advancing human civilization through open source software

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  • 8/7/2019 Advancing Human Civilization Through Open Source Software




    Professor Timothy J. Hetland

    Washington State University

    July 30, 2010

    AbstractEpistemology is an area of philosophy that is concerned with studying human knowledge and

    justified belief. Human civilization advanced with the increased ability to transfer and propagate

    knowledge. Computing and the internet are the tools we rely on in the information age to

    advance human knowledge and civilization. Open source software provides a model for

    sharing and retaining knowledge equitably throughout the world. However, it lacks mainstreamadoption for various perception-related reasons. This research paper studies current computer

    usage through a survey of social network users as primary research. The results show that

    users, regardless of their philosophical, civil, or social beliefs, are significantly more accepting

    of open source software through the prism of the internet. Coincidentally, this is an area open

    source software is strong at.

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    Acknowledgments iIntroduction 1

    Knowledge Retention and Human Civilization! 1Knowledge Access as a Human Right! 1Computers: the Modern Day Pen and Paper! 1Open Source Software! 2Barriers to Software Adoption! 2

    How do you use your computer? 4Online User Survey ! 4The Results! 4Data Analysis! 5

    Recommendation 6Works Cited


    Appendix A 9How do you user your computer?: Online Survey Results! 9

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    I would like to thank and acknowledge my wife Jemma for her unending support and

    understanding. She is the rock this barnacle depends on. I would also like to thank my son

    Ameen for his sacrifice. Im sure having to walk away from play time with dad is unfathomable

    for an 8 year old.

    I would also like to thank my employer, Etelos, for supporting and accommodating me during

    this research.

    A special thank you goes to Yousef Raffah for his tremendous help in bringing in surveyparticipants and his continued support for my work. His advocacy of open source software and

    shared human and social knowledge is a big positive force.

    Finally, I would like to thank my mother for everything she has done for me and for pushing me

    to do better things.

    I thank God, for I am truly blessed.


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    Knowledge Retention and HumanCivilizationHuman civilization depends on our ability to

    learn. This learning requires that we not onlyunderstand and retain that knowledge, but

    also transfer that understanding and share it

    with others in our surrounding. Collectively,

    we enrich our lives and levitate our standard

    of living. Language and our complex

    speaking abilities set us above the animal

    world as we were able to communicate and

    collaborate. The invention of writing allowed

    us to defer the consumption of that spoken

    communication and retain it in physical form.

    The invention of paper lowered the cost of

    writing and allowed us to group and classify

    knowledge into books. The printing press

    begat the Printing Revolution. That allowed

    us to reproduce the collections of knowledge

    that we collected over the years and

    introduce them to ever widening audiences.

    Knowledge Access as a Human RightToday, anyone anywhere in the world is

    relatively able to pick up a pen and paper towrite down their contribution to our collective

    knowledge. They are also able to consume

    and process knowledge through reading.

    The only tool they required to function

    properly is the basic education of reading

    and writing. In 1999, the United Nations (UN)

    recognized education as a human right in

    Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of

    Human Rights and Article 14 of the

    International Covenant of Economic, Social,

    and Cultural Rights (OHCHR). Because of

    this standardized system, a bushman in

    Namibia is able to avoid a poisonous

    mushroom written about by a cowboy in

    New Mexico. With every technological step

    forward in our ability to create, retain,

    transfer, and share knowledge our civilization

    evolves, improves, and advances as well.

    The introduction of computers as machines

    specialized in processing, retaining,

    transferring, and sharing knowledge rapidlyexpanded our capacity for knowledge. The

    term Knowledge Societyis used to describe

    societies that have elevated their processes

    to create value from the physical manual

    labor to the intel lectual knowledge

    emanation. Knowledge societies are richer,

    healthier, enjoy less physical hardships, and

    have better general prospects in life. They

    depend on their computing abilities to

    maintain that socioeconomic status.

    Societies that want to keep up are

    attempting to encourage the use of

    computing much like the push to educate

    with the pen and paper.

    Computers: the Modern Day Pen andPaperIn 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore

    described what is now known as Moores

    Law. Moores Law states that computing

    power will double roughly every two years.

    Since then, that law has not been broken.

    Computers have doubled their processing



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    (or open systems) and they concluded that

    open source software adoption by users and

    organizations is not based on the perceived

    benefit of the adoption, rather on the

    perceived ability to adopt. They suggest that

    open source software providers highlight theease of adoption rather than the benefits of


    Dr. Magid Igbaria, Dr. Nancy Zinatelli, Dr.

