akanksha meerut_newsletter 15-16

 1 Akanksha Meerut  Newsletter 2015-16  Akanksha Meerut, contributes through development activities focusing on under-served and marginalised women and children of the State. Meerut’s administration officer’s wives contribute through volunteering their time and talents to the organization, which is besides their full time jobs. The participation of civil society members is another strength of  Akanksha, bringing in a strong community perspective and ensuring relevant and robust initiatives. We are pleased to inform that through the dedication of our members, this year we carried out various successful sessions for educating school students on important and relevant topics. Further, in collaboration with the school authorities the environment of government schools were also improved. In addition, the team has also taken up a new scope of work to improve menstrual hygiene in the district by promoting cheap sanitary pads. We are glad to present you Akanksha Meerut’s first Newsletter 2015-2016.

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Akanksha Meerut

Newsletter 2015-16

 Akanksha Meerut, contributes throughdevelopment activities focusing on

under-served and marginalised women and

children of the State. Meerut’s

administration officer’s wives contribute

through volunteering their time and talents

to the organization, which is besides their

full time jobs. The participation of civil

society members is another strength of

 Akanksha, bringing in a strong community

perspective and ensuring relevant and

robust initiatives.

We are pleased to inform that through the

dedication of our members, this year we

carried out various successful sessions foreducating school students on important and

relevant topics. Further, in collaboration

with the school authorities the environment

of government schools were also improved.

In addition, the team has also taken up a

new scope of work to improve menstrual

hygiene in the district by promoting cheap

sanitary pads.

We are glad to present you Akanksha

Meerut’s first Newsletter 2015-2016.

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During our visits to Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya

(KGBV) schools, the team identified various issues

pertaining to the hygiene levels maintained by students.This led us to carry out a session on importance of

personal hygiene at these schools.

Issues Identified

1.Students not takingbath daily

2.Students notcleanly dressed

3.Torn clothes notbeing stitchedtimely

4.Unorganised cup-boards

5.Unclean premises

6.Students with skindiseases

 Activities performed:

Fun and interactive sessions were organised in all theKGBV schools to instill the importance of maintainingpersonal hygiene amongst students.The session included:

- Animated video shown in Hindi on importance ofpersonal hygiene.

- Quizzes were taken to test whether students hadabsorbed all that was included in the session.

- Prizes distributed to students who were most cleanlydressed.

- Summer holiday project to prepare charts on impor-tance of hygiene was given.

Member taking session

on personal hygiene

Students watching animated video on personal hygiene

The team on every visit to KGBV schools distributes prizes to cleanly dressed students to motivatestudents.

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For the summer holidays, the team planned twoprojects for the students to work on during theirholidays. The first project required the students tomail a letter to their classmate’s residentialaddress. The aim of this project was to enablestudents to learn how to post a letter.Second project required each student to make achart on hygiene. This would again instill amongstthe students the need to maintain hygiene.The team distributed the required stationary to all

the students to complete their summer holiday


 A student showing the letter received by herfrom her classmate

Letters posted by students.

Charts prepared by the students on hygiene

Student with the stationary kitprovided to them for the projects

Prizes were distributed to students who completed their summer holiday projects.

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We identified the need to inform the parents and the

students about various schemes of the government that

are beneficial for their children. The team, thus, planned asession on parent teachers meeting (PTM) at KGBV

schools to inform them about these schemes and motivate

them to continue their child’s education. 

Session included

- Government officialsfrom different

departments spoke

about the various

schemes beneficial for


- Schemes included:

Kaushal Vikas Yojana,

Labour schemes,

Postal schemes, ITI,Syndicate bank train-

ing institutes, mone-

tary incentives given

by govt. for continuing

education, etc.

- Positive experiences

shared by girls who

are pursuing higher

education after pass-

ing out from KGBV.

- Success stories of

girls earning after

getting trained under

Kaushal Vikas Yojana/

ITI were shown

through video.

Government official explaining the scheme tothe parents and students

Parents readingabout the scheme

Video of girls earning Rs. 5k to 7k per month after being trainedunder the Kaushal Vikas Yojana

 As per KGBV guidelines,Rs100 shall be deposited inthe bank accounts ofstudents studying inKasturba with 90per centattendance.

However, 2 issues wereidentified. Non maintenanceof appropriate records andmajority of the students didnot have bank accounts.

