advanced review hyperconjugation - eoq · advanced review hyperconjugation igor v. alabugin,∗...

Advanced Review Hyperconjugation Igor V. Alabugin, Kerry M. Gilmore and Paul W. Peterson This review outlines the ubiquitous nature of hyperconjugative interactions and their role in the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. After defining the common hyperconjugative patterns, we discuss the main factors controlling the magnitude of hyperconjugative effects, including orbital symmetry, energy gap, electronegativity, and polarizibility. The danger of underestimating the magni- tude of hyperconjugative interactions are illustrated by a number of spectroscopic, conformational, and structural effects. Through the use of advanced computa- tional techniques, the true role of hyperconjugative effects, as it pertains to their influence on stereoelectronics, conformational equilibria, and reactivities relative to other electronic effects, continue to be uncovered. C 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. WIREs Comput Mol Sci 2011 1 109–141 DOI: 10.1002/wcms.6 HYPERCONJUGATION, CONJUGATION, AND σ -CONJUGATION S tabilizing interactions between electronic orbitals in molecules can be displayed via one of three ubiquitous effects: conjugation, hyperconjugation, and σ -conjugation. Each of these effects describes the electronic consequences of delocalization and can be expressed as the difference between a perfectly localized, single Lewis structure, system and a real molecule. Although the interaction of π -orbitals, or conjugation, has been a prominent feature of theoret- ical organic chemistry for a long time, the importance of delocalizing interactions involving σ -bonds 1, 2 has not been equally recognized, even though Mulliken’s pioneering papers on hyperconjugation date back to the early 1940s. 3, 4 This situation has changed not only because σ -bonds are much more common than π -bonds and, thus, hyperconjugative interactions are ubiq- uitous in chemistry, but mostly due to the accu- mulation of significant theoretical and experimental evidences that these interactions lead to significant changes in geometry, electron density, molecular orbital (MO) energies, infrared (IR)-spectra, bond strengths (Bohlmann effect), 5, 6 and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) properties. 7 In many cases, hyper- conjugation influences conformational equilibria, 8–22 modifies reactivity, 23–32 and determines selectivity. 33 Correspondence to: [email protected] Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State Univer- sity, Tallahassee, FL, USA DOI: 10.1002/wcms.6 Their importance is enhanced dramatically in excited, radical, and ionic species. 34–37 Two-electron/two- orbital hyperconjugative interactions are also pro- posed to be important components of intermolecular interactions, both in ground 38 and transition states (TSs). 39–45 The separation of σ -conjugation, hyper- conjugation, and conjugation into three different ef- fects is based on an arbitrary decision to treat σ - and π -orbitals on a different basis. In the formalism, IU- PAC defines hyperconjugation as an interaction be- tween σ - and π -orbitals. The interaction of σ -orbitals is called sigma conjugation whereas the interaction of π -orbitals is referred to as conjugation. The latter term is also extended to the analogous interaction in- volving a p-orbital, for example, NH 2 –Ph. Note that the interactions of π -bonds with lone pairs start to blur the line between hyperconjugation and conju- gation because lone pairs are often hybridized and possess significant s-character. 46 Because the above mentioned effects describe the same fundamental phenomenon and are differ- ent only within the σ π model, their separation has mostly historic value. Interestingly, Mulliken in his seminal 1941 paper titled ‘Hyperconjugation’ 47 emphasized that ‘differences in conjugating power’ among saturated and unsaturated groups are ‘quan- titative rather than qualitative’. He suggested to use terms ‘second-order conjugation, or first-order hyper- conjugation’ for the σ π interaction and ‘third-order conjugation, or second-order hyperconjugation’ for the σ σ interaction. Mulliken’s analysis remains valid—the basic stereoelectronic guidelines and or- bital interaction patterns are similar as those for the three types of delocalizing interactions. In fact, σ - conjugation is often referred to as hyperconjugation Volume 1, January/February 2011 109 c 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Advanced Review

HyperconjugationIgor V. Alabugin,∗ Kerry M. Gilmore and Paul W. Peterson

This review outlines the ubiquitous nature of hyperconjugative interactions andtheir role in the structure and reactivity of organic molecules. After defining thecommon hyperconjugative patterns, we discuss the main factors controlling themagnitude of hyperconjugative effects, including orbital symmetry, energy gap,electronegativity, and polarizibility. The danger of underestimating the magni-tude of hyperconjugative interactions are illustrated by a number of spectroscopic,conformational, and structural effects. Through the use of advanced computa-tional techniques, the true role of hyperconjugative effects, as it pertains to theirinfluence on stereoelectronics, conformational equilibria, and reactivities relativeto other electronic effects, continue to be uncovered. C© 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.WIREs Comput Mol Sci 2011 1 109–141 DOI: 10.1002/wcms.6


S tabilizing interactions between electronic orbitalsin molecules can be displayed via one of three

ubiquitous effects: conjugation, hyperconjugation,and σ -conjugation. Each of these effects describesthe electronic consequences of delocalization and canbe expressed as the difference between a perfectlylocalized, single Lewis structure, system and a realmolecule. Although the interaction of π -orbitals, orconjugation, has been a prominent feature of theoret-ical organic chemistry for a long time, the importanceof delocalizing interactions involving σ -bonds1,2 hasnot been equally recognized, even though Mulliken’spioneering papers on hyperconjugation date back tothe early 1940s.3,4

This situation has changed not only becauseσ -bonds are much more common than π -bondsand, thus, hyperconjugative interactions are ubiq-uitous in chemistry, but mostly due to the accu-mulation of significant theoretical and experimentalevidences that these interactions lead to significantchanges in geometry, electron density, molecularorbital (MO) energies, infrared (IR)-spectra, bondstrengths (Bohlmann effect),5,6 and nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) properties.7 In many cases, hyper-conjugation influences conformational equilibria,8–22

modifies reactivity,23–32 and determines selectivity.33

∗Correspondence to: [email protected]

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State Univer-sity, Tallahassee, FL, USA

DOI: 10.1002/wcms.6

Their importance is enhanced dramatically in excited,radical, and ionic species.34–37 Two-electron/two-orbital hyperconjugative interactions are also pro-posed to be important components of intermolecularinteractions, both in ground38 and transition states(TSs).39–45 The separation of σ -conjugation, hyper-conjugation, and conjugation into three different ef-fects is based on an arbitrary decision to treat σ - andπ -orbitals on a different basis. In the formalism, IU-PAC defines hyperconjugation as an interaction be-tween σ - and π -orbitals. The interaction of σ -orbitalsis called sigma conjugation whereas the interaction ofπ -orbitals is referred to as conjugation. The latterterm is also extended to the analogous interaction in-volving a p-orbital, for example, NH2–Ph. Note thatthe interactions of π -bonds with lone pairs start toblur the line between hyperconjugation and conju-gation because lone pairs are often hybridized andpossess significant s-character.46

Because the above mentioned effects describethe same fundamental phenomenon and are differ-ent only within the σ–π model, their separationhas mostly historic value. Interestingly, Mulliken inhis seminal 1941 paper titled ‘Hyperconjugation’47

emphasized that ‘differences in conjugating power’among saturated and unsaturated groups are ‘quan-titative rather than qualitative’. He suggested to useterms ‘second-order conjugation, or first-order hyper-conjugation’ for the σ–π interaction and ‘third-orderconjugation, or second-order hyperconjugation’ forthe σ−σ interaction. Mulliken’s analysis remainsvalid—the basic stereoelectronic guidelines and or-bital interaction patterns are similar as those for thethree types of delocalizing interactions. In fact, σ -conjugation is often referred to as hyperconjugation

Volume 1, January /February 2011 109c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

Advanced Review






H +




Stabilization energy




(a) (b) (c)

FIGURE 1 | (a) Description of the vicinal σC H → σ ∗C H interaction in ethane in terms of resonance theory (‘double bond/no bond

resonance’). (b) Energy lowering due to hyperconjugative interaction between σC H and σ ∗C X orbitals. (c) Natural bond orbital plots illustrating

overlap of vicinal σC H and σ ∗C H orbitals in ethane.

in modern scientific literature. In this review, we willfollow the spirit of Mulliken’s treatment and combineboth types of interactions including σ -bonds underone title ‘hyperconjugation’. Not only can hypercon-jugation with strong σ -donors rival stabilization dueto the conventional conjugation patterns, but the twoeffects are sometimes difficult to distinguish. For ex-ample, in the process of an allylic σ−bond stretchingand breaking, hyperconjugation with the σ -bond istransformed into conjugation with the nonbondingorbital (radical in the case of homolytic bond cleav-age, or cation/anion in the case of heterolytic bondcleavage). This transition further illustrates the in-herent similarity between hyperconjugation and σ -conjugation.


In valence bond (VB) theory, hyperconjugation arisesfrom the presence of additional resonance structures(the double bond/no bond resonance in Figure 1(a)).In MO theory, hyperconjugation is commonly de-scribed as the interaction between electronic orbitals,one of which corresponds to a σ -bond. In order forthe interaction to be stabilizing, the higher energy or-bital has to be at least partially empty (zero or oneelectron), and the lower energy orbital has to be atleast partially filled. The most common scenario, il-lustrated in Figure 1, corresponds to a two-electroninteraction where the lower energy orbital (a bondor a lone pair) is completely filled whereas the higherenergy antibonding orbital is empty. Two-center/one-electron and two-center/three-electron hyperconjuga-

+ CH3CH2CH3 + CH3—CH3

FIGURE 2 | A possible way to estimate hyperconjugation inpropene through a bond separation reaction.

tion patterns are also possible and play importantroles in odd-electron species such as radicals, radicalions, and excited states.48,49

Theoretical Approaches to Analysis ofHyperconjugation

Isodesmic Reactions and ConformationalEnergy ProfilesVery often, delocalization is estimated through ther-mochemical data and application of hypothetic re-actions (isogyric, isodesmic, hypohomodesmotic, ho-modesmotic, or hyperhomodesmotic),50 which aredesigned to isolate the desired effect. For example, theequation in Figure 2 can be used to evaluate the hy-perconjugative stabilization of an alkene by a methylgroup.51

The advantage of these equations is that, inmany cases, the thermochemical data can be eitherobtained experimentally or calculated with a high de-gree of accuracy. The challenge is in isolating the keyelectronic effect without introducing additional struc-tural and electronic perturbations. For example, theabove equation suffers from an imbalance in the hy-bridization, such as a different number of sp3-sp3 andsp2-sp3 C C bonds and vinyl C H bonds in the re-actant and product.

