admiralty fleet order - royal australian navy · 2014-01-15 · admiralty fleet order motor...

HEAT) OF “ P* BRANCH a .F.O. 5050/43 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Not to be communicated to anyone outside H .M . Service ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved by My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty is hereby promulgated for information and guidance and necessary action. By Command of their Lordships, Distribution Limited > Home Station only. To,all Commanders-in-Chief (excluding Commander-in-Chief,Home Fleet), Flag Officers, Senior Naval Officers Ashore, Superintendents or Officers in Charge of H .M . Naval Establishments and Admiralty Overseers concerned. N ote :—The scale of distribution is approximately half that shown in the Admiralty Fleet Order Volume, Instructions, 1941, paragraph 10. - fléad--ot ‘‘F! Br&aote— (64920)

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Page 1: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

HEAT) OF “ P* BRANCH a .F.O. 5050/43


Not to be communicated to anyone outside H .M . Service


A d m i r a l t y , S.W .l,21st October, 1943.

The following Order having been approved by My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty is hereby promulgated for information and guidance and necessary action.

By Command of their Lordships,

Distribution Limited

> Home Station only.

To,all Commanders-in-Chief (excluding Commander-in-Chief,Home Fleet), Flag Officers, Senior Naval Officers Ashore,Superintendents or Officers in Charge of H .M . Naval Establishments and Admiralty Overseers concerned.

N o te :—The scale of distribution is approximately half that shown in the Admiralty Fleet Order Volume, Instructions, 1941, paragraph 10.

- fléad--ot ‘‘F! Br&aote—


Page 2: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

5050.—Motor Transport Fuel(N.S.M.T. 1413/43.— 21 Oct. 1943.)

The following revised regulations consolidating previous Orders apply in respect of the motor fuel rationing scheme for private cars, motor cycles, goods and passenger vehicles.

2. Under the scheme it is not possible to purchase motor fuel from commercial sources (except as stated in paragraphs 4 (a), (b) and 7 (a) ) without the surrender o f coupons issued either by the Ministry o f Fuel and Power in respect o f private cars and motor cycles, or by the Ministry o f War Transport for goods and public service vehicles, and the procedure to be adopted in regard to various classes o f vehicles is as shown in subsequent paragraphs. Until further orders one unit o f petrol represents one gallon, and one unit o f diesel oil 2/3rds o f a gallon, but this may be varied from time to time as circumstances dictate.Section A — Cars and Motor Cycles

3. Private cars and motor cycles o f naval and civil personnel required to be used on official business.

(a) Coupons are issued by heads of Admiralty departments and local Admiralty Authorities (referred to afterwards as Issuing Authorities) as necessary to enable officers to perform journeys in their own cars on Admiralty service, as distinct from personal journeys, for which latter purpose applications for petrol coupons should be made to the Regional Petroleum Officers (Appendix 1). Mileage allowance for cars and motor cycles used for duty purposes is payable in accordance with A.F.Os. 2743/42, 3103/42, 3221/42, 3586/42 and 5889/42. *

(b) Appendix II shows the Issuing Authorities to whom coupons are issued to cover the requirements of private cars used for official purposes. The following points are to be noted carefully.

(c) As requirements o f individual vehicles vary considerably, according to the mileage to be covered and the horse power o f the vehicles, coupons are only to be issued to individual officers to cover requirements which can be immediately foreseen. This will ensure that the total number o f coupons allocated is utilised to the best advantage. With effect from one month from the date o f promulgation o f this Order, all privately-owned cars, whether currently licensed or operating on “ G ” on O.H.M.S. certificates used on duty journeys must be capable o f 20 miles per gallon or better. Personnel at present using for duty journeys cars which are incapable o f at least 20 m.p.g. performance must accordingly either change their cars or arrange to make use o f public or service transport for such official travelling as is essential by road.

Allowances should be calculated on the following scale :—Miles per gallon scale

(i) Motor cyclesUp to 125 c.c. 126- 150-c.c.

250-c.c. 350-c.c. 500-c.c. 600-c.c. 750-c.c.


(ii) CarsUp to 7-h.p.


10-h.p.12-h.p.13-h.p.14-h.p.15-h.p.16 and over

120 m.p.g. 108-120-m.p.g. 90-108-m.p.g. 80- 90-m.p.g. 75- 80-m.p.g. 65- 75-m.p.g. 55- 65-m.p.g. 50- 55-m.p.g.

38—42-m.p.g. 34-38-m.p.g. 31-35-m.p.g. 28-32-m.p.g. 25-29-m.p.g. 23-27-m.p.g. 21-25-m.p.g. 20-24-m.p.g. 20-m.p.g.

(d) The Issuing Authority is to appoint a responsible officer to control the issue and account for the expenditure o f all coupons. In case o f doubt as to the necessity for meeting an application, this officer is to obtain the decision o f the head

3 5050o f his department or local Issuing Authority. The Issuing Authority is to ensure that the petrol obtained with the coupons issued has been properly expended and may call upon any officer from time to time to account for the use o f the petrol he has obtained. Any case with which the Issuing Authority is not satisfied should be reported to the Admiralty.

(e) The officer referred to at (d) is to keep a register o f all coupons received from the Director o f Stores specifying the type o f coupons (viz., “ E ” o f “ G ” unit), denomination and serial numbers o f each denomination. At the end o f each month the register should be totalled and the total number o f units issued, together with the unit values o f any coupons returned, defaced, etc., should be deducted from the total in the register showing the balance remaining in hand. In addition to the register a record of all issues o f coupons should be kept in chronological order in a book in the following form :—

Date o f Issue

Name of officer

No. and h.p. o f


Nature of duty and mileage involved

No. o f units issued

Serial No. of coupons


Signature o f officer to whom


(/) When the number o f units remaining as shown in the register are reduced to 50 per cent, o f the previous allotment, application on the standard form for a further supply o f one month’s estimated requirements is to be made to the Director o f Stores, Admiralty, S .W .l, Reasons for any increase in demands over previous month’s requirements should be given at the time of application.

(g) In the event o f an emergency preventing supplies being obtained from the Admiralty, coupons should be obtained from the nearest reserve stocks which are held by the Superintending Naval Store Officers, Rosyth, Chatham, Devonport, Mersey and Midland Areas and the Naval Store Officer, Invergordon.

(h) Supply o f petrol for private cars or motor cycles (authorised users or otherwise) from Admiralty stocks is not permissible.

(i) “ Residence to duty ” travel.— Personnel requiring petrol coupons to enable them to travel between their residence and normal place o f duty should apply to the appropriate Regional Petroleum Officer on Form R (M.S.) 1 or 2. These forms are obtainable from local Taxation Officers or from post offices which deal in motor taxation business. All personnel requiring petrol for this purpose because the use of other means of transport is not reasonably practical m il so apply, whether or not the car is required on arrival for duty journeys.

Regional Petroleum Officers are not however authorised to grant allowances for residential travelling because the car is required for duty journeys from the place o f duty if the journey to that place is practicable by other means of transport. In such cases personnel are to apply to the Admiralty Issuing Authority for the journey between residence and place o f duty. The Admiralty Issuing Authority may, if satisfied that the concession is in the interests o f the service, issue coupons relative to the mileage involved, but such issues are to be kept to the absolute minimum, and the number and mileage o f journeys involved should bear reasonable relationship to the number and mileages o f journeys performed on official duty. No application should be made to Regional Petroleum Officers in respect o f cars or motor cycles operating on a “ G ” or on O.H.M.S. certificates.

Where applications for residence to duty travel are made to Regional Petroleum Officers by naval personnel, a supporting certificate should be sent with the application and registration book o f the car in the form set out below, duly signed by the Head of the Department or Commanding Officer, and bearing an official stamp. Certificates should be given only in very exceptional circumstances, and in entering thereon the number o f days on which the applicant is normally required to attend, full consideration should be given to off-duty or rest days, and leave.

No certificates should be furnished in the case o f Civil Servants and other civilian personnel, but local instructions should be followed where arrangements exist between establishments and the Regional Petroleum Officers for applications to be made through the establishment concerned instead o f the Regional Petroleum Officer direct.

Coupons will be granted by Regional Petroleum Officers for one return journey each day only where however no facilities are in existence for obtaining meals at

(.64920) A 2

Page 3: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

5050 4or near the place o f duty, consideration will be given by them to the issue o f the necessary coupons for one additional return journey a day, provided that the certificates given in the case o f naval personnel is further endorsed to the effect that meals cannot be obtained at or near the place o f duty and the nearest place where meals can be obtained is stated.

