advanced propulsion systems exposed. - · 2012-02-10 · advanced propulsion...

Advanced Propulsion Systems Exposed. Electrifying Times has published its annual 2001 "Inside Edition" which focuses on technology beyond fuel cells. Advanced propulsion systems include revolutionary magnetic motors and solid-state devices that trap neutrinos from the cosmos to generate unlimited amounts of electricity to propel electric cars worldwide. Tesla used this technology to propel a 1934 Pierce Arrow 80 mph and unlimited range. Similar technology allows UFO's to absorb neutrinos, which are essentially gravity particles that hold the universe together, amplify and manipulate them for unlimited propulsion drive systems for antigravity propulsion and to warp time and space for instiller travel.

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Page 1: Advanced Propulsion Systems Exposed. - · 2012-02-10 · Advanced Propulsion Systems Exposed. Electrifying Times has published its annual 2001 "Inside Edition"

Advanced Propulsion Systems Exposed. Electrifying Times has published its annual 2001 "Inside Edition" which focuses on technology beyond fuel cells. Advanced propulsion systems include revolutionary magnetic motors and solid-state devices that trap neutrinos from the cosmos to generate unlimited amounts of electricity to propel electric cars worldwide. Tesla used this technology to propel a 1934 Pierce Arrow 80 mph and unlimited range. Similar technology allows UFO's to absorb neutrinos, which are essentially gravity particles that hold the universe together, amplify and manipulate them for unlimited propulsion drive systems for antigravity propulsion and to warp time and space for instiller travel.

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Electric Charge And Propulsion

A shred of evidence comes down to us though the years in the form of a newspaper article by Lionel Shapiro in the Denver Post, dated November 9, 1947, and titled "Spies Bid for Franco's Weapons". (Please refer to a copy of that article). It should be noted that this was a few months after the summer of 1947, the first and largest UFO flap in history, which included the Kenneth Arnold sighting and the flying saucer activity of Roswell. It should also be noted that the Denver Post was nor is not a tabloid publication.

In doing research, this newspaper was contacted in an attempt to learn the whereabouts of the author, Lionel Shapiro. Unlike so many newspapers in the United States which have been purchased and merged by conglomerates, this newspaper is still intact and in existence. Unfortunately, no record could be found of Mr.Shapiro in their personnel files although they did maintain files going back that far. Also, no record could be found in their sister publication, The Rocky Mountain News. It was suggested that Mr. Shapiro was "a stringer", that is, a writer who did not work directly for the newspaper and whose work was purchased on apiece by piece basis. His work seems to have been channeled through the North American Newspaper Alliance. More of Mr.Shapiro's history and connections will unfold as the tale progresses.

This article describes two devices. The first is an "electromagnetic rocket", sometimes referred to later as the "KM- 2 rocket" in other literature. The second is a nuclear warhead small enough to be fired by an artillery piece. The nuclear,warhead which is affixed to a cannon projectile, is novel at this time and is interesting since such devices were built and fired shortly thereafter by the United States military. The article's description of the nuclear cannon is correct. This was a German invention and was under development in Germany during the latter stages of the war. A prototype was even built and it carried the German designation of DKM 44 (1). This very cannon was copied by the Americans and became the T-131 which fired a nuclear warhead (2).

The discussion of the nuclear cannon is really beyond the scope of this book but what is important to bear in mind concerning this discussion is that if fifty percent of this article has proven to be accurate. The nuclear cannon was built and it stemmed from a German prototype. Does this not at least raise the possibility that the other fifty percent is accurate also?

Returning to the electromagnetic rocket itself, this device is right on point for the discussion of field propulsion. Some points are ascertained in reading this article. Its description as a "rocket" would lead one to believe it was cylindrical in shape rather than saucer-shaped. It is suggested that this device was responsible for the flying saucer sightings over the USA that previous summer. This speaks for its operational range.It was said to have been tested off Malaga while Franco watched.The device was constructed in the town of Marbella, east of Gibraltar. Finally, it was said to have been of German origin,even naming the German scientists who built it.

