advanced portfolio evaluation2

Advanced Portfolio Evaluation Laura Vernum 13KS

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Advanced Portfolio Evaluation

Laura Vernum 13KS

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My group and I have decided to choose option one which is, "A promotion package for the release of an album. to include a

music promo video, together with two of the following options" which we have chosen , a cover for it's release CD and a

magazine advertisement for the release of the album. After planning out different genres of music we have decided to go

with the genre, baseline/electro.

Target audience age : 18 - 24

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?

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For us to make our own music video we wanted it to follow some of the forms and conventions of a genuine piece, but not all.

As a group we decided on the genres bassline and electro to use for our music video, from this we had to focus on the sort of things they would use in a typical music video.

Although we did not like anything that we had seen so this is where we challenged the forms and conventions by looking at another music genre (R’n’B) and how they created their music videos. One we liked in particular was Rihanna’s ‘Rude Boy’.

It also challenges other baseline songs as they do not normally produce a music video, so this was in a way a tester to see if it would actually be successful with our target audience.

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Our music video does not follow all the typical forms and conventions of a genuine bassline/electro music video.

- The background on our video has no original background therefore it is using and developing the forms and conventions of a typical music video.

- We have used a technical aspect called ‘green screen’ where you can change the background image to anything you wish as long as the background is green.

- In our case we wanted more of an animated feel making our video postmodern. In order to do this myself and my group made up loads of random colourful backgrounds to create an over load of colour.

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How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary


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I feel that there is a great combination between the main product and the ancillary texts (The CD cover and Magazine advertisement ). Including the font of the text, imagery and colours used. However in ways I feel it could have been combined even more! But when working in a group people like certain things more than others.

The font on the magazine and the CD cover are both the same but different sizes. They was created on Photoshop by using a ‘stencil ‘ text then deleting parts of each letter adding in a leopard print pattern. We decided on using leopard print as some was seen in Rihanna’s music video ‘Rude Boy’, and then we decided to use bright colours as the genre is bassline/electro and is what is generally found in clubs and raves giving it a party feel. The Stencil text has been used to link in with the bassline genre as they are known for graffiti, and in a way this a very basic style.

In the video bold bright text is used which links in with both the magazine advertisement and the CD cover.

The Font

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Another combination on all three texts is the two models used. They are both used on every piece of the product, the magazine advertisement, the CD cover and the main piece, the music video.

Even though in each image they are wearing different clothes they are linked through the bright colours and the style. In which this being funky but casual clothing.

In ways we wanted the position of the models in the photo shoots to be very ‘posed’ instead of being natural but after having a photo shoot we felt like the more natural photos in some cases looked a lot better.

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Colour scheme

There is a similar colour scheme running throughout the advertisement, CD cover and the video. I have used a variety of colours in this case it’s very stereotypical as the genre is bassline/electro anything that is bright and stands out. But there is a handful that are the main colour used these are: pink, purple, white, grey and black.

This colour scheme will be very eye catching and will gain interest with our specific target audience.

Keeping the same colour scheme has helped keep a consistency that the audience should recognise and hopefully encouraging them to buy the product and to watch the video.

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The location of the video, magazine advertisement and the CD cover where all shot in the same place indoors in front of a green screen.

This was highly important as it’s the key feature of out video, so we are able to change the background and make them extremely busy, bright, bold and eye catching to the audience.

While filming the video we had a problem, as it was shot on a white background and when using this footage on premiere pro it did not work as it had to be green. This caused us to have to re-shoot the whole of the video which was extremely time consuming.

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Person One:

I really liked your media product as well as the ancillary texts. They all linked together by through using the same colour scheme and related imagery. I believe that this is aimed towards a target audience from around 16 years to 26 as it’s extremely lively and bright. I feel that the genre of the video was bassline which would also relate more towards this target audience. You could improve your project by linking all three together more then you have now.

Person Two:

Your media product was very good as from the video you could guess the target audience pretty much straight away from the bright colours and the fast beat of the music. The magazine, CD cover and the video all link together well because a similar font and images was used. I thought the target audience was for late teens based on the models that have been used throughout. One way you need to improve is by using the bright colours from the video more in the CD cover and the magazine advert.

Audience Feedback

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Learning from your audience feedback.

I am really pleased with my audience feedback that I managed to get from my peers when showing the video and the rest of the project, all of their feedback was very positive.

I feel that in the process of receiving feedback on my music video, magazine advertisement and CD cover has taught me a lot for in the future when making other videos. When asking the audience they tell you what they feel is good or bad so if you ask the specific target audience your aiming it at your sure to know what will be a good selling point and which will not succeed.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research and the

planning stages?

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You Tube This was my first stage of research. By going on you tube we managed to look at a variety of music videos in all types of genres.On music video in particular that inspired us was ‘Rihanna – Rude Boy’. It had bright eye catching backgrounds and ‘hundreds’ of layers to create an amazing postmodern music video.

My group and I was all willing to put in a lot of effort to produce a music video as high standards as this one .

I later had to use ‘You tube’ for further research when looking for imagery as it was too hard to find on Google when asking for music images. Therefore I had to print screen on music videos to get the images I needed.

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Research stageAnother part of my research was using ‘Google’ to find appropriate imagery in order to plan a photo shoot for the magazine and CD cover. This was also a good way to see photo’s that have been used for professional use within media.

Although when using Google you might not always find what your looking for as it is rather hard to be specific. You may get unnecessary imagery.

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Radio One I also used a number of different radio station websites to see professional album covers, how they have set out the layout, designed and the colours used. This made it more clear of what the audience would want as it’s already been done before and been a success.

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BloggerThis is the website that was used most within this piece of coursework.

It’s a website where you can upload all of your work to keep it together and present it well. You can add on as many blogs as you like, I had two, one for my progress and one to help me with my exam.

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Construction stage

- Video Camera – For filming

- Camera – For taking pictures

- Tape – used for recording footage

- USB memory stick – Used to store anything we had produced

- Computer – Used for researching and editing as all of our work was created digitally.

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Photoshop I used Photoshop for mainly the construction part of my project. It was used for the making of the magazine advertisement and the CD cover as part of our ancillary products. It was also used for a large part of making the music video, each and every slide had to be made on this.

I have learnt many skills from using this software such as editing pictures, cutting them out using specific tools, adding layers, adjusting the colours through contrasting and so much more .

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Premiere ProAlthough I did not have much of an attempt at using premiere pro, from when I did use it I found it very difficult and would need a lot more practise if producing a video on my own with out the guidance of my group.

However this is a very good piece of software to use as you can do many things to a video such as changing the colour of the video and flipping images.