agenda executive committee american concrete institute

AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE American Concrete Institute Boardroom ACI Headquarters Farmington Hills, Michigan Monday and Tuesday, June 27-28, 2005 Executive Committee James R. Cagley, President Thomas D. Verti, Vice President David Darwin, Vice President Anthony E. Fiorato, Immediate Past President William R. Tolley, Executive Vice President 1.0 ADMINISTRATIVE 1.1 Call to Order / Roll 1.2 Approval of Agenda 1.3 Approval of April 16 and 19, 2005 Meeting Minutes 1.4 Action Taken on Behalf of Board 1.4.1 ACI Representation at fib Meeting The Executive Committee was letter balloted 5-24-05 to authorize ACI Committee 318 Chair James K. Wight to attend the June 5-6, 2005 Fédération Internationale du Béton (fib) meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, as ACI’s official representative, to participate in the development of the new fib Model Code for Concrete Structures, with ACI assuming the costs. The ballot was unanimously approved. As a matter of record, the Committee will be asked to ratify this action.

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Page 1: AGENDA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE American Concrete Institute


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE American Concrete Institute


ACI Headquarters Farmington Hills, Michigan

Monday and Tuesday, June 27-28, 2005

Executive Committee James R. Cagley, President Thomas D. Verti, Vice President David Darwin, Vice President Anthony E. Fiorato, Immediate Past President William R. Tolley, Executive Vice President 1.0 ADMINISTRATIVE

1.1 Call to Order / Roll 1.2 Approval of Agenda

1.3 Approval of April 16 and 19, 2005 Meeting Minutes

1.4 Action Taken on Behalf of Board

1.4.1 ACI Representation at fib Meeting The Executive Committee was letter balloted 5-24-05 to authorize ACI

Committee 318 Chair James K. Wight to attend the June 5-6, 2005 Fédération Internationale du Béton (fib) meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, as ACI’s official representative, to participate in the development of the new fib Model Code for Concrete Structures, with ACI assuming the costs. The ballot was unanimously approved. As a matter of record, the Committee will be asked to ratify this action.

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Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 7 ACI Headquarters-Farmington Hills, Michigan June 27-28, 2005


2.1 Presidential Objectives [Exhibit A] President James Cagley will update the Committee on the status of his objectives,

which are attached to this agenda as Exhibit A. 2.2 Executive Vice President’s Objectives [Exhibit B] Executive Vice President William Tolley will update the Committee on the status of

his objectives, which are attached to this agenda as Exhibit B. 2.3 President’s Travel [Exhibit C] Cagley’s travel schedule for ACI-related meetings has been updated and is attached

to this agenda as Exhibit C.

2.4 State of the Institute Report At the spring 2004 convention, FAC recommended and the Board agreed that the

State of the Institute report be updated annually during the second quarter and be available for Executive Committee review at its summer meeting and by the Board at its fall meeting.

The revised report will be distributed to the Committee at its meeting.


3.1 Current Status / Preliminary Projections [Handout]

Staff will update the Committee on the current operating program performance; preliminary projected year-end results. The report will be distributed at the meeting.


4.1 Quarterly Review of Executive Vice President’s Spending

5.0 GOVERNANCE 5.1 Spanish Version of 318 Document Cagley will provide an update.

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Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 7 ACI Headquarters-Farmington Hills, Michigan June 27-28, 2005

5.2 Update on Staff Efforts on Marketing Plan 5.3 Update on Business Plan to Enhance ACI’s Website Background: At the spring 2005 Board meeting, it was agreed that Staff would provide

a draft document by 6-1-05 of a business plan, based on the comments received at the 4-21-05 Board Planning and Discussion Session, for review by the Board.

Staff will update the Committee on comments received from the Board. 5.4 Update on ACI-ASCE Joint Committees Background: At the spring 2005 convention, PowerPoint presentations were given to

nine of the joint ACI-ASCE technical committees – one defining ACI’ responsibilities as the lead sponsor of the joint committees; the other defining the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute’s (SEI) responsibilities as the lead sponsor. It was reported at the ACI Board 4-21-05 meeting that the overwhelming response from these meetings was to have the committees remain joint, with ACI as the lead sponsor. A draft MOU was developed, with ACI as the lead sponsor for the nine joint committees, for review by the ASCE Board of Governors and ASCE-SEI Executive Committee.

Darwin will provide an update.

5.5 Board Committee Activity Reports [Exhibit D]

The Board committee activity reports, which were included on the 4-21-05 Board meeting agenda, are attached as Exhibit D.


6.1 Update on Officer Trips for 2005

Int’l Symposium on Durability of Concrete – Monterrey, Mexico – May 12-13 Verti attended this Symposium and will provide an update.

IBRACON 47th Congress – Olinda, Brazil – September 2-6 Cagley and Tolley will attend this Congress.

New Zealand Conference / Meeting with CIA in Australia – September 18-30 Cagley will attend New Zealand’s annual conference to give a keynote address.

He will also travel to Australia to meet with the Concrete Institute of Australia, one of ACI’s international partners.

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Concrete Day – Rotterdam, Netherlands – November 17 Tolley will attend this event.

ISO TC-71 13th Plenary Session – Seoul, Korea – November 28-30 Cagley and Tolley will attend the ISO TC-71 13th Plenary Session.

International Chapter Roundtable – Bangkok, Thailand – December 1-2 Cagley and Tolley will attend the International Chapter Roundtable.

Chapters from the Middle East and Asia will be invited to participate.

6.2 Update on Arrangements for Officer International Trips in 2006

ACI International Roundtable & the World of Concrete Mexico–June 14-16, 2006

Background: At the spring 2005 Executive Committee meeting, Past President José Izquierdo suggested that ACI consider an international roundtable for Latin America by tying in an ACI international roundtable with the World of Concrete Mexico (conducted by IMCYC). Staff will provide an update.

6.3 Update on Arrangements for Officer International Trips in 2007

International Conference – Beijing, China – 2007 Tolley will provide an update on the Conference Coordinating Committee

meeting held May 23 in Beijing with the sponsors for this event.

6.4 Other International Activities

6.4.1 Asian Concrete Federation (ACF)

Background: At the fall 2004 Executive Committee meeting, Tolley related that the ACF is a new organization responsible for drafting a unified Asia Pacific-wide Concrete Code of Practice with reference to the EuroCode. Staff contacted an individual of the ACF, expressing ACI’s interest in working with the Federation and to set up a meeting later this year in conjunction with the Plenary Session in Seoul. Cagley has included collaborative efforts with the ACF as one of his objectives.

Staff will provide an update.

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7.0 DOMESTIC RELATIONS 7.1 Update on Officer Trips for 2005

International Conference on HPC – Washington, D. C. – June 20-22

ASCC CEO Forum – Kohler, Wisconsin – June 23-25

President’s Annual Visits to Organizations in the D. C. Corridor

Following the President’s visits to organizations in the D.C. corridor during October 2004, it was agreed that the 2005 visits should include the International Code Council, the Federal Highway Administration, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the American Institute of Architects, and the U.S. Green Building Council.

ASAE CEO Symposium for Chief Elected Officers As an information item, Verti and Tolley will select a location and date to

attend this annual event for ACI’s president elect.

7.2 CAMRA Meeting Staff will update the Committee on the Concrete and Masonry Related Associations

(CAMRA) meeting held June 2-3, 2005 in Chicago.


8.1 ICRI Vision 2020 Workshop Meeting – May 9 & 10 – Sedona, Arizona [Exhibit E] The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) hosted a strategic vision workshop

(called 2020 Vision) 3-31-04 in Chicago, where the Strategic Development Council (SDC) served as the facilitator for the repair industry. The SDC assisted in the development of the Vision 2020 document.

A memo from Rick Edelson, ICRI-TAC Chair, and a summary of the ICRI Vision 2020 Workshop held in Sedona, Arizona, May 9-10, 2005, is attached to this agenda as Exhibit E.

8.2 Second 2020 Workshop – September 27-28, 2005 A second 2020 roadmapping workshop will be held September 27-28, 2005 in the

Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area.

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Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Page 6 of 7 ACI Headquarters-Farmington Hills, Michigan June 27-28, 2005

8.3 Update on the Strategic Development Council (SDC)

Strategic Development Council Meeting – May 11 & 12 – Phoenix

SDC View of ACI Board Response to ATA

Workshop—Coordinate Industry Research and Education Funding September 22, 2005 The SDC will be organizing a workshop 9-22-05 on behalf of ConREF,

working with associations in the concrete industry, to develop a vision and roadmap on how ConREF should proceed relative to coordinating industry research and education funding.


9.1 Fall Meeting – New Orleans – 2005 Due to the two-day International Workshop on Structural Concrete in the Americas held Friday and Saturday, the Committee is scheduled to meet Thursday and Tuesday, November 3 and 8. There will be a reception Friday evening for the Workshop; the Executive Committee dinner will be Saturday evening; the reception/dinner for invited international guests (from areas recently visited) will be Monday evening.