Even Spain itself is of some interest here since this country's ruler, Generalissimo Francisco Franco, was openly sympathetic to the Nazis. The Nazis had assisted Franco militarily in the Spanish Civil War during the 1930s and were instrumental in his

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retention of power. During the final stages of the Second World War and afterward Spain was seen, by the Germans as a safe haven for all those things they wished to keep out of Allied hands, including secret weapons. Many shipments of gold, secret blueprints, specialty steel, machine tools, scientists and high ranking Nazis were sent to Spain (3). Colonel Otto Skorzeny,head of several SS post-war, self-help organizations even set up his headquarters in Madrid (4). Spain served as a home-away- from-home for the SS after the war.

In analyzing the means by which the KM-2 device flew, it must be noted that gravitational force can be overcome through the use of a strong electrostatic charge as shown by the work of T. Townsend Brown beginning in the 1920s. This is sometimes referred to as the Biefield-Brown Effect. Imagine a torpedo-shaped model with a dielectric center section suspended by a string from the ceiling. If this model were charged with high voltage, one end would become positive and the other end would become negative.Movement would occur toward the positively charged direction if the voltage was sufficient and the charged ends remained separated by the dielectric (5).

This dielectric is an insulating material which can keep positive and negative charges from interacting with each other and so canceling each other out. They are commonly used in capacitors or condensers which have a positive charge on one side while retaining a negative charge on the other. If the charge can be contained by the non-conducting dielectric, a force is exerted in the direction of the positive side with the application of 75,000 to 300,000 volts. One way to conceive of this action is to imagine a gravity hill whose slope increases with the intensity of the ion charge. The craft being powered simply slides down the gravity gradient like a surfboard on a wave (6).

This concept is a new, non-conventional form of flight. It is non-aerodynamic method of flight. All previous conventional flight had either been through the use of lighter than air balloons, winged craft powered by propellers, jets or rockets or the brute force of rockets themselves. Using this method, Brown advocated defeating gravity by generating another form of energy over which gravity could be surfed. It is a form of field propulsion.


Electric Charge And Propulsion

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T.T. Brown found that when strong electric charges are separated by a dielectric, movement occurs towards the positive charge as if gravity were reduced on the positive side or as if the charged object were sliding down a hill.


T. Townsend Brown demonstrated this means of propulsion to the American military during the 1950s. He used a saucer-shaped model tethered only by a high voltage line supplying the charge to the model (7). During that decade Brown built increasingly larger, faster models using this method. Brown found that a saucer or a triangle was the best shape for this type of flying craft. A secret proposal, code-named Winterhaven, was to develop a Mach 3 anti gravity saucer interceptor was put forth to the U.S.Air Force (8). This project was further developed through the1960s but after this all traces of this concept seem to disappear.

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But where Brown is overlooked is not only did he have a method of electrostatic propulsion but he also had a self-contained method to impart this charge to a flying craft. He invented a flame-jet generator or electrokenetic generator which supplied the necessary high voltage in a light weight, compact manner (9).

The flame-jet generator utilized a jet engine with an electrified needle mounted in the exhaust nozzle to inject negative ions in the jet's exhaust stream. A corresponding but positive charge is automatically built up upon the leading front edge of the craft.As long as there is no leakage through the dielectric or insulating material, in this case through the wings and body ofthe craft, propulsive force is generated in proportion to the strength of the charge attained. Brown estimated that such aflame-jet generator could produce potentials as high as 15 million volts of potential (10).

Ionized air molecules on the leading edge of the craft's surface had other positive benefits. The positive electrical field on the wing's leading edge reduced air friction so that drag caused by air molecules was reduced. This was because individual air molecules on the wing's leading edge were repelled from each other by their like charges (11). Frictional heating was reduced. The sonic boom of such a craft was softened (12). And finally, any returning radar signal was greatly reduced (13).Dr. Paul La Violette has made the argument that all these characteristics are incorporated into the American B-2 bomber,concluding that the B-2 bomber is in reality an anti-gravity aircraft (14).

As Brown repeatedly points out in his Electrokinetic Generator patent, any fluid stream can be substituted for the jet engine's fuel and air (15). This means that hot water vapor or steam itself would be suitable for this purpose.

If T. Townsend Brown had been working on this form of flight since the 1920s, is it not conceivable that others were also?Remember that the KM-2 device is described as an "electromagnetic rocket". If a combination design is considered, one which combines the electrokinetic apparatus with the electrokinetic generator, a picture emerges which would seem to fulfill the description given to the KM-2 "electromagnetic rocket".


