adelaide institute 959.pdfcar and yelled, 'trump 2016!' in los angeles, just days after i...

1 ADELAIDE INSTITUTE PO Box 3300 Adelaide 5067 Online Australia ISSN 1440-9828 Mob: 61+401692057 Email: [email protected] Web: May 2016 No 959 _____________________________________________________________________ Fredrick Töben predicts: It is clear as a bell that Donald Trump will become President of the USA 20 January 2017 inauguration! Surviving the Final Bubble - [Adelaide Institute asks: THE BIG QUESTION FOR DONALD TRUMP IS THE HOLOCAUST will be permit free expression on this contentious historical issue?] ______________________________________________________________________ Why Section 18C can’t cut it in the High Court Gary Johns , Brisbane THE AUSTRALIAN, MAY 4, 2016 12:00AM Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act would not survive a High Court challenge. This is the confronting, comforting and annoying conclusion of a study by legal academics from Murdoch University. Confronting because I cannot recall another academic lawyer make the case. Perhaps they felt it was better to roll with the victim crowd. Comforting to know there is a remedy to idiocy. Annoying that not only has no one taken it to court, but also that relying on the court’s interpretation is risky. The court may entrench idiocy. The authors of No Offence Intended: Why 18C is Wrong are unlikely to receive any invitations to a grievance industry soiree. They are quite firm in their conclusion that section 18C is wrong. It is wrong in law, which is to say it is not constitutional, and it is contrary to Australia’s common law traditions and liberal democracy. Section 18C is unconstitutional on two grounds. It is not supported by the external affairs power of the Constitution and it infringes the freedom of communication about government and political matters that is implied in the Constitution. The authors, however, are tough on racism. They recommend the Commonwealth Parliament enact legislation making incitement to violence based on race, colour, national or ethnic origin a crime. They argue that “racist speech not advocating racial enmity or racial violence” is better fought by civil society using freedom of expression and association, not by state restriction on speech. Of course, who would take a matter to the High Court to have 18C struck down is a matter of some conjecture. There is a matter at present before the Federal Circuit Court concerning an employee of the Queensland University of Technology and some non-Aboriginal students. If it were to go on to the High Court the question is whether the terms found in section 18C, namely “offence”, “insult”, “humiliation” and “intimidation”, were interpreted broadly or narrowly. The authors conclude, one might think, that these terms would likely be interpreted narrowly. The argument that 18C is not supported by the external affairs power is fascinating. In short, 18C simply does not translate into an obligation under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. It does not translate because the obligations are not sufficiently specific. Nor is 18C capable of being considered adapted to implementing the convention. This is because 18C prohibition of offensive, insulting and humiliating acts “greatly overreaches” the obligations under the convention, and fails to balance freedom of expression, which is expressly guaranteed under the convention. Further, the International Covenant on Civil and

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Page 1: ADELAIDE INSTITUTE 959.pdfcar and yelled, 'Trump 2016!' in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house,' the artist's Instagram post reads


ADELAIDE INSTITUTE PO Box 3300 Adelaide 5067 Online

Australia ISSN 1440-9828

Mob: 61+401692057

Email: [email protected]


May 2016 No 959


Fredrick Töben predicts:

It is clear as a bell that Donald Trump will become President of the USA – 20 January 2017 inauguration!

Surviving the Final Bubble -

[Adelaide Institute asks: THE BIG QUESTION FOR DONALD TRUMP IS THE HOLOCAUST – will be permit free expression

on this contentious historical issue?]


Why Section 18C can’t cut it in the High Court

Gary Johns, Brisbane THE AUSTRALIAN, MAY 4, 2016 12:00AM

Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act would not survive a High Court challenge. This is the confronting, comforting and annoying conclusion of a study by legal academics from Murdoch University. Confronting because I cannot recall another academic lawyer make the case. Perhaps they felt it was better to roll with the victim crowd. Comforting to know there is a remedy to idiocy. Annoying that not only has no one taken it to court, but also that relying on the court’s interpretation is risky. The court may entrench idiocy. The authors of No Offence Intended: Why 18C is Wrong are unlikely to receive any invitations to a grievance industry soiree.

They are quite firm in their conclusion that section 18C is wrong. It is wrong in law, which is to say it is not constitutional, and it is contrary to Australia’s common law traditions and liberal democracy. Section 18C is unconstitutional on two grounds. It is not supported by the external affairs power of the Constitution and it infringes the freedom of communication about government and political matters that is implied in the Constitution. The authors, however, are tough on racism. They recommend the Commonwealth Parliament enact legislation making

incitement to violence based on race, colour, national or ethnic origin a crime. They argue that “racist speech not advocating racial enmity or racial violence” is better fought by civil society using freedom of expression and association, not by state restriction on speech. Of course, who would take a matter to the High Court to have 18C struck down is a matter of some conjecture. There is a matter at present before the Federal Circuit Court concerning an employee of the Queensland University of Technology and some non-Aboriginal students. If it were to go on to the High Court the question is whether the terms found in section 18C, namely “offence”, “insult”, “humiliation” and “intimidation”, were interpreted broadly or narrowly. The authors conclude, one might think, that these terms would likely be interpreted narrowly. The argument that 18C is not supported by the external affairs power is fascinating. In short, 18C simply does not translate into an obligation under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. It does not translate because the obligations are not sufficiently specific. Nor is 18C capable of being considered adapted to implementing the convention. This is because 18C prohibition of offensive, insulting and humiliating acts “greatly overreaches” the obligations under the convention, and fails to balance freedom of expression, which is expressly guaranteed under the convention. Further, the International Covenant on Civil and

Page 2: ADELAIDE INSTITUTE 959.pdfcar and yelled, 'Trump 2016!' in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house,' the artist's Instagram post reads


Political Rights does not support section 18C, again the section overreaches the obligations under the convention. Most of all, they argue 18C “impermissibly” infringes the freedom of communication about government and political matters implied from the Constitution. In short, section 18C “is fundamentally incompatible with Australia’s system of representative and responsible government”. Section 18C “burden(s) the implied freedom of political communication as it affects speech that Australian electors would employ” to discuss legislation and government actions. Section 18C is not compatible with representative and responsible government because Australians who under the

Constitution are “the people in which sovereignty ultimately resides and from whom Australian parliaments derive their authority, must be able to fully, frankly and robustly discuss controversial government and political matters, including those involving race, colour, ethnicity or nationality. Such discussion may involve employing language that some (or even most) find offensive, insulting or even humiliating.”

Those seven (not so) Liberal members from Sydney who, fearing “ethnic” voters, pressed Tony Abbott to break his promise on 18C should hang their heads in shame. The authors’ contempt for 18C is nicely summed up by the observation that, “a breach of section 18C does not require anyone to be actually offended, insulted or humiliated. All that is required is that an act be ‘reasonably likely’ to offend, insult or humiliate.” Just in case the matter is never heard before the High Court, the authors suggest legislative amendment. They suggest that a law prohibiting racial hatred be narrowly focused, confined to particular contexts such as employment, education or providing

accommodation, goods or services. Then again, the law could be confined to “expression manifesting or creating hate”. Thank goodness there are some good people out there. No Offence Intended: Why 18C is Wrong by Joshua Forrester, Lorraine Finlay and Augusto Zimmermann (Connor Court).

_______________________________________________ Artist who painted an unflattering nude portrait of Donald Trump says she was

attacked by his supporters - as she shares shocking photos of her injuries By NELSON GROOM FOR DAILY MAIL AUSTRALIA

PUBLISHED: 20:24 EST, 3 May 2016 | UPDATED: 00:05 EST, 4 May 2016

The artist painted an unfaltering image of what she imagines the billionaire businessman might look like naked *Illma Gore has taken to social to share images of herself with a black eye *The artist claims a Donald Trump supporter punched her in California *She painted a controversial nude painting of Trump earlier this year *Said she received thousands of death threats after the image went viral *Artwork is displayed in a London gallery and valued at

$1.87 million *Picture was banned by Facebook and had its sale on eBay blocked

Illma Gore claims she has been assaulted by a Donald Trump supporter near her Californian home

The artist who shot to fame after painting a nude portrait of Donald Trump claims she was assaulted near her home by one of the US Republican front-runner's supporters. Illma Gore took to social to share images of herself with a black eye, claiming a man got out of his car in California's La Cienega Boulevard and punched her in the face while chanting 'Trump 2016'. The Australian-born artist was thrust into the spotlight in February after painting an unflattering image of the billionaire businessman without any clothes on - including a micro-sized penis. 'Today I was punched in the face by a man who got out of his car and yelled, 'Trump 2016!' in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house,' the artist's Instagram post reads. 'This type of violence makes creatives feel like we live in a world where our individual creative input isn't safe.' 'Though I encourage passion, opinion and emotion, especially though art, I think violence is disgusting…Please stop glamorizing and perpetuating violence. Make America Decent Again!' In a follow up post and image of her bruises on Monday, Gore urged anyone who 'saw anything on La Cienega on Friday' to come forward and speak with police.

The artist urged anyone who 'saw anything on La Cienega on Friday' to come forward and speak with police The artist said her attacker fled the scene and is yet to be caught, but that she filed a detailed police report after the incident. She had previously spoken out about receiving 1,000's of death threats for the pastel based pencil and oil paint artwork, which was refused to be exhibited in the US due to threats from Trump supporters. Last month Gore claimed she was contacted by an anonymous number threatening legal action if the artwork was sold, reports The Independent. 'They claimed to be from Trump's team,' she said.

Page 3: ADELAIDE INSTITUTE 959.pdfcar and yelled, 'Trump 2016!' in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house,' the artist's Instagram post reads


Last month Gore claimed she was contacted by an anonymous number threatening legal action if the artwork was sold

She had previously spoken out about receiving 1,000 death threats from supporters of the US presidential candidate The picture was also reportedly banned by Facebook after it went viral and attempts to auction the artwork on eBay were thwarted when that site removed it. Instead the Make America Great Again - a play on Trump's own slogan - was exhibited for the public at the Maddox Gallery in London, where it was has been priced at $1.87 million. Gore said she plans to carry ahead with the sale of the artwork and donate some of the proceeds to Sage Place for Youth, a charity supporting homeless young people. 'It is my art and I stand by it. Plus anyone who is afraid of a

fictional penis is not scary to me,' she said. ***

Naked Donald Trump coming to London:

Controversial painting... Artist uses her menstrual blood and a tampon to paint a...



Trump: The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony

By Carolyn Yeager on Thu, 2016-04-28 02:42 IN HIS FOREIGN POLICY SPEECH today, Donald Trump made it clear that he really means it when he says he wants to make America great again. Though there was nothing scary in his speech, unless you are a globalist (which many are), the real jewel hidden in his speech came near the end: We will no longer surrender this country or its people to thefalse song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down. And then he said: "And under my administration, we will never enter America into any agreement that reduces our ability to control our own affairs."

Donald Trump speaking on foreign policy in his address to the Center for the National Interest in Washington DC on Wednesday. Beautiful stuff, and I'm certain he means it. Of course, he also said this in the beginning: In the 1940s we saved the world. The greatest generation beat back the Nazis and Japanese imperialists. Then we saved the world again. This time, from totalitarianism and communism. I'm not sure he really believes this, but he needs to say it in order to be President of the United States. This is the first time I've ever heard him use the word "Nazi" and I don't think it's a

word that's common in his vocabulary. He does have a misunderstanding of America's role in the 1940's but then I think what he was getting at is that America was really strong then, and he wants to become strong again. In fact, the main reason I would never vote for Ted Cruz is that he believes in and practices total obsequiousness to Israel. It's to such a degree that he practically thinks the US exists to serve Israel, just like the Federal Republic of Germany. All Trump said is: "President Obama has not been a friend to Israel." I think it's important to remind Mr. Trump that Israel has not been a friend to us! There is the U.S.S. Liberty bombing with the murder of our servicemen; the spying, for example the Jonathan Pollard affair; the effort to destabilize the middle east and get US to fight the wars. This is not friendship and President Trump will eventually (hopefully) have to acknowledge it. He did say in the speech: "... our allies are not paying their fair share, and I’ve been

talking about this recently a lot. Our allies must contribute toward their financial, political, and human costs, have to do it,of our tremendous security burden. But many of them are simply not doing so." It's a certainty that Israel doesn't do so, but he never mentions Israel when he points to Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Germany. This cost-conscious President will surely need to be reminded about Israel's cost to us again and again, even if it is Congress who votes all those billions for Israel. But I am thrilled that he wants to preserve the nation-state, which means he recognizes nationalities, and the different cultures that go along with them as having to be protected from international corporations and the agenda of the globalist elites. Build that wall! *


Carolyn Yeager advises:

Page 4: ADELAIDE INSTITUTE 959.pdfcar and yelled, 'Trump 2016!' in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house,' the artist's Instagram post reads


Notice to readers who have signed up to receive mail from me

Published by Carolyn on Sat, 2016-04-30 16:08

IF YOU ARE USING A HOTMAIL EMAIL ADDRESS, you do not receive the mailing ("newsletter") that I send out irregularly. Hotmail blocks mail from If you want to receive mail from me, you must go through a process with Hotmail to make an exception for my mail, OR use an email address that is not associated with Hotmail. I will be removing all blocked Hotmail addresses from my subscription list. Thank you, Carolyn

___________________________________________________ Da höre ich um 18.00 Uhr in den DLF-Nachrichten folgende Meldung:

Sachsen Zusammenstöße bei Mai-Demonstrationen in Bochum und Plauen „1. Mai in Plauen – dpa/Sebastian Willnow

In Bochum ist es bei einer Demonstration gegen Rechts zu Ausschreitungen gekommen. Nach Angaben der Polizei warfen linke Gegendemonstranten Steine und andere Gegenstände auf Polizisten und verletzten zwei von ihnen. Anlass war eine Kundgebung der NPD mit etwa 180 Teilnehmern, an der Gegendemo beteiligten sich 2.400 Menschen. – Im sächsischen Plauen wurde die Polizei nach eigenen Angaben

sowohl von linken als auch von rechten Demonstranten angegriffen. Die Behörden sprachen von einem massiven Gewaltausbruch. Daraufhin habe man Wasserwerfer eingesetzt. In Plauen hatten sich etwa 500 Neonazis und 1.000 Gegendemonstranten versammelt.“ Gegendemonstranten, das sind die staatlich geförderten Kämpfer gegen "Rechts". Ab 2017 sollen aus dem FAMILIENministerium 100 Millionen Euro dafür bereitgestellt werden; zur Zeit fließen 50 Millionen Euro in diesen kriminellen Irrsinn. berichtet ausführlich darüber:

