adventist heritage & mission

182 i ADVENTIST HERITAGE & MISSION “And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.” Revelation 10:9

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An investigation of Seventh-day Adventist church history with a preliminary review of the backgrounds and foundations of the Advent message from apostolic times. It concentrates on the church's beginnings in America, the 1844 experience, development of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination worldwide. It's also an investigation of the role of the prophetic gift in the church from Bible times to the present day, with special emphasis on the role of Sister White in the development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Please visit for info on how to have a preaching, teaching, and healing ministry, and would like to donate to my ministry "Repairers of the Breach." Also look for timely messages that will help you prepare for the 2nd coming of Christ at my vimeo account God Bless you, as we prepare for the nearness of Jesus Christ our Saviour.


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“And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth

sweet as honey.” Revelation 10:9

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Table of Contents ADVENTIST HERITAGE & MISSION ...................................................................................................................................... i

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................................... ii Origins of the Movement: 1700s – 1844 ................................................................................................................. 1

Preparation for the Seventh-day Adventist movement............................................................................... 1 Dark Ages (middle Ages) .................................................................................................................................... 1 God’s Intervention ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Nature of Prophecy ............................................................................................................................................... 5 The Rosetta stone................................................................................................................................................... 5

The Great Awakening in the World ..................................................................................................................... 7 Jesus’ work since 1844 and its significance ................................................................................................ 8 The Time of the End .............................................................................................................................................. 9 William Miller ....................................................................................................................................................... 11

Origins in Prophecy ................................................................................................................................................. 15 A Chosen Vessel ................................................................................................................................................... 17

The Midnight Cry ...................................................................................................................................................... 19 October 22nd 1844 .............................................................................................................................................. 25 Result of the Seventh-Month Movement ................................................................................................... 25 After the Great Disappointment .................................................................................................................... 27

Becoming an Established People: 1844 – 1888 ................................................................................................ 29 Development of the Prophetic Gift and the 3rd Angel’s Message ........................................................ 29

Joseph Bates .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 The Theological Development of Present Truth .................................................................................... 29

The Role of Ellen White in the SDA Church ................................................................................................... 44 The Gift of Prophecy .......................................................................................................................................... 44 Beware Of False Prophets ............................................................................................................................... 50 The Law, the Prophets & the Advent Movement ................................................................................... 59 By Whose Authority? ......................................................................................................................................... 63 The Nature of Inspiration ................................................................................................................................ 66 Hermeneutics (What the Prophet Meant) ................................................................................................ 72 The Dragon Is Wroth ......................................................................................................................................... 80 Betrayed with a Kiss .......................................................................................................................................... 86 Ellen White and the Spirit of Prophecy ...................................................................................................... 95

Providence of God in the Publishing Work .................................................................................................... 97 Fundraising ............................................................................................................................................................ 97

The Conflict over Organization ........................................................................................................................... 99 The “Name” ............................................................................................................................................................ 99 Organization .......................................................................................................................................................... 99 Principles of Church Organization ............................................................................................................... 99 Systematic Benevolence ................................................................................................................................. 108 Ordination and Credentials ........................................................................................................................... 111 Statements Concerning Pastors Hovering Over the Churches ....................................................... 111

Health Institutions ................................................................................................................................................. 116 John Harvey Kellogg ......................................................................................................................................... 116

Establishing Educational Institutions ............................................................................................................ 124 Self-supporting work ....................................................................................................................................... 132 The Subtle Inroad of Scholasticism ........................................................................................................... 135

Early Efforts in Religious liberty ...................................................................................................................... 137 Religion and Public Schools .......................................................................................................................... 139

The 1888 General Conference ........................................................................................................................... 141 Almost to Canaan .................................................................................................................................................... 149

Confirmation & Expansion: 1888 – 1940 ......................................................................................................... 155 Church Apostasy ..................................................................................................................................................... 155

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Sanitarium Fire .................................................................................................................................................. 155 Printing Press Fire ............................................................................................................................................ 155 Views on Ellen White ....................................................................................................................................... 156 Movements against the Spirit of Prophecy ............................................................................................. 158

A Rebellious People: 1940 – 1990 ....................................................................................................................... 161 The History of Questions on Doctrine ........................................................................................................... 161

Key Figures: A Review..................................................................................................................................... 168 The Champions .................................................................................................................................................. 169

The New Theology ................................................................................................................................................. 170 Desmond Ford (1928 - ) ................................................................................................................................. 170 Robert Brimsmeed (1933 - ) ........................................................................................................................ 177 Robert Wieland .................................................................................................................................................. 178 Geoffrey Paxton ................................................................................................................................................. 178

The Destiny of Adventism: 1990-End of time ................................................................................................. 179

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Origins of the Movement: 1700s – 1844 Preparation for the Seventh-day Adventist movement How did God prepare for the Seventh-day Adventist movement?

Rev 12:13-17 [13] And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man [child]. [14] And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. [15] And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. [16] And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth. [17] And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The true church keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony of Jesus Christ. One way to look at history – When we look at history we find that it started with blessings from God. But then because of man’s fall they became curses. Once this went too far then God intervenes. The first intervention was with the flood. Then after the flood came many more blessings. From one family the whole world was repopulated. Then man perverted himself again. Then God intervenes once more at Babel and created new languages. Out of this came many blessings, and so on.

As Catholicism overcame the world it brought great curses to the world. God intervened and brought the reformation. This is the same thing that happens in our own lives, God brings blessings, Satan brings curses then God will intervene, this is the same as what happens to nations, as the follow God they are blessed and as the turn they are cursed but then God will intervene as in the history of Israel. PO: God’s people in Revelation: Up 10 Down 11 Up 12 down 13 Up 14.

Dark Ages (middle Ages) Why were they called the “Dark Ages” because when you take the Bible from the People which is “A Lamp unto my feet” you have darkness. For more than 1000 years Rome controlled and limited the people and God’s truth. Superstition and vice where used by Rome. The people had to pay the church to gain salvation. Rome controlled the people using;


Intellectual Development



Inventions, all kinds of other progress.

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These are the streams to social structure, which came the blessings of God and the curses, to which God must intervene.

The following were the driving forces to change;

1. Control 2. Economic pressure

Rome created an environment of Rich and Poor, there was no middle class, these are those who earn more then they need for basic survival, beyond their basic needs they have means for investing. The rich don’t do this because the control the economic flow, the poor can do nothing about this at all because they have nothing, without a middle class there is a stagnations in the environment. This is the same line of thought as the communist. Rome has the same principles as the communist. The extra recourse that the middle class brings, creates grow in the economy. Rome used the fear of God, which was they way in which the gained money from the poor, using such things as indulgences. Instead of the money flowing into the economy it went the church.

3. Oppression

By the end of the 1000 years Europe was getting very tired of Rome controlling the soul, thoughts and affections. Collective Europe was getting tiered of this, and this created an atmosphere for change.

4. Spiritual Hunger

The church in the wilderness had been working for more then 1000 years trying to undermine the teachings of Rome. It was an underground black market religion. They would leave pages of scripture with people and families as they would go to the homes door to door. Rome knew it was there but, could do nothing about it. The people where hungry for the word of God. And Rome kept them from it. During these 1000 years there was a lot of networking between the churches of the wilderness and people’s homes. They used the Easter manuscripts as there Bible. Note: Western Europe left of the Sabbath very early, but the Eastern kept it for much longer. This is due to the fact that the West was using the corrupt Alexandrian Texts (Western), and the East was using the Syrian Texts (Eastern).

God’s Intervention In this situation and change God was setting up an environment for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. God had to bring a break or a fall to Rome. When we study history we need to look for Gods hands. History is fulfilled prophecy. To understand the relevance we must see things how God see its. God develops history to create circumstances that fulfill prophecy. God is always at work to create the circumstances that fulfill His prophecy. God had to have a place where the Seventh-Day Adventist Church could grow in a place without strong oppression. This could not have been done in the Old World, because people were set in there ideas, and not free to change them. God had to have a new place were people would be more open for change and revolution. This God accomplished using the following;

1. Great Discoveries

Christopher Columbus – finds the New World (God used him to find the place that would be able

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to raise a church that would bring down his own church) The timing of this had to happen at a time in history that what would give this new nation enough time to advance into a nation that had a firm government, that had sound society, access to the Bible, and be in a position to advance the light given. That would provide the ground was able to support the growth of the Seventh-day Adventist movement. God used the United States of America for the purpose of providing a place to grow the Church, without religious liberty the Seventh-Day Adventist Church would go no where.

2. Crusades

Without the crusades, there would not have been a deep hunger for libration. The Turks invaded Rome, right before the reformation. This happed at the right time. This distracted Rome from the Protestants and brought rival of learning. And all of this all at the right time of the reformation. The main thing that happened during this event was however, that the Eastern Text Bibles began to flood Western Europe. Luther took the Bible (Greek Eastern Text which was translated by Erasmus) and he translated it to German and gave it to the people. They, the reformers all published the Bible from the Eastern and gave it to the people. (Textus Receptus and the Protestant Bible) The Seventh-day Adventist Church would never have come about without this.

3. Inventions

Before the reformation was the invention of the Printing press. Another timely development in History which the hand of God can be seen in as this was the fundamental means of spreading information at a never before seen rate.

4. Great Spirituality

The hunger of the people could not be filled. This in turn brought development; people went back to School to learn to read so they could read the Bible. Now they can think, now they can invent, now they can question the priests. A new life to education, commence and trade began to rapidly increase. The Bible changed everything, and yet people now take it for granted.

5. Language

English and Spanish were to two main languages of the time. And there was a great competition for supremacy. Both wanted to dominate the world. However Spain was deeply connected to Rome, so God would not allow it to rule. England was not connected to Rome, and it was England that God allowed to dominate the world. England was attacked by the Spanish (Romans) in the English Channel. England was greatly out numbered and called for a national day of prayer. The next day a great fog fell on the channel and the English where able to defeat Spain. England gave the world the language to use which was not connected with Rome. The Protestants gave the world the Bible which was not connected to Rome.

The Defeat of the Spanish Armada and its relationship to the SDA Message

There are a number of key counteracting influences that helped prepare the way for the remnant church and the last message of God to the world. One of them being Languages. You may ask what does language have to do with the growth of Adventism in the development of its truths? Going back to the history of the world, we find that Catholic Spain wanted to dominate the world over England, and as a result there was competition between the Spanish and the English language. But God had ordained England to become the center of world power for a time where the English language would then become the dominant language of the expanding world, and for a very important reason. And why was this important?

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Had Spain become the dominant power, the Spanish language would then have been the dominant language, creating a strong link to Catholic dominated Spanish countries in the new world, rather than keep the U.S. more distant from Spanish culture and its religion.And this is what Rome wanted, but God saw fit to rise up England to power, partly because of the forces of the Reformation. England was predominantly protestant and Rome saw that she had to control England if she was going to control the developing world.So Rome instigated Spain to go against England with her mighty Spanish Armada. But the Spanish Armada was defeated miraculously in the English Channel and thereby lost the bid for global dominance. Spain had dominated the colonizing world up to this time (South and Central America mostly) as a result of Columbus’ and other explorer’s discoveries from the late 15th century to the 17th century. But because of the defeat of the Spaniards, England and its language now colonized everywhere, including Africa, America, the S. Pacific, and much of Asia. So now the protestant British Empire became the dominant power rather than the Spanish Catholic Empire. As a result the defeat of the Spanish Armada was very significant in terms of English power, but also in terms of Adventism. If you take a close note in the fact that most Spanish countries are strongly Catholic whereas most English speaking countries are Protestant. Reason being, the Protestant Reformation had given England the Bible in English.They in turn, colonized the world taking English and Protestantism everywhere and wherever English was, Rome was severely limited in power. And God knew that North America could be an excellent place to nurture Adventism only if it was separated from Rome in its language. For the English language provided:

Intellectual distance from Rome, just as Protestantism. It also provides spiritual distance. And because England dominated the world during

this time it kept Rome from limiting the development of the Adventist message. And having an intellectual distance made it possible also for the people to question

things that they could not before. Especially did they question the teachings of Rome.

It was as if God had taken matters into His own hands. The Protestant Bible, from pure source manuscripts had elevated every area of society – and counteracted the work of Rome. But it had also laid the spiritual, political and educational foundation for the Adventist movement. These are some of the reasons why God chose America.

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Nature of Prophecy Daniel and Revelation are the major books of prophecy from which the Seventh-day Adventist church are founded. Revelation – Is not a sealed book,

Rev 22:10 And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.

Blessing comes from the Book of Revelation

Rev 1:3 Blessed [is] he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time [is] at hand.

At both ends of Revelation it is to be opened. We can seal the book by not talking about it or teaching it, we must teach what we know. We are to “Keep It” defend it protect it, we can only do this by understanding it. Daniel is not a sealed book.

Matt 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Flying, Run – preaching, world wide. In every successful religious movement in history there have been three things.

1. Itinerant Preachers – Feet not nailed to the ground. No stagnation. 2. Educational work – Schools, learning. 3. Publishing work – A way in which to get the true out to more people.

Sometimes there is a fourth – it is not always seen, which is health work. The Waldensians were trained in treating the simple remedies. This is what Hartland has. Prophecy has the same effect on our thinking, as seeing what God has done to see believe what God will do. Prophecy gives us a way to filter all the things that happens in the world events. It gives us a balance, and a mentality to think of things and see things the way God does. We can not understand things with our prophecy. Rev 12, 13 gives us the ability to prioritize the events right now. The important thing is not who win the US election it’s, not about that but it is all about Revelation 13. Prophecy gives us the right direction how to look at the events of the world. Like what’s happening with the constitution? What’s happening with Religious Liberty? Prophecy gives us a direction. Seventh-day Adventist is the best situated church in the whole world to look at the world events. Most churches are not looking into prophecy, they are losing their bearings. This affects all their teachings, because they are losing the understanding of Prophecy.

The Rosetta stone Napoleon went to Egypt to conquer but, also to study ancient history. They found the Rosetta stone. (A red stone that was used to copy texts from, like an early printing press.) It authenticated the scriptures, it was a civil document. It was recorded in three languages. It talked about things that were in scripture. William Miller was a Deist (God doesn’t care; He created, but just left us.) For God to use Miller, He needed to have Miller see things different. The Rosetta stone lead to greater interest in the Bible and in Prophecy. Prophecy

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1. Verifies Scripture.

2. Authenticates God Authority.

3. Warns man about the future.

Some people say that the Seventh-day Adventist church comes from a people who were not scholars and didn’t know about archaeology and they are not really world wide. The weak things came and became great, Moses, Jesus, Gideon.

1 Cor 1:26-29 [26] For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, [are called]: [27] But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; [28] And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, [yea], and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: [29] That no flesh should glory in his presence. Jm 2:5-6 [5] Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? [6] But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?

Doctrine or Faith is not to be supported without its foundation in the Word of God. Nor should anything be rejected just because there are just a few that support it. Error is not less error even if it has been around 1400 years. Error is still error. God’s Faithful - All the way down through the history of this world there has always been a faith full people who have lived by the word. God is looking for a remnant people who will be 100% overcome’s and living 100% to the truths in the Word. The Great Controversy began in Heaven and will end in Heaven. We have a very small part but an important part. The Seventh-Day Adventist Church is the successor of the church in the wilderness, because of prophecy we can see our place in that chronology, Daniel 11, 7, Rev. 13, 12, these chapters in scripture put it all into prospective so we can see our place in History. We need to teach people how to be successors to the church in the wilderness. This outline as the Seventh-day Adventist Church being the true church is most clearly seen in Rev 12. Revelation 12 encompasses at least 2,000 years, beginning with the apostolic church, then to the church in the wilderness (Protestantism), and then the remnant church. Now at the end of time we have the fullness of Light which God has revealed from heaven. And this light is what gives us our mission and identity. Why the delay of the Second Coming?

1. To develop the principles of His government in contrast to the principles of Satan’s Governments.

2. To work with societies over a long period of time to develop in the minds of men the understanding of the Great Controversy.

At the time of the end there were many who came to the understanding that the 2300 years are close to their end. People were beginning to proclaim that Christ was to come. Many of these people began to teach this without even knowing each other. This was showing that the Holy Spirit was moving on many people at the same time. The following people all where preaching that Jesus was soon to come at the same time;

William Miller – New York

Archabal Masson – Scotland

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AJ Krupp – Philadelphia

David McGregor - Fall Mouth Maine

Edward Erving – England (Father of the Pentecostal movement)

W E Davis – South Carolina

Joseph Woof – Palestine

Alexander Campel – England

Cpt A Landers – England

Leonard Heinrich Kelber –Germany

Emmanul Lacunza - Spain

Hentzepeter – Holland

Dr Capadose – Amsterdam

Raw – Germany

Henqstenberg – Germany

Studied the book “Seera”, a history book. (Students)- Yemen

In 1821 some Priests in China – Tartary

A number of people on the shores of the Caspian sea (Russia) All these people came to the conclusion that some time in 1843-44 the end of the 2300 days would end.

The Great Awakening in the World

DA 32 When the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son." Providence had directed the movements of nations, and the tide of human impulse and influence, until the world was ripe for the coming of the Deliverer. The nations were united under one government. One language was widely spoken, and was everywhere recognized as the language of literature. From all lands the Jews of the dispersion gathered to Jerusalem to the annual feasts. As these returned to the places of their sojourn, they could spread throughout the world the tidings of the Messiah's coming.

This parallels the time right before Christ’s second coming. One government: You can freely go any part of the world. In 1888, there was no country where missionary couldn’t go. God sent the message to carry throughout the whole world. If that message had been taken, SOP tells us that in two years Jesus would have come. Though the whole world wasn’t under one government, the message of the gospel could go anywhere. In these days, you can go almost any country you want. One language: English is widely used in our globe. Jews returning to different parts of the world: Communication. Internet, Radio, satellite, TV. The world right now is very similar to the conditions that existed in the first coming of Jesus.

DA 32 At this time the systems of heathenism were losing their hold upon the people. Men were weary of pageant and fable. They longed for a religion that could satisfy the heart. While the light of truth seemed to have departed from among men, there were souls who were looking for light, and who were filled with perplexity and sorrow. They were thirsting for a knowledge of the

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living God, for some assurance of a life beyond the grave.

There was a spiritual movement in the minds of the people. Lead people to study the prophecies. 1820-1840. Leaders George Wittfieads, Charles Finny, Josphe Wolf, D.L Moddy, Wesleys. (Especial in VA, and NC). Adventism and a major advantage. Because of the platform of which God had laid. There was a great increase in the infrastructure of the USA. It made the USA a forward and moving nation. People were happy, but the saw they needed a spiritual increases as well. In this kind of environment, there were many principles that gave Seventh-day Adventist a good start. Now they had newspapers every day which allowed for information being spared fast. Anytime you have opposition you have publicity for Gods course.

Jesus’ work since 1844 and its significance Before entering upon the subject of Christ’s ministry in the heavenly sanctuary since 1844, let’s take a brief look into the work of the priests in the earthly sanctuary to better understand the work of redemption. The earthly sanctuary consisted of two divisions; the holy place where the priests ministered daily,

Heb 9:2, 6 [2] For there was a tabernacle made; the first, where in was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. [6] Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God.

and the most holy place where once a year the high priest would perform the special work of the cleansing of the sanctuary.

Heb 9:3-5, 7-8 [3]And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; [4]Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, where in was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; [5]And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we can not now speak particularly... [7]But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people: [8]The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing:

Day by day the work of the priests in the holy place included the repentant sinner bringing his offering to the door of the tabernacle, placing his hand on the victim’s head and confessing his sins, thus symbolizing the transferring of the sins to the innocent sacrifice. Then the sinner would slay the animal, why? Because Leviticus 17:11 says, “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” And Hebrews 9:22 says, “Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.” And the law demands the life of those who transgresses the law according to Romans 6:23 “The wages of sin is death”. Next, the priest carries the blood representing the forfeited life of the sinner, whose guilt the innocent victim bore, into the holy place and sprinkles it before the veil. Thus, this would be the work of the priests daily, in transferring the sins of Israel into the sanctuary. Then there is the work of the High priest that took place only once a year, on the great Day of Atonement, to cleanse the sanctuary, “because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions in all their sins…” Leviticus 16:16, 19. Therefore on this day, two kid goats were brought forth; one for the Lord and the other for the people. The Lord’s goat would be slain, and his blood would be brought into the most holy place and sprinkled upon the mercy seat and before the mercy seat and also upon the altar of incense. And the people’s goat would be led out into the wilderness to perish with all the sins of the people laid upon his head. Now, the ministration of the priest throughout the year in the holy place represents the work of ministration upon which Christ entered at His ascension. As the priests presented before God

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the blood of the sin offering and the prayers of Israel, so did Christ plead His blood before the Father in behalf of sinners with His own righteousness and the prayers of the saints; such was the work in the first apartment of the heavenly sanctuary, and this went on for 18 centuries. Then there is the work of atonement, which began when the 2300 days ended as foretold by the prophet Daniel, in the actual cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary by the removal or blotting out of sins, which are recorded. But before this can be accomplished, the books of record must be examined to determine who, through repentance of sin and faith in Christ, are entitled to the benefits of His atonement. Therefore the cleansing of the sanctuary involves a work of investigation---a work of judgment, and this is why it is of such significance for us today. When Christ shall come a second time, He is coming to receive to Himself a “glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.” [Ephesians 5:27] The people of God living on earth are to stand in the sight of a holy God without a mediator when Christ would have stepped out from between God and man. And we are then to have our robes spotless; characters purified from sin and with diligent effort with the enabling grace of God, are conquerors over evil. Therefore, while the investigative judgment is going on in heaven, there needs to be a special work done among God’s people on earth in purifying themselves and putting away of sin; which is clearly stated in Revelation 14:4, 5 For the Almighty God says, “Who may abide the day of His coming? And who shall stand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap…” Malachi 3:2, 3. Only those as in the parable, when the bridegroom came, “they that were ready went in with him to the marriage.” Matthew 25:10. So it is, when the work of purifying the character shall have been accomplished, the followers of Christ will be ready for His appearing.

The Time of the End The Book of Daniel is one of the most important books in the Bible to the Seventh-day Adventist church.

Dan 12:4 but thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

When is the “time of the end?”

Dan 11:28-35 [28] Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land. [29] At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. [30] For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. [31] And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate. [32] And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. [33] And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. [34] Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. [35] And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.

There were conflicts between the church in the wilderness, and the papacy. History is only important when it affects Gods church. 1798 was the beginning of the time of the end with the fall of the papacy by General Berthier. The French Revolution happened at the end of the 17th

Century. This played an important part in the development of the USA. They saw what happened when France rejected the bible. They saw that this lead to chaos. This lead to another response in the USA, which encouraged even more studying of the Bible. Always remember that we have a hundred and sixty-six years of history. Let’s read a couple of quotes that teach us the philosophy behind studying Adventist history. The first we are very familiar with.

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LS 196 We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history.

So we want to remember the way that God has led, and to go over those teachings that we have learn in the past, and we don’t want to forget them. The next quote has Ellen G White writing to A.G. Daniels in 1903

PM 175 Past Experiences Prepare for Future.--Again and again I have been shown that the past experiences of God's people are not to be counted as dead facts. We are not to treat the record of these experiences as we would treat a last year's almanac.

So we remember this as we study. We have a living history, and we are a part of this history and are making history each day.

PM 175 The record is to be kept in mind, for history will repeat itself. The darkness of the mysteries of the night is to be illuminated with the light of heaven. . . .

So we are going to study with an eye towards the future and we are going to want to learn the lessons so we can put them into practice. First we look into the Great Advent Awakening, the Seventh month movement or the Midnight Cry. Then we will cover Present truth, the development of the truth that the Adventist church holds now, many of them are not distinctive, with a special emphasis on the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and the Spirit of Prophecy. Later we will discuss “Almost to Canaan,” where we will discuss the times that Jesus could have come, the close calls, the three major times that He could have come. The last time was 1888, and that is so important so we will discuss that in further detail in the 1888 General Conference. Then we will discuss the health message and include in that chapter a talk about Kellogg and Battle Creek Sanitarium. Then we will discuss education and Madison College. Then we will discuss the recent Adventist history, in the 1950s when Walter Martin approached the Adventist church with questions about our doctrines, after that we will discuss what happened in the 70s and the 80s, what happened with Desmond Ford, and finally we are going to end with current events in Adventism. Let’s start with a little bit of historical context, because there was a lot was going on in the late 1700s and early 1800. Some of those things helped to bring about the Advent movement. In the United States around the time of William Miller there was a tremendous amount of religious freedom, and this is very important because if you think about it, there were scholars and lay people all over the world who were studying the second coming and the other prophecies. One of the reasons they were studying the Bible was because of the French Revolution, which renewed the interest in the 1260 year prophecy. They believed that that was the fulfillment of prophecy. Question: why didn’t the Advent Movement begin in Europe? One of the reasons is because Europe didn’t have religious freedom. In Europe you had a state religion that was pretty much in control of the way things were going to be, and they dominated the religious landscape. However in America there was religious freedom, everyone had the opportunity to choose which denomination they would choose, and what there beliefs would be. So in America there were a lot of Protestant denominations, a religious plurality, no denominate religion. Thus the atmosphere was provided so that people could study the Bible freely. So if you think about it, the establishment of the United States and especially its Constitution that guarantees freedom of religion and separation from church and state was critical for Adventism to begin. Another important part of this time period was the development of a lot of isms, let’s just go through a few. Humanism which basically came from the age of enlightenment, where reason and rational thought was people’s way of finding truth. This led to the idea that humans could define truth that they could develop and think for themselves. This concept of humanism led to Deism, that idea that God is a very distant God, that God started things off and left. This rejected

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the truth of a personal God, divine revelation through Scripture, and so Deism was a way of using rational thought to coming to the truth. Can you think of any other isms that came about during the 1700s or 1800s? Spiritualism was a big part of what was happening then. Spiritualism actually started in 1844, and continued to grow throughout the beginnings of Adventism and on. How about Mormonism? Mormonism actually begin in 1833, right around the time that Adventism started. Marxism, Darwinism, the origin of species, started around the time of 1840. We can’t go through all of them but we will mention a few others. There was feminism that started and other things such as the Temperance movement, the Anti-Slavery movement, Prohibition, these things started around that time of the 1800s, a lot of reform. They were mostly based on Humanism, the idea that humans could influence society by their actions. This is also reflected in the churches. There was a renewed emphasis on missionary activity, on the westward expansions, as Americans went west. A lot of Bible societies also started at this time, so there was a lot of religious interest. A lot of this has to deal with a concept called Post-Millenniumism, the idea that Jesus was going to come at the end of the millennium, after 1,000 years of prosperity. They thought that because of the industrial revolution, prosperity would come, the whole world might converted and then Jesus would come. It was through the prophecies and William Miller that the idea of Pre-Mellenniumism, became popular.

William Miller The story of the Millerite movement begins with William Miller. Let’s discuss William Millers life. William Miller was born in 1782 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and he was part of a farming system. Miller’s father was a farmer, and William was the oldest of sixteen children. Since William Miller was a boy he was known as being studious even though he only went to school perhaps two or three months out of the year, because the rest of the time he had to work on the farm. William learned to read and would go to wealthy neighbors, and borrow books, because his family was too poor to own them. William would read them at night by the fire, when everyone was asleep. This is where William received his education, and grew his love for history, he was self-taught. When William was twenty one he moved to Vermont, because he met a girl there and married. While he was there he began to go to the public library of that town. While he was there he meet some Deist. These ideas were new to William Miller and he was eventually influenced by the Deist. We have seen this trend before. A child is raised with good principles by going to church but because of the influences they are surrounded with they go astray. This is why we must have a personal relationship with Jesus so that we aren’t led astray, that’s what happened to William Miller. He converted to Deism and he renounced his Christian faith, around this time the war of 1812 broke out, and William Miller was a lieutenant but rose to the rank of captain during the war. It was during the war that William Miller began to have doubts about Deism. Miller went into the war thinking that it could bring the best out in man, because of what He called love of country or patriotism; he thought was a redeeming quality of mankind. However through the war William saw a different side of mankind, and it begin to disillusion Him. It wasn’t until the battle of Plattsburg in the war of 1812 that William Miller begin to believe in God again. Now the battle of Plattsburg was the decisive American victory in the war of 1812. Basically what happened is that the British army and navy tried to invade the United States from Canada, and even though the Americans were outnumbered almost three to one, somehow some way, the Americans won the decisive victory and contributed to the end of the war of 1812. The victory seemed so unlikely, William Miller truly believed that this was the work of God. When Miller came back after the war and started going to the Baptist church of his home town. Miller’s uncle would sometimes preach but when a minister was not able to preach a deacon, would read a printed sermon. Miller didn’t go those Sundays until the church asked him to read those printed sermons. It was one Sunday that he was reading a printed sermon on Isaiah 53, as

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he read about our Savior and how He was a treated. He couldn’t finish reading the sermon, this was the beginning of his new Christian experience. This teaches us of the importance of recognizing that God sent His only begotten Son to this earth to die for people who would reject Him, this is what William Miller went through. Thus Miller begin to study his Bible, he begin in the book of Genesis, and study until he was able to explain it to his satisfaction. He went on verse by verse using only a Bible and a concordance, a Cruden concordance. As Miller studied he developed some rules to help him study the Bible. These rules were so well know that they were published and became Millers rule’s of Bible interpretation. Let’s discuss a couple of them; they are great rules for studying the Bible even to this day. There were thirteen of them.

1. The Bible must be its own interpreter (if you come to the Bible with your own ideas its easy to turn it to the way you want it to be). William Miller believed in Sola Scriptura, that the Bible should be used is its own guide.

2. Miller believed in word studies which consisted of looking up a word and all its references in a concordance, then and only then could you come to a true understanding of what a word means in its context.

3. Things in scripture should be taken literally unless there is a obvious symbolic meaning. If it couldn’t be taken literally, then Miller would look at the figurative language, Miller especially applied this to prophecy.

4. This was number 13, no matter what you have to come to the Bible in faith, this was Miller’s most important rule, you had to have faith that it was the Word of God, you couldn’t come to it and cling to your own desires but had to submit it to the authority of scripture.

These are things we can do today even when we study. Miller studied for two years going through the Bible and he got to Daniel, specifically Daniel 8:14, a very important verse. This verse is very important for Adventist.

Dan 8:14 And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

As we said already, the world was already interested in prophecy and especially the 1,260 day prophecy, and they realized that it had culminated in the French Revolution. They then turned to the other bigger time prophecy in the Bible which is the 2,300 day prophecy. Miller understood the day for year principle, as he studied the Word of God. He used a couple of verses.

Num 14:34 After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise. Ezek 4:6 And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.

And the 70 years prophecy, these all establish the day for year principle which was applied to the 2,300 day prophecy. Miller thought that the sanctuary would be the earth, God’s people being the sanctuary, and that God’s cleansing was the purifying of the earth by fire, and so Miller applied that to the second coming. So Miller established the time, he knew that the Second Advent was near. Miller came to this conclusion in 1818, just 2 years after he had been studying his Bible. However Miller didn’t begin preaching this until 1831, thirteen years later. Why was that? One reason is because William Miller wanted to be sure that he was right, this was such an important announcement that he didn’t want to lead anyone astray and he felt that responsibility, so he studied for five more years, to really make sure that everything made sense, after 5 years Miller was even more sure. Miller begin to have an impression that he needed to tell it to the world, but he still didn’t he told that Lord that he was not a good public speaker, that he would be able to preach the message. Therefore Miller waited, telling only a

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couple of friends and a few local people, but there didn’t seem like much interest, so he kept studying and kept it to himself. At some point Miller begin to preach, it’s a very interesting story. It was August of 1831, Miller was in his study, and sometime after breakfast he again received the impression to go and tell it to the world but this time the conviction came upon so strongly, that it overwhelmed him, so he dropped to his knees and begin to pray and promised God “If I should have an invitation to speak publically in any place I will go and tell them what I find in the Bible about the Lord’s coming” now William Miller had felt very confident. He had never been asked to speak publically in his whole life and he also knew that no one knew about this promise he had made with God, so he felt pretty sure that he would never get an invitation and definitely not that day. Interestingly enough a messenger was already on his way as William Miller was praying, with an invitation for him to speaking specifically on the Second Advent with a group in nearby Dresden, because the minister was not able to speak and so they had sent a messenger to ask him if he could share and this messenger had been sent even before William Miller had made that promise to God. They knew that Miller had been studying that. You can just imagine God smiling as he heard Miller’s prayer that the answer was already on the way. Well William Miller was a man of his word and he went to Dresden and he held that meeting. Once he started speaking, he totally lost himself in the discourse, and just begin to preach and it made such a impression on the people there that they asked him to stay the whole week and do a series of lectures for them and as he preached more and more people came and it turned into a revival. They say of the thirteen families that attended of course the families were large in those days; all of the families except two people were converted. This was a conformation to William Miller the effect and of God’s blessing on His message. After this invitations increased and William Miller begin to preach all over the local area. William Miller himself said that between 1842 and March of 1844, the latter part of the great revival, he gave 3,200 lectures in a little over two years, and of course he wasn’t the only speaker, that was going about speaking and lecturing on the Second Advent so you can imagine the demand and the amount of lectures he was actually giving. Well the story doesn’t end there, at that point William Miller was only speaking in the local area, but the message had not been taken to the main cities yet. This is where Joshua Himes comes in. Himes was a Pastor of the Chardonstreet Chapel in Boston. He helped start the New England antislavery society with William Lloyd Garrison. Himes was a very prominent reformer who had heard of Miller’s lectures and invited him to come speak in Boston. While Miller was in Boston giving the lectures, Himes was convinced that the message should be given to the cities of the world. Himes then asked Miller why he wasn’t spreading the message and preaching in the larger cities. Miller said because he wasn’t invited to them, so Himes decided to help produce publications to proclaim the message of Miller. Himes published Signs of the Times, in the same newspaper that was used to publish Anti Slavery magazines. Later this became the Advent Herald. It became a practice that they would produce newspapers in whatever city they went to, for example the Midnight Cry in New York, and then they would give weekly issues to those interested. There was a Second Advent library that could be loaned to friends. They would take the 1843 chart, put it on a half sheet of stationary, so you could right the letter also and promote the Advent Message. Lots of tracts were made; Himes said that by 1844 that had distributed approximately 5 million tracts. Now let’s discuss the General Conferences that they had. The first was in August 1840, the purpose was to bring the leaders of the Advent movement together. William Miller was not able to attend because he was sick, so he was not a part of it. However it was such a success that 15 more were held in the next 3 years. There were local conferences that were held, about 120 in less than 3 years. It kind of reminds me of Generation of Youth for Christ, in which you had a small group of people come together, and now there are many local youth conferences annually. The Advent movement really was a movement; this is what we are seeing. GYC is really a movement in the Adventist church. They also had camp meeting, the first was in June of 1842, a month after the sixth General Conference session. It was in New Hampshire and is estimated that over 10,000 people attended at some point that the

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first camp meeting. It was so successful that they planned to have three different camp meetings throughout that summer. They ended up having thirty one camp meetings in that one summer. The next summer they had fort, and the summer after that they had fifty four, on top of that the 120 local conferences and other meetings. The meetings were so large that they had to commission “the great tent” it was 120 feet over 50 feet tall and could fit 4,000 comfortably, and 2,000 in the aisles, so a total of about 6,000. An Advent believer put it together. You could imagine that the urgency was so great when you believe that the Second Coming is so imminent that the huge tent was built in one month. It is estimated that about 500,000 attended the camp meetings during those 3 years. Have you ever wondered how it would be to live in those times? The truth is that we are living in those times. The question is what would you have been during that time? Would you be ministering to your family and your friends? Do we have that spirit as we are convicted as much as they were; perhaps you have been like William Miller or perhaps have been timid. Don’t be afraid to share what you have learned. Maybe you are Joshua Himes, think about where you stand. As we continue remember that just the way the Holy Spirit was poured out among them, will we see the Spirit poured it in a similar way very soon. Now is the time to get ready.

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Origins in Prophecy The prophet Amos, was raised up to give a message of judgment to the nations of the world. Among them were Damascus, Edom, Tyrus and Gaza. One can imagine that Amos's Israelite hearers were very pleased with him up to this point (2:5). He was reinforcing exactly what they believed: God was going to judge the neighboring countries. But the last, and by far the longest, description of judgment is addressed to Israel. Amos details Israel's sins, ranging from oppression of the poor, the flagrant injustice, the luxury and extravagance, to the feasting and drunkenness. Amos was from Judah but had a message of judgment for Israel also.

Amos 3:1-2 [1] Hear this word that the LORD hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, [2] You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.

Against the whole family. They had more light, therefore their guilt is greater is what he is saying. Israel you are the only nation that I have known, connected, now you will be punished because you have had so much light.

Amos 3:6-7 [6] Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it? [7] Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

Contextually the interpretation is that anytime God is going to bring judgment, I will reveal it to my prophets. This is seen in the book of Daniel but especially in the book of Acts.

Acts 10:42 And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.

PO: This is a new concept that has not been previously mentioned in the book of Acts. In chapters 2, 3, 6 and 7 you have the sanctuary concept, but now you have the concept of judgment. Now previous in Acts Peter has discussed repentance, conversion, remissions of sins. We gain the idea that to some degree God is taking record of the sins that are committed.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; Acts 3:26 Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. Acts 5:31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.

Acts 8:22 Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.

Our sins are being kept on record, and God wants to blot them out. Where did the blotting of sins take place in the sanctuary service? In the sanctuary. What does that tell you about the judgment?

Acts 2:25, 33-34 [25] For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: [33] Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. [34] For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

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Acts 5:31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. Acts 7:55-56 [55] But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, [56] And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

The judgment takes place in the sanctuary. Now from this point on this doctrine will be expounded on. Notice it is connected to the state of the dead, which is also connected to the resurrection. That is why later Paul mentions that the dead will rise. God the Father ordained Him to be the judge of the quick and the dead. PO: Peter will expound upon this in his 1st Epistle. Acts chapter 10 establishes the groundwork for Peter's epistle. Don't miss this. These people where chosen to be the witnesses of the judgment hour message that was to go to the world, starting with the Early Apostolic church and ending with the Remnant the Seventh-day Adventist. After he talks about the judgment, he mentions remission of sins. Where else did we see this? Chapter 3 What does that tell you about the judgment? In order for you to pass you must receive the remission of sins. What does that mean? remission of the penalty. This is the same as justification. Ellen White says Pardon and Justification are one and the same.

So what is atleast one thing that the investigative judgment is about? Choosing who will receive remissions of sins. How receive remission of sins? By believing in Jesus, the judge. What does it mean to believe in Jesus? By comparing scripture with scripture (Acts 2:28; Acts 3:19, 16; Acts 10:43), to believe in Jesus is to repent.

Acts 17:31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

Paul connects the resurrection of Jesus to the judgment. The resurrection of Jesus is proof that the judgment will come. The word because draws a connection, the condition for the judgment is repentance in verse 30. However the repentance is for present day not just for the future event. Showing that a day would come when He would judge everyone out of His temple. So Paul is telling us of a future event, what is that? judgment. Where would it take place? In His temple, which one? The first? NO! Why? Because Paul realized, which temple He was in. He was in the Holy Place. Heb 9:12 He says he entered into the Holy Place 9:25 "holy place every year" which one is that? The Most Holy Place. Paul knew exactly where Christ was. Where was he getting this from? Dan 7:9-10, 13-14. In Acts 24:25 speaking of Felix he said the judgment TO come.

Acts 24:25 And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee.

(PO: We are seeing an amplification of the themes that have been repeated in Acts. Repentance, conversion, righteousness, judgment, blotting out of sins. (Study out the connection between temperance and the previous chapters in Acts.) Continuing in the book of Amos.

Amos 3:15 And I will smite the winter house with the summer house; and the houses of ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall have an end, saith the LORD.

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The rich people are usually the ones who have both a winter house and summer house. Ahab built an house of ivory. He is saying even the kings will not get away.

Amos 4:12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.

This is not good. He is saying you need to get ready, the judgment day is coming, the end is coming. Get ready.

Amos 7:11-12, 14 [11] For thus Amos saith, Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel shall surely be led away captive out of their own land. [12] Also Amaziah said unto Amos, O thou seer, go, flee thee away into the land of Judah, and there eat bread, and prophesy there: [14] ¶ Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit:

Amos is from Judah. Amaziah is saying to Amos go back to your own country and make a living there by prophesying to make money and eat bread. He is implying that I was not in the school of prophets. I am really a nobody. I was not being trained to do a special work for God. I was out farming. (*PO Amos never claimed to be a prophet). It’s interesting that God raised up a farmer, a gather of scyomomore fruit to deliver a message of judgment to Israel. I wonder if William Miller knew about this when he was preaching about the Second Advent. God used William Miller, a farmer to deliver a message of judgment to the world.

A Chosen Vessel Let’s review. William Miller was a Captain in the 1812 war – During this experience he was being trained for leadership. God has a long range plan for our lives. Sometimes God allows big things to happen to allow little things to happen in people’s minds. God allowed a war to take place between the USA and the UK to allow William Miller to experience a miracle. This then changes Millers way of thinking. During this war Champlain to form a foundation for the Seventh-day Adventist church. The USA was much weaker then the UK, but those that are weaker often have more to lose then those who are strong, they have more to fight for so they fight harder, they have much more at risk. God allows big things to happen to accomplish things for His prophecy. Miller sees a bomb explode and still lives, he sees a true miracle. And this gave him and experience.God goes through expensive mauves to accomplish small things. The things going on right now, are preparing for the Latter Rain. It’s laying the ground work for the most powerful impact. We can look back and see how these everyday events have played a role in the close of history. After the death of His father Miller went back to study the Bible. As he studied the bible, the first thing he found was a Savior. Then he found all the OT prophecies of Jesus, this made him interested in prophecy. So he thought that the prophecy in the NT would be true as well. So he began to study the prophecy. He had questions and people with questions are looking for a helm to guide them. The Seventh-day Adventist church has the best helm because it is busied on prophecy. And this is what Miller was building his faith in. He used the Bible and his “Analytic Concordance” He came to Daniel chapter 9.

Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

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As he studied this he found that this was soon to end. (Johann Petri 1768) was the first time someone connected 70 weeks and 2300 days to the same starting date. He found the day for a year principle, (he was not the first) this gave him the end of the 2300 years being 1843-1844.If we don’t understand the day for a year principle, you don’t get the Antichrist, and the Atonement. (Francises Ribera - 1585 Finished the view, 1590 the Catholic‘s accepted it). The other beasts in Daniel 8 are explained in Daniel 9. Things are not all together because Christ was protecting His truth.

Dan 9:21-23 [21] Yea, whiles I [was] speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation. [22] And he informed [me], and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding. [23] At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to show [thee]; for thou [art] greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.

The angel in chapter 9 explains chapter 8. And this is where Miller began interested in Prophecy. Miller was very strong in history. Prophecy and history go hand in hand they are connected. Miller when he had learned these things, he had the impression that he has to share what he has learned. So he says to God, if you want me to teach you have to invite me. He prayed a prayer, and after he finished his nephew knocks on the door, who had just walked 16 miles to ask him to speak on what he had been studying. This was around 1831. Miller published a book to try and stopped all the travelling, but this brought more interest. Synigue the effect is greater then the sum of the parts. (2 + 2 = 5) Expediential grow. Just a few years before Miller was about to preach, the conclusion of the great awaking had come, and it was this that gave Miller the opportunity to preach because the people were ready for prophecy. This was the movement that created the support for the Seventh-day Adventist church. In 1842 bought the biggest tent every made in the United States of America which held 4000 people for Gods preaching. Joshua Hines joins William Miller – He became the first Adventist publisher. And this is what rocketed the Seventh-day Adventist movement into history. He also opened a lot of churches for Miller to preach, and one of the places was Maine, where the Harmon’s lived where he meet Ellen Harmon. Fitch was the one who suggested they should make prophecy charts. With the help of Apollos Hael, Fitch made the charts. Here they meet White. This was the “Christian Connection” church. 15000 people attended his meeting in Philadelphia. At first they taught Jesus Christ would come March 21, 1844 – because of the time of Christ death. They were disappointed, but they drew courage from Habakkuk 2:3.

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The Midnight Cry Last chapter we studied about the Great Advent Awakening and got up to about 1840 and the Miller Movement. In this chapter we will discuss a couple of key issues that happened in the Millerite Movement from the time period of the 1840s, the first and second angels messages as they came into the Millerite Movement, we are going to the Midnight cry, what was it, and what was the purpose of it, the Great Disappointment, the big picture and look at what is the significance prophetically of the Midnight Cry the Great Disappointment and us as God’s people today. Last chapter we saw that there was an Awakening and studying of God’s prophecies and the Millerite Movement really in the United States filled in the gap and of course all over the world there were people studying these prophecies as well. William Miller was the key person who studied these prophecies, he was a simple farmer, and yet he studied the Bibles hours a day. It’s a simple rebuke to us who don’t think we can learn about the Bible, we must study as William Miller studied and we will be taught by God as he was. When we get into the fulfillment of prophecy with the Millerite movement. William Miller begin preaching

Rev 14:6-7 [6] And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, [7] Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

At the very beginning of his preaching and he believed that the first angels message was being fulfilled through his preaching. Indeed it was, now the reason why is because the first angels message announcing the hour of God’s judgment is Revelation’s description of the fulfillment of the 2,300 days and William Millers cornerstone preaching was about the 2,300 day prophecy, so William Miller’s preaching was a fulfillment of Revelation 14:6-7 and the Millerites understood that, now there was as specific fulfillment of Bible prophecy that gave extra power to the first angel’s message, and that was the fulfillment of the sixth trumpet on August 11, 1840. In Revelation 9 you see the time prophecy of one hour, one day, one month, one year, which is 391 years and 15 days literally, and Josiah Litch was able to correctly calculate this. Two years before, Josiah Litch, one of the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9, predicting the fall of the Ottoman Empire. According to his calculations, this power was to be overthrown "in A.D. 1840, sometime in the month of August;" and only a few days previous to its accomplishment he wrote:

GC 334 Allowing the first period, 150 years, to have been exactly fulfilled before Deacozes ascended the throne by permission of the Turks, and that the 391 years, fifteen days, commenced at the close of the first period, it will end on the 11th of August, 1840, when the Ottoman power in Constantinople may be expected to be broken. And this, I believe, will be found to be the case."--Josiah Litch, in Signs of the Times, and Expositor of Prophecy, Aug. 1, 1840.

GC 335 At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe, and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction. (See Appendix.) When it became known, multitudes were convinced of the correctness of the principles of prophetic interpretation adopted by Miller and his associates, and a wonderful impetus was given to the advent movement. Men of learning and position united with Miller, both in preaching and in publishing his views, and from 1840 to 1844 the work rapidly extended.

Ellen White says that what happened on August 11, 1840, was the event that exactly fulfilled the prediction of the 391 years and 15 days prophecy. Why is that significant? Its because Josiah Litch was using the principle of prophetic interpretation that had been developed by William

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Miller. Now if you follow any kind of logic, if you see a fufilment of Bible prophecy to the very day, 391 years and 15 days that says it will be fulfilled on this day and then you realize that that prophecy is not even the cornerstone prophecy that the Millerites are preaching about. The cornerstone prophecy was 2,300 days and that’s just three or four years away, you may say to yourself this prophecy just got fulfilled exactly so they know what they are taking about so the 2,300 days is most likely going to come to past right around the time they are predicting it as well. SO what happens is that from 1840 to 1844, there is an extra power as Ellen White mentioned. The fulfillment of that prophecy gave extra power to the first angels message so now you have the first angels message going forth with power, not only is William Miller preaching it with power but so is Josiah Litch, Joshua Himes, Charles Fitch, and many other Millerite preachers. So it was a significant event in the development of the Millerite movement this was August 11, 1840.

Natural Events – Along with the fulfillment of this prophecy which brought much interest in the movement some of the events that took place were; Stars fell, Moon turned to blood, Sun turned to black, and the Great earthquake.

Last chapter we discussed Josiah Litch assisting in the publishing work. The fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 9 was around the time that Litch begin to help Miller so you can imagine with what power the message was going out. Now this preaching that Miller had been doing in small towns throughout the Northeast begins to spread a lot. The first nine years people knew but it didn’t go to far, not all of a sudden its exploding to the north east, and is coinciding with people like Joseph Wolf and other people around the world who were preaching the very same thing, now lets put this in a practical context.

You will remember that when William Miller studied for himself he was not only discovering intellectual truths like Jesus coming in 1843, but he found in Jesus as what he describes as his best and dearest friend. So if you put it together Miller was excited because his best friend was coming back, and he wouldn’t have to be on earth anymore. If we wonder why are preaching of the second coming lacks power is because for too many of us we have roots on this earth, Jesus is not dear to us. That’s one of the reasons why the Millerite movement had so much power. Miller had predicted that by the end of March of1844, Miller expected that Jesus would come back. This is what was known as the first or early Disappointment. Miller got kind of confused, and the Millerite movement went through what was called the delay and weren’t sure what happened but they still had not given up there faith because the time period was given to be around March of 1844 so they didn’t really have a set day to hang there hats on, it was just a general time period. So after the first disappointment it was a disappointment but it caused them to go back and studied to see if there was something they should have taken in to consideration, by no means did the Millerites give up, some people did, but the majority of the Millerites hung on to their treasured and cherished hope that Jesus would be coming in that time frame very soon, now at the same time and we can read about it in the GC 389. In the summer of 1844 the Protestants started kicking Millerites out of their churches, saying we don’t want to preaching about the literal second coming in our churches. The question is why did the Protestants not want the Millerites to preach about the literal second coming, because if you are a Christian church and profess Christ as our Savior and that He is coming again, why wouldn’t you want a group to preach that Jesus is coming soon. Here is the issue, most Protestants had accepted the teaching that Jesus would come after the 1,000 years of peace and prosperity here on this earth and during that 1,000 years the whole world would be converted to Christianity and then Jesus would come after the 1,000 years. Here is the interesting thing these theologians also believed that the 2,300 day prophecy would be fulfilled around 1843, 1844, or 1866, so they didn’t disagree at least many of them didn’t disagree with Miller day for year principle, but there interpretation was after 2,300 days, they would have a 1,000 year period of peace and prosperity, but clearly they were wrong. They can

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criticize that Miller was wrong but so were they, they wanted prosperity and peace but not the Second coming of Jesus, therefore they kicked those out who were promoting the idea. Some people take the day for year principle and said if you take the day for year principle there would be 360,000 years before Jesus came. So when the Protestant churches kicked the Millerites out, this was a fulfillment of prophecy that the daughter churches of the papacy also known as the harlot, who rejected the preaching of the coming of Christ became a part of Babylon as well, that was the summer of 1844, Ellen White talked about this. Charles Fitch was first Millerite preacher to teach that Protestant churches consisted of Babylon in addition to the papacy. For centuries most of the Protestants had taught that the Papacy was Babylon but now the churches that didn’t want to see Jesus come became a part of Babylon because they rejected the first angel’s message then the second angel’s message comes in its order and we have Millerites coming out of churches and forming their own group, they were known as the Millerites. This prepared the way for the sounding of the Midnight Cry, and if you study the parable of the Bridegroom. Ellen White says

RH August 19, 1890 This parable has been and will be fulfilled to the very letter.

How was this so? When you read Matthew 25, a group of people is going forth to meet the Bridegroom which suggest that you have a group of people looking for Jesus to come a Second time, and it talks about wise and foolish, and at midnight a cry was made.

Matt 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

Its interesting that 1844, James White has written an excellent article showing how the Millerite movement/Seven month movement fulfilled this parable in Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, June 9, 1851. Ellen White also agrees with this in the GC, the first angel angels message was fulfilled in the parable as everyone went to meet the Bridegroom the Disappointment is fulfilled as all the virgins went to sleep and then the midnight cry wakes everyone up. Now lets discuss the Midnight cry. After the early Disappointment in the spring of 1844 the Millerite movement fell asleep and don’t exactly know what’s going on why Jesus didn’t come. God used a man by the name of Samuel S. Snow we can read about this in Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Vol. IV, pp. 811,812 for midnight cry which has the story of Samuel S. Snow preaching; talks about type and antitype with fulfillment of spring festivals; a) Passover Friday by Jesus dieing b) Wave Sheaf-Jesus Resurrection (Heb 1:5) c) Pentecost – Early Rain was poured out on the very day. ; then the logic would follow that the end of 2300 days on DA, Jesus would come out of MHP on Day of Atonement. According to Karaite Jew calendar; Day of Atonement = Oct. 22, 1844. Snow’s views were published in The True Midnight Cry, August 22, 1844. Up into that time the Millerites thought that the preaching of the Second Coming of Christ was the midnight cry, then after Samuel Snow’s message said, no this was the true midnight cry. What was this true midnight cry? Samuel Snow, was able to set the date for October 22, how did he do this? If you read his arguments, which are clearly led by God, you will see his logic. His line of reasoning brought them to a startling conclusion. Samuel Snow is given this explanation on August 12, 1844. What’s interesting is that he had given the message earlier just 1 month before. What’s the significance of that? In the Jewish calendar, the Jewish new year begin in April, a full day includes half day and half night and so half of the day is night time and half is day time. If you say 1 day equals on year, then half of a day would equal six months, and midnight is halfway through the night, so then Midnight would be three months into the night time, it didn’t gain force until August of 1844, but its very interesting. The words on everyone’s lips as they left the camp meeting: “Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him.” While Joseph Bates was giving a talk, that wasn’t going anywhere Samuel S. Snow comes with

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new light, and Joseph Bates sits down. There were fanatics at the meeting and several thousand people, some people were in disarray, but after the message was given of the midnight cry it was almost like a hushed silence, an awesome conviction came upon all. Jesus Christ was coming in 2 months and 10 days and I ready to meet Him? It was real it wasn’t like that’s an interesting argument, it was conclude that that was the message, the clearest argument that they had seen. The word on everyone’s lips was Behold the Bridegroom, go ye out to meet Him. This was the fulfillment of the midnight cry. It was the clearest argument that they had seen. The message was given Aug. 12-17 through Oct. 22, 1844. This is also known as the Seventh Month movement or the Midnight Cry, because the seventh month was October and it was the 22 day of the seventh month that happened to be the day of atonement. Historians, described it as this experience hit the 2nd Advent Movement like a tornado, and the message of October 22, stormed across the United States, everyone who accepted the message was going around telling their friends that Jesus was coming soon. It wasn’t just the simple way we experience life but they counted down, making use of their resources and their time in everything they did to the proclamation of Jesus coming in October 22, 1844. The people who accepted that message, they were real, they were waiting to see Jesus their nearest friend, they had their hearts ready. Ellen White said.

GC 401 Of all the great religious movements since the days of the apostles, none have been more free from human imperfection and the wiles of Satan than was that of the autumn of 1844 (Midnight Cry). Even now, after the lapse of many years, all who shared in that movement and who have stood firm upon the platform of truth still feel that holy influence of that blessed work and bear witness that it was of God.