9.2 Mid-Winter Meeting – 2006

The Committee will be updated on plans for the January 26-27, 2006 meeting. 9.3 Spring Meeting – 2006

The Committee will return to its traditional meeting schedule and will meet

Saturday and Tuesday, March 25 and 28. 9.4 Summer Meeting – 2006 The Committee may wish to decide on the dates for the summer 2006 meeting. 10.0 INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION

10.1 Review of Preliminary Programs Opening Session – New Orleans Convention – Fall 2005 Opening Session and Awards Program – Charlotte Convention – Spring 2006

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Executive Committee Meeting Agenda Page 7 of 7 ACI Headquarters-Farmington Hills, Michigan June 27-28, 2005

10.2 Follow up on HR Audit Report At the spring 2005 convention, the Board asked Staff to work with Miller Canfield

to develop a general policy statement on ACI employment practices for consideration by the Board; the Executive Committee asked Staff to develop an annual report format for use by the Committee in monitoring overall trends in ACI employment statistics.


EXHIBITS Exhibit A - President’s Objectives Exhibit B - Executive Vice President’s Objectives Exhibit C - President’s Travel Schedule Exhibit D - Board Committee Activity Reports Exhibit E - Memo & Summary from Edelson re: ICRI 2020 Workshop

MATERIAL DISTRIBUTED SEPARATELY [either at or prior to the meeting]

1. 2005 April Forecast 2. State of the Institute Report H:\Jeri\Executive Committee\Agendas\ExCmte Agenda Detroit -05.doc

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Exhibit A

Exhibit A, Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, June 27-28, 2005


1. EXPAND ACI’S FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM • Work with Staff and Dan Baker to communicate benefits and solicit support • Make personal contact with potential major donors • Develop a fund raising scheme for approximately $750,000



• Work with ACI staff to emphasize and promote the electronic balloting system and use of committee work areas by ACI committees


• Continue the development of a commerce site for IPA partners. • Continue the good works already in process over the last 4 or 5 years in Latin

America • Organize and hold a 3rd International Workshop on “Structural Concrete in the

Americas” • Work with Staff to organize an International Chapter Roundtable • Continue the communications already started with the European Concrete

Community • Propose increased involvement of ACI in Canada’s Concrete Standards activities • Explore cooperative efforts with the Asian Concrete Federation • Explore and develop a Strategic Plan for ACI’s role in ISO


• Work with Staff to understand the present convention demographics • Develop a strategy to lower the average age of ACI active participants • Consider a mentoring program for new members and first time attendees at ACI



• Work with ACI staff to identify all appropriate organizations


• Identify appropriate technical groups • Work with staff to develop a plan to improve communications with these societies

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Exhibit B-1


1 Base Competencies as Defined in EVP Position Description. 25%

2 Expand ACI's Fellowship Program JRC GOAL #1

2a By June 1, develop promotional material to assist President in his communication efforts.

2b By April 1, develop a target list (by priority) of potential donors.

2c By June 1, develop a plan and budget to increase pledges by $750,000.

3 Continue the development of ACI's electronic communications initiative (e-balloting, e-publications, e-commerce, e-memberships)


3a By August 1 work with President and Board committees to improve and promote the web balloting system.

3b By spring 2005, work with Board committees to develop a plan for improving the ACI Website in the areas of content available, search engine rankings, and search capabilities.

3c Continue to conduct training seminars on use of committee areas on website at ACI conventions. 3d By spring 2005, redesign the committee website work areas.

3e By April 1, publish in Concrete International the first in a series of articles and notices about new ACI Website features.

3f By April 1, email members regarding new features on ACI's Website.3g By December 1, transition to a web-based submission and review system for the Journals.

3h By February 1, develop a program to increase awareness of the e-memberships and with reduced dues for Brazil, China, Chile, India, and Peru.

3i By July 1, improve SDC member awareness of content and functionality of SDC website.

3j During 2005, continue to work with appropriate committees to develop online CEU program through ACI's Website.

4 Continue the development of ACI's international role JRC GOAL #3

4a By December 31, work with International Partners to improve two-way communication by enhancing ACI website to create or promote the following:

3 International Partner link on ACI home page.

3International Partner web page that lists objectives of international partnerships (unified concrete community, etc.) and how concrete-related societies could become international partners.

3 Encourage partners to link their websites to ACI's Website.

3Special bookstore that allows Partner members to purchase ACI publications at special rate and ACI members purchase Partner's publications at discounted rate.


Provide link to ACI's awards program to International Partners to nominate individuals/firms for ACI's awards and encourage Partners to create similar links promoting their awards for ACI to consider submitting nominations.

3Meeting and conference section that offers members of each organization opportunities to attend conventions/conferences at member rate.

3 Encourage international partners to join ACI's technical committees.

4b Cosponsor (w/o financial commitment) appropriate conferences.

4c Upon receipt, publish IPS-2 in cooperation with the Japan Concrete Institute.





Exhibit B, Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, June 2005 5/25/2005

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Exhibit B-2


4d By October 31, determine if the Concrete Institute of Australia proceeding should be produced as IPS-3.

4e By February 1, expand agreement with the Concrete Institute of Australia to make student version of MCP available to CIA student members.

4f President and EVP to attend the IBRACON 47th Congress held September 2-6, 2005.4g Plan the 13th Plenary Session of ISO/TC-71.

4h By November 1, evaluate need for annual ISO Plenary Session and determine if meeting could be held on 18-month cycle.

4i By the fall convention, finalize the 5-year strategic plan drafted by the ACI Advisory Committee - ISO/TC-71

4j Determine feasibility of arranging meeting with Asian Concrete Federation representative in conjunction with ISO meeting in Korea.

4k By March 1, determine if 2005 international roundtable should be held in conjunction with visit to IBRACON or in conjunction with ISO meeting in Korea and make necessary arrangements.

4l Conduct Chapter Forum at New Orleans Convention and encourage international chapters (particularly Latin American Chapters) to participate.

4m Organize and hold a 3rd International Workshop on Structural Concrete in the Americas.

4n Coordinate the International Partnership Committee Roundtable for International Partners at New York convention.

4o By November 1, publish 318-05 Spanish version of 318.4p By October 1, create an international subcommittee of 318 with liaison members around the world.4q President and EVP to attend Concrete Day held November 17, 2005 in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

4rBy July 1, effect transition of current French language accredited Concrete Field Testing Technician programs in Canada to full ACI-processed programs. Transition is to include revision of the program materials to bring them parallel to the English language versions in use for 2005.

4s By December 31, contingent upon production of a new English-edition CP-60 (05), coordinate production of a French-language CP-60 (05) workbook for use in the ACI Shotcrete Nozzleman Certification program.

4t By March 15, explore and coordinate with Canada's standards organizations the possibility of liaison relationship.

4u Provide meeting room space and staff support for Committee 440's International FRP Workshop at New Orleans convention.

4v By June 1, develop promotional program to encourage international corporate members to become Sustaining Members.

5 Develop and initiate implementation of strategy for improving the involvement of more and younger folks in ACI activities


5a By August 1, develop a strategy to lower the average age of ACI active participants.

5bSet up a pilot program for the NJ/NY and New Orleans conventions in which one young (35 years of age or less) concrete industry person from local engineering, contracting, and materials firms (one per firm) will be invited to attend the ACI convention without paying the registration fee.

5c By February 1, develop program to increase awareness of e-student membership.

6 Reach out to the concrete constructors to improve their participation in ACI activities JRC GOAL #5

6a By February 18, help to organize an ASCC-sponsored meeting that deals with tolerance incompatibility issues and how to best handle them.

6b By summer 2005, work within the ASCC organization to get at least four new ASCC members to serve on key ACI technical committees related to construction issues (ACI 117, ACI 301, ACI 308, and ACI 347).

6c By February 1, work with ASCC-Decorative Concrete Council to explore need for a decorative-concrete finisher certification program.



Exhibit B, Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, June 2005 5/25/2005

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Exhibit B-3


6d By fall convention, develop closer relations with AGC by volunteering to give presentations at their annual meetings on subjects related to concrete.

6eBy December 31, check the list of "Top-500-type lists" (in ENR and similar magazines) of design professionals and contractors and find those without an ACI member on staff. Contact the CEO and present reasons for firm to be represented at ACI.

6f By March 2, work with ICRI and SDC to plan and present a one-day session on floor moisture problem mitigation to be held the day before the ICRI spring convention in Boston. ACI will cosponsor the event.

6g By January 30, start selling NRMCA information products and have NRMCA sell selected ACI documents to extend the reach of both organizations.


By September 1, get publicity for ACI in publications other than Concrete International by encouraging members to submit bylined articles dealing with new ACI documents. For example, an article on ACI 318-05 for Structure magazine, and article on ACI 332-05 for Concrete Construction , and an article on ACI 301-05 for Civil Engineering or Structural Engineering.

6i By December 31, work with TAC Tolerance Coordination Committee to review conflicting cover requirements within ACI standards (specifically 117, 216, 301, and 318) and develop a plan to resolve conflicts.

7 Expand ACI's working relationship with other technical societies JRC GOAL #6

7a Continue to work with AIA, SSPC, and USGBC in an effort to develop closer ties between our organizations.

7b By September 1, have ACI 318-05, 332-04, and 530-05 on track to be adopted by the 2006 versions of the IBC, IRC, and the NFPA 5000.

7c Continue to work with ASCE to resolve issues concerning the future of joint technical committees and how the two societies could better interact.

7d By November 1, create a communiction structure between ACI and AISC to discuss areas of overlap and conflict related to composite construction, and develop a plan to address identified issues.

7eBy December 31, increase ACI participation with other concrete organizations ( ECCO, NACA, NRMCA, PCA) involved in sustainability development activities and coordinate efforts to increase concrete industry's participation in USGBC.

