aitken spence toastmasters newsletter v

About the Theme This edition of the Aitken Spence Toastmasters Club Newsletter is dedicated to the power that words can have: to inspire, to motivate, to convince, to sell, to market, to educate, to convey, to entertain, to heal and to communicate effectively. At the same time, words have the power to break, to destroy, to humiliate, to hurt. Choose your words wisely at all times because words have to power to create change. Whether that change is a positive or negative is your decision. Choose to make a decision to use words and create value. In this edition, we will look at the achievements of the Club since our last Newsletter and also provide some guidelines on how words can change the way your speech is heard. Advance wishes to all our members for a prosperous and happy Sinhala and Hindu New Year! The Editorial Team Pg 3 Pg 3 Word Bank Word Bank Pg 14 Pg 14 March March NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER Membership Membership Aitken Spence Toastmasters Club Aitken Spence Toastmasters Club Inform Member No. 2321352 Member No. 2321352 2014 2014 Lead Try Motivate Issue #5 Issue #5 Practice E n c o u r a g e Articulate Convince E n u n c i a t e Looking at Language Looking at Language P g 6 P g 6 P g 4 P g 4 C o n f i d e n c e Area's Best Area's Best Communicate Zest Inspire Amuse Pg 9 Pg 9 Zeal Determination Perseverance Observe Learn Success Lucid Oxymoron How Time Flies... How Time Flies... Pg 2 Pg 2 Together We Can... Together We Can... Together We Will! Together We Will! The Notice The Notice Board Board Pg 10 Pg 10 Listen

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Issue #5 of the Aitken Spence Toastmasters Club Newsletter. Theme of this newsletter is the Power of Words. Enjoy!


Page 1: Aitken Spence Toastmasters Newsletter v

About the Theme

This edition of the Aitken Spence

Toastmasters Club Newsletter is

dedicated to the power that words can

have: to inspire, to motivate, to convince,

to sell, to market, to educate, to convey,

to entertain, to heal and to communicate

effectively. At the same time, words have

the power to break, to destroy, to

humiliate, to hurt.

Choose your words wisely at all times

because words have to power to create

change. Whether that change is a

positive or negative is your decision.

Choose to make a decision to use words

and create value.

In this edition, we will look at the

achievements of the Club since our last

Newsletter and also provide some

guidelines on how words can change the

way your speech is heard.

Advance wishes to all our members for a

prosperous and happy Sinhala and

Hindu New Year!

The Editorial Team



g 3

Word BankWord Bank



g 14





Aitken Spence Toastmasters ClubAitken Spence Toastmasters ClubInform

Member No. 2321352Member No. 232135220142014 Lead




e #5


e #5


Encourag e

Articulate Convince Enunciate

Looking at LanguageLooking at Language

Pg 6

Pg 6

Pg 4

Pg 4

Confidenc e

Area's BestArea's Best



Inspire Amuse

Pg 9Pg 9 Zeal


Perseverance Observe



Success Lucid


How Time Flies...How Time Flies... Pg


g 2

Together We Can...Together We Can... Together We Will!Together We Will!










Pg 10Pg 10 Listen

Page 2: Aitken Spence Toastmasters Newsletter v

If we scaled down our term for 2013/14 to an

hour it’s already 9pm! We have just 3 hours

left till the Clock strikes Midnight and our

time is up! It seems like yesterday when the

new Ex-co took the reins of Aitken Spence

Toastmasters but In fact it has been 9

months. The Bar was set high by our Charter

President TM Azam Bakeer Markar leading

the club to achieve Golden Gavel status in

the very first year. The Gavel was then

handed to our new President TM Deepa

Silva who took the reigns and has taken our

club to even greater heights. We are now on

the path to achieve Golden Gavel Plus status

which is the new ideal to strive for.

