agape magazine - april 2015

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Agape Magazine - April 2015


  • No. 6 1 April 2015

  • No. 6 2 April 2015

    Agape Monthly St. Joseph Ukrainian

    Greek-Catholic Church


    Fr. Mykola buryadnyk

    associate pastor

    Fr. Volodymyr Kushnir

    editor in chief

    Fr. Myron Panchuk


    Julian Hayda

    staff writer

    Volodymyr Beglov





    5000 N. Cumberland Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60656

    United States of America [email protected]

    office 773.625.4805 fax 773.887.5000


    . 3, page 3

    ! - . Thou Shall not Kill - Met. Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian

    . 4, page 7

    - The Resurrection of Joy - Michail Cherenkov

    page 10, . 10

    God-Love in the Flesh - Archbishop Joseph Raya - English

    page 16, . 18

    Paschal Pastoral of the Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchy in America

    page 20, . 20

    The Kobzars Truth - Julian Hayda - English

    April Holy Days

    Venerable Josaphata

    . e St. Zosimas of Egypt

  • No. 6 3 April 2015


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  • No. 6 4 April 2015

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  • No. 6 5 April 2015

  • No. 6 6 April 2015

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  • No. 6 7 April 2015


    Resurrection is beyond of our comprehension. Our first reaction to the strange, unusual, striking event is a fear. And this fear drives us away

    from God's miracle, back to ordinary, usual life.

    The Evangelist Mark says that

    women, who saw the angel in the empty tomb, "went out and fled away

    from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them".

    However Matthew says that

    Jesus met them, saying, "Rejoice."

    By Michail Cherenkov

    Photos by Maksym Prokopiv

    A Resurrection of

  • No. 6 8 April 2015

    hrist meets us, stops in the return to the past, to transmit joy of new life. Today we may hear about the joy of the Resurrection and the miracle of new life from the pulpit of

    "evangelical pope" Francis: "With a tender-ness which never disappoints, but is always capable of restoring our joy, he makes it pos-sible for us to lift up our heads and to start anew. Let us not flee from the resurrection of Jesus, let us never give up, come what will. May nothing inspire more than his life, which impels us onwards!" ("The Joy of The Gos-pel").

    We all have our fears - of unworthiness, uncertainty, weakness, danger, death. Fear is associated with the past, the old life. But the joy of the Resurrection releases us from the past and fear.

    He has risen, so we have a chance to live in a radically new way.

    We buried our joy with Him, but it was resurrected with Him.

    The tomb is empty. Our joy is with us. The resurrected One again and again

    speaks to us: "Do not be afraid!", "Rejoice!". May our Joy Arise in this Easter season!


  • No. 6 9 April 2015

    , , . , , . , , . . . (13, 33) :

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  • No. 6 10 April 2015

    his is a simple and plain enunciation of a fact, like many other facts related in the Gospels. This one how-

    ever is fraught with excitement and joy because it shouts that all Christ stood for is true and real!

    A tomb, by its very nature, contains the dead which has been laid in it. Every tomb since the beginning of humanity, and eve-ry tomb until the end of time, is marked with a sign which tells of the person lying there: "Here lies Moses. Here lies Mohammed. Here lies Stalin." The bones of all the saints, prophets, world conquerors and of all men lie in the ground where they have been deposited. However, the tomb of Christ carries a special sign, unique and incredible: "He is not here; he is risen!" That very same person who lived for 33 years and at the end suffered, died and was buried, instead of turning into dry bones and ashes, is now alive. "I am he. Do not be

    afraid. And they came up to him, and falling down before him, clasped his feet" (Matt. 28:9).

    The event of the Resurrection is the most astonishing fact of human history. It disturbs. It frightens. The Apostles them-selves were upset by it. They an-nounced it to each other, yet wondered if it were really true. "Some women of our company amazed us...they came back say-ing that they had even seen a vi-sion of the angels who said that he was alive. .." (Luke 24:23).

    Real as it is, the Resurrection is unexplainable. It has to be ex-perienced. It has to be seen and touched. "Why do questions arise in your minds? Why are you troubled? See my hands and feet, that it is I myself; touch me and see for yourself; for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have" (Luke 24: 38-44).

