

cōnscrīptī, cōnātus [6.7]

perditōrum [6.8]

gubernantibus [6.9]

implōrātō [7.2]

dēprehēnsus [7.3]

interrogātus [7.4]

factūrum [7.5]

nītentem [7.8]

suffrāgantibus [7.10]

fabricātō, adgressus [7.11]

conversus [8.6]

trānsgressus, fugientem, persecūtus [8.10]

furentem [8.12]

passus [9.3]

cōnfossus, ēditō, irruentī [9.4]

coniūrātīs, occīsī, ācta [9.5]

repulsa, praefixum [9.6]

audientibus [9.9]

profugientēs [10.4]

relātum, positum, trucīdātī [10.6]

ortā, intāctam [10.7]

catēnātī, salūtātō [10.8]

ūsus, inviolātum, saevītum [10.10]

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extructam, mactātī [10.11]

composita [10.12]

praegnantem [11.1]

capta [11.2]

agēns [11.4]

fugientis, pugnantis [11.7]

persecūtus [11.8]

temptantem, mortuum [11.9]

servātam [11.10]

retractum [11.11]

addictos [11.12]

ausa, iacentem, dēliberātā, invidēns [11.14]

meritō, appellātus [12.1]

fīnīta, revocāta, restitūta [12.3]

dēlātam [12.5]

collāpsās, absūmptās [12.7]

glōriātus [12.8]

decimātās [12.12]

ēdictum [12.13]

prōditā [12.14]

missae [12.18]

satisfacientem [13.2]

adiectīs [13.4]

scissā, gaudēns [13.5]

factī [13.6]

victōs [13.8]

meritum [13.10]

memorāta [13.11]

flōrentibus, compositae [13.12]

facta [13.14]

rogātus, stante [14.2]

fictus [14.3]

dērepta [14.7]

tenente [14.8]

ōrantis, parantis, tepentem, prōvolvēns [14.10]

rēgnāta [14.11]

dictīs [14.12]

repostō repostō, lacrimāns, gemēns [14.14]

amāns, mixtās [15.1]

inductā [15.2]

sēductus [15.3]

parātam [15.13]

amantem [15.14]

caligantēs [16.1]

reversā, vīsūrus [16.2]

peritūrae [16.3]

aurātam, vestītam [16.5]

cōnsternātae [16.6]

īnstrātus [16.8]

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comptōs [16.9]

receptōs, moventēs [17.1]

ferēns, ventum, nuntiātum [17.2]

ērepta [17.3]

profūsīs, mandāta [17.5]

adoptātus [17.6]

repetīta, aestimantēs [17.7]

addēns, pēnsō [17.9]

concessum, incēnsum, flagrantem [17.10]

monēns, imperātūrō [17.11]

coctum [18.1]

damnāta [18.3]

damnātī [18.8]

maledictīs [18.13]

adcommodātus, pēnsī [19.1]

praetextātus [19.5]

ortī, ausus [19.11]

habitum, vīsus [20.2]

ēsuriēns [20.7]

querente, exclūsō [20.8]

comitātus [20.10]

revulsīs [21.4]

intermissum [21.7]

dēprehēnsus, coāctus [21.8]

lūdentibus [21.10]

currentēs, īnsistentēs [21.11]

scelerātus [22.4]

victa [22.5]

repressa [22.9]

locūtus [22.10]

prōmissō, rāsā, dēducta [23.1]

sublātīs, fundentēs [23.5]

adfecta, violātae [23.7]

vehēns, dēstinātum [23.9]

dēscēnsum [23.14]

amāns [24.1]

ingressa [24.2]

cūnctantem [24.4]

ligātī [24.5]

vīsa, dīlēcta, rapta [24.6]

pallentēs [24.9]

indīgnāta [24.13]

petentibus [25.5]

oppositīs [25.6]

sedēns, succinctā, tractae [25.9]

mersīs, fīnītā, pharetrātae, satiāta [25.10]

perfūsus [25.11]

invīsōs, imperitante, adfectus [26.1]

cōnsīderāns, respondentēs, mīrātī, respōnsō [26.2]

secūtus, cōnfitentēs, minātus, perseverantēs [26.5]

