ahmed nadeem malik, a092 006 532 (bia dec. 17, 2013)

Zaidi Zaheer, Esq. Attorney at Law 9100 Souhwes Freeway Suite 235 Houson, TX 77074 Name: MALIK AHMED NADEEM U Dpmn usic Executive Oce r Immigration Review oard of mig rto pps Qc of h k 5 bu Pk t 2 Fa /m·l rgin 23 OS/ICE ice of Chief Counsel - CHI 525 Wes Va Buren ree Chicago, IL 60607 A 092006532 Date of this noice 12/17/203 closed i a copy of he Boa's eciio an orde in te above-reference cse. cose P b Creppy, Michael J Lebowitz Elen C Muae Hug G. Scee, D c Dona Carr ef Clk Docke For more unpublished BIA decisions, visit www.irac.net/unpublished Cite as: Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

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Zaidi Zaheer, Esq.Attorney at Law9100 Souhwes Freeway Suite 235Houson, TX 77074


U Dpmn usic

Executive Oce r Immigration Review

oard of migrto ppsQc of h k

5 bu Pk t 2Fa /m·l rgin 23

OS/ICE ice of Chief Counsel - CHI525 Wes Va Buren reeChicago, IL 60607

A 092006532

Date of this noice 12/17/203

closed i a copy of he Boa's eciio an orde in te above-reference cse.


P bCreppy, Michael JLebowitz Elen CMuae Hug G.


D c

Dona Carr

ef Clk


For more unpublished BIA decisions, visit www.irac.net/unpublished

Cite as: Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

8/13/2019 Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

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U.. Deparment of JusiceExecutve Oce r Immiaton Revew

Decsin f the Bard f Immatn Appeals

Fas Ch, Vrga 20530

i: A092 00 532 Cago L






ON EAL O S Minni YunAsssan Ci ouns

APPLCAON: minaion; ronsidraion

� 17 203

T rspondn appas om mmigraon Judgs dsion dad Novmbr 9, 202,dnyng hs moon o ronsdr mmigraion Judgs dson minang prodngsh rmova prodings b rinsad, and rord wi rmandd o ImmiraionJdg r hr prodings rspondn's rqus r ora argun is dnid 8 CR§ 003()(7)

W rvw r ar rror ndngs o mad by miaion Judg 8 C R§ 003{d)(3)(i) W rvw d novo a ohr ssus, nuding whr pais av m rvan budn o proo and issus o dsron 8 CR § 003(d)(3)(i)

T rspondn adjusd o aw prmann rsdn sas on Dmbr I, 990 Susaus was rsndd by govn on brary 25, 995 T DHS d a Noi oAppar on Ju 2, 200, and mmigraon Jdg rand Hs moon o rminaprodings wihou prjudi on Agus , 20 2 n Spmbr 4, 0 2, rspondn d amoion o ronsdr ad r-assrd a hang o h 995 rsission o is a pmannrsidn saus On Novbr 9, 20 2, mmigraion Judg ssud h dision urrnybr us, w dnid h rspondns moon o ronsdr

T graion Judg dnd rspondns moion o ronsidr h rmnaion oprodings ar onuding a "prodings av bn propry rminad, propr vnur rspondn's amn [anging rsisson o his a pn rsdn sas]s C (lJ a -2) n aa, sondn agus a rssson o s aprmann rsidn sas is rviwab in rova prodings, ad ha rmnaon oprodings "vy dpvd Rspondn o a r r rvw o US IS garsssion ordr

On rsdion vss h Immgaon Judg, nr pay an o rminaono rodngs wio a ror rason r h graon dg o do so See Maer of W--, 24 &N D 18 12 (BA 200) (saing a on ursdiion vss i an migraonudg, a noi o apar anno b and by h DHS, w mus insad mov r

Cite as: Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

8/13/2019 Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

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092 006 53

dimal of the matte on the ba of a ground et th in the egulation) see also 8 .F.§ 239 (etting th gound on ich the DHS may cancel a notce to appea); 8 .F.§ 1239.(c) (etting h ground on hich the DHS may moe dimal); cf Matter oVzcarraDelgadillo 13 I&N Dec. 5 (BI 1968) (holdig that the Immigaton Judge hadauthoity to termnate poceeding a mproidently begun n a cae hee teminaton areaonable d both paie ageed to the motion to dm). In thi egad an ImmgatonJudge may termiate poceeding hen the DHS cot utain the chage o othe pecccircumtace content it the la and applcable egulation See Matter o W supra.

In th cae te Imigation Judge ncorectly tated that the epondent dd not opoetermnaton of poceeding (I.J. Dec dated ugt 6 2012 I.J Dec. date Noembe 9 201at 1-2) the eponent tmely led h oppoton to he DHS oton to Temnate onay 4 2012 in hch e opoed te DS reuet baed on chalenge to the econ(epondent Ooton led ay 4 2012) On the record eently ee u nete theDHS oton to Termnate no e migraton Judge oe ated ugut 6 02 poide aba termnaton ithn the cope of the regulation 8 F. §§ 2392 12392 ee asoMatter o W spra u e nd t appopiate to rentate te emoa poceedng andto remand i cae r rher proceedng a e Immgaton Jdge deem neceay unde theccumtance including a moe complete analy of the DHS' moton to teminate. Id· seealso atter o A-P, 2 I&N Dec. 468 473 (BIA 999); Matter o M-P 20 I&N Dec. 786(BIA 1994).

