advantages of hiring a junk removal service in mn


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Page 1: Advantages of Hiring a Junk Removal Service in MN

Advantages of Hiring a Junk Removal Service

Page 2: Advantages of Hiring a Junk Removal Service in MN

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that Americans generate 1.8 million tons of household hazardous waste per year.

When improperly disposed of, household hazardous waste can create a potential risk to people and the environment. For example, old tires can collect rainwater, making them a reproducing ground for mosquitoes.

Page 3: Advantages of Hiring a Junk Removal Service in MN

Disposing junk in an eco-friendly way can seem like an overwhelming task. Fortunately, there are professionals who specialize in rubbish removal. Give them a chance to handle all of your mess!

Now let’s discuss few benefits of hiring a junk removal service….

Page 4: Advantages of Hiring a Junk Removal Service in MN

CONVENIENCE If you perform the junk removal task on your own, it could take hours, days or even weeks for you to clear out a garage, yard or other places where junk tend to gather. Not to mention you will also need to pay municipal fees just to dump certain kinds of trash.

Instead of going through all these hassles, leave the whole task in the hands of professional junk removal specialists who can do the job in a couple of hours.

Page 5: Advantages of Hiring a Junk Removal Service in MN

SAFETYDo you know the best way to safely lift heavy equipment? When lifting improperly, there is a higher chance that you can sustain an injury.

By hiring a junk removal expert, these concerns are eliminated. Remember, a junk hauling company is specially trained to do the job safely and correctly.

Page 6: Advantages of Hiring a Junk Removal Service in MN

EASY DISPOSAL OF WASTES You can’t just dump your household wastes anywhere. In addition, certain items are considered hazardous and you cannot dump these items at your local garbage landfill.

Again, professionals know dumping laws and regulations, and can prevent you from getting fined.

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IF IT’S JUNK, THE JUNK REMOVAL EXPERTS CAN HAUL ITJunk removal experts know how to handle and dispose of everything for you. Construction debris, broken furniture, old tube televisions, massive amounts of yard waste… whatever junk you have, Junk Happens has the crew and vehicles to haul it away.

Page 8: Advantages of Hiring a Junk Removal Service in MN

JUNK HAPPENS – BOOK ONLINE AND SAVE $10.00Junk Happens offers junk removal services and foreclosure clean-ups to residential and commercial customers throughout the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area.

For More Details,

Call 612 333 5865