An ‘ideal’ reaction for the analysis of anelectronic effect would involve no changes in

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WIREs Computational Molecular Science Hyperconjugation

hybridization and the types of bonds. None of theseparameters change upon conformational changes as aresult of rotation around a single bond, whereas manyhyperconjugative effects are stereoelectronic (dependon orbital overlap in space) and can be ‘switched offand on’ through conformational changes. Conforma-tional analysis has played an important historical rolein the development of theoretical organic chemistryand proved to be very useful for the understandingof hyperconjugative effects. However, such an anal-ysis is complicated by the fact that conformationalequilibrium is often controlled by a complex mixtureof factors, of which hyperconjugation is only a singlecontributor.

Wavefunction AnalysisA different approach, which has a conceptual advan-tage over such conventional delocalization energy as-sessments, involves direct computational dissection ofdelocalized wavefunctions. In order to describe andquantify delocalizing interactions, one needs to eval-uate the energy penalty, which occurs when this in-teraction is absent. The difference in energy betweenthis state (sometimes called diabatic state) and the fullstate (sometimes called adiabatic) can be taken as theinteraction energy. The main challenge lies in defin-ing the appropriate correct localized state to serve asa reference point. Three approaches have emerged fordissecting delocalizing interactions: natural bond or-bital (NBO) analysis, energy decomposition analysis(EDA),52–55 and block-localized wavefunction (BLW)method.56

All of these methods share a conceptual similar-ity in comparing the full wavefunction with a hypo-thetical localized construct. However, an importantdifference between these methods lies in the startingbasic set of orbitals used to describe delocalization.Whereas NBO utilizes orthogonal orbitals to describethe localized reference, the other methods start withnonorthogonal orbitals.57 This difference leads to sig-nificant variations in the magnitude of delocalizing in-teractions obtained, and exaggerates the role of stericeffects in methods based on non-orthogonal orbitals.

From the conceptual perspective, the non-orthogonal initial orbitals cannot be the eigen-functions of any imaginable physical (Hermitian)Hamiltonian that can serve as the ‘unperturbed sys-tem’ for such an analysis. Although the overlap con-tamination effects do not change energies evaluatedon the basis of the overall molecular wave functions(whether orbitals of a determinantal wavefunction areorthogonal or not does not affect the overall expecta-tion value), orbitals (and charge density) attributed toone group have overlap with (and thus could equally

well be attributed to) orbitals of the other group. Ifthe ‘bond’ of one group overlaps with the antibondof the other group, such overlap will automaticallybe labeled ‘exchange repulsion’ in a scheme based onnonorthogonal orbitals.58

The observed differences between alternativecomputational dissections are due to the ambiguityabout which non-orthogonal subunits receive creditfor unaccounted density in the overlap region. Theassociated overlap density can be assigned to the filledorbital (and counted toward steric effects) or to theunfilled orbital (and counted toward hyperconjuga-tive charge-transfer). All methods that harbor suchoverlap ambiguities are expected to differ sharplyfrom NBO-based assessments of intramolecular or in-termolecular interactions.

Figure 3(a) illustrates the origin of ‘four-electrondestabilization’ between two non-orthogonal filledorbitals often taken as the physical origin of the stericdestabilization. However, it is simply a mathemati-cal artifact of nonorthogonality and does not, in fact,correspond to a physical interpretation of any imag-inable physical process. Once orbitals are orthogo-nalized, the ‘four-electron destabilization’ disappears(Figure 3(b)). When at least one unoccupied orbital isadded to the system, the overall interaction becomesstabilizing (Figure 3(c)).59–61

Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) AnalysisThe NBO analysis transforms the canonical delocal-ized Hartree–Fock (HF) MOs and non-orthogonalatomic orbitals (AOs) into the sets of localized‘natural’ atomic orbitals, hybrid orbitals, and NBOs.Importantly, each of these localized basis sets is com-plete and orthonormal, and describes the wavefunc-tion with the minimal amount of filled orbitals in themost rapidly convergent fashion. Unlike delocalizedcanonical MOs, filled NBOs describe the hypothet-ical, strictly localized Lewis structure. Natural pop-ulation analysis (NPA) charge assignments based onNBO analysis correlate well with empirical chargemeasures.62

The interactions between filled and antibonding(or Rydberg) orbitals represent the deviation of themolecule from the Lewis structure and can be used asa measure of delocalization. Because the occupanciesof filled NBOs are highly condensed, the delocalizinginteractions can be treated by a standard second-orderperturbation approach (Eq. (1)) or by deletion of thecorresponding off-diagonal elements of the Fock ma-trix in the NBO basis and recalculating the energy(referred to as Edel energies)63,64 where <σ /F/σ ∗>, orFi,j is the Fock matrix element between the orbitals(NBOs) i and j, εσ and εσ ∗ are the energies of the σ

Volume 1, January /February 2011 111c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

Advanced Review






�a �b





FIGURE 3 | (Left) Four-electron destabilizing interaction expressed in terms of nonorthogonal “unperturbed” orbitals (for which there is noimaginable Hermitian perturbation theory). (Middle) Four-electron nonstabilizing interaction expressed in terms of orthogonalized unperturbedorbitals (for which there exists a valid Hermitian). (Right) Four-electron stabilizing interaction for a proper three-term description of orbital energiesin terms of Lowdin-orthogonalized basis orbitals (Reprinted with permission from Refs 59 to 61).

and σ ∗ NBOs, and nσ is the population of the donorσ orbital.2 Usually, there is a good linear correlationbetween the deletion (Edel) and perturbation [E(2)]energies.65 One can also delete some or all of the vir-tual localized NBOs, thus eliminating all interactionsinvolving these orbitals.

E(2) = −nσ

〈σ/F/σ ∗〉2

εσ ∗ − εσ

= −nσ

(Fi, j



Natural steric analysis66 in the NBO procedureis based on the model of Weiskopff where orbitalorthogonalization leads to the ‘kinetic energy pres-sure’ that opposes interpenetration of matter.67 Asthe orbitals begin to overlap, the physically requiredorthogonalization leads to additional oscillatory andnodal features in the orbital waveform, which cor-respond to increased wavefunction curvature and ki-netic energy, the essential ‘destabilization’ that op-poses interpenetration. The overlap-type analysis ofPauli interactions can be introduced to the NBOframework through interactions of not orthogonal-ized pre-NBOs.

Energy Decomposition Analysis (EDA)This analysis starts with ‘a zeroth-order’ wave-function from the overlapping orbitals of the iso-lated molecular fragments.68–71 In EDA, the inter-actions between these fragments are divided intothree steps. In the first step, the fragments, whichare calculated with the frozen geometry of the entiremolecule, are superimposed without electronic relax-ation; this yields the quasiclassical electrostatic at-traction �Eelstat. In the second step the product wavefunction becomes antisymmetrized and renormalized,which gives the repulsive term �EPauli, termed Pauli

repulsion. In the third step the MOs relax to their finalform to yield the stabilizing orbital interaction �Eorb.The latter term can be divided into contributions oforbitals having different symmetry that is useful forseparation of σ - and π -effects. The sum of the threeterms �Eelstat + �EPauli + �Eorb gives the total inter-action energy �Eint.

Block-localized Wavefunction (BLW) MethodMo et al.72–82 suggested that the electron delocaliza-tion to the cationic carbon and neutral boron cen-ter can be accurately studied by removing the vacantπ−orbitals from the expansion space of MOs. Al-though this simple orbital deletion procedure (ODP)technique is limited to the analysis of positive hyper-conjugation in carbocations and boranes, it has beengeneralized and extended to the BLW method.

The BLW method combines the MO and VBtheories. In this method, the wavefunction for a lo-calized (diabatic) state is defined by limiting the ex-pansion of each MO (called block-localized MO) toa predefined subspace instead of allowing all MOsto be a combination of all AOs, as in MO theory.Block-localized MOs belonging to different subspacesare generally non-orthogonal. The BLWs for diabaticstates are optimized self-consistently, and the adia-batic state is a combination of a few (usually two orthree) diabatic state wavefunctions.

For example, for propene, the delocalizedand localized (BLW) wave functions can be ex-pressed as �(del) = A(σ1a”22a”2) and �(loc) =A(σπ2

C=Cπ2CH3), where πC C and πCH3 are group

orbitals expanded in CH2 CH and CH3 groups, andare non-orthogonal. In contrast, canonical MOs 1a”and 2a” are delocalized for the whole system and

112 Volume 1, January /February 2011c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

WIREs Computational Molecular Science Hyperconjugation







H Sacrificial









FIGURE 4 | Comparison of contributing resonance structures insacrificial and isovalent hyperconjugation.

are orthogonal. In this example, the energy differencebetween these two wave functions, which are inde-pendently optimized self-consistently, is taken as thevicinal hyperconjugative interaction between the π

double bond and the adjacent methyl group.


Isovalent Versus SacrificialHyperconjugationThe characteristic resonance description of hypercon-jugation involves the so called ‘double bond/no-bondresonance’ contributing structure. Depending on therelative number of two-electron bonds in the two con-tributing structures, hyperconjugation is classified aseither ‘heterovalent’ or ‘isovalent’ hyperconjugation.This classification dates back to Mulliken83 who re-ferred to heterovalent hyperconjugation in neutralsystems as ‘ordinary’ or ‘sacrificial’, and to hyper-conjugation in cations as ‘strong’ or ‘isovalent’.

In sacrificial hyperconjugation, the contribut-ing structure contains one 2-electron bond less thanthe normal Lewis formula. In contrast, contribut-ing structures describing the so-called ‘isovalent’ hy-perconjugation between σ -bonds and an unfilled orpartially filled π - or p-orbital in carbenium ions,carbanions, and radicals contain the same numberof two-electron bonds as the main Lewis formula(Figure 4).

The two resonance patterns are not unique forhyperconjugation—the same distinction can be madefor conjugation patterns. For example, resonance inbutadiene can be taken as an example of sacrifi-cial conjugation, whereas resonance in allyl systems(cation, anion, and radical) can be considered as anexample of isovalent conjugation.

Neutral, Negative, and PositiveHyperconjugationAnother historically common classification of hyper-conjugative interactions is based on their separationinto neutral, negative, and positive hyperconjugation.

R R++ X X






X + a

σC—X π* H






π σ*C—X







Neutral hyperconjugation

FIGURE 5 | Contributing resonance structures for positive,negative, and neutral hyperconjugation.

