agile requirements - journey of a user story

Agile Requirements The documentation that built itself Cara Turner South Africa Agile Coach | User Group Chairman | Facilitation Fanatic

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Post on 22-Apr-2015




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This talk is an experience report on how we've used agile and lean requirements practices like story mapping, user stories, mockups, scenarios and sprint review feedback, on a real project. It is not theory-based, but rather tells the warts-and-all real story, with a number of photos and screenshots, and detailed discussions of benefits and drawbacks, to give an idea of what it really felt like. YouTube video of the talk: Talk description: How do agile requirements work? Where does documentation fit in? For many of us, the transition from the security of upfront analysis and detailed specification documents to ‘doing agile’ and embracing the process of discovery is a terrifying prospect. Agile theories don’t readily address the concern ‘how will we know where we’re going if we don’t start with a Business Requirement Specification?’ In this talk I will take the audience on the journey of a real customer requirement from inception to delivery, seeing how the user stories evolved over time. Starting at the beginning I’ll take you through how the user need was elaborated into features, stories and scenarios to become released software, and how feedback from customer interaction continued to shape it. As we go along, we’ll see how the documentation built itself, and how it compares with the traditional Business Requirement Specification document. With a little bit of theory and a lot of real world experience, we’ll also cover questions like “How can we be sure we’ll cover everything?” and “How do we overcome our uncertainty?”


Page 1: Agile Requirements - Journey of a User Story

Agile Requirements

The documentation that built itself

Cara Turner South AfricaAgile Coach | User Group Chairman |

Facilitation Fanatic

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Who’s working on agile projects?

About You

When do you document requirements?

Waterfall? Something Else?

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“It depends …”

Why do we do Upfront Analysis?

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About me … and requirements






Hard to imagine doing things differently

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Hard to imagine doing things differently

About me … and requirements

PM / Scrumbut Change Requests

Information changes?

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About me … and requirements


Scrum & KanbanWhat do usersreally want?

(Less) hard to imagine doing things differently

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The feedback loop

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Agile Requirements Factors

Start with an overview of the whole application

‘Right detail at the right time’

A sprint-and-a-half ahead

Whole team participates, PO owns

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‘Right Detail at the Right Time’

Deliberate Discovery: decreasing uncertainty over time

Real Options: make binding decisions at the right time

What does that mean?

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‘Right Detail at the Right Time’

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Agile Requirements Elements

Story Mapping

Product Backlog

Story Cards, Mockups & Scenarios

‘Doing the Work’

Grooming & Release Planning

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Agile Requirements Artefacts

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So, on to Our Story

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The Problem

We have collections listsOur application for

administering them is out of date

Tech out of date

Much of it is manualCan’t optimize focusWaste of time

‘Edge case bloat’ over 10 yrs

Consumer behaviour has changed

High cost to change

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Changes Required

Much of it is manualAutomate assigning of listsMake it easier to work accounts

‘Edge case bloat’ over 10 yrsChange what appears in the lists

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Team Ingredients

No systems knowledge on the team

Access to ‘Systems Analyst’‘As is’ systems rules


Agile Requirements

Many techniques are new

Where to start?










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At the Whiteboard

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Story Mapping

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The Persona

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The Story Map

Assign Lists Action Accounts

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Acceptance Criteria

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Benefits & Drawbacks

Benefits Everyone saw the

whole picture unfold Gut feel of size Sponsor was heard Key drivers clarified Strong identification

with Persona– Shaped future grooming

Drawbacks Unfamiliar process Not everyone spoke

– New to all the devs– ‘Boss’ in the room

Sense of duplication of the rules “specification” doc

Sequential activities imply workflow

Persona incomplete– no customer persona

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Journey of a User Story – SUGSA 2013


Personas Key business drivers Big picture: whole and the parts Verbal culture: tacit knowledge

captured Photos - document experience

On the wiki!

