advancing despite · 2020-05-07 ·...


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Forget mistakes.

Forget failures.

Forget everything except

what you are going to do

right now, and do it.will Durant

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AdvancingDespiteAdversityWe all face adversity, both large and small. It’s not a matter of if, but when. We owe it to ourselves and others to be prepared.

By turning adversity into advantage, you can overcome and even benefit from adverse events.

Living a resilient life with this proactive attitude is powerful. You’ll find yourself prepared to face uncertainty with unshakeable confidence.




Resilience helps you focus on what is important. This is your sense of purpose - what makes your life meaningful and fulfilling. Here, resilience helps you to always advance towards your sense of purpose.

The word ‘despite’ encapsulates an aspect of resilience that is often neglected; being proactive. Adversity is not a necessary skill to advance towards your goals. A proactive person who learns from mistakes can avoid many forms of adversity and advance regardless.

Adversity not only encompasses the big life-changing events, but also the small challenges of everyday life such as stress at work. We all face adversity. The difference is how you decide to respond to it. Manage adversity well, and you can succeed at anything.

Let’s be real, no one builds resilience in just one day. It’s a process that starts with habit change

Therefore, it makes sense that there are many different factors that contribute to resilience. They include;

To make sense of these factors, it is useful to place related components into domains. We’ve grouped these components into the six distinct domains that explain the specific factors that make you resilient.

• Beliefs we hold about the world, ourselves, and others.

• Information to which we have access.

• Biases, skills, and education.

• Mental processes and behaviours.

The six domains give structure to resilience, creating specific areas that anyone can use to be the architect of their own success. Anyone can learn to build resilience in all the cornerstones of life. Strengthening the domains will provide a foundation from which you can achieve your goals.

Advance despite adversity by working on the six domains of resilience

VISIONYour sense of purpose and goals.

ComposureHow you stay calm.

ReasoningYour resourcefulness and problem-solving skills.

TenacityHow you persevere and stay motivated.

CollaborationYour relationships with other people.

HealthHow you take care of your body.

Become driven through goal-directedresilienceWorking on resilience helps you live a meaningful life - but takes practice. It’s not something you practice once and then have forever. Rather, resilience is about a constant investment in self-improvement.

This is why exploring your own sense of purpose and goals is important. Knowing these helps you keep perspective when things get tough. It helps you to make decisions with confidence, especially when facing difficult choices.

How to face adversity with resilience

In the moment

Grief, loss, trauma, stress, loss, anxiety, depression... There are so many situations in life when we need resilience. If you find yourself in a tough spot, below are a few tips on using the resilience domains to stay strong.

• Use Composure skills to stay calm and in control.

• Use Vision to keep perspective and manage emotions.

After facing adversity

• Use Tenacity to stay motivated and keep going.

Believe in ability to achieve success


Keep calm focused

Persevere and solve any problem

Reduce stressKeep calmEnjoy life

Proactively managechallenges


Achieve yourimportant goals

Build unshakableconfidence

cope with trauma,loss and grief

The resilient mind

Planning for the future

• Use discipline to look after your Health, even when you are struggling.

• Use Vision to know what is, and isn’t, important, and to stay focused on what matters.

• Use Reasoning skills to plan for risks and take action ahead of time.

• Use Collaboration to build a strong support network with meaningful relationships.

• Use discipline with Health to be ready for whatever comes.

• Use Vision to target your efforts so you can achieve what you are aiming for in life.







Resilience is an ongoing practice. Included in this pack is a set of magnetic tiles representing different skills that add up to being a resilient person.

1. Take the central Driven tile and put it on your fridge, or somewhere else it will stick.

2. Place the remaining tiles to the side as you practice and work on the skills every day.

3. When you feel you’ve mastered a skill, place that tile next to the corresponding color on the central Driven tile to build your resilience map.

Resilience helps you live a fulfilling andmeaningful life, despite the ups and downs

VisionVision is about your sense of purpose, goals, and personal vision you hold for yourself.

The reason this is the most important domain is that all other domains are guided by what you want to achieve. Clarity of vision helps you to be decisive and confident in your convictions.

Clarity keeps you focused. It’s easy to get distracted by unimportant details and events if you don’t have anything specific you’re working towards. When things get tough, vision helps you stay focused on what matters most to you.

Sense of purposeClear goals

Goals are important for motivation

*clarifies priorities

*React faster*more confidence in actions

Clarifies your actions so you focus only on what is really important!

*guides your decisions

you are most positive when:

1. you have clear goals, 2. you are actively pursuing those goals, 3. you are seeing results in line with your goals, 4. and your thoughts and actions do not conflict with other goals

Exercises - Ask Yourself

Do I know my purpose?

Do I set meaningful goals?

