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  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    August 2012



    Flora Annie Steel

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar



    This boo is !ritten "or all little la#s an# lasses$ but

    es%e&iall' "or the "or(er$ sin&e it is the true)*uite true)

    stor' o" a little la# !ho li+e# to be$ %erha%s$ the greatest

    ing this !orl# has e+er seen,-t is a strange$ !il# tale this o" the a#+entures o"

    .rin&e Abar a(ong the sno!' (ountains bet!een

    Kan#ah/r an# K/bul$ an# though the na(es (a' be a

    bit o" a %ule at "irst$ as the' !ill ha+e to be learne# b'

    an# b'e in geogra%h' an# histor' lessons$ it (ight be as

    !ell to get "a(iliar !ith the( in a stor')boo though$

    in#ee#$ as e+er'bo#' in it e&e%t Ro' the R/3%ut$ 4eroo

    the &oo bo' Tu(bu$ the #og an# Do!n$ the &at 5an#

    these "our (a' ha+e been true$ 'ou no!$ though the'

    ha+e not been re(e(bere#6 reall' li+e#$ - #on7t no!

    !hether this boo oughtn7t to be &onsi#ere# real histor'$an# there"ore


    An'ho!$ - ho%e 'ou !on7t "in# it #ull,

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar




    Bis(illah Al)la)hu Abar9These *ueer)looing$ *ueer)soun#ing !or#s$ !hi&h

    in Arabi& (ean :thans be to ;o#$: !ere shrille# out at

    the +er' to% o" Hea#)nurse7s +oi&e, Ha# she been in a

    roo( the' !oul# ha+e "ille# it an# e&hoe# ba& "ro(

    the !alls "or she !as a big$ #ee%)&heste# !o(an, But

    she !as onl' in a tent a s(all tent$ !hi&h ha# been

    %it&he# in a hurr' in an out)o")the)!a' +alle' a(ong

    the lo! hills that lea# "ro( the !i#e %lains o" -n#ia to

    A"ghanistan, For Hea#)nurse7s (aster an# (istress$

    King Hu(/'on an#

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    =estern -n#ia, An# no!$ as a last resour&e$ his "ollo!ers

    #!in#le# to a (ere han#"ul$ he !as (aing a #es%erate

    e""ort to es&a%e o+er the .ersian bor#er an# &lai(

    %rote&tion at the han#s o" .ersia7s King,

    So the %oor tent !as ragge# an# out at elbo!s$ "or

    all that it !as (a#e o" &ostl' Kash(ir sha!ls$ an# that

    its %oles !ere sil+er)gilt,

    But Hea#)nurse7s :Thans be to ;o#9: &a(e "ro( a

    "ull heart,

    :=hat is it> =hat is it>: &alle# an anious +oi&e

    "ro( behin# the &urtain !hi&h #i+i#e# the tent in t!o,

    :=hat>: e&hoe# Hea#)nurse in high glee, :Onl'

    this? His -(%erial Highness$ .rin&e Abar$ the A#(ire#)

    o")the)=orl#$ the Sour&e)o")Dignit'$ the 4ost)

    4agni"i&ent).erson)o")the).erio#): She !ent on$ a"terher !ont$ rolling out all the titles that belonge# o" right

    to the little .rin&e$ until the so"t$ anious +oi&e lost

    %atien&e an# &alle# again$ :Ha+e #one)ha+e #one !hat

    is it> Hea+en sa+e he hath not been in #anger,:

    Hea#)nurse$ sto%%e# in her "lo! o" "ine !or#s$sni""e# &onte(%tuousl', :Danger9 !ith (e to guar#

    hi(> No9 7Tis that the High)in).o(% hath &ut his "irst

    real ba& tooth9 He &an eat (eat9 He has &o(e to (an7s

    estate9 He is no longer #e%en#ent u%on (il #iet,: Here

    she ga+e a !ithering glan&e at the gentle looing

    !o(an !ho !as Bab' Abar7s !et)nurse$ !ho$ truth totell$ !as looing 3ust a little sa# at the thought that her

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    nursling !oul# soon lea+e her &onsoling ar(s,

    :Hea+ens9: e&lai(e# the +oi&e "ro( !ithin$ :sa'

    'ou so>: An# the net instant the &urtain %arte#$ an#

    there !as

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    Des%ite this re&olle&tion$ as she listene# i(%atientl'

    to the &ooings an# gurglings$ she turne# o+er in her

    (in# !hat she &oul# #o to &o((e(orate the o&&asion,An# !hen %rett'

    For Bab' Abar !as in#ee# listening to so(ething

    !ith his little "inger u% to &o((an# attention, But it

    !as not to Hea#)nurse7s thun#erings$ but to the "irst

    long$ lo! gro!l o" a &o(ing stor( that outsi#e the

    (iserable tent !as turning the #istant hills to %ur%le an#

    #arening the "ast)"a#ing #a'light,

    :Frighten>: e&hoe# Hea#)nurse in #erision, :Theson o" Hu(/'on the heroi&$ the gran#son o" Baber the

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    bra+e &oul# ne+er be "rightene# at an'thing9:

    An# in truth the little la# !as not a bit a"rai#$ e+en

    !hen a #istant "lash o" lightning gli((ere# through the

    #us,:Hea+ens9: &rie# gentle

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    satin *uilt, This (ust #o "or a throne, An# a stri% o" re#

    (uslin !oun# about the little gol#)e(broi#ere# sull

    &a% Bab' Abar !ore (ust$ !ith the heron7s %lu(e "ro(

    his "ather7s state turban$ (ae a (onar&h o" the &hil#,

    -n truth he looe# +er' #igni"ie# in#ee#$ stan#ing

    on the (ule trun$ his little legs +er' !i#e a%art$ his

    little &ri(son sil trousers +er' bagg'$ his little green

    bro&a#e !aist&oat buttone# tight o+er his little "at bo#'$

    an#$ trailing "ro( his shoul#ers in great sti"" "ol#s$ his

    "ather7s state &loth)o")gol# &oatee e(broi#ere# !ith see#%earls,

    So$ as he al!a's !ore great gol# bra&elets on his

    little "at ar(s$ an# great gol# 3ingling anlets "ringing

    his little "at "eet$ he looe# +er' ro'al in#ee#, Ver' ro'al

    an# large an# &al($ "or he !as a gra+e bab' !ith big$#ar$ %ier&ing e'es an# a #e&i#e# &hin,

    :He is as lie his gran#"ather as t!o s%lits o" a

    %ea9: &rie# Hea#)nurse in ra%ture$ an# then she !ent to

    the tent #oor an# shrille# out?


  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    #ue re+eren&e9

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    &usto(ar' in#ness$ the' ha# su&&oure# an# be"rien#e#$

    %utting hi( on as a sort o" %age bo' to the little Heir)to)

    E(%ire, He !as a tall$ sli( la# "or his t!el+e 'ears$ !as

    Ro'$ !ith a s(all$ !ell)set hea# an# a een$ !ell)&ut

    "a&e, An# his e'es9 The' !ere lie a #eer7s)large$

    bro!n$ so"t$ but !ith a "lash in the( at ti(es,

    For the sunstroe !hi&h ha# so nearl' ille# the la#

    ha# le"t his (in# a little &on"use#, As 'et he &oul#

    re(e(ber nothing o" !hat ha# ha%%ene# to hi( be"ore

    it$ an# &oul# not e+en re&olle&t !ho he !as$ or an'thingsa+e that his na(e !as Ro', But e+er' no! an# again

    he !oul# sa' so(ething or #o so(ething !hi&h !oul#

    (ae those aroun# hi( loo sur%rise#$ an# !on#er !ho

    he &oul# ha+e been to no! su&h things an# ha+e su&h


    A"ter hi( &a(e 4eroo$ the (issha%en &oo)bo',

    He !as an o## "ello!$ all long li(bs an# broa# s(iles$

    !ho$ !hen his ti(e arri+e#$ sha(ble# "or!ar#$ &ast

    hi(sel" in lo!liest re+eren&e "ull length on the groun#

    an# blubbere# out his #elight)no! that the %rin&el' bab'

    &oul# reall' eat)at being able to su%%l' all sorts o"toothso(e ste!s "ull o" onions an# green ginger$ to sa'

    nothing o" !ater(elons an# sugar &ane, These things$

    strange to sa'$ being to little -n#ian &hil#ren +er' (u&h

    !hat &ho&olate &rea(s an# to""ee are to English ones,

    So "ar all ha# gone !ell$ an# no! there onl'

    re(aine# one (ore salute to be (a#e, But little A#a($

    !ho !as Hea#)nurse7s o!n son$ an# !ho ha# hitherto

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    been Bab' Abar7s %la'(ate$ re"use# absolutel' to #o as

    he !as bi#, He !as a short$ stur#' bo' o" "i+e$ an#

    nothing !oul# in#u&e hi( to go #o!n on his nees an#

    tou&h the groun# !ith his "orehea#, -n +ain 4eroo$ the

    &oo)bo'$ %ro(ise# hi( s!eets i" he !oul# onl' obe'

    or#ers in +ain Ol# Faith"ul s%oe o" a ri#e on his ol#

    !ar)horse$ an# Ro'$ !ho !as a (ost !on#er"ul stor')

    teller$ %ro(ise# hi( the best o" all$ Bo%ulu&hi, -n +ain

    his (other$ losing %atien&e at su&h a terrible %ie&e o"

    in#e&oru($ rushe# at hi( an# &u""e# hi( soun#l', Heonl' ho!le# an# i&e#,

    An# then su##enl' Bab' Abar$ !ho ha# been

    listening !ith a sole(n "a&e$ brought his little bare "oot

    #o!n on the (ule trun !ith su&h a sta(% that the

    gol#en anlets 3ingle# an# 3angle#$ an# his little

    "ore"inger !ent u% o+er his hea# in the real Easternattitu#e o" ro'al &o((an#,

    :Salute$ sla+e$ salute$: he sai# !ith a tre(en#ous

    #ignit', An# there !as so(ething so &o(i&al about the

    little (ite o" a &hil#$ so(ething so (aster"ul in the tin'

    "igure$ so(ething so &o((an#ing in the lou#$ #ee%)tone# bab' +oi&e$ that e+er' one laughe#$ an# so(eho!

    or other A#a( "orgot his obstina&' an# (a#e his

    obeisan&e lie a goo# bo',

    An# then on&e (ore %rett'

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    &la%%e# his han#s in #elight,

    But the (erri(ent #i# not last long$ "or there !as a

    &latter o" horses an# s!or#s outsi#e the tent,

    :4' husban#9: &rie#

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar




    The net (o(ent a tall$ han#so(e (an entere# thetent but one loo at his %ale$ anious "a&e !as enough

    to tell those insi#e that the ne!s !as ba#, So "or an

    instant there !as silen&e an# in the silen&e$ !ith a

    #ea"ening roar an# a blin#ing blae o" blue light$ &a(e a

    terri"i& &rash o" thun#er "ollo!e# b' a su##en "ier&e %elt

    o" hail u%on the taut tent roo",

    -t sent a shi+er through the listeners, The' "elt that

    the stor( ha# broen in#ee# u%on their hea#s$ that

    #anger !as &lose besi#e the(,

    Then the King ste%%e# to his !i"e7s si#e an# too

    her han#$ an# as he s%oe there !as a sob in his breathas o" an ani(al !ho a"ter a long &hase "in#s hi(sel" at

    last #ri+en to ba',

    :@o(e9: he sai# brie"l'$ :there (a' 'et be a &han&e

    "or us, 4' horse$ !ear' though it be$ !ill su""i&e "or th'

    light !eight, -n the (ountains lies %ossible sa"et',@o(e9 There is not a (o(ent to lose,:

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    :But)but the &hil#): "altere# the

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    goo# as an' other$ i" the' ha# a hea# bet!een the(, But

    the nurses !ere !o(en$ Faith"ul nothing but an ol#

    sol#ier$ an# the t!o others !ere (ere bo's, So(e one

    else (ust be le"t, =ho> Then he re(e(bere# Foster)

    "ather$ Foster)(other7s husban#, He !as the (an, Soli#$

    sober$ &lear)hea#e#, So$ as

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    !hen the net &a(e there !as nothing but the rugge#


    Then "or the "irst ti(e Bab' Abar$ !ho ha# been

    silent in his nurses7 ar(s$ !at&hing !ith the rest$ li"te#u% his #ee%)tone# bab' +oi&e?

