against the copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics

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  • 7/31/2019 Against the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics


    Against the Copenhagen interpretation

    of quantum mechanics in defence of

    MarxismWritten by Harry Nielsen Wednesday, 13 July 2005

    Quantum mechanics has given scientists and engineers a new and deeper

    understanding of physical reality. It explains the behaviour of electrons, atoms and

    molecules, the nature of chemical reactions, how light interacts with matter, the

    evolution of stars, the bio-chemistry of life and the evolution of mankind itself.

    Despite its successes it remains an intensely controversial theory. It suggests thatvery small objects such as electrons or photons behave in ways that contradict the

    common sense ideas. Yet many scientists to this day refuse to accept the fact that

    contradiction is an essential part of all matter.

    Quantum mechanics is the part of science that deals with the motion of matter on the scale

    of atoms and sub-atomic particles. It was the experimental and theoretical response of

    scientists in the first half of the 20 th century to a series of contradictions that had emerged

    in 19th century physics.

    Quantum mechanics has given scientists and engineers a new and deeper understanding of

    physical reality. It explains the behaviour of electrons, atoms and molecules, the nature ofchemical reactions, how light interacts with matter, the evolution of stars, the bio-chemistry

    of life and the evolution of mankind itself. Semiconductors, transistors, computers, lasers,

    plastics, all result from insights gained from this part of physics. When tested by experiment,

    the predictions of quantum mechanics have been successful to extraordinary levels of

    precision. In conjunction with the other great breakthrough of 20th century physics,

    Einsteins theory of relativity, it leads to the possibility of enormous advances in human

    society through the limitless supplies of energy from nuclear fusion or the possibility of

    humankinds destruction by atomic weapons.

    Yet despite its successes it remains an intensely controversial theory. It suggests that very

    small objects such as electrons or photons (particles of light) behave in ways that contradict

    the common sense ideas and physical intuition that derive from the world of objects that we

    see around us. Very small objects appear to behave very differently from large objects - from

    things we can see and hold. Light spreads out through a diffraction grating like a wave, then

    thuds into a detecting screen as if it was a particle. Strange effects occur when electrons are

    scattered by crystals that seem to suggest an electron is not a particle but a wave but not


    Worryingly for many physicists, quantum mechanics seems to fail exactly where it should be

    strong in describing the motion of individual small particles of matter. It describes only the

    relative probability of, for example, a moving particle arriving at one place or another, or ofan electron in an atom having one energy level or another. It has nothing to say about why,com_mailto/link,915589aef83b453e237ca3979459493df266deda/tmpl,component/,com_mailto/link,915589aef83b453e237ca3979459493df266deda/tmpl,component/
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    or how the particle arrives here but not there, why the electron has this energy but not that,

    why an atom of a radioactive substance decays at this time but not another. This is

    acceptable, and very useful, when there are many particles, as in a transistor for example,

    when the probability that an individual particle can behave in various ways translates into the

    predictable overall behaviour and an observable and useable effect. But physicists would

    like to know more, and several generations of physicists have had to live with an uneasyfeeling about quantum mechanics that something is missing, that the theory is in some

    sense not complete.

    Why should Marxists concern themselves with this part of science? Best leave it to the

    scientists, perhaps, those experts who know best. But bourgeois ideology permeates every

    aspect of life under capitalism. Scientists claim to be objective, simply dealing with the facts.

    There are countless examples that prove the opposite, from the cover-up for decades of the

    health-effects of smoking to the Nazi experiments in eugenics. Anyway, how can a scientist

    be objective when under capitalism science and technique are the key to vast profits?

    Those most conservative academics who developed quantum mechanics inserted into the

    subject a direct attack on the philosophical basis of Marxism dialectical materialism - at the

    most fundamental level. This was their chosen response to the incompleteness of quantum

    theory. Almost unbelievably perhaps, they chose to interpret the strangeness of quantum

    behaviour by denying the existence of physical reality. And as a standard textbook

    interpretation of quantum mechanics, physicists have been taught for the last 80 years that

    physical reality therefore only exists as a result of the act of observation. This is the

    Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, developed in the late 1920s by Niels

    Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. To quote Heisenberg: I believe that the existence of the

    classical path can be pregnantly formulated as follows: The path comes into existence only

    when we observe it[1].