Knowing your purpose is the most powerful resilience tool. It will help guide your life, actions, decisions, and values. This doesn’t need to be precise – something as simple as “make a big difference”, or “help people” are good examples of a purpose in life.

Clarify your goals so that you know when you have achieved them. This includes making your goals specific, meaningful, actionable, relevant, and setting a timeframe in which to achieve your goals. Clear goals are far more motivational.

I knowmy purpose

I setMeaningful


Do I understand my needs?

Do I prioritise my goals?

Your brain needs three things to thrive; Do things you enjoy, have goals and a sense of direction in life and have meaningful connections with people.Be sure to make time for each of these.

We all have a lot of responsibilities and goals which often compete for attention. Take time to decide which goals and responsibilities to prioritise so that you know which you are willing to sacrifice if it comes to that.

I understandmy needs

I prioritisemy goals

ComposureComposure is about staying calm and in control. When facing a tough situation, the fight-or-flight response of the brain loves to flare up, making us emotional and reactive.

Overcoming this instinctual emotional response and maintaining composure is important. This activates other parts of your brain, allowing you to recognise hidden opportunities and solve problems in novel ways.

Becoming emotional prevents you from properly accessing your ability to think critically, so having the ability to maintain, or quickly regain, your composure is valuable.

we interpret the world through biases

biases filterinformation

over time biases can create negativity

Assumesituation is negative

cause othersto react


situation becomesnegative



Stay calm and in controlrecognise and understand emotions


Exercises - Ask Yourself

Do I use calm breathing?

do i practice reappraisal?

Purposeful, slow breathing has the power to calm your mind. Try to breathe in for a count of 4, hold for 7, and breathe out to a count of 8. Keep doing this for a few minutes to let your body and mind calm.

Research shows us that we can reinterpret disruptive emotions to become more constructive. For example, feeling anxious can be reinterpreted or reconstructed into feeling excited. Notice how anxiety and excitement carry a similar level of intensity, allowing the reinterpretation to feel more authentic.

I use calmbreathing

I Practicereappraisal

Do I label my emotions?

Do I practice mindfulness?

We all have emotions and they are far more varied than just feeling ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Learning more about emotions and how to respond to them will help you manage tough situations.

You don’t need to be a yogi or meditate all the time to practice mindfulness. At its heart, mindfulness is about experiencing that moment without judgement. Practice doing this so that you can turn it on at any moment, such as when talking with a friend or enjoying a drive or a sunset. It is useful in many situations and can teach your mind to find stillness, even when faced with stressful situations.

I canlabel myemotions

I practice mindfulness

Do I use calm breathing?

ReasoningReasoning is about creativity and innovative problem-solving. The utility of these skills when facing challenges is incredible.

This domain requires the use of Composure, for you to keep your cool, as well as Vision so you know what goals to direct your actions toward. Reasoning helps you see the upside of change, as well as challenge your own beliefs and thoughts.

Reasoning finds creative ways to solve problems when they appear, helping you build resilience ahead of time. Also, thinking ahead about what could go wrong can help you act to prevent issues. After all, a stitch in time saves nine!

systematic thinker

intuitive thinker

thinks stepby step

- good for solving problems thoroughly- accuracy over speed


- good for solving problems quickly- speed over accuracy


your style

people handle stressin different ways.some are less effective

- focus on task, not emotions- don’t take it personally

- hold yourself to a higher standard


Exercises - Ask Yourself

Do I anticipate challenges?

Do I challenge my beliefs?

Don’t wait until things go wrong before you start figuring out what to do. Many problems can be prevented or prepared for ahead of time. Like how flossing your teeth can prevent needing a root canal.

Most of our beliefs about the world, ourselves and others are formed when we are very young. As we grow older, we should continually question the basis of our beliefs. Why do I believe this? What is my evidence? Is this belief useful?

I anticipatechallenges

I challengemy beliefs

Am I resourceful?

Do I embrace change?

Being able to solve problems in new and creative ways is a great tool for resilience. We rarely have all the tools we need, so we must learn to use the ones we have in new ways. Be willing to try different things and keep trying if you don’t succeed right away.

Change will always occur. Rather than fight it, recognise that it happens, plan for it, and be ready to look for the opportunities in change. Better yet, become an instigator of change, and you can get ahead.

I amresourceful

I embracechange

Tenacity is the key. Einstein pointed out the importance of Tenacity for success when he said, that “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

Success is not a given. You need to be willing to work hard and smart and stay with a problem if you hope to achieve your vision.

An important part of tenacity is to recognise that things will be tough. You won’t always feel motivated. Here, you need to use different skills, such as discipline and willpower, to do what you need to keep going.


continual self improvementmeans having a healthyrelationship with mistakes!

- mistakes are inevitable- mistakes do not define you- you can overcome any mistake

- acknowledge mistakes- take ownership- talk to people

- adjust if necessary

The past is there to learn from, not to dwell on

find ways to respondconstructively so yougrow through adversity

! tenacity is more important than intelligence in achieving success

Exercises - Ask Yourself

Do I have realistic optimism?