With effect from 1st June, 1943, allowances will be assessed by Regional Petroleum Officers on a basis o f a minimum performance o f 20 miles per gallon. An individual whose car is not capable o f this performance will be expected to exchange his car for one o f a lower horse-power or for a motor cycle, or to make use o f alternative arrangements detailed below. No exception to this ruling will be allowed.

In no circumstances will the Regional Petroleum Officer make an allowance for more than 780 miles a month or 1,000 if other personnel are regularly carried for an appreciable part o f the journey. I f passengers are regularly carried for an appreciable part o f the journey a statement to this effect must be incorporated in any certificate given. Where motor cycles are used, up to a maximum monthly mileage o f 1,250 will be allowed.

In the case o f applicants who in the past have been in receipt o f allowances in excess of the above-mentioned limits, due consideration must be given to the following alternatives in order to restrict future requirements to conform to the maximum mileage permitted.

(i) Change o f address.(ii) Staying on certain nights at the place o f duty or at an hotel, or at any

convenient place from which public transport can be used.(iii) Arranging mutual transport by sharing cars.(iv) Using a motor cycle instead of a car.(v) Making use on occasions o f public transport, however inconvenient.

(vi) A combination o f the above.CERTIFICATE (To be used for naval personnel only)—

“ I certify that it is essential in the national interest that (name andrank)............................................................................................................................................the signatory o f the attached application form R. (M.S.) 1 (or R . (M.S.) 2) for permission to purchase an additional supply o f petrol, should have the use o f his car (or motor cycle) to travel between his residence and place o f duty, having regard to the fact that the use o f other means o f transport (including the use of cars belonging to other personnel residing nearby) is impracticable.

“ I further certify that the distance between his residence and place o f dutyis........................miles (single journey) and that he is normally required to attendfor duty........................days each month

It should be clearly understood that coupons issued for travelling between residence and place of duty must not be used for any other purpose, and any unused coupons must be returned to the Regional Petroleum Officer for cancellation.

(j) Naval issuing authorities are responsible for the issue o f petrol coupons to naval personnel owning private cars and motor cycles in respect o f the journey involved on transfer from one station to another, provided permission to use the private car or motor cycle has been given by the Commanding Officer or Head o f the Department, and that its use at the new station on official duties is accepted as being essential. Vehicle transfers over long distances should however normally be made by rail.

(k) The arrangements for civilian staff transferred are contained in A.F.O. 2443/43.

4. Admiralty- owned, cars and motor cycles.—(a) Requirements o f fuel for service cars and motor cycles are to be drawn whenever possible from Admiralty stocks, e.g., at dockyard and naval establishments provided with pumps and bulk storage tanks. Coupons are not required in respect o f such supplies. A t places where bulk Admiralty storage does not exist, regular requirements will be met at the nearest convenient Petroleum Board fuel depot or agent by arrangement with the Regional Manager for the appropriate area (see Appendix III), or direct with the Petroleum Board fuel depots or agents (see Appendix IV) on presentation o f an Admiralty Order for Motor Fuel (Form D.77/S. 121). This form is also to be used for ordering bulk supplies. No coupons are required and no payments are to be made at the time the fuel is drawn. Instructions as to the accounting arrangements are contained in A.F.O. 3486/43.

5 5050(b) Books o f Forms D.77/S.121 contain 50 order forms in triplicate and should

be demanded on The Superintending Naval Store Officer, R.N. Store Depot, Elveden Road, Park Royal, N.W. 10. The original is for retention by the Petroleum Board fuel depot or agent issuing the fuel, the duplicate for return by the fuel depot or agent to the officer ordering the fuel and the triplicate for retention for record purposes.

Form D.77/S.121 is to be used for ordering supplies o f petrol and diesel oil motor fuel only, including fuel for motor craft.

When motor fuel is ordered for issue direct to vehicles or craft, a separate order is to be provided on each occasion that the supply is required, bulk orders being restricted to deliveries into storage tanks or containers for stock.

Forms D.258 and D.784 are not to be used for ordering supplies of motor fuel for any purposes.

(c) When vehicles perform long journeys; necessitating the replenishment o f fuel on the road, the drivers, on first setting out are to be provided with a permit to draw from R.N. stocks, with an adequate supply o f Forms D.77/S.121 and/or coupons. Any permits, forms, or coupons not used are to be handed back to the issuer on return o f the vehicle to its headquarters. The issue o f coupons for long journeys is to be accounted for in the same way as those for officer’s private cars (paragraph 3 (e)), but separately therefrom.

5. Hired Cars.— No coupons are to be issued for cars hired from private firms for Admiralty use, except in cases o f emergency when a hired car cannot be obtained other than by providing service coupons. When cars are hired for a week or more for R.N. duties any additional coupons required by the owners over the allowance made by the Regional Petroleum Officer may be issued to the owners by the Naval Issuing Authorities. A return in the following form should be sent by the Naval Issuing Authority to the Regional Petroleum Officer at the end o f each rationing period :—

Cars hired on the essential business o f the.................................................(Authority............................................................... .

{Branch, during the period.............................................Unit etc.

Name and address o f hire company Car No. Miles travelled Units issued

certified............................ Rank.............................Date.............................All cars hired should, wherever possible, be capable o f a performance

o f not less than 20-m.p.g.6 . C o u p o n s i n A l l I n s t a n c e s a r e M e r e l y P e r m i t s t o B u y P e t r o l

W h i c h M u s t b e P a i d F o r i n t h e U s u a l M a n n e r .Section B— Goods and Passenger Vehicles

Service goods vehicles including Admiralty-owned ambulances, ambulances lent for Admiralty use and Admiralty-owned omnibuses.

7. (a) The procedure outlined in paragraph 4 (a) and (6) is to be followed.(6) When vehicles perform long journeys, necessitating the replenishment o f

fuel on the road, the procedure as for cars and motor cycles outlined in paragraph 4 (c) is to be followed, except that when fuel is drawn from private garages, special “ G ” unit coupons applicable to all vehicles other than to private cars, are required to be surrendered.

8. Hired Goods and Passenger Vehicles.— (a) In order that hired vehicles engaged as a direct charge to Navy funds may obtain fuel, the officer ordering the transport may issue a Motor Fuel Indent, Form S.l. 1 (Pass) or S.l. 2 (Goods) which will enable the contractor to obtain the necessary coupons on presentation o f the indent to the appropriate Sub-District Manager o f the Ministry of War Transport.

(b) Indents are provided in book form similar to books o f telegraph forms, and on the inside o f the cover will be found a table showing the quantity o f fuel appropriate to each type o f vehicle for a given distance. This will assist officers to decide how much fuel the contractor requires to carry out the particular work for which the vehicle is hired.

(c) Indents are to be issued at the time the hired vehicle is engaged.(64920) A 3

Page 4: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

5050 69. (a) Privately owned cars including volunteer cars, goods and passenger

vehicles employed full time by the Admiralty, with or without compensation for hire which are run in the same way as i f they were Admiralty-owned vehicles, i.e., Admiralty arranges the supply o f fuel and is liable for its cost, are to be treated as Admiralty-owned vehicles for the purpose o f obtaining supplies o f fuel.

(6) No Admiralty Orders (Form D.77/S.121) motor fuel indents or coupons (except the issue o f Forms S.1.1. and S. 1.2. for vehicles hired by the Admiralty) should be utilised to enable firms, carrying out work or delivering goods under Admiralty contracts, to obtain fuel for vehicles employed by them. Any difficulties must be represented by them to the Sub-District Manager o f the Ministry o f War Transport in the case o f goods vehicles and to the Regional Petroleum Officer in the case o f cars.

(c) Non-Service owners o f private cars undertaking transport duties for the Admiralty are to be dealt with in the same way as naval officers, W.R.N.S., personnel and civil officers who perform official journeys in their own cars, i.e., they will be supplied with coupons for purchasing their own petrol for official journeys, and will be reimbursed on the authorised mileage basis given inA.F.O. 3586/42.

10. The Director o f Stores is the sole Admiralty Authority who will distribute coupons and motor fuel indents supplied for Admiralty use. The receipt o f all such documents distributed to Issuing Authorities is to be acknowledged immediately on the receipt form included therewith.

11. Any departments or establishments not included in Appendix II which require coupons or motor fuel indents are to apply to the Director of Stores, furnishing particulars o f the vehicles for which they are necessary.

12. It is o f extreme importance that all coupons are completed correctly by the insertion o f all the necessary details before they are issued to individual officers for use.

By agreement with the Petroleum Department, the Petroleum Board refuse to accept coupons submitted by dealers for replenishment o f supplies, from which the necessary particulars are omitted. • It follows, therefore, that an officer presenting an incomplete coupon to a garage is in danger of having it refused and might, therefore, be immobilised through lack o f petrol.