    :Da##'$ A((a$: he sai# &ontente#l'$ :gone u% in a


    =hereu%on Foster)(other !e%t lou#l' an# %ra'e#

    that goo# angels (ight %rote&t her #arling,But Hea#)nurse !as (ore %ra&ti&al$ an# set about

    &onsi#ering ho! best that sa"et' (ight be se&ure#, =ho

    !as there !ho &oul# hel%> No one o" (u&h use$ trul'$

    though e+er' one !as bri("ul o" #e+otion an# rea#' to

    gi+e his or her li"e "or the Heir)to)E(%ire,

    :- !ill ill the "irst (an !ho #ares): began Ol#


    :A'e9 The "irst9 But ho! about the last$ ol# (an>:

    interru%te# Hea#)nurse, :For&e !ill be o" no a+ail,

    Asurr' hath hal" an ar(' !ith hi(,:

    :Har( shall onl' &o(e to the &hil# through ('

    bo#'$: !e%t Foster)(other$ !hereat Hea#)nurse laughe#


    :=o(an7s "lesh is a %oor shiel#$ "ool9 ;o# sen# !e

    "in# better %rote&tion than th' &ar&ass,:

    :Boo9 hoo9: blubbere# 4eroo the &oo)bo', :8o9

    Hea#)nurse9 - &oul# ill a !hole ar(' b' %oisoning

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    their su%%ers,:

    Hea#)nurse no##e# "aint a%%ro+al, :No!$ there is

    so(e sense in that$ s&ullion$ but !hat about that the'

    (a' #o su%%erless> -" the' shoul# #are))::The' !ill not #are$: sai# a &lear$ shar% +oi&e$ an#

    Ro' the R/3%ut la# ste%%e# "or!ar#$ a light in his great

    e'es, :4' (other use# to sa'$ 7Fear not9 A ing7s son is

    a ing7s son al!a's$ so be that he "orgets not ingshi%,7:

    Hea#)nurse stoo# %ule# "or a se&on#$ then she&aught the (eaning o" the la#7s !or#s$ "or she !as a

    &le+er$ &a%able !o(an$ an# ha# all a !o(an7s


    :Thou art right$ (' la#$: she sai# slo!l'$ looing

    &uriousl' at Ro'$ "ro( !hose "a&e the "lash o" (e(or'

    see(e# to ha+e %asse#, :Thou art right, -n ro'alt' liessa"et', The Heir)to)E(%ire (ust re&ei+e his ene(ies as

    a King9

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    To begin !ith the tent ha# been lit u% !ith the little

    rushlight la(%s the' &all in -n#ia &hiraghs)tin' sau&ers

    !hi&h &an be (a#e o" (u# in !hi&h a &otton !i& "loats

    in a "e! #ro%s o" oil)an# a ro! o" these outline# the

    (ule trun throne, Then 4eroo7s (issha%en li(bs ha#

    been hi##en un#er a &hain &orselet an# hel(et$ so he

    (a#e *uite a res%e&table "ello! to Ol# Faith"ul$ as the

    t!o su%%orters stoo# bolt u%right !ith #ra!n s!or#s

    one on either si#e$ !hile beneath the($ on the ragge#

    ol# .ersian &ar%et !hi&h ha# been s%rea# to hi#e the#irt' tent #rugget$ &rou&he# Hea#)nurse an# Foster)

    (other$ their "a&es +eile# !ith their best gol#

    e(broi#ere# +eils,

    A great %ile o" &ushions ha# been %la&e# on the

    (uletrun$ an# in the &entre o" these sat Bab' Abar$

    the Ro'al heron7s %lu(e o" his turban !a+ing gentl' inthe breee &ause# b' the slo! #igni"ie# s!ee% o" the

    Ro'al "an !hi&h Ro'$ !ho stoo# behin# his 'oung

    (aster$ !as s!inging ba&!ar#s an# "or!ar#s,

    But it !as not the %rettiness o" the %i&ture !hi&h

    (a#e .rin&e Asurr' %ause, -t !as the &hil#7s o%en"earless "a&e !hi&h re(in#e# hi( at on&e)as King

    Hu(/'on ha# ho%e# it (ight)o" that #ear$ belo+e#

    "ather !hose (e(or'$ e+en in their !orst !i&e#nesses$

    !as e+er a goo# in"luen&e in the li+es o" his sons, Babar

    the Bra+e9 Babar o" the ;enerous Heart9 the Kin#l'

    S(ile9 =ho &oul# "orget hi(>

    But behin# .rin&e Asurr' !ere others !ho #i# not

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    re(e(ber !ho !ere eager to ill an# ha+e #one !ith

    Hu(/'on an# his son "or e+er,

    An# !hen the' sa! .rin&e Asurr' %ause$ the'

    !ere *ui& !ith a#+i&e,:-t is un!ise to s%are snaes7 s%a!n$: sai# one,

    :The bo' is "ather to the (an$: sai# another, :He

    !ho is !ise ills 'oung rats as !ell as ol# ones,:

    An# still .rin&e Asurr' %ause# !hile %oor Hea#)

    nurse an# =et)nurse !ent si& !ith "ear un#er their+eils at !hat (ight be going to ha%%en$ an# Ol#

    Faith"ul7s han# &las%e# the hilt o" his s!or# tighter$

    sin&e &o(e !hat (a' he (eant to strie one blo! "or

    his 'oung (aster, But Ro'7s een e'es sho!e#)as the

    %ea&o&7s "eather "an s!e%t %ast the( ba&!ar#s an#

    "or!ar#s)lie a ha!7s as it ho+ers abo+e a %artri#ge,There !as in the( a #e"ian&e$ a &ertaint' that +i&tor'

    (ust &o(e,

    Su##enl' a !i&e# laugh "ille# the tent, :.ea&e9

    brothers$: sai# a sneering +oi&e$ :.rin&e Asurr' %re"ers

    to lea+e the snae to "ight !ith his o!n son in the"uture,:

    The taunt tol#, -t !as true9 Better to s&ot&h the

    snae no!$ than to lea+e it to be #angerous b' an# b'

    #angerous %erha%s to his o!n little son !ho !as but a

    "e! 'ears ol#er than Bab' Abar,

    .rin&e Asurr' stro#e "or!ar# #ra!n s!or# in

    han# but !hether he reall' (eant to use it or not &annot

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    be tol#$ "or a +er' strange thing ha%%ene#, Bab' Abar

    ha# been listening to the "ier&e +oi&es 3ust as he ha#

    listene# to the angr' +oi&es !hen A#a( ha# re"use# to

    salute, An# no! he sa! so(e one be"ore hi( !ho

    a%%eare# to ha+e no intention)as A#a( ha# no

    intention)o" (aing his re+eren&e so$ re(e(bering the

    "ine thing he ha# #one !hen the latter ha# been naught'$

    u% !ent the little han# again$ an# on&e (ore the lou#$

    #ee%$ bab' +oi&e sai# i(%eriousl'?

    :Salute9 Sla+e9 salute9:The !or#s !ere barel' uttere# !hen b' %ure

    &han&e .rin&e Asurr'7s "oot &aught in the ragge#

    &ar%et$ an#))>

    An# #o!n he &a(e "lat as a %an&ae on the "loor in

    the +er' lo!liest salute that e+er !as (a#e9The net (o(ent$ ho!e+er$ he sat u%$ hal")stunne#$

    an# looe# !rath"ull' at his little ne%he!,

    But Bab' Abar7s honest o%en "a&e !as "ull o"

    grie+e# s'(%ath',

    :.oor$ %oor9: he sai#$ shaing his *uaintl' &ro!ne#hea#$ :tu(bu #o!n, Nanna iss it$ (ae it !ell,:

    .rin&e Asurr' sat stu%i#l' staring "or a (o(ent or

    t!o, Then the (e(or' o" (an' a &hil#ish hurt &ure# b'

    lie gra&ious o""er "ro( his "ather &a(e ba& to hi($

    (aing his heart so"t, He s%rang to his "eet an# !a+e#b' his &oun&illors to &ruelt',

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    :;o$ (' lor#s9: he &rie# "ier&el', :;o see the

    King !ho is no true King i" 'e !ill$ an# ill hi(, But

    this bo' goes !ith (e to Kan#ah/r the stu"" o" !hi&h

    he is (a#e &ounts "or li"e$ not "or #eath,:

    Then !ith a su##en generous i(%ulse$ "or he !as at

    heart his "ather7s son$ he hel# the hilt o" his #ra!n s!or#

    in toen o" +assalage "or Bab' Abar to tou&h,

    An# the &hil#$ &le+er$ obser+ant be'on# his 'ears$

    re(e(bering ho! his (other ha# gui#e# his "ingers to

    Ol# Faith"ul7s !ea%on$ %ut out his little han# sole(nl'an# tou&he# it,

    Behin# their &lose)"ol#e# +eils Hea#)nurse an#

    =et)nurse !e%t "or 3o', An# the ol# troo%er7s gri%

    relae# an# the har# relentless loo "a#e# "ro( Ro'7s

    "a&e,For here !as sa"et'$ "or a !hile at an' rate$ "or the


    He$ an# Fate bet!een the($ ha# !on his "irst

    +i&tor', No9 his se&on#$ sin&e the "irst ha# been the

    &on*uering o" A#a(7s obstina&',But "or that Bab' Abar (ight not ha+e beha+e#

    !ith su&h #ignit',

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    That night e+en Ro' the R/3%ut$ !ho as a rule !oee+er' hour to see to his little (aster7s sa"et'$ sle%t

    soun#, An# so #i# the others$ though the' sat u% till

    Foster)"ather &re%t in to the tent about (i#night$ a"ter

    ha+ing seen the Ro'al Fugiti+es sa"el' o+er the .ersian

    bor#er, O" &ourse$ there !as nothing but (iles on (iles

    o" sno!' (ountains be"ore the($ nothing but longstruggle an# %ri+ation to be ho%e# "or still the' !ere

    out o" -n#ia$ out o" an ene('7s &ountr', For !hi&h

    Hea+en be thane#9

    So the' !ra%%e# the(sel+es in their *uilts an# la'

    #o!n to rest !ith hearts ease# "or the ti(e o" i((e#iateaniet',

    Hea#)nurse$ ho!e+er$ began at on&e$ a"ter her !ont$

    to (ae %lans "or resu(ing so(e o" the &ourtl' !a's

    !hi&h hurr' ha# (a#e i(%ossible, The gol#

    e(broi#ere# ro'al re# u(brella !as one thing she !as

    #eter(ine# to ha+e,

    But !ho !as to hol# it o+er the Ro'al -n"ant> Ro'

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    !oul# get tire# o" it #uring a long (ar&h, He !as but a

    bo' an# a"ter all there shoul# be a De%ut'$ Assistant$

    Se&on#$ U(brella Bearer to 4a3est',

    @oul# 4eroo$ %ro%erl' #resse#$ o" &ourse$ be%ro(ote# to the %osition>

    She a&tuall' !oe Foster)"ather "ro( his !ell)

    earne# "irst slee% to %ro%oun# this nott' *uestion,

    :;oo# !o(an$: he (ur(ure# %atientl'$ :(ae

    !hat &ourt a%%oint(ents 'e !ill, @reate the s&ullion.ri(e 4inister$ so - ha+e (' slee%,:

    An# he !as snoring al(ost be"ore the !or#s !ere

    out o" his (outh,

    So net (orning Hea#)nurse$ re"using the baggage

    &a(el !ith %anniers !hi&h .rin&e Asurr' sent "or the

    use o" the little Heir)to)E(%ire$ organise# a %ro&ession

    o" her o!n,

    First o" all &a(e Foster)"ather$ stout an# soli#$ on

    his se!)bal# hill %on' !hi&h !as &alle# Horse)

    &hestnut be&ause it !as %at&he# all o+er$ lie an unri%e

    &hestnut$ !ith 'ello!$ bro!n an# !hite,

    -t ha# a lo+el' tail that tou&he# the groun#$ an# a

    &oat that !as long an# !a+' lie an -rish setter7s, A

    !ise$ sober %on' !as Horse)&hestnut he ne+er

    atte(%te# to &li(b u% an'thing he thought too #i""i&ult$

    but 3ust ga+e a loo at it to (ae sure an# then %ut #o!nhis hea# &al(l'$ an# began to grae until his ri#er "oun#

    an easier %ath,

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    Net &a(e Troo%er Faith"ul on his ol# !hite

    &harger 8ightning, On&e u%on a ti(e it ha# been lie its

    na(e$ s!i"t e&ee#ingl'$ but no!$ lie its (aster$ it !as

    slo! an# sti"",

    Then "ollo!e# Hea#)nurse$ astri#e$ in -n#ian

    "ashion$ the ba' Beloo&h (are !hi&h ha# been

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    !hen the stee% hill si#es !ere rea&he# it be&a(e

    i(%ossible to ee% u% !ith the rest o" the e*ui%age, So

    .rin&e Asurr' an# his (en %ushe# on ahea# lea+ing

    the little %art' alone$ sin&e es&a%e !as i(%ossible on

    that !il# (ountain roa#$ es%e&iall' !ith the rear guar#

    o" the &a(% &o(ing a "e! (iles behin# the(, An#$

    in#ee#$ i" su&h an i#ea ha# entere# the hea#s o" an' o"

    the %art' it (ust soon ha+e "le# be"ore the #i""i&ult' o"

    getting along at all, -t !as a stee% ig)ag %ath$ an#

    looing u%!ar#s 'ou &oul# see it igging an# aggingright a!a' to the s' line, .oor Foster)(other$ !ho