7f By September 1, arrange Presidential visit to appropriate D.C. associations.


8 By June 30, conduct 2005 High Performance/High Strength conference within budget.

9 By April 1, explore feasibility of conducting 2007 international conference with International Partners and other appropriate associations in China.

10 By January 31, implement Phase III of program.

11 By December 31, implement objectives not completed in 2004 as identified in Chapter Activities Committee plan to improve relationship between ACI and chapters.

12 Continue to implement succession plan approved by Board.

13 By spring convention, work with ConREF trustees to develop new mission and business plan.

14 By July 1, develop and implement marketing plan to increase awareness of CAM.

15 Attend ASAE COO Symposium for CEO and Chief Elected Officer.

16 By the fall 2005 convention, begin to implement the ACI Specification Reorganization Plan.




Exhibit B, Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, June 2005 5/25/2005

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Exhibit B-4


17 Finalize the logo usage and branding matrix for approval by the ACI Executive Committee or Board, then ensure that Staff follows the guidelines included in the matrix.

18 By December 31, complete an internal process improvement analysis for two additional departments.

19 By April 19, as determined by volunteer interest, select three proposed new programs from the CPC work list for further market research to determine their viability as ACI Certification programs.

20 By March 1, promote the availability of purchasing SP articles separately online.21 By July 1, have one staff member become LEED certified.


22 Discretionary objectives. Items assigned throughout the year or accomplishments that exceeded expectation. 10%


* Weightings serve as a basis for discussion and are for guidance purposes only



Exhibit B, Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, June 2005 5/25/2005

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Exhibit CPage 1 of 1

No Trip 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 ACI Convention - New York





2 Chapter Roundtable - Dearborn, MI




7th International Symposium on High Strength/High Performance Concrete - Washington, D.C.





4 ASCC CEO Forum - Wisconsin




265 Summer Executive Committee

Meeting - HQ




6 TAC Summer Meeting - Mt. Hood-Portland, OR




7 IBRACON 47th Congress - Olinda, Brazil




8New Zealand (speaker @ conference) > Australia - meet w/CIA Se






9 ACI Convention - New Orleans N

ov 2



10 ISO TC-71 13th Plenary Session - Seoul, Korea





11 ACI International Roundtable - Bangkok, Thailand




12 ACI Convention - Charlotte





Trip CancelledTrip Completed Week number


Week numberWeek numberWeek numberWeek numberDecember January MarchSeptember October November

Week numberWeek numberFebruary

Week numberAugust

Week numberWeek number

Trip Planned

Staff / Officer

Cagley's Travel Plans - 2005Trip BookedApril May JuneWk# Week number


H:\Jeri\ExCmte\Exhibits\Detroit\C-Cagley Travel.xls5/25/2005

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Exhibit D

COMMITTEE REPORTS Attachment Certification Programs Committee .............................................................................................A Chapter Activities Committee .....................................................................................................B Construction Liaison Committee.................................................................................................C Convention Committee.................................................................................................................D Educational Activities Committee ...............................................................................................E Financial Advisory Committee .................................................................................................... F International Committee ............................................................................................................. G Information Technology Advisory Committee ......................................................................... H Marketing Committee ................................................................................................................... I Membership Committee................................................................................................................J Publications Committee............................................................................................................... K Responsibility in Concrete Construction Committee ..........................................Not Submitted Technical Activities Committee ..................................................................................................M

********** Creative Association Management..............................................................................................N ConREF ........................................................................................................................................ O

********** Board Advisory Committee on ISO-TC-71 ................................................................................ P Board Advisory Committee on Sustainable Development ....................................................... Q Board Task Group on Accelerating Technology Acceptance ...................................................R Board Task Group on ASCE ....................................................................................................... S Board Task Group on Vision 2020..............................................................................................T Exhibit D, Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, June 27-28, 2005

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Attachment A-1 Board Committee: Certification Programs Committee Chair: Peter M. Maloney Staff Liaison: John W. Nehasil Date: March 4, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

• Consider proposals for new programs to certify Masonry Testing Technicians and Certified Quality Technical Manager by April 19, 2005.

• In addition to proposed programs for Masonry Testing Technician and Certified Quality Technical Manager already under consideration, select one additional program from the CPC work list for further market research to determine its viability as an ACI Certification program by April 19, 2005.

• Hold a dinner to honor the “Founders of ACI Certification” on November 6, 2005, at the ACI Fall 2005 Convention in New Orleans.

• Implement a formal ACI Certification Award program, with call for nominees initiated by November 6, 2005, and the first awards presented at the ACI Spring 2006 Convention in Charlotte, NC.

• Review results of the first round of the Pilot Audit Program directed at the ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician certification program by November 8, 2005.

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

(highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting)

• CPC accepted a new process for evaluating proposals for new ACI Certification programs.

• CPC rejected a draft program policy for the Board-approved certification program for Specialty Commercial/Industrial Concrete Flatwork Finisher – C640 was given specific feedback about the areas of the policy CPC felt were deficient.

• CPC approved a draft program proposal for a formal awards program and agreed to recommend its implementation.

• CPC rejected an appeal of certification exam results submitted by an individual through the appeals process stated in all ACI Certification program policies. CPC also agreed to

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Board Committee Activity Reports A-2 revise all program policies to remove the Board of Direction from the list of individuals/organizations considering an appeal.

• CPC approved a new procedure to distribute certificates of successful examinees – the change will result in more timely distribution of the credentials with no net increase in cost.

• CPC approved in concept proposed revisions to the Laboratory Testing Technician – Grade I, and Shotcrete Nozzleman certification program policies.

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco CPC Task Group 04-01 reconvened via conference call to discuss development of a formal

proposal and financial impact statement for the “Founders of ACI Certification” dinner and discuss assembly of formal Certification Award Program materials for Honors and Awards Committee review.

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

• Consider proposals for new programs to certify Masonry Testing Technicians and

Certified Quality Technical Manager • Discuss which one of the additional programs proposed for development on the CPC

work list should be further researched to determine its viability as an ACI Certification program.

• Consider proposed policy changes to the Laboratory Testing Technician – Grade I, and Shotcrete Nozzleman certification programs.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

• CPC has submitted a Proposal and FIS to the Board and FAC (for consideration in New York) for a dinner to honor the “Founders of ACI Certification” on November 6, 2005, at the ACI Fall 2005 Convention in New Orleans.

• CPC is in the process of assembling a procedure and materials to support a Formal ACI Certification Awards program for review by the Honors and Awards Committee – it is anticipated that this material will be submitted to the Honors and Awards Committee for consideration following the ACI Spring 2005 Convention allowing ample time for preparation and submittal of their recommendation to the Executive Committee for consideration at their Summer 2005 meeting.

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Attachment B-1 Board Committee: Chapter Activities Committee Chair: Luke M. Snell Staff Liaison: Thomas H. Adams Date: 03/07/05

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

Continue implementation of the Chapter Relations Plan. Modify the plan as required. T

This is an ongoing project for the committee. There are several key initiatives included in the plan that are focused on improving communications between ACI and its chapters.

Contact chapters that have failed to file annual reports for the past 3 years and determine

the viability of those chapters. Assist chapters as required in organizational matters. This project will be completed during the Fall convention with action as required by the committee.

Conduct two chapter roundtables. The current schedule calls for a roundtable in Detroit

in May, 2005 and a roundtable in Houston in October, 2005/. Conduct a Chapter Forum at the Spring Convention. This will be an hour-long forum with

presentations on chapter libraries, membership growth and retention, and use of the web to improve chapter communications.

CAC discussed the idea of holding a combined domestic and international roundtable at

the Fall convention. The committee decided to conduct an intensive Chapter Operations Forum instead of a traditional roundtable format. The forum will be moderated by the chairs of the CAC and International Committee. Expert speakers on chapter operations will be invited to speak. 2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco The CAC approved a motion to allow for granting more than one Chapter Activity Award annually. A new student chapter at Purdue University was approved.

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Board Committee Activity Reports B-2 3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco Chapters which have failed to report for the last 3 years have been contacted. Approximately 50% of those have responded. ACI members in the areas not responding are being contacted to determine interest in continuing chapter viability. 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York A Chapter Forum will be conducted on Tuesday, April 19. Plans will be completed for the Fall chapter forum. The committee will continue to discuss ideas for increasing student involvement with ACI and its chapters. 5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments There are no outstanding assignments for this committee

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Attachment C-1 Board Committee: Construction Liaison Committee Chair: Brad Inman Staff Liaison: Rex C. Donahey Date: March 2, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion) • ASCC-ACI joint activities

a) Introduce the ASCC Liaison to CLC—Spring ’05 b) Produce reports regarding Spring ’05, Fall ’05, and Spring ’06 ACI-ASCC

Contractor’s Day cooperation and report to Board—Spring ’06 c) Discuss future ASCC-ACI joint activities—Spring ’05 d) Discuss ASCC-CLC comments on pending TAC documents

• Further development of Charlotte Contractors’ Day • Further development of Denver Contractors’ Day

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

(highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting) • The committee approved “Guidelines for Planning Contractor’s Day,” “Contractor’s Day

Timeline and Check List,” and the “Contractor’s Day Questionnaire.” Copies of the material were forwarded to the New Jersey/CIB and New Orlean’s Contractor’s Day representatives. The committee further directed staff to forward the documents to Convention Chapters for upcoming conventions. Event Services has incorporated the guidelines into the Chapter Convention Guide.

