advanced crm

Advanced CRM 1. Analytical CRM is often implemented under the premise of “helping you determine what other products and services you can sell to your customers.” True 2. Match the following: A record verbal message to callers announcement A lost call abandoned call A telephone network that passes the number of the phone to the caller automatic number identification A step by step diagram of the process flow chart 3. Do not overemphasize on cost cutting. 4. Services which help users find and access portal content: Access Services 5. Extended search capability helps to search repositories or even other search engines. 6. Only the top management commitment be sufficient for the organisation to take up CEM culture. False 7. The three key concepts of CRM includes: Acquisition; Retention; Partnering 8. CLV=average annual purchase by a customer X no. of active purchasing year. True 9. Which one is an important issue while a call centre: planning for the failure of equipment; need for flexibility of meal time; staff turnover 10. CEM is needed in every department of a company. 11. Many times the competition is too stiff because: product technology is too simple 12. A customer will only repurchase a product or services from you because of previous experience . 13. Technologies used at call centres are: voice analysis; voice recognition; voice recording

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Advanced CRM1. Analytical CRM is often implemented under the premise of helping you determine what other products and services you can sell to your customers. True2. Match the following:A record verbal message to callersannouncement

A lost callabandoned call

A telephone network that passes the number of the phone to the callerautomatic number identification

A step by step diagram of the processflow chart

3. Do not overemphasize on cost cutting.4. Services which help users find and access portal content: Access Services5. Extended search capability helps to search repositories or even other search engines.6. Only the top management commitment be sufficient for the organisation to take up CEM culture. False7. The three key concepts of CRM includes: Acquisition; Retention; Partnering8. CLV=average annual purchase by a customer X no. of active purchasing year. True9. Which one is an important issue while a call centre: planning for the failure of equipment; need for flexibility of meal time; staff turnover10. CEM is needed in every department of a company.11. Many times the competition is too stiff because: product technology is too simple12. A customer will only repurchase a product or services from you because of previous experience.13. Technologies used at call centres are: voice analysis; voice recognition; voice recording14. Objectives of CRM: greater customer loyalty; integration of customer touch points15. Predictive dialing is a computer software that attempts to predict the time taken by an agent to help the caller.16. Match the following:DelayQueue time

GatewayA server for providing access to a

Handling timeCost of delay

MonitoringService observing

17. For CRM do not fall to drive post-measurement improvement.18. A centralized office used for the purpose for receiving and transmitting a large volume of request by phone is called: Call Centre19. Every customer facing a system is a CRM system. True20. Companies must provide customers: greater access to information21. Analytical CRM is a consistent suite for analytical applications that help you measure, predict and optimize customer relationships.22. Challenges in integrating CRM: data formats; changing infrastructure; heterogeneous systems23. Operational CRM applications are: not quite the opposite of analytical tool24. Companys official web site can provide: 24x7 access to critical information; 40-50 FAQs; flexibility to technical services dept.25. SFA is only about deployment of laptops. False26. Analytical capabilities in CRM are in the form of: channel effectiveness; customer satisfaction27. In CRM, selection of customer: becomes very crucial28. It is important to register all the complaints and not only those you think are important at a particular point of time. True29. Which of these is not subset of CRM: purchase recommendation engines and real time content customization engines; selling recommendation engines and real time content customization engines;30. Formulate analytical results for marketing purpose.31. Multi-tier support system leads to: a more efficient handling of calls32. A CRM vendor may help a firm to define need: based on the firms product33. Examples of touch points are: Telephone, Fax, Email34. Customer relationship portfolio cannot be made without: customer lifetime value35. In order to achieve success in CRM: develop a vision; develop a clearly targeted plan; develop a culture36. If implemented effectively, analytical CRM can help organisations to achieve maximum RIO by increasing revenue and decreasing cost.37. Providing adequate training to end users is critical to the success of CRM. True38. It is important to look at the customers priorities and let the customer define the standards. True39. Customization is the most costly and time consuming component of CRM implementation.40. Analytical customer relationship management may be defined as a decision support system.41. Following are the steps to a profitable customer relationship: know your customer satisfaction; know your customer behaviour; know your customer portfolio42. SOFA solutions should first and foremost to strive to provide the maximum value to the end user. True43. Portal must have interactive mechanism for users: to know business contents44. Successful analytical CRM solution also integrates customer data. True45. The three things quoted by Stephen Page in his definition of marketing; Identification; Stimulation; Satisfaction46. The first step of SFA is: setting of objectives47. Apart from your employees, your customers are the ones you need to consult while designing a complaint handling system.48. People do not want a 1/2" drill but a 1/2 hole has been quoted by: Philip Kotler49. Cross-selling opportunities exist when some: products typically are bought together50. When customers approach the senior official for the concern, it is called escalation.51. Marketing says that people do not buy products, they purchase benefits. True52. Important aspects of complaints are: to put the customer in control; take responsibility; hire the right people53. Prioritization of calls determines the level of the quality of service.54. SFA helps in achieving both tangible and intangible benefits.55. Match the following:capable of being protected from attackdefensible