    &a(e last$ &oul# not tae her e'es o"" it$ "or the ben#s

    i((e#iatel' abo+e her !ere "ille# !ith the (ost

    terri"'ing sights, First her stout husban#$ !ho see(e# to

    be in the a&t o" sli%%ing o+er Horse)&hestnut7s tail, On

    the net Ol# Faith"ul$ #ri+en to #is(ounting an#laboriousl' lugging 8ightning u% b' the bri#le, But the

    last ig)ag in "ront o" her &alle# "orth %ier&ing shries,

    For the ba' (are$ not ha+ing been ri##en "or so(e ti(e$

    !as "ull o" beans, Bab' Abar insiste# on hol#ing the

    reins$ an# 4eroo$ !hose turn it !as to hol# the

    u(brella$ !oul# sli% an# slither a(ong the stones$thereb' bringing its "ringe right on the ba' (are7s nose,

    :Oh9 Hea#)nurse$ ha+e a &are9 The blesse# &hil#9:

    shriee# %oor Foster)(other as a (ore than usuall' ba#

    stu(ble sent the u(brella on to the (are7s tail,

    This !as too (u&h "or it, Frightene# out o" itssenses$ it ga+e a "renie# boun# "or!ar#s$ then rearing

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    straight u%$ hung o+er the e#ge o" the %ath$ as i" it (eant

    to tae a #o!n!ar# %lunge,

    All see(e# lost9 Foster)"ather an# Faith"ul stoo#

    %etri"ie# !ith #es%air, 4eroo !oul# ha+e #ashe#"or!ar# to &at&h at the rein but Ro'$ no!ing !ith that

    &urious instin&t o" his$ that that !oul# onl' (ae

    (atters !orse$ as it !oul# still "urther "righten the (are$

    hel# hi( ba& b' (ain "or&e, The onl' %erson !ho !as

    not s%ellboun# !ith "ear !as Bab' Abar, He thought it

    a "ine 3oe that his (ount shoul# stan# u% on its hin#legs an# %a! the air, So he shriee# !ith #elight$ an#

    #ro%%e# the reins to &la% his han#s$ as he al!a's #i#

    !hen he !as %lease#, No! this !as the +er' best thing

    he$ or an'bo#' else$ &oul# ha+e #one, The (are$ "eeling

    hersel" "ree$ thought better o" it$ an# !heeling roun#

    #ro%%e# her "ore "eet on the %ath on&e (ore,

    Foster)"ather7s lou# Arabi& thansgi+ing en#e# in

    an e*uall' lou# or#er, :;et o"" the (are$ !o(an, Horse)

    &hestnut is the onl' (ount thou art "it "or, Ro'9 &arr'

    that "oolish u(brella behin#,:

    :-n "ront)the e(ble(s are e+er &arrie# in "ront$:%roteste# Hea#)nurse "eebl',

    :- sai# behin#$: !as all the ans!er she got$ an#

    behin# it !ent !hile the' toile# u% an# u%,

    A"ter a !hile the roa# be&a(e sur%risingl' ba#

    nothing in "a&t but a !ater&ourse$ an# Foster)"atherbegan to #oubt i" the' &oul# be on the right !a',

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    .ossibl'$ !hen the' !ere all e&ite# o+er the (are7s ba#

    beha+iour$ the' ha# taen a !rong turning, But as the

    %ath le# e+er u%!ar#s$ he 3u#ge# it better to go on$

    though it !as terribl' har# !or, E+er' (o(ent the

    roa# be&a(e !orse an# !orse until it &ease# to be (ore

    than a (ere la##er o" ro&s !hi&h %ule# e+en Horse)

    &hestnut, 4ore than on&e he sto%%e# #ea# an# !oul# no

    #oubt ha+e re"use# an' "urther atte(%t to &li(b ha#

    there been an'thing at !hi&h to grae, But there !as

    nothing nothing but ro&s, So$ a"ter a %ause he (a#ethe best o" a ba# bargain$ raise# hi(sel" on his hin#

    legs$ sought a "oothol# "or his "ore "eet in so(e &re+i&e$

    an# then s&ra(ble# u%, Onl' the t!o &hil#ren en3o'e#

    the(sel+es$ Bab' Abar laughing !ith #elight an#

    &la%%ing his han#s o+er all the sli%s an# slitherings

    !hi&h e+en ni(ble Horse)&hestnut (a#e$ an# !hi&hre#u&e# Hea#)nurse an# =et)nurse to %iteous !ails to

    Ro' not "or Hea+en7s sae to let go o" the Heir)to)

    E(%ire7s bagg' trousers, An# A#a( en3o'e# hi(sel"$

    also$ running on in "ront an# (aing sno!balls in the

    #ri"ts !hi&h$ ere long$ !ere to be seen sheltering "ro(

    the sun in the &le"ts o" the ro&s,

    The sight o" the( (a#e Foster)"ather "ro!n, :=e

    go too high$: he sai#, :Hea+en sen# !e ha+e not to

    &li(b to a higher %ass,:

    His re(ar (a#e Hea#)nurse gi+e !a' altogether,

    She !e%t lou#l'$ sa'ing in that &ase she ha# better sta'an# #ie !here she !as$ thus sa+ing the( the trouble o"

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    &arr'ing her #o!n the hill,

    At that +er' (o(ent$ ho!e+er$ A#a( !ho ha# run

    "ar ahea# began !a+ing his ar(s an# shouting?

    :He sa's 7The to%9 the to%97: &rie# Ro'$ !ho !aseen in hearing as in e+er'thing else, :@ourage$ (other9

    our troubles are o+er9:

    The' ha# not *uite en#e#$ but in a "e! (inutes

    (ore the' ha# rea&he# the beginning o" the %ass %ro%er,

    Be"ore the( la' a grass' bogg' slo%e &urling gentl'u%!ar#s bet!een higher ro&ier slo%es, A little strea(

    %lashe# so"tl' a#o!n it$ through a %er"e&t !il#erness o"

    "lo!ers$ an# !ithout one !or# the tire# tra+ellers thre!

    the(sel+es besi#e it "or rest an# re"resh(ent,

    But Bab' Abar looe# a little trouble#,

    :A((a$ Da##a 7!a' 7!a' in a 7'$: he sai#

    sole(nl'$ an# essa'e# to &ra!l on o+er the grass, For he

    &oul# not !al 'et$ though he s%oe so !ell, The' sa'

    he began to tal !hen he !as nine (onths ol#,

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    A"ter a !hile the %art' starte# on their !a' on&e(ore "eeling greatl' brise# u%, But the heat o" the #a'

    !as no! u%on the($ an# though the sno! la' &lose

    besi#e the %ath$ the "ier&e sun (elting it (a#e the

    +a%our rise an# turne# the narro! +alle' into a regular

    stea( bath,

    The %ers%iration ran #o!n the tra+ellers7 "a&es an#

    es%e&iall' #o!n %oor Hea#)nurse7s "or she ha# insiste#

    on taing o"" her +eil to t!ist it turban!ise roun# Bab'

    Abar7s hea# sin&e the Ro'al U(brella !as "orbi##en,

    Foster)(other ha# trie# to tae o"" hers also$ but Hea#)

    nurse ha# angril' "orbi##en her to #o an' su&h thing, -"she$ Hea#)nurse$ #ie# o" sunstroe !hat (atter$ but i"

    Foster)(other "aile#$ !hat)e+en though one ba& tooth

    ha# been gloriousl' &ut)!oul# be&o(e o" the Heir)to)

    E(%ire$ the A#(ire#)o")the)=orl#$ the ;reat)in).o(%$


    So$ to &o("ort hersel" she !ent on (u(bling titles

    as she struggle# along$ the sun beating "ier&el' on her

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    bare hea#, Su&h a *uaint hea#$ !ith slee bla& hair

    %arte# an# %laite# an# hung !ith 3e!els$ e+en #o!n the

    long %igtail o" bro!n !ool that !as a##e# on to the

    ba& to (ae the hair loo (ore %lenti"ul,

    -t !as a %iteous sight an# Foster)(other !as so

    &ons&ious o" the #e+otion it (eant that she sai# :8o9

    Hea#)nurse$ thou art a goo#$ goo# soul though a har#

    one to (e but - !ill ne+er$ ne+er$ ne+er$ "orget this


    :Nor -$: groane# Hea#)nurse$ :but 7tis "or the Heir)to)E(%ire,:

    -t !as a "ull hour be"ore the slo%e en#e# in a le+el

    bog$ on the other si#e o" !hi&h began a +isible #es&ent,

    Then in the angle# hills a blue sha#o! began to rise$

    telling o" a +alle' belo! the(,:Bis(illah9: 5Thans be to ;o#6 &rie# Foster)"ather

    %iousl', An# e+er' one e&hoe# the re(ar e&e%t Bab'

    Abar, He turne# roun# an# looe# ba& at the sno!'

    %eas !hi&h !ere beginning to sho! behin# the(,

    :A((a$ Da##a 7!a' 7!a' (ountains$: he sai#regret"ull' an# his little (outh !ent #o!n as "or a &r'$

    !hen e+er'bo#'7s attention !as #istra&te# b' the

    su##en a%%earan&e o" a huge "urr' bla& #og !hi&h

    &a(e boun#ing #o!n the hill si#e$ its big !hite teeth

    glea(ing as it uttere# shrill$ shar%$ gro!ling bars,

    Hea#)nurse an# Foster)(other shriee# !ith "right$

    little A#a( ran lie a hare "or the shelter o" his (other7s

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    %etti&oats$ an# 4eroo the &oo)bo'$ re(e(bering his

    bare legs)"or lie all -n#ian s&ullions he !ore short

    &otton #ra!ers)s*uatte# #o!n !here he !as stan#ing$ in

    or#er to %rote&t the(, E+en Ro'$ bra+e bo' that he !as$

    looe# un&o("ortable$ an# both Foster)"ather an# Ol#

    Faith"ul !hi%%e# out their s!or#s,

    These !ere not nee#e#$ ho!e+er$ "or the net

    instant a !il#)looing "igure &la# in a bro!n blanet

    starte# u% "ro( behin# a ro& an# shoute# to the #og, -t

    sto%%e# instantl'$ but stoo# still)snarling$ thoughobe#ient,

    -t !as the "unniest looing #og 'ou &an i(agine,

    Bigger than a big &ollie$ it !as "urr' all o+er e+en to its

    tail, An# it !as bla& as in, -n "a&t !ith its tin' %ri&

    ears an# s(all shar% %ointe# (ule all lost in a hugeso"t bla& ru"" an# nothing to be seen but re# tongue$

    !hite teeth an# bea#' bla& e'es$ it !as a regular

    golli!og o" a #og,

    =hen Foster)"ather sa! the (an in the bro!n

    blanet$ !ho "ro( his &roo !as e+i#entl' a she%her#$

    he hea+e# a sigh o" relie", :No!$: he sai#$ :!e shall beable to "in# out our !a',:

    But he !as (istaen, The (an #i# not un#erstan# a

    !or# the' sai#$ neither &oul# the' un#erstan# a !or# he


    Hea#)nurse !as in #es%air, :He s%eas lie a ghosto" the #esert$: she !e%t, :=e shall all #ie o" star+ation

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    be"ore he un#erstan#s,:

    :Die>: e&hoe# Foster)"ather stoutl', :Not so$

    !o(an9 There is one language all un#erstan#,:

    =hereu%on he %la&e# hi(sel" right in "ront o" theshe%her#$ o%ene# his (outh !i#e an# then shoo his

    hea#, Net he %ointe# to his sto(a&h an# shoo his

    hea# again, Finall' he began to &he! +iolentl'$ rubbe#

    his sto(a&h an# grinne#,

    The she%her# grinne# too an# rubbe# his sto(a&h$!hereu%on Foster)"ather turne# triu(%hantl' to Hea#)


    :Sai# - not sooth$ !o(an$: he ase#, :Hunger hath

    a tongue o" its o!n$ an# all (en no! it,:

    On&e begun$ signs soon brought so (u&h

    un#erstan#ing$ that$ !histling to his #og$ the she%her#

    starte# #o!n the hill at a great %a&e$ be&oning the( to


    :Not so "ast$ "rien#$ not so "ast9: %ante# Foster)

    "ather$ :!e be not all born on a (ountain as thou art,

    An# there are !o(en an# &hil#ren$ too,: He %ointe# to%oor Hea#)nurse an# Foster)(other$ !ho !ere in#ee#