Admiralty Issuing Authorities should, therefore, ensure that before issue :—-(а) Each coupon bears the “ NOT VALID AFTER ” stamp in the space

provided at the bottom o f the coupon.(б) The date on which the validity expires is stamped within the “ NOT

VALID AFTER ” stamp or, if no date stamp is available, inserted in ink. (This date should always be the last day o f the month following that in which the coupon is issued for use.)

(c) The car registration number is inserted on each “ E ” unit coupon. In the case o f “ G ” unit coupons the name o f the person to whom issued is inserted and the recipients o f these coupons advised that they must sign them before presentation against a supply of petrol. No alteration should be made on any coupon, and coupons on which wrong dates have been inserted, or returned unused bearing a vehicle registration number or where the validity has expired, should be returned to the Director o f Stores. A record should be kept of all defaced and returned coupons.

13. P u b l i c T r a n s p o r t F a c i l i t i e s a r e t o b e U t i l i s e d W h e n e v e r P r a c ­t i c a b l e t o M i n i m i s e t h e E x p e n d i t u r e o p F u e l .

14. It will be observed that the foregoing instructions are of a stringent nature and necessitate continuous close attention, which might at first sight be considered irksome under conditions o f war. Their Lordships, therefore, desire it to be understood that it is these very conditions which render it an urgent necessity to conserve the stocks o f fuel to the utmost possible extent. They are accordingly

7 5050confident that all officers will co-operate in exercising rigid economy in the use of fuel, and will do their utmost to avoid all unnecessary expenditure o f this vital commodity, together with the very necessary resultant saving in tyres.

15. Whilst the Petroleum Board organisation for the supply o f fuel covers Northern Ireland and the Isle o f Man, the details o f the scheme outlined above are not applicable thereto and the local Government Authorities should be consulted as to what formalities are necessary for ensuring essential supplies o f motor fuel for naval purposes. The procedure outlined in this order should be followed as far as practicable.

A p p e n d i x I

RegionName and Address

of Regional Petroleum Officer

TelephoneNo. Area covered










N. Wales

Captain C. C. Webb, R.B.A., A.R.E., Tem­porary Office Buildings, Broadway West, Gos­fo rth , N ew castle-on Tyne, 3.

Mr. A. F. Beal, 20-22, St. Pauls St., Leeds, 1.

Mr. H. G. Beadle, Me­chanic’s Institute, North Church Street, Notting­ham.

Mr. W . W. Marsh, C.B.E., “ Dalberg ” , Chaucer Road, Cambridge.

Mr. F. E. M. Beatley, Bromyard Avenue, A c­ton, London, W.3.

Payr. Rear Admiral H. P. W. G. Murray, D.S.O., The Pump Room, Tun­bridge Wells, Kent.

Mr. N. M. McCallum, White Knight’s Park, Earley, Reading.

Mr. H. P. Lloyd, The Central Hall, Red Cross Street (off Old Market St.), Bristol, 2.

Major-General D. Paige, M.C., Donnie Cafe, Andrews Arcade, Queen Street, Cardiff.

Mr. L. H. Shelton, M.A., Bangor Street, Caer­narvon.











Counties o f Northumber­land, Durham and the North Riding o f Yorks.

County of York, less the North Riding.

Counties o f Nottingham, Lincoln, Rutland, North­ampton, Soke o f Peter­borough, Leicester and Derby.

Counties o f Norfolk, Suf­folk, Cambridge Hun­tingdon, Isle o f Ely, Herts and Essex, less that part o f the Metro­politan Police Area lying within the two latter counties.

Counties o f London and Middlesex and those parts of Essex, Herts, Surrey and Kent lying within the Metropolitan Police area.

Counties o f Kent, Sussex and Surrey less that part lying within the Metropolitan Police Area.

Counties o f Hants, Isle o f Wight, Berkshire, Bucks., Oxford and Dorset.

Counties o f Gloucester, Wiltshire, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall.

Counties o f Cardigan, Radnor, Brecknock, Mon­mouth Glamorgan, Car­marthen and Pembroke.

Counties o f Anglesey, Caernarvon, Merioneth, Montgomery, Denbigh and Flint.

Page 5: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

5050A p p e n d i x I — contd.


Name and Address TelephoneNo.Region o f Regional Area covered

Petroleum Officer

Midland Mr. J. Mackenzie, Tem­ Bearwood Counties o f Stafford,porary Office Buildings, 3071 Warwick, Worcester,Hagley Road West, Bir­ Hereford and Salop.mingham, 17.

Counties of Cumberland,North Mr. W . M. Hyne, B.A., DidsburyWestern Burton Road, West 5180/4 Westmoreland and Lan­

Didsbury, Manchester, caster.20.

Scotland Maj. B. Raynor, 101, Edinburgh Counties of Midlothian,George Street, Edin­ 33255 East Lothian, Westburgh, 2. Lothian, Berwick, R ox­

burgh, Peebles, Selkirk, Dumfries, Fife, Kinross, Perth and Clackmannan.

North Mr. H. H. Martin, Dundee Counties of Angus, (For­Scotland Seymour Lodge, 259, 67676 far), Aberdeen, Banff,Area. Perth Road, Dundee. Kincardine, Moray, Ork­

ney, Shetland, Naim, Inverness, Ross and Cromarty, Sutherland, Caithness.

South-West Mr. W . Armour, 25, Park Glasgow Counties o f Renfrew,Scotland Circus, Glasgow, C.3. Douglas Lanark, Argyll, Ayr,Area. 1928 Bute, Dumbarton Stir­

ling, Kirkcudbright, Wigtown.

A p p e n d i x II Naval Issuing Authorities

Admiralty (Bath)—•C.E.-in-C.C.I.N.O.D.A.S.D.E.E.D.N.C.D.N.E.D.N.O.D. o f C.D. o f D.D. o f S.D.T.M.E.-in-C.S.D.G.

Aberdeen— Flag Officer-in-Charge. Avonmouth—Naval Officer-in-Charge Aultbea—Naval Officer-in-Charge. Barrow—Naval Officer-in-Charge. Barrow Gurney— Surgeon Bear Admiral,

R.N.A.H.Barry—Naval Officer-in-Charge. Birmingham—Admiralty Engineer Over­

seer.Birmingham— Admiralty Regional Elec­

trical Engineer.Blackheath—Admiralty Principal Cable


Admiralty (London)—• A.C.R.A.G.R.M.C.C.O.C.N.R. M.A.P.D.A.C.R.D.A.M.R.D.B.D.D.C.D. (Slough) D.M.W.D.D.N.I.D.N.R.D. o f C.D. o f S.D.P.S.D.S.D.D.S.R.D.S/V.D.D.S.V.P.D.T.M.D.T.S.D.D.U.B.D.M.D.G.P.N.L.O.Record Office S.I.D.G.Admiral Submarines

9 5050Blyth— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Broughton Moor—Naval Armament

Supply Officer.H.M.S. “ Cabot ” — Commanding Officer.Caerwent— Superintendent, R.N.P.F.Campbeltown— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Cardiff—Flag Officer-in-Charge.Chatham— Commodore, R.N. Barracks.Chatham— Superintending Naval Store

Officer.Clyde Area— Flag Officer-in-Charge.Clyde Area— Superintending Naval Store

Officer.H.M.S. “ Collingwood ” —Commanding

Officer.Dartmouth—Naval Officer-in-Charge.Devonport— Admiral Superintendent.Devonport— Captain, R.N. Barracks.

(Gunnery School).H.M.S. “ Dolphin ” , Captain S. 5th

Submarine Flotilla.Dover— Flag Officer Commanding.Dundee— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Eaton Hall— Captain, R.N. College.H.M.S. “ Excellent ” — Commanding

Officer.Falmouth—Flag Officer-in-Charge.Gainsborough—Admiralty Gun Mount­

ing Overseer.H.M.S. “ Glendower ”— Commanding

Officer.Glossop— Naval Store Officer.Greenock—Flag Officer-in-Charge.Greenock— Naval Store Officer.Greenock— Superintendent, R.N. Tor­

pedo Factory.Greenwich— President, R.N. College.Grimsby—Captain o f Base.Haslemere— Captain Superintendent,

Admiralty Signal Establishment.Hartlepool— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Harwich—Flag Officer-in-Charge.Haslar— Surgeon Rear Admiral, R.N.

Hospital.Holton Heath— Superintendent, R.N.

Cordite Factory.Holyhead— Naval Officer-in-ChargeHumber— Flag Officer-in-Charge.Inverary— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Invergordon— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Killingholme— Officer-in-Charge, H.M.

