age is no barrier to weight loss

Age is no barrier to weight loss by Tony Cook ©2012 You have heard the one. We all have. "I have tried everything..but I can't lose weight" Well, there is another great fable kicking around and I have come across it time and time again. "It's my age..the old metabolism has slowed it's pretty much impossible for me to lose weight now!" And also the classic "The weight is established on me....very hard to shift now..not much can be done!" Obviously, these statements are untrue. But people will tell themselves it because it makes them feel better. Aside from the weight loss issues, it's the real health issues they should be concerned with. We all know what they are so there is no need to go into great detail about that. It is obvious. The facts are this and they are undisputed. You are never too old to lose weight and you are never too old to start eating well and exercising. Your weight is directly proportionate to what you ate and drink...unless you have a medical condition, which is an entirely different thing..and article. A few ago a high profile soccer coach in the UK made a statement about players drinking too much beer and getting in trouble. "You wouldn't pour diesel into a Formula 1 car and still expect it win, or finish the race for that matter"

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Page 1: Age is no barrier to weight loss

Age is no barrier to weight lossby Tony Cook ©2012

You have heard the one. We all have.

"I have tried everything..but I can't lose weight"

Well, there is another great fable kicking around and I have come across it time and time again.

"It's my age..the old metabolism has slowed it's pretty much impossible for me to lose weight now!"

And also the classic "The weight is established on me....very hard to shift now..not much can be done!"

Obviously, these statements are untrue. But people will tell themselves it because it makes them feel better.

Aside from the weight loss issues, it's the real health issues they should be concerned with.

We all know what they are so there is no need to go into great detail about that. It is obvious.

The facts are this and they are undisputed.

You are never too old to lose weight and you are never too old to start eating well and exercising.

Your weight is directly proportionate to what you ate and drink...unless you have a medical condition, which is an entirely different thing..and article.

A few ago a high profile soccer coach in the UK made a statement about players drinking too much beer and getting in trouble.

"You wouldn't pour diesel into a Formula 1 car and still expect it win, or finish the race for that matter"

Page 2: Age is no barrier to weight loss

How right is that statement? Your body is your Formula 1 Car. It is priceless and although you may look in the mirror and not like the way it looks at present, You CAN change that.

It takes more than joining a slimming takes will power. Eating the wrong food and gaining weight is a habit you have learned..and you can un-learn it too.

Your mind a will power is like a computer. It just needs the right software in-putted for it to make the correct calculations.

They say knowledge is power, and for too long people have been told by the media and it seems pretty much everyone else that we live hectic lives and stressful lives and eating well is difficult because we are on the move so much.

If we are on the move so much, then why are the populations of the western world getting fatter?

It's a lifestyle choice. Don't listen to all the excuse makers. Break the mould and be different.

You are never too old to change your habits, your eating and drinking patterns and ultimately, your life.

Albert resides in Dorset in the UK and has for several years been a keen site builder and blogger on aspect regarding diet and weight loss.

For some great free tips and advice, please feel free to check out his site and his daily updated blogsite
