advanced sorting algorithms

Advanced Algorithms: Sorting Damian Gordon

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Page 1: Advanced Sorting Algorithms

Advanced Algorithms: Sorting

Damian Gordon

Page 2: Advanced Sorting Algorithms

Advanced Algorithms

• Sorting Algorithms– Insertion Sort– Shell Sort– Merge Sort – Quick Sort

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We’ll remember …

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PROGRAM BubbleSort: Integer Age[8] <- {44,23,42,33,16,54,34,18};

FOR Outer-Index IN 0 TO N-1 DO FOR Index IN 0 TO N-2 DO IF (Age[Index+1] < Age[Index]) THEN Temp_Value <- Age[Index+1]; Age[Index+1] <- Age[Index]; Age[Index] <- Temp_Value; ENDIF; ENDFOR;


Sorting: Bubble Sort

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PROGRAM SelectionSort: Integer Age[8] <- {44,23,42,33,16,54,34,18};

FOR Outer-Index IN 0 TO N-1 MinValueLocation <- Outer-Index; FOR Index IN Outer-Index+1 TO N-1 DO IF (Age[Index] < Age[MinValueLocation]) THEN MinValueLocation <- Index; ENDIF; ENDFOR; IF (MinValueLocation != Outer-Index) THEN Swap(Age[Outer-Index], Age[MinValueLocation]); ENDIF;


Sorting: Selection Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

• Insertion Sort works by taking the first two elements of the list, sorting them, then taking the third one, and sorting that into the first two, then taking the fourth element and sorting that into the first three, etc.

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Insertion Sort

• Let’s look at an example:

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

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Insertion Sort

• How do we move the elements into their correct position (we’ll call this the “Insertion Sort move”)?

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Insertion Sort

• We store 34 in CURRENT.

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Current: 34

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Insertion Sort

• Next we move what value is in the previous position to 34 into that location.

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Current: 34

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Insertion Sort

• Next we move what value is in the previous position to 34 into that location.

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Current: 34

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Insertion Sort

• And we do that again.

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Current: 34

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Insertion Sort

• And again.

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Current: 34

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Insertion Sort

• And then we move CURRENT into the correct position.

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Current: 34

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Insertion Sort

• And then we move CURRENT into the correct position.

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Current: 34

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Insertion Sort

• And then we move CURRENT into the correct position.

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Insertion Sort

• The element being added in each time is just to the left of the sorted list.

• So, if the next element is called CURRENT, the largest element in the sorted list is CURRENT – 1.

• So we’ll know if the next element is largest if it is bigger than CURRENT – 1.

Sorted sub-list Nextelement


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Insertion Sort• Structured English:

FOR each element from the second TO the end of the list DO Remember the current position and value WHILE the previous element is bigger than current DO Move the previous element into current’s position END WHILE We’ve reached the position in the list that current should be Put it inEND FOR

NOTE: The Previous Element is the end ofthe sorted sub-list

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PROGRAM InsertionSort: Integer Array[8] <- {44,23,42,33,16,54,34,18};

FOR Index IN 1 TO N DO current = Array[index]; pos = index; WHILE (pos > 0 and Array[pos – 1] > current) DO Array[pos] <- Array[pos - 1]; pos = pos - 1; ENDWHILE; Array[pos] = current;ENDFOR;


Insertion Sort

NOTE: If you havereached the start ofthe list, STOP!

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Insertion Sort

• Complexity of Insertion Sort

– Best-case scenario complexity = O(N)– Average complexity = O(N2)– Worst-case scenario complexity = O(N2)

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Shell Sort

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Shell Sort

• ShellSort is an extension of InsertionSort that was developed by Donald Shell.

• Shell observed that the process of doing the Insertion Sort move, particularly if that have to be moved from one side of the array to other, is computationally expensive.

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Shell Sort

• Instead of sorting the whole list, ShellSort first picks ever Nth element, sorts those elements (0, N, 2N, 3N,…), then sorts (1, N+1, 2N+1, 3N+1,…), then (2, N+2, 2N+2, 3N+2,…), and so on.

• Once that’s done, let’s sort every Mth element (where M is N DIV 2), so we’ll sort (0, M, 2M, 3M,…), then sorts (1, M+1, 2M+1, 3M+1,…), then (2, M+2, 2M+2, 3M+2,…), and so on.

