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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018 1 School Principal: Mr. Youssef Bou Skandar Student’s Name: ………………………………………..……….. Class: 10 / ………………… Scholastic Year: 2017 / 2018 Head of Department Mr. Niazi Abdelaziz Triki Supervisor: Mr. Mohammad Abd-Alsalam Prepared by the English Department Staff

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Page 1: Al-Ahmadi Educational Area - Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018 û Module three - Unit 7 lessons 1 & 2

Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


School Principal: Mr. Youssef Bou Skandar

Student’s Name: ………………………………………..………..

Class: 10 / ………………… Scholastic Year: 2017 / 2018

Head of Department

Mr. Niazi Abdelaziz Triki


Mr. Mohammad Abd-Alsalam

Prepared by the English Department Staff

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


Module three - Unit 7 lessons 1 & 2 S.B page 56 – 57

Power - the alternatives Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


crude oil fractional distillation

entirely polymer

finite refining

Fossil fuel

From a, b, c and d choose the right answer:

1. It is very expensive to carry out the ----------------------- process to make use of oil.

a- crude oil b- fossil fuel c- refining d- polymer

2. I have known Fahd for years. Since we were children, -----------------------

a- recently b- actually c- entirely d- briefly

3. Unfortunately, our supplies of food and water are -----------------------.

a- strong b- hazardous c- finite d- invisible

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[fossil fuel – crude oil – finite – entirely – polymer – fractional distillation]

5. Oil is made into --------------------------- for plastic.

6. --------------------------- is industrially refined to be purified to make other products.

7. I admit it was --------------------------- my fault. I shouldn't have done such a mistake.

8. We should always remember that our life is ------------------------. We'll die sooner or later.

9. --------------------------- is the separation of a mixture into its component parts, or fractions.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- What are the disadvantages of using oil and other fossil fuels?


2- Why is it necessary to develop new ways to provide energy?


3- What are the advantages of using renewable sources of energy? (renewable oils)


4- Oil can be used for different purposes after being refined. Mention some of them?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


Module three - Unit 7 lesson 3 W.B page 52 – 53

Power - the alternatives Words to remember

Word Part of speech






Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[invisible – resolve – spoil – entirely – megawatt]

1. If it rains tomorrow, this will probably ----------------- our trip to Failaka Island.

2. Being aware of the characteristics of teenagers, you can ----------------- any problem.

3. The aircraft is designed to be ----------------- to radars, but can this technology be used in cars?

4. A/An ----------------- is a unit for measuring electric power, which has the value of 1 000 000 watts.

From a, b, c or d choose the right answer:

5. Because the light went off, most of the food in the refrigerator had ------------------------.

a) spoiled b) invested c) diminished d) procured

6. Thank God. Most of the difficulties have been ------------------------. a) procured b) resolved c) spoiled d) generated

7. Bacteria are ------------------------ to the naked eyes, so we should use the microscope.

a) invisible b) strong c) irreversible d) hazardous

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1-What are the advantages and disadvantages of wave power?

Advantages: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Disadvantages: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2- What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy?

Advantages: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Disadvantages: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy?

Advantages: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Disadvantages: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


Module three - Unit 7 lessons 4 & 5 S.B page 58– 59

The power of technology Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


actually last

appliance motoring

breakdown strong


From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

1. The wind farm may be able to -------------------- enough electricity for 2000 houses.

a. generate b. motor c. last d. refine

2. Our trip was a disaster. We had frequent -------------------- before reaching our destination.

a. appliances b. polymers c. breakdowns d. distillations

3. We must get ready my friends. Our trip to Dubai will -------------------- for 5 days.

a. generate b. refine c. last d. resolve

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[motoring / spoil / appliances / last / actually]

5. How long do you think the programme will ------------------------?

6. Omar ------------------------ expected me to help him cheating, but I didn't.

7. I can't stand ----------------------- in a big city although it is a big chance to test your skills.

8. I lost a lot! I shouldn’t have spent all the money on these electric ------------------------.


Conditional if -Zero conditional:


☺If we heat water, it boils.

Usage: For facts or things that regularly happen. First conditional:-

☺ If you succeed in the exams, I will buy you a computer. Usage: For something that is likely to happen in the future

- Second conditional:

Usage: For something which is impossible in the present time.

☺ If I had a million pound, I would build a masjid. ( It is unlikely to happen now. )

If + present simple will + inf.

If + present simple present simple

If + past simple would + inf.

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


☺ If I were you, I would go to the doctor.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Ali would come to the party if he -----------------------.

a) can b) could c) will d) may

2- If you pass the test, I ----------------------- buy you a present.

a) might b) could c) will d) would

3- If he ----------------------- to my advice, I will punish him.

a) don’t follow b) didn’t follow c) doesn’t follow d) follow

Correct the mistakes in each of the underlined verbs.

1. If I felt thirsty, I drink water. --------------

2. I working hard if I want to pass tomorrow’s exam. --------------

Module three - Unit 7 lesson 6 W.B page 54– 55

From a, b, c and d, choose the right answer:

1- Water ----------------------- if the temperature falls below zero.

a. froze b. freeze c. will freeze d. freezes

2- If he's angry, his face always ----------------------- pale.

a. become b. becomes c. became d. has become

3- If you put your money in a savings account, you ----------------------- ten per cent interest.

a. got b. get c. is getting d. gets

4- I drink water if I ----------------------- thirsty.

a. feels b. feel c. felt d. have felt

5- The radio ----------------------- if the batteries are flat.

a. does not work b. did not work c. do not work d. not work

6- If the machine doesn't have enough oil, it -----------------------

a. does not work b. do not work c. did not work d. not work

7- If a balloon is filled with hot air, it -----------------------

a. rise b. rose c. rises d. is rising

8- Water changes into steam if it -----------------------

a. boils b. boiled c. boil d. was boiled

9- The machine stops automatically if something ----------------------- wrong.