"Regierung verdoppelt Ausgaben gegen rechts CDU und SPD planen von 2017 an mehr Geld für die Prävention rechter Gewalt ein. Initiativen und Projekte in den Kommunen sollen 50 Millionen Euro zusätzlich erhalten." Nun scheint die terroristische Antifa zu sehr ins Gerede gekommen zu sein, da taucht nun eine neue gewalttätige Truppe auf, die gestern in Stuttgart schon mal ihren sogenannten Widerstand vorführte. Immerhin wurden bis zu 500 Randalierer und Gewalttäter festgenommen. Und dann trat gestern Vormittag in PHOENIX ein Florian Sommer vor die Kamera und hat erklärt, die Polizei sei schuld daran, dass man die AfD-ler angegriffen hat. Diese hätte die AfD-Mitglieder nicht über "ihren" Demonstrationsplatz laufen lassen dürfen. Wer ist dieser Sommer und wer die Organisation "Nationalismus ist keine Alternative"? Nun, das Internet klärte mich sofort auf: Unter fand ich u. a.: "Busse aus mehreren Städten fahren daher am 30.04 nach Stuttgart um dort erst mit Blockaden den AfD-Parteitag zu verhindern und dann mit einer antirassistischen Demonstration den nationalen Konsens der etablierten Parteien zu kritisiere. Einen Tag darauf, am 1.Mai, wird dann mit einer antifaschistischen Demonstration unter dem Motto: „Time to act“ der Nazi-Demonstration in Plauen etwas entgegengesetzt“. 1. Mai Plauen Ab 9:00Uhr Antifaschistische Demo, Plauen Oberer Bahnhof Busse nach Plauen fahren aus: Berlin, Dresden, Jena, Leipzig, Regensburg

Aktuelle Informationen finden sie außerdem auf Für Rückfragen steht ihnen unsere Pressesprecher Andreas Funk: 0152 19334042 (Schwerpunkt: 1. Mai Plauen) und Florian Sommer: 0152 59771367 (Schwerpunkt: 30. April Stuttgart) gerne zur Verfügung." Da wird seit Tagen öffentlich zu

Gewalt aufgerufen, aber plötzlich sind Polizei und investigative Journalisten völlig uninformiert? Da fahren die Gewalttäter mit Bussen sie durch die BRD, um Terror auszuüben. Wer bezahlt die teuren Busse? Und wo sind unterdessen der Staatsschutz bzw. der VS? Der MDR meldete „In Plauen ist es bei Demonstrationen von Rechten und

Linken zu schweren Ausschreitungen gekommen. Die Polizei sprach auf Twitter von einem "massiven Gewaltausbruch". Sowohl von Linken wie auch von Rechten habe es Angriffe gegen Polizisten gegeben, sagte ein Polizeisprecher. Man habe daraufhin Wasserwerfer eingesetzt. Einem MDR-Reporter zufolge kam auch Tränengas zum Einsatz. Das MDR-Team habe den Ort des Geschehens deshalb auch verlassen müssen.“ Natürlich kein Hinweis auf die Gruppierung „Nationalismus ist keine Alternative“ mit dem Roten Keil! Und die Polizei wußte nichts davon? Und wieder hat sie keinen von denen erkannt! Sie hätten ja sonst im Knast gesessen! Seit Jahrzehnten wurde eine fassungsfeindliche Bande herangezüchtet, die vor keiner Gewalttat zurückschreckt, auch nicht vor Mord. Zu Tausenden treten die Schwarzvermummten auf den Plan, steinigten ungehindert Polizisten, Mord in Kauf nehmend, zündeten Autos an und schlagen Fensterscheiben ein, egal, ob Menschen zu Schaden kommen oder nicht. Ihre Feinde sind vordergründig meistens die Polizisten, die sie als Diener des Systems bekämpfen und das aufgepeitscht mit Sprüchen wie diesen:

Die Polizei dein Freund und Helfer, knall sie ab und hilf dir selber“.

* Bullenschwein, ach Bullenschwein,

wir schlagen dir die Fresse ein“. *

Haut die Bullen platt wie Stullen Haut ihnen ins Gesicht

Haut die Bullen platt wie Stullen Haut ihnen ins Gesicht,

bis dass der Schädel bricht. *

Am 13.7.11 hat das Amtsgericht Neuruppin das Verfahren wegen dieser Mordaufrufe gegen eine „Punkband“ eingestellt Ungeniert werden diese Banden „Autonome“ genannt, selbst von Medien und Politikern. Autonome, die sich ihr eigenes Recht schaffen und in einem rechtsfreien Raum ungehindert durch den Staat dieses auch praktizieren können. Besonders unglaublich erscheint, daß es nicht einmal Daten über diese marodierenden Banden gibt, die

doch den Hass und Widerstand auf bzw. gegen diesen Staat als ihren selbsterteilten Auftrag betrachten. Inzwischen bezeichnen Polizeipsychologen diese Angriffe auf Leib und Leben ihrer im Einsatz stehenden Kollegen, u. a. in Rostock, als Überlebenskampf, als einen Kriegszustand! Über alltägliche Brand- und Terroranschläge gegen Bahn und

Page 5: ADELAIDE INSTITUTE 959.pdfcar and yelled, 'Trump 2016!' in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house,' the artist's Instagram post reads


Kommunikationseinrichtungen und andere schwere Anschläge und Ausschreitungen, die stattfinden, wird bestenfalls regional berichtet. Aber über jeden Volltrunkenen, der sich angeblich verfassungsfeindlich verhalten haben soll.

Ein Rechtsstaat, der einen solchen Terror gegen sein Volk duldet und teilweise fördert, hat diesen Namen nicht verdient. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Brigitte

______________________________________________ Louis Farrakhan on Donald Trump:

'I Like What I’m Looking At' While the billionaire takes flak for racist supporters, some voters want Carson as his veep.

By Joseph P. Williams | Staff Writer [email protected] March 1, 2016, at 2:56 p.m.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan speaks in Detroit

in 2013. Farrakhan said he admired Donald Trump's independence in a speech in Chicago on Tuesday. CARLOS OSORIO/AP The strange-bedfellows truism of American politics was all but redefined Tuesday when Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump – currently taking fire from his own party for the support he's getting from the Ku Klux Klan – got a salute from Louis Farrakhan, longtime leader of the Nation of Islam. Meanwhile, a public-opinion survey released Tuesday found that voters want Trump to pick retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, this cycle's lone African American presidential candidate and one who is polling in the single digits, as his running mate. Speaking at the black nationalist organization's annual Savior's Day in Chicago, Farrakhan told parishioners that he admires Trump because he believes the celebrity billionaire's purportedly self-funded presidential campaign isn't taking money from the "Jewish community." "[Trump] is the only member who has stood in front of [the] Jewish community and said, 'I don't want your money,'" Farrakhan told his followers Sunday at the Mosque Maryam in Chicago, according to the Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish civil rights organization. "Anytime a man can say to those who control the politics of America, 'I don't want your money,' that means you can't control me. And they cannot afford to give up control of the presidents of the United States." Farrakhan said in the sermon. Though he said he admires Trump's independence, the 82-year-old leader stopped short of endorsing the first-time novice politician for president. "Not that I'm for Mr. Trump," he said, "but I like what I'm looking at." On Sunday, CNN host Jake Tapper pressed Trump about whether he'd disavow David Duke – a former Klan leader who's active in conservative politics – and other white supremacists backing his presidential campaign. Trump at first said he didn't know anything about Duke, then hastily disavowed him Monday under an ongoing firestorm of criticism. The critics include House Speaker Paul Ryan, the GOP's 2012 vice presidential nominee, who backhanded Trump when speaking to reporters Tuesday.