The real question may be if the flow of this knowledge went from Brown to the Germans or from the Germans to Brown as was the case with so much high technology in the post-war years. T. T.Brown's early collaborator and mentor was a Dr. Paul Biefield a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Dennison University. Dr.Biefield was a German speaker who was a fellow student of Albert Einstein in Switzerland. Physicists share information across international boundaries. There is no reason for German scientists not to have followed developments in this Biefield-Brown Effect, as it is sometimes called, for the twenty years leading up to World War Two.

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Before leaving the KM-2 discussion, perhaps we should return to the reporter who originally broke this story of the German"Electromagnetic Rocket" in 1947, Lionel Shapiro for a closer look at who he really was. It seems this reporter does have a history of breaking or leaking stories through the North American Newspaper Alliance. These stories which, prior to his involvement, could only be classified as "secret". The point in question is a 1946 report, brought to our attention though the extensive research of Dr. Milos Jesensky and Mr. Robert Lesniakiewicz and translated into English for me by Milos Vnenk. This account is of post-wartime intrigue can only be outlined here.

On October 13, 1945, over five months after the hostilities in Europe had ended, the French embassy in Prag notified the Czechoslovakian Foreign Ministry that an SS officer in a French detention camp had given them information that a cache of secret documents existed near Prag. This cache took the form of a tunnel in which 32 boxes of secret documents were hidden and were wired with explosives before being sealed at its opening. The French offered their services and the information given to them by the SS officer in question, Guenther Achenbach. But even after three months of waiting, no response was received by the French from the Czechoslovakian Foreign Ministry (16).

Somehow the Americans got wind of this information. Incredibly,the Americans on February 13, 1946 mounted an armed incursion into Czechoslovakia which was in the Soviet sphere of occupation,retrieved this hoard of information and escaped back into occupied Germany. Naturally the Czechoslovakians were furious and demanded and got an apology from the Americans. They also demanded the return of the German documents stolen from their sovereign territory. The Americans did return documents but probably not those sensitive documents for which the expedition was mounted (17).

Dr. Jesensky and Mr. Lesniakiewicz have made an extensive study of the German technical facilities surrounding Prag and the purposes for these facilities. It is their conclusion that the sensitive technical information recovered and which prompted this dangerous action was nothing other than plans of the German disc airplane, the "V-7" (18).

Sources and References

1. Georg, Friedrich, 2000, pages 171-173

2. ibid

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3. Infield, Glenn B., 1981, pages 179, 192, Skorzeny Hitler'sCommando, St. Martin's Press, New York >

4. Infield, Glenn B., 1981, pages 173, 183

5. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, pages 84-85, "The U.S. Antigravity Squadron" in Electrogravitics Systems Reports OnA New Propulsion Methodology edited by Thomas Valone, M.A.,P.E., 1994, Integrity Research Institute, Washington D.C.

6. ibid

7. ibid

8. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 87

9. U.S. Patent Number 3,022,430, Granted: 2/20/62 to T.T. Brown, titled "Electrokinetic Generator"

10. ibid

11. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 93

12. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 87

13. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993, page 88

14. LaViolette, Paul A. Ph.D., 1993

15. U.S. Patent Number 3,022,430, Granted: 2/20/62 to T.T. Brown, titled "Electrokinetic Generator"

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Reich of the Black Sun

(1) The rejection of relativity meant to a certain extent that the pre-relativistic idea of an aether lumeniferous regained some currency, via its quantum mechanics version of zero point energy or vacuum flux. German scientists were therefore not free to pursue relativistic science, but were free to investigate the enigmatic properties of this new "quantum aether." Indeed, with various esoteric and occult doctrines percolating in the background, such as the notion of "vril" energy, and Reichenbach's early and well-known experiments in the 18th century on "life force" energy, the Germans would have been positively encouraged by the underlying ideology to undertake experimental examination of its properties as far as existing technology would allow;

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(2)Reichenbach's experiments, plus the implications of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, may have influenced German scientists to posit a connection between consciousness, quantum physics, and this underlying "quantum aether". The strange Ahnenerbe experiments mentioned earlier would seem to indicate that some such experiments in consciousness were being undertaken;

(3) Pre-war standard physics papers by Gerlach had indicated connections between spin and resonance effects;

(4) The paradoxes of quantum mechanics had also become known, leading Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen to posit "quantum loopholes" in relativity's own "velocity of light speed limit" for faster-than-light transference of information;