a. went b. has gone c. goes d. go

From a, b, c and d, choose the right answer:

1. If he buys that expensive car, it ----------------------- him much.

a. costs b. cost c. will cost d. would cost

2. If the weather ----------------------- warm, we’ll go to the sea.

a. is b. was c. are d. were

3. Unless you pay the money, you ----------------------- to jail.

a. would go b. went c. will go d. go

4. His teeth will become bad if he ----------------------- much sweet.

a. had eaten b. eats c. will eat d. eat

5. He won’t catch the train if he ----------------------- early.

a. does not leave b. do not leave c. did not leave d. had not left

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


From a, b, c and d, choose the right answer:

1. If he succeeded, he ----------------------- the university.

a. will join b. would join c. joins d. joined

2. You would meet them if you ----------------------- earlier.

a. comes b. come c. came d. will come

3. If I were a bird, I -----------------------

a. would fly b. will fly c. fly d. flew

4. If you ----------------------- to him, he would forgive you.

a. will apologize b. apologizes c. apologized d. apologize

5. Our energy would last longer if we ----------------------- more careful.

a. had been b. are c. is d. were

From a, b, c and d, choose the right answer:

1- If you ----------------------- me, I’d have helped you.

a. had asked b. asked c. asks d. ask

2- He ----------------------- on time if he had left earlier.

a. would come b. will come c. would have come d. came

3- If I ----------------------- money, I’d have bought this car.

a. had b. had had c. have had d. has

4- If I had caught the bus, I ----------------------- late.

a. wouldn't have been b. will be c. would be d. weren't

5- I would have come to your party if you ----------------------- me.

a. invite b. invited c. had invited d. invites

Correct the underlined mistakes:

1 - If he has enough money, he would bought this car. -------------------- --------------------

2 - If you presses this button, the machine will starting. -------------------- --------------------

3- He would come early if you tell her. -------------------- --------------------

4- They would rescue him if they have heard his creams. -------------------- --------------------

5- If he is overweight, he won't be able to runs quick. -------------------- --------------------

6- If I had a lot of money, I would have buy the house. -------------------- --------------------

Module three - Unit 7 lesson 7-8 S.B page 60– 61

The power of technology

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


asthma motorist

congestion procure

consult recently

diminish self-employed

end up with smog

government squander

hazardous waste


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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

1. The team --------------------- several chances, including a penalty that cost them the game.

a. diminished b. consulted c. procured d. squandered

2. Is it possible that people with --------------------- can live without taking medicine?

a. waste b. asthma c. motorist d. smog

3. As I see it, the underground is the only way that can settle the traffic --------------------- .

a. congestion b. distillation c. breakdown d. waste

4. The big mistake he made has seriously --------------------- him in many people's eyes.

a. diminished b. consulted c. procured d. squandered

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[recently / end up with / self-employed / hazardous / irreversible]

5. My brother has --------------------- been promoted to Assistant Manager.

6. Smoking causes --------------------- damage to your lungs. It is really fatal.

7. Though sailing in bad weather is ---------------------, many people enjoy it.

8. The government can't provide all citizens with jobs. We have to be ---------------------.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- How can we save energy in cars?


2- How can we save energy at home?


3- What might happen if we don’t save energy?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Language Functions

A) What would you say in the following situations:

1. Your friend bought a new watch.


2. A young man is trying to push his car.


3. Your friend said that fossil fuels are infinite.


4. Your friend stayed late at night, he is very tired.


5. Your classmate is getting unfit because he always eats too much.


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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018



Translate the following into good English:

خالد: يجب على الدول إن تبحث عن مصادر بديلة للطاقة مثل الطاقة الشمسية وطاقة الرياح.

.حلهاالطاقة سينتهي بنا المطاف بمشاكل بيئية لا يمكن توفير علي: إذا لم نفعل شيآ ل

Khalid :………………….……..………………………………………………………………


Ali: ………………………………………………………………………………………………


Module three - Unit 8 lessons 1 & 2 S.B page 62 – 63

The power of technology Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part speech


contact lens late

cure-all micro-robot

currently nanoshell

draw satnav

gold-coated shock

innovate sophisticated

instantly tumour

From a, b, c, and d choose the correct word:

1. How horrible! The X-rays have proved the existence of a brain ------------------------ .

a. tumour b. nanoshell c. satnav d. shock

2. It’s said a ------------------------ can be implanted in your body to fight disease.

a. shock b. satnav c. nanoshell d. lens

3. Hold on please. I am groveling around on the floor, looking for my -----------------------

a. micro-robot b. contact lens c. satnav d. cure-all

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[contact lenses / innovate / draw / cure-all / instantly]

5. The lady was killed ----------------------- when her car hit the tree.

6. Microsoft Company managed to ----------------------- a new operating system.

7. Scientists are working hard on a / an ----------------------- drug to relieve all pains.

8. I usually wear -----------------------, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- Modern technology is important. Are you for or against it? Justify your answer?


2 -Mention some examples of modern technology and its benefits.


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module three - Unit 8 lesson 3 W.B page 58 – 59

The power of technology

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


bio-fuel outlandish

implement suspension

obstacle windscreen wiper

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[outlandish / implement / obstacles / suspension / bio-fuel / windscreen wiper]

1. The car is supplied with ------------------------- which reduces the uncomfortable effects.

2. I can no longer stand hearing such ------------------------- ideas! It’s really hallucination!

3. The government must overcome the ------------------------- of poverty and illiteracy.

4. Despite such bad conditions, they managed to -------------------------their plan competently.

From a, b, c, or d choose the correct answer:

1. I wish all vehicles would use ------------------------- to reduce air pollution.

a. