aerodynamic forces & moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 1 If you can’t get a bigger target... Basic Aerodynamics Definition of Forces & Moments

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Page 1: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 1

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Basic Aerodynamics

Definition of Forces & Moments

Page 2: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 2

If you can’t get a bigger target...Aerodynamic Forces

External Projectile Shape Determines:– Drag Force, Normal Force, Magnus/ Side Force Coefficients; – Normal Force and Magnus/Side Force Center of Pressure Locations

As a Function of Mach Number and Angle of Attack

Normal ForceCenter of Pressure

Page 3: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 3

If you can’t get a bigger target...Aerodynamic Moments

Mass Distribution Within the Projectile, Combined With the Force Coefficients / CP Location(s) Determines:

–Pitching Moment, Magnus/Side Moment, Pitch Damping Moment Coefficients

As a Function of Mach Number and Angle of Attack

Normal ForceCenter of Pressure Center of Mass

Page 4: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 4

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Odd” Aerodynamic Moments

Manufacturing Tolerances & Processes, With “First Order”Aerodynamic Forces and Moments Determine:– Projectile Center of Mass Offset (Causing Torque Forces & Moments)– Trim Forces and Moments

PA Tilt

Misaligned Fin & Fuze

Offset Center of Mass WRT Projectile Exterior

Page 5: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 5

If you can’t get a bigger target...Aerodynamic Force Definition

Normal Force



Axial Force

Angle of AttackPlane

Magnus Force(acts @ Magnus Force Center of Pressure)

(acts @ Normal Force Center of Pressure)

Center of Mass (Gravity)

Notional diagram to showvector orientation, not location

Page 6: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 6

If you can’t get a bigger target...Aerodynamic Moment Definition

Angle of Attack Plane



Pitching & Pitch Damping Moments

Magnus Moment

Spin Decel Moment

Notional diagram to showvector orientation, not location

Page 7: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 7

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic Force &Coefficient Definition

Axial Force = - 1/2 ρ A Cx V2

Cx = Drag Coefficient = Cx0 + Cxα2 (Sin αm)2



Axial Force

Angle of Attack PlaneNotional diagram to show

vector orientation, not location

Page 8: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 8

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic Force &Coefficient Definition

Normal Force = 1/2 ρ A CN V2

CN = Normal Force Coefficient = CNα Sinαm + CNα3 (Sinαm)3

Normal Force



Angle of Attack Plane

Notional diagram to showvector orientation, not location

Page 9: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 9

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic Force &Coefficient Definition

Magnus Force = 1/2 ρ A (pd/2V) CYp V2

CYp = Magnus Force Coefficient = CYpα Sinαm + CYpα3 (Sinαm)3



Angle of Attack Plane

Magnus Force

Notional diagram to showvector orientation, not location

Page 10: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 10

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic Moment &Coefficient Definition

Pitching Moment = 1/2 ρ A d Cm V2

Cm = Pitching Moment Coefficient = Cmα Sinαm + Cmα3 (Sinαm)3+Cmα5(Sinαm)5

Angle of Attack Plane



Pitching Moment

Notional diagram to showvector orientation, not location

Page 11: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 11

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Pitching Moment (Static Stability)

Center of Pressure

Velocity Vector

Center of Gravity

Normal Force

Pitching Moment

Center of Pressure

Velocity VectorCenter of Gravity

Normal Force

Pitching Moment

“Finner”(Large - #’s)

“Spinner”(+ #’s)

Pitching Moment, M = 1/2 ρ A d Cm V2

Where: Cmα Sin(α) = CNα Sin(α)(CG-CPN)

Page 12: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 12

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic Moment &Coefficient Definition

Pitch Damping Moment = 1/2 ρ A d Cmq (qd/2V)V2

Cmq = Pitch Damping Moment Coefficient = Cmq0 + Cmq2 (Sinαm)2+Cmq4(Sinαm)4

Angle of Attack Plane



Pitch Damping Moment

- -

Notional diagram to showvector orientation, not location


Page 13: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 13

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic Moment &Coefficient Definition

