air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air...


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Post on 28-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide
Page 2: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are:

Suspended particulatesSulphur dioxide (SO2)Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)Carbon monoxide (CO)OzoneLead (Pb)hydrocarbons

Page 3: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

Air pollutants from natural sources-The volcano produce sulphur dioxide.

Biological process also produce air pollution

e.g.Digestion in cow produce large amount of methane.

Air pollutants from human activities

-The main cause is the burning of fossil fuels by motor vehicle, industries and power stations.

Page 4: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

Air pollution is a concern of everybody since it may cause discomfort and adverse health effects. Children, elderly and those who have heart or lung problems suffer the most when the air around then is polluted.

Page 5: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide
Page 6: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

• The most stringent vehicle fuel and emission standards.

• Looking for clean alternatives to diesel vehicle

Page 7: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

• Vehicle emission are the major source of air pollution.

Page 8: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

• Preparatory work is undertaken to introduce a more advanced vehicle smoke.

Page 9: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

• To present their vehicles for testing at designated centers.

Page 10: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

• The specified process control program has achieved an 80% reduction in pollution emissions by industry.

• The number of complaints against dark smoke emission from industrial sources has been reduced by about 30%

Page 11: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

• The sulphur dioxide level in industrial areas have4 been reduced significantly and maintained at level well below the Air Quality Objective target

• Nuisances arising from open burning activities have been reduced

Page 12: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

Pollution effect sourceBlack smoke 1.nuisance 1.vehicle 2.visibility 2.industry impairment 3.buses 3.soiling 4.restaurants 4.cause the 5.power cancer station

Page 13: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

Pollution effect sourceCarbon 1.visual 1.vehiclemonoxide impairment 2.industry 2.reduce metal 3.power function and station poor learning 4.aircraft ability 3.people suffer from heart and circulatory problems dizziness and fainting

Page 14: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

Pollution effect sources Sulphur dioxide, 1.Cause irritation 1.Vehicles nitrogen dioxide to lung and 2.Power eyes and station environment 3.Marine problems vessels 2.Dissolve in rain, make acid rain

Page 15: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

Carbon dioxide: From smoke and

exhaust fume. Carbon

dioxide on the earth’s

surface traps heat

From the sun: A thicker layer of carbon

dioxide increase the

temperature in the earth. The is called GREENHOUSE EFFECT.

Page 16: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide
Page 17: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

A) Control of Emissions from Stationary

Sources• Improved smoke emission standards;

• introduction of cleaner industrial fuel with lower sulphur content;

• control of dust emissions from construction activities.

Page 18: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

B) Control of Emissions from Motor Vehicles

• stringent vehicle emission and fuel standards;

• strengthened emission inspection;

• strengthened enforcement against smoky vehicles;

• and education and publicity.

Page 19: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

On the road Make maximum use of mass public transport

avoid travel by car

Benefits- Reduces the emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulates from road vehicles

Maintain your car engine

keep your car engine properly tuned.

Benefits- Saves fuel, money and air pollution.

Page 20: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide

At home

Switch off domestic appliances

turn off fans, air-conditioners lights, etc. when not required

Benefits- Saves energy, money and air pollution from power stations

Page 21: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide


Use low solvent degreasers

use low solvent degreasers in the cleaning of oils, grease, or from metal during metal finishing process.

Benefits- Reduces the emissions of volatile organic compounds which helps reduce the formation of ozone.

Page 22: Air pollution is caused by emissions of particulate matter and harmful gases.the most common air pollutants are: Suspended particulates Sulphur dioxide