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vidēns, mortuus, plōrantem, lacrimātus [26.8]

texēns [26.9]

īrātīs, miserantibus [26.10]

interrogātus [26.13]

Chapter 21

Enclitics, exclamations and conditional conjunctions

-ne introduces a question

-que and (-que … -que = both … and)

-ve or (-ve … -ve = either … or)

nī unless, if not

nisi unless, if not, except

seu … seu (sīve … sīve) whether … or

sī if

sīn but if

-ve or (enclitic, like ‘-que’)

ecce look, see

ēheu oh no, alas!

hercle (hercule) indeed, by Hercules!

heu oh! alas!

immō on the contrary, by no means, no, to be more accurate

pol indeed, truly, by Pollux!

vae alas, oh dear

Additional words for Chapter 21

1st declension nouns which appear in the course

agricola,-ae [m.] farmer

alīptēs,-ae [m.] masseur

amīca,-ae [f.] female friend, girlfriend

amīcitia,-ae [f.] friendship

anagnōstēs,-ae [m.] reader

ancilla,-ae [f.] servant

anima,-ae [f.] spirit, soul, breath

aqua,-ae [f.] water

āra,-ae [f.] altar

audāciā,-ae [f.] boldness, presumption

aura,-ae [f.] air, breeze, fresh air

avāritia,-ae [f.] greed

bēstia,-ae [f.] beast

bybliothēca,-ae [f.] library

carīna,-ae [f.] boat

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catēna,-ae [f.] chain

cauniae,-ārum [] figs

causa,-ae [f.] case, cause

cella,-ae [f.] cellar

cēna,-ae [f.] dinner

cēra,-ae [f.] writing tablet

chorda,-ae [f.] string

clēmentia,-ae [f.] kindness

cloāca,-ae [f.] sewer

contrōversia,-ae [f.] quarrel, dispute

convīva,-ae [m.] table companion, guest

cōpia,-ae [f.] abundance, supply

culpa,-ae [f.] blame, mistake, transgression

cultūra,-ae [f.] tilling, cultivation

cūra,-ae [f.] attention, care, anxiety

dea,-ae [f.] goddess

dextra,-ae [f.] right hand

dictātūra,-ae [f.] dictatorship

discordia,-ae [f.] disagreement, strife, acrimony

dīvitiae,-ārum [] riches, wealth

domina,-ae [f.] lady, mistress

ēlegantia,-ae [f.] refinement

ēloquentia,-ae [f.] eloquence, fluency

epistula,-ae [f.] letter

essedāria,-ae [f.] female chariot fighter

fābula,-ae [f.] tale, story

fāma,-ae [f.] rumour

familia,-ae [f.] household, family

famula,-ae [f.] maidservant

fēmina,-ae [f.] woman

fenestra,-ae [f.] window

fera,-ae [f.] wild animal

fīlia,-ae [f.] daughter

fōrma,-ae [f.] beauty, shape

fortūna,-ae [f.] fortune, luck

fuga,-ae [f.] escape, flight

grātia,-ae [f.] gratitude, good will, affection, influence

habēna,-ae [f.] rein, strap

harēna,-ae [f.] arena

hasta,-ae [f.] spear

hecyra,-ae [f.] mother-in-law

historia,-ae [f.] history, story

hostia,-ae [f.] sacrificial victim

iānua,-ae [f.] door, entrance

ignāvia,-ae [f.] worthlessness, idleness

industria,-ae [f.] diligence

iniūria,-ae [f.] harm

īnsānia,-ae [f.] madness

īnsidiae,-ārum [] treachery, ambush, trap

īnsula,-ae [f.] island

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īra,-ae [f.] anger

iuventa,-ae [f.] youth

lacrima,-ae [f.] tear

laetitia,-ae [f.] joy, rejoicing, cheerfulness

lectīca,-ae [f.] litter