Magnus Moment = 1/2 ρ A d Cnp (pd/2V)V2

Cnp = Magnus Moment Coefficient = Cnpα Sinαm+ Cnpα3 (Sinαm)3+Cnpα5(Sinαm)5

Acts Perpendicular to the plane of the Angle of Attack

Angle of Attack Plane



Magnus Moment

Notional diagram to showvector orientation, not location

Page 14: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 14

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic Moment &Coefficient Definition

Spin Deceleration Moment = 1/2 ρ A d Clp (pd/2V)V2

Clp = Spin Deceleration Coefficient = Clp0 + Clpα2 (Sinαm)2

Angle of Attack Plane



Spin Decel Moment

Notional diagram to showvector orientation, not location

Page 15: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 15

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic SpinnerInput Reference

Meplat Dia.

Ogive Length

Ogive RadiusBand Length

Band Dia.





Page 16: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 16

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Spinner” Input

Ogive Input

Band InputBoom Input

Boattail Input

Meplat Dia

• Enter Appropriate Meplat Dia., Ogive Radius, etc.• Check Aero Config. Vs. Geometry on Aero Model Tab

Page 17: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 17

If you can’t get a bigger target...

“Spinner” Physical & Aero Model Comparison

Ogive Radius


• Are Meplat Dia. & Ogive Radius Appropriate ?• Is Boattail (if used) correct length & aft diameter ?• Band Length & Diameter Correct?• Check Boom & Boattail Info If Used• Adjust if req’d in Geometry Input Tab• Then Push “Calc New Aeros” Button on Geometry Input Tab

Page 18: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 18

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Aerodynamic FinnerInput Reference







Reference Dia.

Boat Tail Dia.


Flare Dia.

Flare Length Grooves

Ogive Length

Meplat Dia.

Page 19: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 19

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Body Input

• Body Inputs Identical to “Spinner”

Page 20: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 20

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Fin Input

Finner 2000 Allows Up To 3 Fin Sets(No Fins on: Ogive, Spike, or Boattail)

1st Fin Set2nd Fin Set

3rd Fin Set

Page 21: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 21

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Fin Input

Fin Geometry Definition

(Taken Perpendicularto Fin Leading Edge)

Page 22: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 22

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Fin Input

Fin Geometry Definition (Con’t)Distance From Fin Leading Edge to Nose

Page 23: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 23

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Groove Input

Finner 2000 Allows Up To 3 Different Groove Sets1st Groove Set

2nd Groove Set

3rd Groove Set

Page 24: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 24

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Groove Definitions

Page 25: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 25

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Flare Input

Page 26: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 26

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Flare Input Definitions

Page 27: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 27

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Spinner” Tabular Output

Page 28: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 28

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Spinner” Plot Output








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mach Arrow Tech Assoc-PRODAS2000 30heaj.pr2 30MM PGU13 HEI AEROJET 08/26/1999

Cx0 Zero Yaw Drag

Page 29: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 29

If you can’t get a bigger target...

“Finner” Physical & Aero Model Comparison

Root Chord


Boom Length(2 Elements on 2 Components)

Boattail Length(5 Elements on 2 Components)


“Wetted” Ogive Length(4 Elements on 3 Components)

Ogive Radius

• Physical Geometry Above, Aero Description Below• Allows User to Visually “Verify” Correct Aero Description• Improves Accuracy & Confidence in Predicted Aero’s

Page 30: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 30

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Tabular Output

Page 31: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 31

If you can’t get a bigger target...“Finner” Plot Output








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

Mach Arrow Tech Assoc-PRODAS2000 #120m934.pr2 120mm M934 Mortar, Aug 97 Mass & Aeros 08/26/1999

Cx0 Zero Yaw Drag

Page 32: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 32

If you can’t get a bigger target...