The 2nd quarter ended with the beautiful

theme “Let your true Colours show”. Indeed

the 3rd quarter was very Colourful. It was

made colourful by the new members who

showcased their colourful personalities and

the existing members who came out of their

comfort zones and took up the challenge to

further their experience in the TM

educational program and also by taking part

in competitions. “As they say it’s not about

the end it’s about the journey”. This journey

has been wonderful and every meeting has

enriched the lives of those fortunate to


How Time Flies…How Time Flies…

Page 2

Being a corporate club, it is very

challenging to remain dedicated and

focused on Toastmastering. The stresses

of balancing personal time with corporate

pressures are hard enough without having

the added responsibility of Toastmastering

being thrust upon us. However it is

encouraging to see the commitment of all

the members who are dedicated to

keeping this club at the helm of this


The Aitken Spence Newsletter for the 3rd

Quarter is an appreciation for all

Toastmasters who are sacrificing their

valuable time towards the Club and

towards this esteemed Fraternity. Time

spent in Toastmasters is Time well spent!

Message from TM Mahen Panagoda, ACB, VP – Public Relations

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bership Building and maintaining the membership of a club is a crucial task for the

success of any Club, albeit a rather tough task. The Ex-Co of Aitken Spence

Toastmasters Club brainstormed on methods to attract members to the club

and it was unanimously agreed that the best option is to make the

membership experience a 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' one as

much as possible so that members are enthusiastic to attend the meetings

regularly. Pirates of the Gavel experience, themed meetings, joint meetings

with neighbouring clubs, educational sessions conducted by special guest

speakers are some of the more common activities carried out in the Club in

this effort.

A new method launched was the payment scheme made available for Aitken

Spence staff members. According to this system, members can request the

Company to pay the fees to Toastmasters International and reimburse the

cost to the Company from the salary in monthly installments at no interest.

We have seen many staff members utilise this system for the convenience.

Members were also informed about the Annual Membership Programme

of Toastmasters International; ● As a sponsor of five new members, members will qualify to receive a

unique sponsor's pin. And as an outstanding sponsor of 10 new

members, members will qualify to receive a special pin. ● Effective July 1, 2009, as a sponsor of 15 new members, members will

qualify to receive a special discount code for 25% off the next product

purchase from Toastmasters International World Headquarters. Discount

is not valid with any other offer.

Under this programme, it is noteworthy that TM Dilshan Silva has sponsored

4 members and TM Priyantha Dissanayake has sponsored 3 members. In

the run up to June, we hope both of them will qualify for the unique pins!

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new members who

joined in March 2014;

We bid adieu to the following members who are leaving Aitken Spence and

hence will no longer be part of the Club. Nonetheless, we extend an open

invitation to them to join us at any time! Thank you for being a valuable part

of our Toastmasters experience.● Suwaibith Suhail● Rajiv Silva● Dilshan Silva

● Shanga Jayawickreme ● Thusith Weerakoon● Janith Olagama

● Shamroz Hafeel● Niranjan Dharmathilaka

Page 4: Aitken Spence Toastmasters Newsletter v

Word Bank! Editor's Picks

One benefit of Toastmasters is that it helps people improve their grammar and word use.

Grammarians at each meeting have the opportunity to expand listening skills while helping other

members to improve their vocabulary, word use and grammar. In that respect, the Grammarian

should keep the following points in mind when selecting the word of the day;

● Choose a word that can be incorporated easily into everyday conversation but is different from

the way people usually express themselves. Make sure the word is not too difficult to

comprehend in a short span of time as that would make it difficult for members to actually learn

from the exercise.

● Always check the word for pronunciation, and correct use in a sentence. Try to give synonyms

and antonyms to the word so that members can associate the new word to words they are

already familiar with to help them use the word better.

● It might be a good idea to send the word of the day with the agenda so that members can learn

the word before they come and practice its use at the meeting.

● If possible, try and explain the history behind a word. This helps to remember the meaning of

the word and hence increase its usage.

● Use any easily available online tool such as or which detail the pronunciation, use of the word in a sentence,

synonyms, antonyms and on occasion, even the history behind the word.

With that, here is a list of word suggestions for future grammarians to use with URLs to find their

meaning followed by the most recent word of the day used by our Grammarian at the last meeting.