lingua,-ae [f.] tongue, speech

littera,-ae [f.] letter

mātrōna,-ae [f.] lady, matron

medicīna,-ae [f.] medicine, treatment

mēnsa,-ae [f.] table

mentula,-ae [f.] penis

mercātūra,-ae [f.] trade, business

ministra,-ae [f.] deaconess

mora,-ae [f.] delay

nebula,-ae [f.] mist, fog

nēquitia,-ae [f.] wickedness

noverca,-ae [f.] stepmother

opera,-ae [f.] task, effort

opulentia,-ae [f.] wealth

ōra,-ae [f.] shore, land

palla,-ae [f.] cloak

pecūnia,-ae [f.] money

philosophia,-ae [f.] philosophy

pila,-ae [f.] ball

plāga,-ae [f.] blow, lash, wound

poena,-ae [f.] punishment

poēta,-ae [m.] poet

porta,-ae [f.] gate

praeda,-ae [f.] loot, plunder

prīvīgna,-ae [f.] stepdaughter

prōvincia,-ae [f.] province, provincial command

prūdentia,-ae [f.] good sense

puella,-ae [f.] girl

pugna,-ae [f.] battle

querēla,-ae [f.] complaint, wailing

raeda,-ae [f.] carriage

rēgia,-ae [f.] palace

rēgīna,-ae [f.] queen

rēgula,-ae [f.] rule

rosa,-ae [f.] rose

ruīna,-ae [f.] ruin, destruction

saevitia,-ae [f.] cruelty

sella,-ae [f.] chair, seat

sēmita,-ae [f.] narrow path, narrow track

sera,-ae [f.] bar

serva,-ae [f.] slave (female)

silva,-ae [f.] wood

stultitia,-ae [f.] folly, foolishness

syllaba,-ae [f.] syllable

taberna,-ae [f.] shop

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tenebrae,-ārum [] darkness, gloom

terra,-ae [f.] ground, land, earth

toga,-ae [f.] toga

tunica,-ae [f.] under-garment, tunic

turba,-ae [f.] crowd

turma,-ae [f.] troop, throng

umbra,-ae [f.] shadow, shade

unda,-ae [f.] wave

ūrīna,-ae [f.] urine

vēna,-ae [f.] vein

via,-ae [f.] road

victōria,-ae [f.] victory

vīlla,-ae [f.] villa

viola,-ae [f.] violet

vīta,-ae [f.] life

Chapter 22

Verbs which may introduce an Accusative and Infinitive

audiō,-īre, audīvī (-iī), audītum [4] hear

cognōscō,-ere, cognōvī, cognitum [3] become acquainted with, learn

cōnfirmō,-āre, cōnfirmāvī, cōnfirmātum [1] establish, confirm

cōnstituō,-ere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtum [3] determine, decide

crēdō,-ere, crēdidī, crēditum [3; + dat.] believe, trust

dīcō,-ere, dīxī, dictum [3] say, tell

ferō, ferre, tulī, lātum bear, tell, say

iubeō,-ēre, iussī, iussum [2] order, tell (instruct)

mīror,-ārī, mīrātus [1; deponent] be surprised, be amazed

negō,-āre, negāvī, negātum [1] say that … not, deny

nuntiō,-āre, nuntiāvī, nuntiātum [1] announce

putō,-āre, putāvī, putātum [1] think, consider, reflect, suppose

referō, referre, rettulī, relātum report

reor, rērī, ratus [3; deponent] think, imagine, suppose

sciō,-īre, scīvī, scītum [4] know

testor,-ārī, testātus [1; deponent] declare, give evidence

trādō,-ere, trādidī, trāditum [3] hand over, pass on, record

videō,-ēre, vīdī, vīsum [2] see

Additional words for Chapter 22


declension nouns which appear in the course

All these nouns are masculine except humus,-ī [feminine] and virus,-ī and vulgus,-ī

[neuter]. 2nd declension neuter nouns like vīnum,-ī are included under Chapter 23.