““Higher OrderHigher Order””Aerodynamic Aerodynamic CoefficientsCoefficients

Page 33: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 33

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Aerodynamic TrimsAerodynamic Trims

Page 34: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 34

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Aerodynamic Trim

• Caused by mis-aligned projectile components• Trim angle rotates with projectile body• No dynamics stability problem for spinners (dispersion?)• Trouble for finners• W/O spin, trims force projectile to fly at an angle of attack• When roll rate = yaw rate,

angle of attack = Trim Angle x Amplification Factor!• Can lead to Angle of Attack Induced Side Force,

Side Moment & Roll Moment = Roll-Yaw Lock-In

Angle of Attack


Page 35: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 35

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Finner Assembly Trim

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments



23.47cal from nose 13.19

cal from nose 2.59

CNαFin = 11.58CNαBody = 3.36

Assume: 0.1 Deg Fin Mis-alignment: (difficult to measure) Fin Trim Moment About CG = Separation x Normal Force Coeff x Angle

= (23.47-13.19) x 11.58 x 0.1 = 11.9 cal-deg. Which is reacted by body

11.9 cal-deg = (Forebody CP-CG Separation) x CNαBody x Angle= (13.19-2.59) x 3.36 x αbody= 35.62 αbody

αbody = 0.33 deg. (Body Angle of Attack) αTotal = (0.33x3.36)+(0.1x11.58)/(CNα

Total) = 0.15 deg.

Page 36: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 36

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Finner Automatically Predicts Trim Force & Moment Coefficients

Page 37: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 37

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Angle of Attack Induced Angle of Attack Induced Forces & MomentsForces & Moments

Page 38: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 38

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Angle of Attack Induced Side Force, Side Moment, & Roll Moment

VelocityAngle of Attack Plane

Angle of Attack

Flow Symmetry, No Induced Side Force, Side Moment, or Roll Moment Vs.


Fin “shadowed” from air flow

Asymmetric Flow Across Fins Due to:• Angle of Attack (> ~ 10 Deg.)• Roll Orientation

Induces Forces & Moments on Projectile

45 Deg.

Page 39: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 39

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Angle of Attack Induced Side Force, Side Moment, & Roll Moment

Fin “shadowed” from air flow

VelocityAngle of Attack


Moment InducedRoll



InducedSide Force

CYγα Cmγα

InducedPitching Moment

Page 40: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 40

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Induced Side Force Coefficient vs. Angle of Attack & Roll Orientation








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Roll Orientation, Deg









12.2 Deg16.2 Deg20.2 Deg

Page 41: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 41

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Induced Side Moment Coefficient vs. Angle of Attack & Roll Orientation










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Roll Orientation, Deg.






t Coe



20.2 Deg16.2 Deg12.2 Deg

Page 42: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 42

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Induced Roll Moment Coefficient vs. Angle of Attack & Roll Angle








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Roll Angle, Deg.




l Mom





16.8 Deg12.5 Deg4.2 Deg

Page 43: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 43

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Catastrophic Yaw

Page 44: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 44

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Angle of Attack Induced Side Force, Side Moment, & Roll Moment


Angle of Attack

• Induced Side Force, Side Moment, & Roll Moment are Destabilizing• Results In Catastrophic (Lunar) Yaw For Fin Stabilized Projectiles• Loss of Velocity, Range & Penetration Capability

Side moment acts perpendicular to page, increasing total angle of attack

Page 45: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 45

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Side force & moment(at low angle of attack)

can be caused by:

Offset Fins “Wrap Around” Fins

Page 46: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 46

If you can’t get a bigger target...