comprehend somethingsavvy

crucial pointcrux

ROIreturn on investment

56. CRM is all about: interactive communication57. Critical success factors for CRM are: align business and IT operations; let business goals drive functionality; measure, monitor and track58. Companies struggle to remain competitive: with accelerating pace of changes; with shrinking product life cycle59. Definition of CEM given by Collin Shaw and John Ivens tells us about: blend of companys physical performance; customer expectations60. Company agents around the world can: handle local sales; do marketing efforts; do customer maintenance61. Factors considered while selecting the right people in order to create the right experience: select the right candidate; train them in technical and functional areas; empower them62. Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others.63. Operational CRM is indispensable because: it empowers sales staff; efficiently survey customers; synchronizes customer interaction across all channels64. Operational CRM application provides the business user with comprehensive aggregate reporting and analysis capabilities. True65. Take analysis into account during customer-oriented planning.66. Many times the competition is too stiff because: product technology is too simple67. Database management is a fundamental of CRM. True68. Companies prefer, tried & true approach of: rolling out CRM software in-house69. Leveraging out of box functionality leads to minimizing customization. True70. The system development and support of CRM applications should be closely coordinated. True71. Which of the analytical CRM would not help an organisation to perform better: managers would not give detailed reporting of ongoing initiatives72. CRM is about customer care and not just customer service. True73. Cross-selling opportunities exist when some: products typically are sold together74. Match the following:conduct of business on internete-Business

plain or dullvanilla

to alter something in order to fit somebodys requirementcustomization

parts or aspects that are unrelatedheterogeneous

75. Emotional intelligence involves: self awareness; empathy; social skills76. SFA is a link in developing the: mutual benefit inherent of CRM77. Call centre facility gives competitive advantages.78. Call centres should not dish out: a scripted reply to customer queries79. Lengthening customer relationship is by: targeting existing resources; strengthening relationship foundation; focusing on specific customers80. Inbound calls are typical telemarketing calls. False81. Access service enforces security rules of an organisation for external and internal users.82. Implementing an operational CRM solution empowers the entire customer facing organisation to manage their customer relationships more effectively.83. Customers believe that a good product or service and a fair treatment is their right.84. Sales force automation: helps company to get customer retention and increase profits; customer get better information about products and services; fast response to their queries85. SFA tools integrated with CRM helps in finding: revenue per sales person; average sale cycle; turnover rate86. Most products require traditional services.87. SFA is important to CRM in: reduction in cost of selling; easy availability of customer information; meeting increased customer expectations88. Database management is backbone of CRM.89. Customer retention is the result of continuous customer satisfaction. True90. One advantage of hosted solutions: speedy implementation time91. CBA stands for: customer based accounting92. SFA is link in developing the: mutual benefit inherent of CRM93. Collaboration services allow portal users to communicate with each such as web chats and instant messaging.94. The goal of analytical CRM should not be to develop insight into your customers needs. False95. CRM is about developing customer centric approach.96. Deploying the tool to management and expecting them to embrace it immediately, one sets up for: failure97. Successful SFA yields: better control over sales team98. CEM is an individuals or an individual departments job. False99. A contact centre is a touch and go relationship. True100. Complaints are the definite indicators of how much your organisation considers itself accountable for the customers. True101. Sales and service work closely with customers.102. More and more organisations are turning to which solutions for revenue growth? CRM103. Match the following:conjunctionthe act of joining two or more

legacyassociated with something that

personal digital assistantsusually pen-based computer

encompassedto include a wide range

104. In CRM, selection of customer: becomes very crucial105. Technologies at call centres include: BTTC; CTI; TTS106. Successful implementation of CRM is the key to success.107. Buyers prefer to weigh various alternatives.108. Retention is only possible when the customer is: satisfied109. Buyer-seller relationship is the basis of building business.110. CRM is losses a major advantage of building a meaningful relation with the customer by: not getting the complaints; ineffective handling of complaints111. Employ experienced operators for call centres.112. International marketing is about applying marketing concepts to your own: employees113. SFA helps in enhancing sales productivity.114. Faster and less risky CRM implementation need: proper use to methodology; reuse of knowledge; effective use of components115. Company must conduct site-visit analysis for CRM.116. Common reason for CRM failure are: no success measure and no accountability; tendency to push work to the customer; political friction within the organisation stifles the sharing of customer information117. Introduce simple contact management.118. Many people do not complain as: they dont find it worth the time and effort; they do not know how to do it; it will not change anything119. A distributed call centre that acts as a single side for call handling and reporting purpose is: uniform call distributor120. Today, companies need to: analyse performance of relationships; uncover trends in customer behaviour; understand true value of customer121. Outbound calls are made by the employees.122. In CEM, the customer doesnt remain an outsider who is at the receiving end. True123. Decision to implement CEM in an organisation depends mainly on two factors, which are: top management; people in the organisation124. Sales force must balance resources on serving: current & prospecting clients125. The evoked emotions are intuitively measured: against customer expectations126. In order to give customer true control one: needs to have trust on customers; needs to believe customers; needs to have positive approach127. Customer loyalty is created by: customer satisfaction; exceeding customer requirements; satisfaction on continual basis128. Match the following:service levelTSF

