agri-fishery i q4 fish production

2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUM Career Pathways in Technology and Livelihood Education AGRI-FISHERY ARTS I Quarter 4: Fish Processing and Presernvation Topic: Bagoong, Tinapa, Tuyo/Daing Time Frame: 38 days STAGE 1 Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) and market relative to fish processing and preservation as career choice. The learner demonstrates understanding of the process and delivery in fish processing and preservation. Performance Standard: The learner: Prepares, based on PECs a plan of action addressing one’s development areas and improving further one’s areas of strength formulates a business idea based on the analysis of environment and market for fish processing and preservation selects a suitable entrepreneurial undertaking in fish processing and preservation that would satisfy the needs and wants of customers applies/follows the 4 Ms of production in determining the resources needed to produce a marketable product. Essential Understanding: Successful entrepreneurs continuously develop and improve their PECs. PECs and environment and market are essential elements in determining one’s choice of business undertaking. One’s choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the needs and wants of consumers. Seeking and responding effectively to a business Essential Question/s: How does one ensure success in a chosen career? How do PECs and the environment and market help determine one’s choice of entrepreneurial undertaking? How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued? How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity? When can one say that 4 Ms of production are efficiently 37

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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

Livelihood EducationAGRI-FISHERY ARTS I

Quarter 4: Fish Processing and Presernvation

Topic: Bagoong, Tinapa, Tuyo/Daing

Time Frame: 38 days

STAGE 1Content Standard:The learner demonstrates understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) and market relative to fish processing and preservation as career choice.

The learner demonstrates understanding of the process and delivery in fish processing and preservation.

Performance Standard:The learner:• Prepares, based on PECs a plan of action addressing

one’s development areas and improving further one’s areas of strength

• formulates a business idea based on the analysis of environment and market for fish processing and preservation

• selects a suitable entrepreneurial undertaking in fish processing and preservation that would satisfy the needs and wants of customers

• applies/follows the 4 Ms of production in determining the resources needed to produce a marketable product.

Essential Understanding:Successful entrepreneurs continuously develop and improve their PECs.

PECs and environment and market are essential elements in determining one’s choice of business undertaking.

One’s choice of entrepreneurial activity is influenced by the needs and wants of consumers.

Seeking and responding effectively to a business

Essential Question/s:How does one ensure success in a chosen career?

How do PECs and the environment and market help determine one’s choice of entrepreneurial undertaking?

How does one select an entrepreneurial activity to be pursued?

How can one respond effectively to a business opportunity?When can one say that 4 Ms of production are efficiently


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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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opportunity are basis for starting and maintaining successful business ventures.

An efficient application of the 4 Ms of production helps one create/produce a marketable product or service.

A good marketing strategy helps position a product/service in the market and differentiates them from competitors.

A sound record-keeping helps communicate the results of business operations.

Adherence to the correct process flow helps maintain the quality of processed and preserved fish products and services.


How does one come up with a marketable product or service?

When can one say that a business undertaking is doing well?

How does one ensure the production of a marketable product and/or render quality service in fish preservation and processing?

How does one maintain the quality, marketability and profitability of products/services in vegetable production?

Learners will know:• Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)

Characteristics Attributes Lifestyles Skills Traits

• PECs interpretation by cluster: Achievement Planning Power

Learners will be able to:• Assess their PECs vis-à-vis:

Characteristics Attributes Lifestyles Skills Traits

• Compare their PECs with practitioners• Analyze and interpret PECs by cluster

Achievement Planning Power


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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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• Environment and Market Consumers needs and wants Industry that relates with a career choice Product/service that satisfies the needs and wants

of customers

• Process and Delivery Legal form of business ownership Legal requirements and regulations Start-up capital Business location Store layout 4 Ms of production Marketing strategy

- Product- Price- Promotion- Distribution

Record keeping Bookkeeping and other financial procedures

• Conduct SWOT analysis• Seek and seize business opportunity

• Estimating the start-up capital• Choosing the right business location• Designing a store layout

• Composing/designing advertisement/promotion• Computing the selling price, mark-up, mark-down,

and break-even-selling price

• Performing a simple record keeping• Bookkeeping and accounting day-to-day transactions


Product or Performance Task:Evidence at the level of

Understanding PerformancePlan of action that addresses personal -- areas of development based on

one’s PECs, and strengths needing further


The learners should be able to demonstrate understanding covering the six (6) facets of understanding by:

