agricultural innovation system

Agricultural Innovation Agricultural Innovation System System Name – Bai Koyu Name – Bai Koyu CAU/CPGS/AGEXT/M13/01 CAU/CPGS/AGEXT/M13/01 Agricultural Extension Agricultural Extension 1 1 st st Year, 2 Year, 2 nd nd Semester Semester School of Social Sciences School of Social Sciences

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Agricultural Innovation System in the field of Agricultural Extension


““Agricultural Innovation SystemAgricultural Innovation System””

Name – Bai KoyuName – Bai KoyuCAU/CPGS/AGEXT/M13/01CAU/CPGS/AGEXT/M13/01

Agricultural ExtensionAgricultural Extension11stst Year, 2 Year, 2ndnd Semester Semester

School of Social SciencesSchool of Social Sciences

Introduction...What is an innovation ???... It is an idea, practice or object that is

perceived as new by an individual or other. What is an innovation system ???... An innovation system has three elements :- Organization & Individuals- Interactive learning- Institutions

AIS ???... It is a collaborative arrangement bringing together... ....several organizations working toward

technological, ....managerial, organizational, and

institutional change in agriculture. Such a system may includes :i. The traditional sources of innovations ii. The modern actorsiii.Private sectorsiv.Agro-industrial firms & entrepreneurv. Civil society organisation

Different ways of stimulating innovation…

Linear Systemic

Sources of ideas Centralized/ Science research

Multiple stakeholders, including research

Communication Research-to-“extension”-to-farmer

Structured around action

Assumptions on how social impact is achieved

Diffusion processes organized by extension/ the market

Interactive learning give rise to concerted action

Knowledge constructs Knowledge is truth and can be transferred

Knowledge only has meaning in its domain of existence

Innovation and new agriculture : Sectors: Livestock and aquiculture, Flowers, horticulture, medicinal plants, Agro-processing, biofuels, fibers, forest products etc.

Drivers: Opening up of world markets, Changing trade and IPR rules, New technology urbanization, Industrialization of the food chain

Contd... Features: Players outside of the state. Diversity, Small niche sectors but dynamic. Reaches the poor through employment.Knowledge-intensive.

Challenges: Requires continuous knowledge-intensive

innovation to compete and Cope in rapidly-changing conditions, To strengthen equity and sustain the


Why research-to-innovation???...• Old challenges for agricultural research

– Operation and management of large public agencies– Difficulties of matching supply with demand for technology and– Dealing with heterogeneous social and physical contexts.

• New challenges for agricultural research – Increasing complexity of mandate: Growth, Poverty and

Environment– Emergence of new players beyond the State– The emergence and dynamics of New Agriculture and– The changing relationship of the poor with the sector.

Key insights from the framework :• Focus on innovation

– Neither science nor technology nor invention, but the application of knowledge.

– Can be acquired through learning, research or experiences. – Often it comprises new combinations of existing knowledge.

• Linkages between partnerships and networks– Acquiring knowledge and learning are interactive experiences,– Requires linkages with different knowledge bases. – Not just linking, but linking for learning and acquiring knowledge.

Contd...• New actors, new roles

– Broad range of actors outside the State.– Relative importance of different actors changes during innovation process.– As circumstances change roles evolve.– Actors can play multiple roles.– Less compartmentalized.

• The role of institutions– The habits and practices of organizations that shape their propensity to

interact, – to learn, to access and share knowledge and to take risks.– Determines the way actors respond to triggers to innovate and to policy

incentives.– Very context-specific and has to be factored in to efforts to develop

innovation capacity.

Contd...• The role of policies

– Habits and practices interact with policies and need to be accounted for and counterbalanced.

E.g., public-private sector partnerships; participation– Support of innovation, not the outcome of single policy, – but a set that works together to shape innovative behavior.

• Dynamic nature of innovation systems– Habits and practices are learnt behaviors emerging through

experiences. – Institutional innovations.– New approaches and ways of working often require new


Innovation platforms :It is a physical or virtual forum that creates an

environment within which to share and discuss ideas, listen and learn, think and talk, and collaborate with a view to innovate.

The innovation platform concept has been used in the agricultural sector in SSA so as to :

Facilitate interactions and learning among stakeholders

Ultimately leading to participatory diagnosis of problems; and

Contd... Joint exploration of opportunities and investigation of solutions leading to agricultural


Some examples of projects with innovation platforms being used in Sub-Saharan Africa :

I. The ILRI–led Fodder Innovation Project in Nigeria

II. The ILRI–Led Livelihood and Market Project (LILI Markets),in Mozambique, Namibia, and Zimbabwe

Thank YOU…Thank YOU…