    The Apostle Thomas, a phi-

    losopher at times and a skeptic by nature, was emphatic in his doubt when he heard the aston-ishing news. "Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe" (John 20:25). A week later Thomas had his expe-rience, and he believed.

    All those who lived with Christ for so many years could now experience the same touch of his skin, and squeeze his hands. What a marvel! He is just as real now as he was before-more so! This tangible, visible experience of the Apostles and all who were accustomed to be with

    them lasted for forty days. "Have you anything to eat?" They gave him a piece of broiled fish and he took it and ate it be-fore their eyes. Luke, who re-

    God-Love Appearing in the

    Flesh of the Resurrection After the Sabbath, and towards dawn on the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala and the other Mary went down to visit the sepulcher. And all at once there was a violent earth-quake, for the angel of the Lord, descending from heaven, came and rolled away the stone and sat on it. His face was like lightning, his robe was as white as snow. The guards were so shaken, so frightened of him, they were like dead men. But the angel spoke and said to the women: 'There is no need for you to be afraid. I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here for He is risen, as He said He would



  • No. 6 11 April 2015

    ports this most ordinary physical fact, was a medical man, a scien-tist. He talks about flesh and bones and eating in front of peo-ple.

    The Risen Christ is conse-quently no ghost. This experi-ence of the physicalness of the Risen Christ filled the Apostles with wonder and joy for the rest of their lives. All of the writings of St. Paul are inspired by this light of the Resurrection. His preaching, and all of his theolo-gy, stem from the light he had seen on the road to Damascus, the light of the Resurrection.

    The most extraordinary and the most unbelievable becomes a matter of fact in Christ, a matter of reality and truth. His risen body, for instance, is no longer a mixture of life and death; it is life in its fullness, whose power

    and radiance nothing can stop or even mar. "The doors were shut, but Jesus came and stood in their midst" (John 20:26).

    In His Incarnation, the person of the Son of God assumed in himself matter, which is the whole world, the whole of cre-ation. In the Resurrection this same matter becomes, in Him, life and life-giving. The Resur-rection is therefore the trans-figuration of matter, of earth, of man and of the whole cos-mos. It is not creation of a new life, but the victory of life itself over death. It is life shining out of death. It is life transfigured into perfect, beautiful light, shining in Christ and through Christ. "How holy and radiant indeed this salutary dawn, in that it announces the most daz-zling day, the day of the Resur-rection on which light that ex-isted before time comes forth again from the tomb in flesh, and shines for all" (Office of the Resurrection).

    The Transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ on Mt. Tabor, as related in the Gospels, is the first manifestation of this mysti-cal and invisible power of God that transforms, transfigures, and draws into the Kingdom of God not only the human but the sub-human stuff of creation as well. The Evangelists seem to be at a

  • No. 6 12 April 2015

    loss for words to describe the amazing event of the Transfig-uration. One says that "the face of Christ shone like the sun" (Luke 9:28-36); another that his raiment (that is, matter itself) was transfigured: "His garments became as white as light"

    (Matt. 17:1-18). And Luke says: "His clothes became dazz-lingly white, whiter than any earthly bleacher could make them" (Mark 9:2-7).

    The Transfiguration is but the herald and symbol of the Resur-rection. The Resurrection is not the Creation of a new life; it is its transfiguration into fullness of life. After the Resurrection Christ's hands are still scarred from the nails, and His side is still wide open from the spear. The marks of His struggle are still visible and real. He himself, body and soul, becomes life and life-giving. So it is with our hu-manity. Now, after two thousand years of the Resurrection, hu-manity indeed still carries the marks of sin, separation and al-ienation, but evil has been van-quished and annihilated, and rec-onciliation effected.

    If the Resurrection of Christ is the triumph of Christ, it is also the triumph of God, and it is the triumph of man. It is the redemp-tion of the past and the liberation of the future. The virtue and grace which issue forth from the blood of Christ shed upon the cross-and which now streams from the Resurrection-move backward as well as forward in the time and space of the history of mankind. Here a universal re-demption is offered to humanity, and the divine life, the life of the Trinity, is now within the reach of man's grasp. Reconciliation is not the reconciliation only of man with God; it is also the rec-onciliation of man with man, and

    of man with the universe. Fur-thermore, in the risen Christ, a new form of love, a love that transforms all reality becomes possible, and faith is lived and absorbed into the infinite gener-osity of God.