    #ro%%ing !ith "atigue$ an# the (an see(e# to

    un#erstan#$ "or he %ulle# u%, But he ha# to ee% so(e

    !a' o"" be&ause his #og$ !ho e%t &lose as a sha#o! to

    his (aster7s heels$ ne+er &ease# gro!ling, So the'

    tra(%e# on !earil' until 3ust belo! the( the' sa! a

    (arg or (ountain u%lan#$ !here so(e goats !ere

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    graing, One %art o" this #i%%e# #o!n into a little +alle'$

    an# there$ in the shelter o" so(e huge ro&s$ the' sa!

    t!o or three s(all bro!n blanet tents$ su&h as

    she%her#s use on the Belu&histan hills, The' !ere 3ust

    lie !aggon tilts onl' not so large,

    Here$ at an' rate$ !as %ros%e&t o" "oo# an# rest$ an#

    the %oor tra+ellers brise# u% again, But alas9 bet!een

    the( an# the tents la' a "or(i#able obsta&le, Nothing

    less than a bir&h)t!ig bri#ge o+er a rushing strea(

    !hi&h "ille# u% the botto( o" a !i#e ri"t or &has( in theu%lan#, This &has( stret&he# right a&ross the u%lan#

    "ro( a stee% ro& !hi&h blo&e# u% the hea# o" the little

    +alle'$ an# out o" !hi&h the strea( gushe#$ an# there

    !as no !a' o" &rossing it$ so the she%her# e%laine# b'

    signs$ e&e%t the bir&h)t!ig bri#ge, No! a bir&h)t!ig

    bri#ge is a +er' terri"'ing thing to an'bo#' !ho is nota&&usto(e# to the(, -t is si(%l' a strong "lat %lait o"

    bir&h t!igs about nine in&hes !i#e !hi&h is "lung "ro(

    one si#e to the other$ an# !hi&h$ o" &ourse$ #roo%s an#

    sags lie a ro%e in the (i##le, -nto this %lait are stu&

    e+er' "e! "eet or so &ross sti&s$ an# to these sti&s aro%e is "astene# as a sort o" han# rail, A&ross su&h a

    bri#ge as this the hill &hil#ren !al as easil' as an

    English &hil# #oes o+er a great bri& s%an but Hea#)

    nurse resolutel' re"use# to set "oot o+er it hersel"$ (u&h

    less to allo! the Heir)to)E(%ire to ris his ne& on su&h

    an a%%allingl' #angerous stru&ture, -n +ain Foster)"ather$ in or#er to set a goo# ea(%le$ allo!e# hi(sel"

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    to be le# o+er b' the she%her# !ith his e'es &are"ull'

    ban#age# lest he shoul# get gi##' in the (i##le b'

    looing #o!n, As a (atter o" "a&t$ this onl' (a#e Hea#)

    nurse (ore "rightene#$ "or$ o" &ourse$ the bri#ge s!ung

    an# s!a'e# !ith the !eight o" the (en on it, She !oul#

    sooner$ she #e&lare#$ tr' to &li(b Hea+en on a rainbo!9

    That !as at least stea#', Ro' trie# to hearten her u% b'

    !aling o+er hi(sel" !ith o%en e'es$ though he "elt

    "right"ull' #i' an# ha# to "ling hi(sel" "lat on the

    grass to re&o+er !hen he #i# get o+er, Then 4eroo$blubbering lou#l' that he !as going to his #eath "or his

    'oung (aster$ &li(be# u% on the she%her#7s ba& an#

    allo!e# hi(sel" to be &arrie# o+er 3ust to sho! ho!

    eas' it !as,

    -t !as all in +ain9 Hea#)nurse !as "ir(, The' (ust

    bring the tents to the Heir)to)E(%ire the Heir)to)E(%ire shoul# not go a&ross a tight ro%e to the tents,

    An# there she !oul# ha+e re(aine# ha# not a great$ tall

    burl' !o(an !ith a "at bab' on her hi% &o(e out o" one

    o" the tents$ an# gras%ing the %osition$ stale# o+er the

    bri#ge !ithout e+en tou&hing the han# rail$ &aught Bab'Abar "ro( Foster)(other$ !ho !as too taen aba& to

    resist$ set hi( on her other hi% an# &al(l' stale# ba&

    again$ lea+ing the t!o !o(en too sur%rise# an#

    horri"ie# e+en to s&rea(,

    But !hen the' sa! the Heir)to)E(%ire sa"e on the

    other si#e$ the' &onsente# to be &arrie# a&ross %i&)a)ba&,

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    So there the' !ere be"ore long eating goats7 (il

    &heese "rie# lie a bee"stea an# #rining long #raughts

    o" a sort o" sour (il,

    One o" the she%her#s &oul# s%ea a little .ersian$an# "ro( hi( Foster)"ather$ to his great relie"$ learne#

    that .rin&e Asurr'7s &a(% !as onl' a (ile or t!o #o!n

    the +alle'$ so$ "eeling &ertain o" being able to rea&h it

    be"ore sun#o!n$ he &alle# a halt$ an# the' all la' #o!n

    to rest in one o" the tents$ Bab' Abar bet!een his t!o

    nurses "or sa"et' sae, For one &oul# ne+er tell$ Hea#)nurse re(are#$ !hat (ight ha%%en a(ongst %eo%le

    !ho s%oe the language o" ghosts in the #esert$ an# e%t

    su&h strange ani(als, A great golli!og o" a bla& #og

    !ho sat on one si#e o" the tent lie an i(age$ !at&hing

    the( as i" he (eant to eat the($ an# a great "lu"" o" a

    !hite &at sitting on the other !ith her e'es shut as i" she#i# not !ant to !at&h the(,

    No9 -n#ee# it !as i(%ossible to tell !hat (ight not


    An# that is ea&tl' ho! it turne# out, =hat reall'

    #i# ha%%en no one ne!, -t !as Foster)(other !ho$!aing "irst$ let loose a shrie !hile still hal" a!ae,

    This rouse# Hea#)nurse$ !ho let loose another, For

    Bab' Abar !as no longer bet!een the(, The Heir)to)

    E(%ire ha# gone)ha# #isa%%eare#)!as not to be "oun#9

    Ro' !as out o" the tent in a se&on#$ trea#ing in hishaste on 4eroo$ !ho !as slee%ing outsi#e$ an# !ho

    began to ho!l &on"use#l', Ol# Faith"ul "u(ble# "or his

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    s!or#$ Foster)"ather rubbe# his e'es as i" the' (ust be

    at "ault,

    But there !as no Bab'9 An# !hat is (ore$ both the

    bla& #og an# the !hite &at ha# #isa%%eare# also atleast the' !ere no longer on the !at&h,

    Ne+er !as there su&h a &o((otion, The ro&s

    resoun#e# !ith &ries an# e+er' one sear&he#

    e+er'!here e+en in the great tall baset %anniers in

    !hi&h hill she%her#s &arr' their goo#s an# &hattels,

    But not one sign o" the little "ello! !as to be "oun#$

    until)horribl'$ #rea#"ull'$ near to that a!"ul bir&h)t!ig

    bri#ge)Foster)(other seie# on a tin' gol#)e(broi#ere#

    sull &a% that !as l'ing on the grass,

    :-t is his9: she sobbe#$ :it is (' #arling7s9 He hath

    trie# to get to the (ountains to his A((a$ an# he hath"allen "ro( that a&&urse# &ats7 &ra#le, He is #ea#9 He is


    E+er' "a&e$ e&e%t the she%her#s7$ !ho #i# not$ o"

    &ourse$ un#erstan# !hat !as sai#$ turne# %ale, -t !as

    in#ee# %ossible$ %erha%s %robable$ that the "aith"ul littlesoul$ !ho re(e(bere# !hen others "orgot$ ha# trie#))

    -t !as a terrible thought, But the she%her#s$ seeing

    the &a%$ at on&e !histle# to their #og$ an# the one !ho

    s%oe .ersian e%laine# that i" it !ere sho!n the &a% it

    !oul# tae u% the tra& o" the &hil# at on&e,

    But though the' !histle# an# !histle# no #og


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    Then the she%her#s began to loo gra+e an# (utter

    a(ong the(sel+es,

    :=hat are the' sa'ing> =hat gibberish are the'

    taling>: shrille# %oor Hea#)nurse$ tr'ing to ee% ho%eali+e b' being angr', The (an !ho s%oe .ersian

    looe# at her &heer"ull',

    :Onl' that %erha%s the #og has eaten the &hil#, =e

    ee% it hungr' that it (a' &hase the !il# ani(als,:

    This !as too (u&h "or the !o(anin#, The'si(%l' rent the air !ith heartbroen sobs,

    But Foster)"ather$ gra+e an# silent$ !oul# not gi+e

    u% ho%e, E+er' "oot o" the ra+ine (ust be sear&he#$ "irst

    #o!n!ar#s$ as$ ha# the &hil# reall' "allen into the

    strea( it (ust ha+e been &arrie# !ith it, Then as a last

    "orlorn ho%e u%!ar#s, So$ %eering #o!n &are"ull' "ro(either si#e$ the' tra&e# the ra+ine till$ gra#uall'

    be&o(ing shallo!er$ less stee%$ it (erge# into the

    grass' +alle', But there !as no sign, Then sa#l' the'

    &o((en&e# their u%!ar# sear&h$ until the' !ere &lose

    to the high &li"" !hen&e the strea( gushe# out, Here

    the' "oun# that the ra+ine !as !i#er$ an# at the botto(

    o" it a %at&h o" san# an# boul#ers sho!e# that there !as

    "oothol# besi#e the roaring torrent,

    :- !ill &li(b #o!n an# see i" there is aught$: sai#

    Ro' :it is easier here)i" he ha# "allen here$ he (ight):

    the tears in his +oi&e %re+ente# (ore$ as he tu&e# u%his gar(ents %re%arator' to the #i""i&ult #es&ent,

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    But the she%her#s raise# an urgent out&r', There

    !as a #e(on in the &a+ern$ the' sai#$ !hen&e the !ater

    &a(e, There !as no use angering it$ no use in losing

    another li"e,

    Ro' struggle# (a#l' in their #etaining han#s$ but

    Ol# Faith"ul an# Foster)"ather looe# at ea&h other,

    =hether there !as a #e(on or not it !as a ris to

    another li"e an# that shoul# not be a 'oung one,

    :No$ bo'9: sai# the ol# !arrior stoutl', :This is ('

    tas$ not thine, - a( goo# s!or#s(an to begin !ith$ an##e(ons)i" there be an')lie not a &lean s!or# thrust,

    Also - ha+e been %ilgri( to Hol' 4e&&a an# #e(ons)i"

    there be an')lie not %ilgri(s7 "lesh,:

    So$ (uttering %ra'ers an# hol#ing his #ra!n s!or#

    in his teeth$ sin&e both han#s !ere nee#e# "or the%arlous #es&ent$ he &o((en&e# his tas !hile the others

    !at&he# hi( eagerl',

    About hal" !a' #o!n he %ause#$ looe# u% an#

    &alle# ba& but the' &oul# not hear !hat he sai#,

    :Tae th' s!or# out o" th' (outh$ (an$: shriee#Hea#)nurse al(ost besi#e hersel" !ith grie" an# rage :it

    isn7t (anners to s%ea !ith the (outh "ull,:

    True enough$ but Ol# Faith"ul ha# so(e #i""i&ult'

    in obe'ing or#ers, Ho!e+er$ he (anage# to stea#'

    hi(sel" "or a (o(ent on his t!o "eet so s!or# in han#

    he ba!le# ba&,

    :7Tis true9 There is a #e(on, -t gro!ls, - hear it

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    %lainl', Fare!ell9 - go on$ se&ure in (' s!or# an#


    Here a "oot sli%%e# an# he !ent sli#ing$ slithering$

    sli%%ing #o!n to the botto( !here$ ha%%il' onl'bruise#$ he sat hal")stunne# staring in "ront o" hi(,

    An# then there e&hoe# u% to the listeners the (ost

    terrible baring$ an# 'el%ing$ an# gro!ling$ an# s%itting$

    that e+er !as hear#9

    :The #e(on9 The #e(on9: 'elle# the she%her#s interror$ an# ran "or their li+es,

    But Ro'$ ear o+er the &li""$ listene# "or a se&on#$

    an# the net ha# "ollo!e# Ol# Faith"ul, Foster)"ather

    !as not long behin# hi($ an# 4eroo !as &lose on his

    heels, Foster)(other an# Hea#)nurse !ere not to be le"t

    out$ an# so(eho! the' all (anage# to get #o!n insa"et',

    An# then the' all stoo# an# sat silent an# aga%e

    !ith sur%rise an# #elight,

    For !hat the' sa! !as this, A lo! &a+ern in the

    ro&$ an# on a shel+ing ban o" #r' san# Bab' Abarsitting u% an# rubbing his e'es$ !hile on one si#e o" hi(