adversārius,-ī [m.] opponent

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ager,-grī [m.] field, estate

amīcus,-ī [m.] a (male) friend

animus,-ī [m.] mind, intention, feeling, courage

annus,-ī [m.] year

asinus,-ī [m.] donkey

avunculus,-ī [m.] uncle, great-uncle

barbarus,-ī [m.] foreigner

bēstiārius,-ī [m.] animal fighter

caballus,-ī [m.] horse

calathus,-ī [m.] basket

camēlus,-ī [m.] camel

capillus,-ī [m.] hair

captīvus,-ī [m.] captive, prisoner

cāseus,-ī [m.] cheese

cervus,-ī [m.] deer, stag

cinaedus,-ī [m.] sodomite

cocus,-ī [m.] cook (alt. spelling of ‘coquus,-ī’)

cognātus,-ī [m.] kinsman

cōleus,-ī [m.] sack, scrotum

coniūrātus,-ī [m.] conspirator

dēnārius,-ī [m.] denarius

deus,-ī [m.] god

digitus,-ī [m.] finger

discipulus,-ī [m.] student

dolus,-ī [m.] trick, malice

dominus,-ī [m.] lord, master

elephantus,-ī [m.] elephant

erus,-ī [m.] master

essedārius,-ī [m.] chariot fighter

fīlius,-ī [m.] son

gener,-ī [m.] son-in-law

gladius,-ī [m.] sword

grammaticus,-ī [m.] teacher

haedus,-ī [m.] young goat, kid

humus,-ī [f.] earth, ground, soil

labyrinthus,-ī [m.] labyrinth

lacertus,-ī [m.] arm

lanius,-ī [m.] butcher

lectus,-ī [m.] bed, couch

lēgātus,-ī [m.] commander, commissioned officer

libellus,-ī [m.] little book

liber,-brī [m.] book

lībertus,-ī [m.] freedman

librārius,-ī [m.] clerk, secretary

locus,-ī [m.] place

lūcus,-ī [m.] wood, grove

lūdus,-ī [m.] school, game

magister,-trī [m.] master

magus,-ī [m.] sorcerer

marītus,-ī [m.] husband

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medicus,-ī [m.] doctor

mercēnārius,-ī [m.] mercenary, hired hand

modus,-ī [m.] extent, manner, method

morbus,-ī [m.] disease

mūlus,-ī [m.] mule

mundus,-ī [m.] world

nātus,-ī [m.] son

nōdus,-ī [m.] knot

numerus,-ī [m.] number

nummus,-ī [m.] coin

oculus,-ī [m.] eye

ōstiārius,-ī [m.] doorkeeper

pālus,-ī [m.] stake, pole

pannus,-ī [m.] rag, cloth

pantomīmus,-ī [m.] pantomime artist

ponticulus,-ī [m.] little bridge

populus,-ī [m.] people

praefectus,-ī [m.] commander, prefect

profugus,-ī [m.] fugitive

propinquus,-ī [m.] relative

puer,-ī [m.] boy

reus,-ī [m.] defendant

rīvus,-ī [m.] stream

servus,-ī [m.] slave

socer,-ī [m.] father-in-law

socius,-ī [m.] colleague, comrade

somnus,-ī [m.] sleep

taurus,-ī [m.] bull

thēsaurus,-ī [m.] treasure

tribūnus,-ī [m.] tribune

triumphus,-ī [m.] triumph

triumvir,-ī [m.] triumvir

ventus,-ī [m.] wind

veterānus,-ī [m.] veteran

vīcīnus,-ī [m.] neighbour

vīcus,-ī [m.] village, street

vir,-ī [m.] man, husband

vīrus,-ī [n.] poison, slime

vulgus,-ī [n.] crowd

Chapter 23

Interrogative words which appear in the course

cūr why

quā by what way

quālis* of what sort

quam how

quandō when

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quantus* how great, how many