Under Hilgenberg's influence, Carl Friedrich Krafft took this "vorticular quantum mechanics" one step further, and posited atoms as essentially a geometric or topological construct of the aether that acted as "ether pumps", taking in or giving off energy based on the rotations of the various rings of dynamic aether around them. He developed this notion even further by positing various combinations of vorticular, rotating geometries as the basis

for the then known sub-atomic particles. Krafft, whose views were totally eclipsed by war's end with the victory of the Allies - which likewise might be seen as a victory of relativity - was left to self- publish his works in this strange world of "non-linear physics", which were duly and promptly ignored by the more conventionally minded linear physics of relativity and its proponents.3 But is there any indication that all this theory about the vorticular and rotational aspect of a dynamic aether was ever pursued beyond the stage of theory?

In any case, it is clear that Schauberger's ideas fit in quite well with the vorticular and dynamic aether ideas of the vacuum energy flux potential, or Zero Point Energy, apparently under theoretical development in Nazi Germany both by "orthodox" and by less mainstream scientists. As we shall see, there is every indication that these ideas themselves were put to the test. Before we turn to that however, it is necessary to examine yet another fantastic aspect of Nazi Science: the "Death Ray."

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Then, as the Nazi UFO Mythos emerged, astonishing and specific claims began to be advanced, again by the same circle of a few disenchanted postwar Nazi sympathizers, of astounding beam weapons, of Motorstoppmittel (Means to Stop Motors), a device that resembles modern electromagnetic pulse weapons designed to knock out electronic circuitry, of electromagnetic rail guns, and of a mysterious weapon the Germans were working on called a Kraftstrahlkanone, a "Strong Ray Canon". The device was first reported by Henry Stevens.34

34 Henry Stevens, German Research Project, The German Death Rays.

The Kraftstrahlkanone Schematic Reproduced by Henry Stevens

This odd looking L-shaped weapon comprised some sort of crystal, then a series of hollow tubes, each focusing whatever beam was generated to a narrower and narrower point, until it emerged from a small hole, with allegedly deadly effectiveness, though limited range. What the crystal was, we do not know. What sort of beam was generated, we do not know, though the hollow tubes in declining ratios would seem to indicate that it was some sort of acoustic wave, though why a crystal would have been used is


unclear. For these reasons, the weapon was usually dismissed as a flight of fancy, and Stevens critiqued for reproducing it.

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However, with very recall experiments and advances in physics, we are in a position to conjecture what the weapon may have been, and what principle the Germans may have discovered - decades early, to be sure - that may have been behind its operation. An experimental, and highly theoretical and mathematical paper entitled "On the Existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves (UPWs) of Arbitrary Speeds 0<v<oo in Nature," by Waldyr A Rodrigues Jr. and Jian-Yu Lu was published in October of 1997. Investigating a class of Undistorted Waves, i.e., a class of wave forms that do not diminish in form or force over distance, they show that various solutions for these waves can be found within the standard equations for such waves.35 If this paper were merely another mathematical swipe at relativity - demonstrating solutions to certain equations that the "relativity police" would issue a speeding ticket for - then it would be easily dismissible.

Unfortunately, the authors' main points are not the abstruse mathematical demonstrations and proofs, but rather, a method for generating such waves. First noticing that solutions for Maxwell's equations in a waveguide had both subluminal and superluminal solutions,36 they went on to propose a simple method for generating and for measuring the velocities of such wave structures. The method was called "Finite Aperture Approximation," basically, a method of squeezing acoustic or longitudinal waves through a very small hole, and observing the waveform interference pattern that emerged on the other side, and calculating the velocity, not of the wave, but of the interference pattern itself. If one knows the radius of the aperture and the strength and frequency of the pulse being squeezed through it, one knows the approximate depth of the Finite Aperture Approximation's resulting wave interference pattern.37

I.e., the scalar homogeneous wave equation, the Klein-Gordon equation, the Maxwell equations, and the Dirac and Weyl equations have such solutions, even in the vacuum. (Rodriguez and Jian-yu, "On the Existence of Undistorted Progressive Waves (UPWs) of Arbitrary Speeds 0<v<oo in Nature," p. 1.

36 Ibid., p. 4.

Ibid., pp. 4-6, particularly Eq. 2.7 on p. 6.