• The committee requested that the Board approve allowing ASCC to appoint a CLC Liaison. The Board subsequently approved the motion.

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Board Committee Activity Reports C-2 3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Began review of the following TAC document, emphasizing constructability, economy, and safety in construction: 224.1R-XX.

• Review of the following documents to proceed as soon as they are made available: 234R-XX, 237ETS, 341.XR, 347.YR-XX, 364.1R-XX, 522R-XX, 523.1R-XX, and 546.XR-XX

• The committee requested that the Board approve allowing ASCC to appoint a CLC Liaison.

The Board subsequently approved. Bev Garnant, Executive Director of ASCC, has informed staff that she will be the ASCC Liaison to CLC

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

• Recap ASCC Tolerances Workshop, discuss findings, and discuss tolerances in ACI documents

• Discuss discount vouchers and Convention Committee ruling • Discuss future initiatives for CLC • Hear reports on New Orleans and Charlotte Contractors’ Days

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

• CLC is to report to the Board on student attendance at Contractor’s Day New York so that the Board can consider future sponsoring of student fees at ACI Conventions.

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Attachment D Board Committee: Convention Committee Chair: Rita K. Oglesby Staff Liaison: Renee J. Lewis Date: March 4, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

12/31/05: Contract hotels for the conventions in fall 2009 and 2010, spring and fall 2011 and 2012 Continue to handle routine tasks through the web ballot and discussion forum tools of the ACI website.

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

(highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting)

A theme for the spring 2007 convention in Atlanta was approved. The theme will be “Hardscape”.

The ACI Arizona Chapter was approved to host the spring 2013 convention pending a site inspection of additional venue options.

The ACI Northern California & Western Nevada Chapter were approved to host the fall 2014 convention.

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco.

Letterhead for the Spring 2006 Convention in Charlotte, NC was approved. The ACI National Capital Chapter was approved to host the spring 2014 convention. The theme for the Fall 2006 Convention in Denver, CO was approved. The theme will be “COLORado Concrete”.

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Board Committee Activity Reports D-2

Staff and Chair Oglesby paid a visit the Denver Chapter Convention Committee. Many questions were answered and decisions were made. Staff visited the Charlotte Chapter Convention Committee on February 1, 2005. The Charlotte Chapter Convention Committee has made a great deal of progress in their planning. The Chapter Convention Guide was updated and distributed to chapters hosting an upcoming convention. A copy of the guide is also available on the ACI website.

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

Nine members of the Convention Committee will act as ushers during the Opening Session & Awards program in New York. In addition, a stage manager from ACI’s audio visual company will help prepare speakers prior to and during the session in order to help facilitate a more timely session. ACI will set up a wireless hot spot in the exhibit area in New York. Attendees will be informed in advance to bring their laptops with them. This should help reduce the lines and wait time in the Cyber Café. In addition, this will reduce ACI’s cost. Another topic for a convention training session will be selected. These are for chapters hosting a convention and are held from 8 a .m. to 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday of every convention. Committee members serve as liaisons to chapter’s hosting a convention. Liaisons will be chosen for the 2008, 2009 and 2010 conventions.

The 2005 Chapter Convention Guide will be available on CD for chapter convention committees during the meeting. This is already available on the ACI website.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

There are no outstanding Board issues at this time.

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Attachment E-1

Committee Name EAC Submitted February 2005

Chair Paul Tikalsky Staff Liaison Richard Heitzmann

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

a. Approve revised EAC Committee Manual (expected date of completion 4/2005) b. Implement on-line moderator training (expected date of completion 4/2005) c. Improve the quality and value of seminars (continuing initiative) d. Provide educational technical content to ACI web site (continuing initiative) e. Implement 318-05 seminar (expected by fall 2005)

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Last Convention (i.e. highlight major items from last meeting minutes)

a. EAC discussed offering opportunities on the ACI website for engineers to earn CUEs by reading technical documents and answering pertinent questions.

b. EAC reviewed much of its proposed EAC Committee manual and agreed to distribute the document to its members for comment.

c. EAC reviewed detailed seminar attendance metrics and financials that are now being created by Staff.

d. EAC discussed in detail the proposed method of document revision and review by EAC and E-committees for inclusion in the EAC Committee Manual .

3. Intervening Actions Since Last Convention

a. EAC conducted a letter ballot for approval of the ASCC Contractor’s Guide to quality Concrete Construction.

b. E601 working on EAC committee manual chapter for new EAC Committee manual to address seminar program approval procedures. Review expected at 2005 Spring convention

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Board Committee Activity Reports E-2

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Current Convention (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

a. EAC will be reviewing and possibly approving its revised EAC Committee manual. b. EAC will be reviewing E601 recommendations on new seminar covering ACI 318-05 for

debut in Fall 2005. c. EAC will be reviewing a proposed seminar covering ACI 355, Anchorage to Concrete

for expected debut in Spring 2006. d. EAC will be reviewing the seminar evaluation data from the Fall 2004 seminars. This

data includes attendance, distance traveled, principle business of attendees, length of time between registration and seminar date, speaker ratings, overall seminar ratings, financial results, etc.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments There are no outstanding Board assignments.

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Attachment F Board Committee: Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) Chair: Robert Epifano Staff Liaison: Donna Halstead Date: March 3, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

1) Monitoring of ACI’s financial results. 2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

FAC reviewed the 2004 Forecast and Proposed 2005 Budget in detail. FAC reviewed and made recommendations to the Board on the following Financial Impact Statements.

• Fulbright Scholar-in Residence • ACI joining the VCCTL Consortium • ACI’s retirement plan • Terminating the SERP Plan.

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

1. Monitoring of ACI’s financial results 2. Staff taking a survey of other non-profits to determine their Independent auditor

rotation policies. 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York

FAC will review the 2004 Actual results. FAC will review the following items and give recommendations to the Board.

• Financial Impact Statement on Certification Dinner to Honor Founders of ACI Certification

• ACI Reserve Policy • Independent Auditor • 2006 Dues rates.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments None

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Attachment G-1 Board Committee: International Committee Chair: Richard Stehly Staff Liaison: Douglas Sordyl Date: 4 March 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion) • Increase international presence and activities by:

• Expanding certification activity in other countries - focus on Spanish speaking countries by 30 Sep 2005.

• Increasing international membership - execute the Board approved pilot program over the next 18 months.

• Increasing international chapters - use current membership to target likely countries – Spain and Panama by 30 Sep 2005

• Developing additional IPS documents – translating IPS 2 (in progress), exploring potential for a Simplified Masonry Design document, and identifying other documents for development and translation by 30 Sep 2005.

• Increasing international collaboration – implementing the already executed IPAs by 31 Dec 2005.

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Reorganized the International Relations Subcommittee to International Partnerships Subcommittee. The IP Subcommittee’s mission statement was revised to read “to develop and oversee activities related to implementing international partnership agreements” to more accurately reflect the subcommittee’s evolving role.

• IC voted to establish an International Partners meeting at the Spring 2005 Convention in New York.

• Selected Professor Guiseppe Mancini, President of FIB, Politecnico di Torino, Italy to be luncheon speaker in New York.

• Explored the possibility of holding the Sixth International Conference in Hong Kong in 2006. (Subsequently exploring the possibility of holding in Beijing, China in 2007. Based on discussions with organizations in China, ACI will be the lead sponsor. One session track will be on sustainability with another track to be determined by organizing groups.)

• Chair Stehly requested Rich Klingner to initiate a “Masonry in the Americas Workshop”. (Subsequent planning indicates that the workshop will be co-sponsored by

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Board Committee Activity Reports G-2

TMS, ASCE, and ACI with TMS taking the lead. The workshop will be held in May 2006 in conjunction with the TMS convention in San Diego.)

• The IC to contact ACI Committee 117 and request that they metricate their document on Tolerances to meet Certification Program Committee’s request that ACI documents be available in metric units to more fully support the international certification efforts.

• It was reported that there are currently U.S. Treasury Department regulations impacting ACI’s certification program in Iran; ACI cannot issue certifications there at this time.

• Vilas Mujumdar accepted the position of Chair of the Subcommittee on International Publications/Website.

• The committee agreed that foreign authors can come to the International Publications /Website subcommittee for assistance to overcome language barriers. It was also recommended that an advertisement appear in CI to encourage submissions from foreign authors.

• The cost of ACI publications in Latin American countries was discussed. It was suggested that this be a future agenda item for an IP Subcommittee meeting.

• The new e-membership pilot program is under way, with the first promotional piece sent out in Sept 2004 to those individuals renewing their memberships. Countries whose members are eligible for reduced dues included Brazil, Peru, Chile, China, and India. A direct mail campaign will be conducted prior to the Spring 2005 convention for those members who do not have e-mail. Chapters and the Faculty Network have been enlisted to help get the word out about the new program.

• The IC agreed with the revised criteria recommended for the Chapter Activity Award: “to be presented to one person from a domestic chapter and one person from an international chapter annually. However, additional awards may be presented upon a unanimous recommendation of the selection committee.”