    The following excerpt from a homily of St. John Chrysostom is the history of mankind. Whenev-er it is chanted and solemnly pro-claimed in the Church it conveys to the whole world the message that the reality of the Resurrec-tion is salvation, forgiveness, reconciliation, and the most gen-erous love of God to all. For man, the Resurrection is joy, confidence, celebration, and faith.

    Let all pious men, and all lovers of God, rejoice in the splendor of this feast; let the wise servants blissfully enter into the joy of their Lord; let those who have borne the burden of Lent now receive their due re-ward; let any who come after the third hour be grateful to join m the feast, and those who may have come after the sixth, let them not be afraid of being too late, for

    the Lord is gracious, and he receives the last even as the first; He rewards the one and is gra-cious to the other; He repays the deed and praises the effort. Come, all of you, enter the joy of the Lord. You the poor, dance together. You sober and you weaklings, celebrate the day. You who have kept the fast and you who have not, rejoice today. The table is richly loaded, enjoy its royal banquet. The calf is a fatted one, let none go away hun-gry. All of you enjoy the banquet of faith; all of you enjoy the rich-es of his goodness. Let none grieve over his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been re-vealed; let none weep over his sins, for pardon has shone forth

  • No. 6 13 April 2015

    from the grave; let none fear death, for the death of our Savior has set us free. He has destroyed it by enduring it; He has de-spoiled Hades by going down into its kingdom. He has angered it by allowing it to taste of his flesh. When Isaiah foresaw all this, he cried out; (0 Hades, you have been angered by encounter-ing Him in the nether world.

    Hades is angered because frustrated; it is angered because it has been reduced to naught; it is angered because it is now cap-tive. It seized a body, and lo it discovered God. It seized earth and behold it encountered heav-en. It seized the visible and was overcome by the invisible. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? Christ is risen and you are abol-ished. Christ is risen and the de-mons are cast down. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen and life is freed. Christ is risen and the tomb is emptied of the dead. For Christ, being raised from the dead, has become the Leader and the Re-viver of those who had fallen asleep. To Him be glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

    The Resurrection is the won-drous fact which brings humani-ty the greatest joy because it is the passage of man from death to life and from slavery to freedom. Man becomes a participant in the life of God, and the heavenly kingdom can now be seen on earth.

    Today is the day of the Resur-rection. O Nations, let us be jubilant, for this Passover is the Passover of the Lord in that Christ our God made us pass from death to life and from earth to heavenLet the whole universe, visible and invisible, rejoice in the feast, for Christ, our eternal joy, is risen! (Byzantine Missal)

    The full realization of all the Resurrection is and of what it brings to man cannot but make the heart sing for joy, triumph and exaltation. This full signifi-cance of the Resurrection is de-picted in its icon. The general theme of the icon is that of the abyss that fallen, human, free will has opened. Having separat-ed man from God, it has now been bridged; the "death of the Savior has set us free."

    In the center of the icon of the Resurrection Christ stands victorious on the broken gates of Hades. The expression "Gates of Hades" is a symbol of the mas-tery of evil, of death and of slav-ery. When Christ "breaks the gates of Hades" he vanquishes all of these evils.

    In one corner of the icon there is a pit where demons lie, deprived of their power, while Christ gives his helping hand to humanity, represented by Adam and Eve. In the background there is a triple circle, symbol of the cosmos: it is bathed in quiet light. This light emanates from Christ. and from him it spreads over the rocky landscape and overflows into the whole of crea-tion. It has a special radiance. It is not like ordinary light. It is capable of penetrating every-thing, even matter. The risen Christ radiates the presence of God. The icon says that the Res-urrection is the transfiguration not only of man but of the whole earth.

    Where is your sting, O Death? Where is your victory, Hades?

    Christ is risen and you are abol-ished!

    Christ is risen and the demons are cast down!

    Christ is risen and life is set free!

    Christ is risen and the tombs are

    emptied of the dead!