"If a person wants to be the nominee of the Republican Party, there can be no evasion and no games. They must reject any group or cause that is built on bigotry. This party does not prey on people's prejudices," Ryan said. For Farrakhan, the enemy-of-my-enemy support for Trump is nothing new: Besides calling for a separate African American state, the Nation of Islam strongly believes Jews were responsible for the slave trade and that they're part of a vast conspiracy that controls the government, the media and the entertainment industry, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. That the NOI's fierce brand of anti-Semitism puts them on the same side as the Klan, which also despises African Americans, is largely viewed as incidental. Praising Trump, however, is a reversal for Farrakhan, who a few months ago suggested a White House run by the former reality show star would lead America into "the abyss of hell." In a January radio-show appearance, Farrakhan declared that Trump's leadership isn't anchored in justice and said he is "tearing away the skin of the onion of white civility," according to video th e Nation of Islam leader posted to Facebook. As reports surface that Trump may have ordered his security team to remove a group of black students from his rally in Georgia Monday night, a national survey by Morning Consult, a media company survey, found that if Trump were to hold on and win the GOP presidential nomination, voters want him to pick Carson as his vice president

The poll showed 11 percent of Republican and right-leaning independent voters said they want a Trump-Carson ticket. Other possibilities for Trump's running mate – GOP contenders Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Gov. John Kasich of Ohio and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey – garnered 8 percent. Others on the people's veep list for Trump include former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Gov. Nikki Haley, R-S.C., businessman and owner of the Dallas Mavericks basketball team Mark Cuban and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. On the Democratic side, 26 percent of Democratic and left-leaning independent voters suggest Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton should make Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Democratic Socialist challenging her for the nomination, her running mate if she wins the nomination. Ten percent of the voters want Vice President Joe Biden to join Clinton on the ticket, according to the survey. Other names the voters selected include Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Corey Booker of New Jersey; former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro.

_________________________________________________ National – from Österreich Austria-

Austrian carved swastikas on to his own body say police Published: 26 Apr 2016 10:37 GMT+02:00

An Austrian who claimed attackers carved swastikas on to his chest and forehead is now being investigated for carrying out the carvings on himself as part of a bizarre revenge plot on his neighbour. Masked swastika attackers strike again (19 Feb 16)

A relation of his neighbour even spent three months in pre-trial detention after he was accused of the attack, which police now believe was carried out by Austrian Robert T. on himself.

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The 52-year-old had first claimed in September that he was attacked as he cycled home one night by three masked men, who pinned him down and carved a swastika into his forehead. In February this year he then claimed he was attacked a second time when he said a young man waved him down and asked for help, saying his girlfriend was trapped in the car but when the he went to their aid he was hit in the back of the head and passed out. He said when he regained consciousness, he was lying partly submerged in an ice cold stream with his hands tied behind his back when one of his attackers leaned over him and scratched a swastika into his chest with a knife.

Both incidents were being investigated in relation to a long ongoing dispute between T. and his neighbours where he lives in Bad Fischau near Wiener Neustadt. In February police chief Inspector Leopold Etz said they believe that the suspects live in the same neighbourhood as the victim and have been trying to force him and his family to move out of their home in a dispute which goes back years. The neighbour’s son-in-law was even arrested last year following the first attack but later acquitted after three months in pre-trial custody due to a lack of evidence. T. had then claimed that his

attackers said the second incident was revenge for accusing their relative. Now police say it appears T., who had told newspapers he had been afraid to leave the house following the attacks, made the whole thing up and carved the swastikas onto his own body to try and frame his neighbours. Police became suspicious about some of the statements provided by T., including there being no injury to his head despite saying he was hit there hard enough to be knocked out in the second attack. Who is Norbert Hofer, and why does he matter? He was reported on Monday for providing false testimony,

slander and falsely claiming an offence took place. His wife is also being investigated for providing false testimony. Spokesperson for state prosecutors Erich Habitzl confirmed to the Kurier that they will soon decide on what charges to bring against the man, who denies any wrongdoing. For more news from Austria, join us on Facebook and Twitter. The Local ([email protected])

___________________________________________________ Extraordinary rant by Galloway in Labour Zionism row:

'Livingstone told the truth!' GEORGE Galloway has waded into the Ken Livingstone Zionism debate with an extraordinary rant in which

he declared that the former Mayor of London "said absolutely nothing wrong". By JOEY MILLAR

PUBLISHED: 09:36, Fri, Apr 29, 2016 | UPDATED: 11:03, Fri, Apr 29, 2016 Mr Livingstone yesterday sparked controversy by claiming Adolf Hitler backed Zionism, a political belief that supports the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Israel and Palestine. However, Mr Galloway, a former Labour and Respect Party MP, said today: "Everything he said was the truth - historical fact, proven. I've got the books, so should you.

Livingstone was defended by George Galloway who said he was being criticised for telling the truth "There was an agreement between the Nazi filth of Hitler and the Zionist leaders in Germany to send Germany's Jews to Palestine because both of them believed that the German Jews were not German and that they were aliens, even if they had been there for centuries. "So in that sense, Nazism and Zionism were two sides of the same coin. They even actually minted a coin to prove it, to celebrate the Haavara agreement which was reached." He said that Mr Livingstone should not have made the statements but should still not be criticised for "telling the truth".

Livingstone claimed Hitler, who killed six million people in the Holocaust, supported Zionism Mr Galloway said: "Now, should Ken Livingstone have gone round the studio saying that. Probably not, I wouldn't have,

neither on timing nor would I have used the words and the imagery that he used. "But you can't be expelled for telling the truth. Oh, wait! That's what happened to me over Iraq!" He explained the negative reaction to Mr Livingstone's comments was due to a "slow motion coup" on Jeremy Corbyn's

Labour leadership. Mr Galloway said: "They're trying to get rid of Jeremy Corbyn, that's the long and the short of it. There's a slow motion coup, it's been under way for many months. "The real target is Jeremy Corbyn and you'll see that this chaos which has been created, you just saw it by Labour MPs screaming Nazi 'scum' at other Labour figures like Livingstone. They'll say 'we can't go on like this, we need a new leader.'" He also blasted Labour MP Naz Shah, who sparked the whole controversy when an old post written on her Facebook page was described as anti-Semitic, as "half-witted". However, he outright rejected claims Mr Livingstone was in any way racist, claiming: "He'd still be Mayor of London if he hadn't gone so far out on a limb to defend minorities."


LISTEN: Ken Livingstone calls Hitler a Zionist

Ken Livingstone branded 'VICIOUS' by ex-aide amid anti-

Semitism row

Page 7: ADELAIDE INSTITUTE 959.pdfcar and yelled, 'Trump 2016!' in Los Angeles, just days after I returned home from London just down the road from my house,' the artist's Instagram post reads


George Galloway, right, said Ken Livingstone was merely quoting

The former Mayor of London has come under fire for

claiming that Hitler supporter Zionism - GETTY


The perils of ignoring Holocaust history

By Deborah E. Lipstadt Updated 2345 GMT (0745 HKT) May 4, 2016

Story highlights

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Deborah

Lipstadt calls Livingstone linking Hitler to Zionism "ludicrous"

London mayor's attempt to twist history indicative of an effort to stir "disgust by association," she says

Editor’s Note: Deborah E. Lipstadt, Dorot professor of modern Jewish and Holocaust studies at Emory University, is the author of "History on Trial: My Day in Court with David Irving." She was the target of a British libel lawsuit by Irving, a historian she said had become a spokesman for Holocaust denial. Lipstadt won the case in April 2000. The opinions expressed in this commentary are hers.

