aircare ™ code of practice for aircraft operators noise abatement

John Fogden Total Aviation Quality Ltd.

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Aircare ™ Code of Practice for Aircraft operators Noise Abatement. John Fogden Total Aviation Quality Ltd. Outline. Intro Aircare ‘Front-footing legislation’ Noise Abatement Code of Practice ‘It’s just about culture’ Noise HAI Fly Neighbourly Program Recap Assessment. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Aircare ™  Code of Practice for Aircraft operators Noise Abatement

John FogdenTotal Aviation Quality Ltd.

Page 2: Aircare ™  Code of Practice for Aircraft operators Noise Abatement

Intro Aircare

‘Front-footing legislation’ Noise Abatement Code of Practice

‘It’s just about culture’ Noise HAI Fly Neighbourly Program



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Noise abatement training provided by TAQ and Richard Rayward CEO Air Safaris on behalf of AIA

Whilst not targeted at fixed wing aeroplanes, elements of this presentation and associated Fly Neighbourly Program are adopted by this code in order to deliver the same benefits.

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February 2011 Department of Conservation announced that DOC will require all aircraft concession holders and all aircraft operators that want to work in the DOC Estate to be AIRCARE™ Accredited by April 2012.

Extended to 1/01/13 (incl. Milford) (24/01/12)

New Applications: on application or by 1/01/13 (whichever comes 1st.)

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DOC will achieve this by mandating in the CMS reviews currently underway.

Extended concessions

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The biggest threat to aircraft activities is poorly written legislation being developed to protect the environment.

The way the industry is reacting to that is to develop the AIRCARE™ Program

The AIRCARE™ Program is an enabling program.

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The AIRCARE™ Accreditation Program includes codes of practice about discharges (Spraying, Topdressing & aerial poison drops) engineering and Amenity Values (the Noise Abatement Code)


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SMS that sits above the codes requires that operators are independently audited against both the SMS and the codes.

To be awarded accreditation an operator has to prove compliance with the relevant code(s) every time they go to work.)

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Compliance Flowchart

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ENVIRONMENTALCode of Practice for Aircraft Operations

-Amenity Values


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In accordance with the requirements to preserve amenity values as described in the RMA, aerial operators need to manage noise.

By following the principles detailed in this code, that can be achieved.

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This code forms part of the Environmental Management System offered as part of the AIRCARE SMS run by the Aviation Industry Association of NZ.

 It recognises the issues involved with the operation of aircraft in and around noise sensitive areas

Details a plan by which the aviation industry and regulators can work together in order to achieve the long term goal of limiting the noise and environmental impact of aircraft

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With a proactive approach the aviation community can pre-empt legislation being enforced upon the industry that could itself be unworkable.

Does not address: Aircraft Noise measurement

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Members of the aviation community are invited to join this accreditation program that both trains and measures pilots and operators in ‘flying neighbourly’ and in noise abatement methods.

The aviation community needs work with regulators to identify measures that reduce the impact of aircraft noise.

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Amenity values Means those natural or physical qualities and

characteristics of an area that contribute to people’s appreciation of its pleasantness, aesthetic coherence, and cultural and recreational attributes

Noise Sensitive Area An area where the impact of adverse effects

from noise diminishes the amenity values of that area

Excludes CBD but may include residential areas and smaller towns between 1900 – 0700.

Populous Area A collection of ten residences or more in an area less

than two hectares, or a gathering of more than 100 people.

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The Resource Management Act 1991 empowers legislators to control elements of

aircraft operations e.g. noise as it impacts on amenity values.

Does not control overflight

The Civil Aviation Act 1990 empowers the CAA to control aircraft

operations. The Civil Aviation Act does not empower CAA to have any control of aircraft noise. Notwithstanding this, the majority of complaints that CAA fields are noise related

Does not control noise

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The Conservation Act 1987, Specifically Part 3B Concessions Section 170

(2) says that no activity will be carried out in a conservation area unless authorized by a concession.

The National Parks Act 1980 Specifically Section 14 Wilderness Areas

s14(2)(d) This clause prohibits aircraft landing or hovering in Wilderness Areas.

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What has changed?? RMA 1991 CA Act 1990 Conservation Act 1987 Nat. Parks Act 1980

Tolerance has changed What was considered normal or acceptable in

years gone by is no longer so.

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Culture has to change The measure of a pilot

Crashes Productivity

Least breakages Most versatile / professional/ lowest insurance risk

What is needed now is both helicopter and fixed wing operators and pilots who adapt the quickest

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Understanding the impact of noise on the environment and on amenity values and how that noise can be effectively managed is about:

Staying in business

Keeping your job

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There are sounds that please us

And there are noises that disturb us

Not everyone likes the same types of noise

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Irrespective of the sound /noise being generated, the environment will dictate its character. F1 GP, Airshows, Jet ski carnivals

Churches, Nat. Parks, schools, hospitals, holiday resorts, outdoor gatherings / concerts

More peaceful the environment the bigger the impact

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Propeller (design & speeds) retrofitable Settings & sync

Set RPM at lowest recommended setting in all flight phases

100 rpm difference in mid-range of prop setting will raise or lower noise emission by 3 - 5 dB.

