akb-national registry of archaeological sites in bulgaria

1 Archaeological Map of Bulgaria Archaeological Map of Bulgaria Online Repository, Structure, Design Online Repository, Structure, Design Arheologicheska Arheologicheska karta karta na na Bulgaria Bulgaria AKB AKB Nadezhda Nadezhda Kecheva Kecheva , PhD Student , PhD Student National Institute of Archaeology and Museum National Institute of Archaeology and Museum Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgaria Bulgaria What is AKB? What is AKB? A database that stores information for the A database that stores information for the archaeological sites on the territory of archaeological sites on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria Republic of Bulgaria(Decree No H (Decree No H - - 2 from April 6, 2011, Ministry of Culture) 2 from April 6, 2011, Ministry of Culture) AKB. AKB. Brief History Brief History Archaeological surface surveys in Bulgaria have almost Archaeological surface surveys in Bulgaria have almost 150 years of history 150 years of history 1913 1913 National Conference of the Archaeological Society; National Conference of the Archaeological Society; basic principles for formation and work methods basic principles for formation and work methods 1914 1914-1963 1963 Series of publications Series of publications Materials for Materials for Archaeological Map of Bulgaria Archaeological Map of Bulgaria1988 1988 Intensive work on the problem AKB; a handbook Intensive work on the problem AKB; a handbook for filling in information for archaeological sites for filling in information for archaeological sites 1990 1990 First version (in DOS) of First version (in DOS) of Automated Information Automated Information System System Arheologicheska Arheologicheska karta karta na na Bulgaria Bulgaria(AIS AKB) (AIS AKB) 2000 2000 Windows version of AIS AKB Windows version of AIS AKB 2010 2010 Internet version of AIS AKB Internet version of AIS AKB Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF (http://www.novapdf.com/)

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Page 1: AKB-National Registry of Archaeological Sites in Bulgaria


Archaeological Map of BulgariaArchaeological Map of Bulgaria

Online Repository, Structure, DesignOnline Repository, Structure, Design

ArheologicheskaArheologicheska kartakarta nana BulgariaBulgaria


NadezhdaNadezhda KechevaKecheva, PhD Student, PhD StudentNational Institute of Archaeology and MuseumNational Institute of Archaeology and Museum

Bulgarian Academy of SciencesBulgarian Academy of Sciences


What is AKB?What is AKB?

““A database that stores information for the A database that stores information for the

archaeological sites on the territory of archaeological sites on the territory of

Republic of BulgariaRepublic of Bulgaria””

(Decree No H(Decree No H--2 from April 6, 2011, Ministry of Culture)2 from April 6, 2011, Ministry of Culture)

AKB. AKB. Brief HistoryBrief History►►Archaeological surface surveys in Bulgaria have almost Archaeological surface surveys in Bulgaria have almost

150 years of history150 years of history

►►1913 1913 –– National Conference of the Archaeological Society; National Conference of the Archaeological Society; basic principles for formation and work methodsbasic principles for formation and work methods

►►19141914--1963 1963 –– Series of publications Series of publications ““Materials for Materials for Archaeological Map of BulgariaArchaeological Map of Bulgaria””

►►1988 1988 –– Intensive work on the problem AKB; a handbook Intensive work on the problem AKB; a handbook for filling in information for archaeological sitesfor filling in information for archaeological sites

►►1990 1990 –– First version (in DOS) of First version (in DOS) of Automated Information Automated Information System System ““ArheologicheskaArheologicheska kartakarta nana BulgariaBulgaria”” (AIS AKB)(AIS AKB)

►►2000 2000 –– Windows version of AIS AKBWindows version of AIS AKB►►2010 2010 –– Internet version of AIS AKBInternet version of AIS AKB

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AIS AKB. AIS AKB. StructureStructure

►►Based on the Based on the Handbook for filling in a registration card Handbook for filling in a registration card for AKBfor AKB (1990):(1990):

Types of archaeological sites, structures and findsTypes of archaeological sites, structures and finds

Chronological, cultural and Chronological, cultural and ethnoculturalethnocultural termsterms

OrographicalOrographical and hydrographical systemsand hydrographical systems

Types of soilsTypes of soils

Administrative regions in the countryAdministrative regions in the country

Types of land propertyTypes of land property

AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Registration CardRegistration Card

►►One registration card = One archaeological siteOne registration card = One archaeological site

►►A paper versionA paper version

►►Unique ID numberUnique ID number

►►Information for an archaeological site Information for an archaeological site –– single mound, single mound,

mound necropolis, settlement, etc.mound necropolis, settlement, etc.

►►Localization mapsLocalization maps

AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Strategy for designStrategy for design

►►Normative documents Normative documents –– a a DecreeDecree from April 6, 2011from April 6, 2011

►►A A nationalnational central database for information about central database for information about archaeological sites; creation and support by NIAMarchaeological sites; creation and support by NIAM--BAS BAS (a (a DecreeDecree from 2011)from 2011)

►►Access based on a specific structure (a Access based on a specific structure (a DecreeDecree from 2011)from 2011)

►►Access to data from certain regions after applying and Access to data from certain regions after applying and approvalapproval

►►Manually input dataManually input data

►►Facilitation of data entryFacilitation of data entry


AIS AKB: AIS AKB: WEBWEB--based Softwarebased Software

►►WEB framework ASPWEB framework ASP--CTL based on two main products: CTL based on two main products:

Classic Active Server Pages (ASP ) for WEB applicationsClassic Active Server Pages (ASP ) for WEB applications

newObjectsnewObjects ActiveX Pack One (ActiveX Pack One (AXPackAXPack), library), library

►►Database: Database:

SQLite3SQLite3, more specific , more specific –– implementation of implementation of AXPackAXPack –– working working

on one centralized serveron one centralized server

►►Active Local Pages software (ALP) Active Local Pages software (ALP) –– access through:access through:

Internet web site (Internet web site (naimnaim--bg.com/akbbg.com/akb/)/)

Desktop applicationDesktop application ((AKBViewerAKBViewer))

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AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Online RepositoryOnline Repository




CENTRAL DATABASE integrated in a WEB applicationCENTRAL DATABASE integrated in a WEB application

AIS AKB. AIS AKB. User InterfaceUser Interface

Log in

Registration cardStart/Edit

Search Filters

Print/Open in Word Document

Profile/Personal detailsAdministrationAdministration


AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Types of UsersTypes of Users

According to the According to the DecreeDecree from April 6, 2011:from April 6, 2011:

2National Administrators

28Regional Administrators


““All users should be All users should be ARCHAEOLOGISTSARCHAEOLOGISTS

with a GRADUATED with a GRADUATED Master Degree and Master Degree and WORKING in a WORKING in a

scientific organization scientific organization dealing with dealing with archaeological heritagearchaeological heritageconservationconservation””

AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Types of AccessTypes of Access

►►National AdministratorsNational Administrators::


Whole databaseWhole database

Give access to other users after applying and approvalGive access to other users after applying and approval

Export informationExport information

Editing all registration cardsEditing all registration cards

►►Regional AdministratorsRegional Administrators –– database of the corresponding database of the corresponding region with the possibility of partial editingregion with the possibility of partial editing

►►UsersUsers –– depend on the need and requestdepend on the need and request

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Registration Card. Input DataRegistration Card. Input DataData work in a WEB applicationData work in a WEB application

EditingNew Card Finish Use





Registration Card. Input DataRegistration Card. Input Data




AIS AKB. AIS AKB. GPS CoordinatesGPS Coordinates

Interface design in both languagesInterface design in both languages

Possibility for manually data entry in both Bulgarian and Possibility for manually data entry in both Bulgarian and


DropDrop--down terminology list only in Bulgarian down terminology list only in Bulgarian

AIS AKB. AIS AKB. LanguagesLanguages

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AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Main MenuMain Menu

Search by KeywordsSearch by Keywords

Search by FiltersSearch by Filters

AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Search by KeywordsSearch by Keywords

1.1. Keywords and optionsKeywords and options 2. Results2. Results 3. Options for each 3. Options for each

registration cardregistration card




AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Search by FiltersSearch by Filters After Keyword Search/FilterAfter Keyword Search/Filter


►►Open in a Word DocumentOpen in a Word Document

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Exports by NAExports by NA►►Exports to AKB database (.db) Exports to AKB database (.db) –– open in open in AKBViewerAKBViewer

►►Exports to CSV Exports to CSV –– open in a cartographic softwareopen in a cartographic software




AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Benefits

Database for all types of archaeological sites in BulgariaDatabase for all types of archaeological sites in Bulgaria

Normative documents that administer the systemNormative documents that administer the system

Easy access according to the regulation rulesEasy access according to the regulation rules

More precise localization using GPS coordinatesMore precise localization using GPS coordinates

More input information for sites More input information for sites –– maps, pictures, maps, pictures, documentsdocuments

Easy synchronization of the input informationEasy synchronization of the input information

Easy editing of input dataEasy editing of input data

Facilitated work and searchFacilitated work and search

Higher protectionHigher protection

AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Limitations

Presence of old Presence of old unactualizedunactualized registration cards:registration cards:

Limited and/or inaccurate informationLimited and/or inaccurate information

No GPS coordinatesNo GPS coordinates

Old windows version registration cards missing visualized Old windows version registration cards missing visualized topographic mapstopographic maps

Different intensity of data entry in different regions Different intensity of data entry in different regions resulting in partly inaccurate resultsresulting in partly inaccurate results

Lack of interactive topographic/satellite image of Lack of interactive topographic/satellite image of Bulgaria for archaeological sites positionBulgaria for archaeological sites position

Lack of open access version Lack of open access version

AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Scientific Scientific importanceimportance

►►Significant scientific reference bookSignificant scientific reference book

►►The most important source of information for analysis of The most important source of information for analysis of

a certain territorya certain territory

►►Data used in different scientific researchesData used in different scientific researches

►►Data used in PhD worksData used in PhD works

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AIS AKB. AIS AKB. Future Perspectives

Actualization of AKB database in full coverage of certain Actualization of AKB database in full coverage of certain areasareas

Topographic map and satellite image of the whole country, Topographic map and satellite image of the whole country, GISGIS

Connection of AKB with Bulgarian National Connection of AKB with Bulgarian National CadasterCadaster

Connection of AKB with similar systems of the Connection of AKB with similar systems of the

neighboring countriesneighboring countries

Creation of popular and open access version of the Creation of popular and open access version of the

system on the Internet with reduced informationsystem on the Internet with reduced information

AIS AKB.AIS AKB. Things to be considered…

Concept of AIS AKBConcept of AIS AKB

AKBViewerAKBViewer (working offline) (working offline) –– is it needed?is it needed?

WEB API (Application Programming Interface) WEB API (Application Programming Interface) ––federating what information?federating what information?

Data import? DropData import? Drop--down list difficultiesdown list difficulties

Combination of a centralized approach with a federation Combination of a centralized approach with a federation strategystrategy

AIS AKB. Development in the last 20 yearsAIS AKB. Development in the last 20 years

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. GeorgiGeorgi NekhrizovNekhrizov, NIAM, NIAM--BASBAS

AIS AKB. Internet Version 2010AIS AKB. Internet Version 2010

Michael Michael ElfialElfial

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