    Paul Cragg, and Dr. Angele L.M. Cavaye

    (1997) support those findings as well but go

    a bit further and deeper. They focused on the

    personal computing aspect of accepting new

    computer software. They concluded that not

    only is the perceived ease of adoption (or

    use) the dominant factor, but they alsodismissed prior research in large firms that

    suggested that decision to adopt personal

    computing software was not influenced by

    internal support or internal training. In

    essence, computer users looked outside

    (externally) to decide if they should adopt

    certain personal computing software. This

    highlights the importance of controlling the

    general reputation of open source software.

    Even if management internally adopted open

    source software, users ultimately decided on

    their own if they would use the software or


    The results of the 2010 Future of Open

    Source Forums annual survey show that the

    public sectors adoption of open source

    software along with users past experiences

    with open source software are the two

    biggest drivers of adoption. If users have an

    enjoyable and positive experience with opensource software they will adopt it regardless

    of the counter-push by commercial vendors.

    The survey found three major barriers to

    getting to the positive experience point. First,

    users generally did not know that open

    source solutions existed or they were

    unfamiliar with them. Second, open source

    software can demand more technical skills

    that many users lack. This barrier contributes

    to a negative experience by users. Third,

    users perceive a lack of formal and reliable

    commercial vendor support. That is

    understandable, if the software is built byvolunteers, it would be hard to find a formal

    entity that will provide commercial grade

    support for the product.

    Dr. Heidi S. Bond looked at the legal and

    economical implication of adopting open

    source software. She explored the claim that

    one of the popular open source software

    licenses is a price fixing scheme. The Gnu

    Public License (GPL) is the license that the

    majority of open source software is under.Users are not used to the eccentric behavior

    of the GPL. The idea that software is not only

    free, but open sourced as well is something

    that users are not used to. The saying you

    get what you pay for is always thrown out

    when talking about open source software to

    imply that it is of low quality or inferior since

    it is free. Viewing the GPL in that manner

    creates the perception that GPL is as

    scheme to bring down the quality and

    viability of the software industry through

    price fixing at the impossible-to-beat price of


    Dr. Bond concludes that the GPL indeed

    exhibits the negative effect on commercial

    entities but at the same time it benefits

    societies. In essence, the GPL forces

    commercial entities to progress beyond the

    standards and truly innovate and create

    value. OpenOffice-an open source wordprocessing suite- for example, stepped in to

    offer word processing, spreadsheet, and

    presentation functionality for free where the

    same functionality would cost $500 from

    Microsoft. The existence of OpenOffice

    forces Microsoft to innovate in their Office



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    product to justify to their ever dissatisfied

    customer base the high price tag.

    Dr. Michael R. Nelson offers an interesting

    path to open source software adoption by

    bringing up an older abandoned concept incomputing. As the internet was becoming

    popular and being adopted by the

    mainstream in the early 90s, Sun Computers

    started pushing for a new way in computing

    that put the server at the heart of computing.

    Sun promoted this concept because they

    were in the computer server business.

    Servers are big massive and expensive

    machines shared by many users who use

    networked client desktop computers. Sun

    called that concept Network Computingwhere the network was the computer. Dr.

    Michael introduces cloud computing as the

    future of computing. Cloud computing is

    Network Computing rebranded and better

    realized. Only this time, Suns servers are

    running open source software. And the

    majority of the worlds servers are already

    running open source software as well.

    According to Dr. Michael, 80% of the world

    computing and data storage will happen inthis computer cloud. In essence, it would

    happen on open source software. It only

    makes perfect sense that open source

    software providers concentrate on capturing

    and owning that space more fully, it is their

    strength area.

    How do you use yourcomputer?

    Online User SurveyAn online survey titled How do you use your

    computer? was conducted. The survey was

    announced through the social network

    Facebook and Twitter and was available to

    not only the respondents contacts, but their

    contacts as well. The total number of

    respondents was 161 users. The survey was

    open for 8 days. The respondents used

    these services at least once a day and thus

    were regular users of computers and the

    internet for the exchange of knowledge.

    The survey was intentionally designed to not

    overtly share the objective of the research to

    avoid any skew from biases for or against

    open source software. Users were simply

    asked to answer 15 questions regarding their

    use of computers in general. The questions

    were designed to allow for contradictory

    answers because of the nature of this field.