Do I motivate myself?

Know the path will be tough but be hopeful regardless. Research shows this is a more resilient way to stay motivated and achieve your goals because you won’t give up when you face the inevitable challenges along the way.

Know yourself well enough to know what motivates you: Setting goals, creating small rewards or getting a group involved. Sometimes you’ll need tenacity to achieve your goals when motivation disappears.

I haverealisticoptimism

I motivatemyself

Do I learn from mistakes?

Do I manage my time well?

We all make mistakes, but it’s only a mistake if you don’t learn from it. A mistake is life’s lessons, so own up, fix it (if you can), and learn so you are better in the future. Also, don’t beat yourself up after.

Know how to manage your time well. Say ‘no’ to things that are unimportant. Plan for what you set out to do. Look for more efficient ways of doing tasks. Keep working to master time management skills.

I learnfrom


I am goodat time


Do I have realistic optimism?

CollaborationWe are social beings. The brain has a deep-seated need for connection with others to be able to thrive. After all, we are in this together and we need each other. The connection we have with others is what the Collaboration domain is about.

Few of us can achieve anything meaningful alone. That’s why it’s crucial for us to build support networks to achieve your vision.

Technology and online social networks tend to isolate people now more than ever, it is important to make time to talk to people in person. Even if you’re very busy, make the time to catch up and build meaningful relationships.

support networks are useful for achieving goals

letting others know about your goals makes you morelikely to achieve them!

allows others to:- keep you focused & motivated- connect you with others- resources & information

talking to people can help solve

problems faster

building a support network takes time and effort

get to know people around you

learn about them

let them learn about you

share your goals

Exercises - Ask Yourself

Do I invest in relationships?

Am I good at communicating?

We all feel busier than ever and can struggle to fit other people into our schedule. Meanwhile, human contact has proven to be crucial for wellness and resilience. Invest in relationships by prioritising face to face time - flip the script and build your schedule around others.

None of us are born master communicators - some of us just start practicing earlier, or go through situations that require careful articulation. Anyone can develop great communication skills by getting out there and practicing with people.

I invest inrelationships

I cancommunicate


Do I inspire trust and


Do I have a mentor to

learn from?

The way you talk about yourself and others influences how people see you. Are you quick to criticize or compliment? Are you honest? While we don’t need to win over every single person, investing in our own integrity will go a long way.

It’s always better to learn from someone else’s mistakes than to have to make them yourself. Find people who have more experience than you and learn from them. It might help you succeed sooner and achieve more.

I inspiretrust &


I havea mentorto learn


Do I invest in relationships?

Am I good at communicating?

HealthThe foundational domain. Good health means looking after your body through eating, exercising and getting quality sleep. A healthy body provides a strong foundation for your own resilience so you can focus on your sense of purpose and goals.

Good health is a stepping stone to enable you to achieve your personal vision. You only have one body, so look after it, and it will look after you. Being healthy takes constant investment and resilience to stick to but it is so worth it.

For example, exercise protects against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease. So even if you are happy with your body right now, exercise is still important for future brain and body health!

health and resilienceaffect each other

important for wellbeing andbrain health - mental fitness!

short-term benefits

- think faster and more accurately- endorphins help with stress

long-term benefits

- protects against diseases- improves neural network efficiency- increases brain size and connectivity

invest inyourself

The Foundationof resilience






- increases BDNF, Helps brain grow

Exercises - Ask Yourself

Do I know my health goals?

Do I get quality sleep?

Be honest with yourself about your starting point. Maybe eating too many sweets? A medical condition bothering you? Or maybe getting older and the weight doesn’t seem to drop off as easily anymore? Know where you are and where you want to be, then work for it.

Lack of sleep affects your body and mind in many ways. It makes life so much more difficult. But with a good night’s rest, you’ll feel that you can take on any challenge. Take the time to get good sleep, you’ll love yourself for it.

I knowmy health


I getqualitysleep

Do I regularly eat healthy


Do I exercise regularly?

The basics of healthy eating are simple. Stick to whole foods (limit processed foods), and you will notice a change in your health if you reduce your sugar intake. If you can stick to that, you’re off to a great start. If you want more variety, start learning about which foods are healthy, and which are not.

Regular exercise has many benefits. Not only will it make you feel strong and ready for the world, but it also can improve memory and reduce disease risk. Aim for about 4 rigorous sessions per week.

I regularlyeat healthy


I exerciseregularly

Do I know my health goals?

Do I get quality sleep?

Gever Tulley

“Persistence and resilience

only come from having been

given the chance to work

through difficult problems.”


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Use the code “REFIVE” for 50% off for the first month. Valid until 03/07/2020