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Agile Project Management CHARLIE PFEIFFER, PMP, CSP


OCTOBER, 7 2015

Agenda 9:00-9:10 – Introduction

◦ Agenda ◦ About Charlie Pfeiffer

9:10-9:25 – Traditional Project Management ◦ Project Management Phases & Processes ◦ Triple Constraint ◦ Waterfall Methodology ◦ Work Breakdown Structure ◦ Project Communications ◦ Waterfall Challenges

9:25-9:40 – Agile Project Management ◦ Agile Manifesto ◦ Agile Methodology ◦ Scrum Process ◦ Product Backlogs ◦ Scrum Team Communications ◦ Kanban Process

9:40-9:50 – SCORE (SCrum fOr REsearch) ◦ About SCORE ◦ SCORE Structure ◦ Backlog Management ◦ Feedback on SCORE

9:50-10:00 – Wrap Up ◦ Agile Resources

About Charlie Pfeiffer UC ANR IT Project Manager

◦ Joined UC ANR in March 2015

◦ Implementing Agile/Scrum Practices within the Web Development Team

◦ Managing Infrastructure Projects

Background ◦ 15+ years in Project Management (Waterfall and Agile Methodologies)

◦ Implemented Project Management Processes at multiple organizations (Waterfall and Agile)

◦ Various Industry experience, including State, Insurance, Payment Processing, Inventory Management, Retail, Travel, and Loyalty

Project Management Certifications ◦ Project Management Professional (PMP) – Project Management Institute

◦ Certified Scrum Professional (CSP) – ◦ Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO)

Traditional Project Management Project Management Phases

Project Management Processes

Triple Constraint

Waterfall Methodology

Work Breakdown Structure

Project Communications

Waterfall Challenges

10:10 AM 10:25 AM

Project Management Phases

Project Processes Initiation Planning & Design Executing Monitoring &

Controlling Closing

• Project charter

• Collect requirements • Define scope • Create WBS • Assign resources • Develop schedule • Determine budget • Communication plan • Risk management


• Manage project execution

• Perform QA • Manage project

team • Manage stakeholder

expectations • Distribute


• Change control process

• Verify & control scope

• Control schedule • Control budget • Report

performance • Monitor & control


• Close project

Triple Constraint (Project Management Triangle)





You cannot change one without impacting the others

If you want to increase Scope, then Time and/or Cost will increase

If you want to decrease Time, then you will need to reduce Scope, or Increase cost

If you want to decrease Cost, then you will need to reduce Scope

Quality is be impacted by decisions to change any of the constraints

Waterfall Methodology Planning takes place first

The entire project is defined and documented before the work starts

Work tends to be done in silos

Change Management process for handling scope, time, or budget changes

Regular status meetings to keep project team and stakeholders updated

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) List all tasks for the project

Estimate the durations of each task

Identify Task Dependencies

Assign resources (may need to modify based on resource availability)

WBS will show what tasks should be worked on every day of the project

WBS will show the critical path of the project

Project Manager must stay on top of the WBS every day

Project Communications Status meetings with project team to make sure project is staying on track

Status meetings with stakeholders to update them on progress

Status meetings with managers to update them on progress

Meetings include reviewing: ◦ Scope

◦ Schedule

◦ Budget

◦ Quality

◦ Issues

◦ Risks

◦ Project Metrics

Challenges with Waterfall Lacks collaborative environment

“Throw over fence” mentality

Team members still have functional managers to please (in Matrix organizations)

Accountability falls on Project Manager, not the team

Focused on heavy processes, not on results

Too many lengthy status meetings

Team members often wait for status meetings to bring up issues

Stakeholders often don’t see result until project is complete

“I believe in this concept, but implementation described above is risky and invites failure.” Dr. Winston W. Royce

“Today is the dumbest day of the rest of our project.” Michael James, CST

2011 CHAOS report (Standish Group)

Successful 14%

Challenged 57%

Failed 29%

Waterfall Projects

Successful 42%

Challenged 49%

Failed 9%

Agile Projects

Agile Project Management Agile Manifesto

Agile Methodology

Scrum Process

Product Backlogs

Scrum Team Communications

Kanban Process

10:25 AM 10:40 AM

Agile Manifesto Promotes teams working together to achieve a shared goal.

Focus on completing product increments that provide value.

Constant communications between teams and stakeholders to ensure the right product is being created.

Flexibility to adapt to evolving visions, rather than following a plan developed when you knew the least about the project/product.