Ask yourself what side would you have been on if you were alive on August 12, 1844? What would you have done. We need to be so closely connected with God that when the Holy Spirit moves, we move with the Holy Spirit, we aren’t stuck in the back seats doubting, we must test fanaticism by the Bible but must be willing to be led by God. The reason I say this is because the proper understanding of the Midnight Cry is crucial to our experience as Seventh-day Adventist, you may say but that happened before 1844, before the truth of the Sabbath came into existence, these were Sunday keepers. Hold this thought in your mind, we will come back to it. Just remember the midnight Cry is crucial to our understanding as Seventh- day Adventist. The Midnight Cry produced a genuine heartfelt experience that Jesus was coming on October 22, 1844. What’s interesting is that Joshua Himes and William Miller, the leaders of the movement, didn’t accept the date until two or three weeks before October 22, but at the same time you have to appreciate the things that these men had done for the movement. They were later to accept the message then Joseph Bates, James White, Ellen White, Hiram Edson, and some of the other people. It’s kind of interesting because Bates, James and Ellen accepted the message sooner, and they stayed faithful to further revelation from God’s word after October 22, 1844, We come to the Great Disappointment. Tuesday, October 22, 1844. It was a beautiful clear day in New England, hardly a cloud in the sky. William Miller did tell his family and friends that if Jesus didn’t come today, don’t be surprise because Jesus said no man knows the day or the hour, so that’s interesting. People waited then by noon, people concluded that he would come in the evening, people started to get a little nervous. Questions begin to arise in people’s minds, based upon there conclusion that Jesus had to come, and then the clock struck Midnight. We can only imagine how they really felt after they put everything into the Movement; they were desiring to see Jesus. Wouldn’t it have been the happiest day of your life? Imagine what they were thinking when they woke up that morning, after all the sadness in the earth, Jesus would come, and then he didn’t, that would be a Disappointment. I’m sure we have had relatives that have died in Jesus, as Charles Fitch did a week before October 22, 1844. Imagine how his family felt when Jesus didn’t come then. Now realizing that it wouldn’t just be a one week separation, who knew how long it would actually be. It was an awful disappointment. For those who really loved Jesus it was a terrible ordeal for them. Here is a quote from Hiram Edson.

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We confidently expected to see Jesus Christ and all the holy angels with Him, and that his voice would call up Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the ancient worthies, and near and dear friends which had been torn from us by death. . . . Our expectations were raised high, and thus we looked for our coming Lord until the clocked tolled twelve at midnight. . . . the day had then passed and our disappointment became a certainty. Our fondest hopes and expectations were blasted, and such a spirit of weeping came over us as I never experienced before. . . . We wept, and wept, till the day dawn.

Imagine crying all night without falling asleep, until the next morning. What’s interesting is that this experience is prophesied of in Revelation 10:8-11. As John took the scroll in his mouth which was sweet, and then it became bitter in his belly and this was the experience of the Early Advent Movement as they came to the date October 22, 1844. We are to prophesy again and to explain what it means for the mystery of God to be finished, the meaning of the 3 angels’ messages, living in the day of atonement and the judgment hour etc. (Rev. 11:15-19, Rev. 14) What’s interesting is that when you get to Rev 11:15-19, it tells us what happened on that day. The temple of God was opened in heaven, the ark of His testament is seen. Revelation 11 says that the time of the dead that they should be judged begin on that day, sp we have the beginning of the judgment, as Jesus goes into the Most Holy Place, where you have the Ark of the Testament. On the next day after Hiram Edson had wept all night, the very next day, he and his friends go into a barn and they prayed and they prayed asking for the Lord to give them something to help them know what is going on. They continue in prayer then the Holy Spirit comes over them and they have assurance that He is going to give them more light on what happened. They prayed with earnestness. After that Hiram Edson is walking in the cornfield, we don’t know if he received a vision or am impression, Edson sees that Jesus actually went into the Most Holy Place, and this was the beginning of His High Priestly ministry. In the next chapter we will talk about the development of our key doctrines as we by faith followed Jesus in the Most Holy Place. The Sabbath, Second Coming, State of the Dead, Sanctuary, Spirit of Prophecy all of those S’ doctrines, the very next day the Lord was with those who took the time to pray, further light came. What’s sad is that William Miller and Joshua Himes, who had been the leaders and caretakers of the movement, saw Ellen White having a vision, and people accepting them, and also the new concept of people sleeping in the grave until Jesus comes, the Seventh day Sabbath, as fanatical trends of the fanaticism that was happening as a result of the Great Disappointment. They tried to hold things together, the groups that still exist today, who hold onto the literal Second Coming of Jesus, they didn’t accept the Sabbath, or some of the other teachings, is the First-day Christian Church they are a very underground church. Ellen White speaks about William Miller in Early Writings

EW 257 He failed in not receiving the message which would have fully explained his disappointment and cast a light and glory on the past, which would have revived his exhausted energies, brightened his hope, and led him to glorify God.

If William Miller had accepted the three angel’s message, he who have preached it with power. God would have been able to do great things.

EW 257 If William Miller could have seen the light of the third message, many things which looked dark and mysterious to him would have been explained… God suffered him to fall under the power of Satan, the dominion of death, and hid him in the grave from those who were constantly drawing him from the truth. Moses erred as he was about to enter the Promised Land. So also, I saw that William Miller erred as he was soon to enter the heavenly Canaan, in suffering his influence to go against the truth. Others led him to this; others must account

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for it. But angels watch the precious dust of this servant of God, and he will come forth at the sound of the last trump.

Its interesting that angel’s are at Miller’s grave. He was a mighty man of God its unfortunate he didn’t accept the third angel’s message notice what Miller said after 1844, “Brethren, hold fast; let no man take your crown. I have fixed my eyes upon another time, and here I mean to stand until God gives me more light. And that is Today, Today, and TODAY, until He comes, and I see Him for whom my soul yearns.” Miller didn’t lose his faith in Christ, how are we when we go through a disappointing event in life. Why are we so quick to cast off our first faith, we can learn a lot from learn a lot from William Miller. Now remember we said that the understanding of the Midnight Cry and the Great Disappointment, is crucial to our understanding as Seventh Day Adventist today. Remember the midnight Cry is Samuel S. Snow clearly articulating the date for October 22, 1844 and the tornado known as the Seventh month movement that took over the movement at that time. Notice what Ellen White says, this is her first vision.

EW 14 While I was praying at the family altar, the Holy Ghost fell upon me, and I seemed to be rising higher and higher, far above the dark world. I turned to look for the Advent people in the world, but could not find them, when a voice said to me, "Look again, and look a little higher." At this I raised my eyes, and saw a straight and narrow path, cast up high above the world. On this path the Advent people were traveling to the city, which was at the farther end of the path. They had a bright light set up behind them at the beginning of the path, which an angel told me was the midnight cry. This light shone all along the path and gave light for their feet so that they might not stumble. If they kept their eyes fixed on Jesus, who was just before them, leading them to the city, they were safe.

Here is the key point that you cannot miss. How do you get on the path? You see the light that Samuel S Snow articulated as being the Midnight Cry setting the date for October 22, 1844. If you don’t see that light in that message then you haven’t even gotten on the path, that’s crucial. In order to get on the straight and narrow path, that light at the beginning of the path is the light of the Millerite Movement, the Seven Month movement, specifically the Midnight Cry, which affirms October 22, 1844. Another way to look at it is if you have gotten on the path and now you don’t see light in October 22, 1844 you have fallen off the path. So the beginning of the light is the Midnight Cry, shining all the way to the Second Coming, now you may say why is that the light? Remember how Ellen White says this parable has been and will be fulfilled to the very letter? How is that parable going to be fulfilled again to the very letter, read Rev 18:1-5. An angel comes down from heaven, the earth is lightened with his glory, and it’s an extension of the Second Angel’s message just as the Midnight Cry was in 1844, so history repeats itself. The Midnight cry gave extra light to the Second Angel’s Message first begin to be giving in 1844 and then the Loud Cry which is with Latter Rain power, that falls upon God’s people in the end of time lightens the earth with His glory and it gives a extenuation to the fulfillment of the Second Angel’s message in Revelation 18. The Millerite movement is the beginning of the Second Angel’s Message but in the Revelation 18 we see the final fulfillment and it’s the second advent movement, the people who got on the path and saw the light of the Midnight Cry and they say hey you know, the first and angel’s message have been fulfilled now we see light in October 22, 1844 let’s get on the path, that light hasn’t changed, it’s still the same, then at the end of the history of Adventism people who have understood the experience of the Millerites, they are on the path and they are the final fulfillment to the moving of God. So we should not just study history to say that’s nice the Millerites had a powerful experience and the Holy Spirit moved upon them in a powerful way. The point is that the Holy Spirit will move upon those of us who are willing to accept this message and give everything we have to a even greater degree then what the Millerites did in 1844. It’s interesting that those who reject the Millerite movement and its light will try to bring in false light, they perhaps will say why we don’t make the church more relevant, but we must keep in mine why we even became a denominated people. All these

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different reforms, such as music, health, and dress, were intended by God to continue what happen with the Millerites, a straight and narrow path that goes all the way to heaven not in a new direction, and when God has a group of people who accept the three angel’s message in their totality, then we will say that will enlighten the earth with his glory in a similar manner to how the Millerites affected those in their time period so lets strive to be that people.

“Many of the problems in the church today are the result of not knowing what it means to live in the great antitypical Day of Atonement. Few even among believers seem to know the science of salvation that looks constantly to Jesus and experiences the true meaning of how to "afflict the soul," so that God can form us into His image, fully reflecting Jesus. We hear much talk today about the necessity of change. Some eagerly introduce new forms of worship with new types of music. Constantly there is the cry for more relevance. Waves of new Bible translations flood the market, each claiming to be the most relevant. The effectiveness of preaching is questioned, and music, dialogue and drama occupy an increasingly important part of church services. More and more ministers and church members hesitate to address "church standards." A greater laxness than ever results in an increasing number of young people drinking, smoking, using drugs, wearing jewelry and other worldly attire, and viewing worldly movies and videos. Few lead out in the biblical spirit of true reform centered around the Scriptures, focused on the life of Jesus, so believers can reflect Him more fully. Our contemporary situation reveals the great urgency of recapturing the spirit of the early Adventists. Unless today's believers rediscover the true meaning of the great disappointment and also of its abundant blessings, they will not know what direction to give to the remnant church and its mission. This failure could lead to a shift of direction that God never intended.” “Blessing of the Disappointment” by P. Gerard Damsteegt

Further resources for study: The Midnight Cry by F.D. Nichol. Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission by P. Gerard Damsteegt. Magnificent Disappointment by. C. Mervyn Maxwell. Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers Vol. IV, by. Leroy E. Froom.

October 22nd 1844 So we learned that first the Millerites believed it would be 1843 – Because of the 0 year. Mar 21 1844 – The first date for the Millerite thought that Jesus would come. After this there was the meeting with Joseph Bates, and when Samuel Snow rode into the meeting and his sister interjected and Snow preached on the Day of Atonement. This was the 7th Month movement. The Day of Atonement was the 10th day of the 7th month which was October 22nd. They missed a point that the cleansing of the Sanctuary was not the earth but heaven. They however raised a lot of interest a created a new following. Snow said that when Jesus comes out of the Sanctuary He would bless His people this is connected to the second coming of Jesus as a High Priest. Because he connected this event to happening on one day. This was a bit different from what Miller was teaching, so they asked him to teach it again the next day.

Result of the Seventh-Month Movement The former thought was that the sanctuary was the earth. But Snow introduces the connection of the cleansing of the sanctuary to the work of Christ and connects it to the Day of Atonement. So this was a new line of thought. Miller accepted this new light and began to teach it. October 22nd 1844, came, Miller was at home with a few friends, and many waited on what is called Ascension Rock. After Christ did not come they said “we must prepare for another long winter” October 23rd 1844 was the Great day of Disappointment. They had sold everything and put all their emotions into this work. What have we misunderstood? How could we have been wrong? And to add to this there were

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the taunts of the worldly. Miller and others admitted that they were wrong. But they could not tell how or where they went wrong. Out of the 50,000 people only about 50 remained. The rest left in discouragement. These people went back and restudied the prophecies. God did this to test their faithfulness. Miller had placed his emphasis on the salvation of souls. God often works this way in our lives. The first great disappointment was the death of Christ. They didn’t understand the mission of Christ. One week before His death, He rode in to the city as a King. We need to understand Christ mission, and look unto Jesus. The main problem was they didn’t understand the concept of the cleansing of the Sanctuary. Disappointment is when our concepts collide with reality. If Miller had the understanding of the Sanctuary, there would have been a number of things that could have affected the work of God;

1. Test – Through the opposition of the message it strengthens them. But God allowed something to test him. Even thought He loves you He has to make our eternal relationship safe. The disappointment is a filter which will reveal character.

2. Momentum – There would not have been the impact on the world. God allowed the disappointment to give it a new momentum on which the new church could be built on. The earnest of getting ready to meet Christ would not have been as effective, or had captured the attention of the world.

3. Timing – God always has His own timing. Jesus did not change his character he changed

his function. He allowed this misunderstanding to bring attention to his change of roles.

4. Settle – Them into the truth. Without a disappointment, they would not have been able to go back a restudy the scripture, and gain more light. It was this disappointment to drive them deeper back into the truth.

5. Depth of Understanding – They would not have had the depth of understanding

concerning the message of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

6. Future stability – By grounding the message in history, in the future it would be impossible to deny it. If people are not studying the bible or the SOP, then how well they know the deep truth?

7. The Cross – Everyone who follows Jesus must carry a cross. We are to follow in His


8. Keeps us humble

Mistakes that led to the Great Disappointment

There were a number of key mistakes that Miller and others made that brought the great disappointment about.

1. “Cleansing” – {Heb 8, 9:12} – They didn’t see the ministry of Christ in the sanctuary

2. “Coming of Christ” – {Dan 7:13} – “and came to the Ancient of days” not to this world but to Christ.

3. Judgment was misunderstood - “for the hour of his judgment is come” - {Rev 14:6} – They thought this referred to the final judgment. / Further Messages to be given.

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4. Matt 24:44 – No man will now the hour.

5. “Wedding” {Matt 22}. William Miller and his associates had labored with the sole purpose to arouse men of the pending judgment and a need for true repentance and conversion to God. By proclaiming the Second Advent, of the prophecy in Daniel 8:14 “Unto two thousand and three hundred days, then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” they understood it to be that the sanctuary was the earth and at the return of Christ on that last day, it would be purified with fire, which they believe would take place in the autumn of 1844. But the appointed time in which they expected the Lord to come had passed. And although their preceding study of the prophecy had been unquestionably fulfilled at the time appointed, from the starting point of the 2300 days/years prophecy, which was 457 B.C. down to the year 1844, they knew that God’s word could not fail, and that their interpretation of the prophecy must have been misunderstood; but the question was asked, where was the mistake? The first point in which the Millerites had been mistaken in proclaiming Christ’s second coming in the year 1844, was that they didn’t have a thorough understanding of the Sanctuary message. They believed that the earth was the sanctuary, and that Christ was coming to this earth to purify it with fire and redeem His people, when in the book of Hebrews chapter 8 and 9 tells us plainly that it is a heavenly sanctuary “which the Lord pitched, and not man… who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens.” and according to Daniel 7:13, He wasn’t coming to this earth but to the Ancient of Days who had moved into the Most Holy Place.’ They also believed in only one coming Judgment, referring to Revelation 14:7 “Fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come…” but in actuality through out the scriptures can be found multiple Judgments which was passed on individuals, families or even a nation. And according to Matthew 24:44, it states plainly that no man knows the hour or day for that matter in which the “Son of man cometh.” And yet they missed that scripture, placing a date for Christ’s return, where Jesus Himself does not know the day or the hour save God alone. And finally they didn’t really have a sound understanding of the parable where God spoke of the wedding and marriage feast in various parts of the Bible [Matthew 25 and Luke 12:38]

After the Great Disappointment Hiram Edson – Crossing a corn field stood still and understood that the sanctuary was in Heaven. The Seventh-day Adventist church began in a corn field. Jesus had not just changed geography, but more His mission.

1. Is it possible that a group of people can live up to all the light that God reveals to human beings

2. Is it possible that a group of people that, totally love and are committed to Jesus Christ, live holy lives and stop sin.

This is why Satan is trying to destroy the understandings. At the Cross

#1 - Message #2 - Message #3 - Message #4 – Latter Rain

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1. ??? 2. The method 3. Issue of sympathy for Satan

Why is there a time judgment? Find those who live by profession.

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Becoming an Established People: 1844 – 1888 Development of the Prophetic Gift and the 3rd Angel’s Message

Joseph Bates Was a Sunday keeper, and a very excited bible student. He read a tract by Thomas Preble. Another reason why publication work is so important. One day as he went to visit Fredrick Wheeler, they went to visit the Framsworth. They studied the Sabbath subject. On the way home Bates was thinking about how this would affect his life. When you ask people to keep the Sabbath, you are asking them make their lives completely different. He came to the point where he said that the truth is more important. James Madison Monro Hull. “What’s the news Capt. Bates?” He answered that the 7th Day is the Lords Sabbath. “You can’t have the Gospel by Stealth” EGW “The Seventh Day Sabbath a perpetual sign” – By Bates So Adventist became Seventh-day Adventist. There were still Adventist who did not accept the Sabbath and they became the Adventist Christian Church. The Seventh-day Adventist church marches on with new truth and as more comes they take it and run with it.

The Theological Development of Present Truth

Here are some books that help us understand the development of present truth.

Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology (Authors: C. Mervyn Maxwell, R Davidson, P. Gerard Damsteegt, George Rice and others under the headings of the truths discussed in this class)

Magnificent Disappointment – C. Mervyn Maxwell Sabbath Controversy – Joseph Bates History of the Sabbath – J.N. Andrews Bible Adventism – James White Sanctuary and 2300 Days – J.N. Andrews Doctrine of the Sanctuary: A Historical Survey (Daniel and Revelation Committee Series

Vol. 5) Foundations of the Seventh - day Adventist Message and Mission – P. Gerard Damsteegt

Rev 10:1 And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow [was] upon his head, and his face [was] as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

“And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven” – Angels usually have two job descriptions. One to give a message and two to destroy! And of course who are blowing the seven trumpets? The angels. And they are blowing the trumpets to destroy. The blowing of the trumpets indicate destruction or to give a message of destruction. It can go either way. But in chapter 10 we see no destruction or desolation therefore this angel appears in this chapter to give a message. But notice the description of this angel. After you look at the descriptions you will discover that this is not an angel, but it is Jesus Christ. Here Jesus presents Himself as an angel that means He is coming to give a message. Did Jesus Christ already reveal Himself as an angel in the book of Revelation? Yes, in chapter 8. He stood before the altar of incense as an angel. So this is the second time He presents Himself in this way. Notice His descriptions.

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“pillars of fire” – gives a very clear connection with another historical event in the Old Testament. The very first time that the “pillars of fire” was mentioned is in the book of Exodus:

Ex 13:22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people. Ex 14:24 And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians,

It was mentioned when the children of Israel were coming out of Egypt and crossing the red sea. The pillars of fire guided and protected them. Here are some parallels between the two.

Exodus Revelation

The pillar of fire was given after the plagues in Egypt and led them into the wilderness by crossing the red sea.

Rev 8 & 9 mention about 6 plagues, then we see the pillars of fire. The big picture is still the same, even though the number of plagues is different.

After the children of Israel had a great rejoicing experience. A few days later, they came to a place called Marah–a bitter experience.

In Rev 10:9, 10, when he ate the book, it was sweet at first, but when it got to the stomach, it became bitter. Very similar experience.

Built a sanctuary for God. Rediscovered the Sanctuary message.

God taught them about the Sabbath. Rediscovered the Sabbath message.

Received the Ten Commandments. Restored the law of God.

There are much more, and what we see is the history of Israel is being repeated in the Advent movement. The Advent movement, in some ways, is a repetition of the Israelites when they came out of Egypt and going into the wilderness to go to the land of Canaan.

Pioneer Principles of Bible Study

Let’s review some principles that the pioneers had. These principles were used by the Pioneers and William Miller to guide them in Bible study.

1. All Scripture is necessary and may be understood by diligent study by one who has faith.

2. Scripture must be its own expositor.

3. To understand doctrine, all Scripture passages on the topic must be brought together.

4. God has revealed things to come by visions, in figures, and in parables; these must be studied together since one prophecy complements another. A word should be understood literally if it makes good sense; otherwise, one must discover from other passages its figurative sense.

5. A historical event is the fulfillment of prophecy only when it matches the prophecy in all its details.

These principles all built upon the historico-grammatical (historical-biblical) method of interpretation espoused by the Reformers. Early Adventist Pioneers used these principles. In 1884, Ellen White wrote, “those who are engaged in proclaiming the third angel’s message are searching the Scriptures upon the same plan that Father Miller adopted (RH Nov.25, 1884).” After quoting these five of Millers rules she added, “In our study of the Bible we shall all do well to heed the principles set forth.” Let us now discuss the theological development of present truth. Present truth is defined

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as truth that our presently important, for us today. These truths are central to the Advent faith, we will notice how central they are for Adventist, and how the foundation has been laid for us.


Early Expositions (1845- 1850) Introduction Extreme Disappointment after October 22, 1844, no direction of where to go, as they went into winter that year. Apollos Hale a leading editor distinguished four classes of Adventists (Millerites).1

1. Those who deplored and condemned their past advent experience and strongly objected to any further time calculations (completely did away with what they believed before)

2. Those who continued time setting, building their calculations upon anything they could find.

3. Those whose confidence had been shaken so that they were afflicted with doubt (didn’t know whether they should believed in God’s word or go back to the world)

4. Those who expressed confidence in the former calculations and felt that the predicted events had taken place (group laid foundation for Sevneth-day Adventist church). This group faced two problems

Major Problems

1. What was the signified by the coming of the Bridegroom if the parable (Matt. 25:1-13) had its fulfillment in the seventh-month movement, and if the coming did not symbolize the Second Advent? They had to review this because this if that wasn’t the case then what was the significance of the Bridegroom, they had to re-examine, the parable again, because that was one of the foundations for their faith.

2. What was the meaning of the cleansing of the sanctuary (Dan. 8:14) if the 2300 days had terminated on October 22?2 They felt that the time calculation was right but what was meant by the cleansing of the sanctuary. They believed that the sanctuary was the earth and God was coming to cleanse the earth but God didn’t come on October 22, 1844. So what was meant by the cleansing of the sanctuary, these were the two issues that they were wrestling with. The subject of Christ’s high-priestly ministry eventually provided the key, a biblical solution to these problems emerged. The study led to the development of two new interpretations.

o The Coming of the Bridegroom they concluded that it symbolized Christ’s coming to the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary on October, 22, and

o The cleansing of the Sanctuary revealed the nature of His ministry from that time on. Upon completion of this ministry Christ would return to earth. So there was a switch in Christ ministry on October 22 and when He would finish that ministry in heaven then He would come back to the earth, that was the change that they found after studying the Bible. Now let’s discuss the Bridegroom theme.

1 “Among Sabbatarian Adventists (1845-1850)” P. Gerard Damsteegt. Doctrine of the Sanctuary: A Historical Survey Pg. 20-21 2 Ibid. 21

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The Bridegroom Theme

Hiram Edson – One of the earliest interpretations of the Disappointment endorsing the validity of the seventh-month movement and its time calculations came from Hiram Edson (1806 – 1882), a Millerite leader in Port Gibson, New York. On the day following the Great Disappointment he felt impressed, after prayer, that a mistake had been made in the manner that Adventists had expected Christ to come as the bridegroom, but not in the predicted time. So he was thinking about this and He wrote of the experience later, “After breakfast, I said to one of my brethren, ‘Let us go and see and encourage some of brn [brethren].’ We started, and while passing through a large field I was stopped about midway of the field. Heaven seemed open to my view, and I saw distinctly and clearly that instead of our High Priest coming out of the most Holy of the heavenly sanctuary to come to this earth on the tenth day of the seventh month, at the end of the 2300 days, that He for the first time entered on that day the Second Apartment of that Sanctuary; and that He had a work to perform in the Most Holy before coming to the earth. That He came to the marriage at that time; in other words, to the Ancient of days to receive a kingdom, dominion, and glory; and we must wait for His return from the wedding.”3 This concept is what came to Edson’s mind as he was walking in the field right after October 22, 1844. Edson’s interpretation of the Sanctuary in Daniel 8:14, was the heavenly sanctuary and was not the earth as was the contemporary understanding of the day. He placed the coming of the Bridegroom to the marriage in the context of Daniel 7:13-14 and related it to the coming of Christ as High Priest to the Second Apartment of the heavenly sanctuary.4 So according to Edson, October 22, 1844 (which was the 10th day of the seventh month) Christ came to the “marriage,” that is, to His reception of the kingdom, dominion, and glory. 5 The time was correct but the event was Jesus going to the Most Holy Place from the Most Holy to begin the work of the atonement. Enoch Jacobs – In an editorial by Enoch Jacobs in the Western Midnight Cry, December 1844, alluded to the coming of Christ in the setting of the judgment and made a distinction between a pre-advent judgment and an executive judgment at the time of the Second Advent.6 Apollos Hale/Joseph Turner – They co-wrote an editorial which gave a more extensive treatment of the Bridegroom marriage theme but they added another point of interest: The importance of keeping our garments. They indicated that a change in Christ’s work in heaven above necessitated a change in the believer’s life here on earth. Ellen G. White – In January 1846, had a vision was published. In this Vision, which occurred in December of 1844, depicted a place in heaven similar to the Most Holy Place of the earthly Sanctuary and described it in terms of Hebrews 9:3-5 and the marriage supper of the Lamb. She tied those two concepts together This vision confirmed the physical reality of a heavenly Sanctuary. This was the first time they realized that there was a sanctuary in heaven. March 1846, in another vision, Mrs. White saw Jesus as the intercessor for His people, sitting on a throne in with the Father in the holy place of the sanctuary. Then both left this throne and entered into the Most Holy Place where Jesus “as a great High Priest,” standing before the Father, would receive the kingdom (Dan. 7:13-14). Adventists were to “keep their garments spotless,” for in a little while” Christ would “return from the wedding” (Luke 12:36). Adventists

3 Ibid. 21-22 4 Ibid. 22 5 Ibid. 22 6 Ibid. 22

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who had been deceived were ignorant of the view of the coming of the bridegroom and were described as being under the influence of Satan.7

The Defilement of the Sanctuary

This was the other issue. How can a sanctuary in heaven be defiled? Why does the heavenly sanctuary need to be cleansed. Owen R.L. Crosier was one of the first to attempt to describe the dynamics by which the sanctuary is defiled. He held 4 points.

1. By Apostate Transgression (Type)

2. By Rome and Apostate Christianity (Antitype)

3. Confessed Sins Placed on Sacrifice (Type)

4. Confessed Sins Placed on Christ (Antitype)

So he talked about the defilement of the sanctuary and how it would be cleansed.

Contrasts with Contemporary Views

Jesus’ Ministry in the Most Holy Place

People believed that Jesus Began His ministry in the Most Holy Place after crucifixion and that the Most Holy Place is Heaven. Early Adventists came to believe that the earthly sanctuary was a type of the Heavenly Sanctuary and that the Heavenly Sanctuary had two compartments the Holy and the Most Holy and that Jesus when he ascended went to the holy place and He worked over there first.

At the Right Hand of God

They talked about this. James White commented on this argument that “No one will contend that Jesus has been perfectly stationary, at the Father’s right hand literally for more than 1800 years. Bates advocated a similar view that in Revelation Jesus is depicted as walking ‘among’ the candlesticks which is not only away from the throne but that the candlesticks were in the Holy Place on Earth.

Within the Veil

There was a dispute about this also. The expression within the veil (Heb. 6:19) was interpreted by contemporaries to as a reference to the veil before the Holy of Holies, implying that Christ had been in that place ever since the beginning of his high priestly ministry. Crosier disagreed. He argued, that the vail which divides between the holy and the Holy of Holies is ‘the second vail’ [Heb. 9:3]; hence there are two vails, and that in chap. 6, being the first of which he speaks, must be the first vail, which hung before the Holy (place), in Exodus was called a curtain.

Scapegoat, another representation of Jesus

This was a big issue at the time. Many Christians viewed the scapegoat (Azazel) in the Day of Atonement ritual as another symbol of Christ. Crosier again strongly opposed this interpretation. The correct biblical meaning of the scapegoat designates it is a type of Satan. Crosier gave eight point to show that the scapegoat was not Christ. Crosier was used by God, to explain common sense ideas, but it was by the Spirit of God that he was able to do this.

1. That the goat was not sent away till after the high priest had made an end of the cleansing of the sanctuary (Lev. 16:20, 21). Hence that event cannot meet its antitype till after the 2300 days.

7 Ibid. 25

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2. It (the scapegoat) is sent away from Israel into the wilderness, a land not inhabited, to receive them. If our blessed Savior is its antitype, He also must be sent away, not His body alone, but soul and body, for the goat was sent away alive, from, not to nor into, His people, neither into heaven, for that is not a wilderness or land not inhabited. So the scapegoat cannot be Christ because it was sent into the wilderness, Jesus was not sent into the wilderness.

3. It received and retained all the iniquities of Israel; but when Christ appears the second time He will be ‘without sin.’

4. The goat received the iniquities from the hand of the high Priest and he sent it away. As Christ is the Priest, the goat must be something else besides himself and which he can send away.

5. This was one of two goats one goat was the designated the Lord’s goat and the other was not. Its only office was to receive the iniquities for the priest after he had cleansed the sanctuary for them and bear them into a land not inhabited.

6. At the appearing of Christ as taught in Rev. 20, Satan is to be bound and cast into the bottomless pit, which act and place are significantly symbolized by the ancient high priest sending the scapegoat into a separate and uninhabited wilderness.

Other Points of Note on the Sanctuary Doctrine

Some of the Millerites begin to separate themselves into more groups. J.N. Andrews wrote a four part exposition on the Sanctuary in 1853 (The Sanctuary and 2300 Days). This is a good book. It was an extremely influential work because it was written at a time when people were questioning the relationship of Daniel Chapter 8 and Daniel Chapter 9. There were questions about the year-day principle, the start of the 70 weeks prophecy. This allowed them to put the termination of the 2300 days indefinitely in the future. James White commenting on Andrews work said, “It explains the disappointment of the Advent people, and harmonizes the position of those among them who are still waiting for the Lord, with their past experience in the Advent faith.”8 James White promoted the reading of J.N. Andrews book. Contrary to public opinion Ellen White did not originate the Sanctuary Doctrine. Josiah Litch did as early as 1840 and 1842. Her most extensive treatment of the subject appears around the 1880’s. Also an interesting point: James White initially opposed the idea of a pre-advent judgment that Joseph Bates had briefly expounded upon in a small book on the judgment in the late 1840’s.9 Joseph Bates and James White grew into a variety of spiritual matters at different rates. Bates adopted the Sabbath almost a year and a half before White did, and became a vegetarian some 20 years before. On the other hand White perceived that the third angels of Revelation 14, was preached after the Great Disappointment some two or three years before Bates came to that conclusion. In the matter of the final judgment, each man was ahead or behind the other at the same time – and as before, each in time came to champion the other’s advanced position.10 [They both studied the Bible independently and came to conclusions independently]. It is important to note that despite their disagreements in their views they remained friends. The unity that they found they found it in studying of the Bible.

8 “Continued Clarification (1850- 1863)” P. Gerard Damsteegt. Doctrine of the Sanctuary: A Historical Survey p. 60. 9 “The Investigative Judgment: Its Early Development” by C. Mervyn Maxwell. Doctrine of the Sanctuary: A Historical Survey p. 144. 10 Ibid. p. 146, 147. [Footnote 58].

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James White would later accept the doctrine of the pre-advent judgment in 1857 and give it the term “investigative judgment.”11 However initially James White apposed it.

The Discovery of the Sabbath

Rachel Oaks was a Seventh-day Baptist, She when to live with her daughter and she went to a church and kept both Sabbath and Sunday at a Church where a Pastor Fredrick Wheeler was speaking about the keeping of the Law. She went to speak to him about keeping the Sabbath. March 1844, He became the first Sabbath keeper. He told Thomas Preble, he was a Freewill Baptist. In Aug of 1844 he became the first Sabbath keeper of the Freewill Baptist. These became the first recorded Millerite Sabbath keepers; Rachel Oakes Preston, T.M. Preble, and Joseph Bates. Rachel Oakes witness led to her church in Washington, New Hampshire becoming the first Sabbath keeping church in SDA movement in North America. Those who did not accept the Sabbath become Advent Christians. Sister S Blak, was a Sabbath keeper from Rhode Island in Oct 1844. James Begg from Scotland kept the Sabbath before 1844 as well. Book: History of the Sabbath – by J N Andrews. There was Sabbath keeping people in; France, Holland, England, Behamer, and Argentina. Book: Truth Triumphant – Benjamin Wilkinson Rachel Oaks, daughter, Delight lived with her mother and was a school teacher. She got married to one of the boy from the Farnsworth’s which strengthened the issue of the Sabbath. He stood up in church and declared that he would now keep the Seventh-Day Sabbath. This is another reason why God needed to start the Advent Church in the New world because this would never have been tolerated in the Old World. Truth is always won by rowing upstream. The study of the Sanctuary lead to a deeper understanding of the First Angles message which lead to worship which lead to the Sabbath. It was a logical study of Bible doctrine. They found the that Sabbath was a sign between man and God. You can’t study worship in the Bible without finding the Sabbath. And they found that Sunday worship was the mark and evidence of the Little Horn power which lead them to see the Papacy as the Antichrist. These Millerite were students of history. They found Sabbath keeping people all the way from the time of Luther onward. The Anabaptist were against the union of Church and State. They Believed in believers baptism, they were against of being rebaptised, which what Anabaptist means, but they wanted to have the right to be baptized when they believed in Jesus Christ. People were baptised because it was a Church and State enforced polices. While they were studying they were able to look at the law of God. The study of the Sanctuary also led to the study of God’s law which inevitably led to the study of the biblical Sabbath. If sin is the transgression of the law and will removed from our life by Jesus and He will cleanse the sanctuary and blot out our sins then the judgment has to do something with the law of God, because there has to be some standard for the judgment. Eventually, because T.M. Preble presumably heard of the Sabbath from Rachel Oakes and studied it out and wrote a tract called the “Hope of Israel.” Joseph Bates read the article in March of 1845 and began to study the Sabbath in the Bible and also to observe it. In his first publication dedicated to the Sabbath issue, “Seventh Day Sabbath, a Perpetual Sign, a 48 page tract, Bates drew some conclusions. This tract was read by James and Ellen White who had recently married and they begin to keep the Sabbath after they had studied the Bible and prayed about it. They chose to do so in August of 1846, but it wasn’t until April of 1847 that agreed with what had already been established through Bible study about the Sabbath, that they should 11 Ibid. 147.

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keep it.

1. T.M. Preble and had referred to Dan. 7:25 as being fulfilled by the activity of the “little horn” in endeavoring to change the times and laws. Bates took that reasoning farther by saying that Sunday was the Popes Sabbath and that the Seventh day of the week was God’s Sabbath.

2. Bates also suggested a link between the Sabbath and the Third Angels message of Rev.

14:9-11. In further books he progressed to a view that linked the Sabbath to the ark in heaven and also as the Sabbath as a Seal of the living God mentioned in Rev. 7.

James and Ellen White

James and Ellen White read Bates’ tracts on the Sabbath and after much study and prayer became convinced that they should keep the biblical Sabbath. They chose to do so in August 1846, and it wasn’t till next April that Ellen White received a vision from God corroborating what had already been established through careful Bible Study, prayer, and practice.

Sabbath Conferences

During the early years after 1844, most of the believers were scattered and it was 7 small Sabbath conferences that helped to solidify the movement and help them go in a unified direction again after the Great Disappointment. At these conferences they studied the Sabbath and the connections to the Three Angels Messages.

Time for beginning the Sabbath

In the early 1850’s the question of the time of the beginning of the Sabbath arose. Seventh-day Baptists believed in keeping the Sabbath according to the Bible from sunset to sunset. Bates however held the position that the Sabbath should begin at 6 p.m. Friday and end at 6 p.m. Saturday. Others held the mid-night to mid-night view of the Sabbath timing. Still others believed that Sabbath started on Saturday morning. J.N. Andrews was called to answer upon the question. He made a thorough study of the subject and he being true to form wrote an exhaustive study on the words “from even to even.” When he presented his views to the people the approval was almost unanimous except for Ellen White and Joseph Bates who dissented and held to the 6pm to 6pm time frame. At the close of the assembly Ellen White received a vision from God that confirmed J.N. Andrews’ study that the Sabbath began from sunset on Friday to sunset and ended on sunset on Saturday. So anybody who says that Ellen White was one of the founders of the Adventist church. She was one of the founders she was instrumental but at the same time, the foundation of the Seventh-day Adventist church was laid by Bible study and with prayer. There were times when very important people in the movement James and Ellen White, Joseph Bates, and J.N. Andrews were wrong at time in what they were holding at the time but when they were presented with the Bible truth they studied it out and they laid aside their own opinion and held to what the Bible was saying unless God through vision said something else. Its how it should be for us. We need to study the Bible intimately for ourselves. Key point: While the arguments for keeping the Sabbath from the Seventh day Baptists were strong and were based both from the Old and the New Testament they failed to tie the Sabbath to its true prophetic and eschatological significance. A careful study by the early pioneers of the chapters of Revelation 7, Revelation 13, and 14 all brought out the Sabbath truth and its tie to the future Sunday legislation and it being a testing point in the End of time. Joseph Bates brought home this message, connecting the law of God with prophecy and Creation. Ellen White on the Sabbath: The Sabbath question is to be the issue in the great final conflict

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in which all the world will act a part. Men have honored Satan’s principles above the principles that rule in the heavens. They have accepted the spurious Sabbath, which Satan has exalted as the sign of his authority. But God has set His seal upon His royal requirement… We are to show them that it is of vital consequence whether they bear the mark of God’s kingdom, or the kingdom of rebellion, for they acknowledge themselves subjects of the kingdom whose mark they bear” (6T 352).

State of the Dead

Gen 2:16-17 [16] And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: [17] But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Satan caused doubt to come to God’s people. There are many people on the state of the dead some come from Greek philosophy which believed in the immortality of the soul a and that the soul and body were different entities and that the soul continued to live on and changed forms. The Seventh-day Adventist Church holds to what is sometimes called the Conditionalist position on the State of the Dead because this position attaches certain conditions to the gift of immortality namely, acceptance of God’s salvation through faith in Jesus Christ by the condemned sinner. That gift alone, and no inherent natural quality of the human soul, is the condition for immortality. It is comprised of five (5) different principles or reasons12, to support our position.

1. It represents the biblical view, free of philosophical speculation and ecclesiastical tradition, particularly the tradition of the soul’s purification in purgatory.

2. It was held by the early church, reemerging during and after the Reformation

3. It affirms the familiar biblical portrayal of death as a sleep like unconsciousness, rejecting the view of the souls continued existence after death

4. It supports the biblical teaching that immortality is not inherent in the nature of the soul, or bestowed at death but granted only at the resurrection from the dead;

5. It underscores the NT emphasis on Christ as the only way to eternal life without consideration of any merits accruing to the soul following death.

These are our understanding of the biblical principle of the state of the dead also enables us to understand the salvation process. The concepts of the Fall in the garden of Eden, dying to sin, the resurrection, the blessed hope, are all the more richer and more meaningful to the Seventh-day Adventist believer. Ellen White gave this study of the non-immortality of the soul very careful consideration in her writings. Three Principle reasons arise from her writing13.

1. She regarded the doctrine of the State of the Dead as Present Truth meaning it was central and pertinent biblical principle that corrects popular and widespread interest in spiritualism, which is viewed as the first delusion introduced by the devil to the world and subsequently promulgated by paganism and false Christendom. This delusion claims that sinners do not die but live on in disembodied souls capable of communication with the living. (EW 262, GC 531-562)

2. Death is the consequence of sin caused by humans disregard for God’s law, including nature’s law and the laws of health. This helped to bring in the Adventist understanding of education and its commitment to healthcare and medical ministry which we will discuss in a future class.

12 Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology p. 340 13 Ibid. 341

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3. She also underscored the biblical understanding of soul sleep and that only God could awaken the saints in the resurrection.

This pillar of present truth has by and large not been attacked significantly within Adventism. However, it will be attacked significantly as we come to the close of time. The delusions that come from attacking this pillar can completely throw someone off. Compare the state of the dead with Buddhism, the idea of reincarnation is completely done away with if you understand the state of the dead. Many of the delusions that exist in this world are so because people don’t understand the state of the dead Bible truth. The state of the dead also is important because it help us understand the salvation process. Dieing to sin has something to do with the state of the dead. If you have a incorrect understanding of the state of the dead when you are dead the Biblical understanding its very hard to understand what it means to dying to that old nature that we have. So that there is no doubt on the Adventist position on the state of the dead I quote the text “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten – Eccl. 9:5 This is one of the central pillars of present truth

The Second Coming

The truth about the Second Coming was so precious to the early pioneers that they incorporated it into the name of our Church14. Both the Sabbath and the Second Coming are incorporated in the title: Seventh-day Adventist. So much truth communicated in three words! There is a difference between time-setters and Seventh day Adventists. Time setters are those who look to the events of the present events and find meaning in those events that is not supported Biblically. Seventh-day Adventists look for the coming of our Lord by seeing the signs as merely letting us know that the time is at hand. We live our lives differently not only because the coming of the Lord is close but rather because he is coming for us, that is the difference Our motivation for preparation is love not fear. The manner of his coming will be15:

1. Personal and Literal. To the disciples at Christ’s ascension was given this precious promise that “this same Jesus” would come back in the same way He had gone to heaven (Acts 1:11). He left on a cloud and would return on a cloud. (Matt. 26:64, Rev. 1:7)

2. Visible and Audible (Rev. 1:7), (Matt. 24:30)

3. Glorious and Triumphant (2 Thes. 1:7), (1 Cor. 15:25)

4. Cataclysmic (Matt. 13:40, 41)

5. Sudden (cannot be predicted) (Matt. 24:42-44) (Luke 12:40) (1 Thess. 5:2,4) (2 Peter 3:10)

Application for US

1. Effects our daily life decisions 2. Motivation for Evangelism 3. To Prepare Spiritually for his Return 4. Apparent Delay

Ellen White says “Many who have called themselves Adventists have been time-setters. Time after time has been set for Christ to come, but repeated failures have been the result. The definite time of our Lord’s coming is declared to beyond the ken of mortals.

14 Ibid. p. 893 15 Ibid. p. 920

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RH Aug. 16. 1887 Those who think they must preach definite time in order to make an impression upon the people, do not work from the right standpoint. The feelings of the people may be stirred, and their fears aroused; but they do not move from principle. An excitement is created, but when the time passes, as it has done repeatedly, those who moved out upon time fall back into coldness and darkness and sin, and it almost impossible to arouse their consciences with some great excitement.”

So she talks about the danger in preaching time-setting with the Second Coming. In Consideration to the shortness of time, we as a people should watch and pray, and in no case allow ourselves to be diverted from the solemn work of preparation for the great event before us. Because the time is apparently extended, many have become careless and indifferent in regard to their words and actions. They do not realize that their danger and do not see and understand the mercy of our God in lengthening their probation, that they may have time to form characters for the future immortal life (ibid).

Spiritual gifts (Spirit of Prophecy)

Rev. 19:10 Testimony of Jesus16 Evidence from Joel (Joel 2:28,29 ) He speaks of an abundant outpouring of God’s Spirit upon His people, of young men seeing visions, old men dreaming dreams, and sons and daughters prophesying. There even is a time-frame for this experience. There will cosmic phenomena with the sun being darkened and moon turning to blood. All this would precede the coming of the Lord. Evidence from Paul 1 Cor. 1:6-8: Assures us that spiritual gifts will be with the followers of Christ until the day he returns. Evidence from Jesus – Jesus predicted that false prophets would arise. Notice that he said classified the prophets (Matt 2424). So there would be true ones as well. Additional Evidence of Prophetic Gift

1. Physical Manifestations 2. Timeliness of the Prophetic Message 3. Certainty and Fearlessness of the Messenger 4. Elevated Spiritual Nature of the Message 5. Practical Nature of the Message

Testing the Gift A. To the law and the Testimony (Deut. 13:1-5) B. Prophets known by their fruits (Matt. 7:15-20) C. Fulfilled Predictions (Deut. 18:21,22) (Jer. 18:7-10 ) [except Conditional Prophecy like in

the case of Jonah] D. Prophet Confesses Christ (1 John 4:2,3)

We are blessed to have had pioneers such as those mentioned who studied the Bible and based their beliefs on the Bible. Those who put away their presuppositions, and biases. When they were found wrong they didn’t react, they went back and studied the Bible for themselves and God confirmed their Bible studies through visions from Ellen White and its too our advantage to hold onto these pillars of truth as we come to the end of time and to put these principles into our lives so when the time comes upon us and the delusions are upon us that we will be able to see Christ to walk that narrow path and the end of the time be victorious at last. Let us make the

16 Spiritual Gifts: Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theology p.610

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Bible our rule of faith and by Bible study and prayer as the pioneers be found faithful.

Gift of Prophecy

Joseph Bates did not believe EGW, until she had a vision about the stars, to which convicted him that she had to be a prophet. There were others who thought that Christ did come back invisibly and they were cleansed and they could not sin. This is the reason why EGW began to be give vision from God to set the people straight, among these people there were some who kept setting dates for Christ second coming. In 1846 a number of groups were started that accepted the Sabbath, Sanctuary and SOP. As these grew it began to be the work of the Whites to minister to the church. April 3, 1847, EGW had the vision regarding the bible promises for the different people in the room. She saw the most holy place and the Ten Commandments. There she saw the fourth commandment being highlighted. The Sabbath is a separating wall between Gods people and unbelievers. The Seventh-day Adventist church united in the present truth. She was also shown the Rev 14 message. If we gave up the Sabbath we would receive the Mark of the Beast. Bates, printed it (Publishing work). They found that the Sabbath was connected to; The Seal of God, Mark of the Beast, Sanctuary, Law of God, Remnant, Three Angels messages, and Creation. The Sabbath is and End time uniting principle. When we meet someone who keeps the Sabbath you have a uniting principle with them then someone who does not, even if you have never meet them before. The Sabbath brought the understanding of the Remnant, “Keep the commandment of God” (Sabbath) and the Testimony of Jesus (Spirit of Prophecy). The Spirit of Prophecy also became a uniting atmosphere. This all came about from the understanding of the Sanctuary. The third angels message emphasis the Sabbath. Prophecy in the future is going to revolve around the Sabbath. Rachel Oaks had no idea what is did by teaching the Sabbath, what and impact she would have in the future. If Satan can remove any of our understanding on our doctrine, it will result in moving the importance of the Sabbath. This is the whole goal and work of Satan. In Revelation they saw the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast. Ellen was give visions to confirm the studies the pioneers were producing.

The other prophets

There were at least two other prophets,

Hazen Foss

After the passing of time He had a vision (after 1844) and the angel bid him to tell others, he was warned by God of what would happen if he did not tell others. He decided not to tell people, he we then told in vision that He had grieved the Spirit of the Lord. He then went to tell people, but he could not remember the vision. Eye witness described this as the worst meeting they have ever been to. Latter he heard Ellen talking of a vision and he remember it and went to her and told her not to reject it, he told her that he was a lost man, “the crown I might have had you will have” Ellen had her vision right after he rejected the gift. He died in 1893.

The next morning in her sister's home she met Hazen Foss, who told Ellen his story: Some time before the first vision was given to Ellen in December, the Lord had given just such a vision to Hazen. He had been instructed that he was to tell others what God had revealed to him. However, he felt he had been deceived in the disappointment of 1844. He knew, too, that ridicule and scorn would come to anyone who claimed to have a vision from God, so he refused to obey the promptings of God's Spirit. Again the Lord came near to him in vision; he was instructed that if he

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refused to bear the message Heaven would have him give to the people, the Lord would reveal it to someone else, placing His Spirit on the weakest of the weak. But Hazen still felt that he could not bear the burden and the reproach of standing before the people to present a vision from God. He told the Lord that he would not do it. Then very strange feelings came over him, and "a voice said, 'you have grieved away the Spirit of the Lord."'--Letter 37, 1890. This frightened Hazen. Horrified at his own stubbornness and rebellion, he told the Lord that he would now relate the vision. He called a meeting of the Adventists for the purpose. When the people came together he recounted his experience. Then he tried to tell what was shown to him, but he could not call it to mind. Even with the most concentrated effort he could not recall a word of it. He cried out in distress, "It is gone from me; I can say nothing, and the Spirit of the Lord has left me. Those who were present described the meeting as the most terrible meeting they ever were in. As Hazen talked with Ellen that February morning in Poland, he told her that although he had not gone into the chapel where she had spoken the evening before, he had stood outside the door and heard every word that she had said. He declared that what the Lord had shown to her had first been shown to him. But, said he: I was proud; I was unreconciled to the disappointment. I murmured against God, and wished myself dead. Then I felt a strange feeling come over me. I shall be henceforth as one dead to spiritual things. . . . I believe the visions are taken from me, and given to you. "Do not refuse to obey God, for it will be at the peril of your soul. I am a lost man. You are chosen of God; be faithful in doing your work, and the crown I might have had, you will receive. This unusual experience made an indelible impression upon Ellen's mind. The biddings of God's Spirit were not to be trifled with. {1BIO 67.3}

Had Pride, afraid of reduce.

William Foy

In 1835 he was converted. He asked what he must do to be saved. He was a freewill Baptist. Was a Black American, who had a great desire to preach. However they were not able to preach to everyone because of the slavery issue. He married a woman called Ann. He lived in Boston, was the sea of reforms. He gained a public education there as Boston was a place of education. In Jan 18, Feb 4 1842 he had two visions about the Judgements, he saw the reward of the Righteous and punishment of the wicked.. In the first he was not told to tell others. But in the second he was told to speak. On Feb 6 he was asked to preach. He travelled for three months delving his message. After delving this he became a believer in the nearness of the second coming. He was not as strong on the point that Christ would come Oct 1844. Father Charles Bowes, was a black millerite preacher, who died in 1843. There was a number of back preacher, John Lewis, William Still, was the author of the Underground Rail Road. A free slave from New York, Isabel became an Adventist. Ellen Harmon heard William Foy preaching; in 1844 He had a third vision. He saw three platforms. This vision was very similar to Ellen Whites vision. Once he heard Ellen talking about her visions. This severed to strengthen the visions of Ellen White. (In the mouth of two or three witness). Adventist lost track of him, he moved from place to place. Sometime in 1850 his wife and father died. He lived in Gardner Maine. She died then he married again from Portland main. In 1870 his mother died. 1893 he died of 73 years of age. There seems to be some debate to whether he remained faithful or not.

Deut 17:6 At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; [but] at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.

The purpose of William Foy

Strengthen confidence in the SOP with the Blacks. The black needed to be connected to the Blacks, other wise they might have thought this was just a white mans church.

To show that God is not partial.

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To affirm the ministry of Ellen Whites work as a prophet.

Reasons why maybe he was called only to be a temporary prophet

To hard for a black man to speak freely among the world.

Blacks need to have a foundation in the Spirit of Prophecy.

Not to create conflict in the church by having two prophets.

God sent him to the black to encourage them in the Advent message after the Great Disappointment.

May have been removed so he would not reject the further light that was to be given to the Advent movement.

God needed to lay a foundation in the Advent movement that would remove the racism from the USA, so the blacks could be involved in the message as well. This was an effective way to create an institution that would break down the biases and give a message to every nation kindred tongue and people.

Purpose of Prophetic Gift to Ellen White for SDA Church

The reasons why God has given us prophecy is to verify His word, to authenticate His authority and power, and to warn men of future controversies that will unfold and be made manifest. Now there are certain books of scripture that involve prophecy, which are especially key to the reason why the SDA church exists. And Daniel and the Revelation primarily open up the issues around which the SDA message is centered. To give a broader view of prophecy Sir Isaac Newton quotes: “The giving ear to the prophets is a fundamental character of the true church.” God needed to prepare a people to stand in the last days, under the fullest light and under the severest tests in the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan. He needs to demonstrate before the whole universe, that not only Jesus could (by the power of God) resist the devil and his strongest temptations, not only an individual here and there (like Job, Enoch, Moses who overcame by the blood of the Lamb); but that a large group of faithful souls living at one time in history – specifically the end of time… could overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. To this end God prepared the world for the reception of the last warning message, and to establish the Last Generation. On April 3, 1847 Ellen White had an important vision. After the vision was over, she told the people gathered what she had seen. That not every one of God’s children understood or had accepted the Sabbath. But at the time of trouble, they would embrace it and proclaim it more fully. They began to realize that the Sabbath has connections to many other concepts in scripture, including “the seal of God,” “the three angel’s messages,” “the mark of the beast,” “the sanctuary,” “the judgment,” etc. - They had proclaimed the 1st angel’s message in the Millerite movement of 1844. - They had proclaimed the 2nd angel’s message warning that Babylon is fallen also. - They now learned that they were given the special work giving the third angel’s message and of making up the Remnant people and of calling God’s people out of these other churches into what became the SDA church. Near the time of the expected advent in the fall of 1844 Foss was given a revelation of the experience of the advent people and was bidden to relate the vision to others, but he rejected and the light was given to someone else, as a result the holy spirit departed from him. Now William Foy, a member of the Freewill Baptist church, was converted to Christ in 1835. Foy had a great desire to preach, and tell others of Christ, but was discouraged by other male leaders in the church. The period was one of great social change, especially for blacks and the institution of slavery. He saw the reward of the faithful and punishment of sinners. In the 2nd vision he saw the judgment of the wicked. 2 days later, he related the visions in the Bloomfield St. Church in

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Boston, which left the congregation enthralled! Foy was used of God to strengthen the conviction of the people in the visions of Ellen White that God is not partial in his work; and to be an important bridge between the two primary racial groups in America at that time, to especially connect blacks to the Advent message. Now we will spend a couple of chapters discussing the role of Ellen White in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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The Role of Ellen White in the SDA Church

The Gift of Prophecy


Hos 12:13 And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved.

God led and preserved His people by a prophet

1 Cor 10:11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.

The experience of ancient Israel is a lesson for modern Israel. The church that is to carry God’s final message to all the world is identified by two particular characteristics (Rev. 12:17). Ironically, or maybe not so ironically, it is these two characteristics that the Bible says Satan is especially angry with. It is for this reason that he exerts all his demonic energy to destroy the influence of these two identifying traits – the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. As Seventh-day Adventists, we have claimed the prophetic gift, the “testimony of Jesus,” as manifested through the life and ministry of Ellen G. White. As such, there are two questions we must ask: Does our belief in Ellen White’s prophetic ministry accord with the great Protestant principle of, “Sola Scriptura,” or do we find ourselves reaching beyond the Scripture to justify the gift?

The Prophet as Spokesperson

The prophet is a spokesperson for God (Ex. 4:10f; 7:1; Jer. 1:5, 9; Mt. 1:22).

o Heb. “nabi” – spokesman, speaker

o Gr. “prophetes” – “one who speaks forth” – Vine’s Expository Dictionary

A prophet is not just a fortuneteller!

A priest speaks to God on behalf of the people, whereas the prophet

speaks to the people on behalf of God.

The prophet is God’s method of communication (Am. 3:7; 1 Sam. 28:6, 15; Heb. 1:1f)

o God has spoken audibly. He has communicated with some face to face. He

communicated to the high priest through the Urim and Thummim. He has

revealed Himself to some in dreams and visions. However, by far the most

common “modus operandi” has been communication via the prophet.

Hierarchy of prophetic communication (Rev. 1:1-2)

o God the Father Jesus Christ angel messenger prophet church at large

o Jesus Himself speaks through the prophet? (1 Pet. 1:10f; Rev. 19:10; 22:8f)

The prophetic gift was employed in the written Word (2 Pet. 1:20-21).

o “Moved” – Gr. phero, “driven” in Ac. 27:17, 27

The Spirit “moved” or “drove”, yet men spoke. Note: The experience of

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any (i.e., an eyewitness account) is not sufficient to outweigh the words

of the prophets.

o The “Scriptures of the prophets” (Mt. 26:56; Rom. 1:2; 16:26)

o It is important to note that the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures, and we cannot

understand these “Spiritually discerned” thing without His aid (1 Cor. 2:10f); yet

He has chosen to aid through the Spiritual gifts, which He distributes as He wills.