For the Grammarian's Word Bank (randomly picked words):

Regardless -

Mendacity -

Convoluted -

Salubrious -

Frantic -

Roseate -

Copacetic -

Punctilious -

Fervour -

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Candour (Grammarian – TM Dinal Edirisinghe)

Pronunciation: ˈkandə

Part of Speech: noun (Candour/candor)


● The quality of being open and honest; frankness.

"a man of refreshing candour"

Synonyms: frankness, openness, honesty, candidness, truthfulness, sincerity, forthrightness,

directness, lack of restraint, straightforwardness, plain-spokenness, plain dealing, plainness, calling

a spade a spade, unreservedness, bluffness, bluntness, outspokenness; informaltelling it like it is

"he spoke with a degree of candour unusual in political life"

Antonyms: guardedness, evasiveness, insincerity


Late Middle English (in the Latin sense): from Latin candor ‘whiteness’. The current sense dates

from the mid 18th cent.; the development of the senses paralleled that of candid.

Most Recent Word of the Day

Page 5

“But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.” ― George Orwell

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Looking at Language: Looking at Language: The Power of WordsThe Power of Words

Celebrating our most wonderful inventionExtract from Toastmasters International, August 2007

Written by Elizabeth Martin, ACS

Page 6

I love words. I always have. Any word – long, short, funny, serious, obscure or cliché – words are the fabric around which we humans weave ourselves.

Without words, I wouldn’t have a job, rap artists wouldn’t have any way to curse, and politicians would be demoted to mimes in the park.

Words are perhaps our most wondrous invention – beyond that of fire, even – for without words, what would we have called the blaze?

Humans love words, even at the beginning of our lives. Anyone who has kids remembers how fascinated they are when they discover words. That first expression of comprehension is priceless – their eyes widen, and you can see the light bulb shining.

After that, it’s a wordfest, as they point to everything moving or nailed down, wanting to know the word for it. I remember when my first daughter discovered the word ‘hippopotamus’ – she was three. We listened to so many variations of that word I was beginning to hate the Discovery Channel.

But soon she found another one – ‘hypochondriac’ – and went off again.

She learned new words daily, and is still making up her own at age 22. Now she has a new baby to find new words with.

How about the grade-school kid who learns a new spelling word and comes home and uses it constantly? I can’t count how many definitions my youngest girl tried to get for ‘tributary’ when she learned it – everything was a tributary of something. It was funny, but as I laughed, I realized she was defining the word by what it wasn’t, implanting it in her brain forever.

I take my words very seriously. When I write – whether it be a speech, a book review, magazine article or novel – I choose each word very carefully, looking for just the right meaning. I have found that synonyms aren’t always interchangeable, and sometimes you really need that $3 word to get your meaning across.

“Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say infinitely when you

mean very; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about

something really infinite.” ― C.S. Lewis

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“Toastmasters is all about words – using wordsto convince, amuse, impress and inspire”

Page 7

When I talk about my grandfather, I could say he was a cranky man. And that says it, maybe. But if I say he was a cantankerous old grump, there’s a clear picture in your mind of an old man who hated just about everything.

Besides meaning, there are some words that just sound better when you say them out loud. I think that’s what attracted my daughter to “hippopotamus.” It sounds neat to say.

Then there are those words that look good in print, but try as we might we cannot pronounce them. I still have problems with linoleum, chrysanthemum and aluminum. I mangle them no matter how slowly I say the words.

We all have words that cause the tongue to trip and land in a pratfall. These are such common problems that all kinds of

names have been given to them: Spoonerisms (a transposition of sounds – Sea shells she sells on the sea shore) and malaprops (ludicrous misuse of a word – “pineapple of politeness” instead of “pinnacle”) are two examples.

And words have power. If you doubt that, then answer this: Why does name calling among children cause such concern? If “sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me,” is true, then why are we so concerned about political correctness?

When I talk about my grandfather, I could say he was a cranky man. And that says it, maybe. But if I say he was a cantankerous old grump, there’s a clear picture in your mind of an old man who hated just about everything.

Besides meaning, there are some words that just sound better when you say them out loud. I think that’s what attracted my daughter to “hippopotamus.” It sounds neat to say.