    For example, while users were able to

    choose Firefox as their internet browser of

    choice, they were also able to choose thatthe reason they do not use open source

    software was because it was ugly, buggy,

    insecure, and too complicated. The survey

    attempted to exploit that contradiction in

    order to gain insight into the choices

    mainstream users have made. This approach

    proved favorable to the goals of this


    The ResultsUsers were first asked to choose theircomputing operating system. 51% chose

    Windows, 44% chose Mac, and 5% chose

    Linux. As expected, Linux had the lowest

    share. It is overtly open source. Mac on the

    other hand, while built on a purely open

    source kernel (Darwin/FreeBSD) had a

    significantly bigger share. The Mac OS X is

    not fully open source but it defies the

    concerns of naysayers that open source

    software is inherently flawed because it isugly, buggy, insecure, and too complicated.

    Users were asked if they used a selection of

    online services, only 15% indicated that they

    used closed source software, the rest all

    regularly used and relied on online services

    built and maintained on open source



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    software. The number of users using the

    closed source Microsoft IE internet explorer

    was only 11%. The majority of 44% used the

    open source Firefox browser. The rest also

    use the open source Safari and Google

    Chrome browsers.

    When asked how they accessed their email,

    71% said that they use a web based mail

    service like Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail. But

    when it came to their choices for desktop

    software, 73% were users of the closed

    source software such as Microsoft Office,

    Skype, or Photoshop. Open source software

    held a small minority position in their

    computing needs when it came to the

    desktop. 53% of these users used theircomputers at home or 6% at work

    exclusively. 40% used their computers

    everywhere they could. The majority at 42%

    communicated with 1-10 people. The rest

    communicated with more than that number.

    The survey then focused on the users

    choices for handling content documents.

    The clear winner here was Microsoft Office at

    70%. The open source alternative,

    OpenOffice held a tiny 7.4%. When users

    were asked what they did if an Office

    document they sent could not be opened by

    the recipient, 34% said that they never

    experienced that situation. In other words,

    34% of the respondents have never

    experienced a rejection of any kind of their

    document because they used Microsoft

    Office formats. Only 6% recommended that

    their recipients try OpenOffice while 5% told

    their recipients to pay Microsoft for theprivilege.

    Three quarters of the respondents of this

    survey knew what open source software was

    and 32% reported that they used it and they

    were happy. 16% did not know what it was.

    At the same time, more than half reported

    that they did not use open source software

    because it is ugly, it is not for serious

    professional use, it is too complicated, it is

    not supported by a company, it is buggy, or

    it is not secure. 5% said that open source

    software makes no sense, it is a fad that willgo away or that it is socialist, communist,

    and anti-business.The survey did allow for

    users to choose more than one choice. There

    is an overlap of users who do use and rely

    on open source software and either know

    that or are ignorant of that fact. For example,

    82% of respondents who rejected open

    source software also reported that they do

    not know what open source software is at

    the same time. Further analysis of the

    collected data will clarify the perspective ofthese users as they are presented with the

    choice to use and adopt open source


    Data AnalysisThe results of the survey demonstrated that

    users did happily use the open source

    application when they were executed in an

    online environment.

    In fact, 83% of the respondents who chose

    to reject Open source software used an open

    source browser. This presents a unique

    phenomenon for open source softwaredevelopers. Generally, open source software

    applications and proprietary applications

    running online do not differ on ugliness,

    geeky-ness, or security. They all look and

    feel very similar within the confines of the

    browser. Of course, styling, organization, and

    83% of the respondents who indicated that they do not

    use open source software also reported that they use

    an open source browser.



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    usability do make a difference, but these

    attributes do not correlate to the openness of

    the application. That explains why users

    have no trouble using Facebook, Twitter,

    GoogleDocs, or Google Maps even though

    these applications are running on opensource servers and code. Much of their

    functionality is openly available as well just

    by viewing the source of the browser pages.

    Even in the Office document format area

    where Microsoft Office dominated, 15% of

    the users who had their document rejected

    because they used a Microsoft Office format

    told their recipients to use Google Docs

    while only 5% of them recommended

    OpenOffice. Indeed, GoogleDocs gainedmore market share in 5 years than

    OpenOffice did in 10 years. The survey

    confirms that users are willing to use and rely

    on open source software if it were running as

    a web application.

    What the survey demonstrated was that

    users accepted open source software with

    virtually no resistance when it was framed in

    the web experience. In some instances,

    users preferred it to desktop applications. In

    a web browser, all applications are open

    source at least as far as their presentation is

    concerned. Before the web, software

    applications were executed and presented

    strictly on the desktop. With the introduction

    of the web, software was able to be

    executed at a server somewhere but the

    presentation of that software came down to

    users desktops in the form of a web page.