*** (CNN)Hitler was a Zionist. Pardon me? Until recently anyone who uttered such a statement would have been deemed mad. This past week, however, Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London and a member of Parliament, did just that, saying "Hitler was supporting Zionism" while surrounded by reporters and cameras. So far, he seems unwilling to plead insanity or to apologize for his remarks.

Professor Deborah Lipstadt

The charge that Zionists and Nazis were in cahoots is not new. Holocaust deniers, anti-Israel extremists, and neo-Nazis, but generally not MPs, have long made it. They insist that Zionists and Nazis shared a goal of a Jew-free Europe and a Jewish homeland. Livingstone is both wrong on his history and

playing into a dangerous contemporary trend toward vilifying Jews who lived (and struggled to survive) in Hitler's Germany.

Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day

This accusation is ludicrous in its historical inaccuracy. Hitler considered a Jewish homeland a threat to humanity. The Nazis believed that the Jews did not need a state, because they were more powerful than any state; the Zionists believed that the Jews needed a state, because they were powerless without one. It is also completely historically wrong to argue, as Livingstone did, that "until Hitler went mad," he was a compatriot of the Jews. Already in "Mein Kampf," published in 1925 before he became chancellor in 1933, he warned of a "Jewish virus,"

described Jews as "vile" and a "pestilence," and called for their expulsion from society. From the outset of the Third Reich under Hitler's leadership, Germany made life difficult for Jews. They were forced out of jobs, physically harassed, and expelled from universities. Their stores were boycotted. Jewish schoolchildren were humiliated. In 1935 the Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews of their citizenship. A relentless propaganda campaign reinforced these legal maneuvers: posters, cartoons, children's books, and newspaper articles depicted Jews as Germany and the world's "misfortune." How do Livingstone and his compatriots hatch this absurd claim? Like other demagogues before them, they twist historical fact beyond reality until it is no longer recognizable. In Livingstone's case, he has distorted the fact that in August 1933, German Zionists, desperate to help Jews get out of the Reich, concluded the Ha'avara or Transfer agreement, the only formal contract between Nazi Germany and a Zionist organization. Under its provisions, Jews, after paying an increasingly debilitating emigration tax, could deposit a sum of money with the Zionist organization and then, upon arrival in Palestine, use credit on those funds to buy property.

A Holocaust survivor bears witness at trials in Germany

The agreement was of tremendous financial benefit to the Germans, because under the agreement Jewish emigrants often had to forfeit many of their possessions before leaving the country. And it was hardly a negotiation between equals. There was no finding of common ground. The Nazis held the power and the Jews only had ideas to try to blunt the assault directed at them. While no Jews celebrated this interaction with the Nazis, it nonetheless saved approximately 60,000 lives. So Livingstone credits his "knowledge" to a book by an American Marxist that is so far outside the historical mainstream as to be dismissed as irrelevant by virtually all Holocaust scholars. The book contends that the Nazis and the Zionists worked in collaboration with one another and that, therefore, Israel has its roots in Nazism with all its attendant evils. One of the few entities to embrace it is the Institute for Historical Review, the home of Holocaust denial activities in the United States. It's important to note, though, that Livingstone isn't an edge case; his comments are indicative of a broader assault on history that has a contemporary objective: to tarnish the reputations of German Jews and Zionists alike. Today, when "Hitler" and "Nazism" are two of the remaining terms about which there is a general sense of opprobrium, to claim that the Zionists worked with the Nazis or, in Livingstone's terms, that

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Hitler was a Zionist and wanted Jews to go to "Israel," which did not even exist at the time, is to link the terms "Zionism" and "Israel" with "Hitler" and "Nazism" and to generate disgust by association.

U.S. Nazi hunter has one active case

While many people, myself included, may have differences with aspects of Israeli policies, to link Israel with the Third Reich is not only historically farfetched but is also revolting. The notion that the murderers and the victims were working together is so far beyond historical acceptability as to be beyond the pale. Lenni Brenner, the author of "Zionism in the Age of the Dictators," the book to which Livingstone credits all his knowledge on the topic, and these other critics from the left are suggesting that no truly ethical or moral entity would ever have considered cooperating with Hitler. From Livingstone's comfortable position in Westminster and the offices on the university campuses occupied by professors who see Israel and its supporters as the epitome of evil, they all seem to know in their hearts that they, unlike "Zionists," would have taken the high road. If only life were that easy. As a professor of modern Jewish history and Holocaust studies, I know the opposite is true. Toward the end of my course on the history of the Holocaust, I ask my students a question but tell them I don't want an answer. "Imagine you are in a ghetto and you have a chance to escape. Do you go?" Then I add a caveat. "If the Germans discover you have escaped it is likely that your family -- parents, younger siblings, grandparents -- will be deported to death camps. Do you go or stay?" Then I repeat my admonition: Don't answer. It is impossible, even after a semester of intense study, to truly grasp the horrors Jews endured. Though I generally eschew "what if" questions and playacting history, I pose this question to instill in my students modesty in judgment, to give them some sense of the terrible conundrums Jews faced.

Sanders: Holocaust taught me about political extremism

My students are told not to answer the question, and I can't answer it either. Had I been given the opportunity to "negotiate" with the Nazis, would I have done it? I don't know. I might have stood on principle and said no. Then again, thinking about the potential of saving 60,000 Jews and their millions of descendants, I might have shelved my righteous indignation and tried to save lives. This is what those who designed the Ha'avara agreement managed to do. They should be praised for their actions, not vilified by uninformed onlookers like Livingston in the name of contemporary politics. Join us on Read CNNOpinion's Flipboard magazine. Deborah E. Lipstadt, Dorot professor of modern Jewish and Holocaust studies at Emory University, is the author of "History on Trial: My Day in Court with David Irving." She was the target of a British libel lawsuit by Irving, a historian she said had become a spokesman for Holocaust denial. Lipstadt won the case in April 2000. The opinions expressed in this commentary are hers.

Read Article: Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' to republished in


Anti-Semitism's ugly return (Opinion)

Auschwitz guard trial: Moral vs. criminal culpability


A teachable moment

The phrase ‘America First’ deemed offensive to Jews Brainwashed Americans too stupid

to realize what this really means By John Kaminski

[email protected]

Jewish protests about Donald Trump’s use of the phrase “America First” being anti-Semitic should tell you all you need to know about how Jews feel about America. They feel they own it — and they largely do! — but they also feel the goyim should obey them when they pontificate that Israel comes first, and that Americans should put Israel’s interests before America’s. And why wouldn’t they? Israel Firsters — both Jews and those bought off by Jews — own the U.S. government and virtually the entire U.S. infrastructure in its entirety, and have for decades. Top that off with the sad fact that just about all the information everyone receives through electronic and print media comes from Jewish owned shills, creating the perfect recipe for totalitarianism that is being swallowed hook, line and sinker by the younger generations of Americans who have had no exposure to the real history of the world, which reveals hundreds of years of warmaking Jewish perfidy exactly like what is happening in world today. The Jewish Anti-Defamation League, the CNN network and a fatuous Jewish columnist named Eli Lake have insisted the phrase “America First” evokes highly charged memories of a different era some 76 years ago when the world was perched on