• And keep doing this until we get to 1.

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Donald L. Shell

• Born: March 1, 1924• Died: November 2, 2015

• Shell, D.L. (1959) "A High-Speed Sorting Procedure“, Communications of the ACM, 2(7), pp. 30–32.

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18– Second group: 23, 54

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18– Second group: 23, 54

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18– Second group: 23, 54– Third group: 42, 34

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18– Second group: 23, 54– Third group: 42, 34

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18– Second group: 23, 54– Third group: 42, 34– Fourth group: 33, 16

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18– Second group: 23, 54– Third group: 42, 34– Fourth group: 33, 16

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18 18, 44– Second group: 23, 54 23, 54– Third group: 42, 34 34, 42– Fourth group: 33, 16 16, 33

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [44, 23, 42, 33, 18, 54, 34, 16].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18 18, 44– Second group: 23, 54 23, 54– Third group: 42, 34 34, 42– Fourth group: 33, 16 16, 33

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18 18, 44– Second group: 23, 54 23, 54– Third group: 42, 34 34, 42– Fourth group: 33, 16 16, 33

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Let’s pick every 4th element:– First group: 44, 18 18, 44– Second group: 23, 54 23, 54– Third group: 42, 34 34, 42– Fourth group: 33, 16 16, 33

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

The data is not sorted, but a lot of the big numbers have been moved to the end of the list, and a lot of the smaller numbers have been moved to the start.

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:– First Group: 18, 34, 44, 42

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:– First Group: 18, 34, 44, 42

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:– First Group: 18, 34, 44, 42– Second Group: 23, 16, 54, 33

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:– First Group: 18, 34, 44, 42– Second Group: 23, 16, 54, 33

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:– First Group: 18, 34, 44, 42 18, 34, 42, 44– Second Group: 23, 16, 54, 33 16, 23, 33, 54

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 23, 34, 16, 44, 54, 42, 33].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:– First Group: 18, 34, 44, 42 18, 34, 42, 44– Second Group: 23, 16, 54, 33 16, 23, 33, 54

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 16, 34, 23, 42, 33, 44, 54].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:– First Group: 18, 34, 44, 42 18, 34, 42, 44– Second Group: 23, 16, 54, 33 16, 23, 33, 54

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 16, 34, 23, 42, 33, 44, 54].

• Now let’s do every 2nd element:– First Group: 18, 34, 44, 42 18, 34, 42, 44– Second Group: 23, 16, 54, 33 16, 23, 33, 54

Sort these usingInsertion Sort

The data is almost completely sorted now.

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 16, 34, 23, 42, 33, 44, 54].

• Finally do one more Insertion Sort with all elements

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 16, 34, 23, 42, 33, 44, 54].

• Finally do one more Insertion Sort with all elements

• This will be very fast since the data is almost sorted

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Shell Sort

• So, for example. Age = [18, 16, 34, 23, 42, 33, 44, 54].

• Finally do one more Insertion Sort with all elements

• This will be very fast since the data is almost sorted

• Age = [16, 18, 23, 33, 34, 42, 44, 54].

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Shell Sort

• Let’s look at the PseudoCode in two parts:

– 1) The Insertion Sort code as before, but modified not to sort all of the elements, but rather every Nth element

– 2) The Shell Sort that calls the Insertion Sort code for each Nth elements, and then N/2, and N/4, and so on until 1.

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MODULE GapInsertionSort(Array, StartPos, Gap):FOR Index IN StartPos TO N INCREMENT BY Gap DO current = Array[index]; pos = index; WHILE (pos > Gap and Array[pos – Gap] > current) DO Array[pos] <- Array[pos - Gap]; pos = pos - Gap; ENDWHILE; Array[pos] = current;ENDFOR;


Shell Sort

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MODULE GapInsertionSort(Array, StartPos, Gap):FOR Index IN StartPos TO N INCREMENT BY Gap DO current = Array[index]; pos = index; WHILE (pos > Gap and Array[pos – Gap] > current) DO Array[pos] <- Array[pos - Gap]; pos = pos - Gap; ENDWHILE; Array[pos] = current;ENDFOR;


Shell Sort

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MODULE ShellSort(Array): GapSize <- Length(Array) DIV 2;

WHILE (GapSize > 0) DO FOR StartPos IN 0 TO GapSize DO GapInsertionSort(Array, StartPos, GapSize); ENDFOR; GapSize <- GapSize DIV 2;ENDWHILE;


Shell Sort

We are reducing theGap in half each time

For each of the NthElement, each N+1thElement, N+2th, etc.