Agile Methodology Removes the silos to allow for better collaboration and teamwork

Succeed or Fail as a team

Focus on highest priority/value items first

Work on product increments in iterations/sprints

Ability to adapt as visions/needs change

Stakeholders see results/progress after every iteration

Ability to adapt as visions/needs change

Scrum Process Backlog


Sprint Planning

Daily Scrum Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective

Product Backlog All work identified for the product is in the Product Backlog

Prioritized by the Product Owner

As new work items are identified they are added to the backlog, including feedback from Sprint Reviews

Scrum Team estimate level of effort for each work item

◦ This should happen at least once every sprint

Estimated work items provide a roadmap for when items can be completed

Sprint Planning First activity of every sprint

Team commits to work items they can complete in the sprint

Use estimates to assist in determining which work items can be completed

Work items broken down into tasks

Hour estimates for tasks

Once planning is done, work items should not be added or removed from the Sprint

Tasks do not need to be assigned

Daily Scrum / Standup Daily Standup meeting

No longer than 15 minutes

Answer three questions: 1. What you did yesterday

2. What you will do today

3. Any impediments preventing your work

For the team members, not the Scrum Master

Not a status meeting (the team should not be saving issue updates for the next Standup)

Sprint Review Team Demonstrates completed work items

from the sprint to the stakeholders

Sometimes stakeholders don’t know what they want until they see it

Feedback provided from team and stakeholders (product ideas)

Provide update to stakeholders on roadmap, including what has changed since the last Sprint Review

Kanban Process Very similar to Scrum

Product Backlog is managed the same as Scrum

There is not a time-boxed sprint, work is done continuously ◦ When a team member finishes a work item, they can assign themselves to the next highest priority

work item on the Kanban board

Great for teams that cannot predict work for an entire sprint (sprints are typically 1-4 weeks) ◦ Examples: Help Desk / Support – When high priority support is needed, it can’t wait until next sprint

Recommend to still have a regularly scheduled review of the work items completed ◦ This keeps stakeholders in the loop

◦ It also keeps pressure on the team to continue performing


Daily Scrum & On Demand Meetings

Backlog Management

Feedback on SCORE

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About SCORE SCORE – SCrum fOr REsearch

Created by Michael Hicks and Jeffrey S. Foster from University of Maryland

The traditional approach to working with Ph.D. students wasn’t working ◦ They would block one hour per week for each student to mentor with projects

◦ Sometimes an hour was too much, and sometimes it was not enough

◦ There was little-to-no collaboration, or learnings being shared between the students

◦ As responsibilities and class sizes grew Michael Hicks and Jeffrey Foster couldn’t keep up

They wanted to find a process to manage their time and effectiveness with students ◦ They began looking into Scrum, even though it was known as a software development process

◦ The principles of Scrum made sense to them, and with a little tweaking, they created SCORE

SCORE Structure Daily Scrum: They have them three days per week

◦ All of their Ph.D. students participate together ◦ It is kept to a 15 minute meeting, and everyone stands ◦ Each student presents:

◦ What they did since the last meeting

◦ What problems they encountered

◦ What they plan to do before the next meeting

On-Demand Meetings ◦ Typically scheduled based on problems reported during the Daily Scrum ◦ Since the Daily Scrums are the only scheduled meetings, it is easy to find time for On-Demand meetings

Weekly Lunch ◦ To further increase group spirit and collaboration they also have a weekly lunch

Reading Group ◦ Read one paper per week (rotate students)

Backlog Management Work items (or research activities) are planned during On-Demand meetings

The work items need to be prioritized

The frequency depends on the research project ◦ Early stages of a project – There is no backlog to start, so On-Demand meetings need to be frequent

(once per week, or more)

◦ Middle of a project – Assuming the project is running smoothly and there are activities planned well in advance, then On-Demand meetings can be less frequent (every other week)

◦ End of a project – As a project is close to ending, then On-Demand meetings may be very frequent (possibly daily)

Scrum best practices recommend having a backlog of at least 2-3 sprints worth of work items ◦ Not always possible with research projects

Feedback on SCORE Michael Hicks and Jeffrey S. Foster:

◦ Daily Scrums have created a simple way to keep up-to-date with all research projects

◦ On-Demand meetings have a clear purpose & are more productive that the previous meetings

◦ Length of On-Demand meeting scheduled appropriately (anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 hours)

Student surveys about SCORE: ◦ More productive and enthusiastic about research

◦ Students feel more urgency to be productive between Daily Scrums

◦ Better interactions with other students and advisers

◦ Sense of community and shared sense of success that wasn’t there before

◦ Know what other students are doing in substance and approach

◦ Interacting and learning more between themselves and other faculty

◦ Senior students have begun mentoring junior students

◦ Students have found that other students share some of their same struggles and challenges

Wrap Up Project Management Resources

10:50 AM 11:00 AM

Additional Topics & Resources Traditional Project Management

◦ Project Management Institute (

Agile Project Management: ◦ Scrum Alliance (

◦ Free Scrum Training Videos (


◦ Adapting Scrum to Managing a Research Group (

◦ Agile Research Group Management Article (

Charlie Pfeiffer, PMP, CSP: ◦ [email protected]