    !as the golli!og o" a bla& #og$ his "ur all bristling$ his

    !hite teeth glea(ing as he "ille# the air !ith "urious

    bars !hile on the other !as the !hite "lu"" o" a &at$ her

    ba& ar&he#$ her tail the sie o" t!o$ s%itting an#

    gro!ling "ier&el',

    Ho! ha# he got there> Foster)"ather looe# at

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    Foster)(other$ Hea#)nurse looe# at Ol# Faith"ul$ an#

    Ro' looe# at 4eroo$ an# the' all looe# at ea&h other,

    But Bab' Abar onl' %ut out one "at han# to!ar#s

    the bla& #og an# sai# :Tu(bu$: an# the other "at han#to!ar#s the &at an# sai# :Do!n$: an# that !as all he

    !oul# sa',

    He ha# tu(ble# #o!n but ho!$ !hen$ an# !here$

    an# ho! the #og an# the &at &a(e to be !ith hi( no one

    e+er ne! "ro( that #a' to this,

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    Naturall' !hen$ a"ter an une+ent"ul 3ourne' !iththe she%her# as gui#e$ the' rea&he# .rin&e Asurr'7s

    &a(% that e+ening$ the' &a(e to tal o+er the in&i#ent,

    Foster)"ather !as not s%aring o" Hea#)nurse, The !hole

    tissue o" (is"ortunes$ !hi&h ha# en#e# in Bab' Abar

    so nearl' losing his li"e)an# that he ha# been s%are# !as

    si(%l' a (ira&le)arose "ro( her insisting on a Ro', But "or that$ both she an# the &hil# !oul#

    ha+e gone &o("ortabl' on a &a(el, The' !oul# ha+e

    e%t u% !ith the other baggage ani(als an# none o" the

    #istress"ul e+ents !oul# ha+e ha%%ene#, -t shoul# not$

    ho!e+er$ ha%%en again, O" &ourse$ Hea#)nurse trie# to

    braen it out an# assert that the Heir)to)E(%ire &oul#

    al!a's &ount on a (ira&le in his "a+our but in her

    heart)o")hearts she ne! that Foster)"ather !as right,

    So net (orning she sai# nothing !hen she sa! a

    &a(el !ith t!o %anniers neeling in "ront o" the tent$

    rea#' "or its loa#, That ha# to be en#ure#$ but shere+enge# hersel" b' ob3e&ting to the bla& #og an# the

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    !hite &at$ !ho sat e%e&tantl' one on either si#e$

    e+i#entl' %re%are# "or a start,

    :=hose are those un&outh beasts>: she ase# o"

    Ro' angril', :Di# - not tell those ghosts o" the #esert!ho &all the(sel+es she%her#s to re(o+e the( last

    night> =h' ha+e the' &o(e ba&> Tae the( a!a'9

    @at&h the(9 Tie the( u%9 Su&h (ean born ani(als ha+e

    no right to atten# the 4ight')in).o(%$ the 8or#)o")

    8ight$: et&,$ et&,

    She rolle# out the titles sonorousl'$ #eter(ine# thati" she !as #o&e# o" #ignit' in one !a' she !oul# ha+e

    it in another,

    No! it !as not +er' har# to &at&h the big bla&

    golli!og o" a #og$ e+en though he #i# snarl an# sna%

    an# tr' to bite, There !ere a lot o" &a(% "ollo!ers !ho!ere onl' too gla# to ha+e the a(use(ent o" &a%turing

    hi($ so$ a"ter a +er' short s%a&e %oor :Tu(bu$: "or

    Bab' Abar insiste# on &alling hi( so$ !as being

    #ragge# o"" at the en# o" a long ro%e to his (asters the

    she%her#s$ looing +er' sa#$ !ith his tail bet!een his


    But it !as *uite #i""erent !ith :Do!n$: the &at, She

    ha# (a#e u% her (in# to sta' !here she !as$ an# it is

    +er' har#$ in#ee#$ to (ae a &at &hange its (in# !hen it

    is on&e (a#e u%,

    So she (o+e# about gentl'$ "ro( one %la&e to theother$ %urring so"tl' an# looing as (il# as (il$ her

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    blue e'e)"or real .ersian &ats o"ten ha+e their e'es o"

    #i""erent &olours an# one o" the( is al!a's blue)e+er so

    "rien#l'$ as i" she !ere 3ust longing to be %i&e# u%,

    Onl' the +er' ti% o" her bush' tail s!a'e# a little$ an#

    that is a sure sign that a &at is &ontrar', An# &ontrar'

    Do!n !as, The +er' instant an' one trie# to %i& her

    u%)!h'9 she !as so(e!here else9

    Hea#)nurse ere long 3oine# in the &hase$ sa'ing all

    the rest #i#n7t un#erstan# &ats, But she soon lost

    %atien&e an# #e&laring that she ha# ne+er been #one b'a #u(b ani(al 'et$ starte# &a%ture b' "or&e, A &ir&le

    !as "or(e# roun# the %oint !here Do!n sat blining in

    the sunlight$ an# sha!ls an# +eils !ere hel# u% to (ae

    it &o(%lete, Then ste% b' ste% the' a#+an&e# to!ar#s

    the &at$ !ho$ in truth$ +ie!e# the en&losing !all !ith

    %olite in#i""eren&e, -t !as reall' rather a "unn' sight tosee stout Hea#)nurse !ithout her +eil ti%)toeing in line

    to!ar#s %uss' an# shrilling out her or#ers to the others

    to &lose in an# be sure to lea+e no loo%holes, Ste% b'

    ste% her +oi&e be&a(e (ore an# (ore triu(%hant$ an# it

    reall' see(e# as i" the &at (ust be &aught this ti(e$ "orDo!n sat s!eetl' %urring until she !as a&tuall' hi##en

    "ro( sight behin# the high)hel# s&reening &loths,

    :No! then9 *ui&9: shrille# Hea#)nurse, :@lose in)


    But her or#er en#e# in a s&rea( o" "right$ "or there

    !as %uss' in one "l'ing lea% on her bare hea#$

    s&rabbling u% her s&ant' hair$ an# !ith another a!a' u%

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    the hillsi#e lea+ing nothing but &la!)(ars behin# her9

    Hea#)nurse !e%t !ith angr' tears but Foster)"ather$

    al!a's sensible$ sai# :Enough9 &r' on the &a(el i" 'ou

    !ill$ but no! is the ti(e to sli% a!a' be"ore theobstinate ani(al &an return,:

    There !as !is#o( in this there"ore Hea#)nurse

    &o(%ose# hersel" &o("ortabl' in one %annier !hile

    Foster)(other$ !ho !as lighter$ settle# into the other

    !ith Bab' Abar, So o"" the' set at the #igni"ie# lollo%

    !hi&h &a(els a""e&t$ an# Hea#)nurse began to&ongratulate hersel" on ha+ing su&&ess"ull' e+a#e# the

    :un&outh beasts,:

    But there is no &ounting on &ats, -" the' are here

    one (o(ent an# gone the net$ the' are also gone one

    (o(ent an# here the net, So$ as the &a(el !as %assingun#er a thorn tree about hal" a (ile out "ro( &a(%$ a

    great "lu"" o" !hite hair s%rang "ro( the bran&hes an#

    lan#e# right in Hea#)nurse7s broa# la%, An# there !as

    4istress Do!n looing as i" butter !oul#n7t (elt in her

    (outh$ an# %urring a!a' lie a ettle on the boil,

    Hea#)nurse ga+e in altogether then, :=hen a &at

    reall' (aes u% its (in#$: she sai# !ith "or&e# !is#o($

    :it is little use an' one else (aing u% theirs9:

    So %uss' sat in her la%$ an# a"ter a !hile the

    !ar(th o" the %rett' &reature an# e+en the +er'

    roughness o" the s(all three)&ornere# re# tongue thatli&e# her han#$ as hal")un&ons&iousl' she began to

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    stroe the long so"t "ur$ (a#e her sa' su##enl'?

    :=ho no!s but it is the =ill o" the @reator9 This

    (ean)born thing (a' in the "uture be o" use to the

    8ight)o")the)=orl#$ the Obser+e#)o")all)Obser+ers$:et&,$ et&,$ et&,

    An# her !or#s !ere to &o(e true$ "or$ as 'ou !ill

    see b' an# b'e$ Do!n !as o" great use to her little

    (aster, Ne+ertheless !hen$ at the +er' net &a(%ing

    groun#$ a great big bla& golli!og o" a #og !ith a

    gna!e# en# o" ro%e still roun# his ne& !as seen &al(l'a!aiting the( at the #oor o" the tent that !as %it&he#

    "or their re&e%tion$ Hea#)nurse be&a(e tear"ul again an#

    sai# that i" .ro+i#en&e inten#e# to sen# all the !il#

    beasts o" the "iel# to loo a"ter Bab' Abar$ there !as

    no nee# "or her so she !oul# gi+e u% her %la&e,But the little .rin&e hi(sel" !as #elighte#, He

    %lu(%e# #o!n on the hot san# besi#e the #og an#

    hugge# it$ &alling it :Dear Tu(bu$: an# !hen the !hite

    &at 3ealousl' rubbe# her ba& against his little "at %erson

    he hugge# her too an# &alle# her :Darling Do!n,:

    :Har to the 8or#)o")the)Uni+erse gi+ing his

    &reatures na(es9: sai# Foster)(other %iousl', So a"ter

    that e+er'bo#' &alle# the golli!og #og Tu(bu$ an# the

    "lu""' &at Do!n,

    This !as the beginning o" a !hole !ee on &a(el

    ba& a +er' %leasant !ee too$ though the (in#s o" theel#ers !ere rather on the stret&h &on&erning the "ate o"

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    King Hu(/'on an#

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    %urring a!a' lie a stea(ing ettle,

    ou !oul# ha+e s!orn she !as hal" aslee%$ but in a

    se&on# there !as one s%ring$ so(ething reare# itsel" at

    her to strie$ but her %a!s !ere too *ui&, One$ t!o$three$ &a(e the blo!s s!i"tl' lie boes on the ears$ an#

    there !as a snae s*uir(ing an# hel%less in the #ust,

    Ol# Faith"ul7s ar(oure# "eet !ere on its hea# in a

    se&on# an# the #anger !as o+er,

    :Trul' a &at is a terrible thing$: sai# Hea#)nurse in a

    t!itter, :There is no "ear in the(, The re%tile ha# not a&han&e,:

    But Do!n !as ba& on her 'oung (aster7s "eet$ her

    e'es &lose#$ %urring a!a' as i" nothing ha# ha%%ene#,

    Tu(bu !as in "a+our$ ho!e+er$ net e+ening$ but

    "or a #i""erent &ause, He a%%eare# !ith a great %ri&l'%or&u%ine hel# gingerl' in his (outh an# lai# it be"ore

    Bab' Abar,

    :Ohi9 .or&u%ine "or su%%er9: &rie# 4eroo$ the &oo

    bo'$ !ho ne! !hat a #eli&a&' it !as but Hea#)nurse

    shriee#$ :Tae it a!a' *ui&)the Heir)to)E(%ire !ill%ri& hi(sel" !ith the *uills an# the' are %oisonous,

    Tae it a!a' at on&e$ - sa',:

    But alas9 The Heir)to)E(%ire !as !il"ul$ lie all

    Eastern .rin&elings$ an# he shriee# to (at&h at the

    suggestion, So there arose su&h a hubbub$ !hi&h !as

    onl' &al(e# b' Bab' Abar being allo!e# to #o as he


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    :.oor9 .oor9: he sai# as his little han# tou&he# the

    shar% %ri&les an# no one "oun# out$ till Foster)(other

    &a(e to %ut hi( to be#$ that he reall' #i# s&rat&h

    hi(sel", There !as *uite a little runnel o" bloo# on the

    %al( but Abar$ e+en !hen he !as a bab'$ !as %rou#,

    He ne! ho! to bear #is&o("ort an# %unish(ent !hen

    it !as his o!n "ault,

    The' !ere all rather (err' that night$ "or the' ha#

    roast %or&u%ine stu""e# !ith %ista&hio nuts "or su%%er,

    An# a"ter!ar# Ro' sat b' Bab' Abar7s %ile o" *uiltsan# sang hi( to slee% !ith this ro'al lullab'?

