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AGROSCENARI Scenarios on adaptation of agriculture to climate change in Italy Project financed by Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) Domenico Vento, Simona Sorrenti, Sara Quaresima OECDINEAFAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate change 23 rd – 25 th June 2010 Agricultural Research Council Agricultural Climatology and Meteorology Research Unit (CRA – CMA)

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AGROSCENARIScenarios on adaptation of agriculture to 

climate change in ItalyProject financed by Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF) 

Domenico Vento, Simona Sorrenti, Sara Quaresima

OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate change

23rd – 25th June 2010

Agricultural Research CouncilAgricultural Climatology and Meteorology Research Unit


An increasing trend of about  1°C/century  in surface air temperature has observed over the last 140 years

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


CLIMAGRI - Maugeri

Anomalie annuali di TEMPERATURA MEDIA (°C)

Annual mean temperatureanomalies for three Italianzones, 1865‐2003, with respectto 1961‐1990 mean

AL: AlpsPP: Pianura PadanaPI: Italy Peninsular

Precipitation from 1750 to 2000

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Annual precipitations for sixItalian zones, 1750 – 2000, aswell as for Italy with respectto 1961 – 1990 mean

CLIMAGRI - Maugeri

The strong impact of climate changes on Italian territory has been significantly well‐understood by politicians.

This awareness has lead to significant investment in research:

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Funds have been invested by MIPAAF

CLIMAGRI€ 3.108.000,00

AGROSCENARI€ 8.143.268,70

5‐year projectD.M. 8608/7303/200807/08/2008€ 8.143.268,70

Steering committeeD.M. 21221/7303/200917/09/2009

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010



Scarcity of water

Extreme precipitation

A rise in air temperature


Increase in the cost of water


Desertification processes

Displacemet of areas of optimal phenological development for traditional crops

Aggressiveness and diffusion of parasites and phytopathologies


Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010

VITICULTURE ‐ OLIVECULTURE ‐ CEREALhillside areas of central and southern Italy

INTENSIVE HORTICULTUREirrigated areas of central and southern


INTENSIVE FRUIT‐CULTURESouth‐eastern Pianura Padana


Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010

MAIN OBJECTIVETo identify the capacity of adaptation to future climate change of important production systems of Italian agriculture, while evaluating their sustainability

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010

6 AREAS OF STUDYrepresenting   the major production systems


SHORT ‐ TERM(5 years)

LONG ‐ TERM(30 years)

Accurate monitoring andconsequently a realimmediate knowledge ofthe current situation ofsoil, water resources andcrops

Strategies for adaptationof agriculture

Strategies for limitationand reduction of climatechange impacts

Tools for decision‐makingand programming formedium‐range agriculturepolicies

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


2 temporal horizons

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


most of the research effort will focus on:

In‐depth study and quantitative assessment of the meteo‐climatic risk for the selected production systems related toabiotic and biotic factors.

Defining, from an agronomical and agrotechnical point ofview a number of crops and varieties which are compatible withthe climate change scenarios in selected production systems andstudy areas on a temporal horizon of > 30 years

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


most of the research effort will focus on:

The acquisition of knowledge to pursue environmentalsustainibility of agricultural practices through bettermanagement of land and water resources.

Define strategy and metodology aimed at containment ofItalian agriculture’s water use in light of increasing drought risk.

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


most of the research effort will focus on:

The study of the economic sustainability of agriculturalpractices by limiting losses and safeguarding quality andquantity of crop production.

The creation of scientific and informative points of referencefor those who are responsable for sectoral policy as well as foragricultural operators.

Constant INTERACTION between MIPAAF – Project

ADAPTATION of agricolture to Climate Change

COORDINATION of a multidisciplinary research team

Evaluation of SOCIO‐ECONOMIC SUSTAINIBILITY of agricultural practices

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010



The outcome of the project will include:

will be used by:


to save natural resourcesthanks to reduction inwaste, to respectenvironmental legislation,to increase ability toattract european funds,…


to save money due tomore efficient agriculturalpractices, to invest inmore profitable crops,…

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


The aim of this research is the creation of daily time series ofmeteorological surface variables resulting from climate scenariosand calibrated for each of the 6 project areas.

Research 1 a

CNR‐IBIMET, Massimiliano Pasqui

“Acquisition, calibration and downscaling of climatic scenarios”

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Implementation of agrometeorological forecast systems: Nationalagrometeorological forecast of trafficability and workability ofsoil.

Georeferenced database of soil characteristics and quality.

Classification of indicators at the various stages of the landdegradation process.

Identification of the most effective measures to control landdegradation and desertification processes.

“Agrometeorology and Agricoltural Mechanization.”

Research 1 b

CRA‐CMA, Stanislao EspositoCRA‐ING, Pieranna Servadio

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Main cropping systems with special reference to herbaceous cropsin hilly areas.

Georeferenced database on specific case studies.

Stakeholders map for specific Italian agriculture scenarios.

Support structures for new agronomic research strategies aimedat negotiation of adaptation activities on different levels (regionalscale, national scale).

“Impact analyses of climate change on crop systems with specialreference to the main herbaceous crops.”

Research 2

NDR UNISS, Pier Paolo Roggero

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Analysis of variety – specific agroclimatic requirements for olives,grapes, wheat, horticultural and several other crops to definealternative production system adaptable to climate change.

“Scenarios for alternative production systems with emphasis onlocal crops and varieties.”

Research 3

CNR‐ISAFOM, Francesca De Lorenzi

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


To solve zootechnological problems in presence of significantclimate change, through rationing models for dairy animals forcheese production and for meat quality in some DOP products.

“Study of innovative crop systems for cereal production in reducedwater conditions for the DOP (protected denomination of origin)zootechnological production.”

Research 4

UNICATT‐ISAN, Gianfranco Piva

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Development of an integrated adaptation approach to save waterresources and optimize their use in agriculture under climatechange

“Irrigation in a changing climate.”

Research 5

ARPA‐SIMC, Vittorio Marletto

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Evaluation of environmental vulnerability to the desertificationprocess through simulating evolution of LD&D (Land Degradation& Desertification) phenomena on the basis of one or more climatechange and crop or social‐economic scenarios.

“Land degradation processes and climate change.”

Research 6 

CRA‐CMA, Luigi PeriniCRA‐ABP, Sergio Pellegrini

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Development of tools to estimate the impact of climate change onagricultural production systems through the study of croppathogens and parassites.

“Effect of climate change on development of crop pathogens andparassites: development of procedures and case studies fortechnical assistance structures.”

Research 7

CRA‐CIN, Marcello Donatelli

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


The plants used as sensors of climate change. Plants are sensitiveto climatic parameters and act as biological sensors – in particularfor temperature and solar radiation.

“Climate change phenological indicators: databases, trends,decision support models.”

Research 8

CRA‐CMA, Giovanni Dal Monte

Joint OECD‐INEA‐FAO Workshop on Agriculture and adaptation to climate changeRome, 23 ‐ 25 June 2010


Supply farm management guidelines to farmers and suggesttechnical innovations in agricultural policy to support adaptationto climate change.

“Adaptation of farm management to climate change andidentification of policy tools to support adaptive farms.

Information support systems and adaptation scenarios for thenational rural network. ”

Research 9

UNITUS‐DEAR, Gabriele DonoINEA, Raffaella Zucaro