advanced social media - aam philadelphia

Advanced Social Media AAM Philadelphia April 12, 2012

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Social Media

AAM Philadelphia

April 12, 2012

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About Me About My Company

Hashtag:    #AAMKT  @Jessicalevin  

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What Do You Want to Discuss Today?

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Just the Facts

•  B2B Marketers allocate approximately 26% of their budgets to content marketing

•  The biggest challenge facing content marketers (36%) today: Producing Engaging Content

•  51% of content marketers plan to increase their budgets over the next 12 months

•  Source: Marketo

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Just the Facts

The most popular content marketing tactics used by businesses today include: •  Social Media (79%) •  Article posting (78%) •  In-person events (67%) •  eNewsletters (61%) •  Case Studies (55%)

Source: Marketo

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Content + Engagement =

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B2B or is it really P2P?

People Do Business with People!

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•  Do you have a Social Media Policy or Plan?

•  How many staff do you have available for your SM team (IT department, marketing pros, general admin, etc.)?

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Uses of Social Media

•  Marketing/Branding (personal and corporate)

•  Customer Service – Monitor, Listen, Respond

•  Community Building – Learning, Listening, Sharing

•  Relationship Building •  Entertainment

Tip:    Avoid  social  media  fa=gue  starts  with  

knowing  WHY  you  are  using  it.  

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A"ributes   Facebook   Twi"er   YouTube   LinkedIn   Google+   Blog  

Professional  Only  


People  you  know  

x   x   x  

New  connec=ons  

x   x   x  

Event-­‐centric   x   x   x  

Time  consuming  


Formal   x   x   x   x   x  

Informal   x   x  

Marke=ng   x   x   x   x  

Educa=on   x   x   x   x   x   x  

High  Engagement  

x   x   x  

Listening   x   x   x   x   x  

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A Social Leader.

Go to the people. Learn from them. Live with them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. When the best leader’s job is done, when the task is accomplished, the

people will say we have done it ourselves. -Lao Tzu

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It starts offline.

•  Measure BUSINESS Metrics First – Phone calls – Meetings – Proposals –  Increased attendance – New Sponsors – Money Saved – New Clients

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And THEN we look at the online…

•  Objective v. Subjective = Numbers v. Conversation

•  Objective KPI –  Interactions/Conversation

•  Retweets, Shares, Hashtag Usage, Mentions –  ID Community Leaders – Positive Comments/Feedback – Likes/Followers (note we put this last!)

•  Reporting

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•  Google Alerts •  Yahoo Alerts (Yes, really) •  Social Mention •  Radian 6 •  Vocus

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Tools – Metrics

•  Google Analytics •  Twitter Reporting

– HootSuite – (or other URL shortener) – Tweetdeck

•  Blog Comments •  YouTube Hits/Subscribers •  Facebook Insights

– Likes/Reach/Comment

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Reporting Tips

•  Share a content piece that generated a lot of hits.

•  Report on lead captures or conversions. •  Give a summary of the most popular

discussions on a topic •  Ask leadership to participate! Make your

community something the whole company is invested in, and working together to make succeed.

-“Social Media Today”

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• What  do  you  want  to  accomplish?  Goals  and  Objec=ves?  


• Based  on  your  goals  and  resources  which  channel(s)  are  best  for  your  organiza=on?  


• How  are  you  going  to  accomplish  your  goals?  Scheduling,  etc.  

Implementa=on  •  Just  Do  it!  

Measure  • What’s  working?  What’s  not?  

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Content Marketing Checklist

Factor   Things  to  Consider  

Goal   A\rac=ng  new  a\endees?  Keep  ‘em  coming  back?  

Time  Available   How  much  =me  does  the  channel  take  per  day/week/month?  

Audience   Where  does  your  market  get  it’s  content?  

Time  Sensi=vity     How  quickly  does  you  message  need  to  get  out?  

Technical     Is  programming  involved?  Will  training  be  needed?  

Budget   Do  you  have  money  to  outsource  wri=ng,  etc.?  

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Mommy, Where Does

Content Come From?

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Who Provides Fuel for Thought?

•  Attendees •  Vendors •  Staff •  Speakers •  Competitors (Coopetition) •  Industry •  Government •  Random

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Content Sources

•  Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ •  Magazines •  Newspapers •  Blogs •  Suggestion Tools (Zite, Feedly,

Stumbleupon) •  Conversations •  TV/Radio

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Management Tools

•  Hootsuite •  Wildfire App •  Roost •  Buffer

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Social Media Checklist

•  Are you following clients/prospects/COIs •  Are you starting conversations? •  Are you finding out their interests? •  Do they feel welcome connecting with

you? •  Are you sharing VALUABLE content? •  Are you human?

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Human Behavior

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Times Change.

What the Heck is Timeline?

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Like pages of interest to your audience.

Visit the history of your organization or event.

When were you founded? Celebrating an anniversary?

Timeline makes the past accessible!

Display custom tabs for better engagement!

Pin a post to the top of the page for better visibility.

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YOUR Story: Cover Picture

•  851 × 315 pixels •  Different for Profile Picture

•  Change/Rotate (Before, During and After) •  No Promotion/Contact Info

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Three Ways to Connect

Feature   Personal  Profile   Business  Page   Group  

Timeline   Yes   Yes   No  

Connec=on   Friend    Closed)  

Like  (Open)  

Invite  (Open  or  Closed)  

Events   Yes   Yes   Yes  

Updates   Owner   Admin   Member  

Write  on  Wall   Full  control   Full  Control   Full  Control  

Apps   Games,  ac=vity   Drive  custom  tabs  


Docs   No   No   Yes  

Photos  Tagging   Yes   Yes   Yes  

Chat   Yes   No   Yes  

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• • • •

Example of Visit Salt Lake City using ShortStack to create a customized contest.

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Targeted Messaging

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Facebook Ads

Promote Your Page With Facebook Ads

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Live Stream

Even Facebook uses Livestream to bring their

event to remote attendees!

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Coming Soon: Facebook Offers

Soon you will be able to give discounts via Facebook Offers

Offer will be sent to email addresses connected to Facebook account.

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EdgeRank and Engagement

“How does News Feed determine which content is most interesting?

The News Feed algorithm uses several factors, including: how many friends are commenting on a certain piece of

content, who posted the content, and what type of content it is (e.g. photo, video, or status update). ���

���If you feel you are missing stories you'd like to see or

seeing stories in your News Feed that you don't want to see, use the different News Feed controls to adjust your settings and give us feedback about your preferences.”

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•  100 million users •  Search heavy •  Personal and Business Pages •  News and content •  NEW

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What’s New?

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“The Speaker Who Won’t Leave”

Jessica  L.  Levin,  MBA,  CMP  President  and  Chief  Connector  Seven  Degrees  Communica=ons  

@jessicalevin  908-­‐912-­‐4418