    If ideas are weapons, then, like religion, this is another weapon in the armoury of the

    bourgeois, another part of the defences that surround the unmentionable - the private

    ownership of the means of production. But there is nothing particularly new in this. The

    bourgeois are consistently obliged to deny reality to justify their rule. Bush and Blair pray

    together to the Almighty for guidance (for their precision bombing of civilian targets,

    perhaps?). The educated elite in the universities and government research laboratories

    meekly fall into line with their discussions on whether the notion of physical reality is an

    ambiguous one and thatquantum mechanics is a discussion of measurement phenomena

    without any relevance to a reality that is not observed. The more astute may have other

    ideas, but they keep these to themselves. Like the old Soviet bureaucracy, they think one

    thing, say another, and do a third.

    The heart of quantum mechanics: the double-slit experimentQuantum mechanics is often associated with advanced mathematics, and mathematics can

    be used to develop the ideas of quantum mechanics to applications in complex situations.

    The mathematics, however, is only a vehicle for the physical ideas. The central ideas of

    quantum mechanics the wave-like behaviour of matter and the particle-like behaviour of

    light can be accurately described without the need to use any mathematics. The essence

    of the subject lies, however, in a description of physical reality and behaviour at small scales,

    which is very different from that of everyday objects that we are familiar with.
  • 7/31/2019 Against the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics


    One of the clearest, and more consistently materialist, introductions to quantum mechanics

    is that given by the physicist Richard Feynman in his small book Six easy piecesand, in a

    slightly more mathematical presentation, in the first few chapters of volume 3 of his Lectures

    on Physics. Feynman introduces the subject by describing the double slit experiment,

    which he says in a famous quote is absolutely impossible to explain in any classical way,

    and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality it contains the only mystery.This is an experiment from classical optics that explicitly demonstrates the contradictory

    behaviour of matter at small scales that matter can behave simultaneously as both

    particles and waves. It also reveals the roots of the idealism of the Copenhagen

    interpretation, and that the denial of physical reality was Heisenberg and Bohrs response to

    this contradiction.

    Waves are a process of energy transport, as we can see from the motion of the sand and

    pebbles on a beach when a wave breaks on the shore. Waves on the surface of a body of

    water disturb the surface as they pass by, moving it up and down. If two waves from different

    directions come together at some point on the surface the movement adds up locally therecan be a bigger peak or a deeper trough. If one wave is moving the surface upwards while

    another is moving it down then the total movement will be less than from each individual

    wave. At a place where the disturbances from different waves cancel each other out, the

    total movement will be zero.

    These patterns of motion and interference between different waves are characteristic of how

    waves behave; particles lumps of matter do not do this. If two moving particles, say two

    pieces of rock, happen to meet they do not normally add up in some way. They collide, and

    depending on the force of the collision they might break into smaller pieces of rock or they

    might bounce off each other and continue moving in new directions. A bullet hits a target.

    Another bullet might hit the target in the same place. It never cancels out the first thereare simply two bullets where there previously was one.

    From the beginning of the 19 th century it was accepted that light had the properties of a

    wave. Thomas Young presented experimental evidence to the Royal Society of London that

    appeared to demonstrate this conclusively. In this classic experiment he showed that if light

    is passed through two slits in an otherwise opaque barrier and then allowed to fall on a

    screen, the screen will show a pattern of light and dark bands. The prevailing view prior to

    that time, due to Newton , was that light consisted of small particles of matter. But the

    pattern that Young observed could only be explained by waves from each slit adding up

    not by particles. ...It will not be denied by the most prejudiced that the fringes [which are

    observed] are produced by the

    interference of two portions of light. [2]
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    Youngs perspective that light was waves

    and not particles was accepted for over

    100 years. It was extended by the

    experimental work of Michael Faraday and

    the theoretical work of James Clark

    Maxwell, who showed that light waveswere a form of electromagnetic radiation.

    In the same way that water waves are a

    disturbance in the surface of water, light,

    they said, was the result of disturbances in

    electrical and magnetic fields. In 1887

    these results were confirmed by the

    physicist Heinrich Hertz, who produced

    electromagnetic radiation at lower

    frequencies than light, in the form of radio

    waves. The wave theory of light seemedfirmly established.