The main loop willkeep going until theGap is 1.

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Shell Sort

• Complexity of Shell Sort

– Best-case scenario complexity = O(N)– Average complexity = O(N * log2(N))– Worst-case scenario complexity = O(N * log2(N))

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Merge Sort

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Merge Sort

• Merge Sort was developed by John von Neumann in 1945.

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John von Neumann• Born: December 28, 1903• Died: February 8, 1957• Born in Budapest, Austria-Hungary• A mathematician who made major

contributions to set theory, functional analysis, quantum mechanics, ergodic theory, continuous geometry, economics and game theory, computer science, numerical analysis, hydrodynamics and statistics.

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Merge Sort

• Merge Sort used a “divide-and-conquer” strategy.

• It’s a two-step process:– 1. Keep splitting the array in half until you end up with sub-arrays of

one item (which are sorted by definition).– 2. Successively merge each sub-array together, and sort with each


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Merge Sort

• Let’s look at an example:

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Merge Sort

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Merge Sort

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Merge Sort

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44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 33 16 54 34 180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Age

44 23 42 33 16 54 34 180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

44 230 1

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

44 230 1

23 440 1

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

44 230 1

23 440 1

42 332 3

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

44 230 1

23 440 1

42 332 3

33 422 3

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

44 230 1

23 440 1

42 332 3

33 422 3

16 544 5

16 544 5

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

44 230 1

23 440 1

42 332 3

33 422 3

16 544 5

16 544 5

34 186 7

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Merge Sort

44 23 42 330 1 2 3

16 54 34 184 5 6 7

44 230 1

23 440 1

42 332 3

33 422 3

16 544 5

16 544 5

34 186 7

18 346 7

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Merge Sort

23 440 1

33 422 3

16 544 5

18 346 7

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Merge Sort

23 440 1

33 422 3

16 544 5

18 346 7

23 440 1

33 422 3

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Merge Sort

23 440 1

33 422 3

16 544 5

18 346 7

23 440 1

33 422 3

23 330 1

42 442 3

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Merge Sort

23 440 1

33 422 3

16 544 5

18 346 7

23 440 1

33 422 3

23 330 1

42 442 3

16 544 5

18 346 7

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Merge Sort

23 440 1

33 422 3

16 544 5

18 346 7

23 440 1

33 422 3

23 330 1

42 442 3

16 544 5

18 346 7

16 184 5

34 546 7

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Merge Sort

23 330 1

42 442 3

16 184 5

34 546 7

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Merge Sort

23 330 1

42 442 3

16 184 5

34 546 7

23 330 1

42 442 3

16 184 5

34 546 7

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Merge Sort

23 330 1

42 442 3

16 184 5

34 546 7

23 330 1

42 442 3

16 184 5

34 546 7

16 180 1

23 332 3

34 424 5

44 546 7

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PROGRAM MainMergeSort:

Array = [44,23,42,33,16,54,34,18]; MergeSort(Array); PRINT Array;


Merge Sort

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PROGRAM MergeSort(Array): IF (length(Array) > 1) THEN MidPoint = len(Age)//2 LeftHalf = Age[:MidPoint] RightHalf = Age[MidPoint:]

Merge Sort

Keep recursively splitting the array

until you get down sub-arrays of one



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MergeSort(LeftHalf) MergeSort(RightHalf)

LCounter = 0 RCounter = 0 MainCounter = 0

Merge Sort

Recursively call MergeSort for each half of the array. After the splitting gets down to

one element the recursive calls will pop off the stack to merge

the sub-arrays together.



