affiliate theme design 4 - internet income jamaica

© Affiliate Theme Design 4 Here are instructions on how to edit Affiliate Theme Design 4. The instructions start after the theme has been installed. General Settings First thing you should do is go to your “General Settings” and update your blog’s title and tagline. Note that if you don’t plan on using a graphical logo in your header, the title and tagline you enter here will be used, so they needs to be short enough to fit. (If you will be using a logo the title can be as long as you want.) Here’s an example of a short title and an a descriptive tag line Reading Next you want to click on “Settings” => “Reading”. There is only one setting we are interested in here and that is number of post to show on the front page. Since the theme displays your posts in 3 columns, you want to select a number that is a multiple of 3 (i.e. 3, 6, 9, 12 etc.)

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Affiliate Theme Design 4

Here are instructions on how to edit Affiliate Theme – Design 4. The instructions start after the theme has been installed.

General Settings

First thing you should do is go to your “General Settings” and update your blog’s title and tagline.

Note that if you don’t plan on using a graphical logo in your header, the title and tagline you enter here will be used, so they needs to be short enough to fit. (If you will be using a logo the title can be as long as you want.)

Here’s an example of a short title and an a descriptive tag line


Next you want to click on “Settings” => “Reading”.

There is only one setting we are interested in here and that is number of post to

show on the front page.

Since the theme displays your posts in 3 columns, you want to select a number

that is a multiple of 3 (i.e. 3, 6, 9, 12 etc.)

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It’s a good idea to change your permalinks as it will help your SEO efforts. Go to

“Settings” and then “Permalinks” to do so. We recommend setting it to

/%category%/%postname% like on the picture below.

Next step is to configure the look of your site


Go to “Appearance” and “Header”… The preview shows how your blog title will look

in the header of your site

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The custom background settings are found under “Appearance” and “Background”.

The preview shows your current background, which by default, is white.

You can change the background color if you wish – or upload an image to

replace the current background.

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Theme Options

The theme options page is found under “Appearance” and “Theme Options”. This is

where you control most of the huge array of customization features ,

Preset Templates: At the top of the Theme Options page you will see a few preset

color templates. If you press one of these it will automatically change the entire look of

your site (remember to save your changes). You can also customize the template

further after you have selected it

Social Buttons: here you can enter your Facebook, Twitter and Google+,

Pinterest and Reddit usernames. When you, do a little icon for the corresponding

social media site will appear in your header, and when people click it you can gain

followers on that site.

Sidebars: The theme comes with optional sidebars for the home page, category

pages, wish list pages and single posts. You need to activate these and select

if you want them appearing to the left or right. Then you need to put widgets on

them (more on that later)

Show footer: You can turn the footer off if you like. But the footer is another

widget ready area you can use to monetize your site (so why not use it?)

Comments: you can either use standard WP comments or let your visitors comment

via Facebook (or both which is our recommended settings). Note that you won’t you

wont be able to moderate FB comments unless you add a Facebook App ID.

Membership Options

This is what makes this theme unique and extremely powerful. So even though this is

still on the Theme Options page, it gets a section of it’s own.

Your visitors can sign up for a free account so they can add products to

their wish list and share it with their friends… And you even can export a list

of your members – or add them directly to your auto responder – so you can

mail them with updates and new products to buy.

The first few items under Member Options are cosmetic, such as the text on your wish

list links. If you need to see what they do, check the Help file listed at the

top of the page.

Social Sharing Buttons: here you can select what social media sites you want your

members to be able to share their wish lists on. This can be a major traffic and sales

generator for you.

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Send Welcome Email To New Users: You can turn this off if you want. But it’s

a good idea to leave it on so they’ll get an email with the username and password.

The welcome email also gives you a chance to immediately monetize your new sign

ups by promoting something in the email. You can customize the email using the tags

next to the box. Here’s an example, notice what I did with the P.S.

Auto Responder Integration

This theme will integrate with your auto responder of choice. After you have set it

up, anyone who joins your store as a member will automatically be subscribed to

your list.

We highly recommend using Aweber as they have full integration.

To integrate with Aweber please follow the steps below.

Register for aweber –

Aweber authorization code

Click the link to request your Aweber authorization code (login using the Aweber login for the

account you want to connect to your site). Then grab the code they give you, paste it into the

box and click on "Save Options" at the bottom of the theme options page.

