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Adventist Health System Custom Group Cancer Plans

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Adventist Health System Custom Group Cancer Plans

No one likes to think about getting cancer. But it will still affect1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women. Cancer may not be preventable, but you can protect yourself from some of the costs. Cancer and specified disease insurance can help you: Manage the high expenses of treatment; Preserve savings; Protect your family from financial hardship; Concentrate on getting well.

Cancer insurance from Allstate Workplace Division pays you benefits that can be used for non-medical cancer-related expenses that health insurance might not cover.

The policy is guaranteed renewable for life, subject to change in premiums by class.

Benefits paid directly to you unless assignedBenefits paid in addition to any other coverage Individual or family coverage

Group Cancer/Dread Disease Insurance From Allstate

Would your finances survive cancer or specified disease treatments?

In addition to cancer, this policy also covers:1. Muscular Dystrophy, 2. Lou Gehrig's Disease, 3. Poliomyelitis, 4. Multiple Sclerosis, 5. Encephalitis, 6. Rabies, 7. Tetanus, 8. Tuberculosis, 9. Osteomyelitis, 10. Diphtheria, 11. Scarlet Fever, 12. Cerebrospinal Meningitis (bacterial), 13. Brucellosis, 14. Sickle Cell Anemia, 15. Thallasemia,

16. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,17. Legionnaire's Disease, 18. Addison's Disease,19. Hansen's Disease, 20. Tularemia,21. Hepatitis (Chronic B or Chronic C), 22. Typhoid Fever, 23. Myasthenia Gravis, 24. Reye's Syndrome, 25. Walter Payton's Liver Disease, 26. Lyme

Disease, 27. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, 28. Cystic Fibrosis, 29. Primary Biliary


Benefits*: Basic Plan:Hospital Confinement $100/DaySurgery and Related Benefits: $1,500 MaximumSecond Surgical Opinion: $200Ambulatory Surgical Center: $250/Day Radiation/Chemotherapy $5,000/12 Months Blood, Plasma and Platelets $5,000/12 Months New/Experimental Treatment: $5,000/12 Months Private Duty/Home Nursing: $100/DayWellness Benefit Rider: $50/Year Waiver of Premium: IncludedAdditional Benefits Included

Total Premium Per Pay: Enhanced Plan:Employee Only $ 4.90 Bi-Weekly (26x)Family $ 8.20 Bi-Weekly (26x)

Group Cancer/Dread Disease Insurance From Allstate

Benefits*: Enhanced Plan:Hospital Confinement $300/DaySurgery and Related Benefits: $4,500 MaximumSecond Surgical Opinion: $600Ambulatory Surgical Center: $750/Day Radiation/Chemotherapy $10,000/12 Months Blood, Plasma and Platelets $10,000/12 Months New/Experimental Treatment: $5,000/12 Months Private Duty/Home Nursing: $300/DayWellness Benefit Rider: $50/Year Waiver of Premium: IncludedAdditional Benefits Included

Total Premium Per Pay: Enhanced Plan:Employee Only $ 10.58 Bi-Weekly (26x)Family $ 17.74 Bi-Weekly (26x)

Group Cancer/Dread Disease Insurance From Allstate

Group Cancer/Dread DiseaseA Case Study


Cancer is now the #1 cause of death among all Americans. According to the American Cancer Society, 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women

will get cancer during their life time.

No CancerCancer

40% of bankruptcies filed were primarily due to medical debt, and of those filed, 75% had health insurance.

Medical Bankruptcy Amounts



Less than $1,000Less than $5,000Greater than $5,000

1Harvard University Study, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation--2005


For every $1,000 of costs associated with deadly diseases, an average of $667 are non-medical.

Total Medical Costs



Non-Medical Medical

Total Medical Costs

Non-Medical Expenses

• Lost income (Employee or spouse)

• Deductibles and co-insurance payments

• Transportation

• Housekeeping

• Child care expenses

• Long distance

telephone calls

• Special diets

• Special clothes and


• Meals and lodging

away from home

• Caretaker’s (child)


Source: Cancer Facts and Figures, American Cancer Society

Consider our New Group Cancer/Dread Disease Plan

• Wellness Benefit (plus 25 additional benefits)

Available up to $50 per covered person

Screenings covered:

Bone Marrow Testing




Chest X-ray


Flexible sigmoidoscopy

Hemocult stool analysis


Pap Smear


Serum Protein Electrophoresis

Biopsy for skin cancer

Stress test on bike or treadmill


Carotid Doppler


Lipid panel

Blood test for triglycerides

Your Net Cost?