    At the end of the 19 th century, however,

    this solid piece of classical physics came

    apart. Several scientists showed that when

    light shines on certain metals it can cause

    an electric current. Classical physics said that the strength of the current should depend on

    the intensity of the light but not its frequency. It didnt. When the frequency was increased,

    the current increased. When the frequency was decreased, below a certain frequency the

    current stopped, no matter how strong the light was. Electromagnetic waves should not do

    this, but light did.

    In 1905 Einstein showed that this could be explained by assuming that light was not waves,

    but small particles photons. He suggested that when light shines on a metal the photons

    collide with electrons in the metal and produce an electric current. Each particle of light -

    each photon - has an energy that is proportional to its frequency. If the photon has enough

    energy if its frequency is high enough - it can knock an electron out of an atom and then

    the electron can move freely throughout the metal.

    Then in 1909 the physicist Geoffrey Ingram Taylor reported the results of an experiment in

    which interference fringes were produced with a very weak light source. The light was so

    weak that only one photon at a time passed through the apparatus. Yet interference fringes

    were still observed. The experiment has been repeated many times since. With the

    development of sensitive photo-detectors in the second half of the 20th century it has

    become possible to perform interference experiments that actually observe the arrival of

    individual photons. The images shown here are the results from one such experiment by

    Robert Austin and Lyman Page of Princeton University .


    Water waves passing through two gaps in a

    screen. The waves interfere and add up

    in some places, cancel out in others. Young

    saw the same effect with light when it was

    passed through two slits - a pattern of light

    and dark interference fringes.

    Clickherefor an animation.
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    The photons arrive at positions which appear initially to be completely random. With time,

    more photons arrive, but mainly at the strong parts of the interference pattern and never at

    the completely dark parts. Eventually when thousands of photons have arrived (and in

    normal light intensities, there would be trillions of photons) we see the interference

    pattern created by the arrival of individual photons.

    How can this happen? Interference is a wave phenomenon, but the localised dots imply that

    light is made up of small particles, not waves. Why are there dots on the screen at the bright

    parts of the interference pattern and none at the dark? We cant explain this by saying that

    the photons interfere with each other - the same happens even when there is only one

    photon in the apparatus. Does the photon split into two and go through both slits? Or

    perhaps, as the quantum physicist Paul Dirac mystically asserts each photon interferes only

    with itself[3]. (Dirac is one of the leading physicists of the 20th century, but his philosophical

    statements are symptomatic of the idealism that has infected modern physics; take for

    example the quote: This result is too beautiful to be false; it is more important to have

    beauty in one's equations than to have them fit experiment.[4])

    One hundred years later physicists are still asking how it is that a single particle can show

    interference, and are repeating these basic experiments, as in the Princeton examples, to

    see if there is something new to learn. The problem posed by Einstein in 1938 still has no

    answer for them: But what is light really? Is it a wave or a shower of photons? . It seems

    as though we must use sometimes the one theory and sometimes the other, while at times

    we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory

    pictures of reality; separately neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but

    together they do.[5]
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    The situation becomes even more puzzling if instead of light we shoot electrons through thetwo slits. J. J. Thomson in 1897 performed experiments that showed that electrons were

    small charged particles of matter. This was the prevailing view in physics for the next 30

    years. But in 1927 Clinton Davisson and Lester Germer observed diffraction(wave) effects

    when electron beams were scattered by crystals; George (G P) Thompson saw the same

    effect with thin films of celluloid and other materials shortly afterwards. These experiments

    alerted physicists once more to the strange behaviour of waves and small particles that not

    only can light waves behave like particles, but sub-atomic particles can behave like waves.

    The double-slit experiment with electrons was not technically possible at that time, but it was

    nonetheless proposed as a thought-experiment used by early quantum physicists to

    explore their ideas about the wave-like behaviour of matter. The electron double-slit

    experiment was eventually performed in 1961, by Claus Jnsson of Tbingen; the single

    electron double slit experiment was performed by Pier Giorgio Merli, GianFranco Missiroli

    and Giulio Pozzi in Bologna in 1974, and repeated by Akira Tonomura and co-workers at

    Hitachi in 1989. The results of these experiments were as anticipated by the early quantum

    physicists; electrons, even single electrons, can interfere like waves even when they are

    detected like particles. An image from the Hitachi experiment is shown here and a film of the

    Bologna results can be obtained from

    The soundtrack of the film includes a rephrase of Diracs statement when it says that each

    electron interferes only with itself and fades out to the triumphant sound of baroque violinsand flutes.