Describing your PECs focusing on

Assessment of the plan of action based on the following criteria:• Comprehensiveness of personal

plan on areas of development;appropriateness of strategies in terms of addressing personal areas


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strengths and developmental areas

Criteria:• Comprehensiveness (Should

include Characteristics, Attributes, etc)

• Clarity• Conciseness

Comparing your PECs with those of a successful practitionerCriteria:• Objectivity• Details/focus• Conclusiveness• Illustration

Applying one’s PECs in pursuing a chosen entrepreneurial activityCriteria:• Efficiency/effectiveness• Level of competence• Level of confidence• Attitude behavior

Expressing your thoughts from the viewpoint of a seasoned entrepreneur the importance of PECsCriteria:• Validity

of development based on one’s PECs and improving further one’s areas of strength

• doability


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Formulation of a business idea based on the analysis of the immediate environment and market

Report on the SWOT Analysis reflective of the product or service to offer and/or an entrepreneurial undertaking to be pursued

• Relevance• Critical• Depth• Plausibility• Sensitivity

Expressing your feelings if you are an entrepreneur who finds difficulty in coping with the PECs of a chosen careerCriteria:• Openness• Objectivity• Sensitivity

Assessing, based on the results of PECs, their level of confidence as a prospective letter artist.Criteria:• Reflective/Insightful• Depth • Objectivity

Explaining the importance of the immediate environment and market in identifying a business opportunitiesCriteria:• Comprehensiveness • Clarity

Assessment of the formulated business idea based on the following criteria:• profitability/feasibility• practicality• responsiveness to consumer needs• innovativeness

Assessment of the paper report on the SWOT Analysis shall be based on the following criteria: • completeness/thoroughness of the

analysis• practicality and relevance to the



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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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• Conciseness

Interpreting the data gathered from the immediate environment and market in identifying business opportunitiesCriteria:• Reliability• Accuracy• Objectivity• Relevance• Validity

Generating a business idea from data analysisCriteria:• Appropriateness• Innovativeness• Practicality

Expressing from the point of view of a business owner the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas.Criteria:• Validity• Relevance• Insightfulness


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Production plan that adheres to the “4 Ms of production” required to render a service

Expressing their feelings when entrepreneurs offer the same type of business in a certain locality.Criteria:• Objectivity• Tactfulness• Persuasiveness• Sensitivity• Open-mindedness

Self-assessing their levels of confidence in formulating business ideasCriteria:• Reflective• Insightful• Objective

Explaining the importance of adhering to the 4 M’s of productionCriteria:• Comprehensiveness • Clarity• Conciseness

Interpreting the implications when a technician deviates from the process flowCriteria:• Insightfulness

Assessment for the production plan shall be based on the following criteria:• Adherence to the principles of 4

Ms of production• Completeness/thoroughness of the

analysis• Practicality and profitability of the



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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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• Significance• Objectivity

Designing new ways in maximizing effectiveness and efficiency in the production processCriteria:• Appropriateness• Efficiency/effectiveness• Practicality

Expressing their views of the production process, if they are the owners of a big manufacturing businessCriteria:• Relevance• Critical• Sensitivity

Expressing their imagination of workers who deviate from the process flowCriteria:• Responsiveness• Objectiveness• Persuasiveness

Self-assessing the importance of buying a product/service of good


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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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qualityCriteria:• Appropriateness• Depth • Objectivity

STAGE 3Teaching/Learning sequence:

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)Individual possess different Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs). These PECs include characteristics, attributes, lifestyles, skills, or traits that make a person different from others. When one possesses these competencies, he/she may become ready to face the challenges of starting a business. Hence, the learners shall:

1. EXPLORE Ask learners to name people in the community who are successful in their business

• Why are they successful?• Do you wish to be like them?

Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs Guide learners in assessing their PECs on the following:

• Character• Attribute• Lifestyle• Skills• Traits(Note: Refer to Appendix A for a copy of the PECs. This could be reproduced according to the number of students in class).

Assist learners in analyzing and interpreting the results of the assessment of their PECs. Refer to Appendix B on how to interpret the results of PECs

Ask EQ to draw out the initial understanding of learners about how entrepreneurs succeed in their


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chosen career. Teacher may distribute meta cards for learners to write their answers. These may be posted on the wall and revisited during the Firming-up.

