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  • 7/27/2019 Ahlulbayt Tawatur.pdf


    Who are Ahlulbait-e-Taharah?Who are Ahlulbait-e-Taharah?

    Analysis of Opponent'sAnalysis of Opponent's


    Verse of Purification was revealed for holy 5 under the cloak,Verse of Purification was revealed for holy 5 under the cloak,

    and Prophet (saw) didn't even allow wives to enter the cloak.and Prophet (saw) didn't even allow wives to enter the cloak.

    But still opponents try to cast doubts.But still opponents try to cast doubts.

    They have 2 Proofs and 6 Excuses to prove their pointThey have 2 Proofs and 6 Excuses to prove their point

    Let us begin with Allah's help and let us analyze theirLet us begin with Allah's help and let us analyze their

    arguments so that the TRUTH becomes clear. Insha-Allah.arguments so that the TRUTH becomes clear. Insha-Allah.

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    The testimony of Holy Prophet (saw) regarding Ahlulbait is present in those 50 narrations which

    have been transmitted through 17 companions and tabaeen, and these are present in books of

    Ahle-Sunnah. This is such a huge number that the narration gets the status of TAWATUR, that

    is, continuity.

    Table of Contents

    Opponent's 1st Excuse: Location of the Verse of Purification in Quran ................................. 4

    Opponent's 2nd Excuse: Ahlulbait is used for wives in Arabic Language .............................. 8

    Sahih Sunni Tradition: Allah & Prophet (saw) differentiated 5 times between holy five and other

    members of the house ............................................................................................................................ 8

    Challenge to Opponents to prove that wives ever claimed that Verse of Purification was revealed for them.

    .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ........... ...... ..... ...... 14

    Witness of Ibn Abbas (Sahih Tradition): Verse of Purification was only for holy 5 under the cloak .... ... .... ...14

    Challenge to Opponents to prove that Prophet ever did such Prayer for Uthman & Abu al-Aas & their wives

    & Umama ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. ...... ..... ...... ..... ... 15

    Difference between Special Ones & Common Ones from Ahlulbait .......................................................15

    Umm Salama's own witness that Verse of Purification revealed only for holy 5 under the

    cloak ............................................................................................................................................. 17

    Apponent's 3rd Excuse: Umm Salama Was Not Included Because She Was Already On

    Good ............................................................................................................................................. 23

    Opponent's 4th Excuse Umm Salama (R.A) WAS NOT INCLUDED BECAUSE

    Hadhrat ALI (saw) WAS NON-MAHRAM .............................................................................. 24

    Opponent's 1st Proof: Narration of 'Ata bin Yassar from Umm Salama. ............................. 25

    Answer: This tradition is Weak till any other tradition supports it ................................................... 25

    2nd: Another tradtion of this same 'Ata, from same chain which refutes this tradition ...... ................. 26

    Opponent'S 5th Excuse : Verse of Purification was for wives while Prophet (saw) only

    Prayed for holy 5 under the cloak ............................................................................................ 28

    Authentic Traditions which prove that Verse of Purification was revealed for the holy five ............... .......... ..28

    Important Point: Prayer was not for inclusion, but for the elevation of status ...................................... 29

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    2nd Proof of Opponents: Narration of 'Ikrimah from Ibn Abbas ......................................... 31

    Idiocy of our Opponents: Presenting both contradictory narrations of 'Ikrimah and 'Ata bin Yassar as their

    Proof............... .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ............ ..... ...... ..... .... 32


    .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ........... ...... ..... ...... 32

    Other Traditions from Ibn Abbas that Verse of Purification was revealed for holy 5 ............. .......... ...... ...... ... 33

    'Ikrimah WAS LIAR AND HAD KHARIJI VIEWS ............. ............... .............. .............. .............. ........... ..... ..34

    WEAK NARRATION FROM Saeed BIN Jubair .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... .............. ........35

    Opponent's 6th Excuse: Narration of Wathila ......................................................................... 36

    Narration of Zaid bin Arqam .....................................................................................................39

    Claim of Ayesha that she is in Aal-e-Mohammad and Sadaqa was haram on them. ... ........ 41

    Few other Traditions about Verse of Purification, which takes it to the the level of

    Mutawatir (Continuity) .......................................................................................................... 42

    List of Sunni Ulama who consider that Verse of Purification was revealed for only holy 5

    under the cloak ............................................................................................................................ 47

    Shia Traditions about Verse of Purification ............................................................................. 49

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    Our Opponents have only 2 Proofs and remaining are 6 are not proofs but only Excuses which

    they present in order to cast doubt that Verse of Purification was not revealed for the holy 5

    under the cloak.

    2 Proofs:

    They have only 2 traditions as their proof.

    1st tradition is from 'Ata bin Yassar which says wives are included in verse of


    2nd tradition is from 'Ikrimah.

    6 Excuses:

    1st Excuse: Verse of Purification lies between Verses who talk about wives.

    2nd Excuse: In Arabic language word Ahlulbait is used for wives.

    3rd Excuse: Umm Salama was not allowed to come under the cloak while she was

    already on good.

    4th Excuse: Umm Salama was not allowed to come under the cloak while Ali (as) was a

    Non-Mahram to her.

    5th Excuse: Verse of purification was revealed only for wives, and Prophet (saw) was

    only praying for holy 5 under the clock so that Allah also included them in Ahlulbait.

    6th Excuse: Rasool (saw) told Wathila that he is also among Ahlulbait.

    Opponent's 1st Excuse: Location of the Verse of Purification in Quran

    Their first argument is based on the present location of the verse of purification. They claim that

    the verses present before and after this one speak of wives of Holy Prophet (saw).

    Our Reply:

    This is a well known fact that the present arrangement of Quran is not as per order of revelation.

    This is proven from authentic sources from books of Ahle-Sunnah as well.

    Even the verses before this verse actually speak of the time when Allah was angry at wives ofHoly Prophet (saw) because of the reason that they demanded joys of world from Holy Prophet

    (saw) and upon this, Allah threatened them that if they wish for this world, Holy Prophet (saw)

    can free them by giving them something.