    Single electron events building up an

    interference pattern in a double-slit experiment.
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    this Heisenberg derived his uncertainty principle: the more precisely the position is

    determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in

    this instant, and vice versa.[7]

    This result is a consequence of the geometry of the

    experiment, and the particle behaviour of light (that light ofa certain wavelength is equivalent to photons with a

    certain momentum). Niels Bohr, working with Heisenberg

    in the University of Copenhagen, preferred to derive the

    result in a different way. Suppose, he said, that we are

    able to produce a short pulse of light by switching a light

    source on and then off very quickly. From a particle

    perspective, the source sends out a large number of

    photons that all travel in the same relatively small region of

    space. But if we try to understand the experiment from a

    wave perspective, we find that that a large number ofwaves of different wavelengths are needed in order to

    produce a short pulse. Wavelength is equivalent to

    momentum, because of wave-particle duality, so in a short

    pulse there is a large range of momentum, even though

    the position of each photon is known accurately. For a

    long pulse we have the opposite result - the momentum is

    known accurately, but the position of the photons is known

    less accurately. This is the uncertainty principle again but without the microscopes, the

    disturbance produced by an observer, or any of the other paraphernalia introduced by

    Heisenberg. For Bohr, this approach put the wave-particle duality of matter at the centre,

    with the uncertainty principle as an inherent consequence, whilst for Heisenberg it was the

    act of observation that was more important.

    For both Heisenberg and Bohr, however, the uncertainty principle became the opportunity to

    construct the mathematical and philosophical edifice of the Copenhagen interpretation of

    quantum behaviour the mathematical expression (or more accurately, the mathematical

    alibi) for a rejection of material reality. They asserted that Heisenbergs analysis of the

    double slit experiment, and similarly Bohrs analysis of the properties of a pulse of light, were

    examples of a general law which became known as Bohrs principle of complementarity: it

    is impossible ever to observe both wave and particle behaviour simultaneously. It is possible

    to either observe particles a localised piece of matter detected on its way through a slit,with no interference pattern or observe waves a non-localised disturbance going through

    both slits, with an interference pattern. But any attempt to observe both simultaneously must

    fail. Thus the contradiction was resolved, by asserting that the question is simply not to be

    asked, for if asked it can never be answered. You will see either waves or particles but

    never both.

    Furthermore - all that can be done is to make observations; physics must be viewed as the

    science of outcomes of measurement processes, and speculation beyond that cannot be

    justified. The question of where the particle was before its position was measured is

    meaningless. The particle materialises as a result of the act of observation. In the jargon

    the act of measurement causes an instantaneous collapse of the wave function. What

    happens, you see, is that the measurement process randomly picks out exactly one of the

    A short pulse is the sum of


    waves of different wavelengths,

    which cancel everywhere except

    where the pulse is strong.
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    many possibilities allowed for, and the wave instantaneously changes into a localised event

    to reflect that pick.

    Caustically, and quite accurately, Feynman was known to refer to this as the magic of the

    wave-function collapse[8]. That the observer can influence what is observed is not a new

    idea. But this is something far different. For Heisenberg and Bohr the observer not onlyaffects what is observedthe observer creates it.

    This is little more than an attempt to shore up the inadequacies of formal logic in the face of

    the evidence for the combined wave and particle aspects of matter. The alternative would

    have been to accept wave-particle duality as a deep-seated example of the union and

    interpenetration of opposites in motion at small scales; in other words, to accept that in

    motion rigid concepts are not adequate. Such an approach could be the starting point for a

    deeper investigation, for more experimental observations and more theory. What

    fundamental aspect of the interaction of matter with matter or with light is it that leads

    simultaneously to both particle and wave behaviour? What assumptions, observations,

    mathematical tools, should we revisit to obtain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon?