Oil Fuel Depot.H.M.S. “ King Alfred ” , Commanding

Officer.Kirkwall— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Leith and Granton— Naval Officer-in-

Charge.Lerwick— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Liverpool— Flag Officer-in-Charge.London— Flag Officer-in-Charge.London— Admiralty Engineer Overseer.London—Admiralty Regional Electrical

Engineer.Londonderry—Naval Store Officer.Lowestoft— Naval Officer-in-Charge.

Lowestoft— Patrol Service Central Depot.

Lympstone— Commandant Commanding Depot, Royal Marines.

Manchester— Admiralty Engineer Over­seer.

Manchester—Admiralty Regional Elec­trical Engineer.

Manchester— Admiralty Gun Mounting Overseer.

H.M.S. “ Mercury ” — Captain.Methil—Naval Officer-in-Charge.Middlesbrough—Naval Officer-in-Charge.Milford Haven—Flag Officer-in-Charge.Newcastle—Admiral Superintendent,

C.B.S.Newhaven—Naval Officer-in-Charge.Newport— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Nore— Commander-in-Chief.H.M. Norfolk Flax Establishment—

Superintendent.North Shields—Naval Officer-in-Charge.Park Royal— Superintending Naval Store

Officer.Plymouth—Commander-in-Chief.Plymouth— Commandant, R.M. Bar­

racks.Portland—Naval Store Officer.Portsmouth— Commander-in-Chief.Portsmouth— Admiral Superintendent.Portsmouth— Commodore, R.N. Bar­

racks.Portsmouth— Commandant, R.M. Bar­

racks.H.M.S. “ President III ” —Accountant

Officer.H.M.S. “ Raleigh ” — Commodore.Ramsgate— Naval Officer-in-Charge. R.A.N.A.S. (N).Rosyth— Commander-in-Chief.Rosyth—Admiral Superintendent.H.M.S. “ St. Vincent ” — Commanding

Officer.Sheemess— Commodore-in-Charge.Sheffield—Admiralty Engineer Overseer.Sheffield—Warship Production Superin­

tendent.Southampton— Flag Officer-in-Charge.Southend— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Stafford— Superintending Naval Store

Officer (Midland Area).Stranraer— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Sunderland—Naval Officer-in-Charge.Swansea— Naval Officer-in-Charge.Teddington— Superintendent, A.R.L.Thurso— Naval Officer-in-Charge.H.M.S. “ Trelawney ” — Rear Admiral

(M/L).Tyne— Flag Officer-in-Charge.H.M.S. “ Vernon ” — Captain.H.M.S. “ Vernon ” — Superintendent,

Mine Design.H.M.S. “ Warren ” — Commanding Offi­

cer.West Drayton— Superintendent, A.E.L.Yarmouth—Flag Officer-in-Charge.

Page 6: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

5050 10



(a) Regional Manager (a) RegionalRegion Regional Office (b) Deputy Regional Accountant

Manager (6) Deputy Regional(c) Assistant Manager Accountant








Eastern ...






53 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, C.2. Tel :— Glasgow Central 3821.

Lauder Grange, Corbridge, North­umberland.Tel:— Corbridge 177/9 and


Sunlight House, Quay Street, Manchester.Tel. :— Manchester Blaekfriars


Coronet House, Queen Street,

Tel0d:— Leeds 30521/7.

Shell-B.P. House, London Road, Leicester.Tel. :— Leicester 60124/9.

King Edward House, New Street, Birmingham.Tel. :— Birmingham Midland


Andrews Arcade, Queen Street, Cardiff.Te‘. Cardiff 8940/7.

Shell-B.P. House, Lloyds Avenue, Ipswich.Tel. :— Ipswich 4344/9 and


1 Kingsway, W.C.2.Tel. :— Temple Bar 8456.

Shell House, Crescent Road, Tunbridge Wells.Tel.:— Tunbridge Wells 3440.

Woodley Lodge, Winchester Road, Romsey, Hants.Tel. :— Romsey 341.

Refuge Assurance Buildings, 18 Baldwin Street, Bristol.Tel. :— Bristol 25171/6.

6 Murray Street, Belfast. Tel. Belfast 20881.

(а) I. G. Brackenridge(б) G. P. Laidlaw (c) A. S. McCance

A. M. Mill(a) J. C. Porritt(b) J. R. Payne(c) H. E. Atkinson

G. N. PettyF. M. Walton

(а) T. W. Lyle(б) A. W. Wooldridge

R. LoweA. F. MoorcroftH. V. Waite

(a) W . H. Critchlow(b) J. A. Higham(c) E. G. Butler

F. ParkC. H. Wagstaff J. Warrington

(a) R. B. Benwell(b) N. C. Lamberton(c) H. G. Eldon

L. Halsey(a) H. C. S. Fothergill(b) J. Marks

P. C. Robinson H. C. BantingG. E. V. ThompsonC. Jackson

(a) H. F. W. Flower(b) W. F. Burgess(c) F. W. Pearce

D. 0 . SaraR, G. Wheeler

(a) A. J. Walter(b) B. A. Tunks(c) A. Hancock

G, J. HarterG. R. Roberts

(a) A. R. Rodway(b) G. C. Wesson(c) G. W. Limmer

T. S. OwenS. H. WoodE. T. HouseH. S. Wellington

(а) W . Harrington(б) C. K. Stringer (c) W. J. Carty

G. Crosthwaite T. C. Hornby Q. Walford

(a) L. C. P. Scaife(b) C. J. Poole(c) C. Browne

R. Ellis(a) G. W. Powell(b) G. H. James(c) J. C. Jones

J. KeeneF. E. W. LaurieF. A. WardG. H. Wise

(а) M. C. Higginson(б) A. Gordon(c) R. M. Air___________

(a) W . W. Anderson(b) P. B. Hood

(а) A. Lee(б) T. L. Harper

(а) H. W. Chapman(б) T. W. Clarke

(а) H. Smith(б) S. Bulmer

(а) A. Wickham(б) T. B. Binns

(a) E. F. Medland(b) E. P. Peter

(a) F. M. Boon(b) W. W. Gale

(а) W. Sunderland(б) H. C. Vincent

(а) H. A. Beechey(б) W. E. Sowman

(а) R. Kennedy(б) F. F. Eggleton

(а) W. A. Saunders(б) A. G. Symonds

(a) J. Carter(b) G. V. Harvey

(а) D. Bailie(б) J. Greer


11 5050



A p pekd ix IV

Depot.(Subject to alteration without notice)

Address. Tel. No.D only * Aberdeen ... ... Robertson’s Garage (Aberdeen) Ltd., North Aberdeen 1454

DEsplanade West, Aberdeen.

Pointlaw, Aberdeen ... Aberdeen 8766D Mansfield Road, Torry, Aberdeen ... Aberdeen 2469/70I) Abergavenny ... G.W.R. Goods Yard, Abergavenny Abergavennyl72D Aberystwyth Park Avenue, Aberystwyth... Aberystwyth 432D Airdrie ... Carlisle Road, Airdrie Airdrie 2300D Aldershot ... ... Southern Railway (S.E. & C. Sect.), North Famborough(Hants)

D only Alrewas ...Camp Station, Ash Vale.

... J. Leavesley, Alrewas, Staffs.1083/4

Alrewas 204D Alnwick ... ... Saw Mills, South Road, Alnwick ... Alnwick 22D Andover ... ... Old Winton Road, Andover ................ Andover 60

* Appleby ... ... Donald Maerae, Bridge Street, Appleby, Appleby 19

D *ArclidWestmorland.

... D. Pace & Sons, Arclid, Cheshire ... Smallwood 56Ardnadam ... Ardnadam Pier, Argyllshire Sandbank 211Ardrishaig ... The Pier, Ardrishaig Ardrishaig 13Ardrossan ... North Crescent Road, Ardrossan Ardrossan/Saltcoats

16.Ashbourne 127D Ashbourne ... L.M.S.Railway Goods Yard, Ashbourne ...

Ashford ... S.R. Goods Yard, Ashford West, Kent ... Ashford 274D *Avonmouth ... Royal Edward Dock, Avonmouth Avonmouth 224

Axminster ... S .R . Goods Yard, Axminster Axminster 2270 and

D Aylesbury ... Norfolk Terrace, Aylesbury............................2214.