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the precipice of World War II, and the famed American aviator Charles Lindbergh was the most visible figure trying desperately to keep the U.S. out of an unprecedented bloodbath. The bloodthirsty Jews were frothing at the mouth in their frenzy to annihilate Adolf Hitler, who had removed the Jews from power in Germany and imprisoned many of them in work camps — which were not the death camps of Jewish media propaganda. The 6 million hoax has long ago been debunked as a cover story to conceal how Germany became prosperous when it put serious sanctions on the treasonous behavior of the exploitative Jews. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston

Churchill and Soviet Union dictator Josef Stalin — all of them descended from Jews and surrounded by Jewish advisers — had aimed for years to overthrow Hitler and liquidate the entire German population. When Hitler removed the Jews from power in Germany in 1933, Jews all over the world declared war on him, and through their behind-the-scenes political control of the U.S., Britain, and the USSR, eventually obliterated the prosperous and innocent nation Hitler had resuscitated from the ashes of World War I. Of course, because the world’s major media have been controlled by Jews throughout the 20th century, the world has been told a very different story about these events. Now the ADL and their paid off lapdogs in America’s kosher-stink press have actually claimed it is wrong for Trump to use the phrase “America First” because it brings back memories of when one of the great Americans, Charles Lindbergh, fought courageously to keep the U.S. out of a falsely motivated World War II. Had Lindbergh succeeded, it would have saved tens of millions of lives. But the combination of the Jewish press and their willingness to publish the lies of the politicians who were paid handsomely by the Jews who controlled the world’s money supply was simply too strong for average citizens who simply wanted to live in peace to overcome. After all — and to this very day — peace is never on the Jewish agenda. Today CNN, a thoroughly Jewish propaganda organization that fires people when they mention that fact, actually acknowledges the truth of the facts of World War II, but brands them as lies. It is the way Jews typically flip reality on its head, as they do when they support the notion that shouting out “America First!” is anti-Semitic. In a tainted screed written by Williams College professor Susan Dunn, CNN proceeds to paint with a broad brush of inferred anti-Semitism a whole phalanx of American politicians, from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart and former president Gerald Ford, to former Kennedy insider Sargent Shriver and former Yale President Kingman Brewster, for joining Lindbergh’s “isolationist” crusade. Robert Wood, the board chairman of Sears, Roebuck, agreed to act as their group's temporary chair. The growing organization soon included powerful men like Col. Robert McCormick of the

Chicago Tribune; Minnesota meatpacker Jay Hormel; Sterling Morton, the president of Morton Salt Company; U.S. Rep. Bruce Barton of New York; and Lessing Rosenwald, the former chairman of Sears. These men were all patriots advocating U.S. independence who are now ridiculed by CNN as “soft on Hitler”. The true facts of the matter are that Hitler and Germany were the innocent victims of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to throttle the most dangerous challenge ever seen to Jewish worldwide financial hegemony. The way CNN tells it is that America First struggled with the problem of the anti-Semitism of some of its leaders and many of its members. CNN calls Henry Ford “notoriously anti-Semitic”, but Ford was and is the most important figure in the 20th century who correctly raised the alarm about international Jews who had allegiance to no country but their own demented tribe and its insane desire to conquer the world, which was a charge the Jews have always levelled against Hitler, but which was really a projection of their owned warped objective.

As CNN enumerated the so called anti-Semitic aspects of Lindbergh’s America First movement, it cited a Kansas chapter leader who pronounced President Franklin Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt "Jewish" and Winston Churchill a "half-Jew." CNN disparages these assertions as ridiculous, but the facts prove the charges were all true. Roosevelt was descended from Jews on both sides of his family, and Churchill’s abusive mother was an American Jew who raised one of the great homicidal maniacs and incompetent politicians of the 20th century. (Yes, I happen to be reading Mike King’s latest history lesson, “The British Mad Dog: Debunking the Myth of Winston Churchill”.)

After Pearl Harbor, the America First Committee closed its doors, but not before Lindbergh made his famous speech at an America First rally in Des Moines, Iowa, in September 1941. After charging that President Roosevelt had manufactured "incidents" (like Pearl Harbor!) to propel the country into war, Lindbergh proceeded to blurt out his true thoughts. "The British and the Jewish races," he declared, "for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war." The nation's enemy was an internal one, a Jewish one. "Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government," he contended. Today, these facts are even more true than they were in 1941. Lindbergh's unambiguous message was that Jews living in the United States constituted a wealthy, influential, conspiratorial foreign "race" that had seized "our" media and infiltrated "our" political institutions. They were the alien out-group, hostile to "us." Although Lindbergh’s assertions were all true, they were blotted out by the tremendous power of the Jewish controlled media and politicians bribed and blackmailed by the Jews, a demonic fact of life that continues to sabotage the USA right up to the present moment. So confident of its power to mislead Americans with absurd lies, Holocaust-loving CNN quoted Anne Frank’s “stepsister” comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler (we should be so lucky). “Eva Schloss, now 86, was a friend of Frank's in Amsterdam after their families fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Her mother, Fritzi, would marry Otto Frank, Anne's father, after World War II. If Donald Trump become(s) the next president of the U.S. it would be a complete disaster," she told Newsweek. "I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism." Of course, anyone familiar with the Anne Frank scam knows what William Pierce discovered, that large parts of the so-called Diary of a Young Girl were written in ballpoint pen (despite an avalanche of Jewish arguments trying to defend their Holocaust myths that the diary was written with a fountain pen). The kicker is the ballpoint pen was invented in 1951; Anne Frank died in 1945. As it happens, I was going through my files recently and found some remarks by the now imprisoned Revisionist Horst Mahler which were translated into English by James Damon that reminded me how long this Jewish assault on reality has been

going on. Although many of the world’s great thinkers, from Cicero to Ezra Pound, have weighed in on the depraved behavior of the Jews, Mahler zeroed in on a long forgotten literary luminary who aptly described Jewish behavior more than 200 years ago. In 1793 the German philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte described the Jewish problem quite clearly: A power, animosity-filled state within a state is spreading through nearly all the countries of Europe . . . This state is constantly at war with all others, severely oppressing the general citizenry. It is Judaism, the Judaic state. The Jews must be granted human rights even though they deny them to others. They are, after all, human beings; and the injustices that they commit do not give us the right to behave as they do.

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In granting them the rights of citizens, however, I can see no alternative to cutting off their heads and replacing them with heads that are purged of Jewish ideas . . . In order to protect ourselves from them, I see no alternative but to transport them all to their promised land. Mahler, perhaps the most eloquent of the World War II German revisionists who continues to be abused by the Jewified German authorites, had this to say about the quote. For Fichte, the danger did not lie merely in the fact that Jews form a state within a state. The greatest danger lay in the fact that the Jewish state

is founded on hatred of all other states. Mahler further commented on Fichte’s assessment by adding I do not believe that this is true because it forms a separate a closely bound state, but rather because it is founded on hatred of the entire human race.” We have known for many centuries that the Jews are a lethal menace to any country in which they choose to nest. No assessment of their criminal behavior has been more accurate than that of the famous 18th century French philosopher Voltaire. ''They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race... Most Americans have no idea how perilously close we are to this observation coming true. Voltaire then predicted what we must to do prevent this.

''You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.'' So the next time you see a Jew, greet him with Hitler’s hand salute and shout “America First”. Then tell him to go back to where he belongs (which might in fact be the bowels of hell). Tell him to leave now, while he still has a chance to escape his fate, before everyone finally realizes the terrible things the Jews have done — and are doing — to the whole world. The world should know by now there is no reasoning with mad dogs. Special treatment should be reserved for those politicians who

take their money and propagate Jewish lies at the expense of America’s well being. And this includes virtually every politician in America.