Types of prophets

Literary, Canonical (wrote books of the Bible) – Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, etc.

Literary, Non-canonical – Iddo, Nathan, Ahijah (2 Chr. 9:29), Shemaiah (2 Chr. 12:5, 15), Elijah (2 Chr. 21:12), etc.

Non-literary, Non-canonical – Enoch (Jude 14), Gad (1 Sam. 22:5; 2 Sam. 24:11), Elisha (2 Ki. 6:12), Agabus (Ac. 11:28; 21:10), etc.

Further, some prophets were women – Miiam (Ex. 15:20), Deborah (Jg. 4:4), Isaiah’s wife (Is. 8:3), Philip’s 4 daughters (Ac. 21:9), etc.

Some were contemporaries – Moses, Miriam; Isaiah and Micah; Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel; Haggai and Zechariah; Ananias, Paul, Silas, Judas, Philip’s four daughters and John.

Roles and Function of the Prophetic Gift

1. To lay the foundation of the church (Eph. 2:20)

2. To equip the saints for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12)

3. To initiate and coordinate the missionary work of the church (Ac. 13:1-2; 16:6-10)

4. To enlighten and give spiritual discernment (1 Sam. 9:9; 1 Cor. 12:12-27; Rev. 3:14f; 2 Pet. 1:16-21); “even as” (1 Cor. 1:6)

5. To preserve unity of belief and prevent doctrinal confusion, esp. in times of controversy (1 Cor. 1:5-10; Eph. 4:13-14; Ac. 15:32)

6. To provide proper boundaries and guidelines for the church (Prov. 29:18)

7. To warn of future difficulties (Ac. 11:27-30; 20:23; 21:4, 10-14)

8. To encourage and comfort the church (2 Chr. 36:15; Rom. 15:4)

9. To aid in the development of Christian character (growing up into Christ – Eph. 4:15)

10. To prosper and preserve God’s people (Hos. 12:13; 1 Sam. 7:13; 3:19-20; 2 Chr. 20:20 w/ Isa. 7:9)

The gift of prophecy is the only gift to be included in all four spiritual gifts lists (Rom. 12, 1 Cor. 12, 14, Eph. 4). The difference between the apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists and the prophets was that the former received their authority from the latter, and the latter received their authority directly from God.

The Prophet and the Formation of Doctrine

Ellen White, in accordance with Ephesians 4:13-14, was given clear understanding in Scriptural things to aid in the formation of doctrine, not as the basis for the doctrine, but as an expositor of the Scriptures which the doctrines were founded upon.

The means of defining truth

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1SM 206 Many of our people do not realize how firmly the foundation of our faith has been laid… I met with [founders of the movement], and we studied and prayed earnestly. Often we remained together until late at night, and sometimes through the entire night, praying for light and studying the Word. Again and again these brethren came together to study the Bible, in order that they might know its meaning, and be prepared to teach it with power. When they came to the point in their study where they said, "We can do nothing more," the Spirit of the Lord would come upon me, I would be taken off in vision, and a clear explanation of the passages we had been studying would be given me, with instruction as to how we were to labor and teach effectively. Thus light was given that helped us to understand the scriptures in regard to Christ, His mission, and His priesthood. A line of truth extending from that time to the time when we shall enter the city of God, was made plain to me, and I gave to others the instruction that the Lord had given me.

The means of establishing truth

3SM 38 In the early days of the message, when our numbers were few, we studied diligently to understand the meaning of many Scriptures. At times it seemed as if no explanation could be given. My mind seemed to be locked to an understanding of the Word; but when our brethren who had assembled for study came to a point where they could go no farther, and had recourse to earnest prayer, the Spirit of God would rest upon me, and I would be taken off in vision, and be instructed in regard to the relation of Scripture to Scripture. These experiences were repeated over and over again. Thus many truths of the third angel's message were established, point by point.

Perhaps this statement from “ablest man in all our ranks,” J. N. Andrews, says it best. It must be noted that Andrews was an accomplished Bible student and scholar, who read the Bible in seven different languages and claimed the ability to reproduce the entire New Testament from memory. If it could be said of anyone that he knew his Bible “well enough” to be exempt from prophetic direction, it could be said of Andrews. Yet speaking of the importance, yea, the absolute necessity, of the prophetic gift, he wrote:

RH 2/15/1870 [The spiritual gifts] constitute the means whereby God preserves His people from confusion by pointing out errors, by correcting false interpretations of the Scriptures, and causing light to shine out upon that which is in danger of being wrongly understood and therefore of being the cause of evil and division to the people of God. In short, their work is to unite the people of God in the same mind and in the same judgment upon the meaning of the Scriptures. Mere human judgment, with no direct instruction from heaven, can never search out hidden iniquity, nor adjust dark and complicated church difficulties, nor prevent different and conflicting interpretations of the Scriptures. It would be sad indeed if God could not still converse with His people.

Opposition against Ellen White

Satan is . . . constantly pressing in the spurious--to lead away from the truth. The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God. "Where there is no vision, the people perish” …. There will be a hatred kindled against the testimonies which is satanic. 1SM 48 The points of opposition;

Context o We don’t have to keep things that were written in their time.

Plagiarism o She did not attempt to deceive people about what she had written.

Medical condition o D M Canright was the woman that started the issue o The diagnosis was made by hearing about her, not by viewing her. o They were saying that when she was in vision she was just having an epileptic

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fit. But the people that said this were not even present. Dr Richard and J H Kellogg where the two people that were against her and the visions. It was after Kellogg rejected the vision is when he started to tell people that she was just sick.

Misapplication o Not understanding the Bible o Taking out of context o Suppression of texts o People believed that her text were changed because of WW Prescott, but Ellen

White authorized these changes. o 1884 was for the Seventh-day Adventist church, the 1911 was for the public. o If there was a problem with this book, then why didn’t God tell her to change it

back? o There was a charge that in life sketches of Paul, she changed texts because a

lawsuit, that has never been found. Shut door

o 1SM 74 With my brethren and sisters, after the time passed in forty-four I did believe no more sinners would be converted. But I never had a vision that no more sinners would be converted. And am clear and free to state no one has ever heard me say or has read from my pen statements which will justify them in the charges they have made against me upon this point.

Unfulfilled Prophecy o The people at the conference

Prophecy is conditional – Jonah Second coming is not conditional?

When it happens it is conditional – Peter was we can hasten it, therefore we can delay it.

Ev 695 Had Adventists, after the great disappointment in 1844, held fast their faith and followed on unitedly in the opening providence of God, receiving the message of the third angel and in the power of the Holy Spirit proclaiming it to the world, they would have seen the salvation of God, the Lord would have wrought mightily with their efforts, the work would have been completed, and Christ would have come ere this to receive His people to their reward. But in the period of doubt and uncertainty that followed the disappointment, many of the advent believers yielded their faith. . . . Thus the work was hindered, and the world was left in darkness. Had the whole Adventist body united upon the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, how widely different would have been our history!

Her life and her example

o Health - CD 394 o Debt - ???? o Owning property

Ellen Whites Role

1. Establish and confirm doctrine

2. Establish unity

3. Guide in the establishment of institutions

4. Meet fanaticism and error

5. Help strengthen and encourage

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6. Build confidence in the message

7. Uphold the law of God

8. Long term protection of the church and the message

9. Warn of future trials, so people can prepare

10. Help organize the work

11. Reform message, keep the work pure

12. To win souls

13. Encourage the church members to stay focused on Jesus

14. Provide counsel on lifestyle

15. Abiding counsel in writing

16. Keep a Christ centered focus in the church

Rejection of the Prophet

1SM 406 The trials of the children of Israel, and their attitude just before the first coming of Christ, have been presented before me again and again to illustrate the position of the people of God in their experience before the second coming of Christ--how the enemy sought every occasion to take control of the minds of the Jews, and today he is seeking to blind the minds of God's servants, that they may not be able to discern the precious truth.

The 400 year period before the coming of Christ, the Greeks used entertainment, and amusements gutted the Jews of any spiritual life. On New Year’s Day 1900, there was prosperity and peace around the world. There was free travel, down in Australia, Ellen White said God was removing His protection from the earth, and soon there will be increase in destruction death. In less than 20 years World War 1 started.

FLB 343 We are near the close of time. I have been shown that the retributive judgments of God are already in the land. The Lord has given us warning of the events about to take place. . . . Those who are drinking from the same fountain of blessing will draw nearer together. Truth dwelling in the hearts of believers will lead to blessed and happy assimilation. Thus will be answered the prayer of Christ that His disciples might be one even as He is one with the Father. For this oneness every truly converted heart will be striving. With the ungodly there will be a deceptive harmony that but partially conceals a perpetual discord. In their opposition to the will and the truth of God they are united, while on every other point they are rent with hatred, emulation, jealousy, and deadly strife. The Lord is removing His restrictions from the earth, and soon there will be death and destruction (World War 1), increasing crime, and cruel, evil working against the rich (Communism) who have exalted themselves against the poor. Those who are without God's protection will find no safety in any place or position. Human agents are being trained and are using their inventive power to put into operation the most powerful machinery (Atomic Bomb) to wound and to kill. The Lord will arise to shake terribly the earth. We shall see troubles on all sides. Thousands of ships will be hurled into the depths of the sea. Navies will go down, and human lives will be sacrificed by millions. Fires will break out unexpectedly, and no human effort will be able to quench them. The palaces of earth will be swept away in the fury of the flames. Disasters by rail will become more and more frequent; confusion, collision, and death without a moment's warning will occur on the great lines of travel. The end is near, probation is closing. Oh, let us seek God while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near!” {FLB 343.5} Ev 695 Had Adventists, after the great disappointment in 1844, held fast their faith and followed on unitedly in the opening providence of God, receiving the message of the third angel and in the power of the Holy Spirit proclaiming it to the world, they would have seen the salvation of God, the Lord would have wrought mightily with their efforts, the work would have been completed, and Christ would have come ere this to receive His people to their reward. But in the period of doubt and uncertainty that followed the disappointment, many of the advent believers yielded

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their faith. . . . Thus the work was hindered, and the world was left in darkness. Had the whole Adventist body united upon the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, how widely different would have been our history!

Who is responsible for World War 1 and 2 the Atomic Bomb and Communism? Adventism is the cause of all of this.

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Beware Of False Prophets

Tests of the prophetic gift

Jesus did not warn “Beware of prophets,” but “Beware of false prophets” (Mt. 7:15). How is one to determine whether a prophet is true or false? The Bible warns the honest seeker after truth not to spurn prophetic visions and dreams, but to “test” them. Don’t despise all prophesying (1 Thes. 5:19-21). Don’t receive all prophecies (1 John. 4:1). It is interesting to note that Paul speaks in the positive and John the negative, yet both making the simple point that prophets are to be tested.

Physical phenomena

Prophets are aware of supernatural communication. (Num. 24:2-4; Dan. 10:7-11, 15-18; 2 Cor. 12:2-4). Ellen White was once asked by her son, W.C. White, whether she had ordinary dreams like others do. When she replied that she did, he then asked how she knew the difference between her ordinary dreams and her prophetic dreams. Her reply – “The same angel who stands by my side in the vision of the day also stands by my side in the prophetic dream at night.” – White, Arthur L., Messenger to the Remnant, p. 7.

They have a sense of their worthlessness

In response to the glorious scenes presented in vision, Daniel exclaimed “My splendor was turned to corruption” (Dan. 10:8, NASB, margin). Isaiah, in his vision of the Lord, cried out “Woe is me, for I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts” (Isa. 6:5).

They often lose their strength at the onset of the vision White, James S., Life Incidents 272-273 Several times, while earnestly addressing the congregation, unexpectedly to herself and to all around her, she has been instantly prostrated in vision [Dan. 10:9, 15] prostrated before being strengthened].

At times strength is renewed during vision White, James S., Life Incidents 272-273 Immediately on entering vision, her muscles become rigid, and joints fixed, so far as any external force can influence them. At the same time her movements and gestures, which are frequent, are free and graceful, and cannot be hindered nor controlled by the strongest person. [Dan. 10:18-19 - made strong].

They often don’t breathe White, James S., Life Incidents 272-273 She does not breathe. During the entire period of her continuance in vision, which has at different times ranged from fifteen minutes to three hours, there is no breath, as has been repeatedly proved by pressing upon the chest, and by closing the mouth and nostrils. [Dan. 10:17 - no breath; Dan. 10:16 - speaks without breath].

They often are oblivious to their surroundings even though eyes are open White, James S., Life Incidents 272-273 She is utterly unconscious of everything transpiring around her, as has been proved by the most rigid tests, but views herself as removed from this world, and in the presence of heavenly beings. [2Cor. 12:2-4 - caught up to third heaven].

Occasionally experience physical trauma following vision (Ac. 9:7-9)

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White, James S., Life Incidents 272-273 On coming out of vision, whether in the day-time or a well-lighted room at night, all is total darkness. Her power to distinguish even the most brilliant objects, held within a few inches of the eyes, returns but gradually, sometimes not being fully established for three hours. This has continued for the past twenty years; yet her eyesight is not in the least impaired, few persons having better than she now possesses.

For more information on this topic, please refer to J.N. Loughborough, The Great Second Advent Movement, Chpt. 13, “Tokens of Divine Guidance,” esp. pp. 205-211.

10 scriptural tests for the prophetic gift

They must be associated with God’s true church (1 Cor. 14:22)

If the ideas presented in this book [Living Temple] were received, they would lead to the uprooting of the whole construction of the faith that makes Seventh-day Adventists a chosen, denominated people… The light that has been given I dare not withhold. The Lord has appointed me as His messenger, and I must speak the words He gives me. The testimonies that have been given by the Lord for nearly half a century in regard to the ministerial work, and the management of our sanitariums, must come before the people, that our brethren and sisters in the faith shall understand the light that God has been pleased to give regarding the different branches of the work to be carried on at this time. – Special Testimonies, Vol. B, No. 7, p. 49. We stand before the world as God's denominated people; and we must do our appointed work. We are not to obey the principles of the world; we are not to conform to its customs; we are to be a peculiar people, zealous of good works. – Special Testimonies, Vol. B, No. 8, p. 7.

They do not claim to be verbally (mechanically) inspired (1 Cor. 14:32-33) The Bible points to God as its author; yet it was written by human hands; and in the varied style of its different books it presents the characteristics of the several writers. The truths revealed are all "given by inspiration of God" (2 Timothy 3:16); yet they are expressed in the words of men. The Infinite One by His Holy Spirit has shed light into the minds and hearts of His servants. He has given dreams and visions, symbols and figures; and those to whom the truth was thus revealed have themselves embodied the thought in human language. – Great Controversy, p. v3. The Ten Commandments were spoken by God Himself, and were written by His own hand. They are of divine, and not of human composition. But the Bible, with its God-given truths expressed in the language of men, presents a union of the divine and the human. Such a union existed in the nature of Christ, who was the Son of God and the Son of man. Thus it is true of the Bible, as it was of Christ, that "the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." John 1:14. – Ibid., p. v4.

They will not contradict revealed truth (Is. 8:20)

o False prophets misinterpret the Bible (Eze.22:28)

3SM 29 I recommend to you, dear reader, the Word of God as the rule of your faith and practice. By that Word we are to be judged. God has, in that Word, promised to give visions in the "last days"; not for a new rule of faith, but for the comfort of His people, and to correct those who err from Bible truth.

They will acknowledge the divine/human nature of Christ (1 Jn. 4:2-3) Christ did not make-believe take human nature; He did verily take it. He did in reality possess human nature. "As the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same." He was the Son of Mary; He was of the seed of David according to human descent. He is declared to be a man, even the man Christ Jesus. – Review & Herald, April 5, 1906.

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Their prophecies must come true (Deut. 18:22; Jer. 28:9)

o An exception here would be conditional prophecies (Jer. 18:6-10)

Jonah (Jon. 3:4)

conditions were given (v. 9)

His knowledge of conditional prophecy led him to flee (4:2)

o Health

She said in 1905 that cancer is a germ (or virus), which medical science began to endorse only in the 1950’s (“Dr. Wendell Stanley, University of California virologist, and Nobel Prize winner, went so far as to state without qualification that he believes viruses cause most of all human cancer.” – Newsweek, June 18, 1956).

In 1864, she wrote: “Tobacco is a poison of the most deceitful and malignant kind.” It wasn’t until 1957 that the American Heart Association concluded that smoking was a causative factor in lung cancer.

The same is true for what she wrote about prenatal influences. Not only were these things unproven scientifically, but they were directly opposed by the “experts” of her day.

Consider the following quote from Dr. Clive McCay, former professor of nutrition at Cornell University. At the conclusion of a three-article series in the Review and Herald, written at the request of Editor Nichol and based upon talks that McCay was giving to various professional and learned societies, the professor of nutrition drew four conclusions:

“To sum up the discussion: Every modern specialist in nutrition whose life is dedicated to human welfare must be impressed in four respects by the writings and leadership of Ellen G. White. “In the first place, her basic concepts about the relation between diet and health have been verified to an unusual degree by scientific advances of the past decades. . . . “In the second place, everyone who attempts to teach nutrition can hardly conceive of leadership such as that of Mrs. White that was able to induce a substantial number of people to improve their diets. “In the third place, one can only speculate about the large number of sufferers during the past century who could have had improved health if they had accepted the teachings of Mrs. White. “Finally, one can wonder how to make her teachings more widely known to benefit the overcrowded earth that seems inevitable tomorrow unless the present rate of increase of the world’s population is decreased. “In spite of the fact that the works of Mrs. White were written long before the advent of modern scientific nutrition, no better overall guide is available today.” - Clive M. McCay, “A Nutritional Authority Discusses Mrs. E. G. White,” Review and Herald, Feb. 12, 19, and 26, 1959 (and reprinted in the same journal with slight abridgment on Jan. 8 and 15, 1981; reprinted in brochure form; cited in R.W. Coon, A Gift of Light, pp. 48, 59).

“Have you wondered if health care is worth it? The consensus of most modern medical men is that you should exercise, keep your weight down, and avoid smoking cigarettes An increasing number of physicians are recommending against alcohol, high-cholesterol meats and white-

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flour bread. These recommendations are based on ‘the latest medical knowledge’ though I can show you the same prescription for health in a book that's a hundred years old. Ellen White authored that book. To this day Seventh-day Adventists accept her criteria… It has tended to reaffirm the faith of the faithful to discover that the most advanced scientific findings support what was written and taught by this amazing little lady, Ellen White, more than a hundred years ago… Yet modern science continues more and more to say, ‘She was right!’” – Paul Harvey News, March, 1969.

o Education

"Recently I attended a meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, at the Hilton Hotel in Chicago… We were visiting with Dr. Florence Stratemeyer, an eminent educational author and researcher. She is perhaps one of the most distinguished woman educators in the United States today. I identified myself as a Seventh-day Adventist and told them a little about our educational program. She said, 'Oh, I have just been reading your book Education. It was given to me by Dr. Wesley Rhodes at Union College.' Then she added, 'That is an amazing book.' She continued to speak of it, describing it as 'a wonderful book.' After I told her something about Mrs. White and what little education she had, Dr. Stratemeyer said, 'Well, she was a prophet, wasn't she?' I told her that we were careful how we used the word 'prophet,' but by Bible standards, she would be called one. Dr. Stratemeyer made the statement, 'She must have been a prophet.' Since the other men recognized Dr. Stratemeyer as an authority in the field of education, they immediately began to ask for copies of the book." - Dr. Raymond Moore, Chairman, Department of Education and Psychology, Potomac University.

“Recently the book Education by Ellen G. White has been brought to my attention. Written at the turn of the century (1903), this volume was more than fifty years ahead of its times…” – Dr. Florence Stratemeyer, Professor of Education at Columbia University Teachers College, regarding Ellen White's book Education (1903).

o Rise of Papal Influence

GC 445 When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result.

GC 581 Protestants little know what they are doing when they propose to accept the aid of Rome in the work of Sunday exaltation. While they are bent upon the accomplishment of their purpose, Rome is aiming to re-establish her power, to recover her lost supremacy. Let the principle once be established in the United States that the church may employ or control the power of the state; that religious observances may be enforced by secular laws; in short, that the authority of church and state is to dominate the conscience, and the triumph of Rome in this country is assured.

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o Union of Protestantism and Catholicism

GC 588 The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of Spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience.

o Calamities

LDE 24 We shall see troubles on all sides. Thousands of ships will be hurled into the depths of the sea. Navies will go down, and human lives will be sacrificed by millions. Fires will break out unexpectedly and no human effort will be able to quench them. The palaces of earth will be swept away in the fury of the flames. Disasters by rail will become more and more frequent. Confusion, collision, and death without a moment's warning will occur on the great lines of travel. The end is near, probation is closing. Oh, let us seek God while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near!--MYP 89, 90 (1890).

o Civil War

Months before the war began, one state, South Carolina, had seceded from the Union. The military and government leaders of our country, including President Lincoln, saw the secession as only a minor threat. The renowned editor of the New York Tribune, Horace Greeley, wrote, “A few old women with broom sticks could go down there and beat out all of the rebellion that there is in South Carolina.” The week before, he wrote, “If someone with the firmness of Andrew Jackson should go down there and say, South Carolina, where are you going? They would reply, ‘Back into the Union again, Sir.’” In the same week, Mrs. White gave a public address in Parkville, Michigan, Sabbath, Jan. 12, 1861 - “Men are making light of the secession ordinance that has been passed by South Carolina [Dec. 20, 1860]. They have little idea of the trouble that is coming on our land. No one in this house has even dreamed of the trouble that is coming. – Ellen White Biography, Vol. 1, p. 463.

“I have just been shown in vision that a number of States are going to join South Carolina in this secession, and a terrible war will be the result. In the vision I saw large armies raised by both the North and the South. I was shown the battle raging. I heard the booming of the cannon, and saw the dead and wounded falling on every side. I was then taken to hospitals, and saw the sufferings of the sick and wounded prisoners. I was taken in the vision to the homes of those who had lost sons, brothers, or husbands in the war. There was distress and mourning all over the land. There are men in this house who will lose sons in that war.”—Ibid.

She was scoffed at in the meeting. Newspaper reporters that were outside made light of her speech. The sentiment was “Now we know she is not a true prophet. This is not going to happen.” Some three months later, eleven states had seceded and elected their Confederate president. But President Lincoln called for a paltry 75,000 men for three months to put down the rebellion. He felt that no more were needed.

The rest is history. The North would have almost three million men on

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the field of battle and the South would have half that number. The U.S. lost more people in that war than all of our other wars combined to this date. Ellen White’s warnings of the coming war and the terrible slaughter to follow, though they contradicted the thinking of our country’s leaders, were accurate and well founded. She was obviously getting her information from another source. Incidentally, there were at least 10 men who attended her lecture that lost sons in the war.

o Rise of Modern Spiritualism

“I saw that the mysterious knocking in New York and other places was the power of Satan, and that such things would be more and more common, clothed in a religious garb so as to lull the deceived to greater security and to draw the minds of God's people, if possible, to those things and cause them to doubt the teaching and power of the Holy Ghost." This view was given in 1849, nearly five years since. Then spirit manifestations were mostly confined to the city of Rochester, known as the "Rochester knockings." Since that time the heresy has spread beyond the expectations of anyone…

EW 86-87 I saw the rapping delusion-what progress it was making, and that if it were possible it would deceive the very elect. Satan will have power to bring before us the appearance of forms purporting to be our relatives or friends now sleeping in Jesus. It will be made to appear as if these friends were present; the words that they uttered while here, with which we were familiar, will be spoken, and the same tone of voice that they had while living will fall upon the ear. All this is to deceive the saints and ensnare them into the belief of this delusion.

Their messages will always lead closer to Christ (Deut. 13:1-4)

o In an Andrews University study, a comparison was done on the attitude and behavior of Adventists who regularly read Ellen White’s books and those who do not. The following conclusion was reached: “Readers have a closer relationship with Christ, more certainty of their standing with God (assurance), and are more likely to have identified their spiritual gifts. They are more in favor of spending for public evangelism and contribute more heavily to local missionary projects. They feel more prepared for witnessing and actually engage in more witnessing and outreach programs. They are more likely to study the Bible daily, to pray for specific people, to meet in fellowship groups, and to have daily family worship. They see their church more positively. They are responsible for winning more converts.” – Seventh-day Adventists Believe…, pp. 226-7. The study also stated that “82 percent of the readers usually or always have daily personal Bible study, while only 47 percent of the non readers do.” – Douglass, Messenger of the Lord, p. 515.

They will plainly point out sin, regarding faithfulness above policy (Is. 58:1-2; Lam. 2:14)

o There are those who will be glad to lull you to sleep in your carnal security, but I have a different work. My message is to alarm you, to bid you reform your lives and cease your rebellion against the God of the universe. Take the Word of God, and see if you are in harmony with it. Is your character such as will bear the search of the heavenly investigation? – The Faith I Live By, 293.

They have absolutely no association with spiritualism (Deut. 18:10-12).

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o GC 556 None need be deceived by the lying claims of spiritualism. God has given the world sufficient light to enable them to discover the snare… Furthermore, God has expressly forbidden all pretended communication with departed spirits. In the days of the Hebrews there was a class of people who claimed, as do the spiritualists of today, to hold communication with the dead. But the "familiar spirits," as these visitants from other worlds were called, are declared by the Bible to be "the spirits of devils." (Compare Numbers 25:1-3; Psalm 106:28; I Corinthians 10:20; Revelation 16:14.)… The claim that men can hold [communication] with evil spirits is regarded as a fable of the Dark Ages. But spiritualism, which numbers its converts by hundreds of thousands, yea, by millions, which has made its way into scientific circles, which has invaded churches, and has found favor in legislative bodies, and even in the courts of kings-- this mammoth deception is but a revival, in a new disguise, of the witchcraft condemned and prohibited of old.

They will live holy lives (Mt. 7:20)

o On August 23, 1915 [shortly after her death on July 16, 1915], there appeared in The New York Independent (a prestigious monthly journal published in New York) an editorial entitled "An American Prophetess" in which was stated “ Did she really receive divine visions, and was she really chosen by the Holy Spirit to be endued with the charisma of prophecy? Or was she the victim of an excited imagination? Why should we answer? One's doctrine of the Bible may affect the conclusion. At any rate, she was absolutely honest in her belief in her revelations. Her life was worthy of them. She showed no spiritual pride and she sought no filthy lucre. She lived the life and did the work of a worthy prophetess, the most admirable of the American succession.” – EGW Bio, vol. 6, p. 444.

o A Detroit Post reporter described observing one of Mrs. White’s sermons as a “remarkable and thrilling” experience: “Although her eloquence and persuasive powers were well-know by the audience, still they were unprepared for the powerful and unanswerable appeal which she made. She seemed indeed almost inspired as she implored sinners to flee from their sins. The effect of her magnetic speech and manner was most remarkable.” – Cited in Review & Herald, Aug. 18, 1874, p. 68.

o In his book The Truth About Seventh-day Adventism, Walter R. Martin, in the midst of setting forth the areas in which he disagrees with Ellen White, wrote "After reading the publications of the Seventh-day Adventists denomination and almost all the writings of Ellen G. White, including her Testimonies, the writer believes that Mrs. White was truly a regenerate Christian woman who loved the Lord Jesus Christ and dedicated herself unstintingly to the task of bearing witness for Him as she felt led. . . . [After listing some areas where he disagreed with her teachings and believed her to be in error, Martin added,] But no one can dispute the fact that her writings conform to the basic principles of the historic gospel, for they most certainly do." About a paragraph later he added, "all that she wrote on such subjects as salvation or Christian living characterizes her as a Christian in every sense of the term" (pp. 112, 113).

o Apply C. S. Lewis’ “trilemma” here. How can Ellen White be “a regenerate Christian woman,” “a Christian in every sense of the term,” whose writings “conform to the… historic gospel” and yet be lying about receiving dreams or visions from the Lord?

o Vincent L. Ramik, a prominent and respected copyright attorney in Washington,

D.C., was hired in 1981 by the General Conference legal office to investigate the

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plagiarism charges against Ellen White. Ramik, a Roman Catholic, spent some 300 hours reviewing cases and reading the literary evidence. In addition to examining the critics’ case, he sampled what he called “a great cross section of her books,” even reading The Great Controversy all the way through. He concluded, “Theologians, I am told, distinguish here between verbal inspiration and plenary inspiration. Too many of the critics have missed the boat altogether. And it’s too bad, too! I, personally, have been moved, deeply moved, by those writings. I have been changed by them. I think I am a better man today because of them. And I wish the critics could discover that!” – Adventist Review, September 17, 1981.

o The following testimony for Patriarchs and Prophets, from Mr. A. S. Hinton, a

member of an old southern family of tobacco manufacturers in Tennessee, was sent to Ernest Lloyd by Prof. H. H. Hamilton in June, 1956. It follows: "This is the most beautiful book I have ever read, and I have been reading books since I was a child. As a literary production it is fascinating, interesting and gorgeous. As an expression of faith it is beyond cavil or criticism. It is above greatness. It is inspired,--if such can be in these latter days. It has engaged my attention for a full week, and it is to me labor well bestowed. I surely am under obligation to my kind friend, Mrs. Thompson, for the loan of this magnificent book. It almost persuades me to be a Christian. How far above the bickerings of denominational sects is the effort of this good woman! It is a plea for no doctrine or creed but an appeal for faith in God in all the trials and circumstances of our fitful and uncertain life. Would that everybody could read and reflect on this wonderful work." (Prof. H. H. Hamilton, now living in La Sierra, California, writes that it was his aunt, Mrs. Thompson, who gave Mr. Hinton the book to read. All this happened years ago. It is good to know that Mr. Hinton did "slip into the church after giving himself to the Lord, and soon afterward he passed away.")

They will not be popular (Lk. 6:26)

o “the dragon was wroth with the woman” (Rev. 12:17)

o Every conceivable message is coming to counterfeit the work of God, and always bearing the inscription of truth upon its banner. And those who are prepared for anything new and sensational, will handle these things in such a manner that our enemies will charge all that is inconsistent and overdone upon Mrs. E. G. White, the prophetess. . . . – Selected Messages, Vol. 3, p. 404.

o Brethren and Sisters, let not your souls be disturbed by the efforts of those who so earnestly seek to arouse distrust and suspicion of Sister White. These attacks have been repeated hundreds of times during the past forty years; but my labors have not ceased; the voice of warning, reproof, and encouragement has not been silenced. The evil reports framed concerning me have injured those who circulated them; but they have not destroyed my work. Before some of these opposers had an existence, I was shown what would come, and from what source. In the day of God, those who have been seeking to prove me a deceiver must answer for their course. I appeal to those who love the truth: Guard well the avenues of the soul. Place sentinels at the eyes, the ears, the lips. When prevarications and conjectures are brought before you, and your minds are disturbed, go to Jesus, and pray for help that you may not be ensnared by the wiles of Satan.

o Many ask, Why do you not contradict these reports? Why allow them to be

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circulated? The same question has been asked again and again for the last forty years. My answer is, in the language of one of old, I am doing a great work, and I cannot come down. God has called me to reveal to others by pen and voice, what he has revealed to me. In his strength I must go forward in this solemn and important work, knowing that it is soon to bear the test of the Judgment. While false accusers are doing what pleases themselves, I will seek only to please Him who has given me my work. Christ is our leader, and if we follow him, we shall see his triumph and share his joy. – E.G. White, “Our Present Position,” Review & Herald, August 28, 1883, par. 8, 9.

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The Law, the Prophets & the Advent Movement


In our previous lessons, we have clearly established from Scripture that the gift of prophecy has been employed by God to guide His church in times past. We have also established that the prophetic gift, along with the rest of the spiritual gifts, are to continue in God’s church until His people fully reflect Christ’s image (Eph. 4:13). We now turn to the following questions: (1) What Biblical basis is there, if any, that would lead us to expect a special manifestation of the prophetic gift in these last days, and more importantly, (2) What Scriptural evidence would lead us to accept Ellen G. White as the manifestation of that gift?

In the fullness of time (Am. 3:7)

The Flood

Long term prophet – Enoch (Jude 14)

o Methuselah – “when he is dead, it shall be sent”

Gen. 5:25 – Methuselah 187 when Lamech was born

Gen. 5:28 – Lamech 182 when Noah was born

Gen. 7:11 – Noah 600 years when the flood came

Gen. 5:27 – Methuselah 969 when he died

Short term prophet – Noah

Remnant – Noah’s family

The Exodus

Long term prophet – Abraham (Gen. 20:7; 15:12-15)

o If Paul (Gal. 3:16-17) refers to the first promise made to Abram in Haran (Gen. 12:1–3), the 430 years began when Abram was 75 years old (ch. 12:4). The 400 years of affliction would then begin 30 years later, when Abram was 105 and his son Isaac 5 years old (ch. 21:5). This would be about the time Ishmael, who “was born after the flesh persecuted him [Isaac] that was born after the Spirit” (Gal. 4:29; Gen. 21:9–11). - SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 1, p. 314.

Short term prophet – Moses (Deut. 18:18; Hos. 12:13; Ex. 12:41)

Remnant – Israelites who left Egypt

The Messiah

Long term prophet – Daniel

Short term prophet – John the Baptist

Remnant – Those who believed in Him

The 2300 Day Prophecy

Long term prophet – Daniel

Short term prophet – Ellen White

Remnant – Those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus

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The law and the prophets

The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war… (Rev. 12:17). There is a deep significance to this text, especially these two characteristics – the law and the prophets. These two go hand in hand. This theme is consistent throughout the Scripture, and we are going to look at a few texts to establish this.

The law and the prophets go together

o Ps. 78:5 – God established a testimony and a law

o Ac. 24:14 – believing all things written in the law and the prophets

o Is. 8:16, 20 – bind up the testimony, seal the law…

o Is. 30:9-10 – won’t hear the law, tell prophets to “prophesy smooth things…”

o Prov. 29:18 – where there is no vision… happy is he who keeps the law

However, God’s people rebelled against the law and the prophets.

o Neh. 9:26 – they cast the law behind their backs and slew the prophets

o Is. 30:10 – won’t hear law, tell prophets to prophesy “smooth things”

o Jer. 18:18 – the law shall not perish… nor the word from the prophet

God warned that their apostasy would not go unpunished. If they continued to reject his law, he would remove the prophetic ministry from their midst and leave them to the delusions they had chosen.

o Jer. 26:4-6 – If you will not listen to the law or the prophets…

o Ezek. 7:26 – they shall seek a vision from the prophet, the law shall perish from the priest

o Zech 7:10-13 – lest they should hear the law… and… the prophets

o Prov. 28:9 – He who turns his ear from hearing the law…

o Lam. 2:8-9 – the law is no more, prophets find no vision

Here’s the point – the law and the prophets go together. Those who refused to obey God’s law also refused to heed the voice of His prophets. Those who rejected His prophets, also rejected His law (regardless their profession – Jer. 18:18). Because of their rebellion, God removed the law and the prophets from His people. Yet the Lord did not leave His people alone. He promised that, if obedient, He would restore the prophetic gift to His church.

The Return of Elijah

Behold, I will send my messenger… (Mal. 3:1)

Mal. 4:4-5 – remember the law of Moses… Behold, I will send Elijah the prophet

Mt. 11:7, 10, 13-14 – Jesus declared John the Baptist to be a fulfillment

o Jn. 1:21-23 – “Art thou Elias?”

o Lk. 7:28 – the greatest of the prophets

John, however, was only a partial fulfillment, just as Pentecost was a partial fulfillment of the prophecy in Joel. The “great and dreadful day of the Lord” was still yet to come (1 Thes. 5:2; 2 Pet. 3:10)

DA 220 The prophet John was the connecting link between the two dispensations. As God's representative he stood forth to show the

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relation of the law and the prophets to the Christian dispensation. He was the lesser light, which was to be followed by a greater…

The Rise of the Advent Movement

Truth cast to the ground… (Dan. 8:9f)

Dan. 7:25 – think to change times and law

Dan. 8:13-14 – How long? Unto 2300 days…

o As foretold by prophecy, the papal power cast down the truth to the ground. The law of God was trampled in the dust, while the traditions and customs of men were exalted. (GC 88 64)

Rev. 12:6, 16-17 – the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus

o The truth was to be cast down, and deceit, or error, would prosper in its place. A falling away (Gr. apostasia) must come first. For 1260 days of papal supremacy, from 538 to 1798 A.D., God’s law was professedly changed and tradition had been exalted above the Word of Truth. The two witnesses would prophesy in sackcloth and ashes. At the end of the 2300 days, it was prophesied that the fallen truth would be restored – God prepared the way for the woman to come out into a new land to restore the truth that had been systematically dismantled during the dark ages. And in keeping with His promise, when His people returned to His law, He restored to them the prophetic gift as a means of furthering His truth in the world. “Behold I will send Elijah the prophet… My messenger…”

Truth restored

2300 Days

o Long term prophet – Daniel

o Short term prophet – Ellen White

o Remnant – Those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus

LLM 33-34 The law of God and the Spirit of Prophecy go hand in hand to guide and counsel the church, and whenever the church has recognized this by obeying His law, the spirit of prophecy has been sent to guide her in the way of truth… [Rev. 12:17 quoted] This prophecy points out clearly that the remnant church will acknowledge God in His law and will have the prophetic gift. Obedience to the law of God, and the spirit of prophecy has always distinguished the true people of God, and the test is usually given on present manifestations… As the third angel's message arose in the world, which is to reveal the law of God to the church in its fullness and power, the prophetic gift was also immediately restored. This gift has acted a very prominent part in the development and carrying forward of this message.”

“If you will receive it, this is Elijah who is to come…”

“Behold, I send My messenger”

1SM 31-32 Some have stumbled over the fact that I said I did not claim to be a prophet, and they have asked, Why is this? I have had no claims to make, only that I am instructed that I am the Lord's messenger…

A “lesser light”

RH 1/20/ 1903; 3SM 30 Speaking of her own prophetic gift, Ellen White wrote “Little heed is

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given to the Bible, and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light.”

“More than a prophet”

Early in my youth I was asked several times, Are you a prophet? I have ever responded, I am the Lord's messenger. I know that many have called me a prophet, but I have made no claim to this title. My Saviour declared me to be His messenger. Why have I not claimed to be a prophet?--Because in these days many who boldly claim that they are prophets are a reproach to the cause of Christ; and because my work includes much more than the word "prophet" signifies. (Ibid.)

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By Whose Authority?


Many of us tend to get very defensive when God calls for a course correction. We immediately want to retaliate and demand that God change His position instead of changing our own. Of course we don’t directly challenge God, but indirectly, by attempting to strip His messages of their authority. This is well illustrated in an actual radio conversation between a U.S. naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995. Radio conversation released by the chief of naval operations, 10-10-95:

CANADIANS: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. AMERICANS: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision. CANADIANS: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. AMERICANS: This is the captain of a U.S. Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. CANADIANS: No, I say again, you divert YOUR course. AMERICANS: This is the Aircraft Carrier USS LINCOLN, the second largest ship in the United States Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied with three Destroyers, three Cruisers and numerous support vessels. I DEMAND that you change your course 15 degrees north. I say again, that’s one-five degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship. CANADIANS: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

The gift of prophecy has always guided God’s church in safe paths. This gift, in accordance with Ephesians chapter 4, has –

equipped the church for ministry

edified the body by giving clear direction and reproof when needed in the areas of evangelism, health, education, foreign missions, publishing, etc.

brought unity in doctrinal understandings and teachings

preserved the body from the many deceptive doctrines that have been introduced, and

challenged God’s people to strive toward Christlikeness of Character, until we come to the “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”

How has this been accomplished? One word – Authority. God has invested His prophets with authority. Authority is what makes the prophet effective. A prophet without authority is like a justice system without law enforcement officers or a lion without teeth or claws. If a prophet has no authority, everything he says is simply “good advice.”

The Authority of the Prophet

“By whose authority…?” (Luke 20:1-8).

o What is the question of the priests, scribes and elders? “Where did you get your authority?” Jesus had just cleansed the temple the second time. “Who authorized you to do this?”

Does Jesus answer them? Only with a question. “You tell me, where did John the Baptist get his authority?” They refused to answer His question, so Jesus refused to answer theirs. Why?

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Those who rejected John the Baptist rejected Christ (Luke 7:24-30).

o John was to prepare the way before Christ. Notice what happened: Those who received John’s ministry and baptism also received the teaching of Jesus. Those who rejected the ministry of John also rejected Jesus.

Those who rejected the servants rejected the Son (Luke 20:9-14).

o The issue is one of authority – Jesus would enter into no debate. The priests, scribes and elders asked Him where He received His authority. He responded by asking them where John the Baptist received his authority, because He knew that if they could recognize John’s authority they would recognize His; if they could not recognize John’s authority, He would be wasting His time in answering them. If they could not recognize God speaking through His prophet, neither would they hear God’s voice speaking through His Son.

“He that receiveth you receiveth me… (Mt. 10:41-2; Eze. 3:4-7)

o You see, it is God who speaks through the prophet His messages of warning and reproof, as well as comfort and encouragement. Those who reject the prophet are in reality rejecting the one who sent them.

The Bible and the Bible only (Jn. 9:28-9; 5:44-7)

o In essence, the religious leaders said, “We have Moses, and that’s all we need. Moses and Moses only!” Had they truly received Moses, wouldn’t they have received Christ, whom Moses said would come (Deut. 18:18-19)?

“I am come in my Father’s name and you receive me not… (Jn. 5:44-7)

You are not familiar with the Scriptures. If you had made God's word your study, with a desire to reach the Bible standard and attain to Christian perfection, you would not have needed the Testimonies. It is because you have neglected to acquaint yourselves with God's inspired Book that He has sought to reach you by simple, direct testimonies, calling your attention to the words of inspiration which you had neglected to obey, and urging you to fashion your lives in accordance with its pure and elevated teachings. (5T 664)

“They knew Him not, neither yet the voice of the prophets… (Ac. 13:27; 1 Thes. 2:15)

o Note here that those Jewish leaders who rejected the messages of the prophets ended up fulfilling those messages in their rejection of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. If one would have told them early on that their failure to conform their lives entirely to the prophetic messages would result in their rejection of their own Messiah, they would surely have scoffed at the idea. Likewise today, there is an unsettling overconfidence in our own ability to “steer our own vessel safely into the harbor” (6BC 1108). Could it be possible that our failure to conform our lives to the messages of the prophet could lead us to be unprepared for our Savior’s return?

“If they hear not Moses and the prophets… (Lk. 16:27-31)

o Lk. 23:8-9. Why didn’t Jesus answer any of Herod’s questions? Because he had already given him every opportunity of hearing the truth through the message of John the Baptist. There was nothing more to say.

TM 106 When a view of Scripture is presented, many do not ask, Is it true--in harmony with God's word? but, By whom is it advocated? and unless it comes through the very channel that pleases them, they do not

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accept it. So thoroughly satisfied are they with their own ideas that they will not examine the Scripture evidence with a desire to learn, but refuse to be interested, merely because of their prejudices. The Lord often works where we least expect Him; He surprises us by revealing His power through instruments of His own choice, while He passes by the men to whom we have looked as those through whom light should come. God desires us to receive the truth upon its own merits--because it is truth.

3T 63 Whoever turns from the light in one instance hardens his heart to disregard the light upon other matters. Whoever violates moral obligations in the matter of eating and dressing prepares the way to violate the claims of God in regard to eternal interests.

Had Elder Smith, and those united with him, been standing in the light, they would have recognized the voice of warning and reproof; but he calls it a human work, and casts it aside. The work he is doing he will wish undone ere long. He is weaving a net around himself that he cannot easily break. This is not my opinion. What voice will you acknowledge as the voice of God? What power has the Lord in reserve to correct your errors, and show you your course as it is?… You have, by your own course, closed every avenue whereby the Lord would reach you. Will he raise one from the dead to speak to you? If you refuse to believe until every shadow of uncertainty, and every possibility of doubt is removed, you will never believe. The doubt that demands perfect knowledge will never yield to faith… The word of the Lord comes to us all who have not resisted his Spirit by determining not to hear and obey. This voice is heard in warnings, in counsels, in reproof. It is the Lord's message of light to his people. If we wait for louder calls, or better opportunities, the light may be withdrawn, and we left in darkness. (Pamphlet 117, p. 51; a portion found in 3SM 69)

No Remedy (2 Chr. 36:14-16)

o 4T 443 [Some of the Brethren] talk flippantly of the Testimonies given of God for the benefit of His people, and pass judgment upon them, giving their opinions and criticizing this and that, when they would better place their hands upon their lips and lie with their faces in the dust; for they know no more of the spirit of the Testimonies than they do of the Spirit of God.

Thank God for the prophetic guidance He has given us! We don’t have to spend our precious time chasing the devil’s rabbits – church steeples, head coverings, feast days, the personality of the Holy Spirit, etc. We have a wonderful lighthouse to guide us safely home; to shed light on the way when we can’t see, and to redirect our course when we are going the wrong way. We have wonderful counsel on how to live as Christians, how to care for our bodies, how to raise our children, how to educate them, how to share Christ with those around us. Why is it that we spend so much time reading the works of uninspired authors even to the exclusion of inspiration? If an angel from heaven were to appear with a heavenly message, how many would flock to hear all about it? How much would people be willing to pay just for the smallest piece of heavenly instruction? Why is it we have to a great degree neglected this wonderful gift of light? Are we afraid we may have to change our course? My dear friends, if this light fails to stir us, greater light can do no more. If we wait for louder calls, we may be left in darkness. Today, will you divert your course, commit your ways to the Lord, and walk fully in the light?

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The Nature of Inspiration


Understanding how God communicates with the prophet is just as important as believing that God communicates with the prophet. A belief in the prophetic gift without a working understanding of the nature of inspiration will invariably lead to misunderstandings, misapplication of teachings, disillusionment and possibly even apostasy from the faith.

Modes of divine communication in the process of inspiration

Revelation – the act of disclosing information; the informational content of the message thus communicated through the process of inspiration

Inspiration – the process by which God enables the prophet both to receive and communicate His messages accurately

Illumination – the work of the Holy Spirit of enabling the non-inspired hearer/reader in comprehending and applying the message received.

o RH Oct. 1, 1901.The Holy Spirit is present with the earnest searcher. Its illumination shines upon the Word, stamping the truth upon the mind with a new, fresh importance. The searcher is filled with a sense of peace and joy never before felt. The preciousness of truth is realized as never before. A new, heavenly light shines upon the Word, illuminating it as though every letter were tinged with gold. God Himself has spoken to the mind and heart, making the Word spirit and life. Eternal life is the receiving of the living elements in the Scriptures, the doing of the will of God.

Three views of inspiration

Verbal/mechanical view

Information is dictated to the prophet word for word

Plenary/thought view

God gives the message to the prophet via visions or dreams, but the prophet employs his/her own words and expressions in communicating the reveled message.

o This view does not deny that, on occasion, the prophets did indeed use the very words of God, but this was the exception, not the rule.

Existential/Neo-orthodox/”Encounter” view

Revelation is an experience, not a message.

o An “encounter” with God

There are no words spoken, no information communicated, no statements of truth of any kind. We may say the prophet “feels inspired” as opposed to actually being inspired.

In this view, the thoughts and words conveyed by the prophet are merely his/her own, and in some cases may be entirely false as far as reality is concerned

o Example – Moses’ understanding of a literal six-day creation

This view holds to three basic principles:

o Inspiration is inherently subjective, rather than objective

o The Bible contains the Word of God; but it is not, in and of itself, the Word of God.

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o Inspiration is quantitative, rather than qualitative.

The net result of accepting this view can be summed up as follows:

o The Bible is no longer the final authority in all matters of truth

o The reader becomes the authority as to what, for him/her, is inspired

In practical terms, this leads to disbelief in the biblical creation account, the divine nature of Christ, the virgin birth, the resurrection, etc.

The Biblical teaching of inspiration

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God…” (2 Tim. 3:16)

o Theopneustos – “God-breathed”

Holy men of God were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21)

o “under the control of the Holy Spirit” (GNB)

o “carried along by the Holy Spirit” (ESV)

“Moved” – gr. phero, “driven” in Ac. 27:17, 27

“We have this treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Cor. 4:7)

o The mystery of godliness (1 Tim. 3:16) is the union of divinity and humanity. This union was perfectly manifested in the life of Jesus Christ, the God-man. It is also manifested in the inspiration process as God communicates “unapproachable light” (1 Tim. 3:16) through fallen human channels.

“Truly the Scriptures are fully human and fully divine. Any idea that some parts of the Bible are merely human while other parts are divinely inspired contradicts the way the biblical writers present the matter. Paul’s words, that ‘all Scripture is God-breathed,’ do not allow for any concept of partial inspiration. Neither are there any hints in Scripture suggesting degrees of inspiration. Some portions of Scripture may be more important than other portions (Jesus speaks in Matthew 23:23 about ‘the weightier matters of the law’), but that does not mean that they are more inspired. Every Christian would do well to receive the words of Holy Scripture… ‘not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God’ (1 Thess. 2:13).” - Dederen, R. (2001, c2000). Vol. 12: Handbook of Seventh-Day Adventist Theology.

“These revelations were embodied in human language with all its limitations and imperfections, yet they remained God’s testimony. God inspired men – not words… In some instances writers were commanded to express the exact words of God, but in most cases God instructed them to describe to the best of their ability what they saw or heard.” – Seventh-day Adventists Believe…, p. 8.

The writers of the Bible were God's penmen, not His pen. Look at the different writers. It is not the words of the Bible that are inspired, but the men that were inspired. Inspiration acts not on the man's words or his expressions but on the man himself, who, under the influence of the Holy Ghost, is imbued with thoughts. But the words receive the impress of the individual mind. The divine mind is diffused. – Selected Messages, Vol. 1, p. 21.

o What about potential errors in translations?

Some look to us gravely and say, "Don't you think there might have been

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some mistake in the copyist or in the translators?" This is all probable, and the mind that is so narrow that it will hesitate and stumble over this possibility or probability would be just as ready to stumble over the mysteries of the Inspired Word, because their feeble minds cannot see through the purposes of God… All the mistakes will not cause trouble to one soul, or cause any feet to stumble, that would not manufacture difficulties from the plainest revealed truth. God committed the preparation of His divinely inspired Word to finite man. This Word, arranged into books, the Old and New Testaments, is the guidebook to the inhabitants of a fallen world, bequeathed to them that, by studying and obeying the directions, not one soul would lose its way to heaven. – Ibid., pp. 16-17.


The Scripture is the inspired Word of God – all of it! As such, the question is asked, can it contain any error? The initial response would be “impossible.” Yet it must be remembered and maintained that, though God is inerrant and infallible, yet the human channels used in communicating His messages were not (as we just briefly studies in our last section).

“Holy men of God spoke…” (2 Pet. 1:21)

o The Bible is not given to us in grand superhuman language. Jesus, in order to reach man where he is, took humanity. The Bible must be given in the language of men. Everything that is human is imperfect. Different meanings are expressed by the same word; there is not one word for each distinct idea. The Bible was given for practical purposes. – Ibid., p. 20.

o In regard to infallibility, I never claimed it; God alone is infallible. His word is true, and in Him is no variableness, or shadow of turning.--Letter 10, 1895. – Ibid, p. 37.

No “degrees of inspiration” (Jn. 3:34)

o So with the followers of Christ. We can receive of heaven's light only as we are willing to be emptied of self. We cannot discern the character of God, or accept Christ by faith, unless we consent to the bringing into captivity of every thought to the obedience of Christ. To all who do this the Holy Spirit is given without measure. – Desire of Ages, p. 181.

o Having asked the Lord for good things, as a hungry child asks his parent for bread, believe from your heart that the Heavenly Father giveth not the Spirit by measure unto you; for to them that ask in faith the Holy Spirit will be given in its fullness, as free as the river that proceedeth from the throne of God. – Signs of the Times, September 12, 1892.

Categories of errors, mistakes, discrepancies (call them what you will)

Unfulfilled prophecies

o Jonah

o Prophecies regarding Israel’s glory

Worldwide mission of ancient Israel

Ingathering of the gentiles

Eternal rest in Canaan

Deliverance from their political enemies

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Distortion of 70 week prophecy

o Food for worms vision

Received on Tuesday, May 27, 1856. Youngest person in crowd was Willie White, a babe in his mother’s arms. Willie died in 1937 at the age of 83.

Small matters of minor detail

o In Scripture –

Was the toll in David’s battle against the Syrian army 40,000 footmen (1 Chr. 19:18) or horsemen (2 Sam. 10:18)?

Was Christ confronted at Gergesa by one demoniac (Mk. 5:2, 3; Lk. 8:27, 28) or two (Mt. 8:28)?

Was blind Bartimaeus healed by Jesus as he approached Jericho (Lk. 18:35) or as he left Jericho (Mk. 10:46)?

Who wrote the prophecy foretelling the betrayal of Christ for thirty pieces of silver – Jeremiah (Mt. 27:9) or Zechariah (Zech. 11:13)?

o In Ellen White’s writings –

Satan flattered our first parents that eating of the fruit of the tree of life of which God had forbidden them would bring to them great good, and would insure them against death, the very opposite of the truth which God had declared to them. "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." If Adam had been obedient, he would never have known want, sorrow, nor death. (RH, August 18, 1874)

The beautiful temple that for more than four centuries [in accordance with Ussher’s chronology] had crowned the summit of Mount Zion was not spared by the Chaldeans (PK 458). But archeology has since proven that it lasted only 384 years (870-586 B.C.).

When Ellen White joined her husband at Walling Mills, Colorado, she dated the event as “Monday, August 8, 1878” (4T 297). However, Monday fell on the 5th that week, not the 8th.

In 1864, Ellen White stated “The beautiful Eve was beguiled by the serpent to eat of the fruit of the only tree of which God had forbidden them to eat, or even touch it, lest they die” (4SP 120). Yet in 1874 she wrote “In Eve's controversy with the serpent, she added the clause, ‘Neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die’” (RH 8/18/1874).

Sister Davis has just called my attention to an article printed in the Youth's Instructor of May 31, 1894. The question asked is, Did I design to have this sentence just as it appeared in the Instructor? I am surprised to see it just as it appears--"A meat diet is not the most wholesome of diets, and yet I would take the position that meat should not be discarded by everyone." I cannot explain why this appears just as it does. Since the camp meeting at Brighton I have absolutely banished meat from my table. It is an understood thing that whether I am at home or abroad, nothing of this kind is to be used in my family, or come upon my table… I would desire that the sentence should be modified by changing the not--"yet I would not take the position that meat be wholly discarded by everyone," for instance, by those dying of consumption. (14MR 324)

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Major matters of substance

o In Scripture –

Nathan the prophet gives King David wrong information (2 Sam. 7:1-17; 1 Chr. 17:1-15)

o In Ellen White’s Writings –

Time to begin the Sabbath (Douglass 157)

Southern Publishing Association (Douglass 155)

During the night following our interview in my house and out on the lawn under the trees, October 19, 1902, in regard to the work in the Southern field, the Lord instructed me that I had taken a wrong position… For three nights in succession I was instructed by the Lord that I had spoken unadvisedly; that matters had not been correctly represented to me, some of the particulars not being given… - Spalding Magan Collection, pp. 282-84.

This does not in any way affect the inspiration of all Scripture! Rather, it is a part of the inspiration process.

o W.H. Littlejohn, president of the Battle Creek College, was asked “Do SDAs regard Ellen White as infallible?” He replied “No. Neither do they believe that Peter or Paul was infallible. They believe that the Holy Spirit which inspired Peter and Paul was infallible. They believe also that Mrs. White has from time to time received revelations from the Spirit of God, and that revelations made to her by the Spirit of God are just as reliable as revelations made by the same Spirit to other persons.” (RH 12/11/1883)

o The prophet as inspired from God receives revelations from God in behalf of the church. The prophet then communicates that message in his own words and with the inherent weaknesses of humanity. There are times that mistakes are made.