Aylesbury 199D Aylesford ... ... Aylesford, Nr. Maidstone, Kent ............... Aylesford 7225D Ayr ... Tams Brig, Newtownhead Lye, Ayr Ayr 3445

D Ballinluig ... .. Great North Road, Ballinluig ................ Ballinluig 238D Banbury .. G.W.R. Goods Yard, Banbury ............... Banbury 2048D Barnsley ... .. Portland Street, Pinder Oaks, Barnsley ... Barnsley 2296D Barnstaple .. Victoria Road, Barnstaple ... Barnstaple 2009Donly*Barton ... ... D. W. Stephenson, Willow Bridge F/Stn., Barton (Yoiks) 204

Gt. North Road, Barton Yorkshire.D only *Basingstoke H. Hounsome, Kempshott Hill Garage,

Basingstoke, Hants.Dummer 52

DBath ..............

Lower Brook Street, Basingstoke................ Basingstoke 224D Hopmead Buildings, Lower Bristol Road,

Bath.Bath 4592/3 and

4053.D *Bedford ... Ampthill Road, Bedford ............................ Bedford 5093 and

4167.D Berwick ............... North Road, Berwick-on-Tweed ................ Berwick 314D Birkenhead Green Lane, New Chester Road, Birken­

head.Birkenhead 1367

D Birmingham Rae Street, Cheapside, Birmingham Midland 0866D ” Hayhall Road, Tyseley Acocks Green 1235

and 1257Bishop Auckland... L. & N.E.R. (N.E. Coal Depot), Tenters

St., Bishop Auckland.Bishop Auckland 22

D Bishops Stortford Twyford Road, Bishops Stortford ... Bishops Stortford 297

D Blackpool Devonshire Road, Blackpool ............... Blackpool 986Bodmin ............... Cardell Road, Bodmin ............................ Bodmin 8 and 51

D only „ Henwood & Blewitt, Cornish Garage, Bodmin.

Bodmin 70

D Bolton ............... Bridgeman Street, Bolton ................ Bolton 3782/3 and 1948.

D *Boroughbridge ... W . & J. Kelly, Imperial F/Stn., Borough- bridge.

Boroughbridge 64

D Boston ................ Rowell Row, Skirbeck Quarter, Boston ... Boston 2271Bowling ................ Dunglass, B ow ling......................................... Bowling 190

D Bradiord................ Canal Road, Manningham, Bradford Bradford 5337 and 8172

Braintree Station Road, Braintree, Essex Braintree 118“ D ”—Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service.*—Denotes Day and Night Service.

Page 7: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

5050 12A p p e n d ix IV— contd.

Depot. Address.D Brechin Commerce Street, Brechin ...D Brecon G.W. Railway Goods Yard, BreconD Bridgend ... G.W. Bailway Coity Sidings, Bridgend ...D Bridgwater Goods Yard, Bridgwater ............................

D Bridlington L. & N.E. Railway Goods Yard, BridlingtonD Bridport G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Bridport

D Brigg .............. Bridge Street, Brigg ............................D Bristol Albert Road, St. Phillips, Bristol................

• Bristol Motor Co. Ltd., Ashton Gate, Bristol, 3.

D Brynmawr Xantyglo Road, Brynmawr...D Buckingham L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, BuckinghamD Buckden................ L.M.S. Railway Approach, Buckden, Hun­

tingdonshire.D Bumlev ... Burnley Road, Hapton, Burnley................D Burton Bond End Wharf, Branstone Road, Burton-

on-Trent.D Bury St. Edmunds L.N.E. Railway Goods Yard, Tayfen Lane,

Bury St. Edmunds.D Buxton Dale Road, Buxton

D Caernarvon Victoria Dock, Caernarvon............................Cambridge Cambridge Road, Impington, nr. Cambridge

D Ditton Walk, Newmarket Road, CambridgeD only King & Harper, Ltd., Milton Road, Cam­

bridge.D ‘ Cardiff ............... Alfa Forge & Eng. Co., Cowbridge Road,

Ely, Cardiff.D ” Victoria Wharf, Ferry Road, Grangetown,

Cardiff.D - Ferry Road, Grangetown, Cardiff ...

D Cardigan ... G.W. Railway Goods Yard, CardiganD ‘ Carlisle Border Oil Co., Lowther Street, Carlisle ...D „ London Road, Harraby, Carlisle ...D Carmarthen G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Carmarthen ...

Castle Douglas ... Oakwell Road, Castle DouglasCatterick............... Catterick Bridge Station, Brompton-on-

Swale, Richmond, Yorks.Chatteris ... Honeysome Road, Chatteris, Cambs.

D Chelmsford Wood Street, Chelmsford ...7 a.m./ Chepstow ... T. R. Powell, Parkwall Garage, Crick,12 p.m. Monmouth.D Chester 29, Hoole Lane, ChesterD Chesterfield Wharf Lane Sidings, Chesterfield ...D Chichester... Kingsham Road, ChichesterD Chippenham Station Road, Chippenham ...............

D Cirencester 26, Sheep Street, CirencesterD Cockermouth Old Tweed Mill, Victoria Road, CockermouthD Colchester Greenstead Road, Colchester

Hythe Quay, ColchesterI) only ” Harry K. Place, Evergreen S/Station,

London Road, Stanway, near Colchester.D Colwick Colwick Estates, Netherfield, Notts

D * Coseley Fellows Bros., Birmingham New Road, Coseley, near Wolverhampton.

D Cosham Southampton Road, Paulsgrove, CoshamD * Coventry ... Sumner Bros., Ltd., London Road, Wil-

lenhall.D Crewe Gresty Road, Crewe ...D Crieff ............... L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, CrieffD Croydon ... Commerce Way, Purley Way, Croydon ...

Cupar Pitscottie Road, Cupar

“ D -Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service.*— Denotes Day and Night Service.

Tel. No. Brechin 178 Brecon 66 Bridgend 688 Bridgwater 2334 and

107Bridlington 3337 Bridport 123 and

141Brigg 2166 and 3176 Bristol 77013 Bristol 64013

Brynmawr 214 Buckingham 2114 Buckden 210

Burnley 3129 Burton 3315

Bury St. Edmunds 181

Buxton 245

Caernarvon 517 Histon 331 Teversham 205/6 Cambridge 55088

Llandaff 425

Cardiff 5189

Cardiff 3236/7 and 8940, Ext. 50

Cardigan 55 Carlisle 925 Carlisle 11 Carmarthen 607 Castle Douglas 142 Old Catterick 47

Chatteris 102 Chelmsford 2875 Caldicot 238

Chester 1093 Chesterfield 2510 Chichester 2356 Chippenham 2003

and 2115 Cirencester 38 Cockermouth 56/7 Colchester 4246 Colchester 3141 Colchester 2600

Carlton 58235 and 58241

Sedgley 3150

Cosham 76444 Coventry 2902

Crewe 2563 Crieff 198 Croydon 5135 Cupar 2182


13 5050


A p p e n d ix IV— contd. Address. Tel. No.

Darley Dale Old Road, Darley Dale Darley Dale 43D Darlington Albert Road, Darlington ............................ Darlington 2090D * Derby .............. Gibson’s Garage, Lower Kilburn, near Derby Horsley 57D ?> Mansfield Road, Derby Derby 44504D Devizes G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Devizes Devizes 92 and 144D Didcot .............. Richs’ Sidings, G.W. Railway, Didcot Didcot 49D Dingwall ... Strathpeffer Road, Dingwall Dingwall 2177

Diss Victoria Road, Diss, Norfolk Diss 44D D olgelly .............. G.W. Railway Good Yard, Dolgelly Dolgelly 59D Doncaster Hexthorpe, Doncaster Doncaster 53194D * Moore’s Garage (Doncaster), Ltd., York Doncaster 3580

DorchesterRoad, Doncaster.

London Road, Dorchester ... Dorchester 165D only • W. March, Exhibition Garage, London Dorchester 360

D Douglas ...Road, Dorchester.

South Quay, Douglas ... ............... Douglas 193D Dumfries ... L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, Dumfries ... Dumfries 379D Dundee Riverside Drive, Esplanade, Dundee Dundee 3037

Dunfermline Colton Siding, Whitemyre Junction, Dun­ Dunfermline 674

D urham ..............fermline.

Neville’s Cross, Durham Durham 73D Dysart Normand Road, Dysart Dysart §294

D East Dereham Station Road, East Dereham, Norfolk Dereham 47East Grinstead .. London Road, East Grinstead, Sussex East Grinstead 317

D * Eccles Silk Street, Eccles, Manchester ............... Eccles 1774D Edinburgh L.M.S. Railway, Morrison Street, Edinburgh Edinburgh 31513D Elgin .............. Ward Road, Elgin ... Elgin 2529

Ely .............. Station Road, Ely, Cambridge Ely 101D Epping ..............

• 9Thomwood, near Epping ... Epping 2692

D only Epping Service Station, Ltd., High Street, Epping 2001

D * Exeter ..............Epping, Essex.