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The results of experiments with at acoustic longitudinal pulses led the authors to conclude "these results... give us confidence that electromagnetic subluminal and superluminal waves may be physically launched with appropriate devices."38 Additionally, the authors of this unusual paper are "quite sure" that such a wave interference pattern "can be launched over a large distance."39 Then come the bombshells:

If we take into account this feet together with the results of the acoustic experiments described in section 2, we arrive at tin- conclusion that subluminal electromagnetic pulses...and also superluminal X-waves can be launched with appropriate antennas using present technology ... Nevertheless, the electromagnetic X-wave that is an interference pattern is such that its peak travels with speed c/cos (ni) > 1.the question arises: Is the existence of superluminal electromagnetic waves in conflict with Einstein's Special Relativity?40

While this is not the place to summarize their lengthy mathematical critique of Special Relativity, based on their experiments, it is worth noting that the existence of this little known and recently discovered class of waves, or more specifically, wave-interference systems, "implies a breakdown of the Principle of relativity in both its active...and passive...versions."41

What emerges from a comparison of this paper and the alleged Kraftstrahlkanone is that apparently the Germans may have discovered and been conducting research into a similar, if not identical, phenomenon, a phenomenon that others would call a crucial component of scalar physics: electromagnetic wave-interference to produce a wave-system of superluminal and deadly force. They were, it seems, experimenting with some weaponized form of a Finite Aperture Approximation device. But why a crystal? In part, perhaps, because as is well known, crystals under stress,

38. Ibid., p. 7.

39. Ibid., p. 18.

40. Ibid., p. 21.

41. Ibid., p. 36. The authors' critique of these two versions of Relativity and their dominance in theoretical and experimental physics is highly mathematical and, in a word, thought-provoking.


and acoustic bombardment would be one form of stress, give off minute packets of electrical energy via the piezo-electric effect. But they also give off minute packets of sound, or "phonons", as well. But beyond this allegation, is there any other indication that the Germans were after exotic "post-nuclear" generation weaponry? There is indeed some indication that the Germans were involved with extensive research into "Tesla" technology and weaponry and other exotic particle beam technology at the University of Heidelberg. As Mayer and Mehner report, there is in available documentation that some type of atomic research was being conducted at Ludwigshafen by none other than I.G. Farben. But this research "had

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in reality more to do with the development of the so-called 'death rays'."42 In a file dated December 1, 1944 on this research, it was noted that the work force was moved from Ludwigshafen to Heidelberg in July of 1943.43

This facility in Heidelberg was completely underground, being some 50 meters long and 25 meters wide, with a roof from 8 to 10 meters high, of .75 and 1 meter thickness. The entire bunker complex, as detailed in the diagram on the next page, consisted of a large parabolic reflector made of quartz, a "polytron," a power circuit running the circumference of the bunker, a storage area for various electrical equipment behind the quartz reflector, a generator and a transformer, a "stand" on which various targets for disintegration were placed, and a control-observation booth to the side of the stand. The quartz parabolic reflector was approximately one centimeter thick.44 An American intelligence report declassified only in 1998 described the experiments conducted with this and similar apparatus as follows:

Experiments: The experiments involved a large, elaborate atom- smashing apparatus, the main features of which were four "Spruehpole" (positive) and one "Fangpol" (negative), each about 6 m high. Liberated protons were conveyed through a quartz tube to the Spruehpole, from which they were "fired" at an object placed on a

42. Mayer and Mehner, Die Atombombe und das Dritte Reich, p. 73, my translation. 43 Ibid. 44 Ibid., p. 75.


quartz plate up to 800 m distant. Th i s the complete disintegration of the object.

The first two experiments of this kind ... took place in Dec 43 and Jan 44. In one a 10 cm cube of steel (grade ST0012) was disintegrated within four-tenths of a second, The object in the second experiment was water, contained in a large quartz tube, tiled so that the "rays" would strike the largest possible surface. The water disappeared in two tenths of a second.

The most spectacular experiment was conducted early April 1944, when some 75 rats were made to disappear in the same way. The experiment was photographed from the quartz-enclosed observation tower, and PW claims there was no trace of smoke or flame, nor did any ashes remain on the iron plate. His explanation of this apparent violation of the laws of physics is that the rats were somehow reduced to a gas, which was absorbed by the iron plate.