2. FIRM-UP In order to firm up their understanding, learners may be asked to work individually or in groups in

collecting information about how entrepreneurs succeed in their chosen careers. Some suggested activities: interview with successful entrepreneurs, inviting successful entrepreneurs as resource persons in class, video documentaries of successful entrepreneurs, web searching, etc.

Have students analyze (in the form of a chart, Venn Diagram or Comparison Alley, etc.) the similarities and differences among successful entrepreneurs in the following aspects: characteristics, traits, attributes, lifestyles, skills

Have learners reflect/rethink their understanding of how entrepreneurs succeed in their chosen field. Refer students to their answers posted on the wall.

Process learners’ learning and check it against EU. Check learners’ understanding against the content standard.

3. DEEPEN Have learners align their PECs with those of a successful entrepreneur of their choice. Have learners reflect on their development areas as well as their areas of strength. Ask what they plan to do

with them. Ask learners to express the EU. Assess learners at the level of understanding. (Refer to the assessment in Stage 2 using the 6 FUs)

4. TRANSFER Have learners prepare a plan of action that addresses their areas of development and strength based on

their PECs. Assess learners’ plan of action based on the criteria provided in Stage 2 (assessment at the level of



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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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Environment and MarketEntrepreneurs who want to take advantage of business opportunities need to explore the economic, cultural, and social conditions prevailing in the community. Needs and wants of people in a certain community that are not met by existing business establishments may be considered as business opportunities. Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available local specialized skills, appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business opportunity. Hence, the learners shall:

1. EXPLORE Guide learners in assessing their prior knowledge on environment and market as an entrepreneurial lens in

generating business idea/s through a diagnostic test, K-W-L and other appropriate teaching and learning tools.

Have learners assess their immediate environment and market to determine the existing industries, needs and wants of target market with the use of the following:• Survey questionnaire;• Interview guide; • Checklist, etc.• SWOT analysis

Ask EQs to draw out their understanding of environment and market in generating business ideas. Consider student responses as tentative EU’s that they need to explore further.

2. FIRM-UP Lead learners in analyzing the assessment conducted on the environment and market in the immediate locality. Assist learners in conducting a community mapping to identify business establishments or industries in the immediate

locality. Guide learners in making a graphical presentation of the information revealed as a result of the data-gathering activity

such as: interview, survey, community mapping, etc., Help learners in presenting the result of the data gathering activity reflective of the needs and wants of the target

market Ask learners to do supplementary reading and other compensatory activity to support the information presented.


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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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3. DEEPEN Ask learners to conduct interview with a seasoned entrepreneur to gather salient information as regards the manner

he/she was able to seize a business opportunity. Compare whether the information collected during the interview will complement/harmonize with their skill in

formulating business ideas. Assess the learners’ level of understanding; refer to the assessment in Stage 2.

4. TRANSFER Ask learners to formulate business ideas as a result of the SWOT analysis of environment and market Assess learners’ business ideas based on criteria provided in Stage 2 (Assessment at the Level of Performance)


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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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Quarter 4: Fish Processing and Preservation

Topic: Bagoong, Tinapa, Tuyo/Daing

Time Frame: 38 days

STAGE 1Content Standard:The Learners demonstrated understanding of the concepts in producing and marketing fish products (bagoong, tinapa, tuyo/daing)

Performance Standard:The learner produces and markets processed fishes demonstrating successful production and marketing indices.

Essential Understanding(s):Understanding production and marketing of fish products can present better opportunities for livelihood

Essential Question(s):1. How can knowledge in production and marketing

of fish products bring better opportunities for livelihood?

