advanced gps course 2011-04-14


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Advanced GPS Course




NOTE ON GPS USEGPS enhances, not replaces traditional map and compass navigation. NOTE ON CLASS EXAMPLESClassroom examples are based on the Garmin GPSMAP60 and GPSMAP76.

Team units will be provided for use during class.COURSE PREREQUISITETo benefit from this course, you should be very comfortable with the material covered by our BASIC GPS COURSE.

All are welcome to attend, however, this course will not teach basic GPS use.

If you require basic GPS instruction, please attend one of our basic courses.

TOPICSMeasuring distances

Projecting waypoints

Techniques for following bearings

MEASURING DISTANCEThe GPS map page can be used for more than viewing your course of travel.The GPS map page can be used to measure:Distance between the user and a point on the mapDistance between two points on the map

DISTANCE FROM USERTo start measuring distance, select the Map page and:Press the MENU button.Select Measure distance.Move the pointer to the position to measure to.Distance from user is shown at top right of screen.Press QUIT to stop measuring.

DISTANCE BETWEEN POINTSTo start measuring distance, select the Map page and:Press the MENU button.Select Measure distance.Move the pointer to the starting point and press ENTER. A pin is placed at this point.Move pointer to the end point. Distance between points is shown at top right.


MEASURING EXERCISEA) Using only the GPS map page, measure the distance from the Hall to the start of Tower Road (across the highway and just East of the Hall).

B) Using only the GPS map page, measure the length of Tower Road.


A) Hall to Bottom of Tower Rd: ~ 180 metersB) Length of Tower Road: ~ 350 metersPROJECTING A WAYPOINT A projected waypoint is a waypoint that is created based on the distance and bearing from an existing waypoint.

Projected waypoint = bearing + distance from an existing waypoint.

PROJECTING A WAYPOINT Team 1497345 5927123Team 2:Injured searcherBearing: 30 deg mag. Distance: 500 m.Instruct GPS to create (project) a waypoint for the position of the injured searcher:2. Enter bearing to injured searcher.1. Use Team1s position as starting point.3. Enter distance to injured searcher.4. Projected waypoint is created.497500 5927801PROJECTING A WAYPOINT Uses for projecting waypoints:Travel to locations given only distance and bearing.Useful during a grid search to stay on bearing.Useful to re-gain bearing after going around large objects.Another tool a Team Leader can employ while on a tasking.

Example of projecting a waypoint1.

Select or mark way-point. Press Menu, choose Project Way-point. Enter distance.Enter mag-netic bearing.Name pro-jected way-point.Click OK to save original waypoint if Mark pressed in #1.PROJECTING A WAYPOINT EXERCISEA) The flagpole of the elementary school in Porters Lake is located 2.12 km on a bearing of 300 degrees magnetic from the ESGSAR Hall. What are the coordinates for the flagpole?

B) The Sobeys in Jeddore is 13.6 km from the ESGSAR Hall on a bearing of 91 degree magnetic. What are the coordinates for Sobeys?


A) FLAGPOLE: 477733 E 4954619 N B) SOBEYS: 492731 E 4958430 N FOLLOWING BEARINGSThe Basic GPS course teaches you how to navigate to a waypoint by taking the most efficient route.In most cases, the most efficient route is NOT a straight line.Taking the most efficient route usually involves avoiding swamps, creeks, ponds, bogs, etc.

FOLLOWING BEARINGSWhen one is required to follow a bearing (to travel in a straight line), following the most efficient route is often not possible.The required method for following a bearing is to use a magnetic compass.

FOLLOWING BEARINGSGiven typical woods in our search area, following a bearing with a high degree of accuracy can be very challenging.A GPS can be used in conjunction with a compass to minimize drifting off a bearing.

FOLLOWING BEARINGSThese GPS functions can assist with following a bearing:Compass Pointer: Can indicate if the user has drifted left or right of a bearing.Compass Off Course field: Displays the distance in meters one has drifted from a bearing.Map Go To line: Can be configured to show the users location in relation to a bearing.


A red arrow points in the direction of the waypoint. This is the default setting for our GPS units.BEARING POINTER EXAMPLE018090270Walking directly towards the waypoint. No information is displayed about your original bearing.COURSE POINTERA red arrow points in the direction of the waypoint. The middle section of the arrow separates to indicate your original bearing line.

COURSE POINTER EXAMPLE20Off course018090270Walking directly towards the waypoint. Need to walk 20 meters to the right to return to the original bearing. COURSE POINTER EXAMPLE9045Off course0180270Need to rotate to the right to face the waypoint and then walk 45 meters to the left to return to the original bearing.

COMPASS POINTER SETUPTo switch between compass bearing and course pointers, start on the Compass page and:Press the MENU button.Select Bearing Pointer or Course Pointer.Press the ENTER button.

MAP GO TO LINESBy default, when navigating to a waypoint, the purple Go To line extends from your position to the waypoint.To aid in following a bearing, the Go To line can remain attached to your starting position.With the Go To line attached to the starting point, it is very easy to see if you are drifting away from your bearing.

BEARING GO TO LINEWAYPOINTGo To line remainsattached to you. This is the default setting.COURSE GO TO LINEWAYPOINTGo To line remains attached to the starting point. Easy to see drift.GOTO LINE SETUPTo switch between map bearing and course Go To lines, start on the Map page and:Press the MENU button and select Setup Map. Press the ENTER button.Scroll left or right until Map Setup Tracks is selected.Scroll down to the Go To Line field and select Course or Bearing.Press the ENTER button.


USING GPS WITH BEARINGSTurn on Map pages Course goto line.Turn on Compass pages Course pointer.Before starting off on a bearing, enter end point as a waypoint and set GPS to GOTO it.Use map and compass pages to determine drift and advise the compass person how to adjust the line of travel.

USING GPS WITH BEARINGSIf there is no defined end waypoint as in a grid search:Project a waypoint beyond the distance of the grid boundary and set the GPS to GOTO it. For example, if the grid is 300 meters long, project a waypoint for 300 or more meters.Project a new waypoint each time you line up to start a new line through the search grid.

FOLLOWING A BEARING EXERCISE1. Enter a waypoint for the Superstore at Porters Lake:477703 E 4954479 N

2. Set your GPS map and compass screens to the COURSE pointers. Set the map page zoom level to 50 or less.

3. Stand at the flagged stake at the back of the hall parking lot and follow the instructions on the Following a Bearing Exercise handout.