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    Let us see what the verses speak of before this verse from surat-ul-ahzaab

    Quran, Surah al-Ahzab, verse 28 to 33:

    28. O Prophet! Say unto thy wives: If ye desire the world's life and its adornment,

    come! I will content you and will release you with a fair release.

    29. But if ye desire Allah and His messenger and the abode of the Hereafter, then

    lo! Allah hath prepared for the good among you an immense reward.

    30. O ye wives of the Prophet! Whosoever of you committeth manifest lewdness, the

    punishment for her will be doubled, and that is easy for Allah.

    31. And whosoever of you is submissive unto Allah and His messenger and doeth

    right, We shall give her reward twice over, and We have prepared for her a rich


    32. O ye wives of the Prophet! Ye are not like any other women. If ye keep your duty

    (to Allah), then be not soft of speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease aspire (to

    you), but utter customary speech.

    33. And stay in your houses. Bedizen not yourselves with the bedizenment of the

    Time of ignorance. Be regular in prayer, and pay the poor due, and obey Allah and

    His messenger. Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of

    the Household, and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing.

    You can easily see that verses before are speaking of a specific incident where some wives make

    Allah angry through desiring the World's life and it's adornment.

    While, on the other hand, it is proven by Several Authentic (Sahih) Sunni Traditions that this

    verse was revealed separately, and it had nothing to do with the verses before, e.g. look at this

    one Sunni tradition.(Link):


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    Bibi Umm Salama (r.a) narrates that Holy Prophet (saw) was there with me in

    cloak from Khaibar. Bibi Fatima came and brought food in a utensil. He told Bibi

    Fatima to call her husband and children. So Bibi Fatima called them. And they all

    started eating from that. Then the verse of purification was revealed. Holy Prophet

    (saw) placed remaining part of the cloak on them and took out his hand saying : o

    Allah! They are my Ahlulbait, and my Special Ones, keep away Rijs from them and

    give them perfect purification (he said it twice). So I entered my head in the cloak,

    and said: o Prophet! May I also enter? He said : (no) you are on good.Hadhrat

    Umm Salama (r.a) said that these are the 5 people: Holy Prophet (saw), Ali,

    Fatima, Hasan and Hussein {peace be on them and their pure progeny}.

    So authentic and mutawatir narrations of Ahle-Sunnah are themselves witness upon this that

    these verses are not speaking of them same timings, rather occurred in two different times. So

    they have two choices

    1- Either they accept that the verses before this verse revealed at different times

    2- Or reject their own authentic narrations, and join the group who are Hadeeth Rejectors

    (upon whom they themselves curse day & night).

    Apart from this very example, we have other examples from Quran as well which show that the

    verses were revealed at other times. Let us see an example in this regard

    (Quran 5:3) Forbidden unto you (for food) are carrion and blood and swine flesh,

    and that which hath been dedicated unto any other than Allah, and the strangled,

    and the dead through beating, and the dead through falling from a height, and that

    which hath been killed by (the goring of) horns, and the devoured of wild beasts,

    saving that which ye make lawful (by the death stroke), and that which hath been

    immolated unto idols. And (forbidden is it) that ye swear by the divining arrows.

    This is an abomination.This day are those who disbelieve in despair of (ever

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    harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear Me! This day have I perfected

    your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for

    you as religion AL- ISLAM.Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to sin: (for

    him) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

    All scholars agree that the first and last part of this verse speak of those things which are

    forbidden and this was revealed in 6 th hijri at the time of Hudaibia.

    But the part highlighted in this verse was revealed 4 years after this, approximately 81 days

    before death of Holy Prophet (saw) .

    Molvi Maudodi writes in his Tafheem-ul-Quran

    Authentic narrations show that this was revealed at time of hujjat-ul-widaa. but

    the part which comes along with it was revealed in times near to incident of

    Hudaibia (6th hijri)

    Molvi Taqi Uthmani also writes in his Tafsir that this verse was revealed in 10 th hijri.

    Some jews asked Umar that if this verse was revealed on us, we would have

    celebrated this day as eid. Umar replied that you are not aware of it, that when this

    verse was revealed, Muslims had two Eids. This verse was revealed in 10th hijri at

    time of hujjat-ul-widaa in Urfa at the time of Asr when ground of Arafat when Holy

    Prophet (saw)s camel was surrounded by 40,000 pious people. And Holy Prophet

    (saw) lived only 81 days after that

    So we see that it is agreed that there are examples in Quran that present location does not show

    the order of its revelation. And authentic narrations prove that this verse was revealed separately.

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    Opponent's 2nd Excuse: Ahlulbait is used for wives in Arabic


    When authentic narrations come in their way, Opponents turn to this argument that Ahlulbait

    stand for wives, therefore, verse of purification is for wives.OUR REPLY:

    In Arabic, the term Ahlulbait covers other aspects as well like progeny, family, servants, and

    even cats etc.

    Verse of purification does not cover them, rather it was revealed for the special ones i.e. those

    special members of house for whom Allah revealed the verse of Purification. They are those

    who have been cleansed perfectly.

    Therefore, these special members are also known as 'Ahlebait-e-Taharah Sahih Sunni Tradition: Allah & Prophet (saw) differentiated 5 times between

    holy five and other members of the house

    The Sahih (authentic) Sunni Traditions prove that Allah & Prophet (saw) differentiated 5 times

    between holy 5 under the cloak and other members of the house.

    1. First difference was made when only the holy 5 were gathered under the cloak.

    2. Then said these words for the holy 5 that they are 'my Ahlebait & my Special Ones &

    my Supporters'. These words of Special Ones and Supporters were notsaid for wives or any other member of the common peopl of the house.

    3. Then Allah revealed the Verse of Purification ONLY for these holy 5. That is why they

    are also known as 'Ahlebait-e-Taharah'.

    4. And when wives Umm Salama and Aisha tried to enter under the cloak, he (saw)

    stopped them.