PC-PRODAS Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Finner Predicts Side Moment Due to Wrap Around Fins

Page 47: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 47

If you can’t get a bigger target...Wrap Around Fin Indicator

Page 48: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 48

If you can’t get a bigger target...Induced Moment Coefficient

Page 49: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 49

If you can’t get a bigger target...Projectile Parameter Comparisons

Effect of Projectile Design Effect of Projectile Design Parameters onParameters on

Aerodynamic CoefficientsAerodynamic Coefficientsandand

Projectile StabilityProjectile Stability

Page 50: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 50

If you can’t get a bigger target...Subsonic Mach #’s

Length With SQ Base Drag Gyro Stab (Pitch) Dyn Stab (Magnus)> 6 Cal High Poor Poor3.5 to 5 High OK OK (Precession)

With Boattail (.6 cal) Medium Marginal Look Out> 5. Cal (40 % Reduction)

With Boattail (1.0 Cal) Low Poor Bad> 5. Cal (50% Reduction)

Nose LengthShort (2 Cal) Small Increase Better BetterLong (3 Cal) Small Decrease Worse WorseOgiveCone Small changes Small changes Small changes

CG LocationForward NA Better WorseRearward NA Worse Better

Page 51: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 51

If you can’t get a bigger target...Transonic Mach #’s

Projectile Base Config. Drag Gyro Stab Dyn StabWith square base Higher OK OKMedium Boattail Close to low Poor AwfulLong Boattail Low Very Poor Forget it

Nose LengthShort (2 cal) High Best BestLong (3 cal) Low Worst WorstOgive Low Small changes Small changesCone High (Precession)

CG LocationForward NA Better WorseRearward NA Worse Better

Rotating BandCan cause large Magnus effects* Unpredictable

Page 52: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 52

If you can’t get a bigger target...Supersonic Mach #’s

Projectile Base Config. Drag Gyro Stab Dyn StabWith square base OK OK PrecessionMedium Boattail -5% OK May HelpLong Boattail -10% OK ???

Nose LengthShort (2 cal) High Better PrecessionLong (3 cal) -30% ----- May helpTangent Ogive A Bit Higher A Bit Worse PrecessionSecant Ogive A Bit Lower A Bit Better --------Conical Ogive -7% @ M>3.0 A Bit Better --------

CG Location Forward NA ----- BetterRearward NA Worse ------

Page 53: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 53

If you can’t get a bigger target...Estimating Aero Coefficients

• Need to Know:– Drag, Lift, Stabilizing Moment, Damping Characteristics, Spin

Characteristics• The range of aero coefficients is fairly well covered in the table

• The effect of ogive shape in the aerodynamics are shown in the following figures

Page 54: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 54

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Alternate Aero Coefficient Sources





Page 55: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 55

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Effect of Ogive ShapeOn Aeros

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Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 56

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Boattail Effect on Aeros

Page 57: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 57

If you can’t get a bigger target...Effect of Nose Radius on CX0

Change in CX per Change of Nose Radius Relative to RT/R = 0.4












0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1




Mach 0.8

Mach 1.05

Mach 1.5

Mach 2.0

Mach 3.0

Cone Secant Tangent

Page 58: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 58

If you can’t get a bigger target...

Effect of Meplat Diameter on CX0

Change in CX Per Change of Meplat Diameter Relative to Dm = 0.12








0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35Meplat Diameter, Calibers



Mach 3.0Mach 2.0Mach 1.5 Mach 1.05Mach 0.8

Page 59: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 59

If you can’t get a bigger target...Scale Effects

Effect of Projectile Effect of Projectile ““ScaleScale””onon

Aerodynamic CoefficientsAerodynamic Coefficients

Page 60: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 60

If you can’t get a bigger target...Scale Effect on CX0

Page 61: Aerodynamic Forces & Moments

Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 61

If you can’t get a bigger target...Scale Effect on CNα

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Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 62

If you can’t get a bigger target...Scale Effect on CPN

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Feb 05 Aero Coeff Definition & PRODAS Entry 63

If you can’t get a bigger target...Scale Effect on Cmα