PW's Evaluation: PW doubts that the principle involved in the experiments described above could be adapted to military use in less than two years. The apparatus is extremely complicated and far too large to be moved readily.45

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This experimentation sounds like a much more sophisticated high voltage direct current form of Tesla's direct current impulse experiments, as well as of the unusual accidental disappearances of tools and equipment in a US Navy arc-welding facility that prompted an investigation led by none other than T. Townsend Brown during World War Two.46

E. Indications of Zero Point Energy and Scalar Physics Experimentation

There are a number of strong indications that the Germans were also experimenting with a variety of "Tesla" like devices that could, conceivably, also be called Zero Point Energy devices. In 1978, the British government finally declassified a British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee (BIOS) report on two curious circuits

45 Harald FSth, Geheime Kommandosache- S III Jonastal und die Siegeswaffenprodiktion: Weitere Spurensuche nach Thuringens Manhattan Project, p. 107.

46 q.v. my Giza Death Star Deployed, pp. 212-214.


devised by German naval engineer and inventor, Hans Coler (or Kohler). Entitled The Invention of Hans Coler, Relating to an Alleged New Source ol Power," B.I.O.S. Final Report no 1043, Item No. 31, Summer 1946, this report consisted of tests and findings on two strange circuits conducted at the University of Berlin between the World Wars under the auspices of none other than Dr. Schumann, discoverer of the Schumann resonance of the earth.47 A mere glance will explain why the device attracted the immediate attention of the German Navy, which classified it as a possible source of quiet and limitless energy for submarine propulsion.

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It will be noted that this hexagonal construction of coils and magnets and two "rotating" sub-circuits has absolutely no source of power. Yet, to the mystified Coler and Dr. Schumann, it

47 The report is reprinted by the Integrity research Institute, 1422 K Street NW, Suite 204, Washington, D.C. 20005.

nevertheless managed to produce, or better, transduce, power seemingly from nowhere.

Little is known how much farther the Germans took this device, or for that matter, how far the British took it for the two decades and a half after the war that they had to work on it until its declassification. What is unusual is that Dr. Schumann was involved with secret German research on "batteries" as late as 1943, and was subsequently brought to the United State as part of Operation Paperclip. It was this same Dr. Schumann who had noted in 1926 that Hans Coler's device exhibited "no fault, hoax, or fraud on the part of its inventor."48 Such "free energy" devices seemed to have come very early to the attention of the leadership of the Third Reich - witness the meeting between Hitler, Planck, and Schauberger

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- and more especially to the attentions of the SS. Devices involving pulsed Tesla coils, suspiciously similar to Tesla's own "Impulse Magnifying Transformer" were constructed.49

One such device, the so-called Karl Schappeller Device, bears close scrutiny, since it bears resemblances to another device found by Nick Cook and described in his Hunt for Zero Point. This odd device is described by Henry Stevens as follows:

The Schappeller device is really composed of two separate units, the rotor and the stator. The stator is constructed as follows: its surface is round or ball-shaped, being composed of two half-shells of steel. These half-shells contain the internal structure and are air tight. Attached at each "pole" of each half-shell is an iron bar magnet, most of whose structure is internal. This means that the bulk of the magnet is inside the steel ball, one opposite the other. There is a space between the two bar magnets at the very center of the sphere.

Insulation, a ceramic material, is placed on the inside of the steel ball leaving a hollow central area. Within this hollow area and around the space between the magnets are wound two internal coils. These originate at the bar magnet poles and each terminate at the center of the sphere with a connection leading out of the sphere to the rotor. These coils are composed of a hollow copper tube filled with a special and secret substance called the "electret". Upon leaving the sphere the electret filled copper tubes are replaced by conventional copper wire.

48 Henry Stevens, Hitler's Flying Saucers, pp. 168-169.

49 Ibid., p. 168.


An electrical connection is made from the outside surface of one pole

to one pole of a special type of battery which is grounded at the other pole... This electret is a permanent magnet within the sphere... The actual composition of Schappeller's electret remains a secret but another electret has been made by Professor Mototaro Eguchi. It consists of carnauba wax and resin, perhaps also containing some beeswax. It was kept in a strong electrical field while baking slowly until it solidified.50

Before proceeding to how this device allegedly operated, it is important to note that this device bears strong resemblance in some respccts to a device called "the Bell" uncovered by Nick Cook and his researches, covered below. Moreover, we shall see how the sum total of all these strange coils, spheres, and Bells will sound only familiar with devices alleged in two famous UFO crashes after the war.