quārē why, for what reason

quid* what, why

quis* who

quō to where

quot how many

quotiēns how often, how many times

ubī (ubi) where, when * variable endings

Additional words for Chapter 23


declension neuter nouns which appear in the course

aconītum,-ī [n.] poison

adulterium,-ī [n.] act of adultery

adversum,-ī [n.] calamity, misfortune

amiculum,-ī [n.] cloak

amphitheātrum,-ī [n.] amphitheatre

angiportum,-ī [n.] alley

arbitrium,-ī [n.] will, bidding, authority

argentum,-ī [n.] silver

arma,-ōrum [] weapons, forces

arvum,-ī [n.] ploughed field, plain

ātrium,-ī [n.] hall

aurum,-ī [n.] gold

auspicia,-ōrum [] auspices

auxilium,-ī [n.] help, aid

bal(i)neum,-ī [n.] bath

bellum,-ī [n.] war

bona,-ōrum [n.] goods, property

caelum,-ī [n.] heaven, sky

coniugium,-ī [n.] union, marriage

cōnsilium,-ī [n.] intention, plan, advice

cōnsultum,-ī [n.] decree, resolution

convītium,-ī [n.] abuse

convīvium,-ī [n.] banquet, dinner-party

damnum,-ī [n.] loss

dēlēnīmentum,-ī [n.] allurement

dēlictum,-ī [n.] fault, offence, wrong

discidium,-ī [n.] divorce

documentum,-ī [n.] example, demonstration

dōnum,-ī [n.] gift

ēdictum,-ī [n.] decree

exemplum,-ī [n.] example, precedent

exilium,-ī [n.] exile

exitium,-ī [n.] destruction, ruin

factum,-ī [n.] deed, action, thing done

fātum,-ī [n.] fate

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feretrum,-ī [n.] bier, stretcher