Haven Road, Exeter Exeter 4146/7* Regent Wharf, Haven Docks, Exeter Exeter 54208/9

>» King Edward Street, Exeter Exeter 54257/8 and

Fakenham Norwich Road, Fakenham ...


Fakenham 69D Falmouth.............. c/o Falmouth Docks Engineering Co., Falmouth 507

D FavershamFalmouth

Standard Quay, Abbey Road, Faversham Faversham 2291D Abbey Road, Faversham Faversham 216D only *Flamstead Watlmg Street Filling Station (Markyate), Markyate 240

ForfarLtd., Flamstead, near St. Albans.

... Fife Street, Forfar ... . Forfar 308D Fortwilliam North Road, Fort William Fort William 94

D Gainsborough Bowling Green Road, Gainsborough Gainsborough 70D only *Gateshead... Andrew Turnbull, Rapid Service Station, Low Fell 76534

D GillinghamHarlow Green, Low Fell, Gateshead.

Pottery Railway Sidings, S.R., Gillingham, Gillingham 68


Dailly Road, Bridge Mill, Girvan............... Girvan 2185D * Glasgow (South) .. 107, Mauchline Street, Port Eglinton, Glasgow South

D * Glasgow (North) ..Glasgow, C.5.

60, Canal Street, Glasgow, C.4 ................2755/6/7

Douglas 5701D Glasgow ... 60 Hunter Street, Glasgow ... Bell 1007D Road Transport Co., Ltd., Broomielaw, Central 8461

D * GloucesterGlasgow, CJ.

Monk Meadow Dock, Gloucester ................ Gloucester 306] /4D * ,, Westgage Motor House Co. (Gloucester), Gloucester 2194/5

D Goole ..............Ltd., 211, Westgate Street, Gloucester.

Bridge Street, Goole ............................ Goole 89Goole (Hook) Hook, near Goole Goole 325Grangemouth Powdrake Road, Grangemouth ............... Grangemouth 390/1

D Grantham Dysart Road, Grantham Grantham 225G ranton.............. Shore Road, Leith, Edinburgh, S.................. Granton 83269

“ D ”—Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service.*—Denotes Day and Night Service.

Page 8: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

5050 14


D only *Gra veley ...



Gravesend Gt. Yarmouth


Greenock Grimsby ... Guildford ... Gunness ...

Address.L.M.S. Goods Yard, Grantown-on-Spey ...

Ralph Pickett, Jack’s Hill Filling Station, Graveley, Herts.

Terrace Pier Wharf, Gravesend L.N.E. Railway Goods Yard, Vauxhall

Station, Great Yarmouth.West Green Garages Ltd., Western Avenue,

Greenford, Middlesex.Carwood Street, Greenock............................Garth Lane, GrimsbyS.R. Goods Yard, Shalford, GuildfordGunness Wharf, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire

A ppendix IV— contd.

Tel. No. Grantown-on-Spey

73Stevenage 284

Gravesend 367 Gt. Yarmouth 2798

Waxlow 1071

Greenock 1277 Grimsby 3249 Shalford 18 Gunness 14

D Haddington

D HalifaxD Hanley

D Harrogate

HaslemereD Haverfordwest


D HawkhurstHayle

D Hereford ...Hertford ...

D Hexham ...

D High WycombeHolsworthy

D Horsham ...D Huddersfield

D ♦Hull (Saltend)D onlyD Huntly

D ♦Inverness ...D Tfpswieh ...D only ”


Hospital Road, Haddington

Railway Goods Yard, Shay Lane, Holmfield Etruria Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent

Dragon Road, Harrogate ................

S.R. Goods Yard, Haslemere G.W.R. Goods Yard, Station Road, Haver­

fordwest.L.N.E. Railway Goods Yard, Haverhill ...Mansfield Crescent, Hawick ................Cranbrook Road, Hawkhurst, KentHarveys Quarry, Hayle ............................St. Martin Street, Hereford Mead Lane, HertfordL. & N.E. Railway (N.E. Section) Goods

Yard, Hexham.Queens Road, High Wycombe ................Railway Goods Yard, Holsworthy

Foundry Lane, Horsham, Sussex................Willow Lane, Huddersfield ...

Hedon, H u ll.....................................................West Dock Street, HullUpper Pirries Mill, Huntly............................

Citadel Quay, InvernessCliff Quay, Ipswich........................................W. G. Gosling & Sons (Ipswich), Ltd.,

Ipswich S/Stn., London Road, Ipswich.

Haddington 114 and 154

Halifax 64205 Stoke - on - Trent

2176/7.Harrogate 2767 and

2544 Haslemere 187 Haverfordwest 64

Haverhill 44 Hawick 2619 Hawkhurst 95 Hayle 3285 Hereford 2217 Hertford 2386 Hexham 98

High Wycombe 1940 Holsworthy 15 and

32Horsham 218 Huddersfield 1195

and 2959 Hedon 41191/3 Hull 37723 Huntly 84


Inverness 68 and 438 Ipswich 3705 Ipswich 2338

Jarrow 67131



DD only

KendalKennet ................

Kettering ... Kidlington (Oxon.)

Kilmarnock Kingsbridge

*King’s Lynn


Kirkwall ...

Shap Road, Kendal ............................ Kendal 558Clackmannan Motor Spares, Kennet, Kin- Kincardine 61

cardine.The Crescent, Kettering ............................Kettering 2398P. A. Dunn, Zoo Filling Station, Kidlington, Kidlington 205

Oxon.London Road, Hurlford, Kilmarnock ... Kilmarnock 758Ilbert Road, Kings b rid ge............................Kings bridge 2110Estuary Road, King’s Lynn ...................King’s Lynn 2617Eastern Counties Omnibus Co., Ltd., South King’s Lynn 2343

Gates, King’s Lynn.Fox & Nicholl, Ltd., Kingston By-Pass Derwent 1122

Road, Tolworth, Surbiton.Shore Street, Kirkwall ............................Kirkwall 106

‘ D —Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service.1—Denotes Day and Night Service.

15 5050


Depot.LairgLampeter ...

D LanarkD LancasterD only Larkfield ...


♦Leeds (Central)

D LeedsD ..

D Leicester ...



Lerwick ...


D Liverpool ...DDD Llandarcy

L Llandilo ...


A p p e n d i x I V — contd.

Address.L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, Lairg Station G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Lampeter Loch Road, Lanark Ashton Road, LancasterThomas Tilling, Ltd., Larkfield ...............G.W. Bailway Goods Yard, Launceston ... Goodman Street, Hunslet, Leeds

Comer of Hunslet Lane and Meadow Lane Rowland Winn, Ltd., County Garage,

Woodhouse Lane, Leeds.L.N.E. Railway Goods Yard, Catherine

Street, Leicester.Parker Diive, Blackbird Road, Leicester ...Norton Way, Letchworth, Herts...................Northness, Commercial Road, Lerwick,

Shetland.L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, Lichfield The Ropewalk, LincolnScotland Road, Liverpool............................Dingle Installation, Dingle Bank, Liverpool Hatton Garden S/Stn., Liverpool ... Skewen, Glamorgan........................................

Llandilo Saw Mills Siding, G.W. Railway, Station Road, Llandilo.

L.M.S. P.ailway Goods Yard, Llandrindod Conway Road, Llandudno ...


D AngelBattersea ...


D * „

Bishopsgate Bow Road

D Brixton ... * Clapham ...

D *Euston ................

Fulham ................

Golders Green


D GunnersburyHackney ...

D HarlesdenHarrow Road

♦Kingston By-Pass

D Limehouse Long Lane Mornington Crescent

London District Lawrences Garage, Western Avenue, Acton,

W.3.400, City Road, E.C.lBattersea Paik Road, Adjoining G.W.

Railway Goods Yard.Jamaica Garage, Ltd., 12a, Jamaica Road,

Bermondsey, S.E.16.Tower Bridge Garage (Petty & Co.), 178a,

Tower Bridge Road, S.E.l.231, Bishopsgate, E.C.2 ............................227 Bow Road, E.3 ...Effra Road, Comer Rushcroft Road Lawrences Garage (A. F. Lawrence),

336, Clapham Road, S.W.9.Lawrences Garage (A. F. Lawrence),

105, North Side, Clapham, S.W.4. Stockwell Service Station (F. V. Dives),

189, Clapham Road, S.W.9.Central London Garage (Express Dairy Co.,

Ltd.), Crescent Place, W.C.l.168-188, Fulham Palace Road, S.W.6Stevenage Road, Fulham, S .W .6 ...............Henlys Ltd., Henlys Comer, North Circular

Road, Golders Green, N .W .ll.West Green Garages Ltd., Western Avenue,

Greenford, Middlesex.1, Great West Road, W.4 ...271, Mare Street, E.8 ............................205, High Street, Harlesden, N.W.10 121, Harrow Road, W.2 Fox & Nicholl, Ltd., Kingston By-Pass

Road, Tolworth, Surbiton.767, Commercial Road, E. 14 34 Long Lane, S.E.l...Hampstead Road (opposite Mornington

Crescent Tube Station).“ D ”— Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service. *— Denotes Day and Night Service.