• The IC Committee recommended to the Board that ACI should create and contribute to the funding of a Scholar-in-Residence program under the auspices of the Council for International Exchange of Scholars’ (CIES) Fulbright Program. (At the Board meeting, the motion was moved but not seconded; therefore, no action was taken.)

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Increased ACI presence and exposure throughout the world – President Fiorato, J Cagley and W Tolley attended the final Centennial Conference in Paris in Dec, 200 and visited the Italian Chapter, FIB, and four British concrete organizations on the trip. Including conferences in India, Brazil, and New Zealand/Australia, four Centennial Conferences were held during 2004.

• ACI has suspended certification activities in Iran per requirements of US Treasury Department regulations.

• ACI notified registered student competition entrants and universities in Iran that, because of US Treasury Department regulations on Iran, they will not be allowed to compete in the student competitions in New York. ACI staff is continuing its efforts to obtain clarifications regarding the Treasury Department regulations.

• As requested, ACI staff prepared a letter to all International Chapter Presidents asking them to consider nominating one of their local members for Fellow. Several Chapters have submitted nominations.

• As requested, ACI staff compiled statistics on international applicants/ nominations for

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Board Committee Activity Reports G-3

Fellow over the last 5 years for Committee review. • Eight of the 17 international chapters that were non-responsive have now responded.

ACI members in four chapter areas (Jordan, Pakistan, Bahrain, and Venezuela) are being contacted to determine their interest in continuing a chapter relationship with ACI.

• Raul Martinez visited ACI Headquarters on February 23, 2005 to discuss the CEMEX Catedra Project. ACI is providing additional information about available resources for the Field Tech and Construction Inspector certification programs.

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

• A technical session by the Italian Chapter will be presented in New York. • IC will sponsor the International Lunch. • Planning meeting for the 3rd Concrete in Americas Workshop (to be held in New

Orleans) will be held. • Approve potential luncheon speakers for Fall 2005 Convention in New Orleans. • An International Partners meeting is scheduled for Spring 2005 Convention in New

York. • Committee to review possible recommendations for changes to current criteria for

Fellows which would encourage more foreign member nominations. • Review of State of the Institute Report that had been tabled at the San Francisco

meeting. • New Concrete Information Portal proposal being submitted by IAC. • Anticipated that an Australian document on plastering will be submitted for

consideration as an IPS. 5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

• None noted

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Attachment H Board Committee: Information Technology Advisory Committee Chair: Per Fidjestol Staff Liaison: John Glumb Date: February 15, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

Work with staff to complete the plan for updating the ACI website. Draft for board review at the Spring 2005 convention Final with FIS for board consideration at Fall 2005 convention

Develop strategic objectives for the committee for board consideration at the Spring 2005 convention.

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

Committee proposed and the Board accepted a new mission and a new name for the committee.

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

Committee is working on a plan for updating the ACI website. 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

Present a draft plan for updating the ACI website to the Board. Present strategic objectives for the committee to the Board. Discuss special brainstorming session results. Discuss the development of online forums for the international community. Discuss feasibility of online broadcasts or online meetings of ACI convention events.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

Currently developing draft plan for updating the ACI website. Currently developing strategic objectives for the committee.

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Attachment I-1 Board Committee: Marketing Chair: James Pierce Staff Liaison: Diane Baloh Date: March 4, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

• Implement logo and branding guidelines (ongoing through 2005)

• Implement marketing plan (ongoing though 2005) 2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

(highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting)

• Logo guidelines were discussed and recommendations were made. The committee requested

staff to prepare a logo usage matrix for the committee to review.

• The committee discussed the marketing plan and suggested the plan include the following:

• Examining ACI from the perspective of international members • Overlaying a customer analysis with ACI products/services to better understand

current/future market needs • An increased focus on identifying trends and opportunities

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Staff created a logo usage and branding matrix for committee review and comments. Many comments were made and most were integrated into the matrix. ACI staff members were informed of the guidelines and instructed to follow them when developing ACI communications and ACI related material.

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Board Committee Activity Reports I-2 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

• ACI Marketing Plan – a copy of the plan will be provided for the committee to have an opportunity to make any recommendations on its content

• ACI branding – the committee will be updated on the status of this initiative

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments None

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Attachment J-1 Board Committee: Membership Chair: George Wargo Staff Liaison: Diane Baloh Date: March 4, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

• Monitor Electronic/Internet Based Membership Pilot Program results. Target date for completion September 2006

• Review and possibly make recommendation on a sponsor-a-member program and junior

membership programs by December 2005. 2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

(highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting)

• The committee discussed the e-membership program and reviewed the membership recruitment strategies for students and internationals. The committee agreed that the remaining membership recruitment strategies (engineers and technical personnel, contractors, chapter members, material suppliers, academic professionals and architects) should be reviewed and if necessary updated to reflect current trends.

• The task group on junior member programs updated the committee on their efforts in

defining ways to improve the value of this category of membership. The task group will continue to work on the details regarding this program and update the committee at the spring 2005 meeting in New York.

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Board Committee Activity Reports J-2 3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Monitored the status of the e-membership pilot program 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

• The committee will review and discuss the membership recruitment strategies and update if necessary.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments


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Attachment K Board Committee: Publications Chair: Bruce W. Russell Staff Liaison: Rebecca Hartford Date: 3-5-05

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion) • Manuscript Central (on-line submission and peer review system) implemented and fully operational by mid- to late-April 2005 • Electronic publication of SPs (ongoing) • Continue to monitor the acceptance rate for the Journals so that a backlog does not exist (ongoing) • MRC to maintain a 12 month time-to-publication, with a maximum of 18 months (ongoing) • Develop a general recommendation on how to deliver publications with consideration on the dynamics of electronic products (Spring 2005)

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco, CA

(highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting) • Develop a general recommendation on how to deliver publications with consideration on the dynamics of electronic products • Examine the viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—no consensus was reached in San Francisco; this item will be on the agenda for the New York meeting • On-line submission and peer review system implemented and fully operational

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco, CA

• The Executive Committee, at its Summer 2004 meeting, approved the purchase of an on-line submission and peer review system; staff has purchased the system (Manuscript Central), and is working with the vendor for full implementation by mid- to late-April 2005

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Board Committee Activity Reports K-2 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

• Present a general recommendation on how to deliver publications with consideration on the dynamics of electronic products • Continue to examine the viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—no consensus was reached in San Francisco; this item will be on the agenda for the New York meeting

• Implementation of Manuscript Central 5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments • None

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Attachment M-1 Board Committee: Technical Activities Committee Chair: Sharon Wood Staff Liaison: Dan Falconer Date: February 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

a) Hold a meeting in New York with technical committees directly affected by the specification reorganization plan. Committee 301 begins work on a new, comprehensive reference specification for construction governed by ACI 318 after the New York convention.

b) Revamp the format and increase the information content of the committee home pages on the ACI website. This redesign should allow committee members, chairs, TAC, and staff to better monitor the progress of committee activities.

c) Update the on-line chair training presentations to the 2005 TCM, and include a new ACI committee on-line version of Roberts Rules of Order.

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

(highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting)

a) Held the biannual workshop for committee chairs. This activity is profitable for ACI committee

work, and will continue. b) Appointed chair slates for 49 technical committees. c) Approved 2 new documents, and 1 revision. TAC reviewed and approved committee responses

to public comments related to revisions of ACI 318, 332, and 530. d) TAC approved a major revision to the Technical Committee Manual, streamlining balloting

rules. 3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

TAC approved four requests from technical committees to produce Symposium Publications.

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Board Committee Activity Reports M-2 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

a) Review about 10 technical committee documents. b) Review Committee 301’s response to public comments.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

6.7 Complimentary Copies of Technical Committee Documents Committee members currently can download their committee documents at no cost. TAC agreed to discontinue the practice of distributing complimentary hardcopies of technical committee reports to technical committees and TAC. It was proposed that hardcopies be available to committee members for purchase at a discounted price. Wood offered to get more detailed financial data and come back to the Board with this information for their consideration. Status: TAC withdraws this item from Board consideration. 12.1 Publish Special Publications Electronically A mechanism needs to be in place for creating products with limited interest more cost effectively. It was suggested that TAC, rather than the Publications Committee, might be in a better position to look at individual technical products. The Board requested that TAC develop advantages for “e” publications, marketing plan, business model, and get this data to the Marketing Committee to promote. Staff, in addition to working with committees, is to look at what other associations are doing and their models, i.e. ASTM, ASCE, TRB, WebTech. Staff is also to consider the business practice relative to broad opportunities available for e-tools. The Board requested that the data be developed and distributed to Board committees prior to the spring 2005 convention for discussion at their respective meetings and that this topic be added to the agenda for the next Board planning and discussion session. Status: TAC will discuss this item in NYC and provide the requested information to the Board. 14.2 Joint ACI-ASCE Task Group The Task Group’s preliminary recommendations are endorsed, any action to discharge joint ACI-ASCE committees be tabled until the recommendations on formal procedures are developed for Board consideration. Status: TAC will discuss this item in NYC and provide an update to the Board.

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Attachment N ACI Subsidiary: Creative Association Management Chair: Jo Coke Staff Liaison: William R. Tolley Date: March 2, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion) 1. Develop a new promotional piece by March, 2005 that will assist in recruiting new

business. 2. Obtain one new client.