    Byzantine Missal

  • No. 6 14 April 2015

    Lord Jesus Christ, source of light and immortality, eternal light born of eternal light, im-mortal light, invisible, incom-prehensible, unchanging, and unchangeable! You are the true light who dwells in unap-proachable light, and shines forth from this: You are the light of the Father's glory, and its radiance. You are the light of the heavenly hosts, and of every man who comes into the world. (Prayer of the New Light)

    The celebration of the Resur-rection, Easter, is the center of the Church year. It is not simply a feast among other feasts, but the climax, the center to which everything converges, and from which everything takes meaning. It is the most significant fact of the Christian religion and of the Christian life. To understand the Resurrection one has to live it and experience it. The celebra-tion of the feast allows one to enter into this experience.

    Very early in the morning, or

    at midnight, the Church is com-pletely darkened. The Bishop emerges from behind the iconos-tasis holding a lighted candle, which symbolizes and represents the risen Christ. The silence is then broken. Christ "is pro-claimed to be the light in the darkness of existence. The Bish-op sends forth the invitation: "Come ye faithful, take light from the light that never fades, and glorify Christ who is risen from the tomb.

    The flame from the Bishop's candle is passed from candle to candle until all the people and clergy have a light. Then all the banners, icons, flowers and swinging censers emerge from all the corners of the Church. A huge procession moves to the outside of the Church. The Gos-pel of the Resurrection is chant-ed. The announcing of the living Christ fills all hearts, and the message that Christ is risen and life is given is repeated by every-one.

    The people then walk back

    into a Church that is : with light, perfume and flowers. Everything must be turned into a great, jubi-lant triumph of glory and joy. A tremendous clanging of bells and swinging of censers accompany the singing of the hymns. The chandeliers are ablaze-they are even set swirling in motion. They too must swing and sway to signify that the whole cosmos is dizzy with joy. Nothing can stand still. The intoxication is extreme. God is among his peo-ple. Even the mountains are in-vited to "clap their hands" and the oceans to "leap like deer," and the morning star to "sing to-gether with men."

    Usually, the hymns of feasts are long, very descriptive, and convey a theological message. The hymn of Easter is very short. It .states a fact, simply and clear-ly: "Christ is risen from the dead. He has crushed death by his death, and bestowed life on those who lay in the tombs."

    This hymn is repeated over and over again throughout the whole celebration. Each time it sounds stronger and more bal-anced until it penetrates the very fiber of our being. It is as though one were drinking heady wine, and the reality of the Res-urrection becomes just as intoxi-cating: "O faithful, let us drink of a new drink, springing miracu-lously from the tomb which is a fountain" of immortality: the tomb of Christ from which we are strengthened."

    The mystery of the Resurrec-tion cannot be understood in hu-man terms, nor can it be defined. We can only marvel at its reality. Death has been conquered by death. "Christ is risen and life is supreme! Christ is risen and there are no more dead in the tombs" (Matins). Resurrection is the annihilation of Hades and the beginning of a new life. We have

  • No. 6 15 April 2015

    been buried with Christ in death in order that as Christ is risen from the dead we too may live a new life.

    The Resurrection still goes on. Everyone is invited to receive and to live in it. Only the per-sonal encounter with the risen Lord allows man to participate in his life and to recover our semblance to the Creator. It is like the wedding encounter when the two become one. In Christ we discover that God is love and that this love ani-mates the whole of creation; it now gives to the human face the transparency of God. "Blessed is the man who sees every face as God's" (Prayer of Evagrius of Pontus).

    But there is an apparent and blinding paradox. Centuries after the Resurrection of Christ man seems to continue to face death, failure, hatred, loneliness. This four-fold alienation which origi-nal sin has set in motion in man is still at work in him. Indeed, man feels alienated from him-self. "He is no more himself and does not know what to do with himself. He wants to withdraw. He mistrusts his spiritual powers. He wants to run away and hide even from himself. And, of course, the most basic alienation, the source of all the others, is man's alienation from God. God no longer seems to be the friend of man who walks with him in the cool of the evening. Rather, God seems to be the hard task-master from whom man must hide to avoid God's anger and possible punishment.