Tel. No.Lairg 12 Lampeter 43 Lanark 189 Lancaster 715 West Mailing 2328 Launceston 68 Hunslet 76001 and

75241 Leeds 22400 Leeds 20761

Leicester 58218

Leicester 20792 Letchworth 394 Lerwick 5

Lichfield 160 Lincoln 600 North 0055 Lark Lane 1901 Advance 5067 Skewen 197 Neath 210 and 789 Llandilo 3148

L dod Wells 2047 Llan. Junct. 81202

Acorn 3758

Terminus 1770 Macaulay 3174

Bermondsey 2412

Hop 3228

Bishopsgate 8253 Advance 3867 Brixton 2410 Macaulay 5432

Battersea 5166

Brixton 1951

Euston 2552

Fulham 1660 Fulham 5555 Finchley 0081

Waxlow 1071

Chiswick 1119 Amherst 1409 Willesden 1963 Paddington 6566 Derwent 1122

East 3516 Hop 1135 Euston 2945

Page 9: ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER - Royal Australian Navy · 2014-01-15 · ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDER MOTOR TRANSPORT FUEL Admiralty, S.W.l, 21st October, 1943. The following Order having been approved

5050 16






Depot New Cross

Newington Butts... Old Kent Road ...O lym pia................PutneyShepherd’s Bush ...



Stonebridge Park

Tower Bridge Vauxhall ...

*Victoria ...



A p p e n d i x IV— contd.Address.

New Cross Road (adjoining New Cross Railway Station).

60, Newington Butts, S.E.ll 546-554, Old Kent Road, S.E.388, High Street, Kensington, W.14 Bridge Gate, Fulham, S.W.6 Shepherd’s Bush Road, W.6

Bradfield Road, Silvertown, E.16

Iron Bridge Service Depot, Ltd., Uxbridge Road, Southall, Middlesex.

Ace Service Station (London), Ltd., North Circular Road, Stonebridge Park, N.W.10

135, Tower Bridge Road, S.E.lBridgefoot, S . E . l l ........................................Samuelsons New Transport Co., Ltd.,

3, Eccleston Place, S.W.l.Lawrences Garage, 79, Westminster Bridge

Road, S.E.l.201-213, Westminster Bridge Road, S.E.l

Tel. No.New Cross 2346

Reliance 1039 Bermondsey 1808 Western 7019 Putney 3020 Shepherd’s Bush

1520Albert Dock 1334

and 2471 Southall 2606

Willesden 6652

Hop 3255 Reliance 1566 Sloane 9102/3

Waterloo 4341

Waterloo 6053

D *Long Bennington Ford’s Service Station, Gt. North Road, Long Bennington227

D Loughborough D Louth D only *Low Fell ...

DD only



Lydney ...



D only *Markyate ...

D only * „

Maryport D Melton Mowbray D Middlesbrough ... D Minehead ...

Mintlaw ...D Mold ................D Monmouth D M orpeth...............

D Newark D Newbury ...

Newcastle East ...

D *Newcastle Elswick

D Newport (Mon.) ...

D Newport (I. of W.) D Newton Abbot

D Newton Stewart ... D Newtown

D NorthamptonNorth Walsham ...

Long Bennington, near Newark.Beeches Road, Loughborough Keddington Road, Louth ...Andrew Turnbull, Rapid Service Station,

Harlow Green, Low Fell, near Gateshead Main Road, Lumphanan Leagrave Road, Luton, Bedford ...Wm. Ellis (Luton), Ltd., Empire Garages,

Dunstable Road, Luton.Hams Road, Lydney

Station Street, Hibel Road, Macclesfield ... L. & N.E. Railway Goods Yard, Malton ... Silk Street, Eccles, Manchester Ardwick Green, Manchester Sutton Road, Mansfield Watling Street Filling Station (Markyate),

Ltd., Flamstead, near St. Albans.Neal’s Garage (Markyate), Ltd., High

Street, Markyate.Senhouse Dock, Maryport ...North Street, Melton Mowbray Ferry Road, Middlesbrough Mart Road, Minehead Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire Chester Road, Mold ...Cinderhill (Troy Station), Monmouth Coopies’ Lane, Morpeth

Famdon Road, Farndon Fields, Newark ... G.W.R. Goods Yard, Newbury Shields Road, Walkergate, Newcastle-on-

Tyne.Skinnerburn Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 4...

G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Dock Parade, Pill, Newport.

Little London, Newport (I. of W.)...G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Forde Road,

Newton Abbot.Station Road, Newton Stewart ................G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Llanidloes Road,

Newtown.Old Towcester Road, Northampton M. & G.N. Railway Goods Yard, North


Loughborough 2049 Louth 202 Low Fell 76534

Lumphanan 29 Luton 3440/1 Luton 596

Lydney 112

Macclesfield 2310 Malton 166 and 224 Eccles 1774 Ardwick 3273 Mansfield 144 Markyate 240

Markyate 233

Maryport 70 Melton 226 and 279 Middlesbrough 3946 Minehead 189 Mintlaw Stn. 227 Mold 130 Monmouth 126 Morpeth 129

Newark 130 and 261 Newbury 318 Wallsend 63301

Newcastle-on-Tyne 34284

Newport 4271/2

Newport 2186 Newton Abbot 143

and 45 Newton Stewart 56 Newtown 286

Northampton 1660 North Walsham 46

“ D ”—Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service.*—Denotes Day and Night Service.

17 5050

Depot.D NorthwiehD Norwich ...D only

D only

D Nottingham

D Nottingham (Col­wick).

D Nuneaton

D ObanOkehampton

D ♦Oldham (Standedge)D Oswestry ...D Oulton BroadD OxfordD only

PaisleyPeebles ...............

D PembrokeD PenrhyndeudraethD PenrithD PerthD PeterboroughD only Peterborough


D ♦PlymouthD only PlymouthD Pontypridd

Address.Hayhurst Street, NorthwiehWhitlingham Lane, Trowse, NorwichNorwich Motor Co., Ltd., 118, Prince of

Wales Road, Norwich.Mahoney & Edwards, Ltd., la, Thorpe Road,

Norwich.Filling Station, Carrington Street, Notting­

ham.Colwick Estates, Netherfield, Notting­

hamshire.Jodrell Street, Nuneaton ............................

A ppendix IV— contd.

Lochavullin Road, ObanStation Road, OkehamptonFloating Light, Ltd., Standedge, nr. OldhiGobowen Road, OswestryHarbour Road, Oulton Broad, SuffolkL.M. & S. Railway Goods Yard, OxfordNorth Oxford Garage, Oxford






D Portsmouth D only „

D PrestonD ♦Preston (Broughton)

PumpherstonD Pwllheli ...

D Reading ...............D

RedhillDD RetfordD Rhyl ................D Rochdale

RochesterRothesayRowley Regis

D Rugby ................D Romford...............

D Sevenoaks...St. AlbansSt. Austell

Hawkhead Road, Paisley ...Dovecot Road, Peebles Station Approach, Pembroke Castle Street, Penrhyndeudraeth Turnpike Road, Penrith Feus Road, Perth Midland Road, Peterborough Stilton Garage, Ltd., Stilton, nr.

borough.Rear of “ Volunteer Arms ”, Station Road,

Petersfield.Oakfield Terrace Road, Cattedown M. Thomas, Embankment Road, Plymouth G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Glynstaff

Sidings.West Shore Wharf, P o o le ...............The Pier, PortreeAldrington Basin, Shoreham Road, Port-

slade, Sussex.Rudmore Road, Portsmouth ...............James Bryant & Son (Portsmouth), Ltd.,

National Garage, Twyford Avenue, Ports­mouth. (Supplies can be drawn during night if urgently required.)

Ashton Marsh, Preston ............................Kinder’s Garage, Garstang Road, Broughton,

North of Preston.Drumshoreland Road, Pumpherston G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Pwllheli

Coley, Reading ............... ...Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading Brook Road, Redhill, Surrey Gt. North Road, Retford ...L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, RhylRugby Road, RochdaleFurrells Wharf Road, Rochester, KentChurch Lane, Rothesay ................Station Road, Rowley RegisWood Street, Rugby ................London Road, Romford, Essex

S.R. Goods Yard, Tubbs Hill, Sevenoaks . Hedley Road, St. Albans, Hertfordshire . Bojea Sidings, St. A u stell...............