    But instead for political reasons because dialectical materialism (Marxism) has been

    outlawed from the bourgeois professors study - we arrive at a dead end, where all further

    enquiry is deemed impossible in the face of the unknowable:

    The whole point is that the laws of formal logic break down beyond certain limits. This most

    certainly applies to the phenomena of the subatomic world, where the laws of identity,

    contradiction and the excluded middle cannot be applied. Heisenberg defends the

    standpoint of formal logic and idealism, and therefore, inevitably arrives at the conclusion

    that the contradictory phenomena at the subatomic level cannot be comprehended by

    human thought at all. The contradiction, however, is not in the observed phenomena at thesubatomic level, but in the hopelessly antiquated and inadequate mental schema of formal

    logic. The so-called "paradoxes of quantum mechanics" are precisely this. Heisenberg

    cannot accept the existence of dialectical contradictions, and therefore prefers to revert to

    philosophical mysticismwe cannot know,and all the rest of it.[9]

    Challenges to the Copenhagen interpretationUnfortunately for Heisenberg, developments

    in modern technology have allowed

    scientists to show that the path of a sub-

    atomic particle is very real. It is common to

    observe particle paths in high-energy

    physics experiments, where both the

    position and the velocity can be determined

    to within less than the uncertainty limit.

    Heisenberg defended his position against

    such evidence by saying that his uncertainty

    principle was only relevant to predictingthe

    future. But he also said that this knowledge

    of the past is of a purely speculative

    natureIt is a matter of personal belief

    A bubble chamber photograph showing the

    paths of charged particles in a magnetic field.
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    whether such a calculation concerning the past history of the electron can be ascribed any

    physical reality or not.[10]This lets the cat out of the bag, to use an English expression

    it is a matter of personal belief. Heisenberg himself is admitting here that his idealistic

    interpretation of quantum behaviour is an ideological choice. And his alternative escape

    route - that the uncertainty principle is only relevant to predicting the future is a distinctly

    bland statement. If the momentum is only known to a certain degree of accuracy, we canonly predict the future position to a certain degree of accuracy. There is nothing new or

    particularly profound in this.

    The physicist Max Born[11]developed an alternative interpretation of wave-particle duality

    that avoided the idealism of the Copenhagen interpretation. Erwin Schrodinger had shown

    how to compute the quantum mechanical wave-function of a system; Born interpreted

    Schrodingers wave functions not as physical objects but as a way of describing the

    probability that a particle is at a particular location. For example, in the double slit experiment

    there is a wave-function for arriving by one slit and there is a wave-function for arriving from

    the other slit. The probability of arriving there is the magnitude of the superposition of thewave-functions for that position, in much the same way that the amplitude of a water wave is

    the sum of the different waves at a point on the surface of the water. Einstein explained the

    idea like this:

    . it proved impossible to associate with these Schrodinger waves definitemotions of the

    mass points - and that, after all, had been the original purpose of the whole construction.

    The difficulty appeared insurmountable until it was overcome by Born in a way as simple as

    it was unexpected. The de Broglie-Schrodinger wave fields were not to be interpreted as a

    mathematical description of how an event actually takes place in time and space, though, of

    course, they have reference to such an event. Rather they are a mathematical description of

    what we can actually know about the system. They serve only to make statistical statementsand predictions of the results of all measurements which we can carry out upon the


    As Einstein points out, an important aspect of this view of quantum behaviour is that the

    wave-functions are not assumed to have a physical existence. Particles of matter exist, they

    interact, pass through slits, move around in atoms. But the wave functions associated with

    them are a means to an end, a mathematical device that allows the physicist to compute the

    probability of a state or a combination of states the probability that an electron in a

    hydrogen atom has a particular energy, or the probability of a particle of light arriving at a

    detector by a variety of different possible paths. When there are many particles, the

    probabilities become translated into the densities of the arrivals more at the bright peak in

    a double-slit experiment, none at the dark peak.

    This insight into quantum mechanical behaviour is essentially the approach taken in all

    practical applications of quantum mechanics. It has sometimes been described as the shut

    up and calculate method (an expression often credited, probably wrongly, to Richard

    Feynman) as an understandable reaction to the idealism and mysticism of other

    interpretations. When, for example, a scientist in industry sets about designing a TV screen,

    it is this approach that he will use. The electrons leave the heated filament herewith this

    probability, giving rise to thiscurrent; they are accelerated by the magnetic field there, and

    deflected to thatposition on the screen. (If asked by the research department manager,however, it is clear of course that the path does not exist.)
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    Feynman himself used this approach particles plus probabilities in his work on quantum

    electrodynamics, described in his very readable and accessible book QED - The Strange