    All these alienations have their roots in man, not in God. Thus the new life, the transfig-uration of creation which the Resurrection has inaugurated, is not an automatic delivery from without, imposed on man. It is rather a progressive deliverance

    which man must desire and in which he must actively partici-pate. It must be a vigorous and full acceptance of his destiny. It must be done freely and with full consciousness. No one else, not even God, can do it for us. All the powers in man: physical, moral, psychological and spiritu-al, have to be set in motion, all working together to assimilate what the Resurrection has achieved.

    Often man's powerlessness: his moral enslavement and weak-ness, seems to make such a task of assimilation too great-even impossible. Furthermore, there Is no human reasoning process, no amount of words that can "prove" to him the possibility of such a redeeming process. It is precisely the role of the Baptized to witness to the possibility of such a realization. The invincible power of the Invincible Love must stream forth from every

    Baptized person. Each Christian must live this new life, breathe with this new hope, walk upright with the new reality of reconcili-ation in his breast.

    It is this Christian love in each Christian which exercises demons, eradicates evil and heals sicknesses. It is Christian love which liberates and frees. The world does not believe such a love is possible. It is only by liv-ing such a love, witnessing to its reality and power, that the Chris-tian will arouse and inspire the world to the conviction that its problems can be solved. Only living love will ever convince the world that it can become a family, a family of man one day worthy of being the family of God. It is only in the power streaming from the risen Christ that man can acquire this fullness of life-only in Christ can he dis-cover that what was once the road to death has now become the road of return to the Father. The road that previously led to nothingness and failure has now

    become the road of return to the One who is Life. What we long for most deeply is already a reality in the risen Christ, who is coming, always coming, until the Kingdom of God is supremely fulfilled.

    We believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. We are, therefore, as Christians, "convinced that there is nothing in death or life, in the realm of spirits or superhuman powers, in the world as it is or in the world as it shall be, in the forces of the universe, in the heights or depths, nothing in all creation that can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 8:38). It is by Christians living out this affirma-tion in their lives that the world will come to believe in the possi-bility of its own resurrection.

  • No. 6 16 April 2015



    Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!

    Then (the women) went out and fled from the tomb, seized with trembling and bewilderment. They said nothing to anyone for they were afraid. Mk. 16:8

    It should be easy for us to think of a time when we were so terrified of something or someone that we ran away in fear. Why did we run? Sometimes we were afraid of getting hurt. Or perhaps we were afraid of losing control. Other times we were afraid of what we did not understand.

    When we read the Gospels we can be surprised to learn that it is also those who are the closest companions of Christ who fled in terror. When Judas led the soldiers into the Garden of Gethsemane and betrayed his Master, it is the disciples who fled for their lives. Later, it is Peter, fearing a similar fate, who denied Jesus three times. And almost at the very end of the Gospel, following the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus, it is the women who came to the tomb very early on that first Easter Sunday morning, whom we witness fleeing in fear and astonishment. Why did they flee? Were they afraid for their lives as were Peter and the other disciples?

    Certainly, we must admire the tenacity of the faith of Mary Magdalene and the other women for coming to the tomb in the first place to anoint the body of Jesus. It is astonishing they did not let them-selves become discouraged either by the fearful events they had just witnessed two days earlier or by the impossibility of what they planned to do. After all, how were they to get past the soldiers guarding the tomb and whose aid could they enlist to help them roll away the great stone at its entrance?

    But God, in rewarding their faith, removed all obstacles the soldiers are struck dumb and the stone is miraculously rolled away by an angel in the form of a young man who now sits at the head of the place where Jesus was laid. He tells them that Jesus is not there, that he is risen and that he will meet them and the disciples in Galilee. But instead of responding with joy to this unexpected announcement, the women are seized with fear and run off in haste.

    Their reaction is not surprising because they had come to the tomb to pay their final respects to their Teacher, who had died a horrible death. They were taken aback to discover the grave empty and still more when they heard the message of the angel. And they were overcome with fear when they real-ized that the empty tomb had completely upended their world and challenged everything they thought they knew. If their eyes were not deceiving them and if what the young man in the tomb said was true, then the whole world had changed radically with Jesus resurrection, and that meant they had to change too. The women had come to the tomb to honour a man who had died. Instead, they were sent out to


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    Phone (215) 627-0143 Fax (215) 627-0377 [email protected]

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    This Number Should be Prefixed to Your Reply Office of the Metropolitan

  • No. 6 17 April 2015

    proclaim that he is very much alive. Little wonder they were afraid!