However, in the case where

the prophet errs, and

that error is serious enough to affect

The direction of God’s church; or

The eternal destiny of even one soul; or

The purity of even one doctrine

THEN (and only then) the Spirit moves in

Usually immediately

Usually through the very same prophet who made the error, and

God then corrects the error, so that

There is no permanent damage done to the church or its members

SDAs continue today to hold that EGW was – and still is:

o Reliable

o Trustworthy

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o Authoritative, possessing all of the same prophetic authority invested in every other prophet of earlier times

o Inspired – in the same manner and to the same degree as were the prophets who wrote the Bible

YET – we do not make of her writings

Another Bible, nor yet

An extension/addition to the sacred canon of Scripture

For more info, see handout on official SDA position regarding inspiration and authority of Ellen White

Lesser light/greater light (Gen. 1:16)

Little heed is given to the Bible, and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light. (3SM 30)

o Forty candles vs. one

quality of light is the same

o National map vs. state maps

one gives more detail, both have equal authority

additional details, not additional truth

o “Ellen White does not introduce doctrines that are not in the Bible, but she does add details and insights so that those truths are seen in greater clarity, with deeper understanding” (Douglass, p. 420). If not, what would be their purpose?

John the Baptist a “lesser light”

o The prophet John was the connecting link between the two dispensations. As God's representative he stood forth to show the relation of the law and the prophets to the Christian dispensation. He was the lesser light, which was to be followed by a greater. The mind of John was illuminated by the Holy Spirit, that he might shed light upon his people; but no other light ever has shone or ever will shine so clearly upon fallen man as that which emanated from the teaching and example of Jesus. Christ and His mission had been but dimly understood as typified in the shadowy sacrifices. Even John had not fully comprehended the future, immortal life through the Saviour. – Desire of Ages, p. 220.

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Hermeneutics (What the Prophet Meant)


The word “hermeneutics” is derived from a Greek word meaning “to interpret.” The chief concern of hermeneutics is to discover “what the prophet meant by what the prophet said.”

o “Rightly dividing the Word…” (2 Tim. 2:15)

“know what His Word says and means” (The Living Bible)

Letters come to me entreating an answer; I know that many men take the testimonies the Lord has given, and apply them as they suppose they should be applied, picking out a sentence here and there, taking it from its proper connection, and applying it according to their idea. Thus poor souls become bewildered, when could they read in order all that has been given, they would see the true application, and would not become confused. Much that purports to be a message from Sister White, serves the purpose of misrepresenting Sister White, making her testify in favor of things that are not in accordance with her mind or judgment. This makes her work very trying. Reports fly from one to another regarding what Sister White has said. Each time the report is repeated, it grows larger. If Sister White has anything to say, leave her to say it. No one is called upon to be a mouthpiece for Sister White. – MS. 21, 1901. – Selected Messages, Vol. 1, p. 44.

Basic Rules of Interpretation – Internal

Recognize that the Bible and the writings of Ellen White are the product of thought inspiration

Recognize the fact that word definitions change over time

o “nice” - Showing or requiring great precision or sensitive discernment

o “intercourse” - Dealings or communications between persons or groups

o “gay” - Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry

o “sanitarium” – (sanatorium) A health resort; an establishment for the care esp. of convalescents or the chronically ill

Understand the use of hyperbole

o A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect, as in I could sleep for a year or this book weighs a ton.

“one in twenty”

Understand the meaning of a phrase

“phrenology, psychology and mesmerism”

The sciences of phrenology, psychology, and mesmerism have been the channel through which Satan has come more directly to this generation, and wrought with that power which was to characterize his work near the close of probation. . . . {MYP 57.2}

The true principles of psychology are found in the Holy Scriptures. {1MCP 10.2}

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Recognize the possibility of imprecise expressions

o A general statement may utilize commonly used terms and expressions of which usage has changed over the course of time.

1861 – Phrenology and mesmerism are very much exalted. They are good in their place, but they are seized upon by Satan as his most powerful agents to deceive and destroy souls… Satan uses these very things to destroy virtue and lay the foundation of spiritualism. (1T 296.1)

1884 – The sciences which treat of the human mind are very much exalted. They are good in their place, but they are seized upon by Satan as his powerful agents to deceive and destroy souls.--ST, Nov 6, 1884. (2SM 351, 352.)

Look carefully at the immediate context

o Never say or feel you are saved (COL 155)

o Jesus never laughed (18MR 368-370)

Recognize that context can change the meaning of a word

o “Christ came forth from the tomb glorified.” (DA 780)

o “Christ had not yet been glorified.” (DA 805)

Recognize the challenge of semantics

o words mean different things to different people

There are many who interpret that which I write in the light of their own preconceived opinions. You know what this means. A division in understanding and diverse opinions is the sure result. How to write in a way to be understood by those to whom I address important matter, is a problem I cannot solve. But I will endeavor to write much less. Owing to the influence of mind upon mind, those who misunderstand can lead others to misunderstand, by the interpretation they place upon the subjects from my pen. One understands them as he thinks they should be, in accordance with his ideas. Another puts his construction upon the written matter, and confusion is the sure result.-- Letter 96, 1899 (3SM 79-80).

It seems impossible for me to be understood by those who have had the light but have not walked in it. What I might say in private conversations would be so repeated as to make it mean exactly opposite to what it would have meant had the hearers been sanctified in mind and spirit. I am afraid to speak even to my friends; for afterwards I hear, Sister White said this, or Sister White said that. My words are so wrested and misinterpreted that I am coming to the conclusion that the Lord desires me to keep out of large assemblies and refuse private interviews. What I say is reported in such a perverted light that it is new and strange to me. It is mixed with words spoken by men to sustain their own theories.--Letter 139, 1900 (3SM 82-3).

Moishe (moy’-sheh) the Tailor

Pope Leo IX, who lived in the 11th century, reportedly was urged by his cardinals to rid Rome of the Jews. “Well,” said the pope, “I can’t just do it out of hand; I’ll have to give them a test first.” So he informed the Jewish community in the Holy City that they should send a representative who

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would be asked three questions. If the respondent did not answer each of the questions correctly, the Jews must leave. Understandably, this caused great consternation as the Jews assembled in their local synagogue. One voice spoke up, “Rabbi, you’ll have to go.” But the rabbi protested, “I’m just the rabbi of this congregation, while the pope is the head of the whole civilized world.” Someone else then said, “We’ll have to send a Talmudic scholar. They’re good at reasoning.” But a scholar protested: “What do you mean? The pope has been educated by the greatest scholars of all time.” In the confusion a voice spoke from the back of the room. Moishe, a tailor, declared, “I’ll go. I’ve been answering foolish questions from Christians all my life. What’s three more?” It was ridiculous, absurd; but in the confusion, Moishe did indeed go. The pope explained the ground rules. Moishe nodded impatiently and said, “OK; get started.” The pope pointed a single finger at Moishe. Immediately, Moishe pointed two fingers back at the pope. The pope was impressed. For the second question, the pope silently raised both of his arms above his head, forming a large circle. Moishe looked, then stabbed a finger toward the ground in a very determined way. The pope, utterly astonished, said, “You know, that’s right, too! It’s most remarkable! But you’ve got to get the last question right, if your people are to be allowed to remain in Rome.” So the pope reached under his robes and pulled out an apple. Moishe took it in at a glance, and promptly pulled out of his satchel some matzo – a flat piece of unleavened bread. The pope responded, “You’re absolutely right! This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen! Your people may stay.” As Moishe left by one door, the cardinals entered by another. “Why did you let them off?” they complained. “You had a chance to get rid of these pesky, troublesome people, and you let them stay!” But the pope defended himself, saying, “What could I do? It was quite a remarkable performance, really. I put out one finger, meaning that there is but one God. And he put out two, meaning that the Father and Son are as one. “Then I formed a circle in the air, meaning there is unity only in heaven. And he said, by pointing to the ground, Yes, but the Kingdom of God is on earth. “Then I pulled out this apple, as an example of that terrible, pestilential heresy that the world is round. And he brought out a dull, flattened disc, proving that the world is flat!” Meanwhile, Moishe returned to the temple, where all was in confusion. He cried, “Don’t get so excited. We’re staying.” The people were incredulous: “You mean you beat the pope?” “Of course,” Moishe responded. “You’ve got to know how to handle these Christians.” “What happened?” they demanded to know. “Well,” said Moishe, “He pointed one finger at me, meaning I’m going to poke out your right eye. So I pointed two fingers back at him, saying, I’m going to poke out both of yours. “Then he made a circle with his arms, meaning We’re going to round up every one of you Jews, and get rid of you. And I said, We’re staying right here.

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“Then he took out his lunch, so I took out mine.” – The Story of Moishe the Tailor – A Parable, as told by Roger W. Coon, Lecture outline GSEM 534, p. 20.

Basic Rules of Interpretation – External

Include all that the prophet has said on the subject (Luke 24:25-27)

o “Line upon line, precept upon precept…” (Isa. 28:13)

The testimonies themselves will be the key that will explain the messages given, as scripture is explained by scripture.-- Letter 73, 1903. (1SM 42)

o An isolated statement may lead to very wrong conclusions

“Eggs should not be placed upon your table. “ (2T 399)

While warnings have been given against the use of these articles of diet in families where the children were addicted to, yes, steeped in, habits of self-abuse; yet we should not consider it a denial of principle to use eggs of hens which are well cared for and suitably fed. . . . (CD 204.4)

“Put into your diet something you have left out. It is your duty to do this. Get eggs of healthy fowls. Use these eggs cooked or raw… Do not for a moment suppose that it will not be right to do this…” (CD 204)

Every statement must be understood within its historical context

o “Regarding the testimonies, nothing is ignored; nothing is cast aside; but time and place must be considered.” (1SM 57)

o Time

Israel’s failure at Kadesh (Num. 14:30, 31, 40-45)

When the judgment of the General Conference, which is the highest authority that God has upon the earth, is exercised, private independence and private judgment must not be maintained, but surrendered. (1875) (3T 492)

The voice from Battle Creek, which has been regarded as authority in counseling how the work should be done, is no longer the voice of God. (1896) (LDE 50)

o Place

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Letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3. Imagine the letters got “mixed up,” and the letter to Philadelphia, for instance, was sent to Pergamos, and vise-versa.

In the Review of March 17, 1868, James White commented on this difficulty saying “She works to this disadvantage, namely: she makes strong appeals to the people, which a few feel deeply, and take strong positions, and go to extremes. Then to save the cause from ruin in consequence of these extremes, she is obliged to come out with reproofs for extremists in a public manner. This is better than to have things go to pieces; but the influence of both the extremes and the reproofs are terrible on the cause, and brings upon Mrs. White a threefold burden. Here is the difficulty: What she may say to urge the tardy is taken by the prompt to urge them over the mark. And what she may say to caution the prompt, zealous, incautious ones is taken by the tardy as an excuse to

remain too far behind.”

o Circumstances

When I heard what the objections were, that the children could not go to school till they were ten years old, I wanted to tell you that there was not a Sabbathkeeping school when the light was given to me… My mind has been greatly stirred in regard to the idea, "Why, Sister White has said so and so, and Sister White has said so and so; and therefore we are going right up to it.” God wants us all to have common sense, and He wants us to reason from common sense. Circumstances alter conditions. Circumstances change the relation of things.” (3SM 217)

Know the difference between policy and principle

o Principle – an unerring, unchanging rule of human conduct or behavior

o Policy – the application of some eternal principle to a particular situation

Every good policy has a solid principle behind it. When the policy changed due to changing circumstances, the principle must be reapplied

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in the new context. Example: Ohio laws on the placement of horse watering troughs.

The bicycle craze

o The exhibitions in the bicycle craze are an offense to God. His wrath is kindled against those who do such things. (CT 367)

o Instead of investing one hundred dollars in a bicycle, you would consider . (ST May 25, 1882)

Use common sense and sanctified reason

o “God wants us all to have common sense, and He wants us to reason from common sense. Circumstances alter conditions. Circumstances change the relation of things.” (3SM 217)

o We are to be guided by true theology and common sense. (CT 257)

o Beware of extremes (refer to section D)

Know the difference between true and “apocryphal” statements

o Apocryphal – of questionable authorship or authenticity; erroneous or fictitious

Ark of the Covenant discovered in the last days

Melchizedek is the Holy Spirit

Allow for maturing experience of prophets

o NOT contradictory

Expansion of books

For sixty years I have been in communication with heavenly messengers, and I have been constantly learning in reference to divine things, and in reference to the way in which God is constantly working to bring souls from the error of their ways to the light in God's light. (3SM 71)

Understand the value of experience

o Adventist pioneers

We met a very intelligent young man… who is altogether filled with the idea that no one is quite as smart as himself. He has been studying the messages in Revelation, and he thinks he has discovered wonderful light. But it is [not] that wonderful light which will flash forth all along the pathway till the end of time; [it is a] theory that tears away and takes the vitals out of all the past experience in the messages. To see such a youth, of a babe's experience, turning away the pillars of our faith seems just terrible…. Those who had no experience in this are not the ones to be proper judges of it. (1888 Materials, pp. 738-39)

Men will arise with interpretations of Scripture which are to them truth, but which are not truth. The truth for this time, God has given us as a foundation for our faith. He Himself has taught us what is truth. One will arise, and still another with new light, which contradicts the light that God has given under the demonstration of His Holy Spirit. A few are still alive who passed through the experience gained in the establishment of this truth. God has graciously spared their lives to repeat and repeat, till the close of their lives, the experience through which they passed, even

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as did John the apostle till the very close of his life. And the standard-bearers who have fallen in death are to speak through the re-printing of their writings. I am instructed that thus their voices are to be heard. They are to bear their testimony as to what constitutes the truth for this time. (MR760 19)

o Not everything can be understood upon first (and maybe many subsequent) reading(s)

True Christians practice the principle of “suspend judgment”

“My blood, Father, My blood, My blood…” (EW 38)

Counsel against Extremism

Extreme – The greatest or utmost degree or point; Either of the two things situated at opposite ends of a range.

o The “ice of indifference” and the “fire of fanaticism”

We have found in our experience that if Satan cannot keep souls bound in the ice of indifference, he will try to push them into the fire of fanaticism. (5T 644)

o Take the “middle path”

You need not go into the water, or into the fire, but take the middle path, avoiding all extremes. (CD 211-12)

There is a medium position in these things. Oh, that we all might wisely find that position and keep it. (1T 425)

o Don’t overstrain small points

Narrow ideas and overstraining of small points have been a great injury to the cause of hygiene. There may be such an effort at economy in the preparation of food, that, instead of a healthful diet, it becomes a poverty-stricken diet. (CH 155)

o “Every vice is a virtue carried to an extreme position.” – Roger W. Coon

It is carrying that which is lawful to excess that makes it a grievous sin. (AH 122)

o “Balance”

Balance is NOT a teeter-totter

“Truth (as principle) is not some kind of balance between two errors. Truth transcends errors of both extremes by recognizing the truths that each extreme wants to guard.” – Douglass, p. 401.

o Assume one likes to go to McDonald’s for their favorite Big Mac sandwich. They read the counsel urging the benefits of a vegetarian diet. Yet wanting to avoid an “extreme” position of vegetarianism, they decide to opt for the McChicken sandwich instead.

o Balance is NOT the difference between what God says and what our own carnal heart wants to do; neither is something extreme simply because it is viewed as different by the world. Balance is taking into consideration “all that the prophet has spoken” so that

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we are following God’s counsel intelligently and soundly, whereas an extreme is where we tend to magnify one portion or aspect of the counsel against another, in effect making our own rules.

A balanced view will not be popular with either extreme

Be certain your “balance” is not simply spiritual laziness

When we reach the standard that the Lord would have us reach, worldlings will regard Seventh-day Adventists as odd, singular, straight-laced extremists. "We are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men." (RH, January 9, 1894)

While we are not to strive to be extreme, and should even be careful to avoid extreme views, if we are truly pressing on toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, we will be labeled as extreme. There can be no escaping it.

The effect of people who advocate extreme views

o They bring truth into disrepute; a few can discredit the entire church (1T 212)

o They greatly injure and hinder the cause of truth (3T 315)

o The make Christian duties burdensome (2SM 319)

o They raise a false standard, and then try to force everyone else up to it (2T 375)

o Satan uses them to cast contempt upon the work of the Holy Spirit (GC 8)

o Their spiritual eyesight is perverted (EV 610, 611)

Areas in which extremism tends to be a problem:

o Health reform / Diet

o Dress

o Theological viewpoints

Nature of Christ

Identity of the 144,000

Godhead / Trinity

Observing the Feast Days


And the list goes on…and on… and on…

And those who advocate these views can be ever so sincere in the positions they take.

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The Dragon Is Wroth

The Dragon is Enraged (Rev. 12:17)

When speaking of the identifying characteristics of God’s Remnant Church (as found in Rev. 12:17), we regularly (and correctly) point out that the last day church will (1) keep all of God’s commandments and (2) have the gift of prophecy. There is, however, a third characteristic in this verse that is too often overlooked. “The dragon was enraged…” with the church that has the first two characteristics, especially because of the first two characteristics. He will do anything and everything he can to destroy the effectiveness of this church, and in order to accomplish this, he works not only outside, but also inside the remnant church.

Outside the church

Cult scare tactics (Ac. 24:5, 12-14; Jn. 7:48)

o “cult of the Nazarenes” (nlt)

o “straw man” arguments

Defaming the character (Jn. 7:48; Mt. 12:24; Ac. 9:22; 2 Cor. 10:10; Ac. 17:13)

Ellen G. White and Plagiarism

Literary Assistants (1 Cor. 12:28)


o Baruch (Jer. 36:4-6, 17, 18, 27, 32)


o Tertius (Rom. 16:22)

o Sosthenes (1 Cor. 1:1)

o Luke

[2 Tim. 4:9-10 quoted]. These words, dictated by Paul just prior to his death, were written by Luke for our profit and warning. (4T 353)


o Silvanus (1 Pet. 5:12)

Ellen White

o Although Ellen White insisted on the most up-to-date equipment for her staff, she personally never learned to operate a typewriter (first marketed in 1874). Consequently, the first draft of all her manuscripts was written in longhand – indisputable evidence that she was indeed the author!

o Ellen White’s handwriting changed over the years. Arthur White, Secretary of the White Estate for nearly a half century, was so familiar with the original manuscripts that he would often astound visitors to the vault by asking them to select one at random, then hold a hand over the date, and allow him to guess the date (year) or origin. He seldom missed by a year or two.

Marian Davis

The books are not Marian's productions, but my own, gathered from all my writings. Marian has a large field from which to draw, and her ability to arrange the matter is of great value to me. It saves my poring over a mass of matter, which I have no time to

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do. {3SM 91.4}

I received notice from C.H. Jones that it was planned to publish Desire of Ages in the spring of ’98… Sister White is continually harassed with the thought that the manuscript should be sent to the printers at once. I wish it were possible to relieve her mind, for the anxiety makes it hard for her to write and for me to work… Sister White seems inclined to write, and I have no doubt that she will bring out many precious things. I hope it will be possible to get them in the book. There is one thing, however, that not even the most competent editor could do – that is, prepare the manuscript before it is written. – Marian Davis letter to W. C. White, Aug. 9, 1987.

Plagiarism charges

The word “plagiarism” comes from a Latin word (“plagarium”) meaning “kidnapper.” It is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as “to use and pass off as one’s own.” Plagiarism is a literary masquerade.

Literary borrowing, on the other hand, occurs when a writer utilizes and employs the words of another for the purpose of making a particular point (ex. Sermon illustrations).

Literary law recognizes what it defines as “fair use” of the ideas and even the words of another.

“Plagiarism” (literary borrowing) in the Bible

Solomon “sought out” and “set in order” (Eccl. 12:9-10)

Jesus “borrows” from Solomon (compare Eccl. 11:4, 5 w/ Jn. 3:8)

Luke “set in order” an account of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection (Lk. 1:1-3)

o It appears indubitable [unquestionable] from Luke 1:1–3 and from the verbal parallels in the Synoptic Gospels that Matthew and Luke, at least, were led by the Holy Spirit to use previously written documents in the preparation of their Gospels. That many people should have preserved accounts, oral and written, of the life, work, and teachings of Jesus was only normal, and Luke states specifically that this happened (ch. 1:1). He goes on to imply that before writing his own account he had made research among the sources available to him, when he says, “It seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account” (ch. 1:3, RSV). - Nichol, F. D., The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 5, p. 178.

Ellen White’s literary borrowing

Ellen White lacked a formal education, and Lord supplied the lack. Her son, Willie, reported “In her early experience, when she was sorely distressed over the difficulty of putting into human language the revelations of truths that had been imparted to her, she was reminded of the fact that all wisdom and knowledge comes from God; and she was assured that God would bestow grace and guidance. She was told that, in the reading of religious books and journals, she would find precious gems of truth, expressed in acceptable language,; and that she would be given help from heaven to recognize these, and to separate them from the rubbish of error with which she would sometimes find them associated.” – Brief Statements, p. 5.

One prominent critic has alleged that between 80% and 90% of Ellen White’s writings were borrowed from the works of others. Tim Poirier, in his book Project Surprise, reveals that, with the exception of five books, the known documented borrowed

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material (uncredited) in her writings amounted to less than three percent per book!

o Legal findings of Vincent L. Ramik, senior partner of Diller, Ramik and Wight, Ltd., a law firm specializing in patent, trademark and copyright law (handout).

o Testimony of M. L. Andreasen

Christ the originator of truth

“Nothing new under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9)

A prophets words are not true because a prophet says them; the prophet says them because they are true.

Christ came to represent the Father to the world. He was the originator of truth; but when he came, he found that the gems of truth had been obscured by tradition and heresy. He came to sweep away false doctrine, and to place the gems of truth in the new setting of the gospel. (RH, July 16, 1889)

“Suppose, for example, an inspired prophet were now to appear in the church, to add a supplement to the canonical books – what a Babel of opinions would he find on almost every theological subject! And how highly probable it is that his ministry would consist, or seem to consist, in a mere selection and ratification of such of these opinions as accorded with the mind of God. Absolute originality would seem to be almost impossible. The inventive mind of man has already bodied forth speculative opinions in almost every conceivable form, forestalling and robbing the future of its fair proportion of novelties, and leaving little more, - even to a divine messenger, - than the office of taking some of these opinions and impressing them with the seal of heaven.” – Heman Humphrey, President of Amherst College, in the preface of John Harris’ biography of Jesus, The Great Teacher, published in 1835 (Ellen White was about 8 years old); cited by Arthur L. White in The Ellen White Biography, Vol. 4, p. 63.

Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost, and they plainly stated that they spoke not by their own power, nor in their own name. They desired that no credit might be ascribed to them, that no one might regard them as the originators of anything whereof they might glory… Christ is the Author of all truth. (RH, January 7, 1890)

An illustration was given me of a tree full of beautiful fruit. I was shown Fannie [Fannie Bolton was one of Ellen White’s literary assistants who later claimed to have written Steps to Christ among other things] gathering the fruit, some ripe, the best, some unripe. She put it in her apron, and said, "This is mine. It is mine." I said, "Fannie, you are certainly claiming that which is not yours. That fruit belongs to that tree. Any one may pluck and enjoy it, but it belongs to that tree." (MR926 26)


“I, too, am a plagiarist!” (James J. Kilpatrick, Jr. handout)

Examples of literary borrowing (handout)

The “Shut Door”

Door open that no man can shut…

o They went in to the wedding and the door was shut

James White hit in head with a railroad spike

o Vision corrected erroneous Adventist opinion that door of mercy was shut to the world

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o Vision corrected erroneous Christian opinion that door of mercy was shut to the Jews

o “Word to the Little Flock”

“suppressed writings

Additional things in Ellen White’s writings but not in the Bible

Internet critics

Fannie Bolton wrote Steps to Christ?

Unfulfilled prophecies

o “Food for worms”

During the May 27, 1856, Battle Creek conference, Ellen White had a vision regarding some of the members in attendance. At the conclusion of the meeting, among the things she related was the following:

"I was shown the company present at the Conference. Said the angel, 'Some food for worms, some subjects of the seven last plagues, some will be alive and remain upon the earth to be translated at the coming of Jesus.'"—Testimonies, Vol. 1, pp. 131, 132.

Herbert Douglass comments

“What could this mean? Three days after the conference, Clarissa Bonfoey died. (Clarissa Bonfoey was a close friend of the Whites to whom they had entrusted Edson during his early years before they were able to set up their own home.) She seemed to be in good health at the time of the conference. As death approached, she expressed her conviction that she was one of those represented in the vision who would be ‘food for worms.’

“For years, some people kept lists of those present at that conference, believing that Jesus would come before all had died. But Ellen White had been given a picture of what might have been if God’s people had aroused themselves to their divine assignment. Mrs. White should not be held to a higher, tighter standard than we apply to Bible prophets. In 1883 she had to write: ‘It is true that time has continued longer than we expected in the early days of this message. Our Saviour did not appear as soon as we hoped. But has the word of the Lord failed? Never! It should be remembered that the promises and threatenings of God are alike conditional…‘” – Herbert E. Douglass, Messenger of the Lord, p. 158.

Conditional prophecies (see Jer. 18:6-10)

o Jonah’s prophecy was conditional, even though Jonah didn’t state a condition in the delivery of it (Jon. 3:3, 4, 5, 10).

o God’s promise to bring Israel into the Promised Land was conditional (Ex. 6:2, 6-8; Num. 14:26-34).

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o God’s promise to honor the descendants of Aaron was conditional (Ex. 29:9; Num. 25:13 ; 1 Sam. 2:30-33).

o In 2 Peter 3:11-12, he speaks of “hastening” the coming of Christ. If God’s people can hasten Christ’s coming, then certainly they can also delay it.

o The same apostle tells us just a few verses earlier (vs. 3-4, 9) that because Christ is “not willing that any should perish,” the day of His second coming may be delayed. There are a number of statements from the pen of Ellen White that bear this out:

“Had the whole Adventist body [after the disappointment in 1844] united upon the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, how widely different would have been our history! It was not the will of God that the coming of Christ should be thus delayed.”—Manuscript 4, 1883, quoted in Evangelism, pp. 695, 696.

“If those who claimed to have a living experience in the things of God had done their appointed work as the Lord ordained, the whole world would have been warned ere this, and the Lord Jesus would have come in power and great glory.”—The Review and Herald, Oct. 6, 1896, p. 629.

“The long night of gloom is trying; but the morning is deferred in mercy, because if the Master should come, so many would be found unready. God's unwillingness to have His people perish has been the reason for so long delay.” —Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 194 (1868).

“If all who had labored unitedly in the work in 1844, had received the third angel's message and proclaimed it in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord would have wrought mightily with their efforts. A flood of light would have been shed upon the world. Years ago the inhabitants of the earth would have been warned, the closing work completed, and Christ would have come for the redemption of His people.” —The Great Controversy, page 457-58.

“Had the purpose of God been carried out by His people in giving to the world the message of mercy, Christ would, ere this, have come to the earth, and the saints would have received their welcome into the city of God.” — Testimonies, Vol. 6, p. 450 (1900).

“We may have to remain here in this world because of insubordination many more years, as did the children of Israel; but for Christ's sake, His people should not add sin to sin by charging God with the consequence of their own wrong course of action.” — Evangelism, page 696 (1901).

We may conclude that the “food for worms” vision was conditional, and had the people of God complied with the conditions, moving forward in faith, every detail of the vision would have been fulfilled.

For other false and “unfulfilled visions,” such as the astronomy vision, Civil War predictions, etc., refer to Francis D. Nichol’s book, Ellen G. White and Her Critics (1951), pp. 91-130. It is noteworthy that the same charges made by critics in Nichol’s day, and answered so thoroughly and completely in his book and others, are still being used today.

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Inside the church (Lk. 13:33)

See “Betrayed With a Kiss”

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Betrayed with a Kiss


Attacks from Without and Within (Ac. 20:29)

Far more to fear from within

o We have far more to fear from within than from without. The hindrances to strength and success are far greater from the church itself than from the world. Unbelievers have a right to expect that those who profess to be keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, will do more than any other class to promote and honor, by their consistent lives, by their godly example and their active influence, the cause which they represent. But how often have the professed advocates of the truth proved the greatest obstacle to its advancement! The unbelief indulged, the doubts expressed, the darkness cherished, encourage the presence of evil angels, and open the way for the accomplishment of Satan's devices.--1SM 122 (1887).

Betrayed with a kiss (Mk. 14:43; Lk. 22:48)

Had you seen Judas kiss Jesus, you would have been moved at the love of Judas for his Master

There are people today who are allegedly “defending” the Adventist faith who are in reality doing nothing less than betraying the Lord with a kiss.

o “The church sees that the questions about Ellen White’s prophetic veracity are creating a serious problem, but they also see that without Ellen White Adventism loses its distinctiveness. Instead of admitting that her legacy has separated Adventism from evangelical Christianity and has colored every doctrine, they are attempting to give her a figurative facelift and to introduce her to new members and young people as a warm, human, accessible role- model and biblical commentator.” – Dale Ratzlaff, “A Response to Jud Lake,” Proclamation Magazine, Vol. 7, Nov/Dec 2006, p. 13.

Satan’s very last deception

The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God. "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God's remnant people in the true testimony.-- Letter 12, 1890. {1SM 48.3}

o Of none effect (Mk. 7:9-13)

“I believe in the commandment about honoring father and mother; I just don’t believe it applies to me.”

It is Satan's plan to weaken the faith of God's people in the Testimonies. Next follows skepticism in regard to the vital points of our faith, the pillars of our position, then doubt as to the Holy Scriptures, and then the downward march to perdition. When the Testimonies, which were once believed, are doubted and given up, Satan knows the deceived ones will not stop at this; and he redoubles his efforts till he launches them into open rebellion, which becomes incurable and ends in destruction. – Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 4, p. 211.

My brethren have trifled and caviled and criticized and commented and demerited, and picked and chosen a little and refused much until the testimonies mean nothing to them. They put whatever interpretation upon them that they choose in their own finite

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judgment and are satisfied.--Letter 40, 1890, p. 11. (To "Dear Brother Uriah Smith," December 31, 1890.) – Manuscript Releases, Vol. 4, p. 65.

They are stripping the prophet of her authority and making the gift of prophecy “of none effect.”

o Ellen White is a prophet for the last days. Did God know what the last days would be like?

“More Than a Prophet” or Less?

The following statements are from a recently published book written by Australian theologian Graeme Bradford and published under Samuele Bacchiocchi’s Biblical Perspectives label. Bradford, who holds his Master’s Degree in Religion from Andrews University, claims to be committed to “reclaiming former Adventists.” He is currently retired from his work as professor in the theology department of Avondale College. His emphasis is on “the human side” of prophets. He claims that through his efforts and those of his colleagues, Adventism has come “full circle” to a “more biblical understanding of her gift.” His book, ironically entitled “More Than a Prophet,” is an alleged defense of Ellen White’s ministry, but in reality a betrayal of the most destructive kind.

Old Testament vs. New Testament prophets

Bradford believes that a change has taken place in the prophetic ministry, with the authoritative Old Testament prophet being replaced by a rather innocuous New Testament sort of spiritual advisor-type prophet.

o [Ac. 2:17-18 quoted] Peter is clearly saying that from now on God is going to pour out His Spirit upon all people regardless of race gender, age or social standing. The Holy Spirit will now abide in every believer. Ministries of ancient prophets, priest and kings have now passed into the lives of ordinary people… But there are also differences between NT prophecy and that of the OT and Judaism… Some NT prophets are given prominence… Fundamentally, however, prophecy is not restricted to a few men and women in primitive Christianity. All are filled with the prophetic spirit and according to Acts 2:16f it is a specific mark of the age of fulfillment that the Spirit does not only lay hold of individuals but that all members of the eschatological community without distinction are called to prophesy. – Bradford, More Than a Prophet, pp. 68-9.

In other words, we are all prophets!

Testing the prophets (1 Cor. 14:29; 1 Thes. 5:19-21)

Bradford claims that the Bible writers were clear that in evaluating the prophetic gift, we should realize that a true prophet may speak error mixed with truth:

o In contrast to the authority given to the apostles in the New Testament, prophets are to have their prophecies evaluated… By contrast [with OT prophets], NT prophets are to have their oracles carefully weighed (1 Cor. 14:29; 1 Thes. 5:19-21). The word diakrino suggests that the prophecy be evaluated, not simply accepted as totally true or totally false. The presupposition is that any one New Testament prophetic oracle is expected to be mixed in quality, and the wheat must be separated from the chaff. – Ibid., p. 78.

Ellen White, on the other hand, allowed for no such interpretation.

o God is either teaching His church, reproving their wrongs and strengthening their faith, or He is not. This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with Satan. My work for the past thirty years bears the stamp of God or the stamp of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The

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Testimonies are of the Spirit of God, or of the devil. {4T 229.2}

Prophets are human

This is really Bradford’s underlying theme. Prophets are human, and as such we should expect no mare from them than common human frailty.

o All of us are on a journey. We grow in our understanding… Ellen White was no different… We must allow Ellen White to be a normal human. She was no super-woman. – Ibid., p. 114

o As a woman in her 80’s, she acted as other elderly women and needed to rely on others more… the aging Mrs. White was not in good health… Once does get the impression, from the letters of Prescott and Crisler, however, that there was an attempt by her helpers to assist and not give any impression of mental deterioration. – Ibid., p. 119.

The claim is that Ellen White needs help being understood. She always knew her limits, like Willie, A.G. Daniels, Prescott, etc.

o EGW changed after 1888

I have had the question asked, what do you think of this light which these men [A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner] are presenting? Why, I have been presenting it to you for the last forty-five years,--the matchless charms of Christ. This is what I have been trying to present before your minds. Ms 5, 1889, p. 10. (Sermon delivered at Rome, N. Y., June 17, 1889.) (1MR 142)

One will find statements just as forceful on the place of the law and obedience post '88, and statements that uplift the merits of Christ's righteousness as our only hope and assurance just as strongly prior to '88. This is not to say that one won't find a greater emphasis in her writing and speaking on the life of Christ in the 1890's--due largely to the years she spent in Australia expanding her 2-volume "Life of Christ" series (1877/1878) into what would become "The Desire of Ages," "Christ's Object Lessons," and "Mount of Blessing." Additionally, we have probably 75% more literary output after 1888 (at least in terms of her published articles), so dividing her writing into pre/post 1888 will tend to give distorted results in terms of the total quantity of statements on these themes. In other words, if you take virtually any statement from Ellen White, the chances are much greater that it will date after 1888. – Letter of response to Pastor Mark Howard from Tim Poirier with the E.G. White Estate in response to the question, “Did Ellen White change her theology after 1888?”

Aren’t we free?

This seems to strike at the heart of the issue. The real “rub” with Ellen White is that her counsel restricts some from promoting their own varied opinions and viewpoints.

o Are Seventh-day Adventists truly protestant as they claim? If so, then we are to have no other authority in doctrine outside the Bible… The Church’s first baptismal vow states : “Do you believe that the Bible is the full, sufficient and only basic rule of faith and practice for the Christian?” Do new converts have to give assent to this only to be told later that they must bow their judgment to Ellen White?... The question must be asked, Are we a free people? Free to grow in our understanding of the Bible? Free to disagree with what she has written in the areas of science, health, history, prophecy and education, etc.? What should a

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person do if they find they have come to some other conclusion than what she has written? Do they surrender their private judgment? – Ibid., pp. 126-127.

We want our own way, and the prophet won’t let us have it. Ex. Bacchiocchi reinterpreting the 1260 days, or Adventist scientists rejecting a literal 6-day creation.

o Free to do what? To hold our own opinions; free to disagree with the Lord through His prophet.

No trained scholars

Early Adventists were uninformed

o “F.M. Wilcox… during his Review & Herald editorship of thirty-three years… wrote… her writings ‘constitute a spiritual commentary upon the scripture, a divine illumination of the word.’ Despite the protests against equating Mrs. White’s writings with the Bible, many statements implied otherwise – or said otherwise straight out. Roscoe Porter wrote that ‘the Testimonies sent are God’s word.’ Many published statements admonished church members ‘to study the written word and the spirit of prophecy…’ Although these writers probably did not realize it, they implied by their arguments that the Bible alone is insufficient to guide the believer into all truth… Although they made the Testimonies theoretically subordinate to the Bible, they also considered them indispensable to Seventh-day Adventists…- Ibid., pp. 166-7, emphasis Bradford’s.

John Ankenberg Show

o The inspiration of Ellen White is not so much under question as is the nature and function of her authority… Is Seventh-day Adventism truly a Protestant church that recognizes the Bible as their sole authority in matters of doctrine? Are church members free to hold some positions different to Ellen White in their understanding of the Scripture?... As it was in 1922 with the demise of Daniells and others so it was again in the early 1980s. Some who were well informed in regards to how her inspiration operated were perceived to be out of harmony with the teachings of Ellen White and suffered accordingly. The problem they faced was how they could explain their convictions regarding her inspiration in a few sentences and correctly inform those who had held incorrect views for most of their lives. – Ibid., p. 201.

o When I look at the founding of Adventism… They were mostly young people. There was not one professionally trained Bible scholar among them. About all that they had were their Bibles and a concordance. Sometimes they were naïve… We are better educated than they were. We have trained scholars… We do need to expect that some new thoughts will be arriving on the scene. But to have this is still to have the essential essence of what Adventist was always meant to be. – Ibid., p. 223, 225.

Don’t forget, there were trained scholars in Christ’s day, but He couldn’t use them because they were too self-confident and too “smart” for God.

o Ex. “the boy scout, the President of the United States and the smartest man in the world.”

Perhaps this statement from “ablest man in all our ranks,” J. N. Andrews, says it best. It must be noted that Andrews was an accomplished Bible student and scholar, who read the Bible in seven different languages and claimed the ability to reproduce the entire New Testament from memory. If it could be said of anyone that he knew his Bible “well enough” to be exempt from prophetic direction, it could be said of Andrews. Notice, however, the difference in the level of humility. Speaking of the importance, yea, the

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absolute necessity, of the prophetic gift, he wrote:

o “[The spiritual gifts] constitute the means whereby God preserves His people from confusion by pointing out errors, by correcting false interpretations of the Scriptures, and causing light to shine out upon that which is in danger of being wrongly understood and therefore of being the cause of evil and division to the people of God. In short, their work is to unite the people of God in the same mind and in the same judgment upon the meaning of the Scriptures. Mere human judgment, with no direct instruction from heaven, can never search out hidden iniquity, nor adjust dark and complicated church difficulties, nor prevent different and conflicting interpretations of the Scriptures. It would be sad indeed if God could not still converse with His people.” -RH, 2/15/1870.

Yet Bradford complains

o We wish that our Adventist Church was progressing in Western countries as it does in developing countries. – More Than a Prophet, p. 227.

Ellen White answers the objections

How our doctrines were formed

Many of our people do not realize how firmly the foundation of our faith has been laid… I met with [founders of the movement], and we studied and prayed earnestly. Often we remained together until late at night, and sometimes through the entire night, praying for light and studying the Word. Again and again these brethren came together to study the Bible, in order that they might know its meaning, and be prepared to teach it with power. When they came to the point in their study where they said, "We can do nothing more," the Spirit of the Lord would come upon me, I would be taken off in vision, and a clear explanation of the passages we had been studying would be given me, with instruction as to how we were to labor and teach effectively. Thus light was given that helped us to understand the scriptures in regard to Christ, His mission, and His priesthood. A line of truth extending from that time to the time when we shall enter the city of God, was made plain to me, and I gave to others the instruction that the Lord had given me. (1SM 206)

You claim to believe the testimonies

You say that Anna's visions place the forming of the image of the beast after probation closes. This is not so. You claim to believe the testimonies; let them set you right on this point. The Lord has shown me clearly that the image of the beast will be formed before probation closes; for it is to be the great test for the people of God, by which their eternal destiny will be decided. (2SM 80)

Enabled to define truth

We are to be established in the faith, in the light of the truth given us in our early experience. At that time one error after another pressed in upon us; ministers and doctors [“educated scholars”] brought in new doctrines. We would search the Scriptures with much prayer, and the Holy Spirit would bring the truth to our minds. Sometimes whole nights would be devoted to searching the Scriptures, and earnestly asking God for guidance. Companies of devoted men and women assembled for this purpose. The power of God would come upon me, and I was enabled clearly to define what is truth and what is error. (GW 302)

Counsel from God or Ellen White’s Opinion? (see Jer. 29:27)

After I wrote you the long letter which has been belittled by Elder H as merely an expression of my own opinion, while at the Southern California Camp Meeting, the Lord

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partially removed the restriction, and I write what I do. I dare not say more now, lest I go beyond what the Spirit of the Lord has permitted me... Had Elder H, and those united with him, been standing in the light, they would have recognized the voice of warning and reproof; but he calls it a human work, and casts it aside. The work he is doing he will wish undone ere long. He is weaving a net around himself that he cannot easily break. This is not my opinion. In the testimonies sent to Battle Creek, I have given you the light God has given to me. In no case have I given my own judgment or opinion. I have enough to write of what has been shown me, without falling back on my own opinions. You are doing as the children of Israel did again and again. Instead of repenting before God, you reject His words, and attribute all the warnings and reproof to the messenger whom the Lord sends.--Testimony for the Battle Creek Church, pp. 50-58 (1882). (3SM 69, 70)

How to help the devil

I have my work to do, to meet the misconceptions of those who suppose themselves able to say what is testimony from God and what is human production. If those who have done this work continue in this course, satanic agencies will choose for them… Those who have helped souls to feel at liberty to specify what is of God in the Testimonies and what are the uninspired words of Sister White, will find that they were helping the devil in his work of deception. Please read Testimony No. 33, page 211 [Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 682], "How to Receive Reproof."--Letter 28, 1906. (3SM 70)

o If Ellen White as a prophet of God can’t clearly define truth and error, what makes Graeme Bradford or anyone else think that they have the ability? If God can’t keep His own prophet from speaking error, how can we assume that He is able to enable scholars to discern the error?

o The reality is that everything is a matter of interpretation. Since we didn’t write the Bible, for example, we all are left with the option of interpreting it. We may choose to disagree with Ellen White’s interpretation of the text, but whose interpretation are we then left with? Our own.

Whose message?

Permit me to express my mind, and yet not my mind, but the word of the Lord.--Letter 89, 1899. (Quoted in Counsels to Writers and Editors, p. 112). (3SM 70)

o Even though the prophet speaks through plenary inspiration, that does not in any sense change the fact that the message is of God; the words are His.

Where there is no special light

I am not at liberty to write to our brethren concerning your future work.... I have received no instruction regarding the place where you should locate.... If the Lord gives me definite instruction concerning you, I will give it you; but I cannot take upon myself responsibilities that the Lord does not give me to bear.--Letter 96, 1909. (3SM 51)

As indelible as God’s law

How many have read carefully Patriarchs and Prophets, The Great Controversy, and The Desire of Ages? I wish all to understand that my confidence in the light that God has given stands firm, because I know that the Holy Spirit's power magnified the truth, and made it honorable, saying: "This is the way, walk ye in it." In my books, the truth is stated, barricaded by a "Thus saith the Lord." The Holy Spirit traced these truths upon my heart and mind as indelibly as the law was traced by the finger of God, upon the tables of stone…--Letter 90, 1906. (CM 126.2)

Not one heretical sentence

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I am now looking over my diaries and copies of letters written for several years back… I have the most precious matter to reproduce and place before the people in testimony form. While I am able to do this work, the people must have things to revive past history, that they may see that there is one straight chain of truth, without one heretical sentence, in that which I have written. (3SM 52)

Common things

But there are times when common things must be stated, common thoughts must occupy the mind, common letters must be written and information given that has passed from one to another of the workers. Such words, such information, are not given under the special inspiration of the Spirit of God. Questions are asked at times that are not upon religious subjects at all, and these questions must be answered. --Manuscript 107, 1909. (1SM 39)

No need for confusion


The more self is exalted

The more self is exalted, the more will faith in the Testimonies of the Spirit of God be lessened. . . . Those who trust wholly in themselves will see less and less of God in the Testimonies of His Spirit.“ (5T 681).

“Are we not free…?”

o “I die daily.”

On another occasion I spoke in reference to genuine sanctification, which is nothing less than a daily dying to self and daily conformity to the will of God. While in Oregon I was shown that some of the young churches of the New England Conference were in danger through the blighting influence of what is called sanctification. Some would become deceived by this doctrine, while others, knowing its deceptive influence, would realize their danger and turn from it. Paul's sanctification was a constant conflict with self. Said he: "I die daily." His will and his desires every day conflicted with duty and the will of God. Instead of following inclination, he did the will of God, however unpleasant and crucifying to his nature. (4T 299)

Prostrated in the dust

I was shown that many had so little spirituality that they did not understand the value of the Testimonies or their real object. They talked flippantly of the Testimonies given by God for the benefit of His people, and passed judgment upon them, giving their opinion and criticizing this and that, when they would better have placed their hands upon their lips, and prostrated themselves in the dust; for they could not appreciate the spirit of the Testimonies, because they knew so little of the Spirit of God. (4T 443; 5T 672)

o Note: 5T, “Nature and Influence of the Testimonies,” explains the value of the Testimonies and their real object.

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Tearing away the barrier

Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint – Prov. 29:18, nkjv

The enemy has made his masterly efforts to unsettle the faith of our own people in the Testimonies, and when these errors come in they claim to prove all the positions by the Bible, but they misinterpret the Scriptures. They make bold assertions… and misapply the prophecies and the Scriptures to prove falsehood. And, after men have done their work in weakening the confidence of our churches in the Testimonies, they have torn away the barrier, that unbelief in the truth shall become widespread, and there is no voice to be lifted up to stay the force of error. (3SM 83)

When the testimonies are given up

One thing is certain: Those Seventh-day Adventists who take their stand under Satan's banner will first give up their faith in the warnings and reproofs contained in the Testimonies of God's Spirit. (3SM 84)

If it were possible

Men may get up scheme after scheme, and the enemy will seek to seduce souls from the truth, but all who believe that the Lord has spoken through Sister White, and has given her a message, will be safe from the many delusions that will come in these last days.--Letter 50, 1906. (3SM 83)

When my ideas are crossed

Many times in my experience I have been called upon to meet the attitude of a certain class, who acknowledged that the testimonies were from God, but took the position that this matter and that matter were Sister White's opinion and judgment… If the preconceived opinions or particular ideas of some are crossed in being reproved by testimonies, they have a burden at once to make plain their position to discriminate between the testimonies, defining what is Sister White's human judgment, and what is the word of the Lord. Everything that sustains their cherished ideas is divine, and the testimonies to correct their errors are human--Sister White's opinions. They make of none effect the counsel of God by their tradition.-- Manuscript 16, 1889. (3SM 68)

It appears that Ellen White is not at all in agreement with Bradford, et. al.’s conclusions. The “defense” offered by Bradford, like so many today, is a more of a defense for him than for the prophet. It is a very supportive-sounding excuse for not receiving that which she has written as a true prophetic utterance.

Study the Testimonies

4T 390 The volumes of Spirit of Prophecy, and also the Testimonies, should be introduced into every Sabbathkeeping family, and the brethren should know their value and be urged to read them. It was not the wisest plan to place these books at a low figure and have only one set in a church. They should be in the library of every family and read again and again. Let them be kept where they can be read by many, and let them be worn out in being read by all the neighbors.

3SM 358 I am instructed to say to our churches, Study the Testimonies. They are written for our admonition and encouragement, upon whom the ends of the world are come. If God's people will not study these messages that are sent to them from time to time, they are guilty of rejecting light… The Lord has a controversy with His people because in the past they have not heeded His instruction and followed His guidance.

5T 681 Many are going directly contrary to the light which God has given to His people, because they do not read the books which contain the light and knowledge in cautions, reproofs, and warnings. The cares of the world, the love of fashion, and the lack of religion have turned the attention from the light God has so graciously given… Light so precious, coming from the throne of God, is hid under a bushel. God will make His people responsible for this neglect. An account

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must be rendered to Him for every ray of light He has let shine upon our pathway, whether it has been improved to our advancement in divine things or rejected because it was more agreeable to follow inclination." [VOL. 4, P. 134 (1882).]

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Ellen White and the Spirit of Prophecy

Rev 10:10-11 [10] And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. [11] And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

This was another text that the Millerite did not understand at the time of 1844. There was still much more to do. The message was from mainly New England it needed to go to the whole world. This bought attention to the Luke 12, the tarrying time. A man called Joseph Turner, taught that people needed to with during the tarrying time. He was a publisher of the Advent Mirror. He published His view of the disappointment and the prophecy. Ellen Harmon was 12 yrs old when she accepted with her family the teachings of the Millerite. Around 12 she was hit in the forehead with a rock while at school. She never really regained her strength again. She never pasted the 3rd grade. The love of her life was to bring people to the Love of Jesus. November 26 was her birthday. She was 16 during the disappointment. She had her first vision at aged 17, which was the vision of heaven. She saw the trip of the Advent people. A week latter she had another vision where God asked her be his massager. After quite a struggle she accepted it. She gave her testimony to about 60 people and this gave them hope. Letter that year she say the vision of the Heavenly Sanctuary. The Father moved from the Holy to the Most Holy. Refer to Early Writings. Christ and the Father sat together, then they moved together. This is a change in function or a change in ministry. That’s why 1844 is so important, there was a change in ministry. The investigative judgment it to make up the kingdom. O.R.L. Crosief, D.F Haan these two published the Day Star Extra, regarding the Heavenly Sanctuary. An angel told her that they had truth. A few weeks later Turner published his view. Both groups were separate, and neither new anything about Ellen Harmon for until nearly a year later. The Millerite / Adventist accepted this new light regarding the Day of Atonement. Sequence of the Atonement;

1. Sinner confess on the head of the lamb

2. Sin is transferred to the lamb

3. Blood is collected from the lamb

4. Lamb is burn on the alter

5. Blood is placed on the horns of the alter

6. Sanctuary is cleansed

7. Sins is transferred to the Scape Goat

8. Goat goes to the wilderness This study brought a very deep understanding to the plan of salvation. No other church in the history of the world had been given all this new light. She had a burden for youth; she was a founder, prophet, author, teacher. Her ministry was not restricted to the church, she was often out wining souls. She had to tell people of their sin and

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this made her disliked by many. But she saw that if she didn’t warn people she would loss their souls. She would often spend all night praying for the people she had to talk too. She wrote over 50,000 pages of prophecy and instruction. She had four children’s all boys. James died in 1881, after this Willie White her son, became Ellen’s traveling companion. Edson was different, when Ellen went to Australia, he built a streamer and when to education the blacks. He taught them how to read and to teach them the bible. The “Gospel Primer” he printed this on his boat and used this to raise money. He also prepared slides that he used to read children, he raised up 50 churches. By 1900 it became very hard for him to work among the blacks because to racism. Blacks in the south did not have leaders like the whites in the north. He saw this and went out to train leaders to build up the churches. In 1891 she went to Australia, when she came back she moved to California. She died in July 16, 1915 – Last words “I know whom I have believed in.” Because of the disappointment the wanted to make sure they had all the truths. In 1848 – they discovered the Sabbath and heard conferences at these places Ellen was given visions to confirm the studies.

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Providence of God in the Publishing Work

Hos 6:3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord; his going forth is prepared as the morning.

From the very beginning Adventism was involved in publishing. Miller thought that printing a book would remove the need from him to preach. Joshua B Hines was the first Publisher for the Seventh-day Adventist church. God knew that the Advent message needed to go to the world and had to be able to be read. There is always someone in every country that can speak English. So the printing page can always be translated into the local language. The invention of the printing press was the most important invention of all time. Because it would put the Bible and messages about the Bible in every persons hand in the land. The languages were elevated were the bible was printed. People went back to school to learn to read, and then they questioned the priests. Any country that had the bible printed in their language created a finical raise and the creation of a middle class. All of this was necessary to lay the foundation for the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Without the invention of the Press the Millerite’s would not have been able to spring board the movement. They printed little one page tracts and throw away song books all the way to fully written books. Publishing work has the ability to spread the message with far less human resources. Travel was no where as near as easy as it is now; there was no TV, no Internet. The reasons why the publicans were so effective;

Human resources limited. Printing page primary source of information. People were willing to read.

The Adventist pioneers learned more and more after the Great Disappointment, but the more they learnt the more they felt they should publish it and tell it to the world. It was successful in the Millerite movement so it would be in the Adventist movement. Ellen had a vision about the three angel’s messages and told them to print it. She said she saw that the publishing work was like little streams of light going all over the world. She told James to write a little paper, he went to mow grass to earn money to print the paper. He was told not to work, but to write, write, write, July 1849, “The Present Truth” later to become the “Advent Review and Sabbath Herald” They sent it out and money came in. Around this time James Edison White was born. The Whites left and went on a trip to Maine. This caused a lapse in the publication of the “Present Truth”. Ellen White had a vision regarding the work of publication, and the people dying for a lack of true. The response was so good that in 1850 that they started the Advent Review. This paper was a link the bonded the people together. When they came together to a camp meeting they had similar views. We are coming to a time when the Latter Rain is about to fall out. This is why we have so much access to media. The first stage or wave of technology occurred just before the start of the Advent movement, and now the second wave is preparing the way for the Latter Rain. James White was often discouraged; he was going to put a note in to the current issue that would say that this would be the last issue. Ellen fainted and this stopped him from going. He then decided that he should raise money and buy his own printing press.

Fundraising The concept of asking for money is you are asking for money from someone to make a difference in someone else’s life. And you are giving them and opportunity to be a blessing to

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other people. “I want to be apart of helping in Gods work”. We are not to FUNDRAISE, we are to FRIENDRAISE. To raise money you need to have a network of friends. Testimonies are the feedback on how their funds are being used. They bought a Washington Press and moved into a house, and had many volunteers. One of these volunteers was Annie Smith. Uriah came at 23 years of age and became the editor of the Review. In 1855 the believers in Battle Creek asked the Whites to move to there, and they did. They then bought a Steam Press. This was the first Seventh-day Adventist institution ever started. In 1860 they meet together to see how they might incorporate the little company. Up to the month of June, 1849, the labors of Elder White and his wife and Elder Bates were confined to the New England States. At this time Miss Clarissa Bonfoey, of Middletown, Conn., joined Elder White's family. A short time previous to this, her mother died, leaving her everything necessary for housekeeping on a small scale. By this means Elder White was enabled again to set up housekeeping; and this he did in a part of Mr. Belden's house at Rocky Hill, Conn. 281

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The Conflict over Organization

Titus 1:5 FOR this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee.

In the advancement of the third angel's message twelve years had passed (from 1846 to 1858) before our people seemed to realize a necessity for any more formal association than simply the belief of the truth and Christian love. Although the Lord had spoken to his people upon this subject through the gift of prophecy, it seemed to require some adverse experiences to arouse them fully to a sense of the necessity of the organization of conferences and churches and associations for the management of the temporalities of the cause.

The “Name” In 1860 they meet in Battle Creek to pick a name, but this required organization. James White wanted to have the New Testament model. George Storrs was against organization. He was also against the idea of a creed. They believed that the Seventh-day Adventist church was the full flower of all the past reformers.