ccodingly the llong orde hall be enteed

ODE: The Immigaton Judge' ode e acated and the emoal poceedng aerentated

FTHR O The ecod i emanded to the Immgaton Judge r epoceedng conitet th the egong decon and the enty o a ne decion



Cite as: Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

8/13/2019 Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

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8/13/2019 Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

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Fie #: 092�006532

In the Mte of ))

Date: November , 2012





Sectio 237()l)A) of the migao d Nonaty Act(NA" Act") - At e e ety o adjuset status yo weewthin ne e of the casses f ies isse y the w existing atsuc tme o wit iens w seek o cue hve soug to poce who have cued is the dcuetati amissio ino theUnied States or the bene povded ude the Act y ud o ywy iserese aea ct unde NA 21a))C)(.

oo t Reope/Recside

ON BHF OF TH RSN ON HALF OF HE GORMZaee ZaiAtoey at w00 test eeay uite 23oo Tea 77074

 Mine Yuesistt ief seepaet of Hoead Secuty25 West a e See Site 1iago nos 60607


e u wi dey e respodet's mto to eoe/ecoside the owngeo


e eonent e nte n ctzen o P H t ted to t o nen ede o Dec 90 n 0 ec gctl okn Fbuy 19 e Igon Nuzto Sec ecne e

8/13/2019 Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

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reponent statu aer deening ta e procued e atu by aud o by willlymirepresening a maerial ct to wt aving enee e Unite State wit a Fom -551Permanen Reiden a, whic e wa no enile o ee Exh TA).

On Jue 2 2 the Depment o Homelnd ec (H o "Goveen)

niaed remoal p ceeing ga in  te  eponent y ng a Noie o ppear ("N ) withe Cicago mmigration Cour a leing he aove c an ch ging him wh removablitunder N§ 237(a)()() See E A) Teeae, e responden oug coe, le amoion to cge enue o te ouson mmigaion Co wic is Co enied becaue ereonen coneted i emovaiy and e S poecuion coud be compomise bycangng venue o a dian ocion See Ex (esponent moion o chge vene Exh 3(reonden wien pleaing) xh 4 (DS epone o reponden moon o cangevenue

e responden appeae master caena eang ere te C icago mmgaonCour on November I, 20 an May I , 212 a wc he conme i eie o cone

emobii . An nddua mer hear ng wa cede on e e o emoabii fr Januay1 On May e led a moon to termine p r oceeing wit hout p rejuie

wich grned on uust 6 0

n Sepember 4 0 t rspodt, trough cousl l h ins moon torop/ronsr clamig a i poceeing sould be eopened by vue of i opposiion tote DS motion o terminae and becaue e eie to callenge te reciion of is lawlpermanent resient au Te DS oppoe he reponent motion o reopeeconiercontending at i poceeing were popery erminte an i agument regding ep rope y of he ecion of i law permnen reient tau ould be raie to he nedSaes Ciizenship ad Immgra t on ervice (UC)


Moon to Reconsider

"A moo to rconsidr s a 'rqus t Boa rxi ts dciso i gt ofadito ga rgnts, cg of w, or praps argm or sc of cs wcwas ovook. Mae of Ramos, 23 I& 336, 337 BA 2002 quog aer o Ca 20 Dc 399, 402 2 (BIA 199) Er ary my o moo o rcosdr wi ydys of t et of a ordr oo must spcy t rrors of w or ct i t

mmgo Judgs pror ciso a b suppord by pt uoy NA§ 240c); 8 CFR § 1002b2

n t prst cs, t rsodt rgs tt is rocgs soud b rond bcus oposs to tr commcmt o procdgs, t gover may mov rismissl r ay of groud s ou i 8  CF § 392 See 8 FR § 1232c THS movd to trt procgs udr s roisio t respo s ot ris ay

8/13/2019 Ahmed Nadeem Malik, A092 006 532 (BIA Dec. 17, 2013)

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agum gadg aQ o tmao tad, t odt agu a dcocdg awf a d a wa o How, a ocdg a b matd t t odt agmt USCS See 8 CFR §10a))) Esada v Holde 04 Fd 402 ( C 2010) (a d a moo o o aco od w USCS)

B.  Moon to Reopen

n a ma o moo o o wt a o of a a od moo o t c tat mata, ( wa aaab at tm of ogaag, a co ot a b co o td a t oga ag A §240(c)() 8 CFR § 002c)()

t ca, ot a ot td a mata dc a waaaa a od o a b dcod o d at m o oga ag ta

a to o mao ca o cota, odt a atd agm tat co of a a dt ta wa mo a bmtt tam og dc a wa aad t co ow, a aad od abo, bcaocg a b o mat, t o t o agm SCS W t Cor caot c t S to odt moa, t cacoag agc o g ca codao to t o ca ad aow m aopo o cot t ad o t co od H a td btaa dcdmotag a wa ot por od of t co pocg comac w qmt of 8 CFR §§ 2 a 05aa)() See Estada older 0 F 02 C 200

ccodg, owg od a b td:


S HEREBY ORDERED tat t ot moo to ocod b DENED

. 1 Noabl he reponden peccall requeed erminaion o proceeding n i rienpleang See h 3