adrian wroth photography ezine


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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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A online portfolio of recent work carried out by Advertising photographer Adrian Wroth


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My passion for Harley- Davidson Motorcycles is well documented and is probably only eclipsed by my passion for photography, and maybe salmon fishing, or maybe not. So to be asked to travel to Jordan to photograph the new 2011 Harley-Davidson range was literally a dream come true. Riding bikes over 500 cc had never been allowed in Jordan except by the King. This was until late 2009 when the law was changed and the first Harley-Davison dealership opened it’s doors for business in spring 2010. What better place could there be to ride and photograph the new 2011 range of bikes than the fantastic roads of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. So I found myself following a selection of journalists at breakneck speeds for ten days all over Jordan, photographing them, their bikes and their exploits, from the back of pick up trucks, from hot air balloons, from a microlite and most exciting of all from the back of a trike on some of the most twisting road I have ever seen. Despite a few bruises and a burnt bald patch "on my head" everything went according to plan, The journalists were happy, Harley-Davidson were very happy and I also got to photograph and ride some of the most amazing bikes in the world, on some of the most spectacular roads in the world. It really gets no better than that.

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During the summer I was asked to take a selection of interiors of Heston Blumenthal’s new pub in the picturesque village of Bray, The Crown Inn. Off the back of that assignment I was asked to return and take a selection of food shots for the menu of his other pub in the village, the Hinds Head.

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The food is headlined as Pub food although as you can imagine, it is as far removed from everyday Pub grub as you can get, ranging from venison burgers with matured cheddar, chocolate torte with gold leaf to quaking pudding a 15th century recipe resurrected from an old cookery book. The food is visually stunning as well as unbelievably tasty.

We shot predominatelywith available lightutalising the heavy oakwalls and tables asbackdrops with a touchof tungsten lighting to"warm up" the coloursThe interiors were shotusing available light andflash and assembled as HDR images in Photoshop

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Glenfiddich whiskey is world renowned, and to add to their already extensive range of quality whiskies, William Grant & Sons launched Rich Oak in 2010. A 14 year old whisky matured in new oak barrels, it has a uniquely deep fruit & spicy oak infused flavour. I was commissioned by William Grant & Sons to photograph the new packaging and to supply a selection of plain bottleshots as well as a selection of “Hero” and support images to help launch the new whisky. Working along side their London agency and art director Chris Dawson, We worked hard at capturing the essence and premium quality of this exceptional whisky. Ensuringthat the shots matched in with existing advertising material.

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William Powell the world renowned gun makers and purveyors of fine country clothing approached me to shoot their new country clothing catalogue.We shot ( pardon the pun) over two days at a private house on the edge of the Cotswolds. The client was keen to use “ ordinary people” instead of professional models. So we photographed friends, family and pepople involved in the business, wearing a selection of outfits from Musto, Barbour & Hunter.We worked tethered to a laptop so that the art director and I could monitor the results as we went along, ensuring that we had all the shots in the bag.(Sorry there goes another pun).