Organization Adventist were struggling with organization. The first conference was organized in 1860 this was the Michigan Conference. John Byington was the first Conference President.Organization expanded the work of God. The first salary for ministers was $5 week. As time went on, organization began to take form that began to create problems. Today we have a corporation which holds the property and an association which conducts business. There used to be property that was held by local church and public property which was held in trust. A trust is treaded by the Government as an individual. In the 50’s and 60’s questions began to arise. This was a time when there was a lot of trust in the conference leaders. The question was what if the local trustee’s went into apostasy? There were then recommendations to turn all property over into the corporations. After a period of time everything was now in the hands of the conference corporation. Now what happens when the local church tries to remain faithful and is put under pressure by the conference leaders? So those that protest against the apostasy are kicked out of their church. There has on the other had however, case’s were churches have became Sunday churches and the conference has stepped in and kicked them out of their church. How do you solve this problem? When things are centralized it creates an aggressive aspect which is much more controlling and it moves away from the NT model. There are two types of human nature

1. When afraid yield their rights to the authorities. 2. When there is more control they react and move away.

This brings a big problem within church unity. There was a time in our church when EGW was very upset with how things were going at Battle Creek, this was in 1901.

Principles of Church Organization The Seventh-day Adventists were a scattered group of congregation, but yet remained small and continued as a congregational style church. And in having publications to unify them and provide a certain amount of communication, the numbers were increasing largely that there was a corresponding need for some system and order; James White called it “Gospel Order.” James White began to urge a presbyterial form of church government, urging that the “Gospel

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Order” meant using the NT model. And what NT model is that? Under the unction of the Holy Spirit, the apostolic church ordained Elders and Deacons to do the work of the church so that the apostles could minister in word and doctrine. Apostles were not to deal with all the little matters. They were not to control the church, and direct its affairs. They were to dedicate themselves to evangelism, exhortation, preaching, etc. Not the administration of the church. They were organized in a decentralized fashion. They were to facilitate the members in their ministry, where the elders and deacons were to care for the widows, orphans, disputes, problems, etc. But there was significant resistance. The Whites and faithful SDA members had been thrown out of organizations and they were very wary of organized (or rather controlling) religion. Their painful and cruel rejection was still on their minds, and they understood the organized churches to comprise fallen Babylon because they were in error and had rejected light. George Storrs had warned them against manufacturing another church. He said, “No church can be organized by man’s invention but what it becomes Babylon the moment it is organized.” They were rightly afraid of creedalism, fearing that a set of beliefs would eventually become a creed and destroy the church. James White himself later wrote, in 1881, well after the church was organized, that “The minister who throws himself on any conference committee for direction takes himself out of the hands of Christ.” And Ellen White also spoke in regards to organized churches, saying: “Some men have a special message from heaven. They are to be sent forth to waken the people, not to hover over the churches to their own detriment and the hindrance of the work of God. It does a church no good to have two or three ministers waiting upon it…

TM 361 The idea that our ministers must hover over the churches might just as well be given up now as later. The members of the churches must be taught to keep themselves at work, showing the intelligence and spirituality God requires in those who claim to be members of His church.

But as numerical growth increased, it brought about geographic expansion. Such in the case of believers in Michigan and other Midwest states and California, there was a need for ordination of deacons to help with the poor according to Acts 6. Then there was the need for ordination of pastors, because ministers were constantly traveling (Itinerant). But there was no official body to “appoint” them. Some were ordained by the denominations they had left. So these itinerant preachers would volunteer to travel and preach in winter but grow their crops and labor to sustain themselves in the summer. And there was also a need to deal with troublemakers and backsliders, to keep the movement pure. And this was done by a number of different methods while remaining small. It was handled by the leaders, James White and others as they went from place to place where these people were. Some times miraculous healing, or intervention would occur in order to boost faith and strengthen the principles of truth in their minds with positive reinforcement. And sometimes with divine intervention by vision, pointing out specific sins and other important and timely revelations. These were the reasons it was felt that there should be a more systematic organization. It was not meant to be a controlling organization, but rather an assistance to the work and the workers. The principles from the Bible apply to the global church. In this chapter, you see a representative type of church government.

Prov 11:14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Prov 15:22 Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.

Multitude of counselors. Representative church government. This rules out Episcopal (authority of bishops, priests, and deacons); Papal (Pope is the head to the cardinals, archbishops, bishops,

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and priests); Independent (Congregational, the laity does what they want, when they want—not accountable to anyone). Ideally, Representative is the way to go in Church government. If we’re going to follow the Bible, the SDA church has a Representative style of government

Acts 15:1, 5 [1] And certain men which came down from Judæa taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved. [5] But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.

Theological issue—law of Moses. Issue of circumcision—how to keep the law of Moses. This issue is not a cultural issue or a sociological issues—it is theological. Therefore it is a worldwide issue—it has tendencies to affect the world around everywhere.

Acts 15:2 When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question.

Paul and Barnabas decided to go to Jerusalem to submit their views with their brethren.

Acts 15:3-6 [3] And being brought on their way by the church, they passed through Phenice and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren. [4] And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them. [5] But there rose up certain of the sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, That it was needful to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses. [6] And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter.

Paul and Barnabas are representing the Gentile converts. In verse 6, they come together to handle the situation. There is a representation of both sides: (1) Pharisee—law of Moses; (2) Paul and Barnabas—Gentile Christians. Apostles and Elders are considering both positions.

Acts 15:7–11 [7] And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. [8] And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; [9] And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. [10) Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? [11] But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

Peter is an Apostle, a leader. He uses his experience of the Holy Spirit’s work on the Gentiles to show that there was no need for circumcision.

Acts 15:12 Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them.


Acts 15:13-16 [13] ¶ And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me: [14] Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. [15] And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, [16] After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:

James is affirming Peter’s experience as a fact and based upon the Bible. He is using the Scripture to back up what Peter is saying. If it works for Peter, it will work for Paul and Barnabas. James then quotes from Amos 9:11-12.

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Amos 9:11, 12 [11] ¶ In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: [12] That they may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen, which are called by my name, saith the LORD that doeth this.

James used Peter’s example as a Jew; then backed it up with Scripture; then appeals to Moses and how he wanted Judaism to spread throughout.

Acts 15:17-21 [17] That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things. [18] Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. [19] Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God: [20] But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood. [21] For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.

Leviticus 17 & 18 tell us about the basic requirements for both Jews and Gentiles. The four categories: Idols, fornications, strangled, and blood. This is nothing new—this is all in the Old Testament.

Lev 17:7-9 [7] And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute for ever unto them throughout their generations. [8] And thou shalt say unto them, Whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers which sojourn among you, that offereth a burnt offering or sacrifice, [9] And bringeth it not unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, to offer it unto the LORD; even that man shall be cut off from among his people.

They weren’t supposed to make their offerings at the door of the tabernacle, not to devils or idols in a pagan temple or in a pagan way. This was also for the strangers among them.

Lev 17:10 And whatsoever man there be of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood; I will even set my face against that soul that eateth blood, and will cut him off from among his people.


Lev 17:13-15 [13] And whatsoever man there be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may be eaten; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with dust. [14] For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off. [15] And every soul that eateth that which died of itself, or that which was torn with beasts, whether it be one of your own country, or a stranger, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even: then shall he be clean.

If someone was hunting, they were to pour out the blood. Strangling would not be a method for the consumption because the blood would be in itself; the same goes for ones that died of itself and torn by other animals. Leviticus 18 deals ENTIRELY with sexual purity, specifically adultery.

Lev 18:19-20 [19] Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness. [20] Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour's wife, to defile thyself with her.

No sexual relations while she is on her period and no adultery.

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Acts 15:29 That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well.

This was the result of the letter written to all Gentile Christian believers. The core issue is how the Gentiles relate to the ceremonial law of Moses—everything else was not important for them (feast days, etc). The leaders of the church did not say ANYTHING GOES. Some ways that Adventists use this chapter:

This was a cultural thing and a social thing—yet the Apostles appealed to the OT for their authority, it was a theological issue affecting the world body of believers.

The apostles changed things the way things used to be done—but Jesus changed things when He died and showed that all things in the ceremonial law pointed to Him.

Council of Jerusalem based their decisions on the Bible, the Old Testament, especially Amos and Leviticus. New Testament church based upon Old Testament. James, Jesus’ brother was instrumental in bringing about this establishment.

Acts 15:22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren:

The whole church was pleased (apostles, elders, whole church including Gentiles). Delegates: Judas and Silas. It pleased everyone to send Judas and Silas to Antioch.

Acts 15:25 It seemed good unto us, being assembled with one accord, to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,

In the letter there is a “good” attitude; “one accord.” This brought unity because their decisions were based upon Scripture.

Acts 15:28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;

“good” – to the Holy Spirit—God is confirming the decision they had made; not only to God but to them—“us.” The effect of this church council is pleasing, good, and it brought about unity because issues of theology were based upon the Bible. The Letter: Where would this church decree be applied?

Acts 15:23 And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia:

Gentile Christians in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia. The apostles, elders, and brethren. When the church met in session in Jerusalem, it was applicable to churches outside Jerusalem; it was a worldwide issue because it was a theological issue. There were represented different cultures, from distant lands and geographical regions that would be affected by this decision

Acts 15:27 We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, who shall also tell you the same things by mouth.

Delegates (Judas and Silas) sent to vocally deliver the message with a letter.

Acts 15:28 For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;

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“necessary things” – Was this decision optional? No, these things were necessary.

Acts 16:33 And after they had tarried there a space, they were let go in peace from the brethren unto the apostles.

(The effect), they stayed a while and sent away in peace to let the apostles know that everything was good and acceptable. Unity was preserved and there was clear communication made. Now lets look at the results of the of the decision.

Acts 16:4, 5 [4] And as they went through the cities, they delivered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at Jerusalem. [5] And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily.

Paul and Barnabas delivered the decrees that should be kept. As a result, they were established in the faith and increased daily. The key issue was not optional. The key issue was how the Gentiles related to the ceremonial law.

1 Cor 7:19 Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God.

Commandments of God is what really mattered. Some people say that Paul compromised the decision of the Jerusalem Council. Supporters of this use Paul in 1 Corthians 8 and 10 to suggest that Paul actually went behind the backs of the council in Jerusalem and applied the decision differently. They say that Paul allowed for Gentiles to eat things sacrificed to idols. Let’s see what Paul taught; How do other NT books relate to this issue?

1 Cor 8:1 Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.

When we are puffed up in our own reasoning and rationale, we can go against God’s counsel. Things offered to idols—these were found in Pagan temples (also in their homes, but these Corinthian Christians would not have such in their homes). Paul was saying that Christians could not offer sacrifices to idols in Pagan temples.

1 Cor 8:10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols;

The issue here spoken is the location. Paul’s talking about the “idol’s TEMPLE.” Christians could not go to temples to eat things offered up to idols.

1 Cor 10:19, 20 [19] What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? [20] But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.

He is making a distinction between the idol and things offered to it. Gentiles offer in their temples—it is bigger than worshiping there; it is about eating what they offered to idols; Christians were not to go to Pagan temples and eat their food. Christians could not go to the pagan temples and eat their food offered to idols. They could buy the food in the market, unless it violated conscience.

1 Cor 10:23; 25-33 [23] All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. [25] Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake: [26] For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. [27] If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set

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before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. [28] But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof: [29] Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience? [30] For if I by grace be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks? [31] Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. [32] Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God: [33] Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine own profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved.

Paul taught to have nothing to do with the Pagan worship in their temples by partaking of their food offered up to idols. If they wanted to buy it at the market, they could do it; if someone invited them to a feast, they could eat it unless someone raised an issue over about it being offered unto idols.

1 Cor 10:25-28 [25] Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake: [26] For the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. [27] If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake. [28] But if any man say unto you, This is offered in sacrifice unto idols, eat not for his sake that shewed it, and for conscience sake: for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof:

Market—buy (personal) and ask not. Unbeliever—eat and ask not. Any man—don’t eat for the sake of the person telling him. Two scenarios: (1) If an unbeliever says this, don’t eat because he may be testing you or you may lead the unbeliever to think that there is no problem with his worship and could participate with pagan worship. (2) If a believer, he may stumble because of your example. (3) They could eat these foods at home as in the case of 1 Cor 10:25-26.

1 Cor 8:9 But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.

Here Paul was making an application fit for the scenario they were facing in Corinth. People had to balance freedom and responsibility. The BIG ISSUE was pagan worship and not associating with it.

Acts 21:17-27 [17] And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly. [18] And the day following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the elders were present. [19] And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. [20] And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law: [21] And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs. [22] What is it therefore? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come. [23] Do therefore this that we say to thee: We have four men which have a vow on them; [24] Them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law. [25] As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication. [26] Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them. [27] And when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews which were of Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the people, and laid hands on him,

The decree was used as saying that it was for the Gentiles as seen in verse 25.They said that because Paul should do it because it would seem to bring about unity amongst the Jews. So Paul to the contrary catered to the Jews. Paul did not try to speak out of both sides of his mouth.

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Rev 2:14, 20 [14] But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication...[20] Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

This does not contradict the council because Pagan worship was closely associated with fornication. The Gentiles were told not to eat things sacrifices unto idols. Note from White Estate:


20MR 142 It takes so long for our leading brethren to read beneath the surface that I feared that perhaps I had said something which would have been better deferred in regard to the publishing work in Nashville being conducted as separate and independent from the work in Battle Creek. So often the same old difficulties arise and are presented in regard to disturbing the "regular lines." But God will work in some way to make His people understand that the regular lines have become full of irregular practices. 20MR 143 When will men cease to depend upon the same routine which has left so much work undone, so many fields unworked? God alone can make men understand that working on regular lines has led to irregular practices. God alone can make men's minds as they should be. The time has come when we should hear less in favor of the regular lines. If we can get away from the regular lines into something which, though irregular, is after God's order, it may cut away something of the irregular working which has led away from Bible principles.

The self-supporting work was doing what God wanted them to do but it was against what the conference wanted them to do.

20MR 143 It is as hard today to break away from the regular lines as it was in Christ's day. We have had great light. Let us not become narrow. Let us break the bonds which bind us. Christ is the source of all true growth, the maintainer of all life. By His Holy Spirit He communicates heavenly principles and furnishes spiritual life. MM 321 The Macedonian cry is coming from every quarter. Shall men go to the "regular lines" to see whether they will be permitted to labor, or shall they go out and work as best they can, depending on their own abilities and on the help of the Lord, beginning in a humble way and creating an interest in the truth in places in which nothing has been done to give the warning message?

GCB April 10, 1903 Over and over again men have said, 'The voice of the Conference is the voice of God; therefore everything must be referred to the Conference. The Conference must permit or restrict in the various lines of work.' As the matter has been presented to me, there is a narrow compass, and within this narrow compass, all the openings to which are locked, are those who would like to exercise kingly power. But the work carried on all over the field demands an entirely different course of action. There is need of the laying of a foundation different from the

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foundation which has been laid in the past. We have heard much about everything moving in the regular lines. When we see that the 'regular lines' are purified and refined, that they bear the mold of the God of heaven, then it will be time to endorse these lines. But when we see that message after message given by God has been received and accepted, yet no change has been made, we know that new power must be brought into the regular lines. The management of the regular lines must be entirely changed, newly organized. GCB, April 10, 1903 par. 13 The kingly power formerly exhibited in the General Conference at Battle Creek is not to be perpetuated. The publishing institution is not to be a kingdom of itself. It is essential that the principles that govern in General Conference affairs shall be maintained in the managements of the publishing work and the sanitarium work. No one is to consider that the branch of the work with which he is connected is of vastly more importance than other branches. GCB, April 11, 1903 par. 5 God calls for a revival and a reformation. The 'regular lines' have not done the work which God desires to see accomplished. Let revival and reformation make constant changes. Something has been done in this line, but let not the work stop here. No; let every yoke be broken. Let men awaken to the realization that they have an individual responsibility.

ChL 49 No Kingly Authority in Seventh-day Adventist Church--God has not set any kingly power in the Seventh-day Adventist Church to control the whole body, or to control any branch of the work. He has not provided that the burden of leadership shall rest upon a few men. Responsibilities are distributed among a large number of competent men.--Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 236.

Structure of Schools

Structures of the Church

“Organization, structure, and Apostasy” – C. R. Standish

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What is the church? Those who believe are the church, the people unite to Christ. You are only apart of the church if you are unite to Christ. They had expanded to the west and to the south.

Ordination of minister

They were volunteers Traveling ministers No financial support

They believed that only ordained ministers could perform the Lords Supper. In Potsdan they ordained the first minister Brother Lawrence. And he began to conduct baptism and the Lord's Supper.

Backsliders and Troublemakers

There was the need to deal with trouble makers and backsliders. As they were growing it was becoming harder and harder to deal with it. Sometimes there would be healing which would strengthen positive reinforcement. This took the creditability away from those who would try and lead the flock away.


The other need was to be able to hold property. James White was nervous about holding titles in his own name. It’s not wise for property to be held in the name of one person. He was understood that the work should not be under the control of a few individuals, as it begins it does but it must grow and have more people involved.


Need to organize the field, they needed to expand into a larger area. Organization was necessary to expand. James White proposed a Presbyterian style. This was a Conference style structure.

Distribution of Labor

Being able to more effectively send people to other location without doubling up was a major need for the Adventist people.

Systematic Benevolence Prior to the tithing issue, this was a method in which people we asked to assist the work of God, and this was the way in which the supported the Ministers. God did not give them the information on tithing, they went out to try and find Gods plan.

1 Cor 16:2 Upon the first [day] of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as [God] hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.

1 Cor 9:9 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?

Paul is speaking of tithe here. Don't stifle the worker, let him eat, let him have what is his.

1 Cor 9:11 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?

We give you spiritual food, so we need to be sustained by physical food. Rome used this to get money for the structure.

1 Cor 9:12 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?

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I did not accept tithe from you Corinthians because there was a problem. Paul was with the greeks, they were thinkers not workers, he came to show the dignity of work. His religion was for the slave and the free man. If he lived by the tithes of the Corinthians the people should say it was a free mans' religion. It was for both.

1 Cor 9:14 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen? 2 Cor 11:8-9 [8] I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service. [9] And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself.

Paul said I accepted wages form the Macedonians, the Philippians. While I was ministering to you Corinth I was receiving tithe from Phillip

Luke 10:7 Laborer is worthy of his hire…

1 Tim 5:17-18 [17] Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. [18] For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer [is] worthy of his reward.

He is saying the elders should also be paid by tithes.

Heb 7:5 And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law.

If the tithe came to the Levites they were to take it and use it in the service of God. Summary: Once Rome began to accept tithe she also began to claim the right to control the conscience it all happened at the same time.

1 Cor 9:9 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?

Paul is talking about support for the ministry. While he works let him eat, let him be sustained by what he eats. Paul uses Moses instruction to apply it to the tithe.

1 Cor 9:13 Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?

Who ministered holy things? The Priests and Levi's. They were supported by tithes, offerings, and sacrifices.

Heb 7:5 And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law.

Paul makes it clear that they were required to take tithe. They were commanded. It was not optional. When we look back at Corinthians we see that the minister is entitled to the tithe.

1 Cor 9:13-14 [13] Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar? [14] Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.

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The gospel work was to be supported by tithe. Paul was a self-supporting missionary. He was not a denominational missionary. He left the Jewish church to build up the new church. The Jerusalem council did not control the workers they just gave advice. Paul was a self-supporting worker in two ways: His instructions were given by God not the leaders in Jerusalem. They didn't tell him what to do. He also worked for himself when he wasn’t receiving money from the believers. Question: What is a tithe worthy ministry? Can be seen in Bible and SOP. Ex. Some areas are more grey. Some statements say it can be used for certain aspects in the publishing ministry. But tithe should not be used for Colporteurs, building new churches, only to spread the gospel. Questions: do you tithe general donations? No, the Levites didn't tithe their collective resources for the support of the temple. Only their income. No where in the Bible or SOP do you see gospel institutions tithing the tithe or donations.

1 Cor 9:15 But I have used none of these things: neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void.

1 Cor 9:12 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?

Power of accepting resources to support the gospel. Paul is saying we are not accepting tithe in Corinth. There was a problem there. They had free men and slaves. The free men didn't do work. If Paul would have just preached and accepted tithe, the slaves would have said this is a free man's religion. But he worked with the slaves doing tent making so he could bond with them.

2 Cor 11:8 …I robbed other churches, taking wages [of them], to do you service.

I didn't do this to get selfish means for myself. I was supported by other churches while working for you. you should be the ones giving money for your own church.

2 Cor 11:9 And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all [things] I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and [so] will I keep [myself].

I was only responsible to myself. This refers to the people of Philippi. They brought him the tithe from Philippi. As a self-supporting minister, he didn't use it in Corinth because of the local problem. But while he was there he received it form the Philippians and he used to support himself along with his tent making. People use this statement to say we shouldn't receive it because we don't want to cause division, but this is not what he was saying.

1 Tim 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.

Honor the elders, those who are working doctrine and the word.

1 Tim 5:18 For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer [is] worthy of his reward.

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Paul is using the same quotation from Moses that he used in Corinth when he referred to receiving tithe. So he is saying that the elders who are laboring in word and doctrine can also be paid from the tithe. Note: Most elders don't do this today. They were to go out and win souls locally. He was the bible worker within the local church. Paul was the itinerate preacher who would evangelize abroad. The Elders evangelized locally to build up the church, and they took care of the affairs of the church. These men were to be supported by the tithe. He also quotes what Jesus said in Luke 10. Jesus says take no purse, script or shoes, don't take money just preach and you eat what they give you. You get supported by the people to whom you minister. Those who labor in the gospel are to be supported in the gospel. This is how Paul explains tithe in the NT. Of course it can go to the GC, but what about self-supporting missionaries? The Waldensians and others refused to send their tithe to Rome because they were not teaching the gospel or living it. Tithe is an act of confidence not authority. People will place their tithe were they feel confident, not coerced.

Ordination and Credentials With this the work would become tethered. And course the church to languish. The Whites wanted to be understood that they did not want the church to become Babylon. If we organize and we became a legal institution then would the break the separation of Church and State? Forming the organization brought the need for the founding of a Name for it. The name “The Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association” was the name that was chosen in 1863.

Statements Concerning Pastors Hovering Over the Churches 7T 255 The world is to be warned. Ministers should work earnestly and devotedly, opening new fields and engaging in personal labor for souls, instead of hovering over the churches that already have great light and many advantages. 10MR 227-228 God has been calling upon His ministers to leave the ninety and nine and hunt for the lost sheep. Your experience is to be a lesson for all who are hovering over the churches--consumers and not producers. We tell you to put your trust in God. Let Him guide you. The Lord Jesus is answering your prayers.--Letter 132, 1901, p. 8. (To S. N. Haskell and wife, October 7, 1901.) 6T 29-30 Are there not Seventh-day Adventists who will do likewise? Instead of keeping the ministers at work for the churches that already know the truth, let the members of the churches say to these laborers: "Go work for souls that are perishing in darkness. We ourselves will carry forward the services of the church. We will keep up the meetings, and, by abiding in Christ, will maintain spiritual life. We will work for souls that are about us, and we will send our prayers and our gifts to sustain the laborers in more needy and destitute fields. Ev 382 If the ministers would get out of the way, if they would go forth into new fields, the members would be obliged to bear responsibilities, and their capabilities would increase by use.--Letter 56, 1901. GCB, April 5, 1901 Just as soon as the workers in California stop doing aggressive work, and hover over a few churches, treading on one another's heels, their light will go out. If you wish to retain the tithe in California, not using it in foreign fields, you must do aggressive work at home. You are not to be merely consumers, but producers. You should not merely absorb. You should sustain the work in every part of the world.

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PaM 99-100 Help your church understand why it should not expect the minister to wait on them.--My heart has been filled with sadness as I have looked over the field and seen the barren places. What does this mean? Who are standing as representatives of Jesus Christ? Who feels a burden for the souls who cannot receive the truth till it is brought to them? Our ministers are hovering over the churches, as though the angel of mercy was not making efforts to save souls. God holds these ministers responsible for the souls of those who are in darkness. He does not call you to go into fields that need no physician. Establish your churches with the understanding that they need not expect the minister to wait upon them and to be continually feeding them. They have the truth; they know what truth is. They should have root in themselves. These should strike down deeply, that they may reach up higher and still higher. They must be rooted and grounded in the faith. EGW'88 1752. PM 396 A Harvest of Precious Souls.--I have been shown that the publications already have been doing a work upon some minds in other countries, in breaking down the walls of prejudice and superstition. [OUR EARLIEST MISSIONARIES WERE SENT ABROAD TO INDOCTRINATE AND FURTHER INSTRUCT HONEST SEEKERS FOR TRUTH WHO FIRST LEARNED ABOUT THE SABBATH, THE SECOND ADVENT, ET CETERA, BY READING SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST TRACTS AND BOOKS. THUS OUR LITERATURE WORK WAS IN MANY PLACES THE OPENING WEDGE TO PREPARE THE WAY FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF LOCAL CHURCHES AND MISSION STATIONS.] I was shown men and women studying with intense interest papers and a few pages of tracts upon present truth. They would read the evidences so wonderful and new to them, and would open their Bibles with a deep and new interest, as subjects of truth that had been dark to them were made plain, especially the light in regard to the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. As they searched the Scriptures to see if these things were so, a new light shone upon their understanding, for angels were hovering over them, and impressing their minds with the truths contained in the publications they had been reading. I saw them holding papers or tracts in one hand, and the Bible in the other, while their cheeks were wet with tears; and bowing before God in earnest, humble prayer, to be guided into all truth--the very thing He was doing for them before they called upon Him. And when the truth was received in their hearts, and they saw the harmonious chain of truth, the Bible was to them a new book; they hugged it to their hearts with grateful joy, while their countenances were all aglow with happiness and holy joy. AUCR, July 15, 1902 In all lines of ministerial work there is need of greater earnestness. Time is passing, and work that should be far advanced is almost at a standstill. Ministers are not to spend their time hovering over the churches, laboring for those who have already accepted the truth. They are to go forth to proclaim the message to those who have not heard it. They must sow the seeds of truth in fields that have not yet been sown. GCB, April 5, 1901 If our ministers, instead of hovering over the churches to keep the breath of life in them, would go forth to work for those outside the fold, those in the churches would receive the vital current from heaven as they hear that souls were drawn to the Lamb of God. They would pray that God would give power to the workers, and their prayers would be as sharp sickles in the harvest fields. RH, June 25, 1895 The Lord's vineyard is a more extensive one than the present working force is able properly to cultivate. Therefore it is necessary that every one should labor to the full extent of his ability. Whosoever refuses to do this, dishonors the Lord of the vineyard, and if he continues inactive, the Lord will disown him. As the human agent endeavors to labor, God works in him and by him. When the Lord sees that little real effort for the conversion of souls is put forth in regions beyond, when he sees that golden opportunities are lost, and that the spiritual physician is devoting his energy and skill to those who are whole, neglecting the maladies of those who are ready to die, he is not pleased. He cannot pronounce the "well done" upon such work; for it is not hastening but hindering the progress of his cause, when rapid advancement is most necessary. Time and energy and means are devoted to those who know the truth, instead of being used to enlighten the ignorant. Our churches are being tended as though they were sick lambs by those who should be seeking for the lost sheep. If our people would minister to other souls who need their help, they would themselves be ministered unto by the Chief Shepherd, and thousands would be rejoicing in the fold who are now wandering in the desert. Instead of

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hovering over our people, let every soul go to work to seek and to save the lost. Let every soul labor, not in visiting among our churches, but in visiting the dark places of the earth where there are no churches. RH, February 9, 1905 The ministers who are hovering over the churches, preaching to those who know the truth, would better go into places still in darkness. Unless they do this, they themselves and their congregations will become dwarfed. Our religion has become weak and sickly because the members of the church have left their first love. They might be strong men and women in Christ if they would obey the Lord's directions. ST, December 4, 1901 The coming of these people to Christ and their conversion to the truth was an object-lesson to the disciples, and it should teach an important lesson to all who are engaged in the work of soul saving. From it ministers should learn that God desires them to go forth into aggressive labor, that He has not given them the work of hovering over the churches, when close by there are souls who are perishing for lack of knowledge. 13MR 208-209 The Lord's great vineyard demands from men that which it has not yet received--earnest, persevering labor for souls. The ministry is becoming weak and feeble, and under their tame service the churches also are becoming weak. The ministers of our conferences have very little to show in the conversion of souls as a result of their labors. These things are depriving God of the glory which belongs to Him. The truth is not carried into the barren places of the earth. God calls for workers who will be producers. There is a world to be warned. Why are the ministers who should be laboring in special service earnestly to open new fields and raise up new churches, hovering over the churches which have already received great light and many advantages which they do not appreciate? 14MR 141 This is the lesson the ministers must learn before they can accomplish the work of God has appointed them. God has not given those who know the truth the work of hovering over the churches when there are souls close by them who are perishing for lack of knowledge. 1888 Materials 1750 I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work. The work of a minister is to minister. Our ministers are to work on the gospel plan of ministering. It has been presented to me that all through America there are barren fields. As I traveled through the South on my way to the Conference, I saw city after city that was unworked. What is the matter? The ministers are hovering over churches, which know the truth, while thousands are perishing out of Christ. If the proper instruction were given, if the proper methods were followed, every church member would do his work as a member of the body. He would do Christian missionary work. But the churches are dying, and they want a minister to preach to them. They should be taught to bring a faithful tithe to God, that he may strengthen and bless them. They should be brought into working order, that the breath of God may come to them. They should be taught that unless they can stand alone, without a minister, they need to be converted anew, and baptized anew. They need to be born again. SpM 254 My brethren and sisters in the South, move forward in earnest with the work of selling "Christ's Object Lessons", that means may be furnished for the establishment of schools. No line of work will be of such telling advantage to the Southern field as the establishment of schools. Let our people in the South wake up to the importance of this matter. There has been too much hovering over the churches, and too little aggressive work done. PaM 121-122 Ministers who hover over their churches do them harm.--The churches that have not life in themselves, that have lost their spiritual discernment, call for ministers to come to their help, to bring them the breath of life. But the ministers have other work to do. They must carry the message of truth to those who know it not. Those ministers who hover about the churches, who have not a clear cut message, which, like a sharp, two-edged sword, cuts both ways, will do the churches harm. They will not work for the salvation of souls that are in great peril because they know not the truth, and they will die spiritually themselves, and trouble and discourage those who try to help them. 6MR 65.

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RH, December 12, 1893 Soldiers of Christ are now wanted to push the battle to the front. Marshall under the bloodstained banner of Prince Emmanuel, wear his armor, and press the battle to the gate. The gospel of the kingdom of Christ must go into new countries, and enter new provinces. We are laborers together with God. Brethren and sisters, why hover about the churches? Study the parable of the lost sheep, and go forth as true shepherds, seeking the lost one who is in the wilderness of sin. Rescue the perishing. RH, December 1, 1896 The great object of our work is to carry the light to those who are in darkness. Our work is world-wide. God's delegated messengers are not to hover about the people who have been long in the truth. Altogether too much labor is devoted to the churches. God's people are not to depend on others to do their work for them. Let the Lord's messengers carry the triumphs of the cross into the regions beyond, calling upon the members of the church to send their prayers as sharp sickles into the harvest-field. Let the church appoint pastors or elders who are devoted to the Lord Jesus, and let these men see that officers are chosen who will attend faithfully to the work of gathering in the tithe. If the pastors show that they are not fitted for their charge, if they fail to set before the church the importance of returning to God his own, if they do not see to it that the officers under them are faithful, and that the tithe is brought in, they are in peril. They are neglecting a matter which involves a blessing or a curse to the church. They should be relieved of their responsibility, and other men should be tested and tried. RH, July 16, 1908 Who will now carry this burden? In view of the great needs all about us, who can be content to hover over our own churches, neither gaining nor imparting strength? Let those who have a living connection with God, go out and labor for unbelievers. We do not call for those who are half asleep to go in their present condition, but we beseech them to awake, to lay hold of the arm of infinite strength, and then go forth speaking the words of life. 10MR 320 Our ministers are not to be encouraged to hover about the churches to repeat to the believers week after week the same truths. We have a truth that is saving and precious. The Word of God must be planted in many hearts, the bread of life must be dealt out to many hungering souls. If we will study carefully the fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah, with these words I have read to you from the 54th and 55th chapters, you will see that there is a precious and an extended work to be done by the people of God. It is a blessed work to lift up Christ before the world. Letter 139, 1899 The building erected at Avondale for a health retreat is small, about fifteen rooms in all, but it will serve for the present necessity. For this building we solicit your donations. Those who help us in this will be doing a good work. We are much in need of money to provide facilities for work. May the Lord help His people to do the work that is so urgent in this part of His great vineyard. There are important fields to be worked. We shall not hover over the churches but press into new territory and raise the standard in places where the message has not been proclaimed. May the Lord bless and guide you, is my prayer. Ev 382 Aggressive Work Called For.--Our ministers should plan wisely, as faithful stewards. They should feel that it is not their duty to hover over the churches already raised up, but that they should be doing aggressive evangelistic work, preaching the Word and doing house-to-house work in places that have not yet heard the truth. . . . They will find that nothing is so encouraging as doing evangelistic work in new fields. --Letter 169, 1904. 2SM 156 Some men have a special message from heaven. They are to be sent forth to waken the people, not to hover over the churches to their own detriment and the hindrance of the work of God. It does a church no good to have two or three ministers waiting upon it. Were these ministers to go forth to labor for those in darkness, their work would show some results. Let the experienced men take the young men who are preparing for the ministry and go forth into new territory to proclaim the message of warning. 2SM 156 The righteous judgments of God, with their weight of final decision, are coming upon the land. Do not hover over the churches to repeat over and over again the same truths to the people, while the cities are left in ignorance and sin, unwarned and unlabored for. Soon the way will be hedged up and these cities will be closed to the gospel message. Wake up the church members, that they may unite in doing a definite and self-denying work. . . .

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HM, December 1, 1894 par. 14 I have been for a long time pressed under the burden of the fact that we are not elevating the standard as we should. New fields are continually opening, and the third angel's message must be proclaimed to all kindreds, nations, tongues, and peoples. We must not feel that we are compelled to hover over churches that have received the truth. We must not encourage the people to depend upon ministerial labor in order to preserve spiritual life. Everyone who has received the truth must go to God for his individual self, and decide to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Those who have embraced the third angel's message must not make man their trust, and depend upon the ministers to make their experience for them. PUR, April 24, 1902 par. 6 Oh, what a work there is before us! Our ministers are not to hover over those who have received the message. With Christ's love burning in their hearts, they are to go forth to win sinners to the Saviour. Beside all waters God's messengers are to sow the seeds of truth. Place after place is to be visited; church after church is to be raised up. Those who take their stand for the truth are to be organized into churches, and then the minister is to pass on to other equally important fields. 15MR 314 I would say, Let Brother Simpson labor where his message is evidently accomplishing great good. Those who have come to his meetings have given freely of their means to sustain the work that he has carried forward. At this time, when there is such urgent need of workers in Los Angeles, when the brethren are seeking to establish a sanitarium there, I dare not say to Elder Simpson, You must go back to Canada. And, besides, such a move might not be best for his health. For the present let him remain in Los Angeles, for the Lord is giving him marked success in bearing the message to the people. Let him give the trumpet a certain sound, arousing those who have never heard the truth. May the Lord encourage him to remain in Los Angeles until the church members are aroused to gird on the armor and show that they have a burden to give the message. Our ministers are not to hover over the churches. They are to proclaim the truth, as Elder Simpson is doing. Let those who know not the truth be given an opportunity to hear the reasons of our faith. 20MR 126 God has no use for those who seek a safe and easy place. By an unreserved consecration we are to prepare ourselves for God's service. Our ministers are not to hover over the churches, regarding the churches in some particular territory as their special care. The members of our churches are to have root in themselves, striking firm root in Christ, that they may bear fruit to His glory. As one man, they are to strive to attain one object--the saving of souls. 2SAT 156 The idea that our ministers must hover over the churches might just as well be given up now as later. The members of the churches must be taught to keep themselves at work, showing the intelligence and spirituality God requires in those who claim to be members of His church. 2SAT 302 Will our ministers remember that it is not the particular duty of a minister of the gospel to hover over the churches. Those who do not labor for the salvation of others will soon lose their own confidence in God. All who profess to understand the plan of salvation have a special work to do for those around them, ever to be ready to speak a word in season to them that are ready to perish. If it is your desire to honor and glorify, not yourself, but God, He will give you a work to do that will result in the salvation of souls. But you yourselves must be in right relation with God before you can lead others to Him. You must have a humility that God can accept. Then He will be able to impress your mind, and give you a fitness for His service.

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Health Institutions

1 John 3:2 BELOVED, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

In this chapter we will be discussing the health message. This is a very broad topic. We’re first going to cover the development of the health message, some of the visions that Ellen White received, that helped to shape the unique Adventist understanding of health. We are also going to discuss what happened with Kellogg in the late 1800s. Before we begin lets read a text, that adequately describes the Adventist view of health. Disease in the 19th century was everywhere, people in and out of the church died. The killer diseases today are nothing but just common everyday problems. They were bleeding people back then, thinking that too much blood was a problem. There was not real medical information available to the world. No x-rays, no aspirin, no aesthetic and surgery were reasonably new. This was one of the reasons why Ellen White was told to not let woman have dress too long because it would drag through the trash on the street. Refer to the book “The Good old days” – What they were really like. Christians thought that smoking was good, that it had positive benefits for the body. There was a lack of knowledge. Many Adventist however were against alcohol long before as many were probationers. Until God told her it was time to move away from pig, she exercised caution, there was not enough information to promote it. In two weeks after the creation of the GC in 1863 she was given her first vision in the health message which dealt with; eating between meals, drugs, spices, pepper, etc. She had positive counsel as well it was not all just negatives; Drink water, eat health, exercise, get sunshine. In 1902 she wrote; “We have come to the time when every member of the church should take hold of the medical missionary work.” People soon saw the effectiveness of health and gospel together. The day James White had a stroke and went to the sanitarium, where they used water and sun treatments. Dr Jackson was one of the best in these areas; however Ellen was worried about how he told the clients to play cards, dance, not to study etc. She had a vision soon after showing that resting from religion was not the answer, and that religion was actually the very thing that helped. She was told to start a health ministry; this is where John Harvey Kellogg came in to the picture.

John Harvey Kellogg He started Battle Creek Sanitarium and this made him famous. Western Health Reform Institute founded in 1866. Kellogg was 24 years old when he took over. After Kellogg took over he renamed it to the Battle Creek Sanitarium. He named it a sanitarium because it was a place “where people learn to stay well.” He wrote 50 books in his life time and was famous for his work in Hydrotherapy. He also was a great inventor; he developed all sorts of health products, like the corn flakes. He was a great speaker as well. He was the promoter of peanut butter in the USA as well. His brother stole his idea and became a millionaire. He developed the idea of Pantheism: God is in everything thing and everywhere. The health work was very entrenched in the health work. Adventism is now in rebellion in regards to the health work. Now institutions are now in the cities instead of the in the country. We are trying to compete with all the rest, and as we do that we how can we be an effective witness? As it is much bigger now we have to hire anyone and everyone else, there is no Sabbath keeping in the hospitals now. Now we are in a great amount of debt. As a result we have lost our vision. We are regulated by the government. We will discuss Kellogg in more detail a little later.

3 Jn 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

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Here, we see John speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. John is praying that Gaius’ would prosper and be in good health. What is health linked intimately with? Our spiritual health, the soul, are spiritual well being. There is a connection there that, is unique to Adventist, in terms of the understanding of that connection. So that is what we will first be talking about at first, but before we talk about how this happened in the church. We want to discuss what medicine was like, in the old days. Many who are attend Loma Linda, or have a medical profession, are in an environment where there are several hospitals nearby, but we may still take for granted the medical knowledge that we have today. Back in the 1800s, it was a different story, in fact, in some senses, back in those days, you were better off not going to the doctor. The doctor actually made you worse, and could possibly kill you. There were many different ways that they tried to cure people in the 1800s. As was mentioned before, they bleed them, this was supposed to help cure patients. This was very popular. Everyone knows, the story of George Washington, who as he was dying, they bleed him three times, as they tried to, give him the best medical care that was available at that time. Of course Washington did not survive, he finally begged them to let him die in peace. Surgically, they were very crude and they drilled. Chloroform, was found during this time, so before that they didn’t even have it. They also used mercury, a poison, they would actually use a lot of metals, arsenic, antimony, these different kinds of medals were supposed to purge or cleanse the system, of whatever it was that was effecting it. Then they would also use a lot of narcotics, opium was a big drug that they used all of the time, as well as Alcohol, and tobacco were all used therapeutically, supposedly. The operating phrase at that time was “bleed them, purge them, and drug them.” So this is the times in which the Advent Movement begin in, here is an example, taken from the Family Medical Chest Dispensatory published in 1835. A doctor wrote speaking of smoking cigars therapeutically he said that, “the patient should frequently draw in the breath freely, so that the internal surface of the air vessels would be exposed to the action of the vapor.” So the idea was to breathe deeply as you smoke your cigar, and that will help to you get better. Back in those days there was no American Medical Association, there was really no governing body that watched over, health care, there was no evidence based medicines. No studies were done to see what was right, and so, in fact another thing to mention is that Medical schools were very short at that time. Now after your Bachelors degree, you get four years of medical education, and then you do another residency for three to five years. Then depending on what you specialize in, you can go longer than that. Back in those days you could spend just a couple of months in medical school. Courses were as short as about four months, which was mostly book learning. If you wanted to, you could do an apprenticeship, but medical classes were very short, there was only seven classes that you needed to take. Four months or maybe eight months, the point is that it was very limited. During this time there begin to be a movement in health reform, this was not in the Adventist church per say, it started happening because of the sorry state, of medicine in those days. There are a couple of names we want to mention. In 1858, there was a doctor named James Jackson. He and his adopted daughter, Harriet Austin who was also a doctor. Started what they called, a water cure establishment, in Dansville, New York. They espoused natural remedies, especially water cure, which was another name for hydrotherapy in those days. It was a very cutting edge, new treatment. Another person was doctor Sylvester Graham, who promoted dietary reform, and especially vegetarianism, he used a lot of un refined whole wheat flower, in fact you may recognize the name. He was that man that developed Graham bread, which we know as Graham crackers, which probably isn’t the exact thing that he developed, but he was the one of that started all of that. Now in the Adventist church, in the 1840s, 1860s or so. Adventist were really studying out the present truth doctrines that we discussed a couple of chapters ago. So they were too busy studying all these new truths, to worry about health. Of course God had His timing, God doesn’t

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through everything upon us at one, because that would be overwhelming, but He led them, as they were ready. Once all of these different major doctrines, such as the Sanctuary, Spirit of Prophecy, and the Sabbath had been rediscovered. Then the church was ready to hear about health reform. Now most Adventist pioneers at that time were not very healthy, James White is a good example of that, most of them ate meat, many ate pork. They had no idea what health meant at that time. Except for one, Joseph Bates, he was probably one of the first health reformers in the church. His reforms actually started before he joined the Adventist Church. He gave up alcohol and tobacco, even before he became an Adventist, during his Millerite years; he gave up then tea and coffee, eventually he also gave up meat and rich foods. He began to drink only water as a beverage, and he continued that for the rest of his life. He was one of the healthiest pioneers and probably, mostly because of the lifestyle changes he made, earlier in his life. He was the one that found the Sabbath truth. In the autumn of 1848 Ellen White had a vision, and in this vision, she was told that tobacco, tea, and coffee were harmful. This was not her major vision, that was in 1863, we will discuss that in a moment. Nonetheless, God was beginning to shed more light on the Adventist church, about how they could live healthier lives. In the winter of 1854, Ellen White had another vision, this time it was about cleanliness, and about the importance of a simple wholesome diet, still many of these things were not fully being implanted in the church. For example tobacco, for awhile was tolerated, although they begin to speak more about it. It was in June of 1863, that Ellen White had her major vision on health, it was to have a major impact on church work forever even until now. This vision happened about two weeks after the General Conference session were the church reorganized. They had adjusted their organizational structure, James White had been very instrumental in some of these things, and he was overworked, his health was bad, he was feeble and stressed out. Around this time, he and his wife Ellen White were visiting the Hilliard family, in Austago, Michigan. Ellen White was invited to lead the prayer session, in their family worship. During this prayer session, while she was praying she moved over, and laid her hands on James White, and begin to pray for him especially. Around that time, she was taken off, into vision, she of course had been praying for James’ health. Here is an eyewitness account, from Mrs. Martha Abadon, about what happened, she said “Sister White was asked to lead in prayer for family worship; she did so in a most wonderful manner. Elder White was kneeling a short distant from her, while praying she moved over to him, and laying her hand on his shoulder, continuing to pray for Him, until she was taken off in vision, she was in vision, about 45 minutes. During this vision she was shown primarily, the relationship between health and holiness. The contribution that the physical well being can have on spiritual well being.” That’s a pretty broad way of summarizing it, you can actually read the principles of the vision that she was taught in Spiritual Gifts Vol. 4 pages 120 to 151. That’s really the section of Spiritual Gifts where she lays out the framework that she received in that vision. Basically, if I can describe it to you, it’s similar to NEWSTART. Of course NEWSTART, the acronym was developed a long time after Ellen White passed away, but it nicely summarizes the various aspects of health. So let’s quickly mentioned them,

N stands for nutrition E stands for exercise W stands for water S stands for sunlight T stands for temperance A stands for air R stands for rest T stands for trust in God

So these things were all covered, when Ellen White wrote out this vision. She also wrote a little bit about the role of drugs, because in those days the drugs they used weren’t helpful. Thus Ellen White wrote that we should avoid those drugs, because they weren’t helpful. Let’s notice what

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said in Spiritual Gifts to give you an idea of what she was saying.

4aSG 148 The body, which God calls his temple, should be preserved in as healthy a condition as possible. Many act as though they had a right to treat their own bodies as they please. They do not realize that God has claims upon them. They are required to glorify him in their bodies and spirits, which are his. While they give themselves up to the gratification of unhealthy appetites, and thus bring disease upon themselves, they cannot render to God acceptable service. None should remain in ignorance of God's claims. All his promises are on conditions of obedience. All should work for themselves. They should do that which God requires them to do, and not leave God to do for them that which he has left for them to do. It is a sacred duty which God has enjoined upon reasonable beings, formed in his image, to keep that image in as perfect a state as possible. Those who bring disease upon themselves, by self-gratification, have not healthy bodies and minds. They cannot weigh the evidences of truth, and comprehend the requirements of God. Our Saviour will not reach his arm low enough to raise such from their degraded state, while they persist in pursuing a course to sink themselves still lower.

The last bolded area, is probably the most important aspect of the light that she received. When we are not healthy, when are natural human appetites, are running around rampant, then are minds are clouded, we are not able to see spiritual things, because the Holy Spirit, is not dwelling with us, because we are falling are carnal appetites, and passions, rather then, letting the Holy Spirit help us to live a life of victory and holiness, so that is what was contained in the message that Ellen White received. She also received instruction, personally for herself and for James White, so in a way, the vision that she received while she was praying for her husband, was an answer to her prayer, as it gave specific instruction for her and for James White, about overwork, being burden bearers, and taking on too much and other things. Other principle developed later on, there are many books that Ellen White has written that shed a lot of light, that you can read if you want to learn more, like Counsels on Health, Ministry of Healing, Medical Ministry, Temperance, Counsels on Diets and Foods, and Loma Linda messages, are some. Of course there are excerpts in other compilations, and other books as well but those are some of the books that you will want to consider, if you want study this further. Ellen White also talked about the Medical Ministry, as the “right arm.” Let’s read a couple of quotes to help us understand what it means.

6T 229 Every medical practitioner may through faith in Christ have in his possession a cure of the highest value, a remedy for the sin-sick soul. The physician who is converted and sanctified through the truth is registered in heaven as a laborer together with God, a follower of Jesus Christ. Through the sanctification of the truth God gives to physicians and nurses wisdom and skill in treating the sick, and this work is opening the fast-closed door to many hearts. Men and women are led to understand the truth which is needed to save the soul as well as the body. This is an element that gives character to the work for this time. The medical missionary work is as the right arm to the third angel's message which must be proclaimed to a fallen world; and physicians, managers, and workers in any line, in acting faithfully their part, are doing the work of the message. Thus the sound of the truth will go forth to every nation and kindred and tongue and people. In this work the heavenly angels bear a part. They awaken spiritual joy and melody in the hearts of those who have been freed from suffering, and thanksgiving to God arises from the lips of many who have received the precious truth. 8T 77 The medical missionary work is to be to the work of the church as the right arm to the body. The third angel goes forth proclaiming the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. The medical missionary work is the gospel in practice. All lines of work are to be harmoniously blended in giving the invitation: "Come; for all things are now ready."

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The medical missionary work is putting into practice, the gospel or salvation.

RH June 20, 1899 connected with the body, so the health reform and medical missionary work is connected with the third angel's message, and is to work efficiently as the right arm, for the defense of the body of truth.

That is the connection that the Medical Missionary work was to have, with the gospel or ministerial work. Ellen White also noted that these two should be intimately connected.

5MR 134 Medical missionary work is to be closely connected with the ministry of the Word, bound up with the third angel's message, the last message of mercy and warning to be given to a guilty world. The work of health reform is to be bound up with the gospel. These cannot be separated; for God has united them. When these parts of the work are carried forward on correct lines, the third angel's message will be given in accordance with God's purpose.

If we want the third angel’s message to be given in accordance with God’s purpose then we are going to need to learn, what the message was. Now we are going to discuss John Harvey Kellogg, a prominent figure in the health work. If we were to ask who invented corn flakes, would you know the answer? John Harvey Kellogg. His brother was the one who commercialized it and made it into a business, but John Harvey Kellogg is the one that first invented that. He was a tremendous inventor. If we were to ask who invented granola could you answer? It was Kellogg, he also invented peanut butter. Kellogg was described as being bright and energetic, he had tremendous amount of energy, he invented many devices, and different food products, and all these different things. He was a tremendous writer, he could right for long periods of time. He was a physician, he was trained, at one of the top medical schools at the time in America, Bella View Medical Center, but Kellogg could also be head strong, and at times jealous and ambitious. At times he could be very critical of those who did not agree, with his ideas. So Kellogg had this package together, he worked very hard; he was a workaholic, who could pretty much outwork, and out talk may people as well. Earlier in his life, he went to Bell View, and graduated in 1875, he was actually partial supported, by the Whites, they had grown very fond of him, they had known his family, and they sponsored him and others to go to Medical school. They wanted to promote Adventist doctors, and so John Harvey Kellogg went to school, partly backed by the Whites. After he graduated, from Medical school and completed his training. He became editor of the Health Reformer, it was a magazine that was started to promote, these hygienic reform principles. Kellogg was also asked to become the medical director of the Western Health Reform Institute, as it was called that time. It was the Adventist institute that they had. Interestingly enough, Kellogg did not want the position at the time. He was quite young at the time, being only 23 years old, he said no several times, and actually had to be persuaded to take it. When Kellogg finally accepted, it was for one year, that was it. Of course when he accepted, he didn’t realize that that one year would stretch into 67 continuous years of leadership, and that many unforgettable things would, happen during that time. It’s also interesting to note that when Kellogg joined the, Health Reform Institute, at that time, there were twenty patients, and the outgoing medical director, took six of those patients with him, because they wanted to stay with their doctor, for continuity of care. There were two patients that looked at this twenty-three year old young man, and they just packed their bags and left. They did not have confidence in such a young physician, but they did not dissuade John Harvey Kellogg, who started working very hard to promote the institute and build it up. Kellogg changed the name shortly after that to Battle Creek sanitarium. Eventually it was nicknamed “the San,” as its reputation grew. Kellogg constructed a state of the art building in 1878, and basically, Battle Creek Sanitarium, begin to be known for the truth healing that they had there. Many other hospitals were practicing this kind of half-medicine half drug type of potion kind of thing. So the Health Reform Institute was beginning to be known for its true healing practices. It became what you can

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consider the Mayo Clinic of its day; it was the leading, cutting-edge medical center. Many famous people came to the Battle Creek Sanitarium, for treatment, and you might be familiar with some of the names. Amelia Airheart, J.C. Penney, Marry Todd Lincoln. Sojourner Truth, and several presidents. Warren Harding, William Howard Taft, also Henry Ford came there, as well as John D. Rockerfeller, Montgomery Ward, and another famous inventor Thomas Edison also came to Battle Creek. So that gives you an idea of the level that Battle Creek Sanitarium was known. People were coming all over the United States, as well as abroad, and so it was really a cutting edge Institute at that time, truly the head and not the tail. John Harvey Kellogg, was asked one time, how he was able to stay so far ahead of everyone else in the Medical field, because we must know where he got his inspiration or success from. Doctor Paulson’s explained the source of Kellogg’s success.

Hindsight He [Kellogg] said “when a new thing is brought out in the medical world. He knew from his knowledge of the Spirit of Prophecy, whether it belonged in our system or not. If it did he instantly adopted it, and advertised it, while the rest of the doctors, were slowly feeling their way, and when they finally adopted it, he [Kellogg] had five years a start of them. On the other hand, when the medical professions were swept off their feet by some new fad, if it did not fit the light we had received, he simply did not touch it, and when the doctors finally discovered their mistake, they wondered how it came that Doctor Kellogg did not get caught.”

Connect with sermon “Give us our prophet.” So here from Kellogg’s reliance on the Spirit of Prophecy, and the principles, that Ellen White had been shown. Kellogg was able to stay ahead, of the Medical profession. Now, while the Battle Creek Sanitarium was flourishing, all was not well in Battle Creek, and thus begins a long and drawn out saga. We will discuss some of the reasons why Battle Creek Sanitarium, and especially Kellogg did not go so well later on. Medical Missionary work was supposed to be the right arm of the third angel’s message, we read that earlier. However by this time, medical missionary work had grown so large, that it was almost dominating the church. It was one of the most famous parts of the church, but it was almost becoming the body, and Kellogg’s medical work was being to take a life of its own. So one of these aspects that we can trace back and look at is that there begin to be a split or a division between doctors and ministers. This is very important to note because this division has not fully been resolved, and that if doctor’s and ministers were to begin to work together like the use to during the Battle Creek Sanitarium years and even before that things could be a lot different. Here are some examples. Kellogg began to be frustrated, by the example that the ministers gave, to the lay people. Particularly, the ministers were slow to adopt, vegetarianism, they refused to band meat at the camp meeting cafeterias. Also when they would even come to the Sanitarium, they would order meat when everyone else was eating vegetarian food. This frustrated Kellogg, and he begin to feel that as a physician as a highly trained physician that he was superior to many of those ministers. Kellogg that many of the ministers were inferior, that they were not as well educated. He wondered how could they as a church, try to control him [Kellogg], who knew so much more, and doctors were so well trained, why couldn’t they be in charge, of the work that the ministers were doing. Kellogg began to think this way. Kellogg also started his own Medical school, and began to recruit some of the best and the brightest young people to come to medical school, to the point where the ministers felt that all the best and brightest minds were all now going into medicine, and that they weren’t enough that were going into the ministry. If you go back and see what Ellen White says about this, she sees both aspects really, she really encourages some of our brightest minds to go into the ministry, we need ministers who are true thinkers and doers, but at that same time, she also understood the need for good Seventh-day Adventist physicians who understood the unique Adventist perspective on health. Unfortunately though, there was this competition now that had started between Kellogg and his recruitment and ministers recruiting for ministerial candidates. Another part of this had to do with Kellogg’s view on the gospel.