    This is what we all experienced as the firstiteration of the web represented by static or

    semi-static pages. While generally functional,

    they lacked the interact iv i ty users

    experienced from their desktop-shackled

    applications. Certain actors in the industry

    are now moving aggressively to close that

    gap through rich interactive web applications

    through Open Standards like SVG for vector

    graphics, WebM for video, Javascript for

    logic, and HTML5 for interactive web

    applications to name a few.


    Commercial software entities have had a

    vested interest in pursuing a strategy known

    as customer lock-in. Using our example, if

    you use Microsoft Office to create a Word

    document, the documents you create will

    forever require that you have a copy of

    Microsoft Office for your documents to be

    100% available to you. Not only you, but

    everyone else you want to share thatdocument with as well. Other software

    entities attempt to provide alternative

    software to allow you to open your

    documents but they are never absolutely

    accurate and will most likely lose formatting

    or important information. In essence, you are

    locked-in to Microsofts world because that

    is where your knowledge (in the form of Word

    Docs) is.

    Open source softwares approach has beento struggle against this lock-in with a similar

    form of lock-in. Many software applications

    built for the Linux operating system, for

    example, are not available for Windows or

    Mac. In most cases it is a huge undertaking

    to support all major operating systems. This

    resulted in users computing in silos and

    being exposed only to the solutions available

    to their version of the computing landscape.

    The only common software experience

    among these environments is the web

    because it is built on Open Standards. And

    this is the key to bringing open source

    software to mainstream adoption.

    While proprietary software vendors may

    claim they support Open Standards and may



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    even release some open source software of

    their own, it is generally not in their best

    interest. The realm of the web and Open

    Standards is the realm where open source

    software is most powerful. It is a most

    natural and long existing fit evidenced bymany examples not least of which is the

    standard HTML web page. This open source

    document has evolved into dynamic and rich

    applications without loosing its openness,

    but most importantly, has maintained wide

    acceptance as a viable form of computing by

    mainstream computer users. Users leave

    their browser where they know their web

    pages are not capable of performing

    functions they expect only from their

    desktop. This is where these new andpowerful Open Standards become most

    valuable. Open source software is already

    popular on the network server side of

    computing. Through these new and powerful

    Open Standards, open source software will

    be able to naturally trojan itself into users


    The recommendation of this research is to

    focus on building the next wave of opensource software as Open Standards web-

    based applications. This strategy overcomes

    the barriers to open source software

    adoption that users reported. They accept it

    if it runs on the web. Web standards such as

    HTML5 promise to significantly close the gap

    between desktop applications and browser-

    based applications. This presents a unique

    opportunity for open source developers on

    many fronts. First, the most popular web

    browsers are open source, namely FireFoxand Google Chrome. The survey confirms

    that. So this open platform already enjoys a

    significant global market share. Second,

    these web standards are universal, cross-

    platform, and open. No one company can

    attempt to lock developers out or users in.

    Third, these standards are backed by many

    of the biggest industry players such as

    Google. What this means for open sourcesoftware developers is an opportunity to put

    their software in the hands of users who,

    while hostile or ignorant to the concept ofopen source software, are very willing to use

    it in the context of a web based application.

    Through this mainstream adoption, open

    source software can fulfill its part in

    advancing human civilization.



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    Works Cited

    Bond, H. S. (2005). What's so Great about Nothing? The GNU General Public License and the Zero-Price-Fixing Problem. Michigan Law Review, 104(3), 547-571. Retrieved from http://

    Chau, P. Y. K., & Tam, K. Y. (1997). Factors Affecting the Adoption of Open Systems: An ExploratoryStudy. MIS Quarterly, 21(1), 1-24. Retrieved from


    HTML5 (2010). W3C. HTML: The Markup Language Reference. Retrieved from

    Igbaria, M., Zinatelli, N., Cragg, P., & Cavaye, A. L. M. (1997). Personal Computing Acceptance Factors inSmall Firms: A Structural Equation Model. MIS Quarterly, 21(3), 279-305. Retrieved from

    Intel. Moores Law: Raising the bar. Retrieved from

    Nelson, M. R. (2009). Building an Open Cloud. Science, 324(5935), 1656-1657. doi:10.1126/science.1174225

    OHCHR (1966). Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. InternationalCovenant of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights. Retrieved from

    Survey Results, 2010 | 2010 Future of Open Source Forum. (n.d.). . Retrieved May 30, 2010, from http://

    SVG. W3C. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Retrieved from

    UN (1999). The United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved from

    WebM. The WebM Project. Retrieved from

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    Appendix A

    How do you user your computer?: Online Survey ResultsThe raw data files for this survey are available to download as Excel, txt, or CSV files from

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