The interactions between filled π - or p-orbitals andadjacent antibonding σ ∗-orbitals are referred to asnegative hyperconjugation. Donation of electron den-sity from filled σ -orbitals into π∗-orbitals or p-typeunfilled orbitals is called positive hyperconjugation.Both negative and positive hyperconjugation are two-electron stabilizing interactions that result in buildingπ -character between nominally single-bonded atoms.

Classification of hyperconjugation as positive ornegative is useful when either referring to an individ-ual interaction or to an imbalanced situation, whena very strong donor or a strong acceptor orbital ispresent in the molecule, and when interaction of thisunusual orbital with the rest of the molecules domi-nates over other delocalization effects. This imbalanceoften occurs when either a lone pair acts as a donor orwhen an empty p-orbital, or a strongly polarized π∗-or σ ∗-orbital, acts as an acceptor.84–87 Use of theseterms in other situations can be misleading.

In the absence of dominating unidirectional in-teractions, hyperconjugation is classified as neutralhyperconjugation. This is the most common hyper-conjugative pattern that blends together the negativeand the positive hyperconjugation. For example, thedelocalizing interaction between a π -bond and an ad-jacent σC X bond in Figure 5 is displayed as a pair ofdonor–acceptor π → σ ∗

C X and σC X → π∗ interac-tions. In this case, the interaction is bidirectional andthe same C X moiety, where X is a main group ele-ment from groups IVa–VIIa, serves as both a σ -donorand a σ -acceptor.

Negative HyperconjugationDonation of electron density from filled π -orbitalsor lone pairs into σ ∗-orbitals (negative hyperconjuga-tion) is important not only in anions, but also in manyneutral molecules. In particular, it is implicated in the

Volume 1, January /February 2011 113c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

Advanced Review


Isovalent in an anion







Isovalent in a neutral molecule












n(N) σ*(H—X)

H-bonding NH




Transition state

n(Y) σ*(C—X)

SN 2 Reaction





FIGURE 6 | Selected patterns of intra- and intermolecular negativehyperconjugation.

anomeric effect (and its spectroscopic counterparts—the Bohlman88 and the Perrin effects,89–92 seeFigure 7) and as a provider of covalent character anddirectionality of H-bonding. Negative hyperconjuga-tion that involves nonbonding orbitals is isovalent(Figure 6) and the one that involves π -orbitals is sac-rificial (Figure 5).

Positive HyperconjugationThis conjugation pattern dominates when a verystrong p- or π -acceptor, or a very strong σ -donoris present in a molecule. In particular, positive hyper-conjugation is very important in carbenium ions andboranes (Figure 8).93

The effect of alkyl substituents on the stabili-ties of carbenium ions provides the electronic basis ofthe Markovnikov’s rule.94 For a carbenium ion, themore alkyl groups that are connected to the cationiccenter, the more stable the carbocation is.95 The sta-bilizing effect of hyperconjugation on the stability ofcarbenium ions is illustrated by the gas phase hydrideion affinities for the selected carbocations in Figure 9.In these gas phase data, the stabilizing potential of










Bohlman effect: lower IR-stretching frequencyfor the antiperiplanar C—H bond

Perrin effect: smaller one-bond NMRcoupling constants for the longer C—H bonds






FIGURE 7 | Spectroscopic effects associated with negativehyperconjugation.

H +







FIGURE 8 | Positive hyperconjugation in a cation and a neutralmolecule.

conjugation is expressed to its maximum degree be-cause it is not attenuated by solvation effects. It isclear that the stabilizing effect of hyperconjugation issignificant—under these conditions, a methyl groupprovides ca 70% of stabilization by a double bondin the allyl cation. Although the stabilizing effectsof second and third methyl groups are progressivelysmaller, positive hyperconjugation in secondary andtertiary cations provides much more stabilization tothe cationic center than conjugation in the allyl cationand rivals stabilization provided by the lone pairs ofoxygen in HOCH2

+, i.e., the stabilities increase in theorder of methyl cation < primary < allyl < secondary< hydroxycarbenium< tertiary cation (Figure 9).

These trends agree well with the trendsin relative stabilities of carbocations from gasphase heterolytic C Br bond dissociation ener-gies in alkyl bromides: CH3

+ (0.0 kcal/mol) <

CH3CH2+ (36 kcal/mol) < (CH3)2CH+ (55 kcal/mol)

< (CH3)3C+ (69 kcal/mol).95 Hyperconjugation en-ergies from ODP computations are noticeablysmaller (CH3CH2

+ = 13 kcal/mol, (CH3)2CH+ =21 kcal/mol and (CH3)3C+ = 26 kcal/mol).72 Thisdiscrepancy can be attributed to the structural re-laxation, for example, from pyramidal structure toplanar structure.

114 Volume 1, January /February 2011c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

WIREs Computational Molecular Science Hyperconjugation

CH3 +






CH3CH2 + 27 CH3










CH3 CH3231










FIGURE 9 | Absolute (data below the structures) and relative (datanear the arrows) gas phase hydride ion affinities for selectedcarbocations. All energies are in kcal/mol.96

The stabilizing effect of positive hyperconju-gation increases for stronger σ -donors. For exam-ple, the stabilizing effect of a silyl substituent in β-silylethyl cation is calculated to be ca 38 kcal/mol inthe gas phase.97–99 Effects of Ge, Sn, and Hg are alsosubstantial100,101; for example, hyperconjugative ac-tivation by a Sn-C bond can accelerate a reaction bya factor of >10.14,97–99,102

Neutral HyperconjugationIn this type of hyperconjugation, donor and accep-tor interactions are balanced and often there is nodominating effect. As a result, the importance of sac-rificial hyperconjugation in neutral hydrocarbons hasbeen controversial. However, recent work suggeststhat this effect is important, and effects of hypercon-jugation were reported even on X-ray geometries ofneutral molecules.103

Part of the challenge is that structural ef-fects of neutral hyperconjugation are often smalland indirect experimental approaches can thus becomplicated.104 For example, Basso and coworkers105

reported that although calculated structural parame-ters (bond lengths, valence and dihedral angles) andNBO analysis were in a good agreement with theexpected trends of hyperconjugative interactions be-tween a double bond and an allylic substituent (forM = C, Si, Ge), neither computed nor experimentalNMR C C coupling constants,1JC C, in these sys-tems correlated with the structural parameters.

When exploring the possibility of using NMRcoupling constants as a probe of structural and elec-tronic consequences of hyperconjugation, Lambertand coworkers observed that variations of M in ben-zylic systems did not produce the monotonous in-crease in the coupling constant between the ben-zylic and ipso-carbons, which are doubly-bondedin the contributing no-bond, double-bond structure(Figure 10). This result illustrates that the NMR cou-

Expected correlationas function of X for agiven M




Cp X

M(CH3)3+No correlation,

as function of M

FIGURE 10 | Effects of neutral hyperconjugation on the directnuclear magnetic resonance coupling constants.

plings depend not only on the bond lengths but alsoon other factors such as bond polarity or rehybridi-zation.106 Interestingly, when such factors are keptconstant (via varying electron demand of a p-substituent X for the same hyperconjugative donor Mat the benzylic position), the monotonic decrease inthe direct M C coupling constants has been observedwith increasing electron withdrawal for 13C 29Si and29C 119Sn bonds.107 This change is consistent withthe increased importance of hyperconjugation.

Neglect of neutral hyperconjugation can leadto serious fundamental misconceptions. For example,omission of hyperconjugative effects led to the appar-ent disappearance of conjugation between two triplebonds in butadiyne (see Neutral Hyperconjugation inAlkenes and Alkynes). We will further illustrate theimportance of this ubiquitous phenomenon in Exam-ples/Stereoelectronic Effects.

Extended Patterns of HyperconjugationThe chemical community is accustomed to the ideathat conjugation through π -arrays can provide long-range orbital communication. For example, conju-gated arrays are commonly used as bridges for elec-tron/hole transport both in nature’s photosyntheticcenter and in artificial devices for light harvesting andconversion. Although it is less clear how far hyper-conjugation extends, a number of extended hyper-conjugation patterns have been investigated.108 Someof these patterns are provided in Figure 11, which fol-lows the lucid classification of Lambert and Ciro.109

Homohyperconjugation is observed when a sat-urated center intervenes between donor and acceptororbitals. When the acceptor is a cationic p-orbital,the phenomenon is called the γ -effect or, sometimes,percaudal interaction. It has been particularly wellstudied for silicon and tin.110–113 When the acceptoris a σ ∗-orbital and donor is a lone pair, this effect is re-ferred to as homoanomeric effect.114 Both the γ -effect

Volume 1, January /February 2011 115c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

Advanced Review







Double hyperconjugation:



FIGURE 11 | Comparison of normal and extended positivehyperconjugation.

R+ α


R +

δ-Substituted "equatorial" cations

R = σ-donor

FIGURE 12 | The significant stabilization of a δ-cyclohexyl cationby a series of equatorial substituents via double hyperconjugation.

and the homoanomeric effect are considered to resultprimarily from direct through-space interactions.

Double hyperconjugation extends the delocal-ization range even further by placing a σ -bridge be-tween a donor and an acceptor. In the chemistry ofcations, this interaction has been called the δ-effectand found experimentally to be significant for siliconand tin.115–117 Expansion of these studies to a largerset of cations118,119 showed that, double hyperconju-gation with a number of equatorial substituents canprovide significant stabilization (R = AlH2, GaH2,GeH3, AsH2, SiH3, PH2, BH2, SeH) or destabiliza-tion (R = SH, Br, NH2, Cl, O, F) to the δ-cyclohexylcation with the equatorially oriented empty p-orbital(Figure 12, equatorial ‘hyperconjomer’, vide infra).These stabilization effects were used for the develop-ment of a new scale for the hyperconjugative donorability of σ -bonds (see Anomeric and HomoanomericEffects for additional details).