    :Bab'$ Bab')ling$ ou are al!a's King Al!a's

    !ear a &ro!n$ Though 'ou tu(ble #o!n @all ea&h

    thing 'our o!n$ Fin# ea&h la% a throne Dearest$

    s!eetest King$ Bab'9 Bab')ling9:=hen the &hil# ha# "allen aslee% Ro' sat at the #oor

    o" the tent an# looe# at the stars$ !hi&h shone$ as the'

    #o in the East$ all &olours$ lie 3e!els in the +el+et' s',

    The' see(e# so "ar a!a'$ but not "arther than he

    see(e# to be "ro( hi(sel", For Ro'7s hea# ha# been

    #rea#"ull' &on"use# b' that sunstroe in the #esert,Onl' that (orning so(ething ha# see(e# to &o(e ba&

    to hi( in a "lash$ an# he ha# so "ar "orgotten he !as

    onl' a %age bo' as to &all the little Heir)to)E(%ire

    :Brother$: but Hea#)nurse7s &u"" ha# brought hi( ba&

    to realit' in #ouble *ui& ti(e, An# as he sat there in the

    #ar he sa! a (an &ree%ing stealthil' to the tent, He

    !as on his "eet in a (o(ent &hallenging hi(,

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    :Hush9: !his%ere# the ne!&o(er$ :- bring a

    (essage "ro( King Hu(/'on, - (ust see Foster)"ather

    at on&e,:

    The goo# (an !as alrea#' bet!een the *uilts$ buthe got u% *ui&l'$ an# !hen he ha# hear# the (essage

    he sent "or Hea#)nurse an# Foster)(other an# Ol#

    Faith"ul$ "or he "elt that a (ost (o(entous #e&ision ha#

    to be (a#e, et the (essage !as a +er' si(%le one,

    Those in &harge o" the &hil# !ere to &ree% a!a' that

    +er' night !ith the (essenger$ !ho !oul# gui#e the(in sa"et' to King Hu(/'on$ !ho ha# "oun# hel% an#

    shelter in .ersia,

    Hea#)nurse an# Foster)(other !e%t tears o" 3o' at

    the gla# ne!s$ an# %ro%ose# at on&e that the' shoul#

    !ra% the &hil# in a blanet an# start, But Foster)"ather!as (ore !ar',

    :ou &o(e as a thie" in the #arness$: he sai#,

    :=here is 'our toen "ro( the ing$ that - (a' no!

    !ho 'ou are>:

    But there !as no toen,

    :Then the &hil# sta's !here he is$: asserte# Foster)

    "ather bol#l', :A( - not right oh9 Faith"ul>:

    :Assure#l' (' lor# is right, =ho no!s but this

    (an (a' be an e(issar' o" those !ho !oul# !ile a!a'

    the little la# "ro( his un&le$ .rin&e Asurr'7s %rote&tion,

    His other un&le$ Ku(ran$ is not so in#,:

    The (essenger s&o!le# at the ol# (an, :As 'ou

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    %lease$: he began blusteringl'$ :but those !ho #isobe'

    the King7s or#er (a' "in# their li+es "or"eit,:

    :4ine is "or"eit alrea#' to the &hil#7s ser+i&e$:

    re%lie# Foster)"ather !ith s%irit, :An# !ithout a toen -stir not).ea&e9 !o(an$: he a##e# to Hea#)nurse$ !ho

    !oul# "ain ha+e si#e# !ith the (essenger$ :an# go "et&h

    the Heir)to)E(%ire7s &a%, That shall go as sign that he is

    his "ather7s +assal$ to #o !hat he is tol# !hen the or#er

    &o(es a&&re#ite#, So tae that as (' ans!er to those

    !ho sent 'ou$ sir (essenger9:So #es%ite Hea#)nurse7s %rotestations the (an !ent

    o"" !ith nothing but the little gol#)la&e# sull &a%, An#

    he ha# not to go "ar onl' into a tent on the outsirts o"

    the &a(%, For Foster)"ather7s sus%i&ions ha# been

    &orre&t$ an# he ha# been sent to tr' an# enti&e the &hil#b' so(e o" .rin&e Ku(ran7s %artisans !ho$ boote# an#

    s%urre#$ an# !ith a s!i"t %a&ing &a(el "or the &hil#$

    !ere !aiting eagerl' "or the return o" their (essenger,

    Their "a&es "ell as he "lung the little &a% u%on the


    :The ol# "o is too !ar'$: he sai#, :=e (ust get at

    the &hil# so(e other !a',:

    One o" the %art' too u% the &a% an# "ingere# it$

    hal" i#l', :He has a large)sie# hea# "or his 'ears$: he

    re(are# :i" it be "ull o" brains$ herea"ter he (a' #o


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    O" &ourse$ the (essenger ne+er returne# "ro( KingHu(/'on !ith the toen but Foster)"ather !as a goo#)

    nature# (an an# #i# not boast o" his !is#o( to Hea#)

    nurse$ !ho$ ho!e+er$ re(aine# !on#er"ull' (ee an#

    silent until at the en# o" a "ortnight7s (ar&hing the' sa!$

    against the blue o" the #istant +alle'$ the !hite #o(es o"

    the to!n o" Kan#ah/r !ith the &ita#el rising abo+ethe(, Then$ !ith the &han&e o" a &ourt be"ore her on&e

    (ore$ she began &hattering o" &ere(onials an# titles an#


    :.raise be9: she shrille# in her high +oi&e, :No

    (ore 3iggettings an# 3oggettings on &a(el ba&, - shallbe on (' o!n "eet on&e (ore$ an# it shall not be ('

    "ault i" His 3ust #ues are not gi+en to the ;reat)in)

    .o(%)): et&,$ et&,

    Foster)(other interru%te# the string o" titles, :So

    that the' har( not the &hil#$: she sai#$ &las%ing her

    &harge tight, She !as al!a's thining o" his sa"et'$

    al!a's alar(e# "or #anger but he$ 'oung Tur that he

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    !as$ struggle# "ro( her ar(s an# %ointe# to the hills

    the' !ere lea+ing behin# the(,

    :Da##a$ A((a 7!a' 7!a' (ountains$: he re%eate#

    on&e (ore then a##e# &heer"ull'$ :Aa 7!a'$ too,::-t is a %ro%he&'9: sai# Ol# Faith"ul$ o+erhearing

    the re(ar, :Sure his gran#)#a# Baber)on !ho( be

    %ea&e)ha# the gi"t$ an# this babe (a' ha+e inherite# it,:

    :4a' ha+e$: e&hoe# Hea#)nurse in#ignantl', :He

    has inherite# it$ an# has (u&h o" his o!n besi#es, 4ar(' !or#s9 i" this &hil# li+e)!hi&h Hea+en grant)he !ill

    be the King o" Kings9 Not t!o su((ers ol# an# he tals

    as one o" three,:

    :A'e9: assente# Foster)(other$ :but he #oes not

    !al 'et,:

    Hea#)nurse sni""e#, :Thou are a "oolish soul$

    !o(an9 Sure either the "eet or the tongue (ust &o(e

    "irst$ an# "or (' %art - %re"er the tongue, An' babe &an


    An# Foster)(other !as silent it !as true one &oul#

    not ha+e e+er'thing,

    Their last &a(% !as %it&he# 3ust outsi#e the &it' o"

    Kan#ah/r$ so that .rin&e Asurr' &oul# (ae a regular

    triu(%hal entr' the net (orning an# let e+er'bo#' see

    !ith their o!n e'es that he ha# &o(e ba& +i&torious$

    hol#ing Bab' Abar as %risoner an# hostage,But this #i# not suit Hea#)nurse at all, She ha# no

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    notion that her Heir)to)E(%ire shoul# be stare# at as a

    &a%ti+e so$ though she starte# "ro( &a(% hu(bl' as

    e+er on the baggage &a(el$ no sooner ha# the' %asse#

    through the ar&he# gate o" the &it' !ith .rin&e Asurr'

    !ell ahea# o" the( in the narro! streets$ than out she

    !hi%%e# the Ro'al U(brella !hi&h she ha# %at&he# u%

    !ith an ol# s&arlet sil %etti&oat$ an# there !as Bab'

    Abar un#er its sha#o! an#$ ha+ing)'oung as he !as)

    been taught to salute to a &ro!#$ he began !a+ing his

    little "at han# !ith (u&h #ignit'$ until the %eo%le !hoha# &o(e out to ga%e !his%ere# a(ong the(sel+es an#


    :He loos e+er' in&h a ing7s son,:

    :An# that is !hat he is$: sai# a bol# +oi&e in the

    &ro!# but though "ol turne# to see !ho s%oe$ there!as no sign o" the s%eaer, For lo'al (en ha# to hi#e

    their lo'alt' in those #a's, Still the %o%ula&e !ere

    %lease# !ith the little .rin&e7s bearing$ an# (an' a han#

    !as raise# to !el&o(e hi(,

    Be"ore the' rea&he# the "ro!ning %ala&e$ in#ee#$

    !here .rin&e Asurr' e%t a right ro'al &ourt as;o+ernor o" Kan#ah/r$ Hea#)nurse7s (in# !as "ull o"

    the things she inten#e# to insist u%on "or the honour an#

    #ignit' o" her s(all &harge, 4ean!hile she ha# to obe'

    the or#er to tae hi( at on&e into .rin&ess Sultana(7s

    a%art(ents, No! .rin&ess Sultana( !as .rin&e

    Asurr'7s !i"e$ an# she ha# a bo' o" her o!n !ho !as

    about three 'ears ol#er than Bab' Abar$ an# a little

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    #aughter !ho ha# 3ust been born about a (onth be"ore,

    So$ as she la' a(ong &ushions at the "arther en# o" the

    long roo($ !ith .rin&e Asurr'$ !ho ha# hurrie# to see

    his !i"e on his return$ besi#e her$ she looe#

    sus%i&iousl' at the &hil# !hi&h Hea#)nurse %ut #o!n on

    the .ersian &ar%et as soon as she &a(e into the roo(

    sin&e though others (ight &arr' hi( to the u%starts at

    the "arther en#$ she !as not going to #o so$ !hen the'

    !ere &learl' boun# to &o(e hu(bl' to the Heir)to)

    E(%ire an# %rostrate the(sel+es be"ore hi(9So there stoo# Bab' Abar$ "air an# s*uare$

    stea#'ing hi(sel" b' Hea#)nurse7s %etti&oats$ but "or all

    that looing bol# an# big an# bra+e,

    No! .rin&ess Sultana( !as a in#l' "oolish

    !o(an at heart$ (u&h gi+en to i(%ulses$ an# the sighto" the u%stan#ing little bo' (a#e her thin instantl'

    !hat a "ine (an he !oul# (ae$ an# that brought

    another thought !hi&h (a#e her sit u% #elighte#l' an#

    &la% her han#s,

    :- ha+e it$ (' lor#9: she e&lai(e#$ turning to

    .rin&e Asurr', :-t is a gran# i#ea9 =e !ill betroth ourlittle A(ina to this 'oung (aster, That !ill settle

    e+er'thing an# the' !ill be the han#so(est &ou%le in

    the &ountr'9:

    No!$ strange as this (a' soun# to (' rea#ers$

    .rin&e Asurr'$ !ho !as a&&usto(e# to the -n#ian habito" settling that *uite little bo's an# girls shoul# (arr'

    ea&h other !hen the' gre! u%$ &oul# not hel% at on&e

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    seeing that his !i"e7s suggestion !as not su&h a ba# one,

    -t !oul# hel% hi( to ee% a hol# o+er the little Heir)to)

    E(%ire, -" King Hu(/'on returne# it !oul# (ae hi(

    (ore in&line# to "orgi+e$ an# i" he #i# not$ !h'9 it

    !oul# %re+ent &ruel brother Ku(ran "ro( ste%%ing in

    an# getting all$ sin&e as "ather)in)la! to the 'oung ing

    he$ Asurr'$ !oul# be Regent,

    Still$ taen aba&$ he hu((e# an# ha!e#,

    :-t !oul# be a long ti(e to !ait until the' are ol#

    enough to (arr'$: he began,

    :8ong9: interru%te# the li+el' .rin&ess gail', :All

    the longer "or (erri(ent an# "esti+ities, Th' #aughter$

    (' lor#$ is alrea#' beauti"ul$ an# -7ll !ager the bo' !ill

    be a gro!n (an ere !e ha+e ti(e to turn roun#, So that

    is settle#, There"ore &o(e hither$ oh ne%he!9allalu##in 4aho(e# Abar$ sin&e that is th' long

    na(e$ an# iss th' &ousin A(ina)Nurse9 bring ('

    s!eeting hither, No! then$ !o(an$: she &ontinue#

    shar%l'$ a##ressing Hea#)nurse$ !ho stoo# %etri"ie#

    !ith astonish(ent an# anger at the +er' i#ea o" su&h

    s&ant &ere(on', :-" the bo' &annot !al$ &arr' hi(9:

    Hea#)nurse &oul# s&ar&el' s%ea, To be &alle#

    :=o(an: b' an u%start)"or .rin&e Asurr' ha# (arrie#

    .rin&ess Sultana( "or her beaut')!as too (u&h9

    :The Feet)o")the)4ost)@on#es&en#ing)o")

    4a3esties$: she began %o(%ousl'$ :ha+e not 'et&on"erre# ha%%iness on the earth b' trea#ing it

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    un#er"oot$ neither)):