2. What makes one a good fish processor?

Learners will know:• Appropriate and available fish species for processing• Regulations in putting up a fish processing enterprise• Putting up an appropriate processing stall• Introducing innovations• Preservatives/dehydrating agents• Processing and preserving fish species• Packaging the products• Computing the cost of production• Marketing the products

Learners will be able to:• Select appropriate and available fish species for

processing• Follow regulations in putting up a fish processing

enterprise• Put up a n appropriate processing stall• Process and preserved fish• Introduce innovations/alternative technology• Use preservative/dehydrating agents• Perform packaging of products• Compute the cost of production• Sell the products


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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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Stage 2

Product or Performance TaskEvidence at the level of

Understanding PerformanceProducts:Marketable fish products

Performance:Production and marketing of fish products

Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding through the six (6) facets of understanding:

Explanation: Explain the different concepts of producing and marketing fish productsCriteria

• accurate• in-depth• thorough

Interpretation: Illustrate appropriateness of resources and environment with the methods of processing fish suitable in the localityCriteria

• meaningful• conclusive• significant

Application• Process and market fish

products criteriaCriteria

Assessment of fish products produced the following criteria:• purity• equality• attractiveness• productiveness• originality

Tools:Rubrics/checklist for assessment of fish products produced

Assessment of the different processes in producing fish products using the following criteria:• completeness of the task• choice of tools and

materials/ingredients used• workmanship• time management• attitude in the workplace • team works• appropriateness


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• productive• efficient• purposeful

Perspective: Analyze one’s preference of fish productsCriteria:• authentic• precise• process used

Empathy: Express what you consider is important as consumer of fish productsCriteria:• responsive• reflective self-adjusting• economical

Self-knowledge: Self-assess strengths and weaknesses of the process of producing fish productsCriteria:

• Insightful• Reflective• Self-adjusting • economical

Tools:Rubrics/checklist for assessment of the different processes in producing fish products.

Assessment for marketing fish products using the following criteria:• marketability• product pricing• product packaging • demand• record keeping


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Stage 3

Where there is an abundant supply of fish both from marine and inland resources coupled with marked decrease of demand in the market, processing and preservation are indispensable in this context. They are not only the permanent solution to surplus catch and production but add value to the products.

1. EXPLORE Guide the learners in assessing their prior knowledge and understanding in the production and marketing of

processed fishes / fish products using:• Formal assessment checks

- oral language- writing- test- questions- rubric (combination of checklist and rating scales,

• Informal assessment checks- analogy prompt- web/concept map- misconception check- think and draw

Guide learners in understanding the learning standards (content and performance standards), tools and criteria in the production and marketing of processed fishes / fish products.

Have the learners clarify their expectations and how their learning shall be assessed. Have the learners view pictures/video presentations on the production of processed fishes / fish products. Stimulate learners’ interests and elicit their understanding of the pictures/videos presented. Process learners understanding of the pictures and video presentation and relating it with their prior

knowledge in producing and marketing processed fishes / fish products. Guide learners in gaining initial understanding of the concepts and principles of production and marketing


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processed fishes / fish products. Encourage learners to ask probing questions: assess their understanding and welcome tentative responses

as guide to further exploration.

2. FIRM-UP Have learners gather essential information related to producing and marketing processed fishes / fish

products from sources like:- successful fish processors- web-based resources- reading materials (books, bulletins, etc.)

Guide learners to think of an activity where this essential information related to producing and marketing processed fishes / fish products can be presented and analyzed.

Assist the learners in making generalizations/abstractions from the analysis of essential information. Have the learners correlate the generalizations/abstractions with the essential questions (EQ) probing

questions and tentative responses raised during the Exploration phase. Encourage learners to reflect, revise and rethink their understanding in consideration of the processed

information/learning in processing fish. Have the learners self-assessed their understanding of the concepts of producing and marketing

processed fishes / fish products check it against the content standard.

3. DEEPEN Guide the learners in making a web or concept map on the different practices and marketing strategies in

producing processed fishes / fish products. Engage learners into a guided discussion on the factors that may affect the different practices and marketing

strategies. Process guided discussion and the result of which as basis for learners in preparing a processing / marketing

plan for fishes of their choice. Encourage learners to validate their processing/ marketing plan by experts or successful practitioners in

producing and marketing processed fish / fish products. Encourage learners to reflect, revise and re-think their understanding.


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2010 SECONDARY EDUCATION CURRICULUMCareer Pathways in Technology and

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Have the learners express their understanding and check their mastery of the essential understanding (EU) and content standards (CS)using the six (6) facets of understanding.

4. TRANSFER Have the learners produce quality and marketable processed fish / fish products that are produced in the

locality applying new trends in fishery technology. Compute cost of production to determine the profitability of the livelihood activity. Assess learners’ level of performance using appropriate tools/criteria. Apply procedures in producing and marketing processed fishes / fish products under controlled environment.