Overlap/Orbital SymmetryVicinal orbitals have to be coplanar to ensure the op-timal interaction. Regarding the two possible copla-nar geometries, the common stereoelectronic feature


H> H H







FIGURE 13 | Top: The antiperiplanar stereoelectronic preferencefor vicinal conjugation and hyperconjugation. Bottom: Keyhyperconjugative interactions between σC H and σ ∗

C H orbitals(Reprinted with permission from Refs 59 to 61).

observed for the interaction of vicinal orbitals isthe general preference of antiperiplanar arrangementover synperiplanar geometry. This effect is displayedin the higher stability of the staggered conforma-tion of ethane, s-trans conformation of butadieneand eclipsed (an obvious misnomer) conformation ofpropene (Figure 13, top). The origin of this prefer-ence, for the case of ethane, is illustrated in the bottompart of Figure 13, which clearly displays the unfavor-able overlap between the σC H orbital and a node ofthe σ ∗-orbital for the synperiplanar arrangement inthe eclipsed conformation.120,121

Because vicinal hyperconjugation is increased inthe antiperiplanar conformation, a number of hyper-conjugative stereoelectronic effects are fully displayedin the most favorable geometry, where the best donorand the best acceptor are antiperiplanar to each other(see Examples/Stereoelectronic effects for a numberof illustrative examples).122

For intermolecular interactions dominated bynegative hyperconjugation, the best stereoelectronicarrangement involves a collinear arrangement wherethe donor orbital interacts with the back lobe ofthe σ ∗-orbital. Such geometries are characteristic forSN2 reactions and H-bonding, both of which in-volve electron density transfer from a lone pair toa back lobe of a polarized σ ∗-orbital. Because suchinteractions lead to an increase in the populationof an antibonding X Y orbital, they elongate the

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H-bonding n(N) σ*(H—X)

Rg—H...Y H—bond formation

F He H : Y



SN2 Reaction


FIGURE 14 | Left: Hyperconjugative stabilization of H-bondedcomplexes. Right: The analogy of F· · · He · · ·H Y+ fragmentation ofFHeH · · · Y complexes with an SN2 reaction.





C CR' R '


FIGURE 15 | Intermolecular positive hyperconjugation in thetransition state for an SE2 process with retention of configuration. M isan electrofuge, R is an alkyl group, and E is the electrophilic site in thereagent EX.126

X Y bond,2,123 leading to the bond cleavage (for theSN2 reaction) or the well-known red-shift in the IR-stretching frequency widely regarded as the ‘signatureof H-bonding’.124 The stereoelectronic covalent com-ponent of H-bonding is also responsible for the well-defined structural requirements such as the collinearY · · · H-X arrangement, which plays a key role in H-bonded supramolecular assemblies. H-bonding andSN2-type bond cleavage are merged together in theprocess of hyperconjugative Rg-H bond elongation inRg-H · · · Y complexes, where Rg is a rare gas element(Figure 14).125

For intermolecular positive hyperconjugation,the possible interaction geometry is not restricted tothe back lobe of the σ -bond. Coordination of an elec-trophile can occur at the center of the donor bond,leading to a front-side attack in an SE2 bond cleavageevent (Figure 15).

For remote hyperconjugative interactions, theabove stereoelectronic requirements can blend intoa complex picture. For example, homohyperconju-gation has several favorable patterns different in therelative position of the donor and acceptor orbitalsin space. Interaction of an equatorial lone pair withthe back lobe of an equatorial σ ∗

C Y orbital (the W-

effect) is important in azacyclohexanes114,127 but notin oxa- and thiacyclohexanes, where an alternativepattern (the Plough effect, Figure 16(b)) plays a moreimportant role. The ‘mirror image’ of the Plough ef-fect, illustrated in Figure 16(c), provides no hypercon-jugative stabilization to the molecule (due to the samestereoelectronic reasons that disfavor a front lobe at-tack in an SN2 process) but leads to a noticeable elon-gation of the axial bond. This observation seems to bethe first documented hyperconjugative effect withouta concomitant stabilization.128

Acceptor Ability of Sigma Bonds: TheOpposing Roles of Electronegativity andOrbital EnergiesA systematic study of the general trends in σ -acceptorproperties of C X bonds in monosubstituted ethanesrevealed that the acceptor ability of the C X σ -bondsrelative to the same donor (an antiperiplanar C Hbond) increases towards the end of a period and downa group. Enhancement of acceptor ability of C X σ -bonds in periods, parallels the increase in electroneg-ativity of X as the result of favorable changes in theσ ∗-polarization, which increases both the Fock matrixand overlap matrix elements for the interaction.65,129

On the other hand, augmentation of acceptorability in these groups is opposite to the changes inelectronegativity of X and the C X bond polariza-tion, following instead the decrease in the energy ofσ ∗

C X orbitals when one moves from top to the bot-tom within a group. These trends can be readily un-derstood based on Eq. (1) given in Natural BondOrbital (NBO) Analysis.

The NBO relative order of acceptor ability ofσ ∗

C X bonds towards an antiperiplanar C H bondis in the following order (the energies of σC H →σ ∗

C X interactions are given in parentheses): X = Br(6.3) > Cl (6.2) > SH(1) (5.4) > F (5.1) > OH(1) (4.7)≈ SH(2) (4.7) ≈ SeH (4.7) ≈ PH2(1) (4.6) ≈ AsH2

(4.5) ≈ NH2(1) (4.5) > OH(2) (4.2) > PH2 (2) (4.0)> NH2(2) (3.8) ≈ GeH3 (3.8) > SiH3 (3.6) > CH3

(3.4) > H (3.2). Two values for several substituentscorrespond to different conformers.

This simple picture of the acceptor ability ofσ -bonds being controlled by electronegativity in pe-riods and by σ ∗-orbital energy in groups is changedin monosubstituted ethenes, where the role of elec-tronegativity of the substituent X becomes more im-portant due to increased overlap between σ -orbitals(Figure 17). As a result, the acceptor ability of theσ -bonds in monosubstituted ethenes changes in amore complex fashion. Overall, the acceptor ability of

Volume 1, January /February 2011 117c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

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W-effect Plough effect

(b)X Y


X Y(c)




FIGURE 16 | A schematic representation of three possible homoanomeric interactions in six-membered saturated heterocycles: (a) theW-effect, (b) the Plough (the ‘Big Dipper’) effect, and (c) the ‘mirror image’ of the Plough effect. Differences in hybridization are neglected.










0.001.5 2 2.5 3


3.5 4








Br R2 = 0.9972

R2 = 0.9995

R2 = 0.9683


R2 = 0.9839











= 0.9538


= 0.9646







l, kc












2.001.5 2 2.5 3


3.5 4




FIGURE 17 | Top: Correlation of energy of vicinal NBO σC H →σ ∗

C X interaction, Edel with electronegativity of element X insubstituted ethanes, CH3CH2X. Bottom: Correlation of energy ofσ ∗

C X orbitals with electronegativity of element X in substitutedethanes, CH3CH2X.

σ -bonds can be significantly modified by substitutionand is conformer-dependent.

Interestingly, stereoelectronic effects displayedby C X bonds with X from second and third peri-ods are highly anisotropic. For example, C chalcogenbonds are excellent σ -acceptors at the carbon end butpoor σ -acceptors at the chalcogen end.65













FIGURE 18 | Comparison of acceptor ability (natural bond orbitalEdel energies in kcal/mol) of C X bonds in different directions.

Donor Properties of Lone PairsThe relatively subtle differences in the hyperconjuga-tive energies given in Figure 18 become more pro-nounced and chemically significant in hyperconjuga-tive interactions with better donors, such as a lonepair at nitrogen. The NBO data of α-halogen aminesindicate that both the high energy of the nonbondingorbital (decreasing the �E term) and its higher po-larizability (increasing the Fi,j term) account for theincreased interaction energy.65 Selected properties ofnonbonding electronic orbitals (lone pairs) of O, S,Se, and N are presented below and summarized inTable 1 and Figure 19.114

Hybridization of Lone PairsDifferences in hybridization are particularly impor-tant for stereoelectronic hyperconjugative interac-tions due to several reasons. First, hybridization is di-rectly related to molecular geometry, and determines

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TABLE 1 The NBO s-Character, Hybridization and Energy of all Lone Pairs (X = N, O, S, Se) in SelectedSaturated Heterocycles at the B3LYP/6–31G∗∗ Level, the NBO Plots of the Lone Pairs and s-Character inC X Bonds. The Axial and Equatorial Lone Pairs are Drawn as Dissected by Hax C3 X1 or Heq C3 X1Planes, Respectively

s-Character in n(X), %1 spn (X) E(X), a.u.1 n(X)ax, e n(X)eq, e s-Character in C X, %2


H 0.03 (44.16) p(sp1.26) −0.27(−0.54) 20.53 (C); 27.89 (O)


H 0.03(69.89) p (sp0.43) −0.22(−0.61) 20.54 (C); 15.18 (S)


H 0.05 (76.66) p(sp0.30) −0.21(−0.67) 18.51 (C); 11.74 (Se)


HH 17.99 sp4.55 −0.27 – 23.51 (C); 29.94 (N)




17.86 sp4.59 −0.27 – 23.62 (C); 29.65 (N)

1For X = O, S, Se, the data for the equatorial lone pairs are given in parentheses. Note that NBO energies are different from thecanonical MO energies. 2s-Character in hybrid orbitals forming C X (X = N, O, S, Se) bonds.








O S Se


E, a.u..


FIGURE 19 | Natural bond orbital energies (in a.u., 1 a.u. =627.5 kcal/mol) of axial and equatorial lone pairs in oxa-, thia-,selena-, and azacyclohexane calculated at the B3LYP/6–31G∗∗ level.

the valence angles and the direction in which non-bonding orbitals are projected in space for the over-lap with acceptor orbitals. Second, hybridization con-trols the relative size of the two lobes of a lone pair.The front and back lobes are equivalent for purelyp-lone pairs, whereas the back lobe decreases in sizewith decrease in the p-character in hybrid spn lonepairs. Third, hybridization of a donor orbital is re-lated to its absolute energy (Figure 19). An increasein the p-character leads to an increase in orbital en-

ergy that decreases the energy gap between the donorlone pair and an acceptor σ ∗- or π∗-orbital. In general,the donor ability parallels the amount of p-characterof a lone pair—lone pairs with 100% p-character areintrinsically better donors than the respective spn hy-brids.

OxygenIn tetrahydropyran, the presence of a higher energyp-orbital (instead of an sp3 hybrid) parallel to thevicinal axial acceptors maximizes the hyperconjuga-tive anomeric n → σ ∗

C Y interaction. NBO analysis,which determines ‘the best hybrids’ describing a Lewisstructure, finds two lone pairs of different hybridiza-tions in tetrahydropyran: a purely p-orbital and ansp1.3 hybrid. The deviation from sp hybridization pre-dicted by the idealized model is readily explained byBent’s rule.106,130

Sulfur and SeleniumIn contrast to oxygen, the sulfur atom in thiacyclo-hexane uses more p-character (sp5.55) in its bond withcarbon than one would expect from the idealizedmodel. As a result, only a little p-character is leftfor the equatorial lone pair (sp0.4). This makes thislone pair a relatively poor donor and explains the ori-gin of the drastic differences between the equatorial

Volume 1, January /February 2011 119c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

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lone pairs of sulfur and oxygen in respective saturatedheterocycles.

