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  • 8/4/2019 afghannews_21SEP


    Peace Shura held in Zhari district of Kandahar province

    Kandahartv, 20 Sep

    This Shura which was held late Monday in Zari districts meeting hall, governors of Zhari and Maywanddistricts, head of the Kandahar peace council Haji Ata Mohammad Ahmadi, secretary of Kandahar peace

    council Haji Mohammad Omar Satea, tribal elders of Zhari and Maywand districts and some Afghan andforeign generals and officers also participated.

    The speeding of peace process was discussed in this meeting, the tribal elders and influential of this areawere urged to support the governments peace and reintegration process and those who are currentlyfighting against the government join the peace process.

    The Zhari district governor Haji Niaz Mohammad Sarhadi told media during the meeting, this kind ofgathering is very important and will have positive impact on ongoing peace process, he also added those9 detainees who were held by foreign forces in the area during the operations were also released throughpeaces process.

    The released detainees were also happy that they are returning back to their normal life and joining their

    families, they said, they will give up opposition to the government and cooperate with government insecurity and peaces process.

    It has to be said, in the end of the meeting a branch for civil services was officially opened which isoperating for employment opportunities for those who are joining the peaces process.

    Many areas of Zhari district clear

    Khabarial, 20 Sep

    Around ten months ago the wide range operation was conducted by Afghan and foreign forces in fourdistricts of Kandahar province mean while the operation in Zhari district still continues but even now thepresents of the armed militants can be seen in many areas of this district.

    As result of clearance operations by Afghan and foreign forces the Sangsaar area of Zhari district which isthe home town of Mullah Mohammad Omar the leader of the Taliban, Nalghaan, Deewar and other areashave also been totally cleared of armed Taliban.

    The ANA commander for first Battalion of third brigade in Zhari district Lt Col Toorali Siddiqi says, foreliminating of the Armed Taliban they have conducted clearance operations in recent weeks and thoseareas were cleared of Armed Taliban which they establish for their safe heavens.According to him these areas have been cleared by help of ISAF and brave soldiers of Afghan and so farthere is no any security concern.

    Mean time the residents of this district say, the Afghan and ISAF forces have conducted wide range ofoperation in these areas but the Armed Taliban are still active in these areas and placing IEDs.

    According to them, the security situations around the military bases are secure and personals are safe butin those areas that soldiers are not present, Taliban are still controlling the areas as previously.

    These people are also saying, the internal and foreign forces should do more to unearth the IEDsbecause people are suffering a lot from these IEDs.

    Commander of first brigade Siddiqi says, before the operation the Armed Taliban placed IEDs in thoseareas of Zhari that there were many Taliban in the area, but they have defused all IEDs during the

  • 8/4/2019 afghannews_21SEP


    operations and those areas which are being used by public are cleared of mines. According to him, theoperation will continue in the future as well and will do more to unearth the IEDs.

    This is happening while Zhari is the first district that Armed Taliban are reappearing and many Talibanleaders including the Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omer is also originally from this area.

    Maywand district is an insecure district which is located west of Kandahar City on Kandahar Herat highway.

    Coordination center for security forces inaugurated

    Kandahartv, 21 Sep

    A Coordination center of security forces, training center and a play ground inaugurated in Maywanddistrict of Kandahar province. The ceremony was held in Maywand district center and was attended bydeputy governor of Kandahar engineer Mohammad Qadiri, district governor of Maywand UbaidullahBawari and tribal elders of this district.

    First the Maywand district governor Ubaidullah Bawari said, the security of Maywand district has beensignificantly improved compare to the past and according to Bawari the reconstruction projects have also

    been implemented by the help of ISAF and governor palace.

    Bawari also pointed out some problems to the deputy governor and added, so far we have not receiveddevelopment fund for Maywand district to process our projects. Maywand district governor also said thatmedia center is very important for this district, according to him they are launching many projects andpublic should be inform.

    Later the deputy governor of Kandahar engineer Mohammad Qadiri praised the work of Maywand districtand along the thanking of Maywnad district governor he also urged the tribal elders for full cooperationwith the government in every aspect, according to him the government is working day and night forprosperity of the people.

    Mr. Qadiri also called on tribal elders to invite those who are currently fighting against the government andall Afghans should peacefully live together. The deputy governor of Kandahar Engineer MohammadQadiri said, I will do my best about Bawaris requests regarding the establishing of media center anddevelopment fund for Maywand district.

    At the end of the meeting the deputy governor of Kandahar, Maywand district governor and tribal eldersinaugurated the coordination center for Afghan and ISAF security forces, training center for youths and aplay ground in a ribbon cutting ceremony. The district governor of Maywand Ubaidullah Bawari toldKandahar Radio Television during the interview, these facilities will have positive impacts on security,economy and culture of this district.

    The deputy governor of Kandahar Engineer Mohammad Qadiri also visited the Ghazi Mohammad AyoubKhan high school in this district; he called on students of this school to continue their studies for betterfuture of their district, province and country.

    Program Summary: Kandahar Radio Azada Pashto 1430 GMT 20 Sep 11

    Regional authorities say permanent security posts have been established in Howz-e Madad, Sang-e Sarand Nalgham areas of Zhari District, Kandahar Province, which have been cleared of armed opponents ofthe government. A project to provide small houses to residents of these areas has also been launched.Eight shops have also been established in Sang-e Sar so that people could meet their basic requirementsfrom there. Officials say the project is aimed at restoring normal life in the region. Zhari Mayor NiazMohammad Sarhadi says the security situation has improved in the district compared to the previousyear.

  • 8/4/2019 afghannews_21SEP


    Six prisoners were released from the Bagram prison and four from a detention center of foreign forces inKandahar due to the arbitration of the High Council for Peace. These people were handed over to theirfamilies in the military base of Zhari District.