adobe illustrator cs2 — revealed gradients creating text and

Adobe Illustrator CS2 — Revealed GRADIENTS CREATING TEXT AND

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Adobe Illustrator CS2 —Revealed


2Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Create and format text

Flow text into an object

Position text on a path

Create colors and gradients

Apply colors and gradients to text

Adjust a gradient and create a drop shadow

Chapter Lessons

3Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Working with TextCreate compelling and dramatic display text

Change fonts, font size, leading and other text attributes

Apply tracking and kerning to type

4Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Converting TextUse the Create Outlines command to change type to outlines

Letter outlines are vectors that can be manipulated with Pen tools and Direct Selection Tool

Apply gradient fills to letter outlines

5Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Gradient FillsGraduated blend between two or more colors that fill an object – Gradients can be linear (straight) or

radial (circular)– Use a single gradient to fill multiple

objects simultaneously– Create new gradients and save them in

the Swatches palette

6Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Creating TypeSelect the Type Tool

Click the artboard and start typing or click and drag Type Tool to create a text box

Use the Vertical Type Tool to create vertical type

7Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Selecting TextTwo ways to select type– click baseline– click anywhere on type

• remove check mark in the Type Object Selection by Path Only check box in Type Preferences dialog box for this to work

8Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Formatting TextFormat text using the Character palette– change font, font size, leading, tracking,

kerning, baseline shift, horizontal scale, and vertical scale

– new Strikethrough button and new Underline button

9Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Character PaletteFont family list arrow

Font style list arrow

Leading list arrow

Tracking list arrow

Vertical Scale text box

Character Rotation text box

Set the baseline shift list arrow

Font size list arrow

Kerning list arrow

Horizontal Scale text box

Underline button

Strikethrough button

10Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Formatting Text



50% horizontal scale

50 % vertical scale

11Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

TrackingInserts uniform spaces between characters:– Can affect the width of

selected words or entire blocks of text

12Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

KerningAdjusts spacing between two characters

Useful for improving the appearance of headlines and other display text

13Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Tracking/Kerning TipsPositive tracking or kerning:– Characters move farther apart

Negative tracking or kerning:– Characters move closer together

Tracking and kerning down to 1/1000 of a standard em space– In a 1-point font, the em space is 1

point; in a 10-point font, the em space is 10 points

14Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Hiding Text and ObjectsUse the Hide Selection command to hide formatted text– enables you to work on graphics

without being distracted by type– ensures placement of type will not get

moved inadvertently

Use the Show All command to show hidden type or objects

15Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Formatting ParagraphsFormat paragraphs using the Paragraph palette– change paragraph alignment, space

before and after paragraphs, left and right indents and first line indent

16Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Paragraph PaletteAlign left

Align centerAlign right

Justify with last line aligned left

Justify with last line aligned centered

Justify with last line aligned right

Justify all lines

Left indent text box

First-line indent text box

Space before paragraph text box

Space after paragraph text box

Right indent text box

17Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Filling an Object with TextUse the Area Type Tool and the Vertical Area Type Tool to flow text inside a vector shape

18Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Object Filled with Text

19Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Locking Text and ObjectsUse the Lock Selection command to exempt an object from selections and affix its position on the artboard– Useful as a device to protect objects

from accidental modifications

Use the Unlock All command to unlock a locked object so that it can be selected

20Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Making GuidesShow rulers, drag guide from ruler onto artboard

Horizontal ruler

Guide being created

Horizontal guides

Vertical guide

21Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Making GuidesGuides are locked by default

– Click View on the menu bar, point to Guides, then click Lock Guides to remove check mark

Guides can be grouped, locked, hidden, selected, rotated, etc.

22Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Making GuidesGuides can be made from vector objects

– select object, click View on the menu bar, point to Guides, click Make Guides

– Release guides by clicking object guide, click View on the menu bar, point to Guides, click Release Guides

23Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Position Text on a PathUse the Type on a Path Tool to create horizontal type along a path

Use the Vertical Type on a Path Tool to create vertical type along a path

Use the Selection Tool to move text along a path

24Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Path OptionsText on a Path Text on a Path

25Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Create Colors and Gradients

Gradient palette– Command center for creating and

adjusting gradients– Gradient slider represents the gradient

being created– Gradients contain at least two colors

26Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Gradient PaletteColors on gradient are represented by "stops"– look like house icons along bottom of


27Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Gradient PaletteStarting color– Leftmost stop on the slider

Ending color– Rightmost stop on the slider

Midpoint (diamond): – Where two colors meet in equal

measure – Move the diamond to change the


28Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Gradient Palette

Gradient Fill box

Angle text box

Type list arrow

Location text box



29Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Adding ColorsClick bottom edge of slider to add new stop– keep stop selected while mixing new

color in Color palette– press and hold [Alt] (Win) or [option]

(Mac) while choosing color in Swatches palette

30Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Removing ColorsDrag stop off of gradient slider to remove color from gradient

Select and drag stop off of Gradient slider

31Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Linear GradientPositioned left to right, up and down or on any angle

Angle of gradient can be changed using Angle text box in Gradient palette

Linear gradient

32Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Radial GradientSeries of concentric circles

Starting color appears at the center of the gradient

Blend radiates out to the ending color

Radial gradient

Starting color

Ending color

33Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Using the Color PaletteColor palette has five color modes

– CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black)– RGB (Red Green Blue)– Grayscale (Shades of gray in percentages of

black)– HSB (Hue, saturation, brightness)– Web Safe RGB (use for creating Web


34Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Using the Color Palette

Click list arrow to choose color mode

Drag sliders or enter value in text boxes to create new color

35Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Adding Color to Swatches Palette

Drag a color or a gradient to the Swatches palette

Drag new color to Swatches palette

36Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Applying Colors and Gradients to Text

Select the text

Click Fill button on toolbox, then click color in Swatches palette

Color can also be used to add a stroke to text

Fill color

Stroke color

37Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Filling Text with a GradientConvert the text to outlines

– Create Outlines command is on the Type menu

Click a gradient swatch in the Swatches palette

Berry text is filled with gradient

38Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Working with Stacking Order

Stacking order defines how objects overlap

Illustrator stacks each object beginning with the first object drawn

Change the order by moving objects forward or backward

39Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Working with Stacking Order

Stacking order commands include:– Bring to Front– Bring Forward– Send to Back– Send Backward

40Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Using the Gradient ToolManipulate gradient fills that are applied to objects– Select object containing gradient fill– Drag the Gradient Tool over the object– Length and angle of line dragged

determines the length and angle of the gradient from starting to ending color

41Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Gradient Tool Examples

Examples of different angles and lengths of a gradient fill created with the Gradient Tool

42Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Adding a Drop ShadowCopy the text

Paste the copy behind the text

Fill the copy with a darker color

Use keyboard arrows to move the copied text so that it is offset from the original text

43Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Text With Drop Shadow

44Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Chapter 2 TasksCreate text

Use the Character and Paragraph palettes to format text

Fill an object with text

Position text on a path

45Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Chapter 2 TasksUnderstand and use the Gradient palette

Apply gradients to selected objects

Create colors on the Colors palette

46Creating Text and Gradients Chapter 2

Chapter 2 TasksApply colors to text

Convert text to outlines and apply gradients

Adjust gradients

Create a drop shadow effect