ai100 2 startdag griet bouwen

The story of growing together in Appreciative Inquiry- based actions and understanding

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Presentatie van Griet Bouwen over de succesvolle verspreiding van Appreciative Inquiry in Vlaanderen.


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The story of growing together in Appreciative Inquiry- based actions and understanding

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2005-2007 Fire Works 2008-2009 AI Learning Network 2010 Book & Ambassador of the ESF 2011-2012 2nd AI Learning network 2012 World AI Conference

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How can we guide people, living in deprived situations, towards a better future, towards a job or other activitities that are motivating and fullfilling?

How can we coach them towards a future build upon their own strengths, passion and dreams?

2005 - 2007

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Prof René Bouwen takes us on a journey that is still going on…

We discover AI, develop an AI-way of coaching, and test it in several settings

FIRE WORKS is born

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Fire Works - making future by

using your talents, personal drive,


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FIREWORKS An appreciative inquiring

coaching journey in four steps

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7 december 2007 An important step in creating

impact, without realizing it at

that time…

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It felt like with Fire Works, we touched a deeper need living among professionals in coaching, HRD, L&D in Flanders

For us, it was a kind of ‘calling’, it became a mission to give more people the opportunity to learn about and practice the AI-approach

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Appreciative Inquiry Learning network 2009-2010

90 people, 50 organisations, all of us

learning about AI and developping pilots in context of

our organisations

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How many people did you reach while you worked on your AI-

pilot project?





±14 252


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Each break-out session of the network

We reached

hundreds of people

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2010: Network inspires the


• Leading towards talents and drive –

connecting human energy is creating

powerfull teams

• Ambassador for the Flemisch

agency of the ESF

• We reached (and still do) thousands

of people with the book, workshops,

lectures, training,…

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We’ve contributed strongly to new ways of thinking about HRD,

strenghts-based organising and learning,


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Appreciative Inquiry Learning network 2011-2012

80 people, 60 organisations

Financial self supporting

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2nd Learning Network

startup sessions, oct 2011.

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Connection with the Netherlands

• AI -100: inspired by our work in Flanders

• AI-Magazine: Co-production

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Connection with the Netherlands

• AI-networkmeetings cross-boundary’s

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Local host: ‘De Werf’, together with • Conference Organizing Committee • International advisory Board “Towards an ‘economy’ of connecting strengths. Scaling up the generative power of AI”

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Connecting across organisations & communities Connecting within organisations & communities Connecting self to others, from inner to outer Appreciative Inquiry Craftmanship

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25-1-2012 Appreciative Inquiry







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Let’s talk about this magic generative power of AI.

Do you think about a personal experience where you’ve seen that working with AI created effects that reached beyond your inititial scope?

Share stories in a duo-conversation and ask yourself what exactly made this effect come true?

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At your table:

- Share headlines of stories

- Look if you can formulate a shared conclusion.

- And at last: do you have any questions left about what we presented earlier? Is there anything you are still curious about?