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Kellogg’s view of the gospel was very much a humanitarian view point. Kellogg was all about playing the good sanitarium role in the world, but he took it a little far. When the first Sanitariums charter expired in 1897, Kellogg engineered the new charter and required members to sign a statement making the work of the sanitarium “undenominational, un sectarian, humanitarian, and philanthropic in nature,” and so here begin a slow change a slow slide into what Kellogg called “undenominationalism.” In fact a little bit later Kellogg actually said that the sanitarium could not be used for the purpose of presenting anything that is peculiarly Seventh-day Adventist in doctrine and that membership and its governing association was as opened to a Catholic as to a Seventh-day Adventist. So this is another thing that began to happen. When Kellogg started his medical college, Kellogg also said that it was not a sectarian school, and that it wasn’t to be Seventh-day Adventist, or Methodist, or Baptist of anything, and that it was there just to be a Christian medical school, and train Christian missionaries. Ellen White wrote and rebuked that idea, and that is found in Testimonies Volume 8 155 to 156. Kellogg also began to reject the Spirit of Prophecy. Even though the Whites had always been close to Kellogg, and they had actually helped sponsored him through medical school. When Ellen White wrote certain testimonies to Kellogg that didn’t agree with his viewpoint, he began to cast doubt on those testimonies by saying they were not inspired. Finally there was the whole pantheism issue. Pantheism is the belief, especially the way that Kellogg believed in it, was that you can find God in everything in nature. Not just in animate objects, but in inanimate objects, like the air we breathe, of course the food that we eat, and the water we drink, that it all have the Divine presence, and so as we partook of those things into our body, that’s how God came into us, and really that’s how we would receive righteousness, that’s kind of what Kellogg was trying to say. Of course that is not correct, and thus Ellen White wrote against that theory. Even A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner that we discussed were drawn in by this theory, and they begin to preach this as well. In February 18, 1902 the Sanitarium and the hospital burned down, we will discuss this alittle later. Because of this, Kellogg immediately begin to make plans to rebuilt but in order to finance that, Kellogg wrote a book called the living temple, and the proceeds from the sale, of that book were to go to rebuild the sanitarium, and to pay off the old debts of other sanitariums. So Kellogg made arrangements for 500,000 copies of this book to be printed and sold through the church. This is similar to what Ellen White did with Christ Object Lessons, but the General Conference Committee to an in depth look at this book and they saw the seeds of Pantheism in the book and they declined to print it, which was the right decision. However Kellogg, disagreed, and he ordered 500,000 copies of the book to be printed anyway. Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately the Review and Herald actually burned down later that year, before they could print His book the Living Temple. By this time unity between Kellogg and the church had deteriorated, it was very tense. Ellen White tried many times to reconcile the two but to no avail. There would be a temporary truce, but then things would fall apart again. Finally in 1907 the Battle Creek Seventh-day Adventist church, formally dropped Doctor Kellogg from membership. By that time Kellogg had not been coming to church regularly, and they went and talked to him for seven hours to see where he was at and he didn’t even come to the proceedings when his membership was dropped. Fourteen months after that Kellogg exercised a clause in the charter of the Battle Creek Sanitarium, that allowed him, (this was a little known clause that he had put in earlier in 1897), to drop people who opposed him. This included A. G. Daniells, Willie C. White, and many other Adventist ministers, and he was able to purge the Battle Creek Sanitarium from most of the Seventh-day Adventist influences that were there. So for the most part the Battle Creek Sanitarium became a non-Adventist institution, from that time on. I believe along with Ellen White that one of the greatest contributions to the Seventh-day Adventist church, to the world was the medical missionary work; she included it with present

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truth. Basically because it was teaching people about healthy living, and more than that teaching them how a healthy body, can help them to have a better spirituality, the health work is the right arm of the third angel’s message because it prepares God’s people and the world for Christ soon coming. For a brief time in the 1800s, we covered how the Battle Creek Sanitarium and the work that Kellogg did really brought the Adventist health message to the fore front of the world as was cutting edge for that time however because one man tried to control the work, because of personality conflicts, and theological controversy as well that was very similar to the issues in 1888. Thus we learn of a reoccurring theme here about some of the things that have divided us. That prevent us from coming together to do God’s work, also the Spirit of Prophecy was slandered and these were all similar things to what happened in 1888. Ultimately the medical missionary work did not fulfill its potential, and many souls were lost. A. T. Jones, E. J. Waggoner, John Harvey Kellogg, and other people left the faith, because of these things that happened. However let’s end on a positive note. We live in a new generation; we live in a different time in earth’s history and we have a new opportunity to pick up where Kellogg and other’s left off and to really return, the Adventist health message to the forefront of what it should be, and what it will be. We have to find a way for ministers and doctors to work together; we have to find a way to encourage our Medical institutions to restore the original purpose that God intended for them. We can do this, by doing what actually Kellogg used to call, spreading the gospel of health. Especially those who are in, health professions, are thinking about health professions. All of us really should be health reformers. Let’s take it to heart, we know that the medical missionary work is part of that third angel message, let’s embrace it, and lets inaugurate a new day, and a new area in God’s work and finish what begin in 1863, in that famous vision of Ellen White. Will you commit to that day?

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Establishing Educational Institutions

Prov 4:5-7 [5] GET wisdom, get understanding; forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. [6] Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee; love her, and she shall keep thee. [7] Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Education began in the home as little home schools. The Whites began to promote school education with its emphasis on missionary vision. The first church school was in Battle Creek, in was run by laymen, the graduates from this school, when and worked in the printing press. This man was from Oberlin which was in the forefront of reforms, like work study program, co-education, education for blacks, woman. They were a part of the underground rail road. They were interested in the freedom of the black but always the education of the black. They sent missionaries to the black in the south. They were a self-supporting school and were ridiculed by their own churches and were not allowed to speak at the church. Ellen white then wrote her first vision on education;

Ed 13 Our ideas of education take too narrow and too low a range. There is need of a broader scope, a higher aim. True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come.

We must remember that today’s topic is a very important one. We will be discussing the history of true education, especially within the context of Madison College. Most people aren’t familiar with the history of Madison College. Because it’s as we study the past that we learn how God desires to lead us in the future. Before we get into the details of Madison College, I want to point out what the principles of true education care. Even though most of us are familiar with these principles let’s review them. True education consist of physical mental and spiritual. In the first angel’s message itself, we see that concepts of true education.

Rev 14:6-7 [6] And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, [7] Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

Notice it carefully. When we study the concept of fearing God, giving glory to Him, and worshipping Him, we can see the concept of true education.

Pro 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

So what is that? That’s mental.

1 Cor 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

With giving glory to God, that’s physical and of course worshiping God is spiritual. So the concept of physical, mental, and spiritual, coming together as a complete unit is seen in the first angel’s message, which God gave to His remnant people. So clearly true education is something that God cares deeply about in the group of people that He raised up to give the three angel’s messages. If he is going to have a group of people that give the three angel’s message, then God is going to have to have a group of people that put together the package of true education which teaches physical, mental, and spiritual, education combined, as a complete unit and not separated from each other. As we will notice in this chapter, God has done His best to work

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through people in the past to make that a reality. One other thing is that when we see the principles of true education lived out in the life of the students who follow these principles. These are the characteristics that we will see in our young people today. We are told about them in the book Education, a book by Ellen White.

ED 57 The history of Joseph and Daniel is an illustration of what He will do for those who yield themselves to Him and with the whole heart seek to accomplish His purpose. The greatest want of the world is the want of men--men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.

This is what true education produces. Men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. Those who won’t be willing to go for the best paying job, while sacrificing good principles.

Ed 57 But such a character is not the result of accident; it is not due to special favors or endowments of Providence. A noble character is the result of self-discipline, of the subjection of the lower to the higher nature--the surrender of self for the service of love to God and man.

What we will see in this chapter is that in the history of really two key men who set out to live there lives according to the principles of true education. To be as true to duty as the needle to the poll, to call sin by its right name, and to be used of God in a might way and in such a mighty way that we are still talking about them today, over a hundred years later. May it be said of us that we would be as faithful as the people who were are going to talk about in this chapter. Do a “Study on through education” from the Spirit of Prophecy. 6T 345. Now in the background of this context of true education. One of our first Adventist educators was named Goodloe Harper Bell, he was in Battle Creek, and he was one of the first of the Adventist educators, who had the concept of making the Bible the centerpiece of education. Goodlow Bell was sick and made his was to Battle Creek, there he became a Seventh-day Adventist and started a “select school” 1872 was self-supporting then became a church institution. Goodloe Bell has been a student at Oberlin which taught very important principles of true education. However Oberlin did not last long. A man by the name of Henry Cows – was one the person in some says that ruined Oberlin, he was the man with the pepper. Charles Fitch brought the r message of 1844 and they rejected it. Bell taught other courses associated with the Bible including geography, arithmetic, physiology, and all those kinds of things. Half the day was spend with the study of those subjects and how it related to the Bible. The other half of the day was spent in physical labor. So there you have physical mental, and spiritual as a complete package, in one full day everyday. Sounds pretty reasonable. Now unfortunately there were other Adventist educators, at the same time in Battle Creek, who were convinced, that an education in the classics was more important, and that studying books all day, learning foreign languages, and basically becoming experts in Latin, and other languages that aren’t used was more important than getting out and learning how to plant a garden, build a house or other things like that. Goodloe Harper Bell was one of the first people to fight that battle. This is being brought up to show that there was a tension building up from the very beginning of Adventist education, as to whether or not to have a complete, package of physical mental, and spiritual or to just focus primarily on the mental, a little on the spiritual and very little on the physical. This tension continued. Now let’s briefly discuss some history surrounding the Battle Creek school. Sidney Brownsburger was the first president of the Battle Creek school. When we go to start a school we need to look for thing local and practical that can be used for education. The problem with the first president was that he was not even a Seventh-day Adventist. He created a school that was based on the classics. Ellen was given a vision that was to change the course of education in

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the Seventh-day Adventist church. Most school only develops the mental aspect of the being, and use physical labor as a punishment. At the school in Battle Creek, there was a need for a change. Sidney left in 1880. He regarded himself as a failure. He made a comment when he took on the job that he didn’t know how to run a school the way God wants one. He then started a school, Healdsburg which became Pacific Union College. Ellen White commented about the graduation day that he used at that college, which she said it was in accordance with God will. His replacement at Battle Creek was a failure too, Alexandra McLearn. He had a degree in Theology, he was not a Seventh-day Adventist either, and soon he left and joined the Seventh-day Baptist. In 1882, the College was closed for about a year. The next year it reopened, its president was W.L. Littlejohn. He was a blind man, but was very smart. By this time there were three schools. In the end W.W. Prescott was chosen as the president of Battle Creek College. He brought in more bible classes. By 1889 there was a change in spirit, the staff voted to stop going into industry. Successful industry depends on a successful leader. One of the problems that crept into the school was, sport and entertainment. In 1884 Caviness became the new president and he wanted to bring in changes but it was very hard, as the people were fixed on keeping this. Ellen urged that students should not be sent to Battle Creek. This would be like saying don’t send them to Andrews. By this time Ellen was sent to Australia, this was Avondale; this was to be a model school. It started off right but now it is worthless. In the beginning to follow the counsel of God but then it left and put tennis courts over the farm ground. Seventh-day Adventists became very interested in education. But there was much need for reform. Ellen also once said “The system of grading is sometimes a hindrance to the student’s progress”. CTSP 176. This was something that AT Jones took up as well. “I know that there is some other plan for grading, we need to have out door labor” She was referring to Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 as compared to grade, A, B, C, D. Principle: If we don’t live up to the light we became liberal but if we try to go beyond the light than we become fanatic. Back to the story. What’s interesting is that in the year 1888, which we have studied about already. The year that is famous for the General Conference session, where righteousness by faith was first presented in clarity to the church. Ellen White mentioned that the Lord was beginning to pour out the latter rain, through that message. In that very year of 1888, Ellen White invited a person named Percy Magan to live in her house, and it was at the same time that Percy Magan became very good friends with E.A. Sutherland. Percy Magan had just moved from Ireland to the United States. Sutherland was from the United States. These two quickly struck a friendship that would last the remainder of their lives. It’s almost as if God place these two individuals in the same path. It was from that time that some very significant things started to happen. First, Ellen White personally gave instruction to Sutherland and Magan, about the message of righteousness by faith that Jones and Waggoner had been teaching. So Sutherland and Magan, these two young men probably in there 20s at this time. Magan was 21. Remember Ellen White is personally instructing them on the message of righteousness by faith. Imagine that opportunity. What’s interesting is that we say that if we would have had that opportunity, we would have stayed straight to the course. However remember John Harvey Kellogg lived with Ellen White and look what happened to him. So keep in mind that Magan and Sutherland lived with Ellen White and became very good friends, and she educates them on the principles of righteousness by faith. Ellen White also took the opportunity to educate them on the principles of true education, and Sutherland and Magan

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bought this as a complete package. The message of righteousness by faith, the power of an indwelling Christ, that gives us power to live a righteous life by faith, and from that principle we live out the principles of righteousness by incorporating true education into our life. Not just in the classroom but in everything we do in our life. So Sutherland and Magan really became the pioneers if you will of true education. Now what happened shortly after this E.A. Sutherland was called to become the head of Walla Walla College, so Percy Magan stayed and Battle Creek and started teaching in the Bible department and some other courses at Battle Creek. While E.A. Sutherland goes out to the Northwest to help start this new college in Walla Walla. Another interesting point to be made is that when Sutherland and Magan were in Battle Creek, they were influenced very strongly by Dr. Kellogg. We know that the story of Dr. Kellogg had a bad ending but we also know as we studied in the Health Messasge chapter that Dr. Kellogg did a lot of good things. One of those things that Kellogg did was that he convinced Sutherland and Magan that a vegetarian diet was the only way to go. Thus when E.A. Sutherland went out to Walla Walla, and he shows up saying, we are going to follow the council, of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, according to everything it says, with no exceptions. So the first thing they did was made is so the cafeteria of Walla Walla became vegetarian. So Walla Walla becomes the first vegetarian cafeteria, because E.A, Sutherland said we are going to follow the counsels from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. Consider this. When Sutherland and Magan were gaining instruction from Ellen White, they made an agreement with each other, where they said for the rest of our lives, we are going to live our lives by every word of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy no matter what it cost us. And so here you say Sutherland implementing that principle when he shows up at Walla Walla, living by every word of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, and that’s a part of true education. That is a powerful example, and we might dare say that we wouldn’t be talking about Sutherland and Magan if they hadn’t followed those principles. So Sutherland goes out to Walla Walla and implements the principles of true education. If you read the story of some of his time at Walla Walla, you can read the book Madison: God’s Beautiful Farm. Sutherland would get up, at 4:30 in the morning, and by 5:30 he was working with the students on cutting wood, because they needed it to keep the fireplace going, and to keep the housing warm. So it wasn’t that Sutherland and Magan, and we will see this at Madison, they said this is how we should do true education, ok students go out and do it, and then they sat back and read a nice book, hung out with their family and did nothing. They were actively involved with the student, in the physical labor, and the mental, and the spiritual exercises as well. Walla Walla became such a success, and by the way when Sutherland showed up, much of Walla Walla’s property had been sold off against Ellen White’s counsel. She said to keep a large amount of property out in the country, so that you can have plenty of agriculture, however the previous leaders at Walla Walla before Sutherland got there, sold off a lot of the property to get out of debt, and when Sutherland got there he said, we need to get that property back, so Sutherland ended up buying back most of the property that the previous leaders of Walla Walla, had sold off, so that Walla Walla could follow the principles. One of the other principles that Sutherland followed, was that we don’t go into debt. So the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are very clear, owe no man anything, don’t go into debt, the borrower is servant to the lender (Prov 22:7). So Sutherland said, we are only going to build things and buy things as we have the money, to do so, we aren’t going to borrow large sums of money and go into debt, because that’s going to kill our schools. So Sutherland put all those principles to action, and thus things were such a success, that by the 1897 General Conference session, the leaders of the General Conference said, hey we have to get Sutherland back to Battle Creek, and “take over our school, where 90,000 dollars in debt.” Now 90,000 dollars in debt in 1897 was a lot of money, Battle Creek had been severely mismanaged. Ellen White had encouraged Battle Creek, to put their school out in the country, but instead they followed Kellogg’s advice and stayed in the city, sold off most of their property and they were still 90,000 dollars in debt. So things went from bad to worse with Battle Creek.

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So Sutherland shows up at Battle Creek, and he brings with him a young lady by the name of Besse Degrau who part way through her college at Battle Creek, had gone out to Walla Walla to join Sutherland, and when she went out to Walla, Walla she became an advocate for true education, and she is a key worker that we will talk about later. So Sutherland and his wife, and Besse Degrau come back from Walla Walla to Battle Creek, and from the very outset, they wanted to move Battle Creek college to the country, but Ellen White said wait just alittle bit (she was in Austrialia at the time), the brethren aren’t ready to move yet, give it a little time, and in time you can do so. So Sutherland and Magan bit their time. In the mean time one of the most famous things that they did at the Battle Creek college, was that they saw that the way that the students were getting their physical activity, was through the playing of competitive sports (now this can be a touchy subject in Adventist thought today). Ellen White had already written a letter to the previous president of Battle Creek, W.W. Prescott, about how bad it was that a football game, had been played between the students of Great Britian, and the students of the United States, and had created a huge uproar on campus, and so Ellen White said it was bad, and that it shouldn’t have happened, so Prescott said you’re probably right, we won’t do that anymore. However, they still had a tennis court on the campus, and so Sutherland and Magan, took out a plow, and one of them led the team of horses and the other led the plow and they plowed up the tennis court and started a garden. The choice probably wasn’t so popular with the students, but hey they did it. By 1901, at the General Conference session they voted to allow Battle Creek college to move to the country, and no sooner then the vote took place, Sutherland and Magan had the railroad company lined up, they had sixteen box carts and they moved the whole out to Berrien Springs, Michigan to its current location. They renamed the school Emmanuel Missionary College, but now it is known as Andrews University. Once Sutherland and Magan got there they really started implementing the principles of true education, and they emphasized, the physical, the mental and the spiritual spending half of the day with classes, the other half of the day with work. One of the other things they implemented was they started offering classes in a different way, so instead of offering six classes all at once, and it would take you three quarters or two semesters to get through an entire course. You would take one or two course, per quarter, and you could be done with that course by the end of the quarter. So if you could only afford to come to school for one quarter you would have a class done by the end of that quarter, so it was more effective, you would learn the class better, and that was another thing that they tried. You will have to remember about the tension that we discussed earlier. That started with Goodloe Harper Bell, was continuing, because some of the teachers from Battle Creek College came to Emmanuel Missionary College, and they missed teaching Latin, and other classes. They used to be able to teach Latin, and then they could go home for the rest of the day. However now they had to go out and help build the new buildings for the campus, or work in the garden, and they were working twice as much for the same amount of pay, and it wasn’t as fun, and so this tension developed between Sutherland and Magan and some of the teachers on the campus, about how to implement educational principles on the campus, and things became somewhat heated between the two groups. Ellen White who was supportive of what Sutherland and Magan were doing, was falsely quoted as saying that she had turned against Sutherland and Magan, so things started to get worse, and the rumors continued to spread and started heating up. And Magan’s wife grew sick and very ill, under the strain and the criticism that her husband and Sutherland were under, and in fact she became so sick that she died. And Ellen White said that her blood was in the hands of those who wrongly those who wrongly criticized Sutherland and Magan, and who had falsely said that Ellen White had turned on them. The whole situation reached ahead, in 1904 at the Lake Union Conference constituency meeting, that’s when Mrs. Magan actually died, and it was then that things reached a boiling point, and Sutherland and Magan offered their resignations, and they said on record that they could no longer work with the General Conference brethren. Now before we say that the General Conference brethren must

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have been evil, and that Sutherland and Magan had been 100% correct, we need to look at a few key facts here. Remember that when Sutherland was made president of Battle Creek he made many changes, he got rid of the classics, got rid of the degree program and also plowed up the sports fields. The College was in the city, Ellen told them to move the school to the country, Sutherland did this and they founded Emmanuel’s Missionary College which became Andrews University. There were only two meals a day and no degree program. Ellen told them to offer three meals a day for the students. Ellen White stood up at that meeting in 1904, and defended Sutherland and Magan, and said that they should have received more support, however she also rebuked Sutherland and Magan, for the rashness of their resignation, and for saying that they couldn’t work with the General Conference brethren. One thing that you have to realize is that A.G. Daniels, who was the president of the General Conference had come down on the right side of the Kellogg apostasy. Now what may surprise is that initially Sutherland and Magan sided with Kellogg because Kellogg had been this tremendous influence for them, he taught them about the health message, the vegetarian diet, and all of that, and so when you understand this picture. A.G. Daniels humanly speaking was more likely to have negative attitude, towards Sutherland and Magan because they were siding with Kellogg, And Sutherland and Magan had a negative viewpoint towards A.G. Daniels because still ate a meat based diet, he ate meat, and so there were issues that weren’t resolved. A.G. Daniells was absolutely right that Kellogg was wrong while Sutherland and Magan were right about the principles of true education. So Ellen White supported Sutherland and Magan for their hard work, and said that they should have been giving more support for what they did at Emmanuel Missionary College, for following the principles of true education, and that they should also try to work with the Conference brethren better. Eventually Sutherland and Magan were put out from the college and they left and created a new school, Madison College. In later years Ellen urged that we should create a school (Loma-Linda) that would train Medical missionaries. Now with the context of their resignations, this is when they moved to Madison College in 1904, and they had seen that there was a need for the work in the South, and Ellen White encouraged them to come down and check things out and Sutherland and Magan thought that they would work in eastern Tennessee or the western Carolinas. Now in the early 1900s there was not much there in eastern Tennesee, and in the western Carolinas. This is where Sutherland and Magan wanted to go, way out in the country and just do the Lord’s work, and get away from all the troubles that they had been facing. So they show up in Nashville, where Ellen White was and her son Edson and they boarded the Morning Star and went up famous ride on the Cumberland River. The boat mysteriously breaks down, at a place called Neally’s bend, near a small town called Madison, Tennessee, so they all have to get out the boat, and they view this horrible looking property with all these rocks, and Sutherland and Magan knew a little bit about farming and they saw the soil, and there like boy this would be the worse place to every plant any crops I’ve ever seen. Then Ellen White says hey this is the place where you are going to have your new school, and Sutherland and Magan, were like oh yeah? I don’t think so. Then Ellen White was like I’m sorry boys, but this is the place that the Lord has shown me that you are going to start your school. Now Sutherland and Magan are faced with a problem, previously they had committed their lives to following every word of the Bible, and the Spirit of Prophecy, and now their wishes are running right into conflict with the Spirit of Prophecy and so if you read the story, Sutherland and Magan sat down on those ugly rocks and wept, but they surrendered their decision to the Lord, and they said Lord if this is what you want us to do we will do it. So they started the school, they paid 13,000 dollars for the property, the person raised the price, and Ellen White said I’m not going to let the devil, beat us out of this property for 1,000 dollars, we are going to pay the extra price, and they did and they got the property.

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The Madison school started with a small Nucleus, Sutherland and Magan, Stephen Haskell, if you are familiar with him, he held the original deed to the property, and he was supportive. Also there was a women by the name of Nelly Drulard, she was in her sixties, her husband had just passed away, they had been long time missionaries in Africa. Ellen White said to her “Mrs. Drulard, if you give the rest of your life to the support of this work, you will accomplish more in the last years of your life then you did in the first sixty.” And thus Mrs. Drulard was one of the key people who helped to provide financial oversight and guidance, and she was one of the key leaders of that group. The Madison school started off with very humble beginnings, with fourteen students, the faculty were making 13 dollars a month imagine that, they were living in a barn. They used fruit boxes for their clothing drawers. This was living on ends meet. It was defiantly frontier mission style work. The first winter at Madison school, their diet consisted of mostly of milk and cornbread, almost every day and Sutherland would tell the students this is the Lord providing manna for us, to get us through this wilderness, and nobody complained. They all cheerfully accepted their condition and as time went on Madison became a shining example of what true education could become they revitalized that poor property into hundred of acres of orchards and gardens, into fruit that some of the best fruit in the area. It became a shining example of what you can do when you follow physical, mental, and spiritual education. Remember Madison’s courses where half a day while there work was half a day. Now there was another key element that we have to talk about here with Madison. Madison was the first self-supporting institution, and it became the first supporting institution in the context of the tension between Sutherland and Magan and A.G. Daniels and some of the other General Conference brethren. Ellen White knew that with that tension, the brethren would look at Madison as a renegade operation, and yet she was telling them to move forward. Now you would think ok that’s good Ellen White is telling them to move forward, so the brethren are going to accept right? Wrong, Ellen White knew that plenty of her counsel had been disregarded in the 1888 situation, and Kellogg was starting to undermine her work, so she knew that something more decided needed to be done to give legitimacy to Madison. This is what’s interesting, Ellen White told Sutherland and Magan, if you start your work here (Madison), I will serve as a member of the board, and she did. Now what’s the significance, of Ellen White serving as a member of the board at Madison. It was the only board she ever served on. Ellen White was God’s prophet to the remnant church and she only served on one board, and it was the first self-supporting institution, So what Ellen White was saying is God is ordaining the beginning of self-supporting work, and he is showing how to do it through a blueprint called Madison College, so the brethren of course provided opposition, A.G. Daniells and the others would fight Sutherland and Magan. They voted in the General Conference executive committee, to prevent people from donating money to Madison College without their authorization, and all sorts of other things. Ellen White would send letters of rebuke saying, you were not being led by the Spirit of God when you voted that, that was wrong, you should be supporting those men and helping them to raise money for their school because they are doing God work, and to authorize votes, that say that money going to Madison must through the brethren, is not of the Lord’s order. Ellen White fought for the self-supporting work, till she died in 1915, and she served on the board of Madison, until one year before she died. Thus Ellen White was one of the key leaders of Madison, and she continued to provide writings and support, and all of that. Another key event happened in the history of Madison. A few years into Madison’s development, Ellen White shows up, everyone is excited that Ellen White is in town. They have a picnic, they were sitting on a hill on the campus, and she says for everyone to hear, this would be the perfect place to build a sanitarium, and they all looked at her like she was crazy, what are you talking about, we are barely making it, how is this going to happen. Ellen White says, where is your faith, so they went to the chapel, and prayed over the decision making, and after they prayed, they got out the horse and the plow, and they plowed out the area for a foundation, and within a few weeks of that action, someone showed up and said I here you have some people here that offer hydrotherapy, that help people get better, can you help me? Nelly Drulard (the sixty year

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old women), said we aren’t ready for that, but the man insisted, so they took him in and they nursed him back to health. This man went back to Nashville, telling everyone, these people make you get well, and before they knew it Madison had more people than they could handle, and that was the beginning of the medical missionary work there at Madison. So the Lord was in the work there, and Madison continued to grow and it grew and grew. One other thing that happened of significance is that Magan left Madison in 1915 to go to Loma Linda, to become the dean of the college of Medical Evangelist, and of course that really devastated Sutherland. Of course Sutherland went on, but that was a tough blow to Madison, but they kept a close alliance, and when CME or College of Medical Evangelist, nearly closed, Madison had a key donor, by the name of Lyda Scott, who wanted to give a large donation to Madison. Sutherland said hey, instead of giving it to us, give it to CME, because they need the money, and if they raise up Medical Missionary doctors, they will send their doctors back to our sanitarium to work and so it will benefit Madison in the long run, and that’s what ended up happening, and so CME and Madison had an alliance. Now as time went on Madison strengthened in its golden years. What’s interesting is that the golden years of Madison, are known as 1930 to 1950, now what’s strange about that? That was the time of the Great Depression, and yet Madison reached its peak during the Great Depression. You would think that a self-supporting institution would close during the great depression, but however Madison actually peaked. When people say supporting work, its just going to go under, in times of economic failure, if that institution is following the principles from God, God will bless it, and God blessed Madison. As best we can tell, not one Madison college graduate went unemployed during the Great Depression now why is that? Because the students of Madison, were trained not only to know how to run a garden, they could build a house, they could do any number of practical skills that was required to get by in life, so if one job shuts down, they could do something else to earn a living, and so you could keep right on moving because you were trained to do many things, because you get a four year education, not only in learning book knowledge, but how to live a practical life and how to support yourself and earn a living so that when times get tough, no matter what happens like if your job as a doctor dries up, you can do someone’s plumbing for them, build a house for them, or whatever for someone, that is true education. They can do anything you ask them do, because they were trained to do so. Sutherland and Magan were simply following the blueprint that God gave to Ellen White in the Spirit of Prophecy. Now, we know that Madison eventually closed. There’s different viewpoints as to why Madison closed. It is true that they were having trouble financially maintaining there nursing school, according to the standards of the state of Tennessee. They started an accredited nursing program, and ultimately it was the standards of the state of Tennessee that Madison was no longer able to maintain financially, and that’s what caused the school to close. Now while Madison College, itself closed, it’s important to see the effect that Madison, has had on the Adventist church. It was at Madison that the first ASI meeting ever happened, so what happened was that Madison, would send out its workers to start other schools. And so they started schools all over the south and other places, and they got the idea to come back together and talk about what they were doing at the various schools. Talk about what works and how we can collaborate on our ideas to strengthen our self supporting work. So that started at Madison, and eventually it became known as the Adventist self-supporting institution with all these groups coming together, and it was at Madison. Now eventually ASI, has evolved to be called Adventist Laymen Services, and Industries. But ASI started from the influence of Madison, and ASI has a very positive effect on the church even today, and it all started with Madison, and the vision of Sutherland and Magan. Also many other schools started in the south, other self-supporting institutions. You can think of places like Wildwood, Uchie Pines, there are a number of academies in the south, for example Highland academy in Portland, Tennessee, that started from a Madison graduate. All of these places were started by students who trained at Madison, who said we are going to go out and start another school just like that.

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The spirit of Madison, has truly lived on, in places like Ouachita Hills Academy that are following that blueprint. When you look at the spirit of Madison, and see what Sutherland and Magan went through to start that, what you see in Sutherland and Magan is the spirit of the early pioneers. You see the spirit of Ellen White, James White, Joseph Bates, Hiram Edson, who gave everything to advance God’s work. Sutherland and Magan and the people at Madison College did the same thing. In some ways God used their work to help the church keep afloat at a critical time. If they hadn’t done what they did, the current in the church at that time was to undermine the authority of Inspiration and Ellen White, and that current has continued until this very day. If we look at many Seventh-day Adventist the way education, organization, and many things are run undermines the authority of inspiration, now God still works through the organization. I’m not saying leave the organization by any means. God still works through organization but in many ways Ellen White’s authority is undermined, and so what God says is ok Ellen White, I am going to speak, through you, you are going to serve as a member of the board of our charter self supporting institution, and these people are going to preserve the integrity of the message that I have raised to finish the work. And the spirit of Madison lives on today; there are still people who will give everything to preserve the integrity of Adventism, to preserve the writings of Ellen White, to preserve the authority of the Bible, and to do everything that they can to be part of God’s finishing work. So the question is what about us, are we like Sutherland and Magan, are we going to accept the message of righteousness by faith, and from those principles bring in true education into our lives so that it can be said of us, that we are men and women who will stand for the right no matter what, that we are true to duty as the needle to the poll, that we will call sin by its right name, we aren’t worried about the consequences we are going to follow God no matter what. Are we like that? That’s the principles of true education and why is that important, because we see the principles of true education in the three angel’s message, that’s part of our identity, and mission, and there’s also another system of education, it’s called the Babylonian education, and in the third angel’s message we see that there is another group of people who worship another way and they receive the mark of the beast, and what that suggest is if we allow Babylonian education principles to affect our life we preparing ourselves to receive the mark of the beast. Thus God had to raise up two men, Sutherland and Magan to preserve true education, to preserve God’s message so that God will have a group of people at the end of time who will receive the seal of God. May we be faithful to the spirit of Madison. God doesn’t need to see another Madison come and fail; He needs to see a group of people come up and finish the work. There’s only one building at Madison, that is left. However Madison lives, on and what it did will live to the Second Coming of Jesus. Let us be like Sutherland and Magan to help finish God’s work, may we be faithful to that calling. Study more about the history of Madison, read Madison: God’s Beautiful Farm. It’s a powerful book, and may we be found faithful. Marnatha!

Self-supporting work Now we want to take some time to focus specifically on self-supporting work. It has its beginnings with three men. James Edson White, son of Ellen White, who started work on the Mississippi River, and Sutherland, Magan. These two men were involved in the education work in Battle Creek. These two were a bit over zealous, and this was kind of a discredited them a little. However Ellen saw that these men wanted to do what was right. Instead of distancing herself from them, she got closer. This is a very good principle on how to deal with people. She got so close they struggled with it. You will recall that she told them to go Nashville TN, to see if they could find property for a school. They were traveling and then there was a break down on the boat they were on, and they noticed that this was the property that Ellen told them this was the place that God had shown her. As the climbed the blank and looked at the property, Sutherland noticed that this place was a place he had already been and this was a terrible place, and this was the place she said that God has shown her. It was called the Furgson-Nelson Farm.

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They said we can’t call on the denomination to pay for it, and we don’t have the money for it. Ellen kept insisting that this was the place. This land cost $13,000, they didn’t even half of th e money to raise the money. The wanted out but they didn’t want to look like they didn’t have faith in the testimonies of God. They prayed and there was given claim. They were trying to conform the testimonies of the Lord to their opinions. Every Seventh-day Adventist well face this struggle at some point, will the submit to the counsel of God or try to conform it to their own opinion. The secret of Self-supporting work is that God is in it. The benefits of Self-supporting work

You can really see God hand moving (normally don’t have funds provided for) It takes more faith to move out without the support of conference work It will mature you

“To believe things that are perfectly reasonable requires no faith” Madison gave us a legacy of self-supporting work as a model institution. There are a number of reasons why God gave us a self-supporting work

1. Soul wining work that doesn’t cost the denomination (Usual have their own tent making skills)

2. A work of reform that the church needs.

3. It can do things that the conference can not or will not do (most foreign fields have only opened up in the past because of self-supporting work)

4. Not subject to the pressure to conform to comprise.

5. More flexible and mobile

6. Some people need pioneering work

7. Independent of conference control

8. Keeps the brethren from thinking that their way is the only way

9. provide the opportunities for people to work who might now be able to work

10. Individuality is more able to follow

11. In times of apostasy it is a voice of reform

12. Can work were there is a opposition to the name of Seventh-day Adventist Church

13. Those who have less education can be involved in this work more easily.

Challenges of Self-Supporting work

Authority Finance

Gods purpose has always been that the conference should work with self-supporting workers. Unless there is a token of loyalty, which is normally tithe, there is usually no bridge on which to work. There are only two store house God’s, and Satan’s.

CS 35 There are only two places in the universe where we can place our treasures,--in God's storehouse or in Satan's; and all that is not devoted to God's service is counted on Satan's side, and goes to strengthen his cause. The Lord designs that the means entrusted to us shall be used in building up His kingdom. His goods are entrusted to His stewards that they may be carefully traded upon, and bring back a revenue to Him in the saving of souls. These souls in their turn will become stewards of trust, cooperating with Christ to further the interests of God's cause.

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SpM 246 Now they are all self-supporting. They keep up the church expenses, and pay a faithful tithe. This is the way we worked to build our meeting-houses in many places in Australia.

Means = tithe and offerings. From Elder Megans diary “Talking to Ellen White, we are not to go under the domination of the conference. Talked to Daniels, the school was independent and had to eat the showbread.

3T 553 It would be poor policy to support from the treasury of God those who really mar and injure His work, and who are constantly lowering the standard of Christianity.

Self-Supporting work in the SDA Church

God has entrusted to His ministers the work of proclaiming His last message of mercy to the world [7T 245]. The Lord blesses these self-sacrificing ones, who have such a hunger for souls that they are willing to go anywhere to work. A true missionary spirit will be imparted to those who seek earnestly to know God and Jesus Christ, whom He hath sent. The Lord lives and reigns. Young men, go forth into the places to which you are directed by the Spirit of the Lord. Work with your hands, that you may be self-supporting, and as you have opportunity proclaim the message of warning. [D-60-1901]

And there are a number of important reasons why God gave us self-supporting work. The self-supporting work is a soul-winning work that does not cost or drain the denomination’s resources, even if the conference were providing some support from the treasury as instructed by EGW; but rely on their own “tent-making” skills. Thus, they become independent of conference control; without it’s regulatory pressures to conform to compromise that exist in conference institutions (lets be honest). And where conference workers cannot do or will not do, self-supporting workers take up the task of accomplishing it, even working in fields which the conference does not have the resources to support or finance, or which they are not interested in. The self-supporting work also provides an opportunity for faithful laymen and ministers to enter upon a work of reform, and there are wide-ranging opportunities for just about anyone that the self-supporting work often affords such as certain personalities that need pioneering; for the Lord desires that everyone should be in service for Him, and He knows just how to arrange things to make them come about. And historically, self-supporting work has provided opportunities for many people who would not otherwise have the opportunity to work directly for God. Self-supporting workers are also often much more flexible and mobile. They have the ability to branch out and enter previously unentered territory and start a work for the Lord, where there is less bureaucracy. It also harnesses the incredible vision and initiative and drive of laymen and ministers called into that kind of work. During times of apostasy, self-supporting work can function within the church without compromising principle and in areas where there is prejudice against Seventh-day Adventist work, self-supporting work and workers can enter without the stigma of the name, but work in ways that will reduce prejudice, like in health and education. It becomes the strong voice of Reform in the church, and is an instrument that can help defend doctrine and principles within the church, as well as call the church to faithfulness. God uses the self-supporting work also to keep the brethren from thinking that their way is the only way, but keep a balance, where sanctified men can understand. But is often difficult for those to learn this who always wants to control everything. There is also an immense opportunity to exercise faith, as well as allowing for individuality by listening to the Holy Spirit instead of human authorities, and following the example of Jesus, the greatest self-supporting worker ever.

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The Subtle Inroad of Scholasticism LeRoy Froom Indites “Advanced Degrees” Read the following excerpts from an article written by LeRoy Froom in 1944, and see if his concerns are not prophetic.

The Subtle Inroad of Scholasticism Editor LeRoy Froom

“The pioneers of this message, and their early successors, were pre-eminently men of the Book. They were conspicuously students of the Word. Their grasp of great Biblical truths and basic prophetic principles was astonishing. It was, of course, this intensive study of the Word on their part that laid the foundations of this heaven-indicted message. Their mastery of the text of Scripture was often phenomenal, because they spent most of their study time mastering the essential message of the Book. These pioneers could quote its passages and cite its texts as well as expound its principles with a facility that shames most of us today. We have allowed the pressure of a thousand temporal things to crowd out that singleness of devotion to Bible study which marked their simpler life. We have time, and we take time, seemingly, for everything else. These other things must be done. But the pressure of our crowded life has pushed deep, continuous Bible study back into the corners of time that are left. The tragic result is seen on every hand—in the pulpit, the classroom, the Bible study, the daily life, and in the substitute expedients so pathetically drafted upon. “Proportionately, the pioneers had fewer college graduates than we—though they were not unlearned and ignorant men. But those men studied fundamentals in a way that we but rarely begin to match today. We scatter our efforts and dissipate our strength over secondary details, in an attempt to be broader than they. And there were practically none, of course, among our founding fathers, with advanced degrees. But they had that which advanced degrees do not inherently give—that which seldom comports with advanced degrees and all they involve; namely, they knew the Book and its basic message. “We their spiritual descendants, have drifted into the actually superficial, albeit apparently learned, in the study of the Book. We know more about some things, at the price of fatal losses in other things. As a matter of fact, we today spend more time and effort studying books about the Bible than we do in mastering the Bible itself. We look up and cite a wealth of “authorities,” and peruse countless commentaries, in an attempt to be—and to appear—learned, and to have proper scholarly support from the world’s scholars. We often seem to be more concerned about what men say than over what God says. Something has happened to our thinking. Our scholars are often erudite, for example, in the Greek or Hebrew text, but all too often they have lost the fundamental intent and larger relationships of the text itself amid the speculative niceties of their acquired technicalities. The basic truth at issue is lost in the display of erudition. They follow, doubtless unconsciously, in the wake of their teachers back in the universities of Babylon. And how could it be otherwise? That training was sought; and now it constitutes the background and colors the attitude, the emphasis, and the outlook. Such is the source of much of the unconcealable weakness and loss of message virility to be found among some of our advanced students, as relates to the Word. Pray tell: Just how can we expect to get actual light on God’s divine message for today from men steeped in the Sunday-Sabbath concept, committed to the natural immortality of the soul theory, ensnared by the evolution hypothesis, antagonistic toward the sanctuary and judgment-hour truths, denying the

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principle of the historical interpretation of the prophecies, scoffing at the year-day principle, repudiating the Spirit of Prophecy and its inspired guidance for study and research, and scoffing at the supreme truths of the imminent second premillennial advent of Christ? Those men are committed to the beguiling theories of evolutionary development, gradual world betterment, a nebulous future antichrist, a ruinous past fulfillment of all prophecy, a spiritualized concept of the prophetic symbols and time prophecies, and the temporal return of the Jews; and are enmeshed in the postulates of that neopaganism, behavioristic psychology, that controls their thinking and molds their research. How dare a man contemplate, or have the temerity to present, the degree of doctor of divinity, gained in the universities of Babylon, as a credential for teaching or preaching this threefold message, the second stipulation of which is, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen… Come out of her, My people.” How dare we accept such a Babylonian credential, in lieu of mastery of the truth? Shall a man go into Babylon to gain strength and wisdom to call men out of Babylon? To ask the question is but to disclose how far some have compromised with Babylon, as they have gone back to Babylon to drink from her wells of wisdom. Oh for the living waters of truth fresh from the word! Someone needs to sound an alarm. We need to grip ourselves and halt a growing trend that, if it becomes entrenched, will bring disaster through neutralizing our message. We need to give ourselves to the study of the Word until we are again known pre-eminently for our mastery and sound exposition of Scripture. Otherwise we shall go the way of all other religious bodies before us, who started out with a heavenly message, but who have bogged down in the morass of worldly scholarship with its erudite haziness, its loss of spiritual vision, and its blurring of truth, until its virility and its power to witness have virtually disappeared. We must not lose the very heart of our message to the world. We who proclaim it to others must not violate its mandate that we may be better prepared to announce the theory to others. (The Ministry, 4/1944, p. 18, 30). ___________________________________________ Is it any wonder that Babylonish teachings of evangelical Protestantism have infiltrated our institutions, when teachers in them have gained their so called “advanced degrees” from fallen Babylon? No wonder more and more faithful souls cannot trust that the men who graduate from Adventist seminaries, colleges and universities will teach the unvarnished truth. The truth is that pressures to keep accreditation force us to use teachers with “advanced degrees” from the Universities of Babylon. Though elder Froom was confused on some issues, this one comes through clearly. Would to God that someone would have given the alarm, for now this problem is entrenched, and the terrible neutralization has greatly damaged the SDA message and mission. The article that Froom wrote is a good one. We will later see what else Elder Froom was involved with. The points is that God desired that we would be follow His blueprint. Seek to follow this, if you are at a school wear this is not the goal, as God leads, leave.

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Early Efforts in Religious liberty In this chapter we will be focusing on Religious Liberty. We want to start at the time period of the 1888 when the Sunday law agitation began. It was during the midst of the Civil War and following, when many religious leaders thought it was a punishment from God, and indeed it was. Keep in the Civil War there were more American casualties then all wars combined that Americans have been involved in. There were large amount of clergy, who concluded that it was punishment because America had not been honoring “the Lord’s day.” They started the NRA, or the National Reform Association. There is still an association today, but much smaller. They spent about 15 years (from about 1865 to 1880), saying that we need to pass a national Sunday law, but no one was buying it. At the end of the 1870’s and the early 1880s they began to single out individual states. Sunday laws were passed, and some were already on the books, but were not enforced. That incidentally is the situation in Canada today. They have a national Sunday law in Canada, however it is easier for providences to override the law, then it is for states of America to. This was the situation in the states, and at various times this became an issue for Seventh-day Adventist. Now let’s hear some stories of the ways that it was done. The devil is smart but he has some limits on his effectiveness, he reuses what is successful. One of the things that were done is that he encouraged some Adventist to go a little further the necessary. They included the idea that we should always labor six days even on Sunday despite it brining opposition. However Ellen White counseled us to do as much as we can for evangelism on Sunday, so we won’t cause unnecessary problems. There is an interesting account of a man whose name was Drury Reeves. He had a colporteur who managed to anger some people and was put in jail in Tennessee. Drury Reeves went and paid the fine. Then the question was asked, should one pay for the fine? Or sit out the 30 days? The counsel is to go to the next state, pay the fine, and move on. Reeves later went to the person, who was now working in Tennessee (hoeing potatoes), and thought he could have been selling books. Make sure to be careful that when people are trying to find fault with you, it’s hard when people are looking for your worse interest. In one case an Adventist moved a wheelbarrow to another Adventist person’s home and was fined. The principle is to be careful, Satan does not have our best interest. We must always watch, and form intelligent opinions for what is going on. If people are using weak arguments it’s probably true that they don’t have stronger ones. In one case, Adventist were prosecuted somewhere in the south, no one wanted to testify because they were honest man. What did he do? He called the two people and had them testify against themselves. People are prone to be on our side if you are kind to them. When political pressures work on two groups, you will get people who don’t really like each other, but will join to meet one common goal. This is seen in evil angels who are united in fighting Christ, but hate each other, the Sadducees and Pharisees, Pilate and Herod. In 1880 the National Reform Association was so close to establishing the Sunday Law, however they needed a little help from the Catholics. Catholicism was not well loved by the Protestants of the United States. The National Reform Association grasped over the abyss to join with the Catholics. Roman Catholics are usually always willing to take away separation of church and state. December 11, 1884 Christian statements. Another leader of the movement was Reverend Gould. He expressed that the common interest in Sunday ought to strengthen both our determination to work and are readiness to cooperate with are fellow Roman Catholic citizens, it is one of the necessities of the situation. We can’t afford to sacrifice principle for the necessity of a situation, just don’t do it, because it doesn’t work in the long run.

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There was a group about a dozen people with chains, it was called a chain gang. Everyone was giving a pick and was taken to an area to work. There were Adventist chain gangs in Tennessee. The first high profile Adventist case was a determined individual who was not going to show any respect for Sunday. Unfortunately it was not a good case. If you are familiar with politics it’s pretty strong within the court system. Whoever loses the case has the right to appeal, the next higher court may to accept it, some do this. If there is a shadow of a doubt then the next court can be brought in. There are those who are determined to shape the law through the courts rather than the legislation. Traditionally, laws are made through the legislation, however people have figured out that if you can get a law written with a pen or interpreted in the courts you can get it to happen very quickly. This happened in the 1960s, when the court begin allowing abortion, which was made legal by the supreme court. All of a sudden something that could not have gone through the legislation process was done by the Supreme Court. In this situation, this wasn’t a good case for Seventh-day Adventist. Quite a few church leaders, suggested to him to not take it to the Supreme Court, because if it went to the Supreme Court and he lost, then it was over. Sadly, the man died a month before his case, at least some where a bit happy that the case was not taken to the Supreme Court. People will remember who you are and who you also are associated with. This was the case of Senator Blair in 1888-1889, who issued a national Sunday law. Some people on his side, probably felt contrary to his beliefs. This idea was working its way through in the US Senate. It was around November 1888, around the time of the General Conference in 1888. The brethren wanted to do something about it. Alonzo Triever Jones was given a new suit and was called to testify. He had a photographic memory. He stood up before congress and testified. It was not an entirely sympathetic audience, so he was challenged. Jones make a statement through all of Christian history. Jones was a very brilliant guy, and testified as Stephen did. When someone stood up and said something, Alozno Jones would then quote something from his memory. God blessed our pioneers add gave them many different gifts. Who besides the Adventist would have a problem with the Sunday law of 1888? The Seventh-day Baptist. Who would the Seventh-day Baptist send to testify for their case? A. H. Lewis. He was head of the head of the church history at Alfred University. He is also believed to be the editor of the Sabbath record. The Seventh-day Baptist paper. Lewis was a bright guy, though he didn’t have a photographic memory. He was a firm advocate of the Sabbath. One of the things that the devil delights to do is to mix the good and the bad and make it hard to separate. This is what he did with Baptist and Adventist. A. H. Lewis was the gentlemen that John Harvey learned Pantheism from. A.H. Lewis learned pantheism from Ellan Ennedy, who eventually married John Harvey Kellogg. John Harvey’s pantheism didn’t make his appearance into Adventism until 1900s though. Something of note is that between the 1880s there were serious meetings between Baptist and Adventist to join together. The favorable opinion that Lewis earned. You can’t judge an idea by its source. Because good people will sometimes come up with really bad ideas, and in contrast the opposite is sometimes true. Make the decision to always want truth, despite what source it comes from. In 1892, there were still Sunday laws. Tennessee was the main place that this happened. Four Adventist were put into prison from Paris. There was a non-Adventist lawyer, James T. Ringgold from Baltimore Maryland who disliked what happened. He is said to be a strange but lovable guy. He couldn’t believe that in the 1890s that people were being tried for religious beliefs. He went and did the case for free and won. After he was invited to the General Conference, and eventually became an Adventist. He was a firm believer that toleration and zeal normally don’t go together. The more strong minded people are the more that are usually intolerable about certain things. Adventist were asking for separation of church and state for others as well as for themselves. Ringgold loved this principle about Adventist, Ringgold also complimented on several different things.

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Religion and Public Schools In the mid 1890s, there was a requirement of reading the Bible in the public schools. Ellen White counseled A.T. Jones to not say that it was church and state, even though it was. It was better to not get into the argument, because both ideas could get him in trouble. Silence on this point was golden. Abortion may be a similar issue. This has elevated people’s view of the Catholic Church, that doesn’t support abortion. It may be best to be quiet. The point is that we should allow God to give us wisdom to speak or not. To what extent do we appeal to the Law? That can be tricky. Be aware of the issues at hand. In the late 1890s people had filed lawsuits against the Review and Herald, but what do you do when you are the defendant. Ellen White said

You who are engaged in opening the things connected with our work to lawyers, will realize that those who trust the things connected with our work to those who know not God, will be left to trust to the law, and will have all the law they want until their souls are satisfied. God will not be their Counselor.--Letter 51a, 1898, pp. 1, 2. (To Uriah Smith and G. A. Irwin, June 6, 1898.)

Resources, from Hindsight, by Dave Fiedler. Let’s look for a logical connection. In the history from 1884-1885 E.J. Waggoner co-editor of signs of the times publishes articles about law and Galatians. This troubled G.I. Butler. A.T. Jones was writing on history and the 10 horns this created problem with Uriah Smith. Both sides were at fault; Ellen White counseled them to not say things that would cause the appearance of evil. There are times when that is hard to do but Ellen White counsels us not do so. Interestingly, the letters sent to Jones and Waggoner were copied and sent to Butler and Uriah who concluded that they must right, because Jones and Waggoner were reproved. This paved the way for the 1888 General Conference. Ellen White was given a vision and she was in Australia previously, the year 1888 came and went. Righteousness by faith as Jones and Waggoner’s taught was closely linked to the issue of the Sunday law and religious liberty. What was the link? As the issue of righteousness by faith was agitated, Ellen White was given letters were some had concluded that righteousness by faith was a distraction and that people should be preaching the third’s angel’s message. She responded that the third angel’s message is the righteousness by faith.

Selected Messages Book 3 172 “The faith of Jesus." It is talked of, but not understood. What constitutes the faith of Jesus, that belongs to the third angel's message? Jesus becoming our sin-bearer that He might become our sin-pardoning Saviour. He was treated as we deserve to be treated. He came to our world and took our sins that we might take His righteousness. And faith in the ability of Christ to save us amply and fully and entirely is the faith of Jesus.

The third angel’s message is the absolute classic rock and a hard place situation because God says that if you receive the mark of the beast you will be killed, and the world says that if you don’t receive the mark of the beast we will kill you. It doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room; this is why faith is so much important. Let’s say you are working at an army base and you are trying to take life easy, and the sergeant comes and commands and order, you do something. You normally don’t obey because you love the person but because you are afraid. So you do the command and someone else comes alongside with another person, and gives you another order who is higher then the sergeant. The point is that the person who is higher can hurt you worse because he is higher, they can also

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protect you from the lower authority figures. Next someone else higher in the chain comes, he gets first priority. The point of the story is that faith is the recognition of authority, that is true faith, and when we get down to the time of the third angels message and the mark of the beast, the real question is in who’s authority to do you place your faith? Justification by faith is essentially the same thing. At the time of Jacob’s trouble we will especially need to understand the concept of justification by faith. Faith and the third angel’s message meet, they meet at the point in time in which God’s people are placed in the most trying time of the world. God’s people at that time lost their jobs, fled from cities and move to the hills. Everyone is ready to kill them, up to this point it is a classic test of martyrdom.

By self-surrender and confiding faith Jacob gained what he had failed to gain by conflict in his own strength. God would here fully make known to his servant that it was divine power and grace alone that could give him the life and peace he so much craved. This lesson is for all time. Those who live in the last days must pass through an experience similar to that of Jacob. Foes will be all around them, ready to condemn and destroy. Alarm and despair will seize them, for it appears to them as to Jacob in his distress, that God himself has become an avenging enemy. It is the design of God to arouse the dormant energies of his people to look out of and away from self to One who can bring help and salvation, that the promises given for just such a time may be seen in their preciousness, and relied upon with unwavering trust. Here faith is proved. {ST, November 27, 1879 par. 11}

When Jacob was wresting with the Lord could have said two things. The Angel could have killed him. Jacob would have had the idea that the person or (angel) was fighting with him because he hated him. That is a difference between faith and sight. It appears as God had become and avenging enemy. Jacob, Jesus, and Job went through this. All their senses told Him that God was against; however by faith they realized the mercy of God.

PP 203 Jacob prevailed because he was persevering and determined. His experience testifies to the power of importunate prayer. It is now that we are to learn this lesson of prevailing prayer, of unyielding faith. The greatest victories to the church of Christ or to the individual Christian are not those that are gained by talent or education, by wealth or the favor of men. They are those victories that are gained in the audience chamber with God, when earnest, agonizing faith lays hold upon the mighty arm of power. Those who are unwilling to forsake every sin and to seek earnestly for God's blessing, will not obtain it. But all who will lay hold of God's promises as did Jacob, and be as earnest and persevering as he was, will succeed as he succeeded. "Shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry day and night unto Him, though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily." Luke 18:7, 8.