    5. And when Umm Salama asked: If I am with them (the holy 5 under the cloak)? The

    Prophet (saw) replied: Stay at your position. And when 2nd Wife Aisha tried to enter

    under the cloak, then Prophet (saw) said: Stay away from the Cloak.

    And then same Umm Salama witnessed herself that Verse of Purification was revealed only for

    the 5 who were under the cloak.

    There is a Sahih tradition in Sunan Tarmidhi (Online Link):

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    moosomrpoom truv ooom w... ypot mur vomv


    " " " . . .

    . Translation:

    Shahar bin Haushab narrates that Umm Salam said: Prophet (saw) took Ali,

    Hassan, Hussain & Fatima under the cloak and said: O Allah! These are MyAhlulbait and My Special Ones, therefore keep Rijs away from them and give

    the Perfect Purification. I (Umm Salama) asked the Prophet: Am I too included

    among them? He replied: (no) you have a good ending.

    Salafi Imam Nasir-ud-Din Albani declared it Sahih/Authentic (Online Link). Imam Tirmidhi

    declared this traiditon Hassan Sahih (i.e. fairly authentic).

    Aajri recorded a Sahih tradition from 3 different chains (Online Link):

    moo muos ruv rmov rmo omopr oo po m ruv rsm to()uoo vovo uo ov uo vouv trv tu mmos tuoovpo : vv rots mo tu m tuo ypottv ovouvorpoouo : toomo vovo uo mumsvu v orv uo vovo uo ouo ru ruo uo yuorv ru otovvv oroom youtr ouo t omo omv tuwo sr rouo mouvo o tv yooovomuo m ooo muv o tomvoov oum vso mouts osm v : uvv " muouotoouv utuovo o mouomu " : ooo muv o to rpov

    too uovrs muos vuv ou tuo omstm t trt opr : o33o m to vovv ot muooomp pt " : vvv op ouo or vvv too oouv p tpr toouo utpov oms vuv ooo muv o t

    rum mso tsouvv : uvv " o utuvors ou ttuo umsvvvr mpr " : vv uooov m vto : tsvomo tuotso tooso omvo omo ooo muv o to m to uoo : uto : uvv " uovr opr uo

    . " utuo t

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    Bibi Umm Salma (r.a) narrates that Holy Prophet (saw) was there with me in cloak

    from Khaibar. Bibi Fatima came and brought food in a utensil. He told Bibi Fatima

    to call her husband and children. So Bibi Fatima called them. And they all started

    eating from that. Then the verse of purification was revealed. Holy Prophet (saw)placed remaining part of the cloak on them and took out his hand saying : o Allah!

    They areMy Ahlulbait, and My Supporters ,oomo keep away Rijs from them andgive them perfect purification. So I entered my head in the cloak, and said: o

    Prophet! May I also enter? He said : (no) you are on good.Hadhrat Umm Salma

    (r.a) said that these are the 5 people: Holy Prophet (saw), Ali, Fatima, Hasan and

    Hussein {peace be on them and their pure progeny}.

    In this tradition Abu Muhammad ) trusworthy) narrated from Abdul Malik(trustworthy) , who narrated from following 3 Sahih and Hasan (fair) chains:

    1. First chain: 'Ata from Umm Salama ov uo)vovo uo ( 2. Second chain: Daud bin Abi 'Auf from Shahar bin Hausab from Umm Salama ru oto uoo

    ) yuorvouo ru ruo uo ()vovo uo

    3. Third chain: Abi Laila al-Kandi from Umm Salama ) mumsvu v ovovorv uo uo ( And Muhammad bin 'Abd al-Malik () also narrated it from Yazid bin Haroon () throughthese same 3 chains (Online Link):

    rv mm ... vuopot

    ov uo vouv trv tu mmos tuoooouv : vv vto tu tro ovpo : vv mmp mmos muo tu tpotovpoomo vovo uo ouo ru ruo uo yuorv ru oto uoo vovo uo mumsvu v orv ro vovo uo

    ouo t omo omv uwo sr rouo mouvo o tv yooovo ooo muv o to m tooouo : uvv ouo ttoouv : uvv utuo t omo muou o mouomu : ooo muv o to m toov vvv oroom youtroumvvv mouts osm muosvo vuv ou tuo omstm t trt opr : moutsm m ovo o mmo uvoov

    33ptoo uovrs tpr utpov oms vuv ooo muv o to m to vovv : uvv " o utuvors ou ttuo umsvv mooomuo uv to r pt " : vv p op ouo or osvv too oouv

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    uovr mpr uovr mpr " : vvv uooovo m vtoo : tsv msmo mso tsouvv : vv ruopoovv. " utuo t omo tuotso tooso omo omvo ooo muv o to m to smo : ouo ouo uto "


    Umm Salama narrates that Holy Prophet (saw) was there with me in cloak from

    Khaibar. Bibi Fatima came and brought food in a utensil. He told Fatima to call

    her husband and children. So Fatima called them. And they all started eating from

    that. Then the verse of purification was revealed.Holy Prophet (saw) placed

    remaining part of the cloak on them and took out his hand saying : o Allah! They

    are My Ahlulbait, and My S upporters (mooo), keep away Rijs from them andgive them perfect purification . So I entered my head in the cloak, and said: o

    Prophet! May I also enter? He said : (no) you are on good. Hadhrat Umm Salama

    (r.a) said that these are the 5 people: Holy Prophet (saw), Ali, Fatima, Hasan andHussein {peace be on them and their pure progeny}.