Then there are those words that look good in print, but try as we might we cannot pronounce them. I still have problems with linoleum, chrysanthemum and aluminum. I mangle them no matter how slowly I say the words.

We all have words that cause the tongue to trip and land in a pratfall. These are such common problems that all kinds of names have been given to them: Spoonerisms (a transposition of sounds – Sea shells she sells on the sea shore) and malaprops (ludicrous misuse of a word – “pineapple of politeness” instead of “pinnacle”) are two examples.

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That’s why the Word of the Day is so popular – it expands our vocabulary and shares that power with everyone who can learn.

Ask what has been the most far-reaching invention of mankind, and you’ll get a number of answers. I will say it’s the printing press, because this invention made words – power – available to everyone, not just the elite. Words come out of the desire to understand, which leads to reading, which leads to literacy, which leads to questioning.

Toastmasters is all about words – using words to convince, amuse, impress and inspire. So the next time you craft a speech, pay particular attention to the words – the way they sound, what they mean, the connotations they convey. Use the power of words to improve your speech, to make your message more vital and appealing.

About the Author: Elizabeth Martin, ACS, is a member of Fairbanks North Star Borough Club and a professional writer. She lives in Fairbanks, Alaska.

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And words have power. If you doubt that, then answer this: Why does name calling among children cause such concern? If “sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me,” is true, then why are we so concerned about political correctness?

If names were truly powerless to cause harm, then ethnic jokes would not be taboo.

And the power of words can be used for both good and evil. People who know words can twist them, combining them with other words to make things sound good, often without really saying anything. Politicians are very good at this. Manipulators use words to trick people into believing whatever they want them to believe, and this lies at the heart of the influence that cults hold over their members.

What we call something defines that something, which is why names and labels can be so harmful. If too many people define you as worthless, you become that definition, because words have power.

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Page 9

Area's Best!Aitken Spence Toastmasters Emerge Victorious at Area Level

The club competition for Toastmasters

International Speech and Impromptu

Speech Competition was held this

February. It was encouraging to witness the

participation of several new members,

some for the very first time. TM Dinal

Edirisinghe was crowned champion at both

contests followed by TM Mahen Panagoda

who emerged 1st Runner up.

TM Imtiyaz Marikkar was the Chief Judge at

the competition. The Chief Judge made a

special remark at the closing of the

competition highlighting the quality of the

speakers which made it a very difficult to

select a winner.

TM Dinal Edirisinghe and TM Mahen

Panagoda represented Aitken Spence at

Lyceum International school.

This too was a tough battle. However at

the end Aitken Spence Toastmasters

emerged victories with TM Mahen

Panagoda emerging as the winner and

TM Dinal Edirisinghe being 1st runner

upin both contests.

TM Mahen and TM Dinal are set to take

the stage at the Division C contest which

is scheduled to be held at the Grand

Monarch Hall on the 6th of April 2014.

We wish them the best of luck and

here's hoping TM Mahen and TM

Dinal give other contestants from

Division C a tough battle on the 6th!

“Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. There are

no exceptions to this rule.” ― Stephen King

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The Notice BoardThe Notice Board

The Hunt for GoldAitken Spence Toastmaster’s insatiable lust for Gold set

us on a Hunt for Gold at the very beginning of our term.

This time the prize is Golden Gavel PLUS.

As this Toastmastering term draws to a close, the Golden

Gavel is once again in our sight. The plan we had set at

the beginning of our terms has been “so far- so good”. All

members are dedicated towards reaching excellence. We

have conquered goal after goal without compromising on

quality. The quality of our educational program has

undoubtedly grown in leaps and bounds.

As we enter into the last lap of this tenure we are

confident that Aitken Spence Toastmasters will not only

walk away with the Golden Gavel, but also with Golden

Gavel PLUS! This was the star we reached for and this is

what we will achieve!

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The New Year Resolutions Meeting

Aitken Spence Toastmasters ushered in the New Year

2014 in true Sri Lankan “Kevum + Kiribath” style! It was

the first Educational Session for the New Year and

special effort was made to bring in the Spirit of the

season and celebrate the start of a brand New Year. It

was indeed a delicious meeting with plenty of food for

the stomach as well as the mind.