We arranged for a visit bybank representatives in all

the schools to ensure thatall the students had theiraccounts opened. As on date, appropriate re-cords are being maintainedin schools and amount isduly being deposited instudent’s bank accounts. 

Further, we arranged for an Adhar card camp to ensurethat all the students inKasturba schools have

 Adhar cards.  Adhar cards being madefor students on PTM day.

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The team came across with issues pertaining to corporal punishment being prac-

ticed by teachers in few schools. The team thus, planned a session to highlight the

ill effects of practicing corporal punishment.

 Animated video in Hindi highlighting the

ill effects of practicing corporal

punishment was shown to both teach-

ers and students.

Students were required to fill forms

anonymously for evaluating the

behaviour of teachers on various

parameters towards students. Each

student gave marks to teachers on the

parameters given.

 After consolidating the marks, the

teachers with the highest were score

was awarded and shown as an exam-

ple for others to follow. In addition,

counselling of teachers with least marks

was done.

In collaboration with the child helpline

organisation, the students were in-

formed about the child helpline number


Session included

Video on corporal punishment

Students filling forms Anonymous form

Teacher with maximum marks were awarded

Students were informed about 1098.

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We noted that there was lack of extracurricular activities in KGBV schools. Thus, to

encourage regular extra-curr icularcompetitions amongst students in schools, theteam encouraged teachers to make 5 houses(groups). A house captain has been appointedfor each house whose responsibility is toensure the discipline and cleanliness of thestudents in her house.The team plans out monthly inter housecompetitions during its visit. Students divided into 5 houses

Badminton competition Rangoli competition Diwali skit competition

Tug of war competition Volleyball competition Extempore competition

Students cheering for theirhouses

Students celebrating their win Prizes being distributed to thewinning house

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During our visits to KGBV schools, we noted that inspite of ROs installed in majority

of the schools the girls were drinking water from the hand pumps situated in the

premises. To ensure that the water from hand pumps is safe to drink, the team or-ganised a session for testing the water and educating the students on importance of

safe drinking water.

Session included

Video was shown to students explaining the

importance of drinking clean water and ways

to keep drinking water clean.

Since majority of the students were drinking

water from the hand pumps, we got the water

tested from Neer NGO.

Results of the testing showed that the water

from the hand pumps contained lots of impu-

rities and was not safe for drinking. However,

the colour of the water from the RO remain


These results were shown to the students to

encourage them to drink water from either

the RO or after boiling water.

Post our session, we observed positive

response from students and the school

authorities. Water is now used for drinking

only after boiling or adding chlorine tablets or

treating water from RO. Campers were

bought to store water after being treated from

any of the above methods.

Video shown to students

Neer NGO member testing water

Impurities in water from hand pumps

Campers used to store RO/ boiled water

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On interacting with students we observed that in few

schools the teachers were hesitating in explaining the

students about menstruation. The team thus planned asession for spreading awareness about menstruation.

Points discussed

What is menstruationand why it occurs infemales?

Health benefits ofmaintaining menstrualhygiene

How to maintainmenstrual hygiene

Sperm of the fatherdetermines the sex ofthe child

 Adequate stock ofsanitary pads to bemaintained in schools

Motivate students tospeak up about anyproblems or infectionsthey were sufferingfrom

Haemoglobin testsshould be conductedby the schoolauthorities

Menstruation comicsin Hindi were added tothe library by the team

Video on menstruation shown toshown to students

Prescription of doctors

Through the medium of ananimated video, studentswere educated about thescience behind whyfemales get menstruation.The purpose was tosensitise girls that it wassomething very natural andempowering.Students were also

informed about the health

benefits of maintaining

menstrual hygiene and the

steps to maintain the same.

Remove the myth that the

sex of the child is

determined by mother.

Girls are being educated

that the sex of the baby is

determined by the sperm

of the father. So the blame

on the mother for the sex

of the child is not valid. 

Team member explaining howthe sex of the child isdetermined

Due to our session, students opened up to us about

issues they were facing regarding their menstruation.

We identified few girls who need to be consulted to a

doctor. The same were then shown to a doctor by the

school authorities. The warden was also asked to get

the haemoglobin of all the girls tested. The same has

been duly done at all the schools.