    Note: Above word used is Supporter . But when we reconcile the two Sahih Traditions,then it means that Prophet (saw) used both words Special Ones & Supporters. This is also

    evident from this third Sahih hadith (Online Link):

    orvp : vv ouo ru mouv tu m tuoooouv : vv mmvs vuo tu touv ooouv : vv roup ymotv ooouv

    v tso vovo p omo uorvpo : vv oorv ru vo uo mmos tuoooouv : vv uot tuovpo : vv rv" : ov vvv muv oor uvoov oroom youtr ouo t omo omv tuovv omuo m vv ooo muv o to prpoto moros osm um vso vovt voo tuotso tooso mo wov : uvv " muou o mouom um

    omstm t trt opr : vo mmovoo t vouvv o moutsm ovo : uvv rum mo touo vvo tv yooovotoo uovrs muos vuv ou tuo33muoo oouv p mr utpov oms vuv vovv : uvv

    pt " : vv p vrop orr osvvmomoompoomuo uv vto" o utuvors ou ttuo umsvv . " uovr opr uovr opr " : vv m vtoo uooovo : tso ouos mso tsouvv : uvv


    Ata ibn Abi Rabah who said: Some of those who heard Umm Salamah related to

    me that she mentioned that the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, was in

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    her house when Fatimah, may Allah be well pleased with her, came with a pot

    containing a meat dish. The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, said to

    her: Call for me your husband and your sons! Ali, al-Hasan and al-Husayn came

    in and sat down to eat from the meat dish while the Prophet was sitting on his place

    of sleep and he had under him a garment made in Khaybar. Umm Salamah said: Iwas praying in my room when Allah, exalted is He, revealed this verse (Allahs wish

    is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the Household). He

    grabbed the extension of the garment and covered them with it. Then, he got his

    hands out, raised them toward heaven and said: O Allah, these are My

    Ahlulbait and My Special Ones and My Supporters ,ovt muo uvompooomomplease remove uncleanness from them and cleanse them with a thorough

    cleansing. I put my head inside and said: And I am with you, O Messenger of

    Allah! And he answered: You will gain good! You will gain good!

    Imam Tirmidhi has also reported another Sahih tradition (Online Link):


    Umar bin Abu Salama narrates that when this verse was revealed, Holy Prophet

    (saw) was in house of Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a). He put a cloak on Bibi Fatima,

    Imam Hasan (saw) and Imam Hussein (saw) (peace be on them all). Hadhrat Ali

    (saw) was standing behind him. So he put cloak on him as well. And he said: o

    Allah! They are my household, put away dirt of sins from them and clean them

    perfectly. Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a) asked: o Prophet! Am I with them? He

    replied: (no) you are on your place and you are on good.

    Salafi Scholar Albany terms this hadeeth Sahih (Online Link).

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    And there is a clear tradition of 'Aisha which proves that wives were not included in Verse of

    Purification. Imam Ibn Abi Hatim recorded it in his Tafsir and Ibn Kathir records it from him

    under commentary of verse 33:33 (Online Link):

    : :: :r r " :

    : : " " r."


    Ayesha was asked about Hadhrat Ali, so she said that he was the most beloved of

    holy Prophet and he had the daughter of holy Prophet who was the most beloved.

    No doubt, I saw holy Prophet calling Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein and put a

    cloak on them. And said that o Allah! They are my Ahlulbait so put away Rijs from

    them and give them perfect purification. So I asked: o Prophet! Am I in your

    Ahlulbait? So he said: no,STAY AWAY, (but) you are on good.

    Ibn Abi Hatim wrote in preface of his Tafsir that he will include only Sahih or Hasantraditions in his book. The Chain of this tradition is Sahih:

    Sarih bin Younus: THIQA (Link) Muhammad bin Yazid al-Wasiti: THIQA (Link)) 'Awam bin Haushab bin Yazid: THIQA THABT (Link) Uncle of 'Awam: SADDUQ HASSAN Hadith (Link)

    As you could see that Prophet (saw) didn't allow even wives like Umm Salama and 'Aisha to

    enter under the cloak, but they had to stay at their places.

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    Challenge to Opponents to prove that wives ever claimed that Verse

    of Purification was revealed for them.

    None of the wives ever claimed that she is the one for whom verse of Purification was revealed,

    none of them ever claimed that they Prophet took them under the cloak.

    The only witness that all 3 wives (Umm Salama, Aisha & Safia) gave was this that Verse of

    Purification was revealed for only the holy 5 under the cloak.

    So, the challenge remains open for the opponents. In their enmity and hatred against Ali and his

    porgeny, they are denying the Truth and Reality.

    Witness of Ibn Abbas (Sahih Tradition): Verse of Purification was only

    for holy 5 under the cloak

    There is a Sahih Tradition, in which Ibn Abbas is testifying that verse of purification was revaled

    for the holy 5 under the cloak, and none other share this virtue with them (Link):mposr orpots mooos toutmoro mout umo)

    s :: : : :

    ! y : : :! ()

    : : :. :) () 2.! : (

    () : () : :. : : () :

    .( ...{ rso uovto muos vuv ou tuo omstm t trt opr } :.(

    ) :

    .() :Translation:

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    Amr bin maimoon says that I was sitting with Ibn Abbas when a group of 9 men

    came and said: o Ibn Abbas! Will you come with us or arrange solitude here? He

    said: I am coming with you. At that time, his vision was fine and he was not blind.

    So he went with them. And they started talking to each other. I do not know the

    details but Ibn Abbas came and he was brushing away his shirt and said alas! Theyare speaking ill of the one who had 10 such virtues which none other had !.and holy Prophet (saw) put his cloak on Ali, Fatima, Hasanand Hussein and recited the verse of purification.

    Both Hakim and Imam Dhahabi have termed it authentic (sahih) in chain. And Imam

    Shawkani said it chain has trustworthy narratiors (Link)Challenge to Opponents to prove that Prophet ever did such Prayer

    for Uthman & Abu al-Aas & their wives & UmamaApart from wive, Uthman bin Affan also never claimed that he is included in those covered by

    verse of purification (or he is a part of Ahlulbait).

    Opponents claim that Imam Ali (saw) and his progeny were not included initially, rather they

    were included later on due to prayer of Holy Prophet (saw) for them. If this argument is

    accepted, then we challenge our Opponents that they show us such prayer for Uthman bin Affan

    as well.

    Also, Abu-al-Aas bin Rabii and his daughter Umama also did not ever claim that they were

    included in verse of purification.