    Here she broe o"" hurrie#l'$ "or at that +er' instant$

    as i" in #enial o" her !or#s$ Bab' Abar ga+e a little

    &ro! o" assent$ let go her %etti&oats$ an# !ith outs%rea#balan&ing ar(s$ an# legs +er' !i#e a%art$ laun&he#

    hi(sel" bol#l' "or his +er' "irst ste%s9

    :Bis(illah9: 5=ell #one96 shriee# Foster)(other in


    :Bis(illah9 Bis(illah9: e&hoe# e+er' one in theroo($ !hile all e'es "ull o" s(iles !ere on the stal!art

    'oung to##ler as he lur&he# "or!ar#$ his "a&e one broa#


    .rin&ess Sultana( &la%%e# her han#s again, :Th'

    turban$ (' lor#9: she &rie# in a "lutter o" a(use(ent,

    :Th' turban$ *ui& as his "ather is not here 7tis th' %la&eto %re+ent hi( "alling o" hi(sel")th' turban)*ui&9


    .rin&e Asurr'$ "ull o" laughter$ %ulle# o"" the so"t

    turban he !ore)it !as all !oun# roun# an# roun# to "it

    the hea# lie a &a%)an# in obe#ien&e to the -n#ian&usto($ !hi&h al!a's %re+ents a &hil# "ro( "alling o"

    itsel" in its "irst atte(%t at !aling$ "lung it "ull at the

    little la#, -t &aught hi( bet!een his outs%rea# balan&ing

    ar(s an# o+er he !ent on to the thi& %ile &ar%et,

    Foster)(other !as besi#e hi( in a se&on#$ eager to

    snat&h hi( u% an# &o+er hi( !ith isses but Bab'

    Abar !riggle# hi(sel" "ro( her hol#, He ha# set

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    hi(sel" a tas an# he (eant to #o it,

    :;o !a'9: he sai# !ith #eter(ination, :Tu(bu

    #o!n, ;et u% again,:

    So$ &al(l' rea&hing roun# "or the turban !hi&h la'besi#e hi($ !hi&h he e+i#entl' thought ha# tu(ble#

    #o!n too$ he &la%%e# it on his hea# !ith both han#s$

    rose to his "eet an# re&o((en&e# his "or!ar# lur&h a

    'ar# or t!o o" the "ringe# turban$ !hi&h ha# be&o(e

    unrolle#$ trailing behin# hi( lie a ro'al robe,

    -t !as a *uainter little "igure than be"ore$ but

    nobo#' laughe# no!, The' looe# at ea&h other$ then at

    the &hil# staggering along un#er the .rin&e7s %lu(e#

    turban$ then at .rin&e Asurr' hi(sel" stan#ing

    barehea#e# be"ore his ne%he!,

    -t !as an ill o(en, An# 'et as Hea#)nurse sai#%rou#l' !hen the' got ba& to the roo(s that ha# been

    gi+en the( in a "ro!ning bastion o" the %ala&e$ Bab'

    Abar ha# on&e (ore s&ore# o"" his un&le,

    -n#ee#$ she !as so &o&)a)hoo% about it that she

    sti&le# "or this$ an# she sti&le# "or that until theatten#ants$ !ho !ere at "irst in&line# to be &i+il$ began

    to loo asan&e$ an# Foster)"ather ha# to bi# her hol#

    her tongue,

    :=ise "ol lea+e steel tra%s alone$: he sai#

    :"i##ling !ith the( lets o"" the s%ring, Then)%ou"9:

    He shoo his hea# signi"i&antl',

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    :Steel tra%s>: e&hoe# Hea#)nurse sni""il'$ :!ho is

    taling o" steel tra%s>:

    :- a($ !o(an9: re%lie# Foster)"ather sternl', :- tell

    'ou this Kan#ah/r is as a steel tra% rea#' to sna% on usat an' (o(ent,:

    Hea#)nurse !as silent$ e+en though he also ha#

    +enture# to &all her :!o(an: but she !as beginning to

    learn that nine ti(es out o" ten Foster)"ather !as right,

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    The !inter settle# in earl' that 'ear$ an# !ith the%asses o" the hills blo&e# b' sno!$ the &ara+ans o"

    la#en &a(els !hi&h$ in a##ition to (er&han#ise o" all

    sorts$ brought ne!s "ro( the !orl# to the east an# the

    !orl# to the !est o" (ountain)&li%%e# Kan#ah/r$ &ease#

    to &o(e into the big baaar, An# the &ol# e%t (ost

    %eo%le at ho(e$ or shi+ering besi#e the glo!ing braiersset outsi#e the sho%s, -t !as not the season "or a&ti+e

    !or$ an# so .rin&e Asurr' let it sli% b' !ithout reall'

    (aing u% his (in# !hat he !as to #o !ith Bab'

    Abar, 4ean!hile the &hil# &oul# li+e in the bastion o"

    the %ala&e$ an# %la' !ith his little &ousins, =hether he

    !as to be betrothe# to Bab' A(ina or not &oul# be

    #e&i#e# in the s%ring this !as the ti(e "or rest an#

    ho(e &o("ort !ithout "ear o" an' #isturbing$ sin&e none

    &oul# &ross the %asses in !inter,

    .rin&ess Sultana($ ho!e+er$ to !ho( in her

    se&lusion !inter an# su((er !ere (u&h alie$ gre!"on# o" the little la#$ an# ne+er &ease# to urge on her

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    husban# the !is#o( o" so treating .rin&e Abar$ that

    shoul# King Hu(/'on b' goo# lu&)an# he ha# a na&

    o" being lu&')"in# hi(sel" again !ith an ar(' at his

    ba&$ his han#s !oul# be tie# "ro( re+enge on the

    @ourt at K/bul,

    No!$ Asurr' !as no "ool he sa! that$ "or the

    %resent at an' rate$ until Hu(/'on7s "ate !as #e&i#e#$ it

    !oul# be !iser to be in# so he #e&i#e# that !hen he

    hel# the Ne! ear7s asse(blage he !oul# %resent the

    little %rin&e in #ue "or( to the &hie"s an# nobles,Hea#)nurse !as al(ost &ra' !ith #elight at the

    +er' i#ea, She an# Foster)(other sent all their 3e!els to

    the gol#s(ith to be (a#e u% into suitable orna(ents "or

    Bab' Abar$ an# the' ransa&e# the sho%s "or o##

    s&ra%s o" bro&a#e !ith !hi&h to (ae hi( the "inest o""ine state robes,

    An# on the e+ent"ul #a' the' began the &hil#7s

    toilette earl'$ %ressing Ro' the R/3%ut into ser+i&e as

    tire)!o(an to hol# the oint(ents$ an# s&ents$ an# !hat

    not$ that the' #ee(e# ne&essar' "or the #ue #ressing o"

    a .rin&e,

    So that it rather #ashe# their s%irits !hen Foster)

    "ather &a(e in !ith a sober "a&e an# the ne!s that a (an

    ha# &o(e into the baaar bringing ba# ti#ings o" the

    King an# : sna%%e# Hea#)

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    nurse$ !ho !as too (u&h o&&u%ie# in (aing her

    &harge beauti"ul to thin o" other things, :8o9 Foster)

    "ather$ e+il is ne+er lost on the roa#, -t arri+es sooner or

    later$ so !h' !at&h "or it at the #oor>:

    :That is true$: re%lie# Foster)"ather$ :but (ar ('

    !or#s$ all #e%en#s on goo# ne!s, -" that &o(es$ the

    &hil# is sa"e i" e+il)then ;o# hel% hi(9:

    Ro'$ !ho$ Bab' Abar being nearl' #resse#$ !as

    no! hol#ing the %ot o" la(%)bla& an# oil !ith !hi&h

    Hea#)nurse$ a"ter the -n#ian &usto($ !oul# %ut a"inishing tou&h to her !or b' s(earing a big bla&

    s(ut on the &hil#7s "orehea#$ lest he shoul# be too s!eet

    an# so attra&t an en+ious$ e+il e'e$ looe# u% at the

    !or#s$ his "a&e "ull o" light an# re(e(bran&e,

    :;o# #oes hel% true ingshi%$: he sai# %rou#l',:4other use# to sa' so$ an# that is !h' she !as ne+er

    a"rai#): He %ause# an# the light in his "a&e "a#e#, :-)-

    #on7t re(e(ber an' (ore$: he a##e# a%ologeti&all',

    :Re(e(bran&e or no$: sna%%e# Hea#)nurse$ :hol#

    the %ot straight$ bo'$ or thou !ilt s%ill it o+er the

    4ight')in).o(%$ the A#(ire#)o")the)=orl#$: et&,

    But Foster)"ather looe# at Ol# Faith"ul an# lai# his

    han# in#l' on Ro'7s shoul#er, :-t (atters not$ Ro'9 -t is

    there !ithin thee$ all the sa(e, An# 7t!ill &o(e ba&

    so(e #a'$ ne+er "ear, An# - "or one$: he a##e# asi#e to

    the ol# troo%er$ :shoul# not !on#er at (u&h "or thela#7s (anners are e+er abo+e his %resent station,:

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    Ol# Faith"ul shoo his hea# !isel', :7Tis not the

    bo'7s (anners$ "rien#$: he sai#$ :but his bree#, A (an

    (a' &o(%ass (anners "or hi(sel"$ but not that his

    "ather shoul# ha+e ha# the( also,:

    B' this ti(e the bla& s(ear !as on Bab' Abar7s

    "orehea#$ an# #es%ite the s(u#ge$ he looe# a +er' "ine

    little "ello! in#ee#, So (u&h so that *uite a (ur(ur o"

    #elighte# a#(iration ran roun# the asse(blage !hen

    Asurr' a%%eare#$ lea#ing hi( b' the han# "or he ha#

    *ui&l' learne# to run about an# !as no! *uite stea#'on his legs,

    :A &hi% o" the ol# blo&$: sai# an an&ient (ountain

    &hie"$ !ho ha# no!n his gran#"ather Babar$ an# (an'

    others no##e# assent, Then .rin&e Asurr' began a set

    s%ee&h$ little Abar seate# on his nee the !hile,-t !as a +er' &le+er$ &ra"t' s%ee&h$ that &oul# be

    taen t!o !a's$ an# .rin&e Asurr' !as so (u&h

    intereste# in it$ an# (aing sure that he !as neither too

    #islo'al or too lo'al to his un"ortunate brother$ the King$

    that he #i# not noti&e !hat !as %assing on his nee until

    a su##en la& o" attention on the %art o" his au#ien&e(a#e hi( "ollo! their e'es$ an# loo #o!n at the &hil#

    u%on his la%,

    An# then>

    Then he sat #u(b"oun#e#$ his "a&e "lushing to a

    #ull$ #ar re#$ "or he sa! in a (o(ent !hat the thingthat ha# ha%%ene# !oul# (ean to those others)the

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    au#ien&e be"ore hi()the (en he ha# su((one# to listen

    to his hal")hearte# !or#s,

    et it !as a +er' si(%le little thing, Bab' Abar$

    tire#$ #oubtless$ o" his un&le7s s%ee&hi"'ing$ ha# "oun#a(use(ent in a slen#er gol# &hain !hi&h hung roun#

    his un&le7s ne& ha# tra&e# it to a se&ret %o&et in his

    inner !aist&oat$ an# so ha# #ra!n out "ro( its hi#ing

    %la&e a gol#en signet ring$ set !ith an engra+e#

    e(eral#, A to' in#ee#9 So a"ter %la'ing !ith it "or a bit

    the &hil# ha# sli%%e# it onto his little "ore"inger$ !hi&hhe hel# u% the better to a#(ire his ne!)"oun# treasure,

    So it &a(e to %ass that as Asurr'7s s(ooth$ oil' +oi&e

    !ent on an# on$ those !ho listene# &oul# see a little

    i(age sitting on his nee,

    A #igni"ie#$ gra&ious)looing i(age !ith "ore"ingerhel# u% in the attitu#e o" ingl' &o((an# an# on that


    The Signet o" the King9

    The Ring o" E(%ire9

    -t !as un(istaable9 Asurr' (ust ha+e "oun# it inhis "ugiti+e brother7s tent, He (ust ha+e &on&eale# it,

    Un&ertain !hat %art he (eant to %la' in the en#$ he (ust

    ha+e !orn it on his %erson until the &hil#)the true Heir)


    The &hie"s looe# at ea&h other "urti+el', There !as

    a %ause, Then su##enl' an ol#$ thin +oi&e)the +oi&e o"

    the ol# (ountain &hie"$ !ho re(e(bere# Babar the

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    bra+e)rose on the silen&e,

    :;o# sa+e the Heir)to)E(%ire9:

    -t ga+e the lea#$ an# "ro( e+er' si#e rose the &r'?