NitrogenNitrogen is more electronegative than carbon and hy-drogen and, as expected from Bent’s rule, it uses hy-brid orbitals with increased s-character for the for-mation of N-C and N-H bonds (Table 1). This leavesmore p-character for the lone pairs compared withwhat one would expect from the textbook sp3 hy-bridization picture. This phenomenon leads to thewell-known deviation of valence angles at nitrogenfrom the classic tetrahedral angle and contributes tothe relatively high donor ability of nitrogen lone pairs.In general, an increase in the size of alkyl substituentsat nitrogen leads to an increase in the p-character ofthe nitrogen lone pairs.114

Energies of Lone PairsThe orbital interaction energy is inversely propor-tional to the energy gap, �E in Eq. (1), which de-pends on the relative energies of lone pairs. Relativetrends in the lone pair energies can be readily under-stood in terms of their hybridization (percentage of s-character) and the electronegativity of X. An increasein electronegativity and decrease in the p-characterlowers the orbital energies of the lone pairs (Figure16). Although oxygen is more electronegative thannitrogen, the purely p-‘axial’ lone pair on oxygen hasessentially the same energy as the ca sp5 axial andequatorial nitrogen lone pairs. In this case, effects ofhybridization and electronegativity compensate eachother. In chalcogens, the energies (and donor abil-ity) of the axial lone pairs increase on going fromoxygen to selenium (O < S < Se), whereas the en-ergies and donor ability of equatorial lone pairs de-crease in the opposite direction (O > S > Se). The firsttrend is explained by the difference in electronegativ-ity and the period number, and the second trend bythe increase in the s-character for S and Se relative tothat of O. As a result of these two effects, the energygap between the axial and equatorial lone pairs ofchalcogens increases with their atomic number. In ev-ery case, the higher energy axial orbitals with 100%p-character are intrinsically better donors than therespective equatorial spn hybrids.

Because of the above differences, stereoelec-tronic effects observed in O- and S-heterocycles can-not be automatically transferred to the N-heterocyclesand vice versa. The analogy between different chalco-gens (O, S, Se) is generally more reliable but the dif-ferences in the magnitudes of nax → σ ∗

ax interactionscall for caution as well.

Donor Ability of Sigma BondsIt is well established that such donors as C Si, C Ge,and C Sn bonds are capable of providing significantstabilization to a developing positive charge.131–137

However, the relative ability of many common sigmadonors, including the most ubiquitous case of C Hversus C C bonds, is still widely debated. The differ-ence between these two bonds is small in ground-stateneutral molecules.138 For example, a low tempera-ture X-ray structural study by Spinello and White138

found that the differences in the donor abilities ofC C and C H bonds towards σC O acceptors ofvariable electronic demand are comparable to the ex-perimental uncertainty of measurements. Recent com-putational studies also found that these differencesare small. NBO analysis indicates that C H bondsare slightly better donors than σC C bonds in cyclo-hexane and related molecules.139 A similar conclu-sion was made by Rablen et al.140 in a theoreticalstudy on the origin of gauche effect in substituted flu-oroethanes. In contrast, EDA computations of Frenk-ing and coworkers141 suggested a slight preference inthe opposite direction.

Hyperconjugative effects are expected to bestronger in cations. Baker and Nathan142 reportedthat a Me group provides more stabilization to thedeveloping positive charge at the p-benzylic posi-tion than Et, i-Pr, and t-Bu groups in the solvolysisof p-alkyl substituted benzyl bromides, and attributedthis order of reactivity to the greater donating abil-ity of C H bonds compared with that of C Cbonds. Although these results are consistent with thetrends in34–37 carbon NMR chemical shifts of the β-carbon in β-substituted styrenes in solvents of differ-ent polarity,143 the opposite trend was found in thegas phase pyrolysis of 1-arylethyl acetates, which casta shadow of doubt on the original interpretation ofNathan–Baker effect.144

Local steric and electrostatic effects can be min-imized and a more balanced description of relativedonor ability of σ -bonds can be accomplished if thedonor and acceptor sites are not directly connected.This approach has been tested computationally usingtwo independent criteria: (1) relative total energiesand geometries of two conformers (‘hyperconjomers’)of δ-substituted cyclohexyl cations and (2) NBO anal-ysis of electronic structure and orbital interactions inthese molecules.118,119

These effects are estimated by the threeisodesmic reactions given in Figure 20. The stabiliza-tion energies provided by these isodesmic reactionsgive different information. Effects of substituents inaxial cations, which are described in the top part ofFigure 20, include a complicated interplay of many

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+ +





R SEax





FIGURE 20 | Three isodesmic equations used to calculate substituent stabilization energies [SEax(top), SEeq(middle), and �SEeq-ax(bottom)] inthe equatorial and axial cyclohexyl cations.

factors such as hybridization, inductive and field ef-fects, which are still present in these species even whendouble hyperconjugation is minimized. Interestingly,most of the δ-substituents are destabilizing when com-pared to the unsubstituted ‘axial’ cation.

In sharp contrast with the situation in ‘axial’cations, many substituents have a stabilizing effect onthe ‘equatorial’ cations (Figure 20, middle). Such ef-fects can be rather large, indicating that δC X bondsare capable of efficient interaction with the cationicp-orbital as long as all orbitals participating in thedouble hyperconjugation interaction relay can over-lap efficiently. For the same reason, the destabiliz-ing effects of σ -acceptors such as C X bonds arealso more pronounced in equatorial cations. Thus,the above ‘equatorial’ stabilization energies (SEeq)include stabilization or destabilization provided byσC X donors through the double hyperconjugationmechanism. They also include other effects, such asthose mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Subtraction of axial SE (SEax) from SEeq pro-vides the bottom equation of Figure 20, wherethe contributions of the above nonhyperconjugative(inductive, field, etc.) effects are partially compen-sated. Although this compensation is not perfect, the�SEeq-ax values give an improved estimate of the hy-perconjugative stabilization of ‘equatorial’ cations,which has its source predominantly in double hyper-conjugative stabilization.

Although the �SEeq-ax values from all periodsare reasonably well described by a single correla-tion (Figure 21(a)), suggesting that the �SEeq-ax val-ues indeed provide a reasonable estimate of the rela-tive trends in hyperconjugative donor ability of C Rbonds, the δ-substituents cluster into three groups. Asshown in Figure 21(a), the first group displays positive�SEeq-ax values and consists of cation-destabilizing,strongly electronegative acceptors with Pauling elec-tronegativity of ≥3. The second group includes ele-ments of intermediate electronegativity, which form

C R bonds with donor abilities close to that of C Hbonds. The final group includes relatively electropos-itive substituents with negative �SEeq-ax values. Inthis group, the �SEeq-ax values are scattered and elec-tronegativity is not a good indicator of donor abil-ity towards the δ-cationic center. The scattering isrelated to the differences in polarizabilities145,146 ofC R bonds in the different periods, as shown in Fig-ure 21(b). The divergence of the curves for differentperiods is caused by the fact that the more polariz-able C R bonds with heavier elements are more sen-sitive to the introduction of a positive charge at theremote position even when the electronegativities ofthe respective elements are close (note H vs B and Bvs Ge). The differences in polarizability between theelements of the first and second rows are especiallypronounced.

Interestingly, the relative positions of carbonand hydrogen switch depending on the evaluationmethod. According to SEeq values (‘apparent donorability’ of substituent R), the CH3 group is a strongerdonor than the H substituent, a trend that is reversedaccording to �SEeq-ax values (‘apparent hypercon-jugative donor ability’ of σC R bond). In addition,similar switches are observed for a number of otherpairs including potentially important combinationsof other orbitals of similar donor ability (Cl/O, Br/O,S/O, B/P, C/P, N/Se, etc.).

The difference in the total energies of the ax-ial and equatorial hyperconjomers (�SEeq-ax) givesan estimate of σ -donor ability that follows the or-der (Al,Ga) >> Ge > As ≥ Si > P > B > S e > H > C> S > Br > N > Cl > O > F (≥means that differenceis less than 0.5 kcal/mol, >> stands for the differencemore than 3 kcal/mol). Although this scale may notisolate hyperconjugation completely from the othercomponents, these SE are chemically meaningful andcan be verified experimentally.

The hyperconjugative origin of these substituenteffects has been confirmed with NBO dissection,

Volume 1, January /February 2011 121c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

Advanced Review

+ +


(a) 6







1.5 2 2.5




x, k



3 3.5 4










SeH R2= 0.864 (0.840)







1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4




x, k
















Y = 2.809x

Y = 4.6001x

Y = 5.4649x

R2 = 0.994 (0.993)

R2 = 0.979 (0.981)

R2 = 0.990 (0.992)



FIGURE 21 | Two correlations between the differences in stabilization energies of δ-XHn substituents in the equatorial and axial cyclohexylcations (Figure 12) and electronegativity of X. (a) The left plot corresponds to the general correlation. (b) The right plot gives separate correlationsfor each row. Calculations were performed at the B3LYP/6–31G∗∗ (B3LYP/6–311++G∗∗) level (Reprinted with permission from Refs 118 and 119).

which included analysis of the interaction energiesand orbital populations. Interestingly, the C C bondis not a spectator, but a dynamic gating factor capableof fine-tuning double hyperconjugation—shutting itoff when a strong acceptor is present at the δ-positionor turning it on when a strong donor at this positionis available.

The above data illustrates that the somewhatlarger intrinsic donor ability of the C H bonds com-pared with that of C C bonds can be overshadowedby cooperative double hyperconjugation with partic-ipation of remote substituents. As a result, the ap-parent donor ability of C C bonds can vary in awide range and the relative order of donor ability ofC H and C C bonds can be easily inverted depend-

ing on the molecular connectivity and environment.Analogously, the order of donor ability of other sigmabonds in organic molecules is not set in stone butcan be changed by communication with remote sub-stituents via the σ -framework.

Decreasing the Energy Gap: StretchedBonds as Donors and Acceptors inHyperconjugative InteractionsStretched bonds are good partners in hypercon-jugative interactions (both donors and acceptors)due to the fact that C X bond weakening de-creases the σC X/σ ∗

C X energy separation, due to the

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D: Electron donating (R'O-, etc.)A: Electron accepting (R'3Si-, R'OCH2-, R'2 NCH2-, etc.)