    So no matter what these Opponents say, these authentic narrations will continue slapping them

    that the verse was revealed for only those holy 5 under the cloak.

    Please also remember the witness of Ibn Abbas above where he is testifying that this Virtue was

    reserved Only for the holy 5 under the clock.

    Difference between Special Ones & Common Ones from Ahlulbait

    Also, keep in mind that the son of Hadhrat Noah was not included in his normal family.

    [Quran 11: 45/46] And Noah cried unto his Lord and said : My Lord! Lo! my son is

    of my household! Surely Thy promise is the Truth and Thou art the Most Just of


    46. He said: O Noah! Lo! he is not of thy household; lo! he is of evil conduct, so

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    ask not of Me that whereof thou hast no knowledge. I admonish thee lest thou be

    among the ignorant.

    This means that the word AHL-UL-BAIT used in the verse of purification is covering special

    ones, and not used in general sense. This is clear from the word AL used in the AHL-UL-BAIT . which means that here, it is ISM MAARIFA BIL LAAM. And the quality of ism

    maarifa bil laam is that it does not cover all, rather, it covers few.

    That is to mean, it will not cover all those living in house of Holy Prophet (saw), rather it will

    cover few of them.

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    Umm Salama's own witness that Verse of Purification revealed only

    for holy 5 under the cloak

    Aajri recorded a Sahih tradition from 3 different chains (Online Link):

    moo muos ruv rmov rmo omopr oo po m ruv rsm to()uoo vovo uo ov uo vouv trv tu mmos tuoovpo : vv rots mo tu m tuo ypottv ovouvorpoouo : toomo vovo uo mumsvu v orv uo vovo uo ouo ru ruo uo yuorv ru otovvv oroom youtr ouo t omo omv tuwo sr rouo mouvo o tv yooovomuo m ooo muv o tomvoov oum vso mouts osm v : uvv " muouotoouv utuovo o mouomu " : ooo muv o to rpov

    too uovrs muos vuv ou tuo omstm t trt opr : o33o m to vovv ot muooomp pt " : vvv op ouo or vvv too oouv p tpr toouo utpov oms vuv ooo muv o t

    rum mso tsouvv : uvv " o utuvors ou ttuo umsvvvr mpr " : vv uooov m vto : tsvomo tuotso tooso omvo omo ooo muv o to m to uoo : uto : uvv " uovr opr uo

    . " utuo tTranslation:

    Bibi Umm Salma (r.a) narrates that Holy Prophet (saw) was there with me in cloak

    from Khaibar. Bibi Fatima came and brought food in a utensil. He told Bibi Fatima

    to call her husband and children. So Bibi Fatima called them. And they all started

    eating from that. Then the verse of purification was revealed. Holy Prophet (saw)

    placed remaining part of the cloak on them and took out his hand saying : o Allah!

    They are my Ahlulbait, and my supporters, keep away Rijs from them and give them

    perfect purification. So I entered my head in the cloak, and said: o Prophet! May I

    also enter? He said : (no) you are on good.Hadhrat Umm Salma (r.a) said that

    these are the 5 people: Holy Prophet (saw), Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein

    {peace be on them and their pure progeny}.

    You could see the clear witness of Umm Salama that Verse of Purification was revealed only for

    the holy 5 under the cloak. It is a wonder how our opponents neglect this witness of UmmSalama and go for their conjectures.

    Hakim bin Sa'ad:

    Imam Tahawi recorded a tradition from Hakeem bin Sa'ad (Online Link):

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    - - 645 : : : -

    () : . : ()


    Jarir reported from A'amash, who from Ja'ffar, who from Hakeem bin Sa'ad that he

    heard Umm Salama said: Verse of Purification was revealed for Prophet (saw), Ali,

    Fatima, Hassan & Hussain.

    There is another tradition from this same Hakeem bin Sa'ad with slightly other chain (Online


    : :vuv ou to omstm t trt opr } : :

    " " :r : { rso uovto muos

    " :




    ." r r " : :Translation:

    Hakeem bin saad says that once Hadhrat Ali was discussed in front of Hadhrat

    Umm Salma. So she said that verse of purification was revealed in my house. He

    came to me and said that I should not allow anyone to enter. After sometime,

    Hadhrat Fatima came. How could I stop a daughter from meeting his father? Then

    imam Hasan came, how could I stop a grandson from meeting his grandfather.

    Then imam Hussein came, so I did not stop him either. And then Hadhrat Ali came,

    and I could not stop him either. When they all gathered, holy Prophet took them all

    in the cloak which he was wearing, and said: o Allah! They are my Ahlulbait, take

    away Rijs from them and give them purification. So the verse was revealed when

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    they were all together in the cloak. I asked: o Prophet, am I also? By Allah, he did

    not get happy on this. And said: you are on good.

    So, following 3 people reported it from Hakeem bin Sa'eed:

    1. A'amash 2. Ja'ffar 3. Ibn Abdul Qadoos

    Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas:

    And Tahawi also recorded this tradition from Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas (Online Link):

    61458/470:( (.):

    .( : () :.( () ) :


    'Amir bin Sa'ad reported from his father that when Verse of Purification was

    revealed, then Prophet (saw) called 'Ali, Fatima, Hassan & Hussain and recited the

    verse of purification Imam Tahawi says: This verse is meant for 5 people and

    these are Prophet (saw), 'Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain.

    Imam Hakim also reported a Sahih tradition from Sa'ad bin Abi Waqas (Online Link):

    ) : : G T : : :

    : g ) : : ) GG " "


    'Aamir bin Saad narrates from Saad that when Mawia insisted on Saad to speak ill

    of Ali, he started counting his glories; and one of them was . when

    revelation was revealed on holy Prophet (saw), so he took Ali, and his sons and

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    Fatima under the cloak and then said: o Allah! They are my Ahlulbait. Imam

    Hakim says: This narration is sahih on the condition of Sheikhain (i.e. Imam

    Bukhari & Muslim)

    This same tradition has been recorded in Sunan Tirmidhi through Qutaybah" (Online Link).

