advanced portfolio evaluation

Advanced Portfolio Evaluation my video!!

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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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Advanced Portfolio Evaluation

my video!!

Page 2: Advanced portfolio evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1. Aspects of voyeurism, particularly applies as the entire video consists of us observing someone who is completely unaware of our observation.

2. Another aspect of Goodwin’s theory that my video uses is that there is a relationship between the music and the visuals. It’s cut to the beat and certain parts reflect the tempo of the music at a particular time, e.g. the video is always sped up when it’s the chorus.

3. With my idea it was quite hard to connect the lyrics to the visuals (another convention of music videos proposed by Goodwin) because some were pretty impossible to recreate e.g. ‘Alaska’s like a desert’. However I used the name of the song ‘Sleepless Nights’ as a springboard for my ideas, and tried to film somebody’s sleepless night and present it in a visually interesting way. This means my video relies on representation to a extent as the audience must either understand or identify with the main character and his experiences during the video

I got this idea from the Prodigy video Smack my bitch up. . However I changed their idea slightly.

I’ve aimed this at quite a young audience; between the ages of 14 and 25 because I believe the genre of the song (indie) is most likely to appeal to this age range.

My video

Prodigy video

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I first saw time lapse as an interesting process to use when I watched ‘Planet Earth’ a documentary shown on the Discovery Channel: click here to watch!

My video is unusual in that it is quite hard to apply any of the well known narrative theories to it. In terms of depth there is subjective character identification, because the entire video consists of us watching what the main character does.

Most narrative theories (like Todorov’s or Levi-Strauss’) rely on there being a conflict, but there is none in my video expect perhaps an internal conflict for the character about wanting to sleep but remaining awake.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

• I decided to use muted colours on my digipak, to try and keep

the house style of the music video. However I thought black and white suited an indie genre better.

This album cover was a massive influence for my digipak!

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Without a proposal I didn’t really know what I was going to do, when or how. Once I had written one I was a lot more organised and it was a lot easier to get things done!

“I hope to shoot this music video in one day.It will involve just me and a friend of mine. I will monitor the filming and make sure all the footage I need has been recorded to a high enough standard.There will be several locations I use, all in my friend's hometown in Thetford.These will be a Tesco store, a car, an underpass, a residential street, a petrol station and inside a bedroom and house.I plan to strap the tripod to my friend and get him to walk or drive around the locations, occasionally using his hands, such as to eat or smoke a cigarette.Then I will speed up the footage and remove frames here and there while editing to create a time lapse effect.

The only equipment I will need is a camera and a tripod, as all lighting will be provided by the surroundings, such as street lamps etc. Any effects I choose to use will be added in editing, rather than created by hand.

We will only use a few props, these will be food and drink items, and cigarettes. I will not need to purchase these beforehand as choosing/buying

them in the Tesco can become part of the video.”

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

• 90% of people surveyed liked my video!• And 100% thought the video suited the

music genre!

Some lovely feedback!

How do you rate this video overall?

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Could make you big headed!

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How did you use media technologies in the construction

and research, planning and evaluation stages?

• Adobe Premiere (of course!)- had never used this software before but I thought it was easy to pick up and enjoyed using it

• Apple iMation- used to create some stop motion for my first video. Was really easy to use but not that productive as took 2 hours to make this.

• Web 2.0 for access to SNS, my email account, Youtube and Google.

• Contact with the band by email- meant they could reply whenever they felt like it, leaving me very frustrated!

• After Effects- Found it REALLY difficult to use and made my video a lot more complicated than it needed to be.

• Blogging- both to present my work (I felt creatively stifled and I’m not that good with technology!) and to access course information (felt the deadlines were unrealistic).

This worked lovely!

I never want to do this again!