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Backlog Creation

Features Narrative

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Benefits & Drawbacks

Benefits Complete picture Saved in central location

& accessed via wiki Narrative format from

start– “In order to… As a… I

want…” Easy to link to features Easy to add values, then

estimate release size

Drawbacks Google Spreadsheet:

hard to track changes, manual numbering

Some high priority / concern issues created as Features

Acceptance Criteria captured as stories

Tempting to use spreadsheet for grooming

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Journey of a User Story – SUGSA 2013


Release Overview All the user stories at a high level Feature -> Stories -> Acceptance

criteria Narrative: benefit / value clear-ish

On the wiki!

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Story Card Creation

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Benefits & Drawbacks

Benefits Low effort to move &

change Provided focus for

grooming & sprint planning

Really did function as a record of a conversation

History: easy to update with grooming & sprint info

Drawbacks (Bit of a) pain to

handle manual cards Didn’t refer to the “as

is” rules documents much

Not visible: lived in a draw, not on the wall

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Journey of a User Story – SUGSA 2013


Visual indicator of scope Grouped by feature Card for each user story– Story ID– Title– Size– Grooming notes– Feature (later)

Photoson the wiki!

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Ordering the Backlog

Risks Dependencies

Assumptions Unknowns

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Doing the Work - Sprint 1

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Ordering the Backlog

Priority: what do we need to prove early?

Risks Dependencies

Assumptions Unknowns

What can we delay?

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Release Grooming - RADU

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Journey of a User Story – SUGSA 2013


Ordering principles:– Risks: Prove early– Technical Dependencies– Feature Dependencies

Assumptions & Unknowns to clarify ‘Readiness’ indicator Manually track changes in


On the wiki!

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Release Planning

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Highest risk, Do first: MonthEnd changes

Then prove: Lists display accurately

Then prove: Actions on account correct

Assigning lists: Low risk, low effort

… then Assign lists

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Release Information

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Sprints per Release

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Journey of a User Story – SUGSA 2013


Ordered, prioritized backlog Best guess estimate of feature sizes Best guess release size 2 sprints: team velocity data point Approximate release duration

On the wiki!

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Grooming: Mock-ups

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Benefits & Drawbacks

Benefits Great starting point for

technical discussions Most created after RADU

discussion Easy for users to relate

to in grooming

Indication of system flow Acceptance criteria

included by default Low cost to change

Drawbacks Trying to get it ‘right’ Can anchor ideas too

soon Team less inclined to

model visually in grooming

PDFs not easily linked to individual stories

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Journey of a User Story – SUGSA 2013


Page layout and navigation Acceptance criteria, rules, comments Current information: frequently


On the wiki!

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Benefits & Drawbacks

Benefits Detailed discussion of

system flow Pre and Post

conditions (simpler) Test data More visual modelling Updated mock-ups

Drawbacks Hard to do initially (Easy to get them


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Documented Tests Expected path, alternate paths, fail

conditions Better stories Test data: automation Backlog, mockups and RADU updated

On the wiki!

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Sprint Review

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Benefits & Drawbacks

Benefits Sponsor and users

clear on progress Immediate feedback Incorporate small

changes in next sprint Schedule longer

changes for Grooming Generated excitement

Drawbacks Long 1st release cycle

(7 sprints) Users lost touch with early features

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So how did that all work?

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Create Lists

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Action Accounts

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Assign Lists: Grooming

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Assign Lists: Sprint Planning

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Assign Lists: Sprint & Feedback

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Journey of a User Story – SUGSA 2013

High level scope RADU, Readiness factor

Sprint-ready detail “But that’s changed now”

High quality of “Working software”

“Just In Time” Requirements

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Story Mapping + Scenarios complete the picture

No single tool does all the things All the tools: “Living Documentation”

… or as close as we’ve got so far…

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Journey of a User Story – SUGSA 2013

For the next project..

Will have domain knowledge & known velocity

Start with Impact MappingClearer goals and personas

Use a backlog management toolLink features, stories, mock-ups,

acceptance criteria, scenarios Integrate ‘As Is’ document into grooming More time on scenarios

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Recommended Reading

Agile Requirements:Impact Mapping www.impactmapping.orgLean Designers: www.leandesign.frAgile Reflections:

Story Mapping:Jeff Patton:

Behaviour Driven Design:Dan North: Keogh:

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What one thing are you taking away?


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Cara TurnerCape Town, South


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