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco (highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting)

1. CAM Board of Directors did not meet at San Francisco convention.

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco 1. CAM has begun negotiations for the management of the USGBC Detroit Regional Chapter. 2. Work has begun on development of a marketing plan and promotional material that will be used to obtain new clients. 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention— New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda) 1. Election of CAM Board of Directors. 5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments 1. There are no outstanding Board assignments.

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Attachment O

Committee Name ConREF

Chair James Jirsa Staff Liaison Richard Heitzmann

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. Two months prior to the convention, the Staff liaison will forward this form to the committee Chair. The form will also be available in electronic format in the committee’s Document Library on ACI’s Web site. The Chair/Staff Liaison is required to develop a one or two page summary of the committee’s activities, addressing the five items below, and return the summary report to the Staff Liaison, 45 days prior to the start of the next convention. The report of the committee’s activities will be included as an exhibit to the Board agenda. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

a. Review activities of ConREF and role in ACI. (Fall 2005) b. Review how ConREF activities are funded and role of ConREF vis-à-vis other

organizations in concrete industry with similar objectives. (Spring 2006) c. Assess costs of operating ConREF. (Spring 2006) d. Prepare recommendation for future of ConREF to Board (Summer 2006)

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Last Convention (i.e. highlight major items from last meeting minutes)

a. Broad discussion of actions during past several years regarding future of ConREF and Board actions regarding possible dissolution.

b. Discussion of reorganization to streamline activities by moving CANMET and IJBRC to International Committee.

c. Discussion of prime mission of ConREF regarding research and education and funding for those activities.

d. Formulated a plan of action for assessing potential of ConREF to provide oversight for fund-raising activities related to research and education within ACI and to help determine role of ACI in these areas within concrete industry.

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Board Committee Activity Reports O-2

3. Intervening Actions Since Last Convention 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Current Convention (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

a. Review of activities of Scholarship Council, Concrete Research Council, and Strategic Development Council.

b. Review educational and scholarship activities of other organizations—PCA, PCI, PTI, RMC Research Foundation, ICAR, CERF, others.

c. Begin assessment of operating costs of ConREF. 5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments There are no outstanding Board assignments.

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Attachment P-1

Committee Name ISO/TC71- Advisory Committee Date: March 01, 2005 Chair James Cagley Staff Liaison Shuaib Ahmad


(including Advisory Committees and Task Groups) In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion) A. Organize the 13th Plenary Meeting, scheduled for November 2005, Seoul, Korea.

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) the Korea national body for ISO/IEC will host the 13th plenary meeting of ISO/TC71.

B. Continue to improve the Liaison between the ISO/TC71, CEN 250 and CEN 104. Target date – December 2005.

C. Revise clause A.2.1 of ISO-19338 “Performance and assessment requirements for design standards on Structural concrete” to include ACI 318-05 as one of the standards “deemed to satisfy”. Target Date – December 2004

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Last Convention (i.e. highlight major items from last meeting minutes)

New Sub-committee: ISO/TC71/SC7- Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Structures (chair from Korea and the secretary from Japan) held their first meeting in conjunction with the 12th plenary meeting of ISO/TC71, September 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. Revision of Clause A.2.1 of ISO-19338: Revise clause A.2.1 of ISO-19338 “Performance and assessment requirements for design standards on Structural concrete” to include ACI 318-05 as one of the standards “deemed to satisfy” was discussed during the meeting of the ISO/TC71/SC4, September 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. This resulted in a letter ballot of ISO/TC71/SC4. The revision of clause A.2.1 of ISO-19338 “Performance and assessment requirements for design standards on Structural

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Board Committee Activity Reports P-2

concrete” to include ACI 318-05 as one of the standards “deemed to satisfy” was approved by ISO/TC71/SC4. The following statement appears on the inside cover of ACI 318-05. ACI 318-05 is deemed to satisfy ISO19338 “Performance and Assessment Requirements for Design Standards on Structural Concrete,” Reference Number ISO 19338.203(E). Also Technical Corrigendum 1:2004.

3. Intervening Actions Since Last Convention None

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Current Convention (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

The Advisory Committee will meet on Sunday, April 17th, 2005.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

There are NO outstanding Board Assignments.

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Attachment Q-1 Board Committee: Board Advisory Committee on Sustainable Development Chair: Terence C. Holland

Staff Liaison: Douglas J. Sordyl

Date: March 4, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

• Develop a strategy and funding to pursue development of an ACI document on Sustainable Development focused on the concrete industry. • Encourage appointed members to get LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited (on-going). • Develop a means of informing the concrete industry of sustainability activities by publishing a regular update in CI. • Develop a strategy on how BAC-SD interacts with relevant technical committees and TAC to coordinate our activities.

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Closed out the open items from the former Task Group on Sustainable Development. • William Tolley designated Douglas Sordyl to replace Ward Malisch/James Koch as the staff liaison for the Committee. • Thanked previous members of the TG-SD for their efforts and discussed membership potential on the Board Activity Committee – Sustainable Development (BAC-SD) which will now continue this effort. • The Committee again discussed the need for a better understanding of LEED points and how they are awarded. • Revisited the White Paper on Sustainable Development and noted that minor comments would be accepted until the end of the year. The paper has already received the approval of the Exec Comm and comments by Anne Ellis and Tom Verti have been addressed. • The Committee discussed future activities. Consensus is that two documents are needed: one which is a point by point description of how to use concrete to maximize LEED points; the second an overall document on sustainable development focused on concrete and the concrete industry. The former is a document currently being developed by NRMCA. The latter is a document which this committee will develop. • Assigned work items include:

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Board Committee Activity Reports Q-2

ACI Policy Statement – Task Group of T. Holland, S. Anderson, and D. Shepherd to develop and circulate a policy statement for committee comment with target to submit to ACI Board at Spring 2005 Convention in New York.

Dissemination of Industry Activities – Task Group of D. Shepherd and D. Huffman to publish a one page, on-going dissemination of pertinent information regarding sustainability and concrete’s influence/benefits in CI.

Background Technical Documents - To expedite development of a concrete industry sustainable development document, consideration will be given to having an outside source prepare the draft. Anne Ellis was appointed to lead a task group including J Prusinski, C Meyer, and T. Smith to draft an RFP for this purpose by the end of 2004.

Review Technical Committee Documents – Task Group chaired by Kumar Mehta including K Bargaheiser, G. Venta, S. Anderson to determine how other ACI technical committees are dealing with sustainable topics, and how BAC-SD would interact with those committees. For Spring 2005 Convention, task group should develop strategy on how BAC-SD approaches TAC and each relevant committee to explain what we are trying to accomplish.

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Established the committee membership and notified the members. Informed those who were not appointed.

• Published the White Paper on Sustainable Development in February 2005 issue of CI. • Balloted the RFP for a sustainable development document developed by Anne Ellis’

subcommittee. • T. Holland attended the USGBC Greenbuild in Portland, Oregon in Nov, 2004.

Holland attended the North American Concrete Alliance Sustainable Development meeting held there.

• William Tolley and President Fiorato scheduled meeting with Rick Fedrizzi of the US Green Building Council on October 13, 2004 was cancelled by USGBC.

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York

• Refine major goals and objectives for the next twelve months. • Review balloted RFP for an ACI document that addresses sustainability from a

technical perspective and that does not favor any portion of the concrete industry over another. Determine further course of action regarding funding.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

• All items are mentioned under previous sections.

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Attachment R Board Committee: Board Task Group on the Accelerating Technology Acceptance Project (TG-ATA) Chair: James S. Pierce Staff Liaison: Douglas J. Sordyl Date: March 4, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

• It is anticipated that the Task Group will submit the requested report/ recommendations for the Exec Comm’s review at the Spring 2005 Convention in New York, completing the TG’s initial directive.

• The TG will undertake additional tasks that may be directed by Exec Comm. 2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Organized the Task Group. • Held initial meeting with Task Group and President Fiorato on October 26, 2004 in San

Francisco to review Exec Comm charge. • Developed a methodology to review the ATA document recommendations.

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

• Each TG Member provided written comments on each of the 59 ATA recommendations.

• Comments were compiled and distributed to TG Members. • A series of teleconferences are in progress to discuss.

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York

• TG-ATA to meet in New York on April 19, 2005 to finalize report to the Exec Comm. • J. Pierce/D. Sordyl to meet with Exec Comm if desired by the Exec Comm

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

• Report/recommendations to be submitted to Exec Comm for Spring 2005 Convention.

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Attachment S-1 Board Task Group: ACI-ASCE Task Group Chair: David Darwin Staff Liaison: Dan Falconer Date: March 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion)

a) To create a framework for inter-society cooperation on the subject of joint technical committees, and to begin to implement the agreement.

2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

(highlight major items from last meeting minutes & action taken. Example: Examine viability of maintaining two ACI Journals—No consensus was reached, this item will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting)

a) The Task Group held our first meeting in San Francisco, and agreed on a “major/minor sponsor”

concept for joint committee operations. 3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

a) The TG held a phone conference on February 7 to discuss each society’s expectations of joint committees.

b) We plan to hold another phone conference to discuss proposed MOU language. 4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

a) The TG will hold a short meeting on Wednesday morning to discuss implementation ideas. 5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

14.2 Joint ACI-ASCE Task Group Wood (reporting for Darwin) related that the Task Group agreed on the following preliminary recommendations.