The theme “Resolutions” ran throughout the meeting

kick started by a power packed Round Robin session.

The New Year Resolutions for our club was to achieve

the Golden Gavel PLUS award, Win all levels of TMI

speech awards, win all awards for membership and

increase our overall membership whilst enhancing the

experience of our educational program. Indeed it was a

tall order! Therefore it is with pride we can say that 3

months down the line we have stood strong to those


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Dawn of a New Era in Dawn of a New Era in ToastmastersToastmasters

History will be made this year as Toastmasters International revitalizes its Educational Program. The below article is an extract from the TMI website and it provides a brief overview of what is to be expected as we step into a new Era of Toastmastering. As the world changes, Toastmasters International is changing with it. That means offering more and better opportunities to grow and learn. Toward that end, the organization has exciting news to share: After much thought, research and analysis, Toastmasters is revitalizing its education program.

The first step of this journey began with the Board of Directors’ 2010 Strategic Plan, a blueprint for the future. The Board called for a

renewed focus on leadership and a modernized communication program. Since then, time has been spent researching and analyzing the existing program by conducting surveys with current and former members. In addition, Board committees focused on identifying the skills, competencies and attributes learned through the education program, and helped to guide a project plan for the updated program.

The program will debut in the 2nd half of 2014. This project, one of the organization’s most significant in recent memory, will have a profound impact on the lives of countless people. The enhanced program will offer:● Tailored learning to help

members meet personal and professional goals

● Communication and leadership skills relevant to real-world experiences in a globally evolving marketplace

● A clearer path for achieving education Awards

Is the foundation of Toastmasters changing? No. The traditional core of our education system will stay firmly in place.

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Achievement and recognition remain at the heart of the process. taking the learning

experience to the next level.

Technology will become a powerful tool. The revitalized program will marshal and

refine online resources to boost self-directed learning.

You will be able to harness technology to improve your speeches and meeting roles.

You will be able to access educational materials through mobile web applications on

your smart phones and tablets. Video will become a key learning tool. Expanded

digital content will be available, along with opportunities to reach around the globe

and learn along with members in other lands. With such far-reaching technologies at

your fingertips, you can expand your horizons on many levels.

Toastmasters International aims to leverage the power of this global organization

like never before. There is still much work to be done to ensure that the revitalized

program meets the goals and objectives of all members and remains true to the

foundation of the organization.

Program developers are working closely with two groups of member volunteers:

Learning Masters and Ambassadors. These members provide feedback and help

communicate the benefits of the enhanced program.

For further information please visit the below site:

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Together we can- Together we will!

“Toastmasters, every time you communicate, you have the power to touch, change the life of someone. The power given to, only us, by the creator. Thanks for being that one wonderful individual. Wishing you another Year of Paradise in communication and leadership.”- DTM Kumaran Pethi

The message of from our District Governor of District 82 for the New Year 2014 is an inspiration to all budding Toastmasters and non-Toastmasters alike. It was aptly titled ”Another Day in Paradise”. In his Message, DTM Kumaran Pethi gives a hearty farewell to 2013 and welcomes us all into the uncertain yet exciting 2014. He invites us to sit back and look at the opportunities and walls in front of us. The opportunities are ours for the taking and walls are meant to be torn down. The question he asks us is simple:

Q. Are you the person who tears away the wall in the lives of people or are you the one waiting for the wall to be torn?

The below answer may also sound simple.. but is it realy?

A. Either way when opportunity knocks, open the door, when the wall tears, you will someone to care for.

The New Year message of D82 reminds us of our true calling in Toastmasters. It is not just about improving our speaking skills and getting over our fear of public speaking. We have been given the opportunity to lead. We have been given the opportunity to touch lives. With the skills we gain from Toastmasters we can make a difference in the lives of those who need a voice.

Below is an extract of DTM Kumaran’s closing remarks. It makes us all feel proud to be Toastmasters.

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“A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language.” ― W.H. Auden