    Ibn Jarir also recorded this same tradition from Ibn Muntha in Jami'i al-Bayan (Online Link)

    Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri:

    Ibn Kathir al-Damishqi reported through Ibn Jarir (Online Link):

    rrso uovto muos vuv ou to omstm t trt opr

    r r


    Abu Sa'eed narrates from Umm Salma that the verse of purification was revealed in

    my house. And I was at the door. So I asked holy Prophet if I am in Ahlulbait? He

    said you are on good and you are in wives. She said that there were in house Ali,

    Fatima, Hasan, Hussein.

    Ibn Kathir recorded with different chains (Online Link):

    :trt oor }: : " :

    { rso uorvto muos vuv our to omstm tvTranslation:

    Abu Saeed said that holy Prophet said that this verse was revealed for 5: me, Ali,Fatima, Hasan, Hussein

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    Kalbi also narrates this from Abu Saeed, Qatada and Mujahid that this verse was

    revealed specifically for 5, as has been said by Shokani in his Fath-ul-Qadeer, vol 4,

    page 270, printed Cairo (Online Link):

    " 4270 : ( :


    And Abu Saeed, Qatada & Mujahid said and Kalbi recorded it that verse of

    purification was revealed SOLELYfor 'Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain.Abdur Rehman bin Mohammad al-Shafaii also records from Abu Sa'eed from different chain

    (Ref: Kitab-al-Arbaeen fi Manaqib Umhat-ul-Momineen on page 105): ( )

    ) 48 (


    Abu Saeed narrates from Umm Salma that she said that the verse was revealed in

    my house. So I asked holy Prophet: am I in Ahlulbait? He said: you are on good

    and you are in wives. And in Ahlulbait are holy Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hasan and


    Abdur Rehman says that narration is Sahih.

    And there is this narration in Musnad Abu Yala, vol 6, page 264, narration 6915; also present in

    Majma uz Zawaid; vol 9, page 262, narration 14971:

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    Shahr bin hoshab narrates from Umm: Salama that Fatima came alongwith Hasan

    and Hussein to holy Prophet and she had a utensil for Hasan which she placed in

    front. So holy Prophet asked her: where is Abu-ul-Hasan? She said that he is in

    house. So he called her and all of them started eating from it. Umm Salama says

    that they did not include me in that though he would always include me in eating.When they had eaten, holy Prophet prayed: o Allah be friend to their friend and be

    enemy to their enemy

    The Sahih traditon of Muhammad bin Abdul Malik (already presented above Link) also

    supports it, which tells that holy 5 were indeed eating in the room of Umm Salama, while she

    was praying. That was not an obligatory prayer otherwise the holy 5 would have also been

    praying in congregation. Therefore, Prophet (saw) didn't wait for Umm Salama and started

    eating without her (perhaps he (saw) already felt that revelation of verse of purification is going

    to be revealed soon).

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    Apponent's 3rd Excuse: Umm Salama Was Not Included Because She

    Was Already On Good

    This is third reason given by Opponents. They say that since Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a) was

    already included in this order, that is why Holy Prophet (saw) did not allow her.


    We seek refuge of Allah from this insult of Holy Prophet (saw)

    We ask them: Was Holy Prophet (saw) not already on good and was not already included in

    Ahlulbait that he got himself under the cloak with the other four and prayed for himself too that

    Allah include him in Ahlulbait along with other 4?

    We have no clue as to why these scholars put insult to Holy Prophet (saw) in order to satisfytheir own wishes. Though this is clear from the wordings of Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a) that the

    verse was revealed for these 5 under the cloak, and when she tried to come under the cloak, she

    was stopped by Rasool Allah (saw).

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    Opponent's 4th Excuse Umm Salama (R.A) WAS NOT INCLUDED


    This is the fourth argument which is forwarded by these people.


    Very idiotic claim to say the least. Was Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a) not aware of this fact that

    Hadhrat Ali (saw) was non mahram? Or you people are trying to say that Hadhrat Umm Salama

    (r.a) did not had any shame? Astaghfirullah

    These people can run their qayas in anything. This is because we do not see this argument being

    given by Holy Prophet (saw) or even Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a) later on. But these scholars

    have to cook something to satisfy their appetite.

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    Opponent's 1st Proof: Narration of 'Ata bin Yassar from Umm Salama.

    This is one of the most beloved narration of Ahle-Sunnah which speak of Umm Salama being

    included in Ahlulbait.

    Here 'Ata bin Yassar narrates (Online Link):

    muovm rouv tpttu tpot rpostvovpo : v mrom ruv ummv ruots tu tpot roup muotvomos m muotvooouv

    ru vouo ,mo uorv ru mro om, ru m muo tu roup tu o ,oot tu ost ,ost tu toosouo muos vuv ou tuo omstm t trt opr : uvru muo m : uvv vovo uo o33o,

    : uvv muv to : vvv ruotso rooso moo vomv vr ooo muv o to m to vouvv : uvvt wo sr vo : vv muos ruv umov ov , m vtoo : tsv


    Umm Salama says that the verse of purification was revealed in my house. So holy

    Prophet called Fatima, Ali, Hasan, Hussein and said: they are my family. I said:

    am I in Ahlulbait? He said: yes, InshAllah.

    Note:Except for Behaqi, this tradition has also been recorded by Hakim & Baghwi.

    Sometimes opponents try to deceive as these are 3 different traditions on wives being

    part of Ahlulbait. But this is wrong & all these 3 (Behaqi, Hakim & Baghwi) narrated the

    same tradition.

    Answer: This tradition is Weak till any other tradition supports it

    Although Albani and few others declared it a Sahih tradition, but it is not completely correct.

    There is a person Abdur Rehman bin Abdullah bin Dinaar in it's chain who has been severely

    criticized by Sunni Rajal. For example:

    Yahya bin Maeen said: I find weakness in his hadith . Abdulrahman bin Mahdi didnt narrate his hadith .