    Theory of Light and Matter. Quantum electrodynamics is itself an extremely successful

    theory, with predictions that match experimental observations to a very high level of


    A different type of double slit experiment has been performed recently by the scientist

    Shahriar Afshar, at Rowan and Harvard Universities . Results from these experiments,

    published on the web, directly contradict Bohrs principle of complementarity. The

    complementarity principle asserts that it is not possible to observe both wave and particle

    behaviour simultaneously. But Afshars results suggest otherwise. His experiments are the

    subject of a detailed discussion on weblogs at (a

    good example of how the internet can open up the discussion of new scientific results to a

    wider audience, in contrast to the secretive review process used by traditional scientific

    journals). A copy of a paper describing some of his results is available


    In contrast to Heisenbergs thought

    experiment about how to detect which

    slit the particle passes through, Afshar

    uses a lens and photodetectors

    positioned behindthe interference

    fringes in order to observe photons

    passing through the slits. In the single

    photon form of his experiment

    (described verbally on the web, butresults from which are not yet publically

    available) a light flash at the position of

    the image of a slit shows

    unambiguously that the photon passed

    through that slit. The photon is localised

    at that slit and is behaving like a

    particle. According to Bohrs

    complementarity principle, an

    interference patternwave-like

    behaviour should then not beobserved.

    Afshar checks to see whether or not

    interference is still present by placing

    thin wires at previously measured

    positions of the dark parts of the

    interference pattern. Even when he

    observes photons going through the

    slits, he can show that the wires are still

    in the dark parts of an interference

    pattern; the photon has been observed behaving both as a particle and a wave. The results

    of all of Afshars experiments are not yet available publically, and his experiments have not
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    yet been repeated by others, which will be an important test of their accuracy. But if Afshar is

    correct, Bohrs complementarity principle is dead.

    Order from chaos

    Dialectics is a method of thinking and interpreting the world of both nature and society. It isa way of looking at the universe, which sets out from the axiom that everything is in a

    constant state of change and flux. But not only that. Dialectics explains that change and

    motion involve contradiction and can only take place through contradictions. So instead of a

    smooth, uninterrupted line of progress, we have a line which is interrupted by sudden and

    explosive periods in which slow, accumulated changes (quantitative change) undergoes a

    rapid acceleration, in which quantity is transformed into quality. Dialectics is the logic of


    The picture of reality that has emerged from quantum mechanics and modern science is one

    of restless continual motion and change on an atomic and sub-atomic level. Atoms are

    bound together by a continuous interchange of particles between particles; electrons in

    molecules move from atom to atom; energy and matter interchange; particles turn into their

    opposite and then recombine. A central, distinguishing feature of this theory is change

    through steps, not as a continuum.

    The developments of modern science in this sense confirm and deepen dialectical

    materialism. Yet, slowly decaying in the basement of modern physics, there is an absurdity

    a logical, not a dialectical, contradiction. Without a dialectical approach to motion and

    change there is no way out of this contradiction.

    Modern physicists have been forced to accept that concepts which had previously beenconsidered separate must be linked, that they can not be thought of as separate but are

    different yet interconnected aspects of the physical world. In particular, the physicists

    concept of motion has to be extended to acknowledge the simultaneous wave and particle

    aspects of matter. When matter moves, a physicist can describe the process by momentum,

    which is the mass of the moving body times its velocity. A wave, on the other hand, is a

    different type of physical process. It is a disturbance, of the surface of a body of water or of

    an electrical field for example, and is a process in which energy moves. A physicist might

    describe a wave by its wavelength, the distance from one peak of the disturbance to the

    next. Momentum and wavelength are two quite distinct abstractions used to describe two

    different processes. Yet after Einsteins work on the photoelectric effect, and after the

    theoretical work of the founders of quantum mechanics, physicists were forced to accept that

    momentum, a characteristic of matter behaving like a particle, is directly related to

    wavelength, a characteristic of matter behaving like a wave.