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The 1888 General Conference In the early part of 1888 the message was focused on Jesus. Adventism began with a focus on Jesus. By the 1880’s the began to lose the focus on Jesus, he has became a doctrine and the focus was more on the keeping of the Sabbath and all the reforms. All doctrine should be focused on Jesus. State of the Dead – Christ is the resurrection Sabbath – Christ is the Lord of the Sabbath Law – Christ is what is loved when you keep the law Breckinridge bill – was trying to be passed in Washington DC – Jones went to DC and preached against it. He was also on the GC committee. In 1903 he joined Kellogg at Battle Creek at the time when he was turning to get Battle Creek out of the hands of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. When the GC was moved to DC he went work as head of the Religious Liberty department. In 1909 he meet with the GC and talked about how he could come back into the church. Elder Daniels reached out his had and then Jones reached out then pulled back and said never will he join the church again. He died in 1923 as in separation without any followers. Now people use his books to prove that we should leave the church. Waggoner was on the staff of Battle Creek College, the one that Kellogg resurrected, after this had been moved to Andrews. He died in 1915. In this chapter we will be talking about 1888. In the next chapter we will study some of the different instances in Adventist History in which God wanted to bring us into the promised land, but for some reason we didn’t quite make it. One of those times was 1888, and the time that occurred right after it, so its important for us to study it and find out what happened during that time period. It’s perhaps one of the most famous and controversial times in Adventist history. Before we begin lets learn about the context, so we can view these events in the historical periods that they happened. A couple of chapters ago we studied the theological development of present truth. One of the best ways to describe this, was that after 1844, a certain system of truths were developed, led by God, that our church found. We can summarize them by saying, central to our theology at that time was the Sanctuary because that explained what happened on October 22, 1844, and afterward. Within the sanctuary in the Most Holy Place there was the law and within the Law there was the fourth commandment, the seventh-day Sabbath. There were many other truths that were surrounding these, but those were very important parts of our theology at that time. The truths were logical, very consistent with each other, they fit together. They have been prayerfully studied, and thought through in the years following 1844. As we come to find out though, there was a group of generation, of young ministers, and church workers, who were not there. During that process of studying out these different doctrines. They didn’t have that experience after 1844, and they were accepting these truths, as they were taught but not having really thought through them themselves. This is important because we have to realize that in 1888, God was bringing not only the church but history in general, to a point of opportunity. During this time in the government, there was also a movement to begin to legislate religious laws. There was a national reform association, that had been started precisely to lobby for this type of thing. They wanted an amendment that would put religious language, that would acknowledge God in the Constitution of the United States, that would be an amendment. They were also pushing for a national Sunday law at that time, and there were several of these. However Senator Blair who was in the senate at that time had introduced the bill around 1888. It was Senate bill #2983, and its object was “to secure the people the enjoyment of the first day of the week, commonly known was the Lord’s day as a day of rest, and to promote its

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observance, as a day of worship.” This was the bill that A.T. Jones who will discuss in a moment, actually went to the Senate hearings, and testified representing the Adventist viewpoint of religious liberty, and he was instrumental in this bill. That bill actually died, and never left committee, was far as we can tell. So during this time there was an opportunity for a national Sunday Law, as well as a real revival in the church through the messages of righteousness by faith. Now let’s discuss some of the people that were involved in the General Conference meetings of 1888. We will start with the two that are most famous, which are A. T. Jones and Ellet J. Waggoner. Jones names was Alonzo Trevier Jones which is commonly known as A.T. Jones. He is described as being tall, angular, he was a former soldier in the United States army. He had been converted while he was stationed at fort Walla Walla. He is also described as being aggressive, abrupt, he was a self educated man, and he had a photographic memory, which helped him when he was testifying before Congress, in the Senate committees. At the time of 1888 A.T. Jones was 38 years old, relatively young. He was raised in Ohio, he was a man of prophecy; he was very interested in religious liberty. He was co-editor with Waggoner on the book called the American Sentinel – it was a religious liberty and temperance magazine. He also was the editor the Signs of the Times. There was also another man named Ellet Joseph Waggoner, or E.J. Waggoner who was 33 years old at that time. He is described as being the opposite of Jones. Waggoner was short, and stalky, mild and kind. Waggoner he worked with Kellogg, the formed a friendship very quickly. He had a different understanding on the law in a few places. There is a wrong way to keep the Sabbath, the ceremonial way. His emphasis was upon Christ. He had been classically trained as a medical doctor, but he had turned, to the ministry at that time. Both Jones and Waggoner, were living on the West Coast, they were coeditors of the Signs of the Times in 1886, they also taught at Healdsburg College, and preached in the surrounding Bay Area, that what they were doing at that time. Both of these men begin to study their Bibles, and begin to teach ideas that were different then the traditional Adventist ideas at that time. For A.T. Jones, he begin to study Daniel 7, the ten horns that are listed there represent tribes, that William Miller had studied, and came up with a list of who those tribes might be. A.T. Jones studied those same tribes and came to the conclusion, that one of those tribes, was the Alemanni, and he felt that they better fit the description, then the Huns, which was the traditionally Adventist thinking at that time. So Jones begin to teach this at Healdsburg College, and also begin to publish articles about this in Signs of the Times. E. J. Waggoner also begin to study, except he was studying the book of Galatians. Specifically he was studying the law in Galatians, this is the main passage.

Gal 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

So we can see here that the law is especially connected to justification by faith. E. J. Waggoner felt that the law that was being referred, to here was the Moral Law, the Ten Commandments. The traditional Adventist understanding was that the Law here referred to the Ceremonial law, the types that were point to Christ. So Waggoner also been to preach His views and publish them. Both of these men were invited to the 1888 General Conference to share their view, and we will talk a little bit more about that in a moment. However before we go there let’s talk about two other people. Because in 1888 there attended to be two sides to this controversy. The two people on the other side where George I. Butler and Uriah Smith, there were others but these two men seem to represent that group. George I. Butler was the president of the General Conference at that time. Butler had taken over when James White died, so he had been thrust into leadership, unexpectedly, so something unfortunate, and actually dangerous, begin to happen during his time as president. Remember we discussed before how, these truths that have been developed over time after 1844, people begin to take them for granted, and they were taught them, but hadn’t really studied them out for themselves, so people begin to accept what their leaders had told them, without critically analyzing them, being a Berean and going back

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and studying for themselves. Thus they begin to look up to people like, Elder Butler to think for them, and Elder Butler was fine with that because they would do what he said. So Elder Butler begin to actually overestimate his authority, and to be controlling to those who were beneath Him, he choose to think for them. Butler forget about the greater power then the General Conference President, who was guiding this movement, and that was Christ. So this kind of leads to a General Conference that happens two years before 1888. Later on we will discover that the crisis came to ahead in 1888, two men were sent to speak at the 1888 conference, Jones and Waggoner, it was the message of Righteousness by Faith. George Butler opposed Jones and Waggoner, who as the General Conference, they presented the righteousness by faith concept. Then they had a minister preach against it. Then in reply Jones and Wagner stood up one at a time and quoted nothing but Bible to support their understanding. Later on Ellen White said that the message was rejected during the 1888 GC meeting. In 1901 she said it was the best year of her life due to the changes in the General Conference. Nevertheless in 1886, delegates who arrived at the Conference received a pamphlet written by Elder Butler, and this pamphlet was 85 pages, and was called the Law in the book of Galatians: is it the moral law or does it refer to that system of laws particularly Jewish. Notice it was a long title, but it was written by Butler to oppose the views that E. J. Waggoner had been teaching in the West Coast. During that 1886 Conference, Butler also tried influence a Committee, to censure the Signs of the Times for publishing A.T. Jones article, but ultimately that didn’t go through, it wasn’t successful. Butler didn’t try pursue that line of thinking, however he did try to influence that Committee. It’s interesting to note that Ellen White was not at the 1886 General Conference, she was in Switzerland, but she did see the conference in her night visions. So she saw what happened at that Conference, this is what she wrote to Elder Butler after the 1886 General Conference.

12MR 370 I was shown the attitude of some of the ministers, yourself in particular, at that meeting, and I can say with you, my brother, it was a terrible conference.

Notice she underlined terrible, it was terrible. We will come back to this later but was she to the pamphlet? Perhaps but I think she was referring more so to the spirit of the conference. As Butler tried to influence the Committee to censure Signs of the Times, trying to think for people, and suppress the ideas that he didn’t believe in and trying to get people to believe what he (Butler) wanted them to. After that Conference E. J. Waggoner prepared at 71 page rebuttal, it was called the Gospel in the book of Galatians: A Review. However Waggoner didn’t publish it for awhile, one of the reasons was because he and A.T. Jones had been reproved by Ellen White, in a letter. The letter contains an important learning point even for us today, as we address points of controversy between us. This is what she wrote to Jones and Waggoner.

1888 Materials 21 If you, my brethren, had the experience that my husband and myself have had in regard to these known differences being published in articles in our papers, you would never have pursued the course you have, either in your ideas advanced before our students at the college, neither would it have appeared in the Signs. Especially at this time should everything like differences be repressed. These young men are more self-confident and less cautious than they should be. You must, as far as difference is concerned, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

Then she said this.

1888 Materials 21-23 Even if you are fully convinced that your ideas of doctrines are sound, you do not show wisdom that that difference should be made apparent. I have no hesitancy in saying you have made a mistake here. You have departed from the positive directions God has given upon this matter, and only harm will be the result. This is not in God's order. You have now set the example for others to do as you have done, to feel at liberty to put in their various ideas and theories and bring them before the public, because you have done this. This will bring in a state of things that you have not dreamed of. I have wanted to get

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out articles in regard to the law, but I have been moving about so much, my writings are where I cannot have the advantage of them. It is no small matter for you to come out in the Signs as you have done, and God has plainly revealed that such things should not be done. We must keep before the world a united front. Satan will triumph to see differences among Seventh-day Adventists. These questions are not vital points. I have not read Elder Butler's pamphlet or any articles written by any of our writers and do not mean to. But I did see years ago that Elder [J. H.] Waggoner's views were not correct, and read to him matter which I had written. The matter does not lie clear and distinct in my mind yet. I cannot grasp the matter, and for this reason I am fully convinced that presenting it has been not only untimely, but deleterious. Elder Butler has had such an amount of burdens he was not prepared to do this subject justice. Brother E. J. W. [Waggoner] has had his mind exercised on this subject, but to bring these differences into our general conferences is a mistake; it should not be done. There are those who do not go deep, who are not Bible students, who will take positions decidedly for or against, grasping at apparent evidence; yet it may not be truth, and to take differences into our conferences where the differences become widespread, thus sending forth all through the fields various ideas, one in opposition to the other, is not God's plan, but at once raises questionings, doubts whether we have the truth, whether after all we are not mistaken and in error. The Reformation was greatly retarded by making prominent differences on some points of faith and each party holding tenaciously to those things where they differed. We shall see eye to eye erelong, but to become firm and consider it your duty to present your views in decided opposition to the faith or truth as it has been taught by us as a people, is a mistake, and will result in harm, and only harm, as in the days of Martin Luther. Begin to draw apart and feel at liberty to express your ideas without reference to the views of your brethren, and a state of things will be introduced that you do not dream of.

Little did anyone know perhaps except maybe for Ellen White what would happen as a result, of some of these differences. Well, not only did Jones and Waggoner receive this letter, but Ellen White gave copies to George Butler and Uriah Smith, and she intended for the letters to be a warning to them, a caution to them, to not make differences of opinion, prominent. However Butler and Smith took it the opposite way, they saw that Ellen White was rebuking Jones and Waggoner, and thus validating their doctrinal position. So eventually she had to write them a letter and this is what she said.

1888 Materials 32 I have sent copies of letters written to Brethren [E. J.] Waggoner and [A. T.] Jones to Elder [G. I.] Butler in reference to introducing and keeping in front and making prominent subjects on which there are differences of opinion. I sent this not that you should make them weapons to use against the brethren mentioned, but that the very same cautions and carefulness be exercised by you to preserve harmony as you would have these brethren exercise. Now, I do not wish the letters that I have sent to you should be used in a way that you will take it for granted that your ideas are all correct and Dr. Waggoner's and Elder Jones's are all wrong.

Then she says

1888 Materials 35 I believe now that nothing can be done but open discussion. You circulated your pamphlet; now it is only fair that Dr. Waggoner should have just as fair a chance as you have had. I think the whole thing is not in God's order. But, brethren, we must have no unfairness. We must work as Christians. If we have any point that is not fully, clearly defined, and [that] can bear the test of criticism, don't be afraid or too proud to yield it.

So this is kind of what preceeded the 1888 General Conference, this back in forth between Jones and Waggoner, and Butler and Smith. Making prominent the differences of opinion, between Butler and Waggoner. A brief mention of Uriah Smith. He was the secretary of the General Conference, at the time, he was a respected Adventist theologian, he had been there from almost the beginning. He actually supported A T. Jones historical research, until Jones begin to differ with Smith in his interpretations. Uriah Smith then withdraw his support from Jones. So now we come to the General Conference of 1888, one of the most famous episodes in Adventist history. Before the General Conference session however, there was a seven day ministerial institute

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beforehand. This is where the brethren gather together beforehand to study, after that they would have a nineteen day General Conference. During the ministerial institute, A.T. Jones was asked to present his arguments for the inclusion of the Alemanni, rather than the Huns in the list of the ten horns in Daniel 7. Jones gave a very persuasive argument, but by the end of that ministerial institute, people had begun to take sides, and there begin to be a division, in fact the common question, at that time was, people would come up to each other and say “are you a Hun or are you an Alemanni?” That was the spirit that was being portrayed at that time, even Ellen White was asked, what she thought about the horns. She replied “there are too many horns.” That was her take on the whole situation. During the General Conference, E. J. Waggoner was asked to present his views on righteousness by faith and the law in Galatians, during their Bible study time. We will discuss some of the things he discussed later on in this chapter, but lets mention a few other things. George Butler, the President of the General Conference, was actually not at the General Conference in 1888, he was not able to make it. He had been sick for about 5 months, and was unable to travel, and so because he was not able to be there, he stayed in constant communication, with his sympathizers at the 1888 General Conference. Butler sent them telegrams, telling them what to do. He sent them telegrams saying “stand by the old landmarks” or “hold the fort.” Implying that they needed to support the traditional Adventist understandings at that time, not necessarily those new ideas from those up start ministers from the West Coast, so I hope you understand what was going on at the time. And so as E. J. Waggoner presented his views, which Ellen White took great interest in, and listened and said amen, many times, some in the group were becoming restless, and alarmed at what was being presented. So part way through the discussion, Robert Kilgore, who was then the president of the Southern Union Conference, he stood up in the middle of one of E. J. Waggoner’s talk, and he moved that the discussion of righteousness by faith be stopped, until Elder Butler could be present, in order to stop the discussion because it was getting out of hand. Ellen White was actually seated on the platform at that time, and she stood up, and she said “brethren, this is the Lord’s work, does the Lord want his work to wait for Elder Butler? The Lord wants his work to go forward and not wait for any man.” Well after that, nobody said anything and so Elder Waggoner continued his study. The next morning Ellen White had a talk, notice a couple of excerpts from her talk. As you read what she said in the 1888 Materials, you can sense her frustration. There was very little introduction, she just got up and started basically saying this.

1888 Materials 151 Had Brother Kilgore been walking closely with God he never would have walked onto the ground as he did yesterday and made the statement he did in regard to the investigation that is going on. That is, they must not bring in any new light or present any new argument notwithstanding they have been constantly handling the Word of God for years, yet they are not prepared to give a reason of the hope they have because one man is not here. Have we not all been looking into this subject? I never was more alarmed than at the present time. Now, I have been taken down through the first rebellion, and I saw the workings of Satan and I know something about this matter that God has opened before me, and should not I be alarmed? And then to take the position that because Elder Butler was not here that that subject should not be taken up. I know this is not of God and I shall not feel free until I have told you.

Later on she said

1888 Materials 151 Now I am full of pain as I view these things, and how can I help it? Do you think that when I see these things transpiring that I can keep still and say nothing when these things have been shown me? I want to tell you, my brethren, that it is not right to fasten ourselves upon the ideas of any one man.

You will see that this is a common theme in her remarks. We must understand the spirit that was developing, among the attendees at the General Conference of 1888. These facts aren’t very

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well know but they must be brought to your intention, because they are very important. 1888 was not just about the ten horns of Daniel, or the law in Galatians. It had a lot to do with the hearts and the personalities involved, and the pride, that was exhibited. There were some groups among the delegates, that had a different spirit, in fact many of them were led by Conradi whom if you know eventually left the church. There was a spirit of laughter, joking and jesting among the delegates. They would make fun and criticize Waggoner and even Ellen White because it seemed like she was supporting Waggoner. In some of the lodges where these delegates were staying, they were skipping group worships, at night, they weren’t praying anymore. There were few groups that came alarmed at the spirit that was being portrayed, and they begin to pray, but by at large, the spirit was not favorable for Bible study and prayer. Believe it or not there was even heckling occurring during E. J. Waggoner’s presentations. People were openly speaking out and making fun of Waggoner, his stature, the fact that he was short, they would yell out “we can see you,” just to hurt his feelings, and distract him, and it did hurt his feelings but he kept on preaching. Unfortunately no official record was ever kept of E. J. Waggoner’s presentations during that Conference. It wasn’t until later that they been to include, transcript of those in the General Conference bulletins. So all we have are eye witness accounts, the comments that Ellen White made regarding events that happened there, and a book that E. J. Waggoner published shortly after, that basically contained the presentations called Christ and His righteousness. There is no way to summarize; everything he talked about but perhaps this much can be said. What Ellen White called the “matchless charms of Christ,” that winsome message that was supposed to revive the church and bring us back to a true understanding of what righteousness by faith really is. It wasn’t about the Law, now the Law was included, but it wasn’t just the law that made it so precious but it was the Law and the truths of our church in relation to Christ. And so Waggoner when he spoke about the Law, he talked about, the concept that the Law pointed back to the Law Giver, the source of the Law. Waggoner talked about how righteousness by faith was related to Christ. How Christ the Law giver, had come to this earth being fully God, and being fully man, and died for our sins, to appease that Law, but more importantly to provide pardon for our sins, and also to give us victory over those sins, and all of this placed together in the context of Christ was so beautiful. It melted hearts and it had the potential to change lives if you let the message do so. Note: God’s dilemma is that His law shows that He is just, but sinners are condemned by the Law, so in order to save humanity has to blend both mercy and justice, in order for the questions to be settled. Colossians 2:9 was one of Waggoner’s key text.

Col 2:9 For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Referring to Jesus. This was what Waggoner brought up over and over again, that fact that all the fullness of the Godhead was present in Jesus. Then Waggoner would go to Ephesians 3:17.

Eph 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

So just as the fullness of God was dwelling in Christ. By Christ dwelling in us, we also can partake of that fullness.

Eph 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

We receive this fullness by Christ dwelling in us, and that’s how we receive Christ’s righteousness. Waggoner would then explain the many implications of this, and how we can have victory through that same faith, as Christ dwelt in us. Waggoner discussed 1 John 5:4

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1 Jn 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Waggoner discussed how we can have victory through that faith. If you want to learn more about this you have to read Christ and His righteousness. Ellen White indorsed these messages, let’s notice a couple of quotations that she wrote after the 1888 General Conference.

1888 Materials 348 I have had the question asked, "What do you think of this light that these men are presenting? Why, I have been presenting it to you for the last 45 years--the matchless charms of Christ. This is what I have been trying to present before your minds. When Brother Waggoner brought out these ideas in Minneapolis, it was the first clear teaching on this subject from any human lips I had heard, excepting the conversations between myself and my husband. I have said to myself, It is because God has presented it to me in vision that I see it so clearly, and they cannot see it because they have never had it presented to them as I have. And when another presented it, every fiber of my heart said, Amen.

1888 Materials 1336 The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones. This message was to bring more prominently before the world the uplifted Saviour, the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. It presented justification through faith in the Surety; it invited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ, which is made manifest in obedience to all the commandments of God. Many had lost sight of Jesus. They needed to have their eyes directed to His divine person, His merits, and His changeless love for the human family. All power is given into His hands, that He may dispense rich gifts unto men, imparting the priceless gift of His own righteousness to the helpless human agent.

Then she said this.

1888 Materials 1336 This is the message that God commanded to be given to the world. It is the third angel's message, which is to be proclaimed with a loud voice, and attended with the outpouring of His Spirit in a large measure.

Ellen White equated this message with the Loud Cry, and she said that this message was the beginning of the Loud Cry and it could finish the work, however something obviously happened because we are still here, later in that same testimony she wrote.

1888 Materials 1338 For years the church has been looking to man and expecting much from man, but not looking to Jesus, in whom our hopes of eternal life are centered. Therefore God gave to His servants a testimony that presented the truth as it is in Jesus, which is the third angel's message in clear, distinct lines.

So there seem to be two issues that were at the root of the Controversy in 1888. Those two if we can summarize them (1) People begin to look to man, to allow themselves to be controlled, by a person other than God, and not to think for themselves, that allowed people like George Butler, to control the work, to the point where he thought he was infallible. Ellen White said that about Butler, also when she was talking about Brother Kilgore she brought up the text Is 2:22.

Isa 2:22 Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?

This is an important lesson, I think that we can learn, to think for ourselves to not allow one person to be our authority but to allow God to direct our minds and our thoughts as we study. More importantly, the doctrines had become just mere theory, many of the truths that we hold dear, were abstract, and there was an intellectual ascent to the truth with very little practical implication for the life. Ellen White wrote in 1890 that:

RH March 11, 1890 As a people, we have preached the law until we are as dry as the hills of Gilboa that had neither dew nor rain. We must preach Christ in the law, and there will be sap and nourishment in the preaching that will be as food to the famishing flock of God.

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Look at it this way, its like a sunset, think of the most beautiful sunset that you have ever seen in your life. You can look at it two ways, one person may look at the sunset, and they can break down the colors of the spectrum, and the wave lengths, and how they are being filtered out through the atmosphere, they can look at the cloud formations, and they can tell you the meteorological significance of all those things. However they would miss the beautiful colors, they would miss the subtle changes in color, as the sun moved down the horizon. They would miss the Creator, who made that sunset for your enjoyment. That’s kind of what happened. That’s what the 1888 message did. After the less then enthusiastic response from the delegates Ellen White resolved to take the message to the people. She spent about thirteen years, from 1888 to 1901, traveling, from camp meeting to camp meeting, and from church to church, with Jones and Waggoner, presenting this message to the people. This resulted in many revivals starting all over. However the message never took off as it could have. Ellen White was sent to Australia in 1891, and Jones and Waggoner never developed the momentum, and they eventually were split apart as well. The Loud Cry of the third angel never fully gained its power as it should have. Now I do want to mention that there are some groups that study quite extensively. Personally we can be thankful that they have brought this to the forefront of Adventist thinking, because we need to know these things. However some of the ideas, that have come out of those studies, and this includes the idea that the Adventist Church has corporately rejected the message, and as an organization they need to repent of that. I do not believe that that is a Biblical concept. Also some of the other theological concepts that have come out of that such as Forensic Justification-the in Christ Motiff. Those ideas are not apart of the 1888 message, and so those things are efforts to find what was that missing piece of 1888. Why are we not reaping the results of what the 1888 message could have started. I believe that ultimately when you break it down the answer is very simple (1) People look to man, and don’t think for themselves and study, that message of righteousness by faith, the matchless charms of Christ, like we should. Each one of us individually need to do that for ourselves. (2) We need to understand that Christ is the center of our message and look to Him, and not to man. Ultimately, the appeal is that we should not have been born. World War 1 and 2 should never have occurred, AIDS, 911, never should have happened. The 1888 message could have finished the worked, and we are still here, however there is a new generation now, and we have new opportunities, our church is being revived, and being led primarily by young people. All over God’s people are reacquainting themselves with this message of righteousness by faith. Perhaps someday in heaven, we will look back at the history of this world, and make the coming of Christ a reality. As we look to Christ and not to each other and we are melted, by the matchless charms of Christ, that we can be that generation. It’s my prayer that we will be, Maranatha!

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Almost to Canaan In this chapter we will discuss the three very real possibilities in our Adventist History in which Jesus had a very good chance of coming back to this earth. Let’s start in the Bible to gather some context. This was during the time the Israelites were standing at the border of Canaan and they received some bad news from the spies that had been in Canaan for forty days, ten brought back bad news while 2 brought back a good report, and after hearing the bad news they cried.

Num 14:1-6 [1] And all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the people wept that night. [2] And all the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron: and the whole congregation said unto them, Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt! or would God we had died in this wilderness! [3] And wherefore hath the LORD brought us unto this land, to fall by the sword, that our wives and our children should be a prey? were it not better for us to return into Egypt? [4] And they said one to another, Let us make a captain, and let us return into Egypt. [5] Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of the congregation of the children of Israel. [6] And Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, which were of them that searched the land, rent their clothes:

Later on in the chapter both Kaleb and Joshua try to convince the children of Israel to reconsider their decisions not to go to the Promised Land, however they did not. Because of the spirit that they had, because they looked to the advice of men in that situation and they refused to look to God and believe in the promises of God, they decided that they wouldn’t go into the Promised Land. As a result God had some words for them as well.

Num 14:26-34 [26] And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, [27] How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against me. [28] Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you: [29] Your carcases shall fall in this wilderness; and all that were numbered of you, according to your whole number, from twenty years old and upward, which have murmured against me, [30] Doubtless ye shall not come into the land, concerning which I sware to make you dwell therein, save Caleb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun. [31] But your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, them will I bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have despised. [32] But as for you, your carcases, they shall fall in this wilderness. [33] And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and bear your whoredoms, until your carcases be wasted in the wilderness. [34] After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise.

So this last text is one of the text is used for the day year principle but also teaches us an important principle. Notice it says “ye shall know my breach of promise” God’s promised are conditional, each one of them will take place as God has said, if the conditions are met. Even though God had promised and sworn that He would bring the children of Israel into Canaan, because of there unbelief and murmuring. and looking to man God had to breach His problems. In the same way we will see some periods in our early Adventist history, God was very willing to finish the work and come back, but unfortunately our forefathers commit some of the same mistakes, if we learn some of those mistakes and lesson hopefully we will be able to avoid them in our generation today. The events after 1844 where chaotic ones. Some of the group were going back to study the Bible and lay the foundation for what they believed as we discovered last chapters, the truth of the Sabbath, the Sanctuary, the Law of God, the State of the death, the Second Coming of Christ, as these foundations were being led through Bible study, there were those who continued to set dates for the Second Coming of Christ. Some of them close there ears to the truths that were being rediscovered in the Bible. Among those people were William Miller, who was an old man

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now, he was willing to follow the message, the Sabbath and sanctuary messages’ however his younger friends at the time, told him that it wasn’t worth studying or following, unfortunately even he decided to listen to the advice of his friends, and he closed his ears to message. Mrs White Says that

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So he will be in the kingdom of God, but unfortunately because he took the advice of his friends, he was unable to catch the vision and to preach these truths with power, had he done so he may have been in heaven today. Because these people took there eyes off Jesus, they were not able to enter the kingdom of heaven at that time. Mrs. White has a few comments from that time period, she says that there is no failure of God’s promise, the conditions must be met in order for God’s promises to be fulfilled.

Ev 695 No Failure of God's Promises.--The angels of God in their messages to men represent time as very short. Thus it has always been presented to me. It is true that time has continued longer than we expected in the early days of this message. Our Saviour did not appear as soon as we hoped. But has the Word of the Lord failed? Never! It should be remembered that the promises and the threatenings of God are alike conditional.

So the promises and the threatening of God are unlike conditional. Can you remember a time where God threatened to do something and He decided not to do it? The story of Nineveh, God said he would destroy the city in 40 days, the prophet Jonah came and all 120,000 of them repented and God decided to not destroy them. In the same way Ellen White says

Ev 695 Had Adventists, after the great disappointment in 1844, held fast their faith and followed on unitedly in the opening providence of God, receiving the message of the third angel and in the power of the Holy Spirit proclaiming it to the world, they would have seen the salvation of God, the Lord would have wrought mightily with their efforts, the work would have been completed, and Christ would have come ere this to receive His people to their reward. But in the period of doubt and uncertainty that followed the disappointment, many of the advent believers yielded their faith. . . . Thus the work was hindered, and the world was left in darkness. Had the whole Adventist body united upon the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, how widely different would have been our history!

So this is her commentary about this period right after 1844, when they were rediscovering some of the messages.

Ev 695 God had committed to His people a work to be accomplished on earth. The third angel's message was to be given, the minds of believers were to be directed to the heavenly sanctuary, where Christ had entered to make atonement for His people. The Sabbath reform was to be carried forward. The breach in the law of God must be made up. The message must be proclaimed with a loud voice, that all the inhabitants of earth might receive the warning. The people of God must purify their souls through obedience to the truth, and be prepared to stand without fault before Him at His coming.

So these were some of the conditions that God had for His children to fall through with. However because they did not in faith, after the Great Disappointment, go back to the Bible and then practice them in their lives, they unfortunately were not able to follow through and do the things that God wanted them to do. Thus time passed and God decided to wait in mercy, this happened to our advantage you may say, but at the end of the chapter we will learn that it would have been better if it had not happened. Yes we are alive today and the same responsibilities, the same promises are for us today as well, so if we follow through with them God will be faithful. Let’s go to another statement that she talks about this.

Ev 696 For forty years did unbelief, murmuring, and rebellion shut out ancient Israel from the

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land of Canaan. The same sins have delayed the entrance of modern Israel into the heavenly Canaan. In neither case were the promises of God at fault. It is the unbelief, the worldliness, unconsecration, and strife among the Lord's professed people that have kept us in this world of sin and sorrow so many years.--Manuscript 4, 1883. Charge It Not to God.--We may have to remain here in this world because of insubordination many more years, as did the children of Israel; but for Christ's sake, His people should not add sin to sin by charging God with the consequence of their own wrong course of action.--Letter 184, 1901.

So God is not at fault that we are here in this world today. It was God’s intention that right after 1844 in the years following that very soon for His people to proclaim the message to put the law of God in its proper place in the minds of the people and to present Christ to the world, and to give that last warning from God to the world, and the last day events would have happened rapidly and this would have been all done with. However they choose not to do that and so we are still here today. There is also another time, a few years after when God again very close to His people, This was in the 1850s. Elder James White had been studying Revelation, and it was the prevalent belief because of the unity and the love, a lot of them thought that they were part of the Philadelphian church, if you will remember the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3. They felt that that the church of Philadelphia referred to them, however after close study of the Bible, James White realized that the seven churches represent the seven successive periods in church history, and that the time that they were living in was not the Philadelphia church, but was the last church, which was the Laodicean church. Let’s turn there to see the condition of the Laodicean Church, we will learn what God had in mind for His church.

Rev 3:14-18 [14] And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; [15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. [17] Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: [18] I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

So this is the message to the Laodicean church as recorded in Revelation 3, we see that its not a flattering message, but its very pointed, the condition of the church is explained in detail. As James White studied this, he decided that this was something that many people needed to hear. At that time they had started printing a magazine, which they kept in contact with members of the little flock, those who were still believing the truth, so James White sent it out in faith. In the first edition James White asked a series of questions, setting up the stage for this message, those questions logically when you answered them, according to the Bible, led you to realize that the Laodicean message was for that time period and that they were not part of the Philadephian church period. Then the next subsequent articles in the magazine, was to show how this messages was to be applied to their lives. Mrs White received visions that confirmed the messages that were being given. Her messages are found in

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She had some very strong, but powerful messages to the little flock at that time. As you read it you will discover the merciful way in which God tries talks to us about our condition. However at the time that people read it, they really had a change, many people wrote back to the review, saying that they felt that the message had been especially to them, that God was talking to them, and they decided to make changes in their lives, and one of the things that Mrs. White notices was that a real change came upon the people. Many people confessed their sins, made changes

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in their lives, and they decided to follow what was right. They reformed their lives, and the changes existed for a little while, however when a strong message is preached if its not follow through by principle and not only by emotions then that change does not last, and that was the same problem with those who accepted the message at that time. If you remember American history at that time, the nation was gearing up for a civil war and this war, was right upon them, it wasn’t God’s will that it would happen. God was trying to save the world, and especially the United States from this bloody war, and this message was to go out to those people, even if the war did happen, at least many people would have been prepared who would lose their lives in the war. Before they lost their lives God intended that the message of mercy would go out to the world. Also, the reform that should take place amongst God’s people was not affected, and as a result, the effect of the message went way. Ellen White says

1T 186 I was shown that the testimony to the Laodiceans applies to God's people at the present time, and the reason it has not accomplished a greater work is because of the hardness of their hearts. But God has given the message time to do its work. The heart must be purified from sins which have so long shut out Jesus. This fearful message will do its work. When it was first presented, it led to close examination of heart. Sins were confessed, and the people of God were stirred everywhere. Nearly all believed that this message would end in the loud cry of the third angel. But as they failed to see the powerful work accomplished in a short time, many lost the effect of the message.

This was one of the reasons why the message failed to do its work. It’s because people did not see changes in a short time. They didn’t realize that this message was a different message and that the changes that were supposed to take place would take some time, it wouldn’t be forever but that it would take some time, and but weren’t were used to this. The gospel is not a quick fix mechanism, the deep seeded sins in our hearts do not go away by one or two prayers, it takes a struggle, and a close examination of the heart, and careful walking with Christ, in order to remove and renounce the sins in our hearts. This does not happen in an instant. She continues

1T 186 I saw that this message would not accomplish its work in a few short months. It is designed to arouse the people of God, to discover to them their backslidings, and to lead to zealous repentance, that they may be favored with the presence of Jesus, and be fitted for the loud cry of the third angel.

So the message to the Laodicean church is to fit us to be able to give the Loud Cry of the Third Angels message, but we cannot give that message until we have been fitted, until we have the ability to give that message, and it’s impossible to give that message which is a very hard message, until you have made changes in your life, and these changes to not accomplish their work in a few short months, but it takes longer than that to accomplish its work. A lot of time we have weeks of prayer, evangelistic series, prayer emphasis weeks and at the end of the week we feel close to God, however that effect goes away because we fell to realize that the closeness to God has to go on to Jesus comes, we must grow more and more. This message that fits us to give the three angel’s message, takes more then a few months of heart searching and changing, some of the other reason why the Laodicean message fell, was because God wanted to prove His people.

Many moved from feeling, not from principle and faith, and this solemn, fearful message stirred them. It wrought upon their feelings, and excited their fears, but did not accomplish the work which God designed that it should. God reads the heart. Lest His people should be deceived in regard to themselves, He gives them time for the excitement to wear off, and then proves them to see if they will obey the counsel of the True Witness. {1T 186.2}

That was one of the reasons.

1T 187 He brings them up to different points calculated to manifest what is in the heart. Some endure at one point, but fall off at the next. At every advanced point the heart is tested and tried a

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little closer.

Another reason was because people did not go pass a certain point. If the professed people of God find their hearts opposed to this straight work, it should convince them that they have a work to do to overcome, if they would not be spewed out of the mouth of the Lord. Said the angel: "God will bring His work closer and closer to test and prove every one of His people." Some are willing to receive one point; but when God brings them to another testing point, they shrink from it and stand back, because they find that it strikes directly at some cherished idol. Here they have opportunity to see what is in their hearts that shuts out Jesus. They prize something higher than the truth, and their hearts are not prepared to receive Jesus. Individuals are tested and proved a length of time to see if they will sacrifice their idols and heed the counsel of the True Witness. If any will not be purified through obeying the truth, and overcome their selfishness, their pride, and evil passions, the angels of God have the charge: "They are joined to their idols, let them alone," and they pass on to their work, leaving these with their sinful traits unsubdued, to the control of evil angels. Those who come up to every point, and stand every test, and overcome, be the price what it may, have heeded the counsel of the True Witness, and they will receive the latter rain, and thus be fitted for translation.

That was another reason why the message to Laodicea failed, because there were cherished idols. Because of those idols they were chosen instead of Jesus.

1T 188 Some lean upon an old experience which they had years ago; but when brought down to this heart-searching time, when all should have a daily experience, they have nothing to relate. They seem to think that a profession of the truth will save them. When they subdue those sins which God hates, Jesus will come in and sup with them and they with Him. They will then draw divine strength from Jesus, and will grow up in Him, and be able with holy triumph to say: "Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." It would be more pleasing to the Lord if lukewarm professors of religion had never named His name. They are a continual weight to those who would be faithful followers of Jesus. They are a stumbling block to unbelievers, and evil angels exult over them, and taunt the angels of God with their crooked course. Such are a curse to the cause at home or abroad. They draw nigh to God with their lips, while their heart is far from Him.

Just merely saying you believe in the Sabbath, the State of the Dead, that Jesus will come back, will not save us. So one of the reasons was that they leaned on an old experience.

1T 188 I was shown that the people of God should not imitate the fashions of the world. Some have done this, and are fast losing the peculiar, holy character which should distinguish them as God's people. I was pointed back to God's ancient people, and was led to compare their apparel with the mode of dress in these last days.

Unfortunately the children of God were starting to become more like the world, speaking, dressing like the world and so forth. As a result the Laodicean message failed. She also went on to talk about systematic benevolence which they had started, and the powerfulness of this system to help fix, the natural covetousness that we have as humans. The revival failed,

GC 478 It is only as the law of God is restored to its rightful position that there can be a revival of primitive faith and godliness among His professed people.

Because the Law of God did not take the key part in people’s hearts, and the change was not effected in them, because they expected it to be a quick thing, the message was let go. The fearful results of rejecting the Laodcean message was shown after that, they went through a Civil War when thousands of people died every single day on the battlefield. Many hundreds of thousands were wounded permanently because of that war. There was another time period, a few years after that that God came again to His people, this was during the 1880s. God came close to His people. It was not a specific time, it was more over a few years, that God came close again. Next chapter we will discuss the 1888 General Conference and what could have been. It’s

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a fascinating time in our churches history. To set the stage for it, and to gleam a few things form that period. There were two individuals, that God used to help spread the message to God’s people. The message preached was not a new message, but the same one as before, justification by faith. However from 1844 to around the 1880s, God’s people had become very efficient in doing God’s work, and while efficiency is to be admired, consecration is what God wants. God’s people had taken the message that He had given them to be proclaimed to the world, and had made it some kind of machinery. As a result people would preach these message, that Ellen White called as being “dry as the hills of Gilboa” they were just dry messages. Christ was not in those messages, Christ was to be the center of our message. In the 1840s, people preached the message, because they believed that Christ was coming soon, so Christ was a very important part of that message. The messengers of the 1830s and 1840s dreamed of being with Christ, but somehow, Christ was dropped off from those messages. The message became a hard harsh, method, a clanging symbol, during this time period. So God raised up people to bring the focus back on Jesus. These two men A. T. Jones, and Ellet J. Waggoner, were young at the time. Jones was 38 at the time of the General Conference, and Waggoner was 33. The two men were opposites, Jones was a self taught man (everything he knew he had taught himself), who possessed a near photographic memory; he had been through the army. Waggoner was a doctor or physician, he had gone through a real medical school, and had spent years of study. He was a more gentle, refined man. Both of them combined together to work at Signs of the Times in California. During there time working together they rediscovered some truths and they begin to proclaim them as they rediscovered them. However because of unbelief and because of the wrong spirit towards each other, both by Jones and Waggoner, and the senior leaders of the Adventist church at the time, these feelings overflowed until the church was split into two camps. They were split over some of the most trivial things. As a result God was un able to come during that time period. In the next chapter we will discuss what actually happened during that time period. We are going to continue to cover time periods in our Adventist History until we come to our present time. You will see that we are living in a very unique time. God has come again to the Adventist Church, and the chance that we have to enter into Heaven is just as real as the chance our fore fathers had to enter into heaven, in the 1840s, 1850s, and the 1880s. The only way that we won’t make the mistakes that our fore fathers made, the mistakes of unbelief, looking to man, is to keep our eyes on Jesus. If you ever want to take one sentence to describe the 1880s, it would be looking to man. Those in the 1880s looked to man instead of Christ. If we are to take the Laodicean message and to put it into practice in our lives, and make the changes that it requires, and as God presents those changes, if we make them. We will find ourselves giving the Third Angel’s message, and seeing Jesus come. God’s promises are the same as they were yesterday, today, and forever, however they are conditionals and He has come very close to us today, and if we follow through with those promises God will fulfill those promises in us. However if we decide, to go the way of our fore fathers then those promises of God will lapse. God will raise up another generation that will put Jesus as the center of the message. A generation that will make those required changes in their lives, and will fulfill, the message and the mission that God has for his church. As we study these three time periods in our church history, don’t do it just to know what happened, but study to avoid those mistakes, pray that God will make that change in our live so that we will ultimately be able to see Jesus come. We are almost to Canaan again, Maranatha!

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Confirmation & Expansion: 1888 – 1940 Church Apostasy During this section we will mostly take the time to discuss some of the wrong decisions that have been made in our past history, hoping that they would not be repeated.

Sanitarium Fire Because of the size of Battle Creek Printing press, they needed to start printing outside material. Because of the size of the Sanitarium they need to hire outside help, making it very secular.

Ev 696 It was not the will of God that the coming of Christ should be thus delayed. God did not design that His people, Israel, should wander forty years in the wilderness. He promised to lead them directly to the land of Canaan, and establish them there a holy, healthy, happy people. But those to whom it was first preached, went not in "because of unbelief." Their hearts were filled with murmuring, rebellion, and hatred, and He could not fulfill His covenant with them. For forty years did unbelief, murmuring, and rebellion shut out ancient Israel from the land of Canaan. The same sins have delayed the entrance of modern Israel into the heavenly Canaan. In neither case were the promises of God at fault. It is the unbelief, the worldliness, unconsecration, and strife among the Lord's professed people that have kept us in this world of sin and sorrow so many years.--Manuscript 4, 1883.

Feb 8, 1902 there was a fire in the Sanitarium it burnt to the ground, the staff were able to get every body out of the fire, one man went to get this wallet and burnt to death. The fire engines could not put the fire out.

SpTB06.5 Today we received the sad news of the burning of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. For many weeks I have had a heartache that has made my nights very restless. I would at this time speak words of wisdom, but what can I say? We are afflicted with those whose life interests are bound up in this institution. Let us pray that this calamity shall work together for good to these, who must feel it very deeply. We can indeed weep with those that weep.

The reason for this fire was that they went against the counsel of the Lord. Before the fire the advice from the prophet was to build small Sanitarium outside of every city. The leaders rejected this advice and paid the price. After the fire the counsel was given again, and that was not to rebuild. “by written messages and fire from the lord” – Sp TB06

Printing Press Fire One day Daniells told Kellogg to write a book to help and liquidate the debt for the Sanitarium. Upon the completion of The Living Temple by Kellogg, they asked if they would print his book? Spicer told Kellogg not to do it. They ordered the paper and the plates and on December 30 1902 around 7:30 pm the fire started.

PM 171 A Fulfillment of Warnings.--Today I received a letter from Elder Daniells [General Conference president] regarding the destruction of the Review office by fire. I feel very sad as I consider the great loss to the cause. I know that this must be a very trying time for the brethren in charge of the work and for the employees of the office. I am afflicted with all who are afflicted. But I was not surprised by the sad news, for in the visions of the night I have seen an angel standing with a sword as of fire stretched over Battle Creek. Once, in the daytime while my pen was in my hand, I lost consciousness, and it seemed as if this sword of flame were turning first in one direction and then in another. Disaster seemed to follow disaster.

There could have been no more evidence that God was not happed by this arrangement. These

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fires destroyed the things that were being used to go against God.

5BIO 225 As some of the board members stood and watched the flames, there must have come to their minds one sentence in a letter from Ellen White, written from California and addressed to the manager of the Review and Herald. It had been read to the board thirteen months earlier: "I have been almost afraid to open the Review, fearing to see that God has cleansed the publishing house by fire."--8T, p. 91

Mr. Weeks said there is something strange about your Seventh-day Adventist fires, its like pouring gas on the fire.

1SM 204 The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure.

Views on Ellen White Now let’s take some more time to discuss certain views that people had about Ellen White. It’s very important to notice that those who rejected the Gift of Prophecy eventually lost their way, and left the fellowship of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Who was Sister White?

A faithful messenger from God Or a false messenger

She can only be one of the following

Her writings lead men and women to the kingdom Her writings lead men and women to eternal death

She can only be one of the following

She was under the power of the Holy Spirit Or she was under the power of the devil

She can only be one of the following

She was a good women Or she was a deceiver and a wicked women

Can a false prophet make a true prophecy? Yes, how? With the works of Satan. Can a true prophet make a false prophecy? No, but it cannot be fulfilled, because of the conditional change? The people change not God. All have sinned, wages of sin is death – therefore how can a man be saved? Because he repents, God doesn’t change, we do. There were a number of people at the beginning of the Spirit of Prophecy who didn’t believe her, so this is not a new thing it’s just becoming more and more frequent. There was a period of time when the doctrines are not presented, it become a no mans land, and then, 20 years latter they bring out their attacks on these points and people just accept it because they have never studied it. Some people say she is safe to rely on for salvation, but not for science or history. This is one of the statements made today. If we can’t trust her in science, how can we trust her in

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matters of salvation? We can’t take her counsel, but we can for her doctrine, this is another common statement. When they say she is a false prophet, and then they show from the bible how the prophets failed as well, this takes away the foundation of the Bible. Many people don’t want her to be a true prophet, because of how straight her testimonies are. Some of the objections

Her writings are very legalistic. o “A legal religion has been thought quite the correct religion for this time. But it is

a mistake. The rebuke of Christ to the Pharisees is applicable to those who have lost from the heart their first love. A cold, legal religion can never lead souls to Christ; for it is a loveless, Christless religion.”{1SM 388}

Called a perfectionist o She connects this with spiritualism o ”God will not entrust the care of His precious flock to men whose mind and

judgment have been weakened by former errors that they have cherished, such as so-called perfectionism [SEE APPENDIX.] and Spiritualism, and who, by their course while in these errors, have disgraced themselves and brought reproach upon the cause of truth. Although they may now feel free from error and competent to go forth and to teach this last message,” {EW 101}

o This was being reference to the “Holy Flesh” movement.

She says so much about “sanctification” compared to “justification” and this makes her unbalanced.

o If you go to the bible you will find, that sanctification is used more then the word justification

o “When God pardons the sinner, remits the punishment he deserves, and treats him as though he had not sinned, He receives him into divine favor, and justifies him through the merits of Christ's righteousness.” {1SM 389.1} – Justification by faith

o Justified and Righteous is the same root word in Greek {1SM 355-405}, {TM 89-98}, {3SM 156-204}

o There is over 120 pages that deal with justification by faith. Some main streams of false believe in the Spirit of Prophecy

1. One group says that after 1884 you can’t follow Ellen G White’s writings, because they were tamped with.

2. The second groups said that the Spirit of Prophecy from 1892 to day is okay. After she made the statement that she may have to pass through the tomb.

i. {5T 80-81, 207-216} – Written 1889 regarding Satan in angel robes. Sealing of God’s people.

Her writings after 1884 volume four of the Spirit of Prophecy or the Great Controversy. Then there was a 1888 edition of the Great Controversy, then there was the 1911 edition of the Great Controversy. Here we have three editions written over different periods; if we say that the writings after 1884 have been tampered, which means you can only use the first edition of the 1884 and we cannot use the 1888 or the 1911. The changes are dealing more with making it useable for the public. The 1st edition is more for the Advent message; the 2nd edition is more for mission work.

1884 – was “written more fully” 1911 – “The book pleases me”

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3SM 123 A few days ago I received a copy of the new edition of the book Great Controversy, recently printed at Mountain View, and also a similar copy printed at Washington. The book pleases me. I have spent many hours looking through its pages, and I see that the publishing houses have done good work. The book Great Controversy I appreciate above silver or gold, and I greatly desire that it shall come before the people. While writing the manuscript of Great Controversy, I was often conscious of the presence of the angels of God. And many times the scenes about which I was writing were presented to me anew in visions of the night, so that they were fresh and vivid in my mind.

If we believe these things then we would have to discount “Steps to Christ”, “Desire of Christ”, and “Thoughts on the Mount of Blessing”. Godhead – Holy Spirit

Ev 616-617 We need to realize that the Holy Spirit, who is as much a person as God is a person, is walking through these grounds. . . . The Holy Spirit has a personality, else He could not bear witness to our spirits and with our spirits that we are the children of God. He must also be a divine person, else He could not search out the secrets which lie hidden in the mind of God. . . . The prince of the power of evil can only be held in check by the power of God in the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. DA 669 The Holy Spirit is Christ's representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally. Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His successor on earth. AA 52-53 It is not essential for us to be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is. . . . The nature of the Holy Spirit is a mystery. Men cannot explain it, because the Lord has not revealed it to them. Men having fanciful views may bring together passages of Scripture and put a human construction on them, but the acceptance of these views will not strengthen the church. Regarding such mysteries, which are too deep for human understanding, silence is golden. DA 671 Sin could be resisted and overcome only through the mighty agency of the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power.

Movements against the Spirit of Prophecy Now let’s discuss some of the direct movements against the Spirit of Prophecy.

Messenger Party (1853-54)

This was the first off shoot from the Adventist Church. It was led by H.S. Case and C.P. Russell these two people were rebuked by Ellen G White and then they started teaching that the Spirit of Prophecy was false. Every one who leaves the Seventh-day Adventist church leaves the Sanctuary message. It collapsed after two years. Some of those who had left and joined the movement came back and repented.

Marion party (Hope of Israel Party) (1860’s)

The party was started by the president Snook of the Iowa conference, Bonberboff was a former lawyer, they became the fore runner of the Church of God seventh day. When D Ford was kicked out of the church he spoke a lot in their churches. Their passion is to go against the Spirit of Prophecy.

Duddly Canright (1840-1919)

He was an early pioneer preacher for the Seventh-day Adventist church. In the 1870’s he was preaching in the Sunday church in Chicago, it was very powerful sermon, he asked his friend to

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ask him to tell him what he thought of the sermon. The went to a park and sat down, he didn’t tell him what he thought, he had forgot about it, the next words from Duddly was “I would be a famous preacher, if it were not for this unpopular message.” He went back and forth, but in the end he left the church and joined the Baptist Church. Book - “Greatest of the all the Prophets” Standish

Louis Conradie (1856-1939)

Was the youngest delegate to the 1888 GC he was among them that rejected the message, as a result because Ellen G White endorsed the message he started to oppose the Spirit of Prophecy. He became the president of the European Conference (in Germany), he lead the people to Europe to reject the Spirit of Prophecy. Was responsibility to write to the Kizar, the leader of Germany, and the King of England, and the rulers of Russia. He wrote a letter saying that Seventh-day Adventists would take up arms to fight for the father land. This was the beginning of the split of the Seventh-day Adventist church in to the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Church. They called themselves the “two percent” because that was about all that would not fight, they stood on “Thou shall not Kill, and Remember the Sabbath Day”. The GC reacted in a shocking way. The General Conference President A.G. Daniels, 1901-1922 the longest running president in the Seventh-day Adventist church. He spoke against the reform church movement. He supported someone because he had a position. The Seventh-day Adventist Reform church would not form until 1925 because they still had hopes of being apart of the GC. The General Conference took Conradie out of the president of Europe and put him into the sectary to the GC. In the end he left he Seventh-day Adventist church and joined the Seventh-day Baptist Church. He then fathered a child outside of marriage, dying in 1939.

Albion Ballinger (1861-1921)

He was appointed to work in England; he revived some of the Protestant theology, what we would call new theology. As he moved away from the Seventh-day Adventist doctrine, he moved away from the Spirit of Prophecy and the sanctuary message. He came back to the USA and started writing things about the new doctrine, the leaders took action, and the error didn’t have much effect. In the end he was put out from the church.

1919 Bible Conference

This was a special conference. They bought in Bible Teachers from the colleges, editors from our papers, history teachers from our colleges, and some chosen leaders from the Northern-American conference. Much of the time was given to the Spirit of Prophecy they talked about the role it plays in the church. This was a critical step in the apostasy in the Seventh-day Adventist church. Everything that was spoken was taken down. In the 1970’s it was discovered that they were seriously questioning the Spirit of Prophecy these were men of leadership. Only 4 years after the death of Spirit of Prophecy did this rise of lack of belief in the Spirit of Prophecy. W.W. Prescott made a statement that it was time to tell the truth. Daniels, the then conference president asked the question “are any of you going to leave here and tell them that the conference president doesn’t believe in the Spirit of Prophecy?” This was a great aid to the New Theology.

Events of the 1930s

The following events took place mostly during the Presidency of Charles H Watson, the only Australian GC President. He died in 1962. He was a very successful business man, and at the beginning of the Great Depression, he was asked to help the Church to get in finical order. Three events that happened in the first part of the 1930’s

1. Accreditation in 1931. From (1874-1930) the church was run without accreditation.

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Andreasen, the man who stood during the Questions on Doctrine apostasy, was the person who pushed for accreditation Colombia Union College was the first college to get it.

a. College min 40% of staff must have doctorates b. University min 60% of staff must have doctorates c. In 1935 at high level conference, two man (both GCVP) spoke up both were to

become GC presidents, McElhany (GCP 1936-50) and Branson (GCP 1950-54) they said that things are going bad, our schools are going worldly. Andrews never had a gym till 1948.

2. Theological Seminary 1932 – The vote was taken to have a seminary. In 1937 they built it. It was started at the GC in the south building in Washington DC. They had three men, all Seventh-day Adventist‘s Dr Vic, Dr Hilgert, Alexandria.

3. Church Manual 1932 – This was 49 years after George Butler said that there we will never have a church manual.

William W Fletcher

He was in charge of the Southern Asian Division which was India then. He was an Australian. On a visit there Conradie talked to him and convinced him in his views. Which was “new theology” He then was made the head of the Bible Department of Avondale College. He soon began to teach these new views. The leadership in the church then was much more determined to keep the truth pure. In 1928 the GC sent Fletcher to the USA GC and they spent 2 weeks to try and get him back to the fundamentals of the Seventh-day Adventist church. After two weeks they dismissed him from the domination work.

Robert Greive

Robert Greive was a student of Fletcher, he was the president of the South-East Queensland conference, he was transferred to the North New Zealand conference 1950’s many students at Avondale students who interned under him left the faith and never came back. A.H. Piper (who lived with Sister White) was placed as head of the department after the General Conference dismissed Fletcher. “When Piper took over Fletcher’s office, found many of the Plymouth Brethren books.” The basis of the New Theology is the same theology as Plymouth Brethren. While he was the Conference President on the South Queensland Conference he was a pig farmer.

Roy Allan Anderson

Another Australian Seventh-day Adventist became infected by Fletcher, Roy Allan Anderson; he was one of the three authors of the book “Questions on Doctrine” He was running an crusade in England and Conradie meet him there and told him that they could take over Europe.

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A Rebellious People: 1940 – 1990 The History of Questions on Doctrine In this chapter we will be discussing a very important topic, in the history of our church. Now the history of questions on Doctrine is controversial. The book had recently been republished in 2003 it was called the annotated edition. The book was originally published around 1957, so the book has been around for over fifty years now. The effect that this book has had on the theology of the church is pretty profound, that is what we will be discussing today. In the annotated edition George Knight wrote an introduction, and his very first sentence, the very first thing he says is “Questions on doctrine easy qualifies as the most devise book in Seventh-day Adventist history, a book published to help bring peace between Adventism and conservative Protestantism, its release brought prolong alienation and separation to the Adventist factions that grew up around it.” So that’s one historian’s take on the effect of Questions on Doctrine. The first question just to look at the background is, why was Questions on Doctrine published? Seventh-day Adventist had a pretty good grasp of what their beliefs where, so what was the background that led them to publish a book about the doctrines of Adventism. Well the story begins with a conference president by the name of T. E Unruh. T. E Unruh was president of the East Pennsylvania conference. He was listening to a protestant theologian by the name of Donald Barnhouse give studies on the righteousness by faith from the book of Romans, and T. E Unruh is a conference president of the Adventist church he writes a letter to Donald Barnhouse and tells him that he has been very blessed by the messages of righteousness by faith that Barnhouse had been teaching on his radio program. Donald Barnhouse expressed great surprise, that a Seventh-day Adventist leader would find “light” so to speak in the teaching of righteousness by faith, by a non-Adventist. This particular theologian Donald Barnhouse just assumed that Adventist were off on a certain wing and that they would not have anything in common with what he was teaching, with respect to righteousness by faith. And the truth of the matter is that’s the way it should have been. Now what happened to prove the statement made, is that Barnhouse, writes back to T. E. Unruh and says nice to hear from you, maybe we can meet for lunch sometime. T. E Unruh says hey that’s a good idea, I’m sending you the book steps to Christ so that you can read it, so that can give us some open dialogue to talk about righteousness by faith when we meet. So Donald Barnhouse reads the book Steps to Christ, and he writes back and says to T. E Unruh “Steps to Christ with respect to righteousness by faith is false in all its parts,” and says this book is totally wrong with respect to righteousness by faith, so to T. E Unruh’s credit, he sort of backed off, and said well maybe I don’t want to talk to Barnhouse because T. E Unruh of course believed in Steps to Christ as well but somehow he liked what he was hearing from Donald Barnhouse. After that interchange, Barnhouse became more interested in what Seventh-day Adventist believe, and so he dispatched and young man who was working with him, by the name of Walter Martin, and these names should be fairly familiar to you, if you are familiar with Adventist history. Walter Martin contacted Barnhouse and he said that he wanted to have a sit down meeting to find out exactly what Seventh-day Adventist believe on several key issues. Martin told Barnhouse, that he didn’t want to talk to just any Seventh-day Adventist, I want to talk to the leader theologians of the church, I don’t want to waste my time with the people down here I want to go the very top. That’s actually a very reasonable request if you think about it. Why would you talk to somebody who may or may not speak for the church, when you can go straight to the top guy so to speak, so that’s what Walter Martin wanted, and he told Barnhouse and some of the other leaders, that by that point he had respect for Adventist,, he had read over forty books by Seventh-day Adventist authors, and he wanted to find out more about what Seventh-day Adventist believe. Eventually the group of Adventist leaders that eventually sat down with Barnhouse and Martin

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were Leroy Froom, W E Reid, George Cannon, and Roy Allan Anderson. Some of these names maybe familiar some of them may not be. Le Roy Froom had been the director of the General Conference Ministerial Association for 1941 to 1950. When these meetings took place between the two sides it was 1955-1956, but Le Roy Froom still had considerable influence within the General Conference. W. E. Reid was a field secretary of the General Conference. George R. Cannon was a professor of theology, at Niachic Missionary College in New York, and Roy Allen Anderson was the then director of the General Conference Ministerial Association. Now you will notice that there is a key omission of leading theologians of the Adventist church from that time. The key omission is M.L. Andreasen. M.L. Andreasen was the leading theologian on sanctuary theology, on atonement theology, on the book of Hebrews, and a lot of key issues with respect of salvation, but he was left out of that committee. We’ve never been given a good reason as to why but we can come up with some reasons. We will discuss a little bit more about Andreasen later. Now when the Committee met, Barnhouse and Martin, had four theological points that they had concern with, with respect of what Seventh-day Adventist believed. Here are the four points that up front Martin and Barnhouse told the Adventist that they had serious issues with.