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    Abu Hatim said that he is soft. His hadith can be written down, but he cannot be used . Ibn Adi said that he narrates munkar narrations, and his opinion is similar to the opinion

    of Abu Hatim. Abu Hatim said he shouldnt be rely on. (Mizan 2/572)

    Therefore, this tradition could not be trusted and used as proof while our opponents have no

    other tradition to support it.

    2nd: Another tradtion of this same 'Ata, from same chain which refutes this


    It is strange that these people are sticking to this SINGLE version of tradition from 'Ata bin

    Yassar, while there is another tradition from this same 'Ata bin Yassar, from this same chain

    which negates it.

    om ru m muo tu roup tuooot tu os tr ypot tu tposouo tu tpot rpostvovpot trt opr o mmo uvoo muo m : uvv opv ouo t omovovo uooo ru vo uomo rv tu tro

    muos vuv ou tuo omstm33movr ooo mmo muv o to m to vouvv : uvv m vtoo : vovo uvv " ot muo uv pt " : vvv omouv utuo t omo ruotso rooso vomvo

    rots muovo mo ovom , " ov oot muo uvmuv pt uomuv mpr " : vv muos ruv umov o. torut uvo


    'Ata narrates that Umm Salama said that verse of purification was revealed in my

    house. Holy Prophet called Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein and said: o Allah!

    They are my Ahlulbait. Umm Salama asked: am I also in Ahlulbait? He said:you

    are on good ( /) and they are Ahlulbait. O Allah! My Ahlulbait deserve3/more.

    Hakim says that narration is sahih on the criteria of Bukhari and Muslim

    It is a surprise that all narrators of this tradition are the same as of previous tradition (whichopponents use), except for al-Abbas bin Muhammad, but Ibn Hajar al-Asqallani said that he

    was Hafidh & Thiqa (trustworthy) and his traditions are present in Bukhari & Muslim.

    This tradition is very clear that Prophet (saw) told Umm Salama that she was on good, but

    those 5 were the Ahlulbait for whom the Verse of Purification revealed.

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    What is the reason that our opponent's accept the ruling of Imam Hakim about one tradition, but

    reject for the 2nd tradition? Double Standards at peak!!!


    There are tens of other narrations from Umm Salama and can be found on this link. Therefore, ithas been clarified that it was either the mistake of narrator, while there are Tens of More

    Authentic traditions which negate this Singular tradition, and thus this one tradition in not only

    weak, but also Munkar (rejected) in comparison.

    1- Other many narration of this 'Ata bin Yassar negates this single version.These other narrations are much more authentic than this single version.

    2- Narration of 'Ata bin abi Rebah negates it.3- Narration of Abi lela al Kindi negates it.4- Narration of Shahr bin Houshab negates it.5- Narration of Abu Saeed Khidri negates it.6- Narration of Hakeem bin Saeed negates it.7- Narration of slave of Umm Salama, Abdullah bin Abi Moghera, negates it.8- Narration of Umar bin abi Salama (son of Umm Salama) negates it.9- Narration of Umra bint afAli negates it.10- Narration of Jabir bin Abdullah negates it11- Narration of Abu Huraira negates it (Tasfir-e-Tabari).

    12- Abdullah ibn Wahab 13- Umrah al-Hadaniyah (Mushkil-ul-Athaar by Tahawi).

    Many of these traditions have already been recorded above. Rest you could read at thislink.

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    Opponent'S 5th Excuse : Verse of Purification was for wives while

    Prophet (saw) only Prayed for holy 5 under the cloak

    In order of prove this claim, once again they present the Weak tradition of 'Ata bin Yassar

    (Online Link):

    muovm rouv tpttu tpot rpostvovpo : v mrom ruv ummv ruots tu tpot roup muotvomos m muotvooouv

    ru vouo ,mo uorv ru mro om, ru m muo tu roup tu o ,oot tu ost ,ost tu toosouo muos vuv ou tuo omstm t trt opr : uvru muo m : uvv vovo uo o33o,

    : uvv muv to : vvv ruotso rooso moo vomv vr ooo muv o to m to vouvv : uvvt wo sr vo : vv muos ruv umov ov , m vtoo : tsv


    Umm Salama says that the verse of purification was revealed in my house. So holy

    Prophet called Fatima, Ali, Hasan, Hussein and said: they are my family. I said:

    am I in Ahlulbait? He said: yes, InshAllah.

    After presenting this tradition, they claim that verse of purification was revealed for the wives,

    while when Prophet (saw) called Ali & his progeny, then he (saw) only wanted to do DUA for

    them. Therefore, according to their claim, verse of purification was for the wives, while therewas only DUA for Ali and his progeny to be included into the Ahlulbait.


    Our opponents have only and only one weak tradition and they make all their claims on bases of

    this one weak tradition. Actually, this tradition is not only weak, but also Munkar (i.e.

    Rejected) means it is contradicting much more Traditions who are much more authentic the

    this single one.

    Authentic Traditions which prove that Verse of Purification was

    revealed for the holy five

    It is a surprise that opponents have left those many Traditions which are reaching to Tawattur

    (continuity), including the Sahih ones, and only running behind one weaker tradition. This is

    only their Double Standards.

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    For example, we presented above the following Sahih tradition with 3 different chains, from

    book al-Sharia from Aajri, which we already presented above:


    Bibi Umm Salma (r.a) narrates that Holy Prophet (saw) was there with me in cloakfrom Khaibar. Bibi Fatima came and brought food in a utensil. He told Bibi Fatima

    to call her husband and children. So Bibi Fatima called them. And they all started

    eating from that. Then the verse of purification was revealed. Holy Prophet (saw)

    placed remaining part of the cloak on them and took out his hand saying : o Allah!

    They are My Ahlulbait, and My Supporters , keep away Rijs from them andgive them perfect purification. So I entered my head in the cloak, and said: o

    Prophet! May I also enter? He said :(no) you are on good.Hadhrat Umm Salma

    (r.a) said that these are the 5 people: Holy Prophet (saw), Ali, Fatima, Hasan and

    Hussein {peace be on them and their pure progeny}.