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50 Stevens, Hitler's Flying Saucers, p. 177. 229

Returning now to the Schappeller device and its operation, for Schappeller the "neutral area", called the Bloch wall in a bar magnet, where the polarity is neither "north" nor "south", was of great interest and significance to Schapeller. In the Schappeller device it is noted that the empty area between the two magnets corresponds with this Bloch wall of neutrality.51 It is this "neutral area" that is the area electrically charged by grounding when the device is put into operation. The result is a "new kind" of magnetism, a glowing magnetism in which, according to Schappeller's interpreters, electricity is stationary and magnetism is radiated.52 At the Bloch Wall, "the point of zero magnetism, no spin and magnetic reversal, is the point, so Schappeller theorized, energy enters and is radiated, in the form of

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gravity. Thus, according to one interpreter, gravity is a quadropole (four poles, rather than two poles), 360 degree radiated push.53

But most astonishing about the little known Schappeller were his extraordinarily revolutionary, and prescient, views on thermodynamics, views that, in his day, would have had him roundly dismissed as a crackpot, but some 35 years later, became an exciting new area of physics and chemistry research. That area is non-equilibrium thermodynamics and systems kinetics.

Schappeller had something to say about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. He said there was another and unknown thermodynamic cycle which runs opposite the Second Law. To name this idea we will call it "Reverse Thermodynamics". It is the reverse of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in that it leads to an increase in entropy. Not only is there an increase in order by there is an increase in cold! Schappeller....built his spherical device primarily to demonstrate the principles behind this Reverse thermodynamics. It was not designed as a practical machine.54

Both Schappeller and Schauberger were implying a physics based, not on inanimate lifeless processes, the physics we have come to

51 Stevens, Hitler's Flying Saucers, pp. 178-179.

52 Ibid., p. 179.

53 Ibid., p. 181.

54 Ibid., p. 182.


know, but on animate, creative processes hut Schappeller's views

on ihcrmodynamics were truly revolutionary, and some decades ahead of their time, until Ilya Prigogine won the Nobel prize in chemistry precisely for his pioneering work on self-organizing principles evident in systems driven to a high state of non-equilibrium in 1977.55 The new paradigm, a breathtakingly simple, and yet far-reaching one, was simply that equilibrium had been replaced with non-equilibrium in physics, especially for systems analysis. 56

1. RAM Four-Wave Mixing

The German experiments with prototype Radar Absorbent Materials (RAM) was mentioned previously. In these experiments,

according to Lt. Col. Tom Bearden (USAF, Ret.), that the Germans in late 1945 discovered that radar waves on such non-linear material resulted in the phenomenon of a superluminal, longitudinal "pressure" wave. In doing so, the Germans had brought the paradigms of physics far beyond the conventions of the "linear" physics that was being perfected in Allied laboratories, largely under the

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aegis of the Manhattan Project. Consider the information that has been assembled thus far:

(1) They did not reject a concept of aether, but rather, replaced the static nineteenth century idea with a dynamic aether;

(2) This aether then gave rise to the forces and particles of conventional physics via various morphological combinations of vorticular, rotating structures, thus, its principle manner of thinking was non-linear and, in a word, purely topological;

55 q.v. Ilya Prigogine, and G. Nicolis, Self-Organization in Non-Equilibrium Systems: From Dissipative Structures to Order Through Fluctuations, (J. Wiley & Sons, New York) 1977.

56 I shall explore the significance of this paradigm in my next work on the Great Pyramid and the recent topological papers by Krasnoholovets and Bounias.


(3) These views were simultaneously allied both with occult doctrines of "primal matter" or life force or "Vril" or whatever one wishes to call it on the one hand, and with the construct called the Zero Point Energy that resulted from the equations of quantum mechanics, a very "German". "Aryan" science; (4) They were pursuing exotic ideas and technologies in unconventional combinations, the most salient features of which can be summarized as a concentration on: (a) Pulsed high voltage and "focusing" effects;

(b) High rpm turbines and other such rotating devices;

(c) Non-equilibrium;

(d) Finite Aperture apparati;

(e) Radioactivity and nuclear particle research;

(f) The effects of extremes of temperature on the density state of matter as a means of generating enormous explosive destructive power; and finally,

(g) The use of quartz and other crystals in generating some of these effects.57

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With these thoughts in mind, we now approach what may be the most sensational experiment the Germans undertook during the War. The device was called simply, "The Bell", and its shocked and dumbfounded discoverer was Nick Cook.