High rpm very intrusive and increases at higher end of prop rpm setting (2450 rpm upwards)

2600 – 2700 rpm setting can double perceived sound at ground level (Rayward)

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Fixed wing (cont.) Engine (turbines) retrofitable


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Larger capacity small a/c Caravan, XL 750 / Cresco, Pilatus

Manoeuvering Environment Technique CULTURE

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NOISE – CAUSE & REMEDIES Helicopter - Aerodynamic

Main rotor & tail rotor construction, design & speed Interaction

Engine (turbine) Exhaust & gearbox

Environment Temp, Humidity, terrain, distance, wind

Technique, manoeuvring CULTURE

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MD 600

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Stuff them. Ignore them and they will go away

Get right up ‘em. Best form of defence is attack.

There’s always a couple of moaners. No one else seems to have a problem.

We were operating here long before they came along.

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Wait ‘til they break a leg. Then they’ll be pleased to see us.

We’ve got a job to do, so they might as well get used to it.

Not much I can do about it.

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Some more sensitive to noise than others Noise inducted vibration & rattle A/c noise irritating low frequency content Helicopter noise more irritating than

f/wing Periodic impulsive character

Personal judgement, fear and negative attitude

Industry’s response to these concerns……….

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Confusion of legislation leads to unsatisfactory results for complainants

Ignored or fobbed-off. Frustration Concerns need to be listened to Soon settle down when they realise they

are being heard Nearly all will be satisfied when they see

some response to their concerns

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For the purposes of this Code the word “shall” refers to practices that are mandatory for compliance with the Code and the word

“should“ refers to practices that are advised, recommended or are industry best practice.

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Pilots Attend & pass Fly Neighbourly training

Take all reasonable steps to minimise noise footprint

Comply with Code of Practice and company procedures except:

Notify operator when conditions cannot be complied with

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To meet the requirements of this code pilots shall complete the Fly Neighbourly training program and pass an assessment set by the AIA. The term of this qualification shall be three

years. The Fly Neighbourly Guide upon which this

training is based is included as Appendix 1.

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Pilots shall take all reasonable steps to minimize their noise footprint. In flight, pilots should observe the following noise abatement procedures:

Avoid noise-sensitive areas where possible

Follow high ambient noise routes Maintain an altitude as high as possible Fly normal cruising speed or slower Avoid sharp manoeuvres

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use steep takeoff and descent profiles (helicopters only) – Vy -5kts

Operate (f/wing)propellers at the low end of the propeller recommended RPM operating range for all phases of the flight.

Vary the route, repetition contributes to annoyance.

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For low level operations – use techniques that minimise the noise footprint: operating RPM (rotor or prop). keeping high ground or shelter belts between

flight tracks and any nearby residence hours of operation and timing of operation.

Where company (or User Group) operating areas or transit routes are developed, confine flights to those places.

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Comply with the Code of Practice except where they would conflict with: Flight safety, or C A Rules, or ATC clearances or instructions, or Passenger comfort. A/c limitations

Pilots unable to comply with company Policy or guidelines in respect to noise abatement shallshall document the event and notify the operator using an Event Notification form.

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Operators Policy on noise minimisation and plan

operations accordingly Emphasise awareness of noise sensitive areas Consider fleet , a/c type selection Maintain a noise complaints register Ensure staff attendance at FN courses Ensure pilot’s ongoing awareness and

understanding of noise minimisation

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Operators (cont.) Include FN in Management Review Meetings Promote customer education Maintain active participation in Airspace User


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To meet the requirements of this code operators shall: Maintain a policy on noise minimisation that

shall be promoted to all staff.

This policy shall reflect the operator’s intent to reduce the amount of noise created by aircraft and

other equipment. ????

The policy will identify current and anticipated areas of noise concern.

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To meet the requirements of this code operators shallshall: Plan flight ops in accordance with noise

abatement procedures to minimize the impact of aircraft movements giving consideration to:

a/c type selected Time of day or week to be least obtrusive.

In sensitive areas, develop the location of operational areas and transit routes in consultation with the any relevant parties or local authorities.

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To meet the requirements of this code operators shall: Assist flight crews and operations personnel to

develop responsible mission profiles without infringing on operational reality, without conflicting with CARs, ATC instructions, or a/c operating limitations.

These guidelines shall emphasize awareness of sensitive routes and landing areas.

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To meet the requirements of this code operators shall: For low level operations near populous areas, consider the fleet and select an aircraft type

that has the least intrusive noise footprint.

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Maintain a register of noise complaints including: the name and address of the complainant, location of the concern and the date and time to which the event refers. corrective and preventative actions undertaken

Evaluate and discuss with pilot concerned. Review procedures

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To meet the requirements of this code operators shall ensure all relevant staff:

attend the Fly Neighbourly training course

pass an assessment on the noise abatement procedures detailed in that course.

undergo recurrent training and assessment every three years.