    Secondly, the desire of Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a) kills this notion that the verse was for them.

    If it was so, why was she desirous to enter in the cloak? Because the verse already said that

    Allah desires that Rijs be away from them; so this the desire of Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a)

    shows that she believed that the verse was not for them.

    And the reply of Holy Prophet (saw) kills the point as well. If she was already in Ahlulbait, Holy

    Prophet (saw) should have just said that you are already in Ahlulbait; and not that you are on


    Important Point: Prayer was not for inclusion, but for the elevation of


    Thirdly, the prayer of Holy Prophet (saw) does not mean that they were not in Ahlulbait before.

    No, but thid Dua means only for the elevation of status. Let us see the prayer after Adhan (holy

    call for prayers)

    Sahih Bukhari, book of Adhkar:

    o Allah! Who is the lord of this call and lord of the prayers which have been

    erected. Give wasila to Holy Prophet (saw) on the day of qayamat, and give them

    the grand status and place of praise (maqam-e-mahmood) which you have already


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    So, we see that Allah has already promised to give that to him, but still we recite this prayer. So

    do we have this doubt that Allah will not fulfill his promise (naudobillah)? This prayer is just to

    increase the status.

    In the same way, Ahlulbait were already in verse of purification, and the prayer was for increase

    in their status.

    A similar dua is also there in Quran

    [Quran 3:194] Our Lord! And give us that which Thou hast promised to us by Thy

    messengers. Confound us not upon the Day of Resurrection. Lo! Thou breakest not

    the tryst.

    This prayer shows that who have faith in the fact that Allah does not break his promise, yet the

    pray. Same is the case for prayer of Holy Prophet (saw).

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    2nd Proof of Opponents: Narration of 'Ikrimah from Ibn Abbas

    This is the last Proof presented by our opponents (Online Link):


    'Ikrimah says that Ibn Abbas said that verse of purification was revealed

    specifically for wives


    There are some big problems in this narration:

    1- This 'Ikrimah was a Khariji (hater of Ali and his progeny). And there are Tabaeen who

    blamed him to be Kadhab (lair). He used to lie upon Ibn Abbas.

    2- There is another Sahih narration from Ibn Abbas which says that verse of purification

    was revealed for Ahlulbait. And this exposes the lie of 'Ikrimah.

    3- Apart from 'Ikrimah, there are many other people who have narrated this narration and

    all of them say that it was revealed for Ahlulbait, so question is why the opponents are

    accepting Only the tradition of ''Ikrimah and rejecting all those More Numerous and

    More Authentic traditions which refute 'Ikrimah's tradition?

    4- Narration of 'Ikrimah is not giving any details from Ibn Abbas as to when the verse was

    revealed? If he was present there at time of incident or not? Is this hadeeth of holy

    Prophet or opinion of Ibn Abbas? And what was the age of Ibn Abbas at that time? Keep

    in mind our opponents themselves raise this objection in regards to narration of pen and

    paper, but here they are showing the Double Standards.

    As compared to 'Ikrimah, the multiple narrations of Umm Salama give complete detail of

    the incident. Umm Salama was the Direct & Biggest Eye witness of this incident.

    She is not telling even 1% out of her own opinion, but she is telling 100% what Rasool

    (saw) said during this incident.

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    5- None of the wives have claimed verse of purification for them. Umm Salama, 'Aisha &

    Safia, all these 3 wives claimed that verse of purification was revealed for those holy 5

    who were under the cloak.

    Idiocy of our Opponents: Presenting both contradictory narrations of

    'Ikrimah and 'Ata bin Yassar as their Proof.

    Our opponents have in total only 2 traditions as their proof. The 1 st one is of ''Ata bin Yassar, and

    2nd one is of 'Ikrimah.

    Our opponents show total hypocrisy when they use both these traditions as their proof at the

    same time, while both of them are completely contradicting and refuting each other too.

    'Ikrimah used to claim that verse of purification was revealed SOLELY for the wives and holy 5

    were not included in it, while the tradition of 'Ata says that originally verse of purification was

    revealed for holy 5 under the cloak, but Umm Salama was included as well.

    Now it is the contradiction of our opponents that they present these 2 contradictory traditions at

    same time and in their grudge against Ali (as), they are even not able to perceive this



    WAS REVEALED FOR Ahlulbait

    Compared to Khariji and lair 'Ikrimah, we have witness of Ibn Abbas through Amr Ibn

    Maimoon (authentic Tradition) that he considered verse of purification for the holy 5.

    Witness of 'Amr Ibn Maimoon (Link):

    ) s : : : : : ! y : : : () !



    :. :) () 2.! : (

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    :. : : () :

    .( ...{ rso uovto muos vuv ou tuo omstm t trt opr } :.() :.() :


    Amr bin Maimoon says that I was sitting with Ibn Abbas when a group of 9 men

    came and said: o Ibn Abbas! Will you come with us or arrange solitude here? He

    said: I am coming with you. At that time, his vision was fine and he was not blind.

    So he went with them. And they started talking to each other. I do not know the

    details but Ibn Abbas came and he was brushing away his shirt and said alas! They

    are speaking ill of the one who had 10 such properties which none had.and

    holy Prophet (saw) put his cloak on Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein and recited

    the verse of purification.

    Both Hakim and Imam Dhahabi have termed it authentic (sahih) in chain.

    This narration is present in Khasais-e-Ali, Tareekh Damishq, Musnad Ahmad etc.

    Other Traditions from Ibn Abbas that Verse of Purification wasrevealed for holy 5

    This narration comes in Tafsir Dur-e-Manthur, Sayooti says:

    " } :

    { ".

    Translation:Ibn Abbas said that I saw holy Prophet (saw) going to house of Ali for 9 months.

    And said: al-salam o allaihim wa rahmat ullah wa barakathu Ahlulbait. And then

    he would recite verse of purification. And he did this at times of 5 prayers