FIGURE 22 | Examples of stereoselective cyclobutene and oxacyclobutene ring openings.

simultaneous destabilization of σC X and stabiliza-tion of σ ∗

C X as they are transformed into the non-bonding orbitals.

TorquoselectivityAn example of dramatic hyperconjugative effects onreactivity is provided by torquoselectivity (the prefer-ence for ‘inward’ or ‘outward’ rotation of substituentsin electrocyclic ring opening reactions) in thermal cy-clobutene ring opening.147,148 Although the openingcan proceed through two symmetry-allowed conrota-tory pathways, Dolbier et al.149,150 observed a dra-matic kinetic preference for the inward versus out-ward rotation for different substituents (Figure 22).Another illustrative example in Figure 22 is providedby elegant work of Shindo and coworkers151 who effi-ciently used hyperconjugation to obtain stereodefinedproducts from oxacyclobutenes. Similarly, Murakamiet al.152,153 reported that boryl and silyl groups be-have as σ -acceptors and prefer to rotate inward in thecyclobutene ring-opening reaction despite the stericcongestion. In all examples, electron donors rotateoutward whereas the acceptors prefer an inwardrotation.

Houk and coworkers provided convincing the-oretical rationale for these striking selectivities. Thekey stereodefining effect is interaction of the σ andσ ∗ associated with the breaking of C C bonds withdonor and acceptor orbitals of the substituents. As theC C bond is stretched, the energy of the σ -orbital israised and that of σ ∗-orbital is lowered and, in the TS,they become the HOMO and the LUMO, respectively(Figure 23).

Antiperiplanar orbital arrangement in the out-ward rotation maximizes interaction between thedonor orbital of the substituent and σ ∗-orbital of the

stretched cyclobutene bond (the LUMO of the TS).On the other hand, acceptor substituents with a low-lying vacant orbital prefer an inward conrotation, inwhich this orbital overlaps directly with the σ ∗-orbitalof the stretched bond (the HOMO of the TS). Both ofthese effects correspond to a two-electron interactionand stabilize the TS.

Diastereoselection in Nucleophilic Addition toCarbonyl Compounds and Other π -SystemsA widely discussed model proposed by Cieplak sug-gests that the key stereoelectronic factor determin-ing the axial approach of nucleophilic attack on theC O group involves electron donation from axialC H bonds to the antibonding orbital associated withthe incipient (forming) bond between incoming nucle-ophile (Nu) and the carbonyl carbon. In this model,the axial approach is favored because the above sta-bilizing interaction is more efficient than the analo-gous interaction with C C bonds during the equa-torial approach of Nu (Figure 24).154–159 The largerdonor ability of C H bonds compared to that ofσC C bonds is the cornerstone of this model.160 Thissuggestion stimulated many experimental161–166 andtheoretical167–169 studies.

Accentuation of Homoanomeric Interactions byStretching of Acceptor BondsThe relatively small interactions can be amplified dra-matically when acceptor bonds are further stretchedand polarized, for example, in the process of het-erolytic bond cleavage as demonstrated in Figure 25.

Homoconjugative assistance by the lone pairof nitrogen plays a key role in the heterolytic C Clbond cleavage in β-chloropiperidine.114 As the C Clbond stretches, the energy of the n(N) → σ ∗

C Cl

Volume 1, January /February 2011 123c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

Advanced Review






Reaction coordinate







in out



Negative hyperconjugation(donor substituent)

Positive hyperconjugation(acceptor substituent)








FIGURE 23 | Left: Changes in HOMO and LUMO upon stretching and twisting of the central σ -bond. Right: Dominant hyperconjugativeinteractions that control outward rotation of a donor substituent and inward rotation of an acceptor substituent. In the first case, the key interactionis negative hyperconjugation between the transition state (TS) HOMO (a stretched and twisted σ -orbital) with a substituent empty p-orbital (sametopology is important for an acceptor σ ∗- or a π∗-orbital). In the second case, the key interaction is positive hyperconjugation between the TSLUMO (a stretched and twisted σ ∗-orbital) with a substituent filled p-orbital (same topology is important for a donor σ - or a π -orbital).




Equatorial attack




FIGURE 24 | The most important transition state stabilizinghyperconjugative interactions for axial and equatorial nucleophilicaddition to cyclohexanone according to the Cieplak’s model.

interaction increases significantly even at β-C N dis-tances, which are well above that for C N covalentbond formation. Figure 25 also quantifies electrondensity transfer from the nitrogen lone pair to the ac-ceptor σ ∗

C Cl orbital that results in a smooth trans-formation of this initially weak homohyperconjuga-tive interaction into an intramolecular SN2 reaction,as the line between hyperconjugation and chemicalreaction blurs.


1.5 2 2.5C—CI bond length, Å

3 3.5

CI c


e, e













1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5


C—CI bond length, Å

σ (C




FIGURE 25 | Correlation of C Cl distance with the natural bondorbital (NBO) energies of n(N)→σ ∗

C Cl interaction and the NBOcharge at Cl during the process of C Cl bond stretching in3-chloropiperidine.

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FIGURE 26 | Molecular orbital symmetry effects onhyperconjugation efficiency in cyclic systems.

Cooperativity of HyperconjugativeInteractionsMolecular symmetry can lead to an enhancement(or cancellation) of hyperconjugative hyperfine cou-pling in the electron paramagnetic resonance spec-troscopy of cyclic π -conjugated organic radicals(Figure 26).170 Davies171 suggested that this ob-servation can be readily extended to hypercon-jugation in spin-paired molecules as well. Forexample, the cyclopentadienylmetal compound inFigure 26 has a symmetrical LUMO and should showsymmetry-enhanced hyperconjugation. In contrast,triphenylstannylcycloheptatriene has an antisymmet-ric LUMO, which renders the positive σC Sn → π∗

interaction less favorable.This effect has consequences for the relative iso-

mer stabilities, bond lengths, angles, and one-bondNMR coupling constants. Systems in which the effectplays a significant role include the Wheland interme-diates of electrophilic aromatic substitution, the loosecomplexes formed between metal cations and arenes,and η1-cyclopentadienylmetal compounds.171

Even within the same overlap topology, onecan change symmetry properties by populating addi-tional MOs. Hyperconjugative patterns in saturatedsix-membered heterocycles illustrate how cooperativ-ity depends on the number of electrons. In these sys-tems, donation from a lone pair to two σ ∗

C H or-bitals (a two-electron pattern) is cooperative, whereasdonation from two lone pairs to the same σ ∗


orbital (a four-electron pattern) is anticooperative(Figure 27).114 These effects are fully consistent withthe different symmetry of the frontier MOs. Interest-ingly, when the strength of negative hyperconjuga-tion increases 2.5-fold upon a change from σ ∗

C H toσ ∗

C Cl, the cooperativity effect increases four times.A further increase in acceptor ability of σ ∗ orbitaltransforms the 2σ ∗ + n(X) interaction into the classicσ -homoaromatic array.172–177

Hyperconjugation with σ ∗ bridge orbitals canalso provide an efficient coupling pathway (usually

referred to as through bond (TB) coupling) for non-bonding electrons, which can compete with the di-rect through space interactions. The dominant roleof TB interactions in coupling of the two radicalcenters in p-benzynes and related molecules is illus-trated by observed energy lowering of the antisym-metric combination of the two radical centers withthe σ ∗-orbitals of the bridge.178–184 This interactionrenders the Bergman cyclization a symmetry allowedprocess185 and provides an additional 3–5 kcal/mol ofstabilization energy to the p-benzyne-type diradical,which is not available in related monoradicals.186−189

Because this stabilizing effect is lost in the first H-abstraction by p-benzyne, it renders this species lessreactive and more selective in H-abstraction reactionsin comparison to the phenyl radical. Interestingly,coupling between the nonbonding orbitals is dramat-ically enhanced upon one-electron reduction.190


Because of the prevalence of σ -bonds in chemi-cal structures, hyperconjugation displays itself innumerous effects on structure, conformation, andreactivity. An important feature of hyperconjuga-tive interactions is their stereoelectronic component—such interactions that depend on overlap of orbitals inspace. This feature leads to several preferred overlapmodes of intramolecular and intermolecular hyper-conjugation patterns, which we will illustrate withseveral examples given below.

Rotational Barriers: EthaneThe forces controlling the barrier to rotation aroundformally single bonds serve as one of the cor-nerstones of conformational analysis. Not surpris-ingly, ethane, the parent system for studies of ro-tational barriers, has been extensively investigated.The origin of the ∼3 kcal/mol lower energy of thestaggered conformation responsible for the rotationalbarrier in ethane has usually been attributed to stericrepulsion between electrons in the C–H bonds inthe eclipsed conformation.191 Alternatively, rotation-induced weakening of the central C–C bond192 andhyperconjugation17,193–195 has been considered to bethe reasons for the higher stability of the staggeredconformation. Mulliken,196 as early as 1939, con-jectured that hyperconjugation plays an importantrole in the internal rotation potential of ethane-likemolecules.

Volume 1, January /February 2011 125c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

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RHomoaromaticity Homoantiaromaticity

X = O, S, and NH










FIGURE 27 | σ -Homoaromaticity (two-electron system a) and antiaromaticity (four-electron system b) in six-membered heterocycles.

Pophristic and Goodman120 used NBO analysisto dissect the contributions of the three principal con-tributors to ethane’s structural preferences and sep-arate steric and hyperconjugative interactions. Theyfound that removal of vicinal hyperconjugation inter-actions yields the eclipsed structure as the preferredconformation, whereas Pauli exchange (steric) andelectrostatic (coulombic) repulsions have no influenceon the preference for a staggered conformation. Thehyperconjugative preference for the staggered confor-mation is attributed to the antiperiplanar stereoelec-tronic requirement summarized in Figure 13.

Subsequent studies by Bickelhaupt andBaerends197 and by Mo et al.198 resurrected the stericrepulsion explanation as the dominant contributionin the overall barrier. Bickelhaupt and Baerendsby their EDA-based study found hyperconjugativestabilization in the staggered conformation to be∼0.4 kcal/mol. BLW-based analysis by Mo andcoworkers suggested that hyperconjugation inter-action did favor the staggered conformation butprovided only one-third of the total barrier. Thesediscrepancies are based on the conceptual differencesbetween the EDA, BLW, and NBO models discussedin the section Positive Hyperconjugation, such as onthe nonorthogonality of initial orbitals in the twoformer procedures and the conceptual differences inthe treatment of steric effects.