2. The Brotherhood of the "Bell"

In the 1960s, a movie with Glenn Ford and a young Dabney Coleman, playing a small part as a government agent, was made. The movie was about a secret society allegedly at work behind the scenes in American society and politics, to manipulate research grants and control the direction of society. In the movie, Ford plays a member of this society who is served his "due bill" for all the favors the society has granted him, and forced to betray a

57 Korsching's odd comment about artificial rubies at Farm Hall should be recalled in this regard.


Hungarian friend in order to deny that friend a crucial academic post and grant. His friend is named Dr. Hlavaty.

I have always thought that perhaps the movie's Dr. Hlavaty was not so fictional, being perhaps based on the brilliant Hungarian physicist, Vaclav Hlavaty, who attempted a six-dimensional solution to the Unified Field Theory that had eluded Dr. Einstein. Whatever the truth of that hypothesis, it is perhaps interesting to note that the "Brotherhood of the Bell" seemed to exist for no other purpose than to suppress certain types of research, or at least, to keep it out of the public eye.

It should come as no surprise, then, that there was a "brotherhood of the Bell" during World War Two, for one of the most strange objects the Germans were experimenting on was a device that was known simply as "The Bell." So sensitive and secret was this device, that when it was evacuated from its underground secret laboratory in Lower Silesia prior to the Russian occupation of the area, the SS shot the approximately 60 scientists - doubtless on Kammler's orders - that were involved with this strange object.58

The Bell consisted apparently of two counter-rotating cylinders, and resembled a Bell in its general shape. It stood approximately 12 to 15 feet high, and was approximately 9 to 12 feet in diameter.59 Into this device, an unknown purplish metallic-liquid looking substance known only as "Xerum 525" or "Serum 525" was poured, apparently to be mechanically rotated at high speed, and possibly electrically rotated as well, by the device. The result was that organic objects placed within the field of the Bell swiftly decayed without putrefaction, decomposing into a black goo, and then finally, into dust, within a matter of hours, and not several weeks. So strong was the field that resulted from the Bell, that on its first test the technicians and scientists involved were all killed.

Subsequently, the Bell was operated only for one or two minutes at a time, and housing below ground in a room bricked and

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58 Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, p. 187 For a fuller discussion of the Bell and its mysterious properties, consult my Giza Death Star Deployed, pp. 121-128.

59 Cook, op. cit, pp. 191-193


tiled with ceramic tiles, which were then covered in thick rubber mats. After each test, the mats were burned, and the room washed down by concentration camp inmates with brine.60 When Cook was shown the installation in which the Bell was housed, he was also informed of its high electrical consumption.61

What was the mysterious "Xerum 525?" When I first read of this substance which had to be stored in lead lined cylinders, I first thought it sounded like a radioactive isotope of mercury, or perhaps some other radioactive material suspended in solution of some sort. More recently, allegations have surfaced concerning the neutron emitting properties of so-called "red mercury" or mercury antimonate oxide, supposedly a source for detonating thermonuclear warheads without the necessity for detonating an atom bomb, and a powerful conventional explosive in its own right. Whatever the mysterious substance was, it seems clear that it was highly radioactive, and that the Germans were subjecting it to extremely high mechanical and electrical rotations to study t h e resulting field effects, effects that Cook's advisors could only qualify as "torsion" fields.62 These fields are thought by some contemporary physicists to have direct relevance to the study of gravity, and of time.63 Close to the Bell's underground testing bunker the Germans had built a large concrete henge-like structure, in the pillars of which were high grade steel hooks, an obvious testing frame for what must have been an extremely powerful propulsion device.

What happened to the Bell? No one knows. Like Kammler, it goes completely missing at the end of the war, and its scientists, as already stated, were murdered to a man by the SS to keep whatever precious secrets it, and they, had uncovered. But as we shall

60 Cook, op. cit., p. 192

61 Ibid., p.p. 182-183, 197.

62 Ibid., p.p. 192, 194

63 In this regard it is perhaps interesting to note that, years prior to the publication of Nick Cook's book, well-known science-fiction-horror-thriller author (whose genre and style is so compellingly unique), Dean Koontz, published a novel called Lightning, the theme of which was a wartime German experiment with a time machine that, coincidentally (?) consisted of rotating cylinders!


discover in the next and final part of this book, the Bell may have surfaced again under very public, if not bizarre, circumstances.

Nazi UFO Type:

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