    Much of the confusion surrounding quantum mechanics, added to and propagated by Bohr

    and Heisenberg, relates to the insistence that concepts such as wave and particle, or

    momentum and wavelength, must be kept separate - we have two contradictory pictures of

    reality as Einstein put it. This confusion is deeply rooted in the rejection or the lack of

    awareness - of dialectics by modern scientists. On the one hand, but then on the other

    says the academic as he agonises over his choice between apparently contradictory options,

    wondering why the world is always like this. That apparently contradictory properties can bepresent simultaneously is not only possible but also universal. Light and dark, hot and cold,
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    north and south, wave and particle, an inevitable and unavoidable combination, the

    existence of one being impossible without the other, and out of which comes change and


    Whereas traditional formal logic seeks to banish contradiction, dialectical thought embraces

    it. Contradiction is an essential feature of all being. It lies at the heart of matter itself. It is thesource of all motion, change, life and development. The dialectical law which expresses this

    idea is the law of the unityand interpenetration of opposites.[14]

    Not only that, but in their insistence on reductionism one particle, one photon - scientists

    unwittingly and unconsciously destroy the living reality that they originally set out to

    investigate. In the images from the Hitachi electron double-slit experiment, at what stage

    does the wave behaviour of matter become visible? After 8 electrons? Definitely not the

    electrons appear to have arrived at random, with no obvious pattern. After 270? After 2000?

    Even after 6000, the pattern is still blurred. Borns probability interpretation allows the

    physicist to compute the relative probability of the particle arriving at a certain position. But

    the probability, or the wave-function, is only a statistical property of the system, and each

    individual arrival can be (almost) anywhere. We become aware of the wave behaviour of

    matter only when we have many particles. Similarly, in a gas we observe the laws that

    connect temperature, volume and pressure only when we have many molecules. Wave-like

    qualities emerge in a transition from quantity to quality; one particle or molecule is

    unpredictable, but many obey well-defined laws conforming to their statistical properties.

    Both waves and particles are observed individual particles, which in large groups have the

    properties (interference patterns) of waves.

    In that sense, single particle experiments and images of the sort obtained from the Hitachi

    experiment also directly contradict Bohrs principle of complementarity. In the face of thisevidence, supporters of the Copenhagen interpretation, like Dirac, have to wriggle around,

    imitating the photons they describe, saying that a photon goes through both slits and

    interferes with itself and then in a puff of smoke, when the magician waves his wand - the

    wave function collapses.

    It is common to draw pictures, as here, of an atom

    surrounded by an electron cloud. An interpretation of

    this image that is common among physicists is that the

    electron is somehow stretched over the region

    occupied by the cloud. True, the electron is moving

    very fast. A cloud is perhaps one way of representing

    the rapidity of the motion, and the fact that the electron

    could be anywhere in the shaded region. But there is

    only one electron in the hydrogen atom. During any

    small instance of time the electron is moving through a

    definite small, localised, region of space. It is no more

    stretched over space than a single photon is stretched

    through both slits in a double-slit experiment. To

    assume otherwise would be to arrive back once more

    at Diracs mystical the photon interferes only with

    itself and the magic of the wave-function collapse.

    One of the possible wave-functions

    for the single electron in

    a hydrogen atom.
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    If we had many atoms and superimposed a picture of each, then we would see a cloud; we

    would see the wave function and its magnitude, the relative probability of the electron being

    at a particular position. The wave function describes the behaviour over many atoms, but

    says little about the motion of the electron associated with an individual atom. There lies

    both the strength and the weakness of quantum mechanics.

    But does the path exist? Yes, providing that motion is understood dialectically. The path is

    the trajectory along which the particle moves. When the particle is in motion, it is not at any

    one position; it is in the process of moving from position to position. It moves along a definite

    trajectory. But to say it is here, or there, at some point in time means nothing. It is moving

    from here to there. It is the confusion that comes from an undialectical understanding of

    motion, the attempt to say that the particle is here at a particular point in time, that is

    exploited by Heisenberg to develop the mysticism that the path does not exist.

    In the two slit experiment it is not possible to predict where the particle will go after the slits,

    other than on average. There is an indeterminancy, in the sense that the precise trajectory

    cannot be predicted in advance. But this is different from acausality. The particle arrives

    where it does as a causal chain of events. The apparatus fires the particle at the slits; it

    passes through one of them; it arrives at the detecting screen. And there are many examples

    in nature of causal but non-deterministic systems. A toboggan sliding down a bumpy hill

    arrives at a position at the bottom which is impossible to predict beforehand. If it starts from

    a slightly different position at the top it will arrive at a widely different position at the bottom.