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AWeber list to subscribe to

Use the drop down list to select which Aweber list you want your members to be subscribed to,

then click on "Save Options" again


Head to “Appearance” and the “Widgets” to configure your widget ready sidebars and


On the right hand side you will see the available widget areas. These widget

areas work just like in other WordPress themes, you can drag the stuff you want to

appear in them over from the left side pool.

Featured Posts Sidebar: this is the sidebar that will appear on your front page

according to your settings. Remember that this one has an exact size of 300x250

pixels (if you put anything bigger in there it will look bad).

Single Post Sidebar, Category Page Sidebar, Wishlist Page Sidebar: these 3 all

have a fixed width of 300 pixels but can have unlimited height. You can choose to

set them to show to the left, right or not at all on the relevant pages.

Footer: the footer is divided into 3 widget areas. You don’t have to use all of

them, but it often looks better if you do.

Setting Up Categories

Before you start adding content/products to your new site, you need to set up

some categories.

Locate “Posts” on your dashboard sidebar menu and click on the sub-­‐menu


Simply type in the name of the category you want to create and click the “Add New

Category” button. The “slug”, “parent” and “description” fields are all optional.

However the description field is used a the top of your category pages, so

it’s a very good idea to write a nice description for each category.

You don’t have to create all your categories at once (you can always add more later),

but you need to set up at least one before you start posting.

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Adding Products To Your Store

By now your new site should be set up and it’s time to add some products to it.

Thankfully that is the by far the easiest part – but first you need to set

up your affiliate ID for at least one of the networks. Go to CSB Products =>

Product settings.

At the top you’re seeing our recommended setting.

Below that you’ll need to set up your Amazon affiliate details (and Commission Junction

& eBay details if desired).

As I said you need to set up at least one affiliate network first and we will start with


Obtaining Amazon Access Keys

1 - Register for the amazon associates program

2 - Login to your account. Obtain your Advertising API keys (needed for the plugins to

communicate with Amazon). Located on left side of screen.

After you click on it, there will be a “Sign up Now” button, click on that button. It may ask you to

log back in, then log back into the account.

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3 - Click where it says “click here”

4 – Copy and paste your Access Key ID and click where it says Show under Secret Access

Key - copy and paste that and save on your computer. You will need it in a future step.

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Search For Products

Next step is to go to “Search For Products” (also found under the CSB

products menu).

Start by entering your keyword, how many results you want to get and select what

affiliate network to search (if you have configured multiple networks you can search

more than one at a time).

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After you click the search button the theme will display the results for you like this:

You can either continue the search if you don’t find any products you’d like to

add to your store.

If you find some products you want to add – you simply check the box next to

them. The select which category to put them in and press one of the two buttons to

either import the products as draft posts or to immediately add them to your store.

Posting Your Own Content

On top of adding products like in the example above – you can also write your

own posts in the theme. Writing your own posts your site is super easy. Just go to

“Add New” post as you normally would in WordPress and write your post.

There are 2 things you need to be aware of.

1) When writing normal posts like this you should leave the “Product Details”

fields blank.

2) All posts must have a “Featured Image”. The theme comes with a default one,

but you would probably want to add a custom one for each of you own posts.

This is done in the lower right hand corner of the “add new” post window.

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#3 Writing Your Own Pages

In this theme. "pages" work just like in any normal WordPress theme. They are

designed to be used for your about me, privacy etc. pages.

However, note that there are no links to your pages in the navigation menu. But you

can add the standard WordPress “Pages Widget” to your sidebars or your footer.

If you are using pages for your privacy policy and the like, I recommend using one of

the widget areas in your footer for the “Pages Widget”, it’s the natural

place for it.

Theme Ads

This theme also allows you display ads in between the products on your

store home page. Simply head to Appearance => Theme Ads to configure your ads.

1) Select how many ads you want to create

2) Select how many ads you want to show per page

3) Select an interval of products you want to display before the first ad is


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4) Select if you want your ads displayed in order (1 to 5) or have them displayed


5) Then put your ad code in the widgets and hit save. Note that the maximum ad

size is 300x440 pixels. Your ads could for example be Google Adsense, Amazon

Widgets, banners etc.