Enhanced Individual Plan - $10.58 Per Pay

$10.58 Employee x 24 Pay Periods $ 275.08

1 wellness tests @ $50 - $ 50.00

$ 225.08

Weekly net cost $ 4.33

The Lifecycle of a Cancer Claim

• Susan Smith has an Enhanced Cancer plan and has annual mammograms.

–Wellness screening benefit

• Susan has mammogram in 2017. • She is diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

–Wellness screening benefit–First Occurrence Benefit

Allstate Workplace Division is notified. Claim Started.Letter from President w/Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul

The Lifecycle of a Cancer Claim

• Susan enters the hospital for surgery.– Hospital Confinement

– Anesthesia

– Surgical Benefit

– Many other benefits

Claim checks start arriving

• After the surgery Susan is discharged but must take Chemotherapy at a Outpatient Center 40 miles from her home.– Chemotherapy

– Mileage

– Family member transportation benefit

– Many others

Case Study Payment Detail Female Breast Cancer PatientBenefit Type Benefit Amount Occurrences/ Services Benefit Payment

First Occurrence $3,000.00 Per CoveredPerson


Hospital Confinement $300.00 Per Day For First 70Days

4 Days $1200.00

At Home Nursing $300.00 Per Day Up ToNumber Of Days OfPrevious Confinement

3 Days Following InpatientConfinement @ $200.00 PerDay


Radiation/Chemotherapy $10,000.00 Per 12 MonthPeriod Beginning With TheFirst Date Of Treatment

35 Radiation Treatments @$200.00 Per Day


Blood, Plasma and Platelets $10,000.00 Per 12 MonthPeriod Beginning With TheFirst Date Of Treatment

6 Units @ $80.00 Per Unit $480.00

Surgery Paid According To TheProcedure Code Up To AMaximum Of $4,500.00

CPT 19240-Inpatient $1,800.00

CPT 19101-Outpatient $675.00

Anesthesia Actual Charge Up To 25% OfThe Amount We Paid ForThe Surgery

CPT 19240-Inpatient $450.00

CPT 19101-Outpatient $168.75

Ambulatory Surgical Center Actual Charge Up To$750.00 Per Day

1 Day @ $3,211.10 $750.00

Case Study Continued - Female Breast Cancer PatientBenefit Type Benefit Amount Occurrences/ Services Benefit Payment

Second Surgical Opinion Actual Charge Up To $600.00 1 Visit @ $355.00 $355.00

Inpatient Drugs and Medicine

Actual Charge Up To $25.00 Per Day

4 Days $100.00

Inpatient Attending Physician

Actual Charge Up To $50.00 Per Visit

4 Days $200.00

Non-Local Transportation $.40 Per Mile Up To Maximum Of 700 Miles / Roundtrip Must Exceed 70 Miles Or Actual Cost Of Coach Fare On A Common Carrier

30 Trips for Radiation Treatments @ 225 Miles Roundtrip Personal Vehicle Transportation


2 Trips to Hospital for Surgery @ 225 Miles Roundtrip Personal Vehicle Transportation


Outpatient Lodging $50.00 Per Day When Radiation/Chemotherapy Are Received / Maximum of $2,000.00 Per 12 Month Period / Must Exceed 100 Miles One-Way From Home

30 Nights in Hotel @ $100.00 Per Night for Radiation Treatment


Case Study Continued - Female Breast Cancer PatientBenefit Type Benefit Amount Occurrences/ Services Benefit Payment

Family Member Lodging Actual Charge Up To $50.00Per Day While Insured IsInpatient / Maximum Of 60Days

4 Nights in Hotel @ $100.00Per Night for HospitalConfinement


Physical or Speech Therapy Actual Charges Up To$50.00 Per Day

4 Days @ $75.00 Per Day $200.00

Surgically Implanted Prosthesis

Actual Charge Up To$2,000.00 Per Amputation

$800.00 Breast Prosthesis $800.00

Comfort Anti-Nausea Drugs Actual Charges Up To$200.00 Per Calendar Year /Outpatient Only

8 Prescriptions Totaling$687.47


Cancer Screening $50.00 For Mammogram Mammogram $50.00

TOTAL BENEFIT: $22,608.75

The Lifecycle of a Cancer Claim


• Susan has income to pay rent, mortgage, day care, credit cards, school tuition, special diet, and out of town family members.

• She does not have to worry about “how do I pay my bills.”


“I will fight this disease and I will overcome!”