trunk loaddelay & talk time

voice processingautomated attendant

voice response unitIVR and ARU

129. Technology is a conduit for the: meaningful dialogue with customer130. What is to business what a compass is to the navigator? Strategy131. A contact centre is one which conducts all the activities of a call centre and also handle letter, faxes and email. True132. The customer is at the core of CRM. True133. Analytical CRM includes a sound analytical infrastructure that allows you to gather all the relevant information about your customers and organize it constituently. True134. A contact centre is used to fulfill CRM objectives like: greater customer loyalty; personal attention; reduced call transfers135. Traditionally talking to customers is the: expertise usually found with sales; expertise usually found with services136. Well addressed complaints help the organisation in building long term relationship with the customers. True137. Analytical CRM is both, a technology and a concept. True138. CRM aims at developing: long term relationships139. Good complaints-handling procedure puts the customer at the centre of your organisation.140. Touch point is the customer contact point with the organisation.141. The main purpose of CRM is: customer retention142. Customer experience management is a group activity.143. Critical success factors for CRM are: align business and IT operations; let business goals drive functionality; measure, monitor and track144. Important aspects of complaints are: to put the customer in control; take responsibility; hire the right people145. The goal of analytical CRM should not be to develop insight into your customers needs. False 146. Marketer as a CRM initiator learns about clients through: sales forces automation147. A customer will only repurchase a product or services from you because of previous experience.148. Complaints are the definite indicators of how much your organisation considers itself accountable for the customers. True149. Successful SFA yields: better control over sales team150. A low cost product or service must: assure client about expected quality; no compromise on performance; ensure that customer is totally happy151. Factors considered while selecting the right people in order to create the right experience: select the right candidate; train them in technical and functional areas; empower them152. Emotional intelligence refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others.153. The first step of SFA is: selling of objectives154. Interaction with workflow product is done by: using internet facility; using voice mail; using PDA facility155. CIC gives valuable input to the organisation.156. Providing adequate training to end users is critical to the success of CRM. True157. According to Stephen Page, the definition of marketing is = identification, stimulation and satisfaction of customers need at profit.158. Manages the transmission of business content and messages for active subscribers: download centre159. SFA covers business tasks like: contact management, order processing; order tracking, information sharing; sales forecast/analysis & evaluation160. SFA can always be linked with the tangible RIO. True161. Match the following:facilitates the collection of user profile informationregistration wizard

manages the transmission of business content and messages for active subscribersdownload centres

to allow PDA users to work offline and cache information for future connectionsextensive offline support

helps users to find and access portal contentaccess service

162. Inbound calls are made by customers to obtain information.163. Outbound calls can also be used for: debt collection164. SFA is a cost for the company and not an investment. False165. Before selecting a CRM vendor, it is important to check: track record166. Analytical capabilities in CRM are in the form of: pipeline performance; channel effectiveness; customer satisfaction167. Multi-tier support system leads to: a more efficient handling of calls168. SFA helps in cost saving over a long period of time. True169. All operational CRM systems involve: a direct customer touch point170. Complaints are important due to following factors: it improves customer retention and loyalty; avoids negative publicity171. Today, companies need to: analyse performance of relationships; uncover trends in customer behaviour; understand true value of customer172. The three key concepts of CRM includes: acquisition; retention; partnering173. Analytical CRM produce significant returns on: investment if implemented correctly174. Traditional methods involve use of: paper purchase orders; non-electronic methods175. Match the following:marketing between company to customersexternal marketing

marketing between company to employeesinternal marketing

marketing between employees to customersinteractive marketing

levels of customer bondingcustomer loyalty

176. Workflow services provide an interaction with workflow products such as e-mail, voicemail, PDA. True177. CRM is only a technological tool. False178. Which one is an important issue while managing a call centre: planning for the failure of equipment; need for flexibility of meal time; staff turnover179. Sound analysis of existing customer develops a customer oriented strategy for: Marketing; Sales; Services180. Cost consciousness is a factor that affects: technology buying decision181. Contact employees need: right tools; proper training; excellent motivation182. Midstream is the point after the beginning and before the end of something.183. CRM aims at developing: long term relationships184. Repository and legacy application integration does not integrate enterprise repositories and legacy application. False