Neutral Hyperconjugation in Alkenesand Alkynes

ThermochemistryNot only has neutral hyperconjugation in closed-shell species been controversial, but recently even

FIGURE 28 | Comparison of the G3(MP2) calculated enthalpies offormation �Hf

298 (‘G3’) and experimental hydrogenation �Hhyd

(‘expt’) in kcal/mol of butenes and butynes. According to theseestimates, the conjugation energy of 1,3-butadiene (right) is 3.9 ±0.1 kcal/mol, but for 1,3-butadiyne (left), it is zero.

the importance of classic π -conjugation came underscrutiny. In a provocative series of papers, Rogerset al.199,200 disclosed that ‘conjugation stabilizationof 1,3-butadiyne is zero’ when estimated throughthe classic approach of Kistiakowsky et al.201 Kisti-akowsky suggested that conjugative stabilization inbutadiene can be assessed by stepwise hydrogena-tion first to 1-butene and then to butane (Figure 28).The first step is 3.8 kcal/mol less exothermic than thesecond step, which according to Kistiakowsky et al.indicates the strength of the π -conjugation in 1,3-butadiene. Although one would expect 1,3-butadiyne,which has two pairs of conjugating double bonds,to have stronger conjugative stabilization than 1,3-butadiene, the two steps in hydrogenation of 1,3-butadiyne yields are equally exothermic, suggestingthat the conjugation in the former compound is zero!Why would conjugation disappear in alkynes?

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C2H6 CH –5.5 kcal/mol

–7.7 kcal/mol



–4.0 G3–4.7 exptl

–2.4 G3–2.7 exptl

FIGURE 29 | (a) Conventional equations for the evaluation ofhyperconjugation.202 (b) Revised bond separation energy values foralkene and alkyne hyperconjugation, corrected for protobranching.51

Interpretation of the above results clearly un-derscores the importance of neutral hyperconjugationfor the stability of unsaturated compounds. Jarowskiet al.202 pointed out that the reference compounds for1,3-butadiyne and 1,3-butadiene are stabilized sig-nificantly by hyperconjugation, which is not presentin 1,3-butadiyne and 1,3-butadiene. In order to takehyperconjugative interactions into account, the sta-bilization of ethylene (in kcal/mol) by an ethyl sub-stituent (2.4 G3; 2.2 G3 (MP2); 2.7 experimental) canbe estimated from the difference between the heats ofhydrogenation of ethylene and 1-butene. Likewise,the hyperconjugative stabilization of acetylene by anethyl group [4.9 G3; 4.8 G3 (MP2); 4.7 experimen-tal] is the difference between the heat of hydrogena-tion of acetylene and 1-butyne. Equivalently, the hy-perconjugative stabilization can also be described byisodesmic reactions in Figure 29(a) that produces dataconsistent with the above evaluation.

Determined by the modified method, the con-jugative stabilization of butadiyne and butadiene wereboth found to be significant. After correction for un-equal hyperconjugative stabilization, the conjugationenergies were estimated as 9.3 and 8.2 kcal/mol fordiynes and dienes, respectively. Pertinent to this dis-cussion is the observation that when evaluated by theconventional method, hyperconjugation in alkynes istwice as large as hyperconjugation in alkenes andthat the conjugative stabilization for butadiene andbutadiyne in Kistiakowsky’s scheme is partially com-pensated by the hyperconjugative stabilization of 1-butene and 1-butyne. These hyperconjugative inter-actions are large enough to fully obscure the con-jugative stabilization in 1,3-butadiyne! Later, it wassuggested that hyperconjugative values from Figure29(a) are too low because the reference203 compoundin both these equations, propane, is stabilized by pro-tobranching. Equations in Figure 29(b) give new es-timates for hyperconjugation in alkenes and alkynes

(based on the assumption that no protobranching cor-rections are needed for propyne and propene).

Furthermore, Frenking and coworkers141 pro-vided EDA-based evaluation of delocalizing interac-tions in alkenes and alkynes and reported that hyper-conjugation is roughly half as strong as π -conjugationbetween two multiple bonds. The calculated valuesfor the hyperconjugation in propene and its trimethyl-substituted derivative H2C CHCMe3 (�Eπ = −9.3–9.5 kcal/mol) suggests that the hyperconjugative sta-bilization of C H and C C bonds with olefinic dou-ble bonds is half as strong as that of alkyne triplebonds. As a result, hyperconjugative stabilization ofthe degenerate π -systems in alkyl substituted alkynes(�Eπ = −20.1 kcal/mol) such as 1-propyne and 4,4-dimethyl-1-butyne is as strong as the conjugative sta-bilization in 1,3-butadiene (−19.5 kcal/mol).141

Considering these findings, it is not surpris-ing that hyperconjugation is capable of rationaliz-ing the well-known thermodynamic preferences forthe formation of more substituted alkenes (Saytzeffrule). BLW estimates by Hiberty and coworkers204

suggest that for both C4H8 and C5H10, hypercon-jugation effects stabilize the most substituted prod-uct by ∼6 kcal/mol This contribution is larger thanthe actual thermodynamic preference expressed bySaytzeff’s rule.

Conformational EquilibriumAnother illustration of the importance of neutral hy-perconjugation in propene is provided by its con-formational profile. The stable propene conforma-tion is called ‘eclipsed’ because one methyl C–Hbond eclipses the vicinal σC C bond. The ‘stag-gered’ conformation, in which one methyl C–H bondeclipses the adjacent vinyl C–H bond, is less stable by∼2 kcal/mol.205 These names are misnomers becausethe ‘eclipsed’ conformation of propene is stereoelec-tronically analogous to the staggered conformation ofethane (Figure 13) and vice versa.

NBO analyses by Lin et al.206 confirmed thatthe hyperconjugation interaction is the main reasonfor the greater stability of the eclipsed structure ofpropene. The most important hyperconjugation inter-action observed between the methyl and vinyl groupsis divided into three components: the πCH3 → π∗


interaction, the π∗CH3 → πC C interaction, and the

vicinal interaction between the in-plane σC H orbitalsof the methyl group and the σ ∗-orbital of the antiperi-planar vinyl C–H bond (Figure 30). A similar expla-nation has been offered for the origin of conforma-tional preferences in carbonyl compounds by Bassoand coworkers.207

Volume 1, January /February 2011 127c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

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All hyperconjugation presentWithout hyperconjugation between CH3 and C2H2Without hyperconjugation between (CH3) and π*(C=C)Without hyperconjugation between (CH3) and π(C=C)







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200Torsional angle, degree

E, k







H3C ⎯ C3



C2 = C1










FIGURE 30 | The difference between eclipsed and staggeredconformers of propene and natural bond orbital-derived rotationalpotential energy surface without certain hyperconjugation interactions(reprinted with permission from Ref 206).

Hyperconjugation in Cyclohexane andCyclohexyl Cation: HyperconjomersBecause of their well-defined geometries, cyclic sys-tems lend themselves for studies of hyperconjugativeinteractions. Hyperconjugation has been proposed toexplain why the axial C H bonds are longer andweaker than the equatorial bonds,139 as well as therationale for the lower energy of the equatorial con-former of methyl cyclohexane (Figure 31), its 4-oxa,4-aza, 4-thia analogues,208 as well as other substitutedcyclohexanes209,210 and cyclohexenes.211,212

The role of hyperconjugation increases dramat-ically in cyclohexyl cations where it has a profoundeffect on structure and stability. An elegant study ofRauk and coworkers213,214 reported that the differ-ent hyperconjugation stabilization patterns lead to






C—Heq C—C

C—C → C—Heq

C—Hax C—Hax

FIGURE 31 | Bonds involved in the main hyperconjugativeinteractions which influence the conformational equilibrium ofmethylcyclohexane (Reprinted with permission from Ref 208).




FIGURE 32 | Axial and equatorial ‘hyperconjomers’ of cyclohexylcations.

the formation of two chair conformers of 1-Me-1-cyclohexyl cation where the carbocation p-orbital isoriented either ‘axially’ or ‘equatorially.’ These con-formers, called ‘hyperconjomers’, have distinctly dif-ferent modes of hyperconjugative stabilization. Theaxial cationic orbital in the first hyperconjomer in-teracts strongly with the adjacent axial C H bonds,whereas the equatorial vacant p-orbital in the secondcation interacts most strongly with the antiperiplanarC C bonds (Figure 32).

A detailed NBO analysis of the electronic struc-tures of these species is summarized in Figure 33.As suggested earlier by Rauk et al.213,214 for 1-Me-cyclohexyl cations, the σC C → n(Cl) and σC Hax →n(Cl) interactions play the dominant roles in stabiliz-ing the equatorial and axial ‘hyperconjomers’. Inter-estingly, the σC C → n(Cl) interaction is larger thanthe σC Hax → n(Cl) effect in contrast to the σC Hax

→ σ ∗C Hax > σC Heq → σ ∗

C C order in neutralcyclohexane.139 This observation does not indicateinversion of the relative donor ability of C H/C Cbonds. Instead, its origin is in a nonperfect overlapof the vacant orbital with the ‘axial’ C2 H bond asa result of planarization at C1. On the other hand,planarization also increases the overlap of the pos-itive center with the ‘equatorial’ C2 H bond, thusallowing the cation to benefit from the hyperconjuga-tive interaction with two donors at the same time.Although the energy of combined σC Hax → n(Cl)and σC Heq → n(Cl) interactions in the ‘axial’ con-former is greater than that of σC C → n(Cl) in-teractions in the ‘equatorial’ conformer, 31.5 versus27.2 kcal/mol1, the balance of hyperconjugative ef-fects is tipped in favor of the ‘equatorial’ conformer

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-Effects: 59.8









-Effects: 4.6





-Effects: 8.6

(E)int = 68.9 kcal/mol

+ 0.1

-Effects: 63.0









-Effects: 0.0

+ 0.0


+ 3.7


-Effects: 7.4

(E)int = 66.7 kcal/mol

FIGURE 33 | Second-order perturbation natural bond orbital energies in kcal/mol for important hyperconjugative interactions in axial andequatorial cyclohexyl cations (B3LYP/6–31G∗∗).

by subtle effects involving remote donor moieties: γ -σC Heq → nC1 homohyperconjugation with through-space participation of γ C H bonds and an increaseddouble hyperconjugation manifested in the δ-σC Heq

→ σ ∗C C interaction.These observations underscore the importance

of double hyperconjugation in hyperconjomers whichrenders these species useful tools for the analysis ofthe relative donor ability of σ -bonds (Donor abilityof sigma bonds)