    :;o# sa+e the Heir)to)E(%ire9:

    .rin&e Asurr'7s "a&e "ell, He ha# not (eant to

    rouse lo'alt'$ but he !as *ui& an# &le+er$ so he sa!

    that it ha# been rouse#$ an# that no! !as not the ti(e to

    tr' an# sti"le it, So his "ro!n turne# to a s(ile as he

    &aught the &hil# to hi( an# rose$ hol#ing hi( in hisar(s,

    :The rogue$ (' lor#s$: he sai# lightl'$ :has

    "orestalle# (e, - (eant to %la&e the ring u%on his "inger

    ('sel" be"ore 'ou all$ in toen that he #oes in truth

    re%resent our King$ but %raise be to Hea+en9 he has

    sa+e# (e the tas, 8ong li+e the Heir)to)E(%ire9:

    But the nobles as the' %asse# out o" the asse(bl'$

    an# the %eo%le !ho hear# the tale outsi#e$ sai# it !as a

    strange ha%%ening that the inno&ent &hil# shoul# so

    &lai( his right, An# &ruel brother Ku(ran7s %art' lai#

    their hea#s together on&e (ore$ an# s!ore it !as ti(e toen# .rin&e Asurr'7s "oolish hesitation, The' (ust get at

    the &hil# so(eho!,

    But b' this ti(e$ i" .rin&e Asurr' ha# not *uite

    (a#e u% his (in# ho! he shoul# treat Bab' Abar$ he

    ha# *uite settle# that no one else)least o" all &ruelbrother Ku(ran)shoul# ha+e an'thing to #o !ith the

    &hil#, So the little %rin&e !as &are"ull' !at&he# an#

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    guar#e#$ rather to Foster)"ather7s an# Ol# Faith"ul7s

    relie", -n#ee#$ as ti(e !ent on the' al(ost "orgot to

    !at&h the(sel+es$ being a&&usto(e# to see the sentr'

    !aling u% an# #o!n be"ore the entr' to the narro!

    stairs that le# u% to the three roo(s in the ol# bastion

    !hi&h !ere gi+en the( as lo#gings, The' !ere large$

    &o("ortable roo(s$ an# the inner one !as use# b'

    Foster)(other$ Hea#)nurse an# Bab' Abar$ the outer

    one b' the t!o (en an# the t!o bo's$ !hile the (i##le

    one$ a great !i#e hall o" a %la&e$ the' use# as a li+ingroo(, -t !as lighter than the others$ sin&e it ha# slits o"

    !in#o!s)!ithout glass$ o" &ourse)high u% in the !alls$

    an# though these let the &ol# as !ell as the !inter

    sunshine into the roo($ there !as a roaring great

    "ire%la&e$ !hi&h e%t the "arther en# o" the hall ni&e an#

    !ar(, An# here on +er' "rost' nights the !o(en "ol!oul# #rag their be#s an# slee%$ !hile #uring the sno!'

    #a's the' !oul# s%rea# *uilts on the "loor$ an# Bab'

    Abar !oul# ha+e high 3ins !ith Tu(bu an# Do!n$

    !ho !ere his &onstant %la'(ates, Then$ !hen he !as

    tire#$ Ro' !oul# &ra#le his 'oung (aster in his ar(s

    an# sing to hi(, Not lullabies$ "or little Abar7s (in#e%t %a&e !ith his bo#'$ an# e+er' (onth sa! hi( (ore

    an# (ore o" a bo' an# less an# less o" a bab',

    :Tell (e ho! R/3ah Ras/lu #i# this$: or :Tell (e

    ho! R/3ah Ras/lu #i# that$: he !oul# sa' an# so Ro'7s

    bo'ish +oi&e !oul# go o+er the ol# stor' o" en#lessa#+entures$ !hi&h has #elighte# so (an' -n#ian

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    &hil#ren "or so (an' generations,

    So ti(e %asse# *uite (erril' until one night$ !hen

    so(ething #rea#"ul ha%%ene#, So #rea#"ul that it !ill

    reall' re*uire another &ha%ter to #es&ribe it, But it !asone night !hen Ro' ha# been telling the little %rin&e

    ho! :R/3ah Ras/lu7s "rien#s "orsoo hi( "or "ear,: An#

    as this is rather a ni&e stor'$ it shall be tol# here,

    :ou no!$ great Kingl' &hil#$: began Ro'$ :ho!

    R/3ah Ras/lu !as born an# ho! R/3ah Ras/lu set out

    into the !orl# to see "or "ortune$ taing !ith hi( his#ear horse$ Baun!a)irai$ his %arrot$ Kilila$ !ho ha#

    li+e# !ith hi( sin&e he !as born$ besi#es the @ar%enter)

    la# an# the ;ol#s(ith)la#$ !ho ha# s!orn ne+er to

    lea+e their 'oung (aster, So he 3ourne'e# north to a

    lonel' %la&e$ all set !ith so(bre trees, An# the night!as #ar$ so he set a !at&h$ an# the gol#s(ith too the

    "irst$ !hile the 'oung %rin&e sle%t b' the @ar%enter)la#$

    on a &ou&h o" &lean$ s!eet lea+es, An# lest the heart o"

    the %rin&e shoul# sin$ the' sang a &heering song?

    :7@ra#le# till no! on so"test #o!n$ 8ea+es are th'

    be# to)night et grie+e not thou at "ortune7s "ro!n$Bra+e (en hee# not her slight,7

    :An# !hile the' sle%t an# the gol#s(ith !at&he#$ a

    snae sli# out "ro( the trees, 7No!$ !ho are 'ou>7 *uoth

    the ;ol#s(ith)la#$ 7!ho &o(e to #isturb his rest>7 78o9 -

    ha+e ille# all li+ing things that ha+e +enture# !ithinten (iles o" this (' %la&e o" rest$7 it hisse#$ 7an# no! -

    !ill sla' 'ou$ too97 So the' "ought an# "ought$ but the

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    ;ol#s(ith)la# he ille# the snae in the en#, Then he

    hi# the bo#' un#er his shiel#$ lest the others (ight be

    a"rai#$ an# he rouse# "ro( his rest the @ar%enter)la#$ to

    tae his share o" the !at&h$ !hile he$ in his turn$ on the

    &lean$ s!eet lea+es la' #o!n besi#e the %rin&e, An#

    !hile the' sle%t$ an# the @ar%enter !at&he#$ a #ragon

    sli# "ro( the trees, 7No!$ !ho are 'ou>7 *uoth the

    @ar%enter)la#$ 7!ho &o(e to #isturb his rest>7 78o9 - ha+e

    ille# all li+ing things "or t!ent' (iles roun# this %la&e

    an# -7ll ill 'ou$ too$7 it roare#$ 7an# &ra& 'our bones toeat,7 So the' "ought an# "ought an# "ought till he ille#

    the #ragon at last, Then he hi# the bo#' behin# a bush

    lest the others shoul# be a"rai#$ an# rouse# Ras/lu "ro(

    out his slee% to tae his share o" the !at&h !hile he in

    turn b' the ;ol#s(ith)la# la' #o!n to tae his rest,

    :An# !hile the' sle%t an# Ras/lu !ae# a TH-N;sli# out "ro( the trees an a!"ul TH-N;9 No (an &oul#

    tell th7 uns%eaable horror o" it, But Ras/lu s(ile# in its

    "a&e o" #rea#$ an# laughe# in$ its horrible e'es, 7.ra'$

    !ho are 'ou to #isturb our rest$ an# !h' #o 'ou #are to

    &o(e>7 78o9 - ha+e ille# all li+ing things "or t!ent'ti(es t!ent' (iles$ an# - !ill ill 'ou$ u%start bo'$ an#

    &ra& 'our bones to #ust,7

    :So the' "ought an# "ought an# "ought$ an# Ras/lu

    #re! his bo!$ an# the arro! "le# lie the !in# an#

    %ier&e# the A!"ul Horror through, Then it "le# to a &a+e

    &lose b'$ !ith Ras/lu at its heels, So the' "ought an#"ought an# "ought till the #a!n sho!e# &lear in the s'$

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    an# the A!"ul Horror ga+e u% !ith a groan an# rolle#

    on its si#e an# #ie#, No!$ 3ust as Ras/lu !i%e# his

    s!or# the slee%ers a!oe "ro( their slee%, 7See here97

    sai# the ;ol#s(ith)la# !ith %ri#e$ 7!hat - ille# in ('

    lonel' !at&h,7 7.ooh9 onl' a snae97 sai# the @ar%enter)

    la# 7see the #ragon - ha+e ille#,7 But Ras/lu too the(

    both b' the han# an# le# the( into the &a+e but #ea# as

    it !as$ the' shriee# !ith "ear at the A!"ul Horror the'

    sa!, An# the' "ell at Ras/lu7s "eet an# groane# an#

    (oane# an# %ra'e# an# !e%t, 78et us go9 Oh$ hero$ !eare but (en, =e #are not "ollo! 'ou no!, -t is nothing

    to 'ou it is #eath to us to "ollo! an# be 'our "rien#s,7

    :Then tears &a(e into Ras/lu7s e'es$ but he sai# no

    !or# o" na', 7Do as 'ou !ill$7 he sai# to the(, 7- !ill not

    bi# 'ou sta',

    :7Aloes linger long be"ore the' "lo!er$ ;ra&ious

    rain too soon is o+er%ast outh an# strength are !ith us

    but an hour$ All gla# li"e (ust en# in #eath at last, But

    ing reigns ing !ithout &onsent o" &ourtier$ Rulers (a'

    rule$ though none hee# their &o((an# Hea+en)

    &ro!ne# hea#s$ stoo% not$ but rise the haughtier$ Alonean# "rien#less in a strangers7 lan#,7

    :So his "rien#s "orsoo hi( an# "le#, But Ras/lu

    !ent on his !a',:

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    No! the terrible thing that ha%%ene# !as one !hi&hFoster)"ather (ight ha+e e%e&te#$ but "or t!o things,

    One !as the sentr' !ho !ale# u% an# #o!n all

    night long belo! the high se&on#)stor' !in#o!s o" the

    &entral roo(, He !oul# be boun# to see an' atte(%t to

    gain an entran&e through the($ e+en i" the' !ere !i#e

    enough to a#(it the entr' o" a gro!n (an$ !hi&h the'

    !ere not,

    The other !as the "a&t that he$ Ol# Faith"ul$ 4eroo

    an# Ro' all sle%t in the outer roo($ into !hi&h the onl'

    #oor o%ene#$ so that an' intru#er !oul# ha+e to "or&e an

    entran&e o+er their bo#ies "or the' sle%t !ith #ra!ns!or#s besi#e the(,

    So as the #a's %asse# on Foster)"ather7s +igilan&e)

    though he ne! that &ruel brother Ku(ran7s agents !ere

    on the looout "or an' o%%ortunit' o" i#na%%ing the

    Heir)to)E(%ire)sla&ene# so(e!hat$ es%e&iall' !henthe a"ternoons #re! in$ the "ire in the big hall !as (a#e

    u%$ the *uilts %ut #o!n an# Bab' Abar$ surroun#e# b'

  • 7/27/2019 Adventures Akbar


    his a#(iring &ir&le$ listene# to Ro'7s stories or tu(ble#

    about !ith his %la'(ates$ Tu(bu$ the #og$ an# Do!n$

    the &at,

    One #a'$ ho!e+er$ Do!n #i# not a%%ear until littleAbar !as ha+ing his su%%er$ an# then she &a(e in a

    great hurr' out o" a s(all ar&h!a' b' the big "ire%la&e$

    !hi&h le# to a sort o" &u%boar# in the (asonr'$ !here

    &har&oal ha# been e%t$ gobble# u% a %late o" brea# an#

    (il$ an# hurrie# in again as i" she ha# to &at&h a train,

    :She has ha# ittens$: sai# Foster)(other :-!on#er i" the' are !hite or bla&,:

    :Bla&9: sni""e# Hea#)nurse, :=hat else &oul# the'

    be in that hole> Ha+e a &are$ !o(an9 or the Heir)to)

    E(%ire !ill be bla&ing hi(sel"$ too, The ar&h!a' is

    large enough "or hi( to &ree% in$ an# Hea+en onl'no!s !hither it (ight lea#,:

    :That is true$: re%lie# Foster)(other$ alar(e#$ as

    she #istra&te# the &hil#7s attention,

    But in a #a' or t!o his *ui& ear &aught the soun#

    o" a "eeble (e!ing insi#e the ar&h$ an#$ o" &ourse$ he!ante# to no! !hat it !as, So he !as tol# that ittens

    ha# to be e%t *uiet an# that Do!n !oul# be +er' +ee#

    i" her itten !as #isturbe# but that b')an#)b'e she

    !oul# #oubtless bring it out "or hi( to see$ an# then$ o"

    &ourse$ he &oul# %la' !ith it, No!$ Bab' Abar !as

    al!a's a reasonable little "ello!$ so he !aite# %atientl'though e+er' night !hen he !ent to be# an# Do!n

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    &a(e out "or her su%%er$