    Once again this year, we have completed our Lenten journey of prayer and repentance and, having spiritually re-lived the final terrible days of Jesus earthly life in the liturgical services of Holy Week, we find ourselves, along with the pious women, kneeling at the foot of the empty tomb of Jesus.

    How will we respond to the astonishing sight of the empty tomb and the words of the angel? Will we too run away in fear, unable to face a God who overturns our understanding of the world? Will we flee from the personal challenge that He presents to us? Or, will we come to the empty tomb and find our hope?

    Whatever our hopes are for reconciled relationships, for healing from physical illness or emo-tional hurts, for a closer relationship with God, for peace in our families, our parish communities, our country, for an end to the senseless spilling of blood in Ukraine and for the restoration of peace in our homeland they are all found in the empty tomb. For God has reconciled everything to himself by mak-ing peace through the blood of the cross and through the crucified and resurrected Lord, the firstborn of the dead and the beginning of the new creation. (Col. 1:19, 20)

    Today we celebrate the resurrection of the Messiah, the Son of God. We, like the women, must tremble with amazement when we approach the empty tomb. Christ is truly Risen! How wonderful it is when we meet the living God!

    Our fervent prayer is that our Resurrected and Living Lord may bestow his peace and grace upon you and your loved ones, upon all our brothers and sisters scattered throughout the world and especially upon our beloved and suffering Ukraine.

    Christ is Risen! Indeed He is risen!

    +Stefan Soroka Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians

    Metropolitan of Ukrainian Catholics in the United States

    +Richard Seminack Eparch of St. Nicholas in Chicago

    +Paul Chomnycky, OSBM (author) Eparch of Stamford

    + Bohdan Danylo Eparch of St. Josaphat in Parma

    +John Bura Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia

    Easter, 2015

  • No. 6 18 April 2015

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    827 North Franklin Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19123-2097

    Phone (215) 627-0143 Fax (215) 627-0377 [email protected]

    No. 716/2014 O

    This Number Should be Prefixed to Your Reply Office of the Metropolitan

  • No. 6 19 April 2015

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    , 2015

  • No. 6 20 April 2015 No. 6 20 April 2015

  • No. 6 21 April 2015 No. 6 21 April 2015

  • No. 6 22 April 2015 No. 6 22 April 2015

  • No. 6 23 April 2015

    This Week

    CANDLES FOR April 2015

    Memorial Candles * In loving memory of Anthony

    and John G. Deeds (Family)


    Perpetual Oil Lamp *For all those in prison

    Lady of Hoshiw Shrine * In memory of Ruth Laszynski (Eleanor Goeters) * Health for Josaphat, Mariya, Francesco, Igor, Anna, Roman, Volodymyr, Igor and Oleg (M. Romanyuk)

    Mother of God Shrine * In loving memory of Dackiw, Crowhurst, Barnas, and Zubrycky Families (Lorraine Zubrykcky) * Available

    Iconostas Icon Vigil

    Christ the Teacher * That we maybe taught to live Pascha everyday. * Available

    Mother of God * Health for Zena Dankewycz


    * Peace in Ukraine (Powidajko Family)

    St. Joseph the Betrothed * Health for the Kurylyuk Family *In loving memory of Steve Gawaluck (Gawaluck Family)

    St. Nicholas the Wonderworker * Health for the Sheshurak, Boychuk and Nazar Families * Available

    Protection of the mother of God *Spiritual blessing for the Patter-son children (Mom) *For the fallen soldiers of Ukraine (Mykolyash & Kuziy Families)

    SUNDAY, APRIL 19TH SUNDAY OF THE OINTMENT BEARERS (G) THOMAS SUNDAY (J) 8:00 AM For the sick and shutins of the parish; +John Zaobidny (T & E Kocur) 9:30 AM For the volunteers of the parish; Health for all grandchildren (Lida Wozny); +Olha Holowata (Lida Wozny); +Walter Bilanycz 11:30 AM Svaichene Easter Brunch