Anomeric and Homoanomeric EffectsThe anomeric effect is one of best documentedand the well-studied of the hyperconjugativeeffects.8–16,215–217 This effect was originally definedas the preference for an electronegative substituentpositioned next to an oxygen atom in a tetrahydropy-ran ring (or at the anomeric carbon of pyranoses)for occupying an axial rather than an equatorialposition.8–16,218 It was subsequently recognized thatthis preference is a consequence of a more general ef-fect, which requires that a lone pair nX at heteroatomX and C Y bond in a YCH2X moiety are alignedin an antiperiplanar geometry219–221 that maximizesthe hyperconjugative n(X) → σ ∗

C Y interaction(Figure 34). Similar stereoelectronic requirements forthe relative positions of donor and acceptor orbitalsare also manifested in conformational equilibria ofsubstituted cyclohexanes.209 Although there are sev-eral components of the anomeric effect, such as anelectrostatic component (e.g., dipole–dipole interac-tions and steric effects), the above hyperconjugativeinteraction of the antiperiplanar orbitals plays a par-ticularly important role. This is reflected in struc-tural changes (C Y bond elongation and C X bond





Endo-anomeric effect

ΔG° = –0.6 kcal/molOMe


Exo-anomeric effect








ΔE° = –3.8 kcal/mol at HF/6-31+G*





FIGURE 34 | Dominating antiperiplanar negativehyperconjugative interactions involved in endo- and exo-anomericeffects.

shortening), in the distribution of electron density (in-creased negative charge on Y), and in reactivity (C Ybond weakening). An analogous interaction with thelone pair of an exocyclic heteroatom Y and σ ∗

C X ofthe ring provides a stereoelectronic basis for the so-called exo-anomeric effect—preference for the syn-clinal (gauche) arrangement of the Y C and C Xbonds. The same preference is observed for the acyclic

Volume 1, January /February 2011 129c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

Advanced Review

X–C–Y–C systems where X and Y are heteroatomswith at least one lone pair, commonly oxygen, nitro-gen, and fluorine.222 The latter is sometimes called thegauche effect (vide infra) and is important for deter-mining the conformational energy profiles for impor-tant classes of organic molecules such as acetals andesters.

The relative roles of the W- and the Ploughhomoanomeric effects in aza-, oxa-, thio-, and sele-naheterocycles were investigated with NMR experi-ments and NBO analyses (Table 1).223–225 These ef-fects play an important role in the relative trends inone-bond1JCH coupling constants, needed for the un-derstanding of conformational properties of carbo-hydrates, azacarbohydrates, and other substrates ofbiological interest.7, 226–232

Although the homoanomeric effects are consid-erably weaker than the classic vicinal anomeric n(X)ax

→ α-σ ∗C Yax interactions, their importance increases

significantly when the acceptor ability of σ ∗-orbitalsincreases as a result of bond stretching and/or polar-ization. For example, solvolysis of piperidines andpyrrolidines with a leaving group at the β-carbonproceeds through the formation of cyclic aziridiniumcations, due to anchimeric assistance from the nitro-gen lone pair.233–235 The presence of such intermedi-ates leads to retention of configuration and efficienttransfer of chirality in their respective ring contrac-tion or expansion reactions.236 Topologically simi-lar transformations are the key mechanistic steps ofPayne and aza-Payne rearrangements.237–239

In addition to the anchimeric assistance in theformation of bridged cationic intermediates, thereis clear structural and spectroscopic evidence forhomoanomeric interactions in neutral ground statemolecules at their energy minimum conformations.For example, the C5 H equatorial bond in 1,3-dioxane is longer than the C5 H axial bond, andthe respective direct NMR13C 1H coupling con-stant is smaller than that for the axial bond (1JCHeq

<1JCHax ).240–242 This phenomenon (the reverse Perlin

effect) contrasts with the ‘normal’ situation, for ex-ample, in cyclohexane, where the axial C H bond islonger and the corresponding1JCH constant is smaller(the normal Perlin effect). The key hyperconjugativeinteraction leading to the reverse Perlin effect in 1,3-dioxane is that of the equatorial C5 H bond withthe pseudoaxial lone electron pair on the β-oxygen(the Plough effect) and that the neq → σ ∗

eq (the W-effect) was unimportant in 1,3-dioxane, 1,3-dithiane,and 1,3-oxathiane.114 The situation changes in aza-cyclohexanes, where the W-effect is greater than thePlough effect due to more favorable hybridization ofnitrogen lone pairs.114

Hydrogen BondingAlthough hydrogen bonding is a complex phe-nomenon and many subtle factors may be involvedin the formation of X H · · · Y hydrogen bondedcomplexes,243–250 n(Y) → σ ∗

X H negative hypercon-jugation (which is often called ‘covalent component’or ‘charge transfer component’, Figure 1) is one ofthe two largest H-bond stabilizing effects, along withthe electrostatic interaction between inherent and in-duced dipoles.

The importance of hyperconjugative interac-tions from a lone pair of the H-bond acceptor tothe σ ∗

X H orbital of the H-bond donor is well-documented by NBO energetic analysis.2 Becausesuch interactions lead to an increase in the popu-lation of an antibonding X H orbital, they elon-gate the X H bond. Only when the hyperconjuga-tive component of H-bonding is weak, can the abovebond-lengthening effect can be compensated by bondrepolarization and rehybridization, and the forma-tions of the so-called blue-shifting H-bonds occur(Figure 35).190

The Gauche EffectThe gauche effect is the preference for the gauche con-formation in X C C Y systems (1,2-disubstitutedethanes) in the case of two acceptor substituents Xand Y (Figure 36).251,252 Although X and Y are usu-ally F or O, the choice of the second substituent Y isquite broad in fluoroethanes, X = F.253 The gaucheeffect is useful for control of chemical structure andreactivity.254–257 For example, the gauche effect hasbeen utilized to achieve efficient and ‘strain-free’ con-formational control in the elusive 5-endo-dig cycliza-tion of carbon-centered radicals.258

The dominating role of antiperiplanar hyper-conjugative σC H → σ ∗

C X and σC H → σ ∗C Y

interactions in this effect has been shown with theNBO analysis.259 For X = Cl, Br, and I, the anti-conformation is more stable than the gauche dueto the fact that bonds to heavier halogens are notonly good acceptors but good donors as well and theσC Y → σ ∗

C X interactions become sufficiently largeto compete with the σC H → σ ∗

C X interactions.A stereoelectronic preference for the synclinal con-formation in acyclic X–C–Y–C systems is often alsocalled the gauche effect but is, in fact, an example ofanomeric effect (See Anomeric and HomoanomericEffects) dominated by n → σ ∗ interactions(Figure 34).

In a similar way, cis isomers of 1,2-difluoroethene and 1,2-dichloroethene are experi-mentally more stable than the trans-isomers (0.9

130 Volume 1, January /February 2011c© 2011 John Wi ley & Sons , L td .

WIREs Computational Molecular Science Hyperconjugation

*X—H – nO




*X—H + nO



: O









(a) (b)


FIGURE 35 | (a) Energy lowering due to hyperconjugative interaction between n(Y) and σ ∗X H orbitals in X H · · · Y complex. (b) Natural

bond orbital plots illustrating the overlap of the σ ∗C H of fluoroform and the n(O) orbital of the oxygen atom in water in the fluoroform/water

complex and (c) description of the hyperconjugative n(O) → σ ∗C H interaction in this complex in terms of resonance theory illustrating effective

charge transfer from H-bond acceptor (water) to H-bond donor (fluoroform).






X, Y = O, FX = F,Y = NH3, OCOH, NO2,


FIGURE 36 | The gauche effect for a 1,2-disubstituted ethanes.

and 0.43 kcal/mol) whereas the two isomers of 1,2-dibromoethene have equal stability, within the exper-imental error. This extensively analyzed phenomenonis called the ‘cis’ effect,260–274 and bears similarity tothe gauche effect shown in Figure 36.

Most recently, Yamamoto et al.275 have esti-mated the contributions of electron delocalizationsand steric exchange repulsions using NBO theoryat MP2/6–311++G(3df,3pd) level, capable of repro-ducing the experimental energy differences betweenthe geometric isomers. Two delocalization mecha-nisms, periplanar hyperconjugations (synperiplanarand antiperiplanar effects) and halogen lone pair de-localizations into the C C bond antibonding orbitals(lone pair delocalization effect, Figure 37, left), werefound to be the cis stabilizing forces.

Although the common stereoelectronic prefer-ence for the anti- arrangement of the best donor andthe best acceptor dominated for X = F (Figure 37,right), the difference in the energies of the antiperi-planar interactions decreased for the two isomers ofthe heavier halogens where the σC X → σ ∗

C X in-teractions increase in relative importance due to thegreater donor ability of the σC Cl and σC Br bonds.

Interestingly, although hyperconjugative in-teractions of σ -orbitals clearly favored the cis-









n CC*

-LP effect

n CC*

-LP effect









CX C'H'*

AP effect SP effectCX C'X'*

H' H'

(a) (b)








FIGURE 37 | Top: Definitions of the lone pair (nσ and nπ )delocalization effect (σ - or π -LP effect), the antiperiplanarhyperconjugation effect (the AP effect) and the synperiplanarhyperconjugation effect (the SP effect) within the natural bond orbitalframework for cis-1,2-dihaloethenes (X = F, Cl, or Br). Bottom:Comparison of hyperconjugative interactions involving C F bonds in(a) cis- and (b) trans-1,2-difluoroethenes. (B) The interaction is greaterfor the antiperiplanar interaction in the cis isomer (Reprinted withpermission from Ref 275).

isomer, the interactions of the lone pairs with theπ - and σ -orbitals of the bridge were found tohave an even larger effect. The authors explainedthis observation as a favorable symmetry-enforced

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Advanced Review

through-space interaction of the lone pairs (analogousto that discussed in Cooperativity of Hyperconjuga-tive Interactions).190


It is difficult to describe the rich and complex role ofhyperconjugation in chemical structures and reactiv-ity within a short review. We apologize to those whoseimportant contributions we could not discuss in detail

but hope that this summary will contribute to furtherresearch in this important area. The ubiquitous na-ture of hyperconjugation in chemistry is illustratedby the key role it plays in numerous stereoelectroniceffects on structure and reactivity. With the arrivalof powerful computational techniques which can as-sist future experimental studies in disentangling therelative importance of hyperconjugation in compari-son to other electronic and steric effects, the true roleof hyperconjugation will continue to reveal itself inmany chemical phenomena.


We are grateful to the National Science Foundation (CHE-0848686) and to the donors ofPetroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society (Award#47590-AC4) for partial support of our research.


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