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Board Committee Activity Reports S-2 • No action is to be taken to discharge the joint ASCE-ACI technical committees at this

time. • Identify the framework for benefits, opportunities, and expectations for joint committees. • If the Task Group achieves agreement on a joint committee administrative framework by

the 2005 spring convention, then ACI technical committee chairs will be asked to provide input for discussion in developing formal procedures at the New York Monday morning TAC/Chair breakfast.

The Board unanimously approved the following: MOTION: The Task Group’s preliminary recommendations are endorsed, any action to discharge joint ACI-ASCE committees be tabled until the recommendations on formal procedures are developed for Board consideration. Status: The Task Group will discuss this item in NYC and report to the Board.

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Attachment T-1 Board Committee: Task Group on Vision 2020 Document Chair: Randall W. Poston Staff Liaison: Douglas J. Sordyl Date: March 4, 2005

BOARD COMMITTEE ACTIVITY REPORTS (Including Advisory Committees and Task Groups)

In an effort to get Board committees to think strategically, the Board of Direction has requested that Board committee Chairs/Staff Liaisons provide a summary report on the five items listed below, including expected dates for completion, as appropriate. 1. Committee’s Major Goals / Objectives for Next 12 Months – (up to five)

(with expected target dates for completion) Review the document not only to ascertain that the goals and plan of the document are

realistic, attainable, and in fact appropriate, but also that it is consistent with ACI's mission and Strategic Plan.

The TG will undertake additional tasks that may be directed by the Board. 2. Summary of Activities of Importance at Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

On October, 28 2004 the ACI Board, based on ConREF’s recommendation, authorized formation of a Board Task Group to review the Vision 2020 - A Vision for the Concrete Repair Protection and Strengthening Industry document for possible input an endorsement.

President Fiorato appointed Randall Poston to chair the task group, with Paul Carter, John Hukey, Tony Murray, and Phillip Seabrook as members and Doug Sordyl as Staff Liaison.

3. Intervening Actions Since Fall 2004 Convention—San Francisco

On November 11, 2005, Vision 2020 document along with a letter requesting participation on the task group was distributed to all suggested task group members.

by February 21, TG to review the document and send general (overall view of document) and specific (specific issues by page number, etc.) comments to Chair

by March 11, Chair will compile the group comments and attempt to develop what appear to be common themes in the comments and send a summary to the TG for review

o at this point Chair will likely pose questions that each TG member should answer to help develop a recommendation of the group

by March 25, TG members to send Chair answers to the questions that are posed o from these answers, Chair will attempt to summarize the answers and develop a

draft recommendation that will be submitted to the Board by April 1, Chair will send the draft recommendation for review

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Board Committee Activity Reports T-2

on or about April 8, Chair will conduct a conference call, facilitated by Doug Sordyl, to iron out any final issues, and submit the TG's recommendation to the Board for consideration at the Spring 2005 convention in NY

4. Summary of Anticipated Activities at Spring 2005 Convention—New York (i.e. highlight major items on current meeting agenda)

• It is anticipated that the Task Group will submit the requested report/ recommendations for the Board’s review at the Spring 2005 Convention in New York, completing the TG’s initial directive.

5. Status of Outstanding Board Assignments

• All items are mentioned under previous sections.

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Exhibit E-1

Exhibit E, Executive Committee Meeting Agenda, June 27-28, 2005

May 15, 2005 TAC members, Committee Chairs and members of the Board of Directors:

As most of you know, I attended the Sedona Workshop for the Vision 2020 road mapping session. Just about all of the attendees were members of ACI with most of the attendees also a member of ICRI. The goal of the Workshop was to develop a working plan of who, how, and when the goals of the Chicago Vision 2020 for concrete repair and rehabilitation would be implemented. This Workshop addressed six of the 13 goals. Another Workshop is planned for September 27 and 28 in the Baltimore/Washington, DC area.

Attached to this email is a summary that I made for the Workshop. This is my unofficial summary. I presume the official summary will be issued by the organizers of the Workshop. My summary describes the goals and the Workshop answers of who, how, and when the goals are to be accomplished. I also highlighted the new tasks being asked of ICRI and our Committees. It is quite extensive and defines a lot of work for both ICRI and ACI. Some of the work describes volunteer committee work and some describes work which will require monetary expenditures.

It was also very clear that the group views ICRI different and separate from ACI and doing different activities. It was clear (at least to me) that ICRI is viewed as the organization that educates and distributes user based material while ACI is the power house that delivers regulatory documents such as Code. As a side note, I have always had this view point.

It was also exceptionally clear that the attendees brought forth a MAJOR indication for the two organizations to work together on all of the goals. The indication was for the ACI TRRC (Technical Repair and Rehabilitation Committee) to work with ICRI. As a footnote, Kelly Page is a member of the committee and Jim McDonald is the Chair. As Chair of the ICRI TAC, I will work with Jim McDonald of TRRC to coordinate efforts.

I ask all of you to please review the summary and begin to move forward with ideas that affect your Committees. Technical Committees, take particular note of Goal #4. This goal indicates that the need for performance based Guide Specifications for the repair industry. As TAC Chair, I have discussed this with our Committees in the past. Some of you have begun to work on this. I will bring this up as a TAC agenda for a directive to our Committees to begin this goal. I envision ICRI as producing a corresponding performance based Guide Specification for each of our Technical Guidelines; however, this will be up for discussion. These may be added to other industry guide specifications in a similar production to the Repair Manual.

Rick Edelson TAC Chair

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-2 Sedona, Arizona

Sedona Workshop Sedona Arizona May 9-10, 2005

Goal #3 Create a repair/rehabilitation code to establish evaluation, design, materials, field and inspection practices which raise the level of performance of repair and protection systems, establish clear responsibilities and authorities for all participants and provide the local building officials a means of issuing permits. (By 2015)

Strategy: • Establishing a focused team to create a project plan for the “R/RCode” (By 2005) • Creating a multi part document that ultimately becomes a complete code. Parts

may include: o Categorize structure types/importance/service life/performance

requirements o Condition Assessment/Evaluation/Inspection requirements o Defining performance requirements for structures, repairs and

strengthening o Defining considerations for structural safety during repair and

strengthening o Developing guidelines/standards for inspections of repairs and

strengthening What: • Create a Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation, Protection, and Strengthening

Code with intermediate steps: Create a Guide first with the title “Guide for Concrete Repair,

Rehabilitation, Protection, and Strengthening” Get feedback from the Industry on the Guide Create the Code based on the Guide and feedback

• Create one Code with Appendices for different structures

Who • The Guide and Code should be created by a joint effort between ACI,

ICRI, and other interested organizations. The effort should be driven by TRRC with guidance from both ACI

and ICRI TAC. Create coordinated Committees in each Organization

How and when: • The steps and schedule to create the Guide and Code are:

Group of 5 industry representatives to collect existing guideline resources and, using them as a starting point, establish a Table of Contents by August 1, 2005

Rick Edelson, Chair (Engineer and ICRI TAC Chair)

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-3 Sedona, Arizona

Jim McDonald, Vice Chair (Engineer and TRRC Chair) Jay Paul (Engineer) Peter Emmons (Contractor) Fred Goodwin and Doc Watson (Manufacturer)

Distribute to Sedona Workshop Group 1 Group 1 to communicate remainder of Sedona Workshop Groups, review,

and finalize by October 1 TRRC submit plan to ACI TAC and ICRI TAC summer 2006 Upon approval of ACI TAC and ICRI TAC commence with the

documents Assign Committees: TRRC (consider liaison organizations for

membership) fall 2006 Draft Guide with Commentary: January 2009 Approved Guide: 2012 Commence feedback from industry: 2013 Commence drafting mandatory code language: 2013 Code: 2015

Additional considerations: • Steps necessary for converting from Guides to “Codes”

ACI standard procedures ANSI standard language for Code

• Introduce the Guide to the Industry: Establish Marketing/Liaison Committee TRRC to liaison with ISO and other world organizations Develop rational marketing plan, ROI Strategic marketing plan to introduce to Code Officials

Using ACI 318 as a “pull-through” Develop buy-in of supporting industries Issue a Press Releases to the industries that this is happening Seminars

• Infusion of resources may be possible to produce the Code on an accelerated basis:

$80,000 possible to accelerate drafting With funding, it may be possible to reduce time to create the initial draft to

24 months. Possible funds source, for example: RMC, ACI, PCA, ICRI, PTI, FHWA,

FFC, FEMA, BOMA Goal #4 Develop performance based, guide specifications for specific and generic designs to improve specifications. (By 2010 and ongoing)

Strategy: • Establishing a prioritized list of Guide specifications (By 2006)

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-4 Sedona, Arizona

• Creating specifications outlining responsibilities and expected performances, QA and QC methods, and promoting the use of preconstruction mockups and field trials.


• Create Guide specifications for the concrete repair industry • The goal of these specifications is to provide a template to assist the

professional specification writer. • These are not intended to be prescriptive.


• The Guide and Code should be created by a joint effort between ACI, ICRI, and other interested organizations.

The effort should be driven by TRRC with guidance from both ACI and ICRI TAC.

Create coordinated Committees in each Organization How and When

• The steps and schedule to create the Guide Code are: Group of 5 industry representatives to develop an initial list of repair

guideline specifications. Group will distribute to Sedona Workshop Group 1 a prioritized list to obtain feedback by August 1.