    MONDAY, APRIL 20TH - VENERABLE THEODORE TRICHINAS VENERABLE BISHOP GEORGE 9:00 PM - + George Kuzma, 15 yrs (Diane & George); +Anna Kucan

    (J Kucan Family); +Bohdan, +Natalka


    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22ND VENERABLE THEODORE SYKIOT MARTYR EUPSICHIUS 9:00 AM +Irena Popowycz (Petro Popowycz); +Bohdan, +Natalka



    SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH APOSTLE EVANGELIST MARK VENERABLE FR. CONFESSOR BASIL 9:00 AM - +Anna 40th day, +Anna, +Ivan, +Mychailo (Daria);

    +Bohdan, +Natalka; all souls in need of prayer.


    8:00 AM +John Zaobidny (T & E Kocur) 9:30 AM For the sick and shutins of the parish; Health for Mariya, Ivan, Mykola, Walter; +Walter Bilanycz (Family) 11:30 AM +Erica, +Margaret, +Unsoon, +Marion (Dr. Podlusky)

    Thank you for Last Sundays Collections:

    Sunday Collections $1,324.00

    Capital Improvement $105.00

    Utilities $5,174.00

    Renovation $0.00

    Easter $13,541.00

    Other $5,507.00

    Total $25,561.00

  • No. 6 24 April 2015


    Spirit of St. Joseph Meeting on Tuesday, April 21st at 11:30am in our church hall. Bring your own lunch, coffee and dessert will be provided. We will have our White Elephant Raffle. For this raffle, members are reminded to bring items (gently used, no clothing) that you no longer use, but someone else would want. All are invited.

    Springtime with Manna Lowe's, Menards and Home Depot come in $25, $100 and $500 denominations. If you are planning a re-modeling project or spring yard plans, let us know how many cards to order. Your materials will be pur-chased, and the Home Improvement store you choose will be making a donation to St. Joseph. Email us at [email protected].

    Share 2015 Store up yourselves treasures in Heaven.

    -Matthew 6:20. Share 2015 Eparchial Appeal is the major fundraiser in the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of St. Nicholas to support the most critical areas of opera-tion. Our most important projects: parishes and mis-sions, communication and Christian outreach, priests in need, seminarian formation, Eastern Catholic for-mation, eparchial administration. Your gift matters, please donate today!

    Share 2015 ! 6:20.

    Share 2015 . : , , , , , . ! , !

    Lowe's, Menards Home Depot $25, $100 $500. , , , . [email protected].

    Mothers Day Concert As you rest from the Easter festivities, consider mak-ing a mothers day gift on May 9th to your mothers, wives, in-laws, and aunts by coming to a celebratory concert presented by Pavlo Doskocha and his creative Goddaughter Kateryna Shymkiv. The concert will take place in the St. Joseph church hall at 7pm. Tickets will be sold at the door.. Information is at 773-875-9705. Part of the proceeds will benefit the Ukrainian Heroes Fund.

    9 " " , , , - " "- ! . , 7 . . : 773-875-9705. " "

    Vyshyvanka School of Dance The Vyshyvanka School of Dances annual recital will take place on May 17th at 4pm at Ridgewood High School, 7500 W. Montrose Ave. in Norridge. Tickets are $25 per person. Featured guests include Roman Sydoruk, Mariana, Boyovyi Hopak, and the Dyvo childrens theater studio. This years concert is titled, Love, Value, and Remember.

    17- 2015. 4- Ridgewood, 7500 W. Montrose Ave. 25 . . : , , , .

  • No. 6 25 April 2015

    Liturgical Schedule

    - Sundays: 8:00am . /Divine Liturgy /English 9:30am . /Divine Liturgy /Ukrainian 11:30am . /Divine Liturgy /Childrens - Holy Days: 9:00am . /Divine Liturgy 6:30pm . /Divine Liturgy - Eve of Feasts: 6:30pm / Great Vespers with Litia - During the week: 9:00am . /Divine Liturgy /in the chapel - Saturdays: 9:00am . /Divine Liturgy /in church

    . .

    The mystery of Penance is available on Sundays and Feast Days during Divine Liturgies.

  • No. 6 26 April 2015