*** John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.


Who did this?








By Mike King

"All The News That

Sulzberger's Propaganda Rag

Saw Fit To Distort"

A Daily Web Page Summary of the

Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,

Half Truths & Globalist Bias of

The NY Times Front Page


"We read and rebut their vile crap so you won't

have to!"


Subscribe to the Anti-New York

Times and stay on top of world


NY Times: Candles May Have Caused Fire That Gutted Serbian Church, Officials Say


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This Sunday just past, May 1st, marked high

holy days for two competing forces that have

battled for centuries. For Eastern Orthodox

Christians (Russians, Serbians, Greeks etc),

Easter Sunday fell on May 1st this year -- a rare

occurrence for an astronomy-based holiday which

is usually set for April.

Also celebrating May 1st, as they do every year,

are the atheistic forces of world Communism /

Globalism. Though most everyone understands

the historical significance of "May Day" to the

degenerate demonic Left, few understand that

the date represents the 1776 founding of the

virulently anti-Christian, pro-Communist

"Illuminati" by Adam Weishaupt (cough cough)

in the German region of Bavaria. Satanists also

regard May 1 as a "holiday." (here)

May 1st, 2016 wasn't big enough for the

forces of good and evil to share.

Now that you have been briefed about this

important historical context, let's talk about the

horrible New York City Orthodox Cathedral fire

which Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio's Fire

Department and the Sulzberger's Slimes have

already closed the book on as "an accident."

From the article:

"Candles that had not been properly extinguished

after an Easter service probably caused the fire

that swept through the historic Serbian Orthodox

Cathedral of St. Sava in Manhattan on Sunday,

officials from the New York Fire Department said

on Tuesday.

'There’s no reason at this point to label it

suspicious,” said Francis X. Gribbon, a Fire

Department spokesman,

Bob Stopanjac, founder of the Serbian

Association of New York, said ... he doubted the

fire was caused by the candles. He said candles

had been part of the church’s celebrations 'for

decades with no fires.'

Mr. Stopanjac's suspicions mirror the infallible

conspiratorial animal instincts of my fearless

feline sidekick, Sugar. Seriously now, what are

the odds of such a massive fire igniting from a

well-enclosed church candle on a May Day /

Orthodox Easter Sunday of all days? As the

church-lady of old Saturday Night Live fame

would say...

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A devastating Easter / May Day blaze in the

heart of New York --- total gutting!

But the "coincidences don't end there." The

cross-town "conservative" New York Post,

among others, carried a story about the fire, and

three other fires that took place at Orthodox

sites (2 churches, 1 monastery) that same day!

Headline: 'Coordinated Attack Feared After

Massive Cathedral Blaze'

“Too many churches have burned to call it an

accident,” said Dr. Dušan T. Bataković, a former

Serbian ambassador who is now director of the

Institute for Balkan Studies in Belgrade.

“It is very strange that it happened, that the fires

all took place on Easter, the greatest Christian

Orthodox holiday,” he said. “Some kind of

terrorist action cannot be excluded.”

In addition to the fire that engulfed St. Sava,

churches in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia,

and in northern Russia were all engulfed in

flames just hours after Easter services."

1 - May 1: Sydney Australia, Macedonian

Orthodox Church -- total destruction

2 - May 1: Melbourne, Greek Orthodox

Church -- badly damaged, viewed as


3- May 1: Northern Russia: fire rages at

Russia’s revered Valaam monastery



Now, before you go and applaud The Post for

actually entertaining a "conspiracy theory"

regarding the four Easter Sunday fires -- an

obvious deduction which The Slimes would not

even touch -- read who they are fingering as the

likely culprits:

"They are worried that the blaze — along with

church fires in Australia and Russia — were set in

retaliation for the religion’s role in blocking the

canonization of Croatian Nazi supporter Cardinal

Aloysius Stepinac — whose potential sainthood

has created a rift between Serbia and Croatia,

with the leaders of each lobbying Pope Francis.

Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic

discussed the issue in a visit to the Vatican in

early April, while Serbian President Tomislav

Nikolic made his case last September.

Francis decided last week to postpone the

ceremony for Stepinac, prompting concerns

about potential retaliation."

You see, the "conservative" New York Post

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doesn't believe that Communists or Satanists or

Globalist agents would ever burn down Russian /

Eastern Orthodox churches on Easter / May Day.

Noooooo. These devilish acts had to be the dirty

work of devout Croatian Catholic "Nazis" --

pissed-off because the Orthodox branch of

Christianity has allegedly interfered with the

Catholic canonization (naming as a Saint) of one

of their hometown heroes. Talk about a loony

"conspiracy theory", eh?

Hitler and his Croatian Catholic followers shown above

will keep on torching Orthodox churches until Catholic

Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac is finally canonized!

"Croatian Catholics did it! ---- Ha ha ha ha!"

This one is easy, folks. The Easter / May Day

coordinated arson attacks against Orthodox

Christian churches are just the latest

manifestation of the quiet World War that the

New World Order and its agents are waging

against Russia and her historic Orthodox allies,

and Christianity in general. This is not a good


Attacks on Orthodox Cathedrals have

important significance to the NWO gang.

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1- In 1931, the Soviets demolished

Moscow's cherished Christ the Saviour


2- After the fall and disintegration of the

Soviet Union, Russian Christians raised

money and rebuilt the Cathedral to its

former splendor.

3- In 2012, the CIA / NGO-funded feminist

whores of 'Pussy Riot' interrupted services

and belted-out foul lyrics as their

accomplices blasted loud "music" from

electric guitars.

Excerpts of the lyrics screamed out by

'Pussy Riot":

The phantom of liberty is in heaven

Gay-pride sent to Siberia in chains The head

of the KGB, their chief saint,

Leads protesters to prison under escort

Shit, shit, the Lord’s shit!

Shit, shit, the Lord’s shit!

Virgin Mary, Mother of God, become a


Become a feminist, become a feminist

Patriarch Gundyaev (Orthodox Pope)

believes in Putin

Bitch, better believe in God instead

Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin away

Put Putin away, put Putin away (here)

After serving about a year and a half in jail for

their repeated offenses and their

contemptuous mocking of the court proceedings,

two of the anti-Christ agitators of 'Pussy Riot'

were treated like royalty upon their visit to New

York --- Above: with Killary Clinton, PBS's Charlie

'Bildeberg' Rose, Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio

and his "ex-lesbian" wife Chirlane McCray.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New

York Times today that a candle started that

church fore on Easter.

Boobus Americanus 2: Maybe. The Post is

saying that Croatian Nazis may have been


"Candless and Naziss my asss!! I sswear; you

two frickin' cretinss make dumb and dumber

sseem like Edisson & Tessla, you know that?!"

(Indeed. At least Harry and Llyod knew they

were idiots.)


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Woman arrested at Sydney Airport over alleged $4.6m fraud By court reporter Karl Hoerr, 5 May 2016

A chemical engineering student spent millions on handbags and luxury goods after a bank provided the funds in error, a Sydney court has heard. Christine Jiaxin Lee, 21, was arrested at Sydney Airport on Wednesday night. Waverley Local Court has heard she was trying to board a flight to Malaysia using an emergency issued Malaysian passport. According to the police prosecutor, the money was accessed through an overdraft facility, mistakenly attached to a Westpac savings account. It is alleged she obtained $4.6 million fraudulently, $3.3 million of which has not been recovered. Magistrate Lisa Stapleton remarked that $4.6 million was a lot of money. The woman's lawyer Fiona McCarron replied: "Who would have thought, handbags." In addition to a charge of obtaining financial advantage by deception, she was also charged with knowingly dealing with

proceeds of crime. It's money we all dream about: magistrate

The magistrate appeared to suggest the second charge might be more difficult to prove. "It's not proceeds of crime, it's money we all dream about," Ms Stapleton said. The court heard the woman has completed three years of a chemical engineering degree and has deferred her fourth year of study. She has been living in Australia for the past five years and in March, a warrant was issued for her arrest.