Randy Beard, Chair Bud Earley Kevin Michols Dave Rodler Paul Carter

Distribute to Sedona Workshop Group 1 Group of 5 will create first prioritized list after feedback from Workshop

Group 1 Group 1 to review, modify, and reprioritize as necessary by October 1 Group 1 to communicate to remainder of Sedona Workshop Groups,

review, and finalize by October 1 Confirm format (editable) and prioritized list with industry organizations

for draft specifications and address comments. Group of 5 to develop specification proposal to TRRC at Spring 2006

conventions of ACI and ICRI. TRRC submit plan to ACI TAC and ICRI TAC summer 2006 TRRC to recommend to both ACI and ICRR TAC for committee

assignments to develop draft documents Upon approval of ACI TAC and ICRI TAC commence with the

documents Assign Committees: TRRC (consider liaison organizations for

membership) fall 2006 Follow normal procedures for production of documents

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-5 Sedona, Arizona

Complete the Guide Specifications by 2010. • A template has already been created by ACI. The template to be used shall

be: ACI Specification Manual • The format will use the ACI format with Commentary and referenced

Technical Guidelines. • Solicit input from other world wide organizations after initial draft. • Assign tasks to existing committees in the industry organizations and make

maximum use of existing documents. Additional considerations • Infusion of resources may be possible to produce portions of the Guide on an

accelerated basis: Possible hiring Specification writers.

• Introduce the Guide to the Industry: Normal ACI, ICRI, and industry publication distribution means

• For maximum use by Specification writers: It is desirable to have the Guide Specifications in an editable format

• Some potential pitfalls and roadblocks may be: There may be some objection from some professionals that this will limit

their creativity Possible resistance by some manufacturers to their proprietary

specifications Consideration of these pitfalls should be made by the developers of these

documents. Additional education will also help overcome these pitfalls. • What is a reasonable time table?

The process development has the timetable above; however, the project is an ongoing process as new methods, materials, technologies emerge.

• Establishing ongoing project team to lead this effort An initial development team has been assigned. The oversight process is

by TRRC and the assigned committees. Goal #7 Develop a means for predicting repair system performance to reduce the use of improper material, design details and installation methods.

Strategy 1: Establishing an infrastructure for collection of projects detailing historical performance, combining experiences of U.S., Europe and Asia. Establish a motivation for contributing.


• Create a database by products and projects • Any format

– Videos – Photos – Interviews

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-6 Sedona, Arizona

– Papers, reports and presentations • To be hosted by

Who and how: • Create a ACI/ICRI FixConcrete committee to supervise the effort • Sponsor graduate students to collect the information and conduct the

interviews. This could lead to theses. • Resources: $150 000 over 2 to 3 years

When: 2008 Stragegy 2: Developing forums to share experiences both successes and challenges. Create a “what went wrong” guide for solutions.

What, who and when: • Workshop by the ACI/ICRI FixConcrete Committee in 2009 • Discussion workshop by the ACI/ICRI FixConcrete Committee in 2007 • Web-based forum on • Trouble-shooting guide in 2009

Strategy 3: Developing a monitoring (observation) protocol for repaired structures to properly compare project results.

What, who and when: • Create templates for new and existing constructions • To be done by the ACI/ICRI FixConcrete committee • To be completed by 2008

Stragegy 4: Developing a protocol for the development of models to estimate the service life of repairs.

What, who and when: • Create a sub-committee of the evaluation group on modeling (this Fall) • Prepare a paper on the specific needs for modeling the service-life of concrete

repairs (Spring of 2007) • Expand the paper into a guide that will also address the needs for

experimental techniques (Spring 2008) • Review models according to the methodology

Goal #8: Research Establish a clearing house for all research needs and ongoing projects to eliminate duplication and to focus resources on important projects. Simplified to: Develop & implement a strategic research plan.

Strategy 1: Establish a group to develop and maintain the plan – Strategic Research Council (Fall 2005)

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-7 Sedona, Arizona

What and Who • SRC to include: ICRI, ACI, PCA, CCA, NRMC, SSPC, SWR, NACE, ASA,

FHWA, WES/USACE, USBR, NAVY, AF, Navy, HO, HQ substantial lobbying effort to be made

• Develop funding plan and secure initial funding of $20K to begin effort Agencies Industry

• ICRI to organize it (in collaboration with ACI and other relevant organizations)

• Oversee university team(s) to implement the following items

Strategy 2: Identify the pertinent research previously done (start minimum effort 2006)

Who and What • Initially, limit it to what was produced after 1990 • Organize the information in accordance with the Repair Manual Index • Scope should be international

Strategy 3: Identify the current research (start Spring 2006 – on-going)

Who and What • Survey agencies & research groups, industry • SRC to develop survey form

Stragegy 4: Develop list of research needs(start 2006 – on-going)

• SRC to help develop the scope (issues & topics to be addressed) • ICRI/ACI chapters - subject of meetings

research topics • SRC to develop survey forms (adapted to the various target groups)

engineers & consultants materials suppliers contractors researchers

Strategy 5: Identify and obtain research funding in accordance with the strategic research plan (2006)

• SRC to take the lead • staff to assist (2008) • future lobbying (agencies → congress)

Goal #9: Education Increase the number and competence of material, engineer and construction related professionals interested in and skilled in repair and protection practice to support the growing need for evaluation, design, materials and construction professionals

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-8 Sedona, Arizona

ICRI Education Committee to supervise, coordinate and promote the activities

Strategy 1: Increasing the awareness and number of career opportunities (2006)

• Create incentives for prospective students (and make existing ones more visible) scholarships scholarships to participate to ICRI meetings / activities internships

• Develop ICRI speakers bureau (students’ chapter meetings, guest lectures for courses, adjuncts to teach courses)

• Establish ICRI student chapter(s), perhaps in conjunction with ACI • Outreach to high schools • Career expos (high schools & colleges) • Develop a faculty network (through ICRI, to be led by DF, BB) (2005)

Strategy 2: Develop educational materials for universities

• Textbooks (ex.: P. Popovic’s initiative) (2008) • Lecture materials (2005 and on-going)

series of modules by topics(Faculty committee, to be led by DF, BB) to be done by:

faculty members currently teaching such courses repair industry (ICRI)

• Faculty workshop (2008 – when the textbook is available)

Strategy 3: Promote educational/training materials for trade & technical school

• Identify first the information available (FHWA has a handbook for pavements, P. Emmons’book on repairs, etc.)

(2006) • Field handbook (2010) • Training courses (2010) • ICRI Chapters to contact and encourage development of training courses


Strategy 4: Develop training programs to enhance quality & skill level of existing personnel in industry

• Certification program(s) perhaps with ACI (2010) • Develop training programs(s) with exams (through ICRI Education

Committee) (2005 – on-going) one program already in development at ICRI field inspection preparation materials application (including mixing, curing, etc.) field test methods

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-9 Sedona, Arizona

Strategy 5: Recruitment of schools

• mostly covered in item 1 • ICRI to take the initiative

Goal #12 1.Developing an industry standard for condition assessment and reporting; 2.Improving scope and quantity estimating to improve accuracy; 3. Developing structural health monitoring systems to assess structure conditions on an on-going basis for corrosion potential to predict when maintenance and/or repairs will be needed; 4. Developing improved nondestructive diagnostic systems, similar to ultrasound, that can produce3D imaging of existing concrete including items such as multi-layered reinforcement placement. Stratagties 1 – 3:

• Create a best practices document for condition-assessment and documentation of the development of repair/maintenance strategies for common concrete-structure problem types

• Research available condition assessment standards – Standard & Poor’s – Raty’s new book – SEI/ASCE 10-99 – ACI documents – ASCE Underwater Investigations Manual – Reports from SGH WJE, And WP Moore

• Incorporate inspection and condition assessment context through the definition of various inspection types with specific objectives

• Create acceptable global report outline similar to SEI/ASCE 10-99 • Customize global report outline for major repair project categories listed in 2020


Who and how: • SGH, WJE, WPMoore and M&N to make one senior person each available for

development leadership • Founding leadership to meet before September 2005 to develop Table of Contents

for Manual and further develop general report outline • Use ICRI to conduct state of future of concrete NDT talks through

remainder of 2005 and 2006 starting with Ken Masur of Boston arranged by Kelley of SGH

• ICRI to sponsor committee structure in November 2005 • Form ICRI committee of founders plus 2 other engineers and 2 contractors

and 1 material supplier by end of 2005 • Work on project specific outlines through 2006 • Draft document through 2007 • Secure approved document for publication by ICRI by end of 2008

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Summary—Sedona Workshop E-10 Sedona, Arizona

Strategy 4: Facilitating the development of improved means and methods for accurate and thorough condition assessment.

What (objective): • Develop techniques to:

- detect the second layer of steel, - detect voids, defects, cracks, - detect contamination - provide full imaging of structural members from one-side

How and who: • Contact Kevin Michol and Kelly Page to have ICRI organize a workshop on non-

destructive testing techniques Rick Edelson comment: This should be coordinated with the Evaluation

Committee. This could be at a convention, possibly as the Friday afternoon forum.

• Go to IEEE conference to present a paper on the application of techniques to concrete structures

• Paul Kelley to contact Ken Mazer from MIT to give a talk at ICRI (Boston then national)

• Paul Kelley to contact Hilti Corporation regarding 3D imaging on concrete Resources: Not much Management: Committee ICRI