ferrum,-ī [n.] iron instrument, knife, sword

flagellum,-ī [n.] whip

flāgitium,-ī [n.] shameful act, disgrace, crime

forum,-ī [n.] forum

fundāmentum,-ī [n.] foundation

gaudium,-ī [n.] joy

hordeum,-ī [n.] barley

imperium,-ī [n.] power, empire

incendium,-ī [n.] fire

indicium,-ī [n.] information, evidence

iūdicium,-ī [n.] court, trial, judgment

iugum,-ī [n.] summit, ridge

iūmentum,-ī [n.] pack animal

labrum,-ī [n.] lip

lētum,-ī [n.] death

līlium,-ī [n.] lily

maledictum,-ī [n.] abuse

mancipium,-ī [n.] slave

mātrimōnium,-ī [n.] marriage

membrum,-ī [n.] limb

meritum,-ī [n.] service, worth

merum,-ī [n.] wine

ministerium,-ī [n.] service

moenia,-ōrum [] walls

negōtium,-ī [n.] business

obsequium,-ī [n.] compliance, submission

ōdium,-ī [n.] hatred, ill-feeling

ōrnāmentum,-ī [n.] ornament

ōtium,-ī [n.] leisure, free time, peace

patrimōnium,-ī [n.] inheritance

pēnsum,-ī [n.] weight (of wool), importance

praemium,-ī [n.] reward

praesidium,-ī [n.] defence, protection, guard

pretium,-ī [n.] price, value

proelium,-ī [n.] combat, battle

rēctum,-ī [n.] virtue, uprightness

rēgnum,-ī [n.] territory, dominion

remedium,-ī [n.] cure

respōnsum,-ī [n.] reply, response

rōstrum,-ī [n.] snout, muzzle, beak of a ship; [pl.] speaker’s platform

saeculum,-ī [n.] generation, lifetime; [pl.] age, times

scrīpulum,-ī [n.] small weight, scrap

signum,-ī [n.] sign, standard

silentium,-ī [n.] silence

spatium,-ī [n.] space

spectāculum,-ī [n.] show, a seat at a show

studium,-ī [n.] eagerness, inclination, study

stuprum,-ī [n.] lust, defilement

supplicium,-ī [n.] punishment

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testāmentum,-ī [n.] will

testimōnium,-ī [n.] evidence

tormentum,-ī [n.] torture

tribūtum,-ī [n.] tribute

tympanum,-ī [n.] drum, tambourine

vēnābulum,-ī [n.] hunting spear

venēnum,-ī [n.] poison

verbum,-ī [n.] word

vērum,-ī [n.] truth

vestibulum,-ī [n.] hall, porch

vestīgium,-ī [n.] trace, footstep

vīnum,-ī [n.] wine

vitrum,-ī [n.] glass, woad

vīvārium,-ī [n.] pond, aquarium

vōtum,-ī [n.] promise, wish, desire

Chapter 24

Additional words for Chapter 24

Prepositions which appear in this course:

ā (ab) [+ abl.] by, from, away from

ad [+ acc.] to, towards, at

ante [+ acc.] before, in front of

apud [+ acc.] in the presence of, near, with, among

cōram [+ abl.] in the presence of

cum [+ abl.] with, together with

dē [+ abl.] from, down from, concerning

ē (ex) [+ abl.] out of, from, away from

in [+ acc.] into, onto, against; [+abl.] in, on

inter [+ acc.] among, between

ob [+ acc.] because of

per [+ acc.] by means of, through, across, for

post [+ acc.] after, behind

prae [+ abl.] before, in front of

praeter [+ acc.] except, besides

prō [+ abl.] in place of, in return for, for the sake of

prope [+ acc.] near

propter [+ acc.] because of

sine [+ abl.] without

sub [+ acc./abl.] beneath, under

suprā [+ acc.] beyond

trāns [+ acc.] across

ultrā [+ acc.] more, above, beyond

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Chapter 25

Word pairs and correlatives

alter* … alter* one … the other

aut … aut either … or

cum … tum as … so …; both … and; not only … but also

et ... et both ... and

id* … quod* (and other pronouns with quī, quae, quod) that ... which

ita ... ut [+ subjunctive] so/ in such a way ... that

modo … modo sometimes … sometimes, now … now

neque … neque (nec … nec) neither … nor

nōn sōlum/tantum ... sed/vērum etiam not only ... but also

quantus* ... tantus* as much/many as ... so much/many

-que ... -que both ... and

quot ... tot as many .... so many

seu … seu (sīve … sīve) whether … or

sīc ... ut so ... as

simul ... simul while ... at the same time

tālis* ... quālis* of such a kind ... as

tam ... quam as (much) ... as

ut ... ita as ... so

vel ... vel either ... * variable endings

Additional words for Chapter 25

These adverbs and conjunctions appear in the course:

ac and

ācrius rather keenly, too keenly

adeō so much, to such an extent

adhūc still, yet

aegrē with difficulty

aequē equally, in like manner, as much

aliter otherwise, by another way

amplius further, again, more so

an or, whether

antehāc before this, hitherto

assiduē constantly, busily

at but, but indeed, and indeed

atque (ac) and

audācter boldly

aut, aut … aut or, either … or

autem however, but, now

bene well

certē surely, certainly

circā (circum) near, around (also preposition + acc.)

citius more quickly

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contrā opposite (also preposition + acc.)

cōram openly, in public (also preposition + abl. = in the presence of)

cum when, since, as soon as, whereas, although (also preposition + abl.

= with, together with)