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To instill the habit of reading amongst KGBV school’s students, the members

planned to make the library more active.

Issue 1: The library was unorganised and being used as a storage for things apart

from books.

Solution 1: Library was made more organised.

Issue 2: No record for issue of books to students was being maintained.

Solution 2: A library register was asked to be maintained detailing the stock of

books in the library and the log for issue of books to students.

Issue 3:The standard of books kept in the library was too high for the students as

a result students had lost interest in reading books from library.

Solution 3: The team donated books as per the level of the students so that stu-

dents can again gain interest in reading. 

Unorganised library Organised library Library decorated with charts



With constant follow up from our

members, KGBV schools have

starting developing kitchen

gardens in their premises. This will

ensure additional nutrients in daily

diet of students. Further, students

will learn about the concept of

kitchen gardens.

Kitchen garden in one ofthe KGBV schools

Preparing for sowingseeds for kitchen garden

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During our regular checks, the team observed certain shortcomings in the hygiene

levels being maintained in the kitchen supplies store. 

Covered tins in thekitchen store

The pulses, poha etc. were be-

ing stored in open racks.

No step being taken to stop

the increasing rats in the store.

Due to carelessness of school

authorities, the tins were kept


Tins with lids were bought for

storing pulses, poha etc.

Rat traps were bought and

kept in the kitchen. Number of

rats have reduced since then.

With regular checks by the

team, discipline has been



We observed that appropriate health records

of students were not being maintained. Thus

the school authorities were asked to maintain

individual health cards of all students

containing the history of infections/ diseases

that the student has suffered, weight, height,

haemoglobin levels, etc.Health cards at KGBV schools



With the constant dedication and efforts of our members, a few other positive

changes have been brought about in KGBV schools.

- The hygiene levels being maintained by students have improved. They are more

properly and cleanly dressed.

- Improved cleanliness in KGBV schools

- Proper records of stock registers for uniform, stationary are being kept.

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 Arunachalam Muruganantham's revolution-

ary machine has been installed in Meerut

by the Government.

Gap Identified: Unutilised stock due to lack of distribution channel established. 

In March, the team has taken up this new scope of work of

spreading menstrual hygiene in the district.

 Action Plan: We in collaboration with Meerut’s administration shall spread menstrualhygiene by promoting these pads both in the city and rural areas of the district.

Meerut City - Action Plan

Rural Meerut - Action Plan

 A pilot project in three blocks of Meerut to identify the demand of sanitary pads and

promote their use in rural areas of Meerut with the help of network of Ashas.

 Action plan:

 Affordable sanitary pads

Sanitary pads manufacturing machine

Meeting with the senior doctors of the

three blocks.

Training Ashas of the three blocks on

why menstrual hygiene is important.

Monitoring the sales made by Ashas

Understanding the issues faced by

 Ashas during sale of the sanitary pads 

Spreading awareness about menstrual

hygiene in rural areas 

Distribution to hospitals in rural ar  

Thereafter, spread to other blocks.

Distribution to primary health centers in

rural areas 

Promotional events to be carried out in

the city. 

Distribution of sanitary pads to ration


Distribution to Madarsa schools and

inter colleges

Stock kept at all Govt aided shops

Distribution to hospitals in the city

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For the year ahead, Akanksha Meerut’s proposed activities: 

Improving education in KGBV schools

Organising self defence classes for students

Career counselling for students passing out from 8th class

Organising basic stitching classes for students

- Detailed curriculum to be developed which shall include monthly course

completion and tests to be taken.

- Records for each students performance in tests to be maintained.

- Akanksha team members to verify timely completion of the course.

- Team members to hold monthly quizzes.

For details on the activities performed by the team andfor future activities and updates, please refer ourFacebook page: Akanksha, Meeruthttps://www.facebook.com/akankshaMeerutDivision/?ref=bookmarks

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 Akanksha’s successful year could not have been possible without the dedication ofits members. We take this opportunity to thank all our members for their dedicated,

timely and efficient support for all of Akanksha’s activities. 


Preeti Sinha Ritu Yadav Nupur Chahal



Ritu ManglikTreasurer

Rachna Bathla Meera Singh

Kusum Dubey Shashi Gupta Rita Mishra Sushma

Pramodita Tiwari Chanderlekha Neetu Sinha Shail Jain