    Unpredictability does not preclude causality. In fact modern science is beginning to

    understand that often causality is expressed through unpredictability that necessity is

    expressed through chance:

    At first sight, we seem to be lost in a vast number of accidents. But this confusion is onlyapparent. The accidental phenomena which constantly flash in and out of existence, like the

    waves on the face of an ocean, express a deeper process, which is not accidental but

    necessary. At a decisive point, this necessity reveals itself through accident.[15]

    Quantum mechanics, the new physics, incorporated large elements of the old physics into its

    mathematical description. The mathematics of wave theory, techniques for solution of

    integral equations, and also the matrix representation of wave functions (which has been

    revisited and developed in recent years due to the applicability of matrix and vector

    formulations to digital signal theory) are elements of the mathematical methods of classical

    physics which are an essential component of quantum mechanical theory. The old is present

    in the new. It was a powerful boost to the development of quantum mechanics that a large

    range of mathematical tools of this sort were available that could be incorporated from

    classical physics. To develop further, however, perhaps quantum mechanics needs to

    overcome the limitations of the old in particular its dependence on linear and low order

    differential equations.

    Non-linear systems with a sensitive dependence on initial conditions that leads to

    unpredictability are the subject of chaos theory. The similarities between the behaviour of

    chaotic systems and the unpredictability of the behaviour of matter at small scales is

    suggestive of a possible similar explanation, and this is currently an active subject of

    scientific research. That large numbers of particles exhibit a well-defined wave-likebehaviour could be evidence of the nature of the underlying dynamics much in the same
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    way that the patterns in the strange attractors of non-linear systems are a symptom of an

    underlying causality. An individual particle is unpredictable; many particles have a precisely

    defined behaviour. Order comes out of chaos quantity becomes quality - as in other

    complicated, many-body, non-linear systems.

    With the development of computers a direct product of the understanding ofsemiconductors that derives from the insights of quantum mechanics science is now able

    to explore these non-linear systems which classical mathematics cannot. Perhaps it will be

    in this region, in the physics of chaotic non-linear systems, that a deeper understanding of

    wave-particle duality will become possible. Or perhaps not. Perhaps the solution lies in more

    experimental data. As technology advances it will become possible to perform more exact,

    more complete, and new experiments. We will learn more about physical reality. Some ideas

    will be overturned, some revised, some developed further, some incorporated into the new.

    New theories that ignore the dialectical nature of material reality that deal with rigid fixed

    concepts, that ignore or dismiss the contradictions of motion will ultimately fail

    experimental tests. This already appears to be the case with the Copenhagen interpretation

    if Afshars experiments are confirmed. The interaction between the observer and the

    observed is many-sided, and to separate one from the other inevitably leads to mistakes, as

    in the mysticism of the Copenhagen interpretation. Cause and effect can change position,

    the observer can effect the observed, and the observed can effect the observer. But

    fundamentally, at base, reality is material, it exists, and is not created by the act of


    That matter has properties of both waves and particles is intriguing, but not justification for

    abandoning physical reality. At a macroscopic level we have developed abstractions that

    help us describe, understand and use the material world around us. We see a rock, a(slightly large) particle of matter, and find it can be made into a tool or a weapon. We see

    waves on the sea and build boats that can travel through them. Why should it be so

    disastrous to find that at small scales matter sometimes has the properties of a wave and

    sometimes of a particle? A photon passes through a slit. It arrives at a screen, most often at

    places where the interference fringes are strong and never where they are dark. According

    to Afshars (as yet unpublished) results it is possible to see which slit it went through it is a

    particle. Yet where many of them go, on average, is determined by a wave equation it is a

    wave. Interesting. Something to think about. But please no more wave function collapses

    or pregnant paths. Science and technology could advance dramatically with a deeper,

    dialectical, and materialist, understanding of how these phenomena come about, and with a

    thorough clear out of the mystical and unscientific absurdities that currently masquerade as

    the philosophy of science.

    Future scientists and engineers will understand physical reality better. And with the future

    technology that humanity will collectively plan and develop, it will be possible raise

    humankind far beyond the current struggle for lifes necessities. The savage barbarity of the

    capitalist system, the ugly inequalities, all the brutality and the savagery, will be nothing

    more than a distant unpleasant memory. And that too, like an electron dot on a screen, will

    fade with time.

    July 2005

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