deinde (dein) then, next, afterwards

diū for a long time

dōnec while, as long as, until

dum while, as long as, until

enim for, I mean, in fact, to be sure, the fact is, you see

ergō therefore, so, accordingly, then

et and, even, and also

et ... et both ... and

etiam also, (and) even, yes

etsī although, albeit

extemplō immediately, without delay

facile easily

ferē almost, nearly

forās out of doors

forte by chance

frūstrā in vain

hāctenus thus far

hīc here

hinc from here, on this side

hodiē today

honōrificē respectfully

hūc to here, hither

iam now, already

ibi there

identidem again and again, repeatedly

igitur therefore, then, accordingly

illīc in that place, over there

illūc to that place, thither

immō on the contrary, by no means, no

inde then, after that, from that place

intereā meanwhile

interim sometimes, meanwhile

istīc there

ita so, in such a way, thus

itaque and so, therefore, for that reason

iterum again, a second time

iūre rightly, justifiably

libenter willingly

magis more, rather

magnopere greatly, very much

male badly

māne early, in the morning

maximē especially, very, most

minimē least, not at all, no

minus less

modo only, recently

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


modo … modo sometimes … sometimes, now … now

mox soon, afterwards, presently

nam for, in fact

nē that … not, lest, (+ perfect subjunctive ‘do not …’)

neque (nec) and not, but not

neque … neque (nec … nec) neither … nor

nēquīquam in vain, fruitlessly

nimis too, too much, excessively

nisi unless, if not, except

nōndum not yet

nōnne surely

num surely not, whether

numquam never

nunc now

nūper recently, not long ago

ōlim once, previously

omnīnō entirely, in entirety

paene nearly, almost

pariter equally, in equal degree

parum too little, not enough

passim everywhere

paulātim little by little, gradually

paulum briefly, little

persevēranter steadfastly

placidē calmly, peacefully

plūs more

postquam after

potius more, rather, preferably

praecipuē especially, chiefly

praetereā moreover

prīdem long ago, long since

prīmum, prīmō at first

procul far off, distant (also preposition + abl. = far from)

prope almost (also preposition + acc. = near)

prōtinus immediately, at once

pulchrē well, splendidly

quam as, than; (also acc.fem. = whom, which)

quamquam although

quamvīs although, even if, and yet

quandō when, since, as

quasi as if

quia because, that

quidem indeed, certainly, even (nē … quidem = not even …)

quippe indeed, to be sure, by all means

quod because, that, that which, in that, which, any, what

quondam formerly

quoniam since

quoque also, too

rēctē properly, correctly

repente recently, suddenly

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


rūrsum (rūrsus) again

saepe often

sānē certainly

satis enough

scīlicet no doubt, to be sure, of course

scītē elegantly, tastefully

sed but

semper always

seu (sīve) ... seu (sīve) whether ... or

sī if

sīc so, thus, in this way, just so, yes

sīcut as, just as

simul at the same time, together

sīn but if

sōlum only

sponte willingly, of one’s own initiative

statim immediately

subinde then

super above (also preposition + acc./abl. = on, upon)

tam so

tamen nevertheless, yet, still, for all that, however

tamquam as much as, just as, as if

tandem at last, finally, (in questions) now, pray

tantum only, just, so much

timide timidly

tot so many

tum then, in those times, at that moment

tunc then, at that time, thereupon

turpiter disgracefully

ubī where, when

ultrā beyond (also preposition + acc. = beyond, past)

ultrō moreover, even, actually

umquam ever

ūnā together, at the same time

undique from all sides

ūnicē especially, above all

ut (utī) [+ subjunctive] that, so that, in order that, with the result that; [+

indicative] as, when, how

utinam if only

utrum whether

vel or, or if you will

velut(i) just as, like

vērō indeed, really, certainly, for sure, yes

vērum but, certainly, yes

vix hardly, scarcely, with difficulty

vixdum scarcely yet, barely yet

Chapter 26

Additional vocabulary : The Complete Latin Course (Routledge 2014), © GDA Sharpley 2014


Verbs which take an object in the dative

faveō,-ēre [2] favour

īgnōscō,-ere [3] forgive, excuse

imperō,-āre [1] command

indulgeō,-ēre [2] gratify, yield

interdīcō,-ere [3] banish, forbid

invideō,-ēre [2] envy, begrudge

noceō,-ēre [2] harm, injure

parcō,-ere [3] spare

pāreō,-ēre [2] obey

prōsum, prōdesse, prōfuī be of use to

serviō,-īre [4] be a slave (to), serve

Verbs which take an object in the ablative

careō,-ēre [2] be without, lack, lose

ūtor,-ī [3; deponent] use, profit by, benefit from