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Operators shall ensure pilots awareness and understanding of the following is assessed during routine company flight checks (FCCC, Ag Comp.)

Contents and updates of manufacturers published noise abatement information (Flt. Manual Supps)

Documented company noise abatement policies and procedures

Operational noise minimisation techniques

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To meet the requirements of this code operators shall: As part of regular Management Review

Meetings (required under the AIRCARE Environmental Management System), ensure that the noise minimisation policy is considered to ensure that it is still relevant in respect to any changing conditions or legislation and that it is revised when required.

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To meet the requirements of this code operators shall: Educate customers about noise abatement

prevent or minimize conflicts between their expectations and company policy.

Where a User Group has been established maintain membership and take an active part in its activities.

Strive for continuous improvement .

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It is recommended that operators adopting this code of practice should: Where possible, when operations below 500ft

AGL are anticipated, arrange notification to all affected parties near the proposed flight path.

 Promote the safety record and the benefits of aircraft use to improve public acceptance of aircraft.

Develop good working relations with the media presenting favourable aircraft related media coverage of events, achievements and outcomes including Fly Neighbourly seminars.

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It is recommended that operators adopting this code of practice should: Engage in public relations to develop awareness of

the the company’s Fly Neighbourly Program through attendance at meetings of local government, government agencies, service clubs and environmental groups.

 Utilise demonstrations and press conferences covering such capabilities as fire fighting, emergency medical evacuation, search and rescue and the benefits of aircraft transportation to the general public.

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Land-owners Administrators Notify visitors / neighbour etc. who might be


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When aircraft operations are planned over sensitive areas, it is the responsibility of the Land Owner/Administrator to notify people who could be adversely affected by the aircraft noise.

Doing this will reduce the element of surprise and disappointment that often lead to frustration for visitors and owners/administrators alike.

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Examples: Restaurant / lodge owners - neighbours Visitors to the DOC Estate – a/c noise Visitors to National – a/c noise and track /

hut work Landowners/Administrators should work

with aircraft operators to identify flight routes that will cause the minimum of noise nuisance.

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Acceptance of aircraft activities is, in general, poor.

Engender acceptance. Provide media with : valid and favourable aviation related information

(e.g. press releases - good news stories) SAR ops, local police support, fire fighting

Get involved with Govt agencies – Influence their thinking and decisions Partner with them to promote your services

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Publicise F/N seminars and initiatives Front-foot it with:

Changes to operational practices Establishing a new base

Consider safety, operational and environmental issues

Develop a public acceptance program

Programs to prevent or resolve complaints Use the media to project positive relations

Utilise local, national and trade media Av News, Pac Wings, Kiwi Flyer etc.

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Fly Neighbourly Committee est. 1981 Matt Zucarro HAI Pres. Fly Neighbourly Guide Fly Neighbourly Pamphlet Responding to community concerns Sample complaint forms Training CD and DVD

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Introduction Recognise impact operations have on noise Recognising the risks in not addressing noise


Sources of helicopter noise Recognise the main noise generators on a

helicopter Recognise which noise source dominates each

flight regime

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Other factors influencing noise The effect of distance on sound The effect of temp, humidity and wind on sound The effect of terrain on sound

What manufacturers are doing Introduction to what steps manufacturers

are taking to reduce helicopter noise Understanding new design features being

examined for future noise reduction

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The pilots role in noise abatement Recognise the need for noise abatement Recognise the pilot attitude factors in

noise abatement General guidelines for reducing helicopter

noise Specific noise abatement procedures

Recognise the need for general noise abatement procedures

Noise abatement procedures specific to your make and model of helicopter

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Good noise - bad noise Aircraft make lots of it. Multiple noise sources from helicopter:

RotationalRotational (main & tail rotors) Directional downwards & forward

ImpulsiveImpulsive (BVI, TRI, HSI) Most obtrusive Most easily remedied

BroadbandBroadband Less obtrusive except start-up, hover

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Distance Double distance (or altitude) = 5-6 db noise

reduction = halved perceived noise Temperature

Lower temp= greater noise Humidity

Higher humidity – greater noise Wind

Downwind – greater noise Terrain

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Main rotor speed Design – blade structure, mechanics

Anti torque design Blade speed, blade spacing Alternatives (notar)

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Avoid noise sensitive areas Fly higher – fly slower over sensitive areas Reduce rrpm or prop rpm over sensitive

areas Modify flight profiles

Hover – climb – en-route –descent profiles Hover turns

Avoid BVI slap regions Situational (environmental)awareness

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Individual aircraft operating techniques for noise mitigation Be familiar with the ones you operate and put

them into practice

Pro-active liaison with community Be responsive to, record, and correct

community concerns and perceptions

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Be sure to complete name and other details

Closed book Tick the option(s) that is correct

Some questions may have more than one correct option

Rotary pilot questions /f/wing pilot questions Review answers Assessment by AIA Individual certificates issued by mail

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