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WHILE (LCounter < len(LeftHalf) AND RCounter < len(RightHalf)) DO IF LeftHalf[LCounter] < RightHalf[RCounter] THEN Age[MainCounter] = LeftHalf[LCounter]; LCounter = LCounter + 1; ELSE Age[MainCounter] = RightHalf[RCounter]; RCounter = RCounter + 1; ENDIF; MainCounter = MainCounter + 1; ENDWHILE;

Merge Sort


Continued Keep comparing each element of the left and right sub-array, writing

the smaller element into the main array

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WHILE LCounter < len(LeftHalf) DO Age[MainCounter] = LeftHalf[LCounter]; LCounter = LCounter + 1; MainCounter = MainCounter + 1; ENDWHILE; WHILE Rcounter < len(RightHalf) DO Age[MainCounter] = RightHalf[RCounter] RCounter = RCounter + 1 MainCounter = MainCounter + 1 ENDWHILE;ENDIF;

Merge Sort Continued

After the comparisons are done, write either

the rest of the left array or the right array into the main array that

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Merge Sort

• Complexity of Merge Sort

– Best-case scenario complexity = O(N)– Average complexity = O(N * log2(N))– Worst-case scenario complexity = O(N * log2(N))

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Quick Sort

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• Quicksort was developed by Tony Hoare in 1959 and is still a commonly used algorithm for sorting.

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Charles Antony Richard Hoare• Born: January 11, 1934• Hoare's most significant work

includes: his sorting and selection algorithm (Quicksort and Quickselect), Hoare logic, the formal language Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) used to specify the interactions between concurrent processes, structuring computer operating systems using the monitor concept.

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• The key idea behind Quicksort is to pick a random value from the array, and starting from either side of the array, swap elements that are lower than the value in the right of the array with elements of the left of the array that are larger than the value, until we reach the point where the random value should be, then we put the random value in its place.

• We recursively do this process with the sub-arrays on either side of the random value ( called the “pivot”).

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• Let’s look at an example:

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34 23 42 33 16 18 44 540 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Age


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34 23 42 33 16 18 44 540 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Age

Pivot value is now in its correct


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34 23 42 33 16 18 44 540 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Age

Now repeat this process with this


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34 23 42 33 16 18 44 540 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Age

Now repeat this process with this

sub-array…and this one

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34 23 42 33 16 180 1 2 3 4 5Age 44 54

6 7

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6 7

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44 546 7

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44 546 7

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44 546 7

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44 546 7

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44 546 7

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44 546 7

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44 546 7

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44 546 7

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44 546 7

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Now repeat this process with this


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Now repeat this process with this

sub-array…and this one

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Now repeat this process with this


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No swaps will occur on this pass, as 16 is in the right


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…but as 16 is swapped into itself, the rest of the sub-

array will be sorted.

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…but as 16 is swapped into itself, the rest of the sub-

array will be sorted.

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PROGRAM QuickSort(Array, First, Last):

IF (First < Last) THEN Pivot = Partition(Array, First, Last);

QuickSort(Array, First, Pivot - 1): QuickSort(Array, Pivot + 1, Last): ENDIF;



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PROGRAM Partition(Array, First, Last): PivotVal = Array[First]; Finished = False; LeftPointer = First + 1; RightPointer = Last;


We randomly selectthe pivot, in this casewe select the first element. Since the array isn’t sorted yet, the value of the firstelement could haveany value


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WHILE NOT(Finished) DO WHILE (LeftPointer <= RightPointer) AND (Age[LeftPointer] <= PivotVal) DO LeftPointer = LeftPointer + 1 ENDWHILE; WHILE (Age[RightPointer] >= PivotVal) AND (RightPointer >= LeftPointer) DO RightPointer = RightPointer - 1 ENDWHILE;




Keep moving left until we find a

value that is less than the pivot, or

we reach the Right Pointer.

Keep moving right until we find a value that is

greater than the pivot, or we reach

the left Pointer.

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IF (LeftPointer < RightPointer) THEN Finished = False; ELSE SWAP(Age[LeftPointer], Age[RightPointer]); ENDIF; SWAP(Age[First], Age[RightPointer]);

RETURN RightPointer;

END Partition.

QuickSort Continued

We’ve a value greater than the pivot to the left,

and one less to the right, swap them

Put the pivot in its correct position

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• Complexity of Quick Sort

– Best-case scenario complexity = O(N * log2(N))– Average complexity = O(N * log2(N))– Worst-case scenario complexity = O(N2)

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Advanced Algorithms

• Sorting Algorithms– Insertion Sort– Shell Sort– Merge Sort – Quick Sort

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