“ D ”— Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service. *— Denotes Day and Night Serivce.

Tel. No. Northwieh 2209 Norwich 20428/9 Norwich 24216

Norwich 25380

Nottingham 41798

Carlton 58235 and 58241

Nuneaton 201

Oban 191 Okehampton 103 Delph 275 Oswestry 275 Oulton Broad 2 Oxford 47421 Oxford 5322

Paisley 3127/8 Peebles 162 Pembroke 285 Pen’raeth 324 Penrith 136 Perth 463 Peterboro’ 2723 Yaxley 212

Petersfield (Hants) 134

Plymouth 5012/3 Plymouth 2583 Pontypridd 2661

Poole 971 Portree 77 Ports'ade 8666

Portsmouth 74107 Portsmouth 718811

Preston 6287 Broughton 91

Mid Calder 25 Pwllheli 11

Reading 4201 Reading 61482 Redhill 730 Retford 213 Rhyl 122 Rochdale 4275/6 Chatham 2804 Rothesay 588 Blackheath 1414 Rugby 3157 Romford 2575

Sevenoaks 260 St. Albans 2108 St. Austell 250


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5050 18

Depot.D St. Boswells

St. Germans

D SalisburyD only

D only SandySaxmundham

D Scarborough

D Sheffield ...D Sheffield ...D Sheffield ...D ShrewsburyD Skipton ...D Slough

D *SouthamptonD Southend ...

D South Mimms

D SouthportD Spalding ...D SpilsbyD Stafford ...D only *Stamford

DD only Stannington

D only Stanway ...

I) only Stilton

D Stirling ................D Stockport

D *Stony Stratford ...

Stornoway Stow-on-Wold Stranraer

D Stratford-on-Avon

Sunderland Swansea ...

D Swansea ...D Swindon................

D *Talke (near Hanley)

D *if »

D Taunton................♦Tewkesbury

D only Thatcham (Berks)Thetford................Thurso ................

D Tiverton................Truro ................

D *Tunbridge Wells ...

Address.Earlston Road, Newton, St. Boswells Quay Road, St. Germans ...............

Waterloo Road, Salisbury...............Turner’s Garage, Winchester Street, Salis­

bury.B. J. Smith, 115, London Road, Sandy ... Lower Albion Street, Saxmundham Seamer Road, Scarborough

Brightside Lane, Attercliffe............................Jessell Street, SheffieldLumley Street, Sheffield ...............Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury ................L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, Skipton Slough Trading Estate, Farnham Road,

Slough.Millbank Street, Southampton L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, Chase Road,

Southend.Beacon (Minims), Ltd., St. Albans Road,

South Mimms, Middlesex.Duke Street, SouthportPinchbeck Road, Spalding ................Boston Road, Spilsby Friars Terrace, Stafford Geeson Bros., Fox Inn Garage, Colsterworth,

nr. Stamford.Uffington Road, Stamford ...A. J. Dixon, Gt. North Road, Stannington,

nr. Morpeth.Harry K. Place, Evergreen S/Stn., London

Road, Stanway, nr. Colchester.Stilton Garage, Ltd., Gt. North Road,

Stilton, Huntingdonshire.16, Abbey Road, Stirling ...Higher Bury Street, St. George’s Road,

Stockport.London Road Garage, Watling ................Works, Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire.James Street, Stornoway ............................G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Stow-on-Wold Edinbrugh Road, Stranraer Birmingham Road, Stratford-on-Avon

Robinson Terrace, Sunderland ...............G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Burrows Lodge,

Burrows Place, Swansea.Neath Road, Hafod, Swansea ................Transfer Buildings, County Road, Swindon

A ppen dix IV-— contd.

D. Pace & Sons (Talke), Ltd., Service Station, Talke, Stoke-on-Trent.

Mrs. Mark Smith & Sons, Talke 'Garage, Stoke-on-Trent.

G.W. Railway Goods Yard, TauntonS. Scholfield, Shuthonger Road House,

Tewkesbury, Glos.T.R.T.S., Ltd., Bath Road, Thatcham Station Road, Thetford Railway Goods Yard, ThursoG.W. Railway Goods Yard, Tiverton Regent Wharf, MalpasNewham Sidings ........................................Station Road, High T ow n ............................North Farm Road, High Brooms, South-

borough, Tunbridge Wells.

Tel. No.St. Boswells 2163 St. Germans 242 and

235Salisbury 3296 Salisbury 2598

Sandy 59 Saxmundham 60 Scarborough 576 and

551Attercliffe 41579 Attercliffe 41225 Sheffield 22347 Shrewsbury 2593 Skipton 312 Slough 20244/5

Southampton 3001 Marine 6616

South Mimms 2167

Southport 4916 Spalding 10 Spilsby 2115 Stafford 344 Thistleton 26

Stamford 3155 Stannington 220

Colchester 2600

Yaxley 212

Stirling 462 Stockport 4471/2

Stony Stratford 2114

Stornoway 184 Stow-on-Wold 8 Stranraer 122 Stratford-on-Avon

2085Sunderland 2803/4 Swansea 4363

Swansea 2880 Swindon 2020

Kidsgrove 15

Kidsgrove 99

Taunton 2696 Tewkesbury 182

Thatcham 2244 Thetford 3285 Thurso 68Tiverton 128 and 130 Truro 2791 Truro 2300 Truro 2316 Southborough 675/6

'' D ”—Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service.*—Denotes Day and Night Service.

19 5050A p p e n d i x IV— contd.

Depot. Address.Turriff L.N.E. Railway Goods Yard, Turriff,

Aberdeenshire.*Tuxford ............... G. H. Clarke & Co., North Road Garage,

Tuxford, Lincs.D Tyseley

(Birmingham)Hayhall Road, Tyseley ............................

D Ulverston... L.M.S. Goods Yard, Ulverston ................

D Valley Field Street, Valley, Anglesey ................

D Wakefield Calder Vale Road, Wakefield ................

D Warrington Crosfield Street, Warrington ...............D W atford ................ St. Albans Road, Watford, Hertfordshire...

Wellingborough ... Union Lane, Wellingborough ...............

D Wellington Bridge Road, Wellington, Salop ................D Wells ................ G.W. Railway Goods Yard, WellsD Westbury Station Road, Westbury ............................D Weston-super-Mare Station Road, Weston-super-Mare

D only *Whitburn... Alex. J. McMinn, Whitdale Garage, Whitburn, West Lothian.

D Whitchurch Black Park Road, Whitchurch, SalopD Wick ................ L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, WickD Wigan Pottery Road, Wigan ............................D *Wilnecote Wilnecote Service Station, Wilnecote, near

Tamworth.Wishaw ............... L.M.S. Railway Goods Yard, Wishaw South

Station.D Wolverhampton ... Bilston Road, Priestfield, WolverhamptonD *W olverhampton Fellows Bros., Birmingham New Road,

(Coseley). Coseley.Woofferton G.W. Railway Goods Yard, Woofferton,

near Ludlow.D * Worcester Kempsey Cafe & Filling Station, Kempsey,

(Kempsey). near Worcester.D Worcester The Motor House, Bath Road, Worcester...D Wrexham Regent Street, Wrexham ...

D Yarmouth... L.N.E. Railway Goods Yard, Vauxhall Station, Great Yarmouth.

D Yeovil ................ Horsey Lane, Yeovil (open till midnight) ...D York ................ Layesthorpe, York ...

Tel. No.

Acocks Green 1235 and 1257

Ulverston 177

Valley 7

Wakefield 3401 and 3494

Warrington 618 Garston (Watford)

2288 Wellingborough

2135 Wellington 238 Wells 19 Westbury 57 Weston-super-Mare

366 Whitburn 47

Whitchurch 24 Wick 71 Wigan 3497 Tamworth 481

Wishaw 530/1

Bilston 41029 Segley 3150

Brimfield 9

Kempsey 28

Worcester 3386 Wrexham 2613

York 3607

“ D ”— Denotes also “ Pool ” Derv Refuelling Service. *— Denotes Day and Night Service.

(A.F.Os. 2743/42, 3103/42, 3221/42, 3586/42, 5889/42, 2443/43 and 3486/43 refer.) A.F.Os. 3001/40, 2225/41, 2454/41, 4540/41, 4710/41 and 4907J/1 are cancelled.)

(64920; Wt. 8153/2290 7,000 10/43 Hw. G.338/10

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