adkash domande e risposte


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Post on 23-Aug-2014




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1. What is AdKash?AdKash is an innovative mobile advertising platform conceived by WOR (l) D. AdKash innovation is both technology and the delivery of AdKash mobile advertising that is its business model. In fact, AdKash is the first and only application that uses the screen to receive calls or an SMS and an MMS to publish Rich Media Advertising Content: ads in an image or video format. The business model, however, consists of revenue sharing that arises from the sale of advertising directly with those who benefit from it.

2. Why is AdKash innovative comparedto other Mobile advertising methods?AdKash uses an innovative delivery system of ADV, through the screen by receiving calls or an SMS and an MMS. In this way, it’s exploited when more attention comes from the user, to receive a phone call, SMS or MMS; it focuses its attention on the screen to see the caller’s name or number. This is the time in which the ADVs are displayed. Additionally, the ads are repeated when it is interrupted by the user or even at the end of the call.The idea is very innovative because it uses 100% of the targeted Smartphone users. In fact, 100% of users receive calls or an SMS and an MMS. Other advertising systems on the market, such as banners on video-Games or Applications, ads on web pages or simple text via SMS, they exploit only a few niche users as they are usable only under certain conditions or for certain categories of users. For example, 18% of people use Video Games, 25% use Apps, 30% use the web, etc.

3. How does the advertising share revenue with the user?Whenever you receive a phone call, a text or multimedia message, the user is offered an advertisement (in an image or a video). To answer the call or open an SMS or an MMS message, the user will be credited in a virtual AdKash account from 0.01USD to 0.05USD. The price the user paid is nothing, but the distribution of the earnings from the advertiser of that particular banner can have a variable cost.

4. Why do some other ADVs pay 0.01 to 0.05?It depends on the ADV advertiser’s sale price and the type of ADVs. Some ADVs are static. Others are video, and still others offer the user, at the end of the call, the ability to click and visit a web page, or click and call the merchant directly. Of course, these latter types pay more.

5. Why do I not see my balance increase despite receiving the ADV?To avoid speculation or fraud and ensure effective service to our advertiser who pays to have genuine advertising and quality ADVs, it’s not considered valid if there’s no response to the call or the SMS or MMS isn’t opened. Another system to ensure the quality of our ADV is to assess, through the aid of complex algorithms, the frequency of responses to calls and the number of calls per day. A statistic, moreover, is able to detect abnormal behavior, such as the frequency with which they receive calls, in order to prevent speculation with flat called or extremely cheap plans. This makes unnecessary attempts to distort the accumulation of money with disingenuous behavior. The system may also detect such behavior in the next step to credit the amounts and sums being wired out.


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6. How can I receive the money accumulated on the AdKash balance?Exceed $20 and you can request a debit card that, with a small fee, will be sent to your home and then will give you the opportunity to withdraw the money from more than 2 million ATMs. Another possibility is a bank transfer.

7. Must my smartphone be connected to the Internetall time to use AdKash?No, only during the installation stage and at least once every 7 days. If in seven days the app wasn’t able to connect to the Internet, it shall be considered inactive, as they are unable to update the data on impressions and new ADV with the central server. In this case, the App simply stops showing the Adv. Just return the smartphone connection to the Internet, sync the data and the app will start working for another 7 days.

8. Why are proposed updates to the app so frequent?As mentioned, AdKash is innovative and revolutionary and is currently under development. For this reason, there will be very frequent updates to correct errors or to introduce new features. Therefore, we recommend that you always have the latest version installed and set up “Google Play” with “Automatic Updates.”

9. My Balance suddenly became Zero, why?The AdKash balance is stored on the app installed on your smartphone, so it is important not to uninstall the app, reset the smartphone or delete its data. Another reason could be the demand for accumulated Wire-Out amounts.

10. Why is AdKash only available for Android platformsand not for the Apple IOS iPhone?Apple imposes some restrictions on apps that can run on the iOS platform that don’t allow AdKash to function properly.

11. Will it be possible to have AdKash on the Apple iPhonein the future?It does not depend on us or on our ability to develop it, but by the limitations imposed by Apple. If these conditions were to change, we would be happy to have an Apple version.

12. Why is AdKash in Beta and only available for the Wor(l)d Global distribution Network?AdKash, as already said, is an innovative and revolutionary platform in the industry of in mobile advertising. For this reason, as pioneers of


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this technology, we still need a little time to perfect the entire multimedia advertising development platform. In addition to how viral AdKash is, such that the number of Apps installed reaches exponential growth in a very short time, it’s not compatible with the current possibility of having sufficient impressions shown on millions and millions of devices. So, we consider it most appropriate to launch the project to a small group of privileged people who participate in the project from the beginning. Such people may have an early stage of advantages, of shared gains on impressions, and AdKash will work on a limited number of smartphones (equivalent to nearly 150,000 distributors).

13. How long will the beta phase last?The time required to complete the platform and the acquisition of advertising contracts sufficient to handle millions of App. However, the 150,000 lucky people who use AdKash will have no limits in its use and in its functionality, but will be enjoying all the benefits of this technology. The exclusivity of using AdKash also provides an excellent promotional tool.

14. It is not clear how earnings are generated in the network App installed by my distributors.Masters will have the unique advantage of earning $1 per week for each installed and active app in your smaller team (smaller with regards to the installed App). The conditions for receiving $1 per week are: 1) that the app is active, or at least once every seven days fails to synchronize with the server, and 2) that the Master has both an active in the business with his regular monthly activation (at least “Premium” - $30)For active pros in your organization, instead, are paid the amount of $ 0.20 per week, with the same trigger criteria. Instead, for each Affiliate that has just the active app, i.e. you sync at least once every seven days, shall be paid the amount of $ 0.05 per week for each app active in the smaller team.The participating Pro, instead, participates only earning $0.20, whether it is that of Master Pro, and $0.05 for the Affiliate.The Affiliate shall not participate in revenue but rather only in a Demo phase, without generating revenue.

15. I have people, agencies, companies that want to advertise on AdKash. How can I put them in touch with the company?Advertising revenues, at the moment, are exclusively entrusted to one of our important partners working in the mobile advertising world. To contact, please send an e-mail to [email protected].


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16. Is there a marketing plan for the network when reporting a possible Advertiser?For now, no, as I said, this function is provided by our partner. In the future, however, we won’t exclude extending the AdKash business model and also the collection and sale advertising through our Distribution Network.

17. Is it possible that the AdKash idea could be copied by other companies operating in the mobile advertising field?AdKash is patent pending, so we think that this will protect our intellectual property platform rights against imitations or copies.