Her boyfriend offered $1,000 in surety and agreed that she could live with him. Her Malaysian passport has already been seized. Ms Stapleton agreed to grant the woman bail on a number of conditions, including that she report to police twice a day. The case will return to court at the Downing Centre on June 21.

Spending the money is a crime: police Sydney City Police Detective Inspector Sean Heaney said if members of the public find money in their accounts that should not be there, or they have an ability to overdraw on an account that they should not have, they should not spend the money. "Speak to your financial institution, have the matter rectified, if you fall into the temptation of spending other people's money, you may be committing criminal offences," Detective Inspector Heaney said. "And it may be a matter of time before the police come knocking on your door." He said exploiting an error made by the bank amounted to

stealing. "The money doesn't belong to you, you know that, don't go spending it, it's going to cause you some trouble with the police. "It would be very tempting, a lot of people may succumb to that temptation. You should know what's in your account, if you realise there's something that doesn't belong to you, it will be identified, speak to them, do the right thing, get it cleared up as soon as possible."

______________________________________________ The night bucket

Survivor Noah Klieger tells his tale of life inside a death camp, and gives an example of the daily

struggles he had to face. 5 May 2016

I've debated whether or not to tell my story for many years. Even more so, how I should tell it. How to describe my story to people who weren't there, and who will find what I say beyond the scope of understanding. For us survivors of the death camps, camps which were established by the Germans to carry out the "final solution" to the "Jewish problem," these stories were just part of our day to day lives So how can we tell our stories to people? Maybe we won't find the right words or phrases? What if they don't understand the point I'm trying to get across?

Noah Klieger in 1924

My story occured in Auschwitz, at the Monowitz subcamp specifically. In the barracks where we slept, the Nazis gave us a bucket to use as a toilet in case we needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Once the bucket was filled, we were forced to take the bucket to the primitive latrines and dump out the contents. It's important to know that they forbade us from emptying the bucket next to the barracks or from spilling

any of the urine inside of it on our way to the latrines. If the commandants saw that we did this the next day, they would whip your back 25 to 50 times with a rubber hose or a whip. This would usually result in death, as our bodies were already extraordinarily weak. The facilities housing the latrines were about 100 meters from our "block" of barracks, and it was clear that none of us prisoners were excited to perform this task. In winter, this task was particularly detested. Auschwitz was situated in Upper Silesia, where the temperatures in the winter routinely drop to -4 degrees Fahrenheit (-25 Celsius).

Noah Klieger in 1946

There was a high probability that those who would go out to empty the bucket would run across an SS guard or his dog. If the guard was in a bad mood - a more than likely scenario -the guard would shoot whoever was to empty the bucket at the time. It was clear that no one wanted to be the "last one on the bucket" thus having to go out and empty it, and we did everything we could to prevent this from happening. And I mean everything. If I needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I would stay awake and wait until another prisoner went before me. Us veteran prisoners were able to hear how full the bucket was, almost to the centimeter. According to the sound, I would decide whether or not I would go to the bathroom.

Auschwitz death camp (Photo: EPA)

How long would I have to hold it in for, you may ask? Until a "sacrifice" came, which was usually some poor newbie who hadn't developed accurate enough hearing to know that the bucket was almost full, or didn't know what was awaiting him outside. We held it in until the bucket was returned to the barracks.

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There were quite a few other "listening experts" in the block with me who were able to hold it for a long time, sometimes until their bladders almost burst. It was only when I couldn't take it anymore that I would go to the bucket and relieve myself.

Noah Klieger at 75 (Photo: Dana Koppel)

This "night journey" to the latrines could also lead to our deaths. With our thin clothing, those who were lucky enough not to get

shot by the SS guard would come down with pneumonia, which was akin to a death sentence in the camp. Who's can truely understand these stories? Things happened that people can't even imagine in these camps. Frankly, today, after 70 years, it's even hard for me to believe what happened. It's especially hard for me to understand how we were able to survive, even briefly, all these horrors - how I was able to escape this hell,7340,L-4799391,00.html [AI ed. - What’s this story all about? A young man attempts to get out of doing his duties emptying the night

bucket – thin clothes, beaten to death, etc. what utter rubbish. – and he survived and had others doing the job, then invented horror stories based on Talmud. Night pots were the order of the day in most households.]

______________________________________________________ Trump ‘totally disavows’ racist David Duke after anti-Semitic tirade

‘Anti-Semitism has no place in our society,’ Republican contender says as ex-KKK leader rails against ‘Jewish supremacists who control our country’

By Times of Israel staff May 6, 2016, 2:53 am 3

Republican presidential contender Donald Trump said Thursday he “totally disavows” white supremacist leader

David Duke after the latter delivered a rant arguing that Jews controlled America.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets members of the "National Diversity Coalition for Trump," in New York City a day ahead of the New York primary on April 18, 2016. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP)

“Antisemitism has no place [in] our society, which needs to be united, not divided,” Trump said in a statement sent to media outlets, according to The New York Times. Duke, a former grand wizard of the racist Ku Klux Klan

group, used his radio program on Wednesday to lash out

at Jewish Republicans who have opposed Trump’s


David Duke (CNN screenshot)

“I think these Jewish extremists have made a terribly crazy miscalculation, because all they’re going to be

doing by doing a ‘Never Trump’ movement is exposing their alien, their anti-American, anti-American majority

position,” Duke said, according to a report on the broadcast by the Anti-Defamation League.

“They’re going to push people more into an awareness that the neocons are the problem, that these Jewish supremacists who control our country are the real problem, and the reason why America is not great,” Duke added. The ADL’s CEO Jonathan Greenblatt called Duke’s comments “as unsurprising as they are hateful,” and said

the “onus is now on Donald Trump to make unequivocally clear he rejects those sentiments and that there is no room for Duke and anti-Semitism in his campaign and in society. Mr. Trump can and should speak up now. If not,

his silence will speak volumes.” In a later statement, the ADL “welcomed” Trump’s

disavowal. “While no one should associate Mr. Trump’s own views with David Duke’s hatred,” Greenblatt said after Trump’s comments were published in the media, “it is vital for political leaders to use their bully pulpit to speak out against bigotry. We think it is important that Mr. Trump denounced the anti-Semitism of David Duke and has

made clear that he disavows anti-Semitism.” Duke has praised Trump repeatedly, and urged his followers to vote for him. Trump has denied he harbors anti-Semitic views, and has often pointed to his own close relationships with Jews, including his Orthodox-convert daughter Ivanka and

Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner.

Trump has faced scathing criticism from some quarters, including the ADL, for appearing to avoid criticizing the white supremacist leader in the past. Critics noted that Trump draws a great deal of his support in the Republican primary race from working-class whites, and charged that Trump was avoiding disavowing Duke,

among other racist supporters, in order not to alienate supporters. The Republican race all but ended this week after Trump’s resounding victory in Indiana and the subsequent withdrawal from the race of his two remaining opponents, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich.