1. That the atonement of Christ was not completed upon the cross (that’s an interesting issue)

2. Salvation is a result of grace plus the works of the law (of course we know that Adventist have been accused through the years as being legalist, so this was one of their contentions)

3. That the Lord Jesus Christ was a created being, not from all eternity (it is true that some pioneers believed that Jesus was a created being).

4. That Jesus partook of man’s sinful fallen nature at the incarnation

So the issue of Salvation being the result of grace plus the works of the law really wasn’t as much of a problem we could show from the Bible that we didn’t really believe that. Also that Jesus was a created being not from all eternity, we could show how Ellen White clearly shows that Jesus had been through all eternity and was not a created being, so that wasn’t a problem. Also, Ellen White’s writings were also clear that are own works don’t save us, and we can show from the Bible that same concept but the issue of the atonement and the nature of Christ quickly become a sticking point in the discussion, because one of the issues that has not been mentioned yet is that, Martin and Barnhouse, were working on a book of various denominations and they were deciding whether or not to include Seventh-day Adventist was one of the denominations that would be a cult, and of course Froom and some of the other leaders didn’t want these leading Evangelicals to identify them as a cult. Martin and Barnhouse were basically saying that these four points, if you say that Jesus had a fallen nature, if you say that the atonement wasn’t finished at the cross, we are going to identify you as a cult, so that was sort of the pressure that was being applied to the Adventist group of leaders.

Now here was the problem for Le Roy Froom. Froom was sort of spear heading this work. Froom took a poll of Adventist leaders and nearly all of them believed that Jesus had a fallen human nature so most Seventh-day Adventist leaders in 1955 and 1956, believed that Jesus had a fallen human nature, so how are you going to tell Martin and Barnhouse, something else, when most of your leaders believe the very same, thing that believe makes you a cultic denomination. That puts you between a rock and a hard place, if you don’t to be identified as a cult. Now this raises some questions for me as we get into some of the issues. First of all why did we need to have a dialogue with Martin and Barnhouse? It’s a rhetorical question, why did we need to have a meeting with them? Now let’s think about it in this context. Notice this point. Martin and Barnhouse came from mainline Protestant denominations, and the truth of the matter is, they were coming from some of the daughter churches of the mother in Revelation, which means that they are part of Babylon. Now here is something to consider, is it

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wrong to dialogue with Babylon? Do we remember what John the Baptist did when they were questioning the truthfulness of his ministry? What did John the Baptist do?

John 1:23 He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

John the Baptist pointed them to prophecy. John the Baptist knew his identity, and how he fit into prophecy. Do you know where we are in Bible prophecy? I believe that if we knew how we fit in prophecy this event would have resulted in a more positive outcome. Instead we treated this situation like Hezekiah, and mostly showed the Babylonians, all the wonderful things that we had, things that we could agree with them on. It’s not wrong to dialogue with Babylon, if you take the opportunity to defend your faith. If you are defending the faith, maybe, some bright minds in Babylon will see the truths of the Bible and say hey you’ve got it; I’m coming to the fold. It doesn’t seem that this representative group of Adventist leaders was trying to do that with Martin and Barnhouse, but we just trying to say hey, we are on the same team here. Now in the Bible a very similar scenario happened with King Hezekiah. Leaders from Babylon come to God’s people and they say what is it that you have? Hezekiah instead of saying we have the truth of God committed to us, let me show you the special message that God has given to us, so that you can receive salvation as well, instead Hezekiah shows the leaders Babylon, his riches, that they were apart of the same team, they had riches in Babylon, we have riches in Jerusalem, let’s just all get along. Also, it seems that Martin and Barnhouse didn’t get a full picture of what Seventh-day Adventist believe, they got a lot of what Seventh-day Adventist believe, and actually much of what is in Questions on Doctrine is truth, there is a lot of truth in the book, its not 100% error, but that’s what makes it even more problematic really. So that is one of the issues. So first of all, why were we dialoging with Martin and Barnhouse? If our motives were dialoging with them, is so that we would avoid being classified as a cult, if you ask me, I’ll take being called a cult any day over compromising God’s truth. However that didn’t seem to be the issue or concern with Le Roy Froom and some of the other leaders. Here was the other problem. Martin and Barnhouse, drew the line in the sand and said if you believe Jesus had a sinful nature, if you believe that the atonement, was finished at the cross, you’re a cult. Well why would they say that? It’s helpful for us to understand the theological background that Martin and Barnhouse were coming from. Martin and Barnhouse came from Protestant denominations that had a Calvinist background, but Calvinist background of course has a predestination overtone to it, free will is minimized and with that background, what you end up having is predestination, the idea that we are all born sinners without a choice, some of us are saved, some of us our lost. And obviously Jesus would have to take an unfallen nature if we are born sinners, and the atonement was finished at the cross because once Jesus died on the cross that took care of the sin problem, that’s it. So that’s sort of the Calvinist way of thinking, and the Adventist background, came from an Arminian-Wesleyian background which taught the concept of free-will that when we are born into this world, we are free agents to choose good or evil and because of that Jesus could take the same nature as us (and He did), and He showed us how to live an obedient life, when Jesus died on the cross He made a complete sacrifice, then He goes to heaven to finish the atonement, and as Seventh-day Adventist, we believe that anti-typical day of atonement, begin on October 22, 1844. So immediately you have a problem if you believe that the atonement was finished at the cross, and at the same time you are teaching that we are living under the anti-typical day of the atonement. How can the atonement be finished at the cross, and we be living in the anti-typical day of atonement in 1844 at the same time? That’s hard to mesh, so what Froom and the other leaders were trying to do to reach an agreement between a Calvinist mindset of predestination and every, things was finished at the cross with an Arminian-Wesleyian-Adventist background of free-will, its like trying to mix, oil, and water, the two don’t go together. Maybe Froom didn’t see that but if read some of the books about the history of Questions on Doctrine, Froom was more of a historian, then he was a theologian (as seen with the Prophetic Faith of our Fathers). Now I’m not saying that he didn’t know anything about theology, he did, but with respect to understanding the implications of cause to effect,

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from point A to point Z, of a theological implication, perhaps Froom didn’t understand what was happening and other theologians saw that. One theologian by the name of Francis D. Nickel for example let’s read what he said. F. D. Nickel was a long time editor of the Review, he wrote books such as the Midnight Cry, Ellen G. White and Her Critics, Answers to Objections, he was a defender of the faith, and he knew our message. Nickel said on page 37 of Fork in the Road, by Hebert Douglass, he wrote to the General Conference president of the time and he said that “many of us on mature consideration are unable to support the material in this book.” Hebert Douglass continues Nickel “feared that the QOD trio [which was Froom Reed, and Anderson] had either not sensed as they should, the full importance of the most distinctive doctrinal differences with the world, or else unwittingly succumbed to the temptation to blur deficiencies in order to find a middle ground of fellow ship.” So here was a leading Adventist, remember Nickel, was the editor of the Review, and he is saying this just doesn’t make any sense here. Behind the scene, some of the associated editors of the Review, and editors of the Bible commentary, had access to the original manuscripts, because one of the, editors or people over seeing the book, possibly Murwhen Thurber was giving them an inside look. What many of us don’t know perhaps is that a lot of the material that would have been in QOD was taken out by some of the faithful Adventist, who said you can’t put that in a book about Adventist doctrine, we don’t know what that doctrine was, but there reached a point where Froom dug in and said that’s enough, what we have is what we are going with, and thus that is what we have in the book Questions on Doctrine. Now that we have talked about some of the background, let’s look at some of the theology of the book. There were forty-eight questions that were asked by this panel. If you look at the inside cover, it says prepared by a representative group of Seventh-day Adventist leaders, Bible teachers, and editors, but that was three people. You can decided for yourself if that is representative. We discussed about the nature of Christ, and the atonement already, but lets go to the remnant. Here is a problem from the beginning because Seventh-day Adventist have always believed that we are the remnant church of Revelation. Here comes members of the fallen churches of Babylon and they ask and this is page 186 of the original edition of QOD, they said “it is alleged that Seventh-day Adventist teach that hey alone constitute the finally completed remnant church mentioned in the book of Revelation, is this true or do Seventh-day Adventist recognize by the remnant those in every denomination who remain faithful to the scriptures, and the faith once delivered unto the saints. Do Adventist maintain that they alone are the only true witnesses of the living God in our age” and so forth. So here is the answer and this is page 187 of QOD they said “we believe that the prophecy of Revelation 12:17 points to the experience and work of the Seventh-day Adventist church, but we do not believe that we alone constitute the true children of God.” Now first of all, did they answer the question? They say well hey, we are part of the remnant, but there are God’s children in every church. So its sort of like a politician evading the question, they aren’t really saying there, well, we only constitute the remnant, they say well yes we are a part of the remnant, but yes God has His children in every church, but that doesn’t answer the question and admittedly if you are trying to reach common ground with people that are apart of Babylon, and there saying, oh you’re the remnant and we’re not oh really? So you start to see the compromising mentality and then it gets more interesting. On page 192 of QOD they say “Seventh-day Adventist firmly because that God has a precious remnant a multitude of earnest sincere believers in every church, not accepting the Roman Catholic communion, who are living up to all the light that God has given them.” So now they are saying that the remnant is in every church, now lets ask the question. What is the Biblical definition of the remnant in Rev 12:17, those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus Christ. Now can you be a child of God and be observing Sunday? Yes you can, if you don’t know about the truth of the Sabbath, you can be God’s child and be observing Sunday, but does that make you part of the remnant, Biblically speaking no it doesn’t, that is why the remnant calls people out of Babylon, notice the remnant calls God’s people out of Babylon. So those are God’s people but there in Babylon. So that is a key distinguishing point, and that was not address in Questions on Doctrine, but was totally minimized and diminished. So then the

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next question logically is Babylon, so now notice this. This is question #21 page 197 of QOD the question is “do Seventh-day Adventist teach or believe as a body, that the members of the various Protestant denominations, as well as the Catholic, Greek, and Russian Orthodox churches are to be identified with Babylon as a symbol of apostasy?” and the one word answer is yes, but that’s not to say that God doesn’t have His children in those churches, God does, that why we call them out, now here is the answer to the question, in QOD, they say “we fully recognize the heartening fact that a host of true followers of Christ are scattered through the various churches of Christendom, including the Roman Catholic communion, these God clearly recognizes as His own, now that’s true God recognizes them as His people, that’s why He says come out of here in Rev 18 right? So these are His people, that is a true statement, here is the next sentence “such do not form a part of the Babylon portrayed in the Apocalypse” now if that’s the case, then why we call them out? Do you see the point? If God’s true people who are in the Babylonian churches, are not part of Babylon, why do we call them out? So essentially there is no need for our message if we don’t need to call them out, so you have just destroyed the three angel’s messages without argument, now they go on to say that they believe that the papacy is Babylon, and that other churches can be Babylon as well, but there saying God’s faithful in Babylon aren’t really part of Babylon, so, these are true distinctive doctrines, and yet we start to talk about the nature of Christ and the atonement, now those are important obviously, but the remnant and Babylon, that’s crucial, and it’s interesting at the 50th anniversary of the QOD conference, all of the papers were about the nature of Christ, and the atonement, but none were about Babylon or the remnant. There should have been some discussion about that. Now we are going to get into some of the more controversial areas, like the nature of Christ. As I mentioned earlier Froom took a poll of Seventh-day Adventist leaders, and nearly all of them believed that Jesus had fallen human nature, Now lets see what Froom and company say about Christ, in their appendix about the nature of Christ they have a whole appendix of documents, the famous heading on page 650 of the original edition is says Christ “took sinless human nature” now that’s there view and if they want to say, this is what we believe about the nature of Christ, yes we can study but if you want to say this is what I believe its ok, but remember they are saying that we are representative leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist church, and most leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist church said Jesus took a fallen human nature at that time in the Adventist church’s history, while that may not be true now, but it was back then. Now notice what they said, they say that Jesus took the sinless nature, and then they have some quotes that are worth quoting, like Signs of the Times June 9, 1898 where Ellen White says “We should have no misgivings in regard to the perfect sinlessness of the human nature of Christ.” That kind of makes it sound like that Jesus had a sinless human nature of Christ if that’s the only quote that you read, but Ellen White did say that. Ellen White says also, “as the sinless One, His nature recoiled from evil” and if you read the rest of the quote she says and so it may be with us. So they just put part of the quote in there. Now this is where things get interesting, then they say in regard to Jesus nature, with respect to the weakness that human beings have they say “He [Jesus] bore them in His perfect sinless nature again we remark in pages 59 and 60, Christ bore all this “vicariously, just as vicariously he bore the iniquities, of us all.” So notice what they are saying, and I’m not sure that any Seventh-day Adventist believe this day. They say that Jesus, was a human being vicariously, that He really wasn’t a human being, that He came and just as He bore the sins of our world, even though He didn’t sin, he bore our sins vicariously, and we believe that, and yet they say Jesus boar a human nature vicariously, now that’s a problem because the Bible nor Ellen White teach that, and then notice what they say, “it is in this sense that all should understand the writings of Ellen G. White when she refers occasionally to sinful, fallen, and deteriorated human nature, and then they quote a few things, we read that Jesus took our nature, He took upon Himself human nature, He took the nature of man, He took our sinful nature,, He took our fallen nature, He took man’s nature in its fallen condition, then they said all these “are forceful cogent statements, but surely one would designedly attach a meaning to them which runs counter to what the same writer has given in other places in her works.” Now what was that? Saying no one would designedly attach a meaning to them which runs counter to

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what the same writer has given in other places of her work. They just did that themselves, that is just what they did, and then they said hey you better not do what we just did, to the other statements that clearly prove what we are saying is wrong. What we’re saying is the way Ellen White’s writings on the nature of Christ should be interpreted, case closed moving on. Now let’s just read a few of those other statements to balance out the picture, and to George Knight’s credit, he puts them in the appendix of the anditated edition. These are Ellen White quotes

RH 08/22/1907 Clad in the vestments of humanity, the Son of God came down to the level of those he wished to save. In him was no guile or sinfulness; he was ever pure and undefiled; yet he took upon him our sinful nature. RH, September 29, 1896 Christ, the spotless Son of God, honored humanity by taking upon himself fallen human nature. A suffering, tempted man, beset by Satan's devices, his divinity clothed with humanity, he so lived on this earth as to show, by his perfect obedience to his Father's will, what humanity could become by partaking of the divine nature. YI December 20, 1900 Think of Christ's humiliation. He took upon himself fallen, suffering human nature, degraded and defiled by sin. He took our sorrows, bearing our grief and shame. He endured all the temptations wherewith man is beset. He united humanity with divinity: a divine spirit dwelt in a temple of flesh. He united himself with the temple. "The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us," because by so doing he could associate with the sinful, sorrowing sons and daughters of Adam.

So there you go those are some of the quotes that balance out all the statement. They say, when you read those quotes don’t attach a meaning to them that goes counter to what we are putting in our book, and yet the majority of Adventist at that time believed Jesus took a fallen human nature, so what happens, after they publish the book. Certain leaders publish in some of our publications, no Christ has a fallen human nature, so that presents a problem to Froom and the other leaders, so what does Froom say to Walter Martin? He says that those who believe that Christ took the fallen human nature, constitute, “the lunatic fringe of the church.” So now Seventh-day Adventist who believe what Ellen White, and the Bible, and what all the author’s have basically written up into that time, now they are the lunatic fringe of Adventism, and it would include Ellen White, and then they say “there’s always certain wild eyed irresponsible’s in any church, and that’s what these people are.” So what you see is that Froom starts to say this is what we believe, I don’t care what other people are saying and there the lunatic fringe. So those are some interesting developments in church history. Now what happened was that there was of course the other theological issue was the atonement. Basically what happened was Adventist believed that an atonement was made on the cross, but it will be finished in the most holy place, just as the sanctuary teaches. The emphasis of Question on Doctrine shifted it to the cross, and not nearly as much was aid as the second phase or the most holy place ministry, we are familiar with Ellen White’s statement in the Great Controversy

GC 489 The intercession of Christ in man's behalf in the sanctuary above is as essential to the plan of salvation as was His death upon the cross. By His death He began that work which after His resurrection He ascended to complete in heaven.

So she is not saying that the death of Jesus on the cross was not essential, but that its crucial but what Christ does in the heavenly sanctuary is as crucial and that was not brought forth clearly in Questions on Doctrine, but it was shifted to the cross. So these were some very concerning aspect, like the way the remnant was played down, the concept of Babylon was played down, the way the nature of Christ played down. George Knight even admits in his book that Froom was dishonest in how he presented the nature of Christ. And the concept of the atonement was shifted from the two phases atonement to the cross, and so obviously that created a concern amongst some circles. What’s interesting is that Arthur White, the grandson of Ellen White and

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some of the leaders of the Review and Herald thought that while Questions on Doctrine would be published to appease the Evangelicals but that it wouldn’t really take off, and that people would see it for what it was, but what happened was that as soon as it was published Ministry Magazine of course Froom had considerable influence with this magazine, trumpets Questions on Doctrine, as the position of doctrine for the Seventh-day Adventist church, the book is published at a very cheap cost and disturbed to all the ministers of the church, and is identified as our position book on theology, and it gets, trumpeted as a key book on theology, and instead of it being a quiet little book to give to Walter Marin and Donald Barnhouse to help answer their questions. Ministry Magazine concluded that the book consisted of what Seventh-day Adventist believed so all of a sudden the people who stood in the background, and said we won’t say anything because we don’t want to create an issue, now they are realizing that they should have said something. That’s a lesson to us, don’t stand in the background when you see something wrong and just assume that its going to go away quietly, don’t be afraid to stand up for the truth, and God calls us to do so. One person did stand up his name was M.L. Andreasen. Andreasen wrote Letters to the Churches. He had a large library of Ellen White’s writing, and had her writings indexed at the time, as well as anybody, this is before the cd-rom of course. Andreasen in Letters to the Churches addressed the concept of the lunatic fringe, he also brought several quotes about the nature of Christ, showing how the position in QOD is wrong, he has quotes about the atonement, and obviously church leaders didn’t like him, as he was exposing their work. Andreasen didn’t back down, he did have a fairly bad attitude, but can you blame them, because the church was having its foundations undermine. So what did the church do to Andreasen? They removed his credentials, he was a retired minister, former president of Union College, Conference President in New York, and they say we are tired of you saying what you’re saying and so you lose your ministerial credentials, and so Andreasen had to go to the government to get Social Security to pay for his retirement, because the church wasn’t pay for his retirement. Now fortunately, R.R. Beats who was I think a conference president, reconciled with Andreasen shortly before he died, and Andreasen got his credentials back after he died, and his wife was supported by the church after that, so the church did make up for that mistake, now that is an interesting issue that happened. It is true that Andreasen suffered for defending the truth. There were some other people who had problems with QOD, and there was an attorney by the name of Al Hudson in Oregon who tried to draft a resolution to be brought before the 1958 General Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, that would state the following things about Questions on Doctrine.

1. It contains specimens of scholastic and intellectual dishonesty 2. It contains duplicity 3. It is in adequate 4. It contains error 5. It is Satan’s masterpiece of strategy to defeat the purpose of God for the Seventh-day

Adventist church. These are in Hebert Douglass book Fork in the Road page 79. Now this was never brought up to the General Conference, but this attorney Al Hudson, spoke on the phone to Donald Barnhouse. This is what Donald Barnhouse said about Seventh-day Adventist, the person that Adventist where trying to appease, notice what he said. “All I’m saying is that the Adventist are Christians, I still think that there doctrines are about the screwiest of any group of Christians in the world. I believe this beyond any question. In fact the doctrine of the investigative judgment is the most blatant faith saving proposition that ever existed, to cover up the debacle of the failure of Christ to come in 1844, as they said.” Then Barnhouse says “Ellen White she was just a human being in the first place, now I recognize clearly that Mrs. White very frequently wrote some very spiritual things but God Almighty never spoke through a woman.” Then he says in a question regarding Christ human nature “they are taking the position are they not that Christ had the nature of

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Adam before he sinned isn’t that true?” Notice what Barnhouse says, “I hope not, Adam was a created being subject to fall, Jesus Christ was the God-Man not subject to fall.” Al Hudson answered “And that’s your understanding of the position of our leaders?” Barnhouse said “of course they have taking it so strongly, and it is their book QOD, you see if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal sinless Son of God, that He could not have sinned and we have eighteen quotations from Mrs. White saying the same thing, and denying what you are telling me.” So Barnhouse and Martin basically thought that QOD was saying that Jesus Christ couldn’t have sinned, and so there are a lot of problems with Questions on Doctrine as you can see. As we talk about Desmond Ford in the next chapter you will see the fruits of QOD, the natural fruits of Questions on Doctrine, were developed in the theology of Desmond Ford. Thus Questions on Doctrine, had a significant impact on our church, but it is a reminder to us, we need to stand up for the truth, and if we do God will bless us.

Key Figures: A Review

Dr Donald Barnhouse

Pastor of the Tenth Philadelphia church, was on of the prominent Evangelical ministers in North America. He was the editor of Eternity Magazine) He had a TV program, in 1949. He was preaching, on this day “Pr T. E Unruh” he was the (President of the Pennsylvania East conference) He was impressed with what Barnhouse preached on the radio, he then wrote him a letter, on Seventh-day Adventist stationary, telling him how he liked the program. He was quite surprised to receive a letter form the Seventh-day Adventist church. This letter sat in his file for the next 7 years, in 1956, Walter Martin was researching the Christian cults in the church, he was working toward a doctrine. He visited Barnhouse. Asking him about were he should get information on the cults, including the Seventh-day Adventist church. He wanted to get information from what these “cults” say they believe. When he came to Seventh-day Adventist, Barnhouse, went back to his file and gave it to him, this man might be able to help you with getting information. They called Unruh, he was excited that these man wanted to know more about the Seventh-day Adventist church (GCP Elder Ruben Figuher 1954-56) thought it was a good idea. A group of four scholars from Adcom, they were lead by Elder Le Roy Froom (Sect Ministerial Dept GC). In 1957 the book was put out. They developed a whole series of questions about the Seventh-day Adventist faith and then these three men Froom, Anderson, Reed answered the questions. These were questions that they sat down and spent a long time to answer them. These were prepared answer to the questions. As a result of this they wrote the book Questions on Doctrine, they claimed that around 200 people looked over the book before it was sent out. The seeds for this book were laid along time before. 1852 Larson found that the nature of Christ was fallen then for the next 100 years he found that they all believe that Christ had a fallen nature. In 1952 he found the first deviation from the understanding changed. Christ and Anti-Christ – Get this book

Dr Walter Martin

He wrote a book about cults. Four doctrines that were apposed and the Seventh-day Adventist changed.

1. Atonement of Christ finished on the cross. (Changed)

2. Christ had sinless nature (Changed)

3. Salvation is the result of grace and works of the law. (No Changed)

4. The Lords Jesus Christ is a created being. (No Changed)

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Pr T. E Unruh

“Pr T. E Unruh” he was the (President of the Pennsylvania East conference). He was impressed with what Barnhouse preached on the radio, he then wrote him a letter, on Seventh-day Adventist stationary, telling him how he liked the program.

Elder Ruben Figuher (GCP)

Elder Le Roy Froom (Sect Ministerial Dept GC) AMERICAN

Elder Ray Allen Anderson AUSTRALIAN

Elder W E Reid (Field Sect of the GC) WALES

Elder Frances Nickel (Editor of the RH)

In 1962 he wrote a book called answers to objections in response to this committee.

The Baker Letter

Baker was an America pastoring in Tasmania, he believed that Christ might have sinned before he reached the age of 12 years old. The letter was given to deal with this issue.

The Champions

Elder Raymond Cottrell

Stood up against the book Questions on Doctrine, he then became very liberal, he started the magazine, Adventist Today. He wrote part of the Seventh-day Adventist Bible commentaries. He began to teach evolutional creation.

Dr Benjamin Wilkinson

He stood up against the book Questions on Doctrine. He wrote “Truth Triumphant”

Elder M. L. Andreasen

He made the blunders on accreditation. He was a store Seventh-day Adventist in his beliefs. He was devastated by what this book said, and let his thoughts be known, and because of that he was striped of this ordination and his credentials and they took away his retirement because of this it is now against the law to take the retirement. He wrote the book “Letters to the Churches” After his death he was reinstated with his credentials. These men stood as champions when champions were few.

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The New Theology

Desmond Ford (1928 - ) What we will be doing in this chapter is evaluating the teachings of Desmond Ford. Some people have wondered, what the fruits on Questions on Doctrine have been. Some do not see a connection between Questions on Doctrine and Desmond Ford. What we will do in this chapter is so some of those connections. Before we go there, let’s give a brief summary of Desmong Ford. He graduated from Avondale in 1950, gaining a diploma in Theology. He went to Andrews and got his Masters, then he went to Michigan and got his Dr in the shortest time ever in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist church. He had a photographic memory. When he had finished he came back to Avondale and he was the head of the religion department. The first sign of his error was that he started to say that there is not a real sanctuary in heaven. The second thing was, while speaking he said, the earth was created around 8 to 10 thousand years. He said that sister use this term in an Idiomatic (natural) saying. He had two issues with the campus;

1. Can the heathen be saved? (Rom 2:14-15, DA 638) Ford said they can not be saved. 2. The universal death decree comes before the close of probation (EW 36-7, 73-4. GC 615)

Ford was wrong. Remember in the Questions on Doctrine chapter, we learnt that the book undermined the traditional understanding of the remnant, of Babylon, the nature of Christ, and the atonement. With the remnant QOD, said hey God has a remnant in every church, which begs the question, why do we call people out. With Babylon they were saying that those who were God’s people weren’t really Babylon, even if they are the Babylonian churches, which then again begs the question why call people out of Babylon. Why would God tell His people to come out of her (Babylon) if you are in her but you weren’t apart of Babylon, so that didn’t make sense. So then with the nature of Christ, Froom took a poll of Adventist leaders, most of them believed that Christ had a fallen nature, then he says no, we as the leadership of the church believe that he had a sinless human nature, then he said those who believe he had a fallen human nature “constitute the lunatic fringe of our church. So that’s kind of a problem, and actually in George Knight’s anitated edition in 2003, he said several different ways, that Froom was less than transparent, he wasn’t completely forth right, and so forth, but he could never bring himself to quite say, that Froom lied about the Adventist position on the nature of Christ. And then the emphasis on the atonement was shifted to the cross, and so the question then is what is the theological effect on Seventh-day Adventism when you change those teachings around to the way questions on Doctrine presented it. Also 150,000 copies of QOD were printed, and put into the hand of Adventist pastors, and lay persons and the effect that it had on the theologically on the church was quite profound. Remember we mentioned that when Froom took a poll, of Adventist leaders at that time, nearly all of them believed that Jesus came in the sinful human nature of man. Now if you ask that question nearly all Adventist leaders believe that Jesus had a sinless nature of Christ, as Questions on Doctrine says. QOD was sort of the shifting point in Adventist theology. Now truth is still truth no matter what a book says. There were some Adventist leaders that God raised up during this time, namely Hebert Douglass, Kenneth Wood, Robert Pierson. Robert Peirson was the president of the General Conference, and of course that is as high as you can go in the church. Of course Christ is our leader, but when it comes to the leaders of our church General Conference president is the highest leader. Kenneth Wood was editor of the Review, Herbert Douglass was also working at the Review, along with Thomas Davis. These men took issues with Questions on Doctrine and in 1973 and 1974. Robert Pierson and Kenneth Wood spearheaded what is known as the 1973 and 1974 appeals, where they said that Christ is waiting for a generation that perfectly reproduces His character, and that when He has a group of people like that, the coming of Christ won’t be

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long from then. You can read this in the Review and Herald and so forth. They two men were writing articles in the Review and other places that went directly contrary to what Questions on Doctrine had published, so now the leadership of the church is coming back against what Froom and others in the time of the late 1950s did, now in the earlier 1970s, the leadership of the church is coming back in a different direction. Something very interesting happened during this time. Now I believe that Robert Peirson was one of our most spiritual leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist church, with respect to our General Conference Presidents. Robert Peirson had an interest in the 1888 message, and we talked about that in an earlier chapter. It was the message given by Jones and Waggoner, the message of Christ in you, the power of the indwelling Christ, to give us victory over all sin, in this life, and that of course was different then the righteousness by faith, being presented in QOD. In Questions on Doctrine the emphasis is that we are saved by justification only, and that justification is a declaration by God, that says we are righteous even though we are still sinning. Robert Pierson and some of the other leaders were presenting the Biblical view of righteousness by faith. And Robert Peirson wanted to go back to the church studying the 1888 message, and he understood what the message was and he was going to give it a special emphasis but he took at theological landscape of the church, and he looked at the church, and by then many of the key theologians in our institutions had accepted the Questions on Doctrine understanding of righteousness by faith which is to say that we are saved by justification only, and that justification is a declarative righteousness, that doesn’t change anything, and so Robert Pierson realized that humanly speaking, the 1888 message, which is an emphasis on victory over sin, the power of the indwelling Christ, was placed prominently before the people it would split the church, and it was probably true, among the theologians, there may have been a big fight over who were Jones and Waggoner they weren’t trained theologians and how would they know what righteousness by faith was, we are the scholars and so forth. Thus Robert Pierson decided not to bring that message to the forefront, now remember Ellen White said that this message when it is received in its fullness, with lightened the earth with its glory. However Robert Pierson, realized that if they brought this message to the front, it would divide the theologians so to speak, and so he decided that he didn’t want to see the church split. Now obviously, we wish that Elder Pierson had made a different decision, we can only wonder what could have happened. What happened as result of Robert Pierson not bringing the message of 1888 to the forefront, in the mid 1970s because he was afraid it would split the church? What happened is that the devil came in with Desmond Ford, and split the church anyway, so which would you rather have split the church? The true message or a heretical message? The other point is to remember that truth doesn’t divide, but error does. Let’s not be afraid to speak the truth, error divides not truth. Truth is what unites, some have said that Robert Pierson to the day he died regretted not bring the message of 1888 to the forefront, because obviously he saw what happened afterwards as a result of Ford. Obviously I believe that we will see Robert Pierson in the kingdom, and he truly believed that if they had brought that message to the forefront, that the Lord would have come in His life time, and thus Robert Peirson went to the grave with that burden on his shoulders, and so again it’s a history lesson for us, what are we going to do when we have an opportunity to bring truth to the forefront are we going to be ashamed or afraid of it, or are we going to bring it to the forefront. So then you have during this time Kenneth Wood and Robert Peirson who were godly leaders. Robert Pierson gave his famous retirement speech, entitled “Don’t let it happened,” in which he appealed to the leaders of the church that we are the Seventh-day Adventist church, not Seventh-day Evangelicals and that we have a unique message. Kenneth Wood retired in the early 1980s and was replaced by William Johnson, who we will discuss a little later. There where other leaders as well such as George Vandeman, Herbert Douglass, Thomas Davis, who were affirming that righteousness by faith meant complete victory over sin. So let’s ask the question, was it the link between Questions on Doctrine and the Desmond Ford apostasy? In 1975, Desmond Ford’s wife, Jullian Ford wrote a paper while they were still living

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at Avondale college, and Jullian Ford wasn’t really know for being a theologian, so when she wrote, this paper it had Desmond Ford’s fingerprints all over it, because he was a theologian, or a doctor of theology. Her paper was entitled the sotariological implications of the human nature of Christ, which is kind of a big word but basically sterological means salvation, so the salvation implications of the human nature of Christ. She had three main points in this paper, (1) she said that the idea that Jesus took a fallen human nature is totally wrong (so here she is in agreement with Questions on Doctrine), (2) then she said that righteousness by faith is defined as justification alone, meaning that sanctification had nothing to do whatsoever with salvation, (and of course she is implying that it is a declared righteousness only), and the last point which is very key (3) is that the concept of character perfection in this earthly life was declared to be complete heresy. So now you have some fruits coming out from the Questions on Doctrine ideas: that the human nature of Christ couldn’t be fallen (QOD teaches this), justification by faith is the only thing that saves us, and that it is the declared righteousness only it’s not a transforming experience, and that is totally wrong as you study the Bible, and then the idea that we can have perfection in this life, she says is complete heresy. The next thing that happened is that in 1976, a conference was held in Palmdale, California, and Desmond Ford, was the key person that things were centering around. They discussed the issues of righteousness by faith and the Adventist scholars came together and agreed that the only thing that saves us is legal justification, the declared righteousness of Christ, outside of us, apart from anything that we can do, so Desmond Ford goes back to Australia victorious, concluding that the Adventist theologians agree with me, we are saved by a declared righteousness only. Now Desmond Ford’s movement is taking steam. Keep in mind that Desmond Ford was a brilliant guy, all the students at Avondale College wanted to be in his Bible classes, because he was so interesting, and would take time to spend with students and so forth, everyone liked him, and he was really starting to gain an influence where he was. Thus the General Conference took a look at the situation, and said Desmond Ford is a big fish in a small pond, let’s put him in the big pond of North America, and he will kind of shrink in size so to speak. So they moved Desmond Ford from Avondale College to Pacific Union College and instead of becoming a little fish in a big pond, Desmond Ford became a huge fish in a big pond, and thus the problem became even bigger, now Desmond Ford starts making waves in Pacific Union College, he now has direct access to North America and things start to heat up. In the school year of 1979-1980 at Pacific Union College, at the very beginning of the year, the Association of Adventist forms released their calendar for the coming year and a meeting was scheduled for October 27, 1979 in which Desmond Ford would be the featured speaker, and here was his title “the Investigative judgment: theological milestone or historical necessity,” so that starts to create some questions on your mind as to where he is going before the event happens. There is an account of a student who was on campus the day that this took place, the student was Kevin Paulson, “It was a lovely autumn Sabbath, word seem to have gotten around that Desmond Ford was about to make a major statement, devotees of his theology, gathered to the Pacific Union College campus, from far and near, one reported to me much later, that the evening before Ford had stated to her, “what I say tomorrow will be heard around the world,” more than a few seem to know this, that same evening I spoke on the telephone with Doctor Herbert Douglass who was then serving as Senior book editor of the Pacific Press, he was certain that Ford would be extremely subtle in his exertions and would need in Douglass’ words to “be smoked out of his layer” he believed that utterly out of the question that Ford would join Brismead, in directly attacking the historic Seventh-day Adventist sanctuary doctrine, I then told Douglass that I would call him the following evening after Ford’s presentation, but only if something dramatic occurred, he seemed quite sure that I would not be calling Him, he was in for a surprise, at 3:30 the following afternoon, two friends and I knelt for prayer in my dormitory room prior to leaving for the meeting site. Somehow we to summed that something serious was about to happen, as we approached Paulen Hall, where the meeting was to occur, we saw the doors open, and a crowd start pouring out, running ahead, I heard that due to

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overflow numbers, the meeting was being relocated to Erwin Hall, PUC’s historic building which then, overlooked the lower expanses of classrooms, walkways, and the College church complex. My friends and I turned around and hurried up the long stair case entrance, anxious to find good seats, at one point I asked, with a hint of sarcasm, what are we running for, so we can here the investigative judgment thrown away? My negative permissions were growing stronger. Ford began his discourse with his own testimony, describing doubts that he had had for decades, about the harmony of the Adventist sanctuary doctrine with the book of Hebrews, he [Ford] went on to discount the validity of the year-day principle, denied any linguistic connection between Daniel 8:14 and the depiction of Leviticus 16, of the ancient cleansing of the sanctuary, and declared that the book of Hebrews places Christ in the Most Holy Place, not in 1844 but immediately at His ascension. The crowd loved every word, greeting Ford’s message with enthusiastic applause, at least, one retired North American Division President was there, rising to his feet, during the question period, with a choked voice and a breaking heart, a group of us gathered in the back after the meeting hardly believing what we had just heard, upon returning to my dorm room, I called Herbert Douglass again, as I had promised to do in the event that Ford’s message was news worthy, I read him my notes over the telephone, by the time I finished, his sarr was poppable? Tapes of the meeting belted to the world in days, soon the General Conference intervened arranging with Pacific Union College, that Ford be given a six month leave of absence, during which time he would prepare a defense of his views which would then be examined by a Committee, of persons from varied backgrounds. Ford’s manuscript titled Daniel 8:14: the Day of Atonement and the investigate judgment totaled 991 pages was eventually published in book form, and then Paulson goes on to say “a group of a hundred and fourteen pastors, scholars, and church administrators, soon to be called the Sanctuary review committee, met to consider Ford’s case at the Glacier view ranch, near Ward, Colorado, the week of August 10 to 15, in 1980. Less then a month later following unsuccessful efforts by church leaders to urge Ford to reconsider his stand, the General Conference recommended to the Australian Division that Ford’s ministerial credentials be removed, this was done, the years that followed would see scores of pastors, and a number of congregations exit the ministry as well as the denomination, and the controversy just ignited, continues unto this day, it is an epic the church dare not forget and one who’s unfinished business, remains essentially to the task of Contemporary Adventism.” It’s almost hard to get through that account without being emotional, because there you see, Adventism nearly destroyed by one person, but it started with the fruits of Questions on Doctrine, and you say well how did that happen? Well Ellen White tells us why

5T 707 God will arouse His people; if other means fail, heresies will come in among them, which will sift them, separating the chaff from the wheat. The Lord calls upon all who believe His word to awake out of sleep.

So heresies will come in to sift the chaff from the wheat, and this account of Ford’s apostasy would certainly quality

Precious light has come, appropriate for this time. It is Bible truth, showing the perils that are right upon us. This light should lead us to a diligent study of the Scriptures and a most critical examination of the positions which we hold. God would have all the bearings and positions of truth thoroughly and perseveringly searched, with prayer and fasting. Believers are not to rest in suppositions and ill-defined ideas of what constitutes truth. Their faith must be firmly founded upon the word of God so that when the testing time shall come and they are brought before councils to answer for their faith they may be able to give a reason for the hope that is in them, with meekness and fear.

Now let’s notice ten key points, that Desmond Ford put as his defense for his beliefs and we will just point out a couple of areas. These are the points that Desmond Ford made:

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1. The focus of the judgment and sanctuary cleansing in Daniel 7 and 8, is not the people of God but their enemies, so (he is saying the judgment in Daniel 7, the cleansing of the sanctuary in Daniel 8 is because of the enemies of God not because of God’s people-this can be explained, if you look at Daniel 12:1-2 and Revelation 3:5, which talk about God’s people being found written in the book, Michael stands up at the close of probation and God’s people are found written in the book which clearly show that God’s people are a subject in the judgment-so this is the first thing that Desmond Ford points out).

2. The year day principle lacks clear Biblical support (but that doesn’t make sense because if you look at the 70 week prophecy you will see that Christ came right on time, according to the year day principle). If you read some of Desmond Ford’s later works he tries to say that we can’t prove that Christ was baptized in 27 A.D. or died in 31 A.D., and Stephen was stoned in 34 A.D., where is the historical evidence? We basically learn that Ford is picking at straws, and essentially is trying to destroy Adventist theology.

3. The word cleansed in Daniel 8:14 is not a correct translation (and if you look at the translation of it means to justify, it comes from the Hebrew word tsa daq, and of course since Ford has a narrow or incomplete view of what justification means, if the word justifies is synonymous with cleansing, and you think that being justified is an outward process only you wouldn’t see as connection with being cleanses, whereas if you understand that to be justified means to be made righteous and not just to be declared righteous then there is no problem with that translation-mainly because when the sins of God’s people are blotted out at the end of the investigative judgment, that’s the final justification of God’s people, obviously Desmond Ford didn’t understand that-then he starts to get into some weak areas in #4.)

4. That Antiochus Epiphanes was the primary if not the exclusive fulfillment of the little horn prophecy in Daniel 7 and 8. (But if you go to Daniel 8 the little horn gets bigger and waxes stronger than the powers that came before it, and Antiochus Epiphanes was a much smaller power than Mede-Persia and Greece-it’s essentially Catholic theology).

5. The book of Hebrews teaches that Christ entered the Most Holy Place at His ascension. Desmond Ford uses the New International Version to prove this if you go to Hebrews 9 in the NIV; it says that Christ entered into the Most Holy Place in that entire chapter. Peiter Damsteet has written a paper that shows the correct translation of the word “hagion,” is holy places which means Holy Place and Most Holy Place, in the entire chapter of Hebrews 9, and the one translation that really mutilates the translation of that is the NIV, but that’s what Desmond Ford used to prove his point.

6. That the Bible teaches neither a two apartment heavenly sanctuary nor a two phase ministration of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary. (One again Hebrews 9 says that the sanctuary that Moses made on earth was a pattern of that which was in heaven-some could wonder if Ford was being intentionally dishonest).

7. The phrase within the veil in the book of Hebrews in chapter 6 refers to the second veil or entrance into the Most Holy Place (once again there are two veils, there is the veil into the Holy Place, and one to the Most Holy Place).

8. Seventh-day Adventist are wrong in teaching that the sacrificial blood defiled the sanctuary either on earth or in heaven (that may get some confused but let’s think about this, the blood that defiled the sanctuary was the blood that was from the sacrifices of the sins of God’s people Ellen White makes a comment about this 4SP 266 As the sins of the people were anciently transferred, in figure, to the earthly

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sanctuary by the blood of the sin-offering, so our sins are, in fact, transferred to the heavenly sanctuary by the blood of Christ. And as the typical cleansing of the earthly was accomplished by the removal of the sins by which it had been polluted, so the actual cleansing of the heavenly is to be accomplished by the removal, or blotting out, of the sins which are there recorded. So now Desmond Ford is contradicting what Ellen White said, so notice what Ford said in #9.

9. The writings of Ellen White have no rightful authority in settling doctrinal controversy within the church. (So who are you going to go with, Desmond Ford or Ellen White take your pick-Because he is making you choose, with him and the scholars or go with Ellen White who received light from God).

10. The sanctuary doctrine, which is historically taught by Seventh-day Adventist contradicts the New Testament gospel of grace.

So there you have it, what is the connection between Questions on Doctrine and Desmond Ford. Desmond Ford says the sanctuary doctrine as historically taught by Seventh-day Adventist contradicts the New Testament gospel of grace. Well Questions on Doctrine validates Desmond Ford’s New Testament gospel of grace as he defines it, and it goes against the sanctuary doctrine. Ford is actually right the way he defines the gospel and the way QOD defines the gospel, would be in contradiction to the Sanctuary Message. You may ask what do I mean? Here is what Desmond Ford said about the gospel, this is what Questions on Doctrine introduced to Adventist theology, for the first time, this is Catholic doctrine which is called original sin. This concept is that when we are born we are born under condemnation with any choose, Adventist use to not teach this, but taught that we are born with a free will to choose to serve God or not to choose Him, but because are fallen nature, inevitably we choose to go against God, but we are not under condemnation for being born. Desmond Ford says yes we are under condemnation for being born and why did QOD say that we are under condemnation for being born? It’s because they were trying to appease Evangelicals who had a Calvinist concept of sin, in which we are born under condemnation, and are predestined so that’s the first point. Then since we are born sinners under condemnation the next obvious point is that Christ clearly could not take the nature that we have because if He did He would be under condemnation and need a savior as well. So if Christ lived a sinless life, in a sinless nature, that does not prove that human beings in this life, can attain character perfection, and in fact because we have a sinful nature that’s under condemnation we are going to be sinning until Jesus comes, which is what Desmond Ford taught and he said we sin 1,000’s of times a day without even thinking it, and then he says Ellen White says “Perfect health requires a perfect circulation,” therefore when you cross your leg you’re sinning because you are cutting of your circulation. That’s actually stuff that Desmond Ford would say. So Ford is trying to say that we cannot be perfect before Jesus comes, that will only come when we receive glorified bodies, so born sinners under condemnation, Christ had a sinless nature, we can’t have character perfection, and that when we are justified, that’s the only thing that saves us, Christ declares us righteous and because we are sinners by nature, sinning all the time, we need Christ to cover us because we are sinning all the time, but Christ in His mercy covers us, but we keep sinning, but it’s the covering of His righteousness that will save us when He comes. However the Bible doesn’t teach that. The Bible teaches that we are made new creatures in Christ when we are justified, and it goes directly contrary to what Desmond Ford says. Then Desmond Ford says that justification is 100% God’s work, and zero percent mans, while sanctification is 50% percent mans work and 50% God’s work, which no Biblical evidence can be found for this belief.

1Thes 5:23-24 [23] And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. [24]

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Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

So it’s God’s work completely to sanctify us. Now if you say that you are born under condemnation and that you are not going to be perfect in this life, and that you can’t really keep the law, and its Christ righteousness that covers me, what’s this whole point of the investigative judgment, because the investigative judgment which is supposed to be every man judged according to his works. Well according to Ford’s gospel we are going to be sinning until Jesus comes, so in the investigative judgment, when you look at the records, and everyone is still sinning, but we are judged according to our works, but everyone is still sinning, so what’s the point of the investigative judgment. The investigative judgment goes against Ford’s view of the gospel, so that’s one of the reasons why Ford wanted to throw it out. This seed was planted back with Questions on Doctrine. QOD laid the foundation, for a brilliant, logical theologian to say let’s start with the premise of this argument and take it to its logical conclusion, and to Desmond Ford’s credit, he did that. Ford takes it from its premise all the way to its conclusion, and what you get is you have Adventism destroyed, and it all started with us trying to, reach common ground with Calvinist evangelicals, and the end result was a theologian like Desmond Ford, who wipes out, the foundation. Now I doubt that Le Roy Froom, would have been happy to see Desmond Ford’s theology come into the church. Le Roy Froom, had written the Prophetic Faith of our Fathers, which defended the prophetic view of 1844, and all of that. So imagine, for Froom if he had been alive to see, the foundation that he laid eventually, lead to the destruction of what he had fought so long for, I’m sure would have been a sorrowful thing for him. Yet there is a story which says that shortly before Froom died, he had his son, burn a lot of his papers that he didn’t want church historians to get access to, so it’s interesting to see how Froom will have to give an account in the judgment. So the question then is what happened. The paper that we read from Kevin Paulson is called “1844 in battle yet enduring.” You can find it on Great Nonetheless, at the glacier view conference, Niel Wilson was then President of the General Conference, and the leaders of the church came to this meeting. The problem that was at this meeting was that probably the majority of theologians, agreed with Desmond Ford about his doctrine of justification by faith. That we are justified only in our salvation experience. However most the theologians disagreed with Desmond Ford’s interpretation of Daniel 8:14. Neil Wilson, surveyed the scene, and said this scenario is similar to the Sadducees and the Pharisees coming together to get rid of Christ. I’m not implying that Desmond Ford is the Messiah by any means. However some similar principles were used here. If you remember the Sadducees and the Pharisees had bitter disagreements, on a lot things, but they all agree on one thing, we need to get rid of Jesus Christ, because He is going to take us down. Adventist Theologians realized that if Desmond Ford gains prominence it’s going to destroy the church, and yet they disagreed with each other on a lot of points. But what was the one thing that they agreed on? Daniel 8:14 and 1844, must be saved, so they came together on that point, while Desmond Ford didn’t back down, and they said to Ford that if you are going to hold on to this thing, that in 1844, Christ didn’t go into the most Holy Place, we are going to get rid of you, and that’s what happened. We can be thankful that the church took a stand, and removed Desmond Ford, but they didn’t hit some of the other issues at stake, namely the salvation issues. As a result of that if you look at our church today, a majority of Adventist whether they know it or not, believe in Desmond Ford’s teachings on salvation. Or they believe in the teachings that Questions on Doctrine laid down namely that we can’t have victory over sin in this life, so the only thing that saves me is the covering of Christ righteousness, even though I keep sinning until Jesus comes. The problem with that is goes directly contrary to the third angel’s message which has a group of people who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus, so how do you experience the three angel’s messages when the very theology that you espouse goes directly against those messages, and so we learn that Satan wants to destroy the identity and the mission of Adventism by doing

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so. What’s interesting is a lot of ministers left the church because of Desmond Ford’s teachings, most of our colleges have been affected by that theology, most of our young people don’t even know what the three angel’s messages are. It is said that at Avondale College were Desmond Ford had a very prominent effect, the three angels messages are covered in a small part of one class period covering theology for ministerial students, and that most of the ministerial candidates coming out of Avondale don’t even know what the three angel’s messages are, and this is an Adventist college. It would sort of be logical though, that if you accept Desmond Ford’s teachings and you throw out the investigative judgment, that you wouldn’t want to spend too much time talking about the three angel’s messages which bring prominence to the investigative judgment, obedience, and living by the faith of Jesus, and that’s all lost sight of today. What’s interesting also is that if you look at the editor that replaced Kenneth Wood who was a strong defender of the faith. William Johnson, he came in and he was interviewed by Walter Martin. Remember Walter Martin worked with Donald Barnhouse, the one who instigated the Questions on Doctrine book, in the first place. William Johnson was interviewed by Walter Martin on this television show called the John Aunkerburg show, to talk about Adventist teachings, and so Walter Martin asked William Johnson some questions, and Walter Marin claimed that Ellen White earlier in her ministry denied the full deity of Christ. Now William Johnson to his credit said, I’ve never heard of this, but Walter Martin pressured the issue, and so then guess what William Johnson says. “I’ll give you my answer; Ellen White is not an infallible interpreter of scripture.” So now you have the editor of the Adventist Review saying that Ellen White is not an infallible interpreter of scripture, and then later on they talk about the judgment and Walter Martin is saying that the judgment is just for God to give us gifts and that it has nothing to do with our salvation. And then this is what William Johnson says “Well I don’t believe that the judgment is for our salvation, not at all.” So again our editor of the Review and he is starting to sound a lot like Desmond Ford now, and shortly before William Johnson retired, he actually allowed an article to be published that basically said its justification only and that we don’t need to worry about the judgment. And people were like what? This sounds like Desmond Ford, now the interesting thing is that the person who wrote the article, had written a letter to Juan Paulson, President of the General Conference saying let’s re-instate Desmond Ford because we can see now, Adventism is really in agreement with Desmond Ford, so why did we get rid of him in the first place. Now what’s interesting is that Desmond Ford was in Loma Linda at Campus Hill Church in September of 2008. He is stated as saying a couple of things, of interest (1) You don’t have to be good to be saved, but you have to be saved to be good (what does that mean-I don’t know) (2) Ford said (you can tell that he is bitter towards the Adventist church) the pope has apologized for how they persecuted the Protestants during the Dark Ages, but the Seventh-day Adventist doesn’t apologize to me for removing my credentials (and I say praise God, he should still be outside of the church), and (3) he said the scholars all agree, that to be justified, is to declared righteous only (but Ellen White says to be justified is to be made righteous as well as declared righteous, and I will go with Ellen White over Desmond Ford, and any other scholar). In closing, God has allowed heresies to come into this church but He is calling us to be faithful to the three angel’s messages that He has given us, and when there is a group of people who will stand up for, these messages, the coming of Christ will not long be delayed, so let’s not be confused by theologians who don’t understand the message, lets study for ourselves, so that we know what the truth is. 181 ministers during the 1980’s left the church during the effect of Fords teachings.

Robert Brimsmeed (1933 - ) He was a very bright bible student. His parents left the Seventh-day Adventist church and joined the Seventh-day Adventist reform movement. He went to Avondale while in his 20’s he made a big impact. He started the Sanctuary Awaking Message. He felt that there was a great departure coming in the Sanctuary message. By the time he was in his early 20’s he was writing very profound papers. He asked Ford to take the message and preach it. Ford said no, wait till

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we are famous then we will take it. The two things where he started going wrong;

Unconscious sin Original sin

The conference held a meeting at the same time as Brimsmeed the two speakers asked to speak in the conference meeting were Ps Hekter Kingston and Ps Frank Bashem. He went into Evangelical beliefs. Then he began to write a paper call the “Present Truth” which was then called the “Verdict”. He is now into New Age. He had memorized the whole book of Romans.

Robert Wieland

A Warning Rejected

The way in which to change the church; Editor of Review Editor Ministry Magazine Adult Sabbath School Quart The Dean at the Andrews Seminary

Geoffrey Paxton Was an Evangelical Anglican pastor who had a small bible college. This was the man that Brimsmead went to see after the Seventh-day Adventist church rejected his teaching on the sanctuary. He had one thing in common with the Evangelical’s and that was Original Sin. Within 3 years he was a fully into the Evangelical beliefs.

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The Destiny of Adventism: 1990-End of time If you have managed to make it this far in the book, you will have noticed something. We as Seventh-day Adventist are people of history and prophecy. May truth triumphant in our lives. Never forget your heritage.

Rev 10:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

John was just about to write about what the seven thunders has uttered, but the voice came telling him not to write. So it is not fully understood what the seven thunders said. If God didn’t want to tell us, what did He even bother to mention it? When you study “thunder,” it’s related to the voice of God. When you put thunders together with the voice of God, the Bible gives the idea that God speaks, but He speaks in secret. What the seven thunders uttered, has connection to the hours of temptation that the Philadelphia church will go through. You will see a very close picture in other place.

John 12:28, 29 [28] Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. [29]The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him.

Same characteristics as Revelation 10: voice, thunder, and angel. What did those words mean when God spoke?

John 12:30 Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.

The voice came for their sakes. What voice was this? God said “I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.” The word glorify is connected to the death of Christ.

John 12:31, 32 [31] Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. [32]And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

This is talking about the crucifixion of Christ – glorifying Christ. When Christ was sacrificed, it brought the greatest glory to the character of God—glorify.

If the disciples had understood those words, they would have been able to endure the trying hour. What trying hour? The hour of temptation—from Gethsemane to Calvary. They went through great disappointment. They were hoping Jesus to become the king of the Jews, but because they misunderstood the prophecies about the first advent of Christ, it was the hour of temptation for them. Now we understand what it means for the church of Philadelphia to go through the hour of temptation. When the Lion cried like a thunder, it was telling what the people would go through under the first and second angels’ message. There was great hope and great disappointment that caused them to be tried even more. Based upon the parallelism, we can conclude that the voice of the thunders is about what God is saying about what will come in the hour of temptation. Understanding our prophetic heritage, help us prepare for the day which will try every man. May the Lord sustain and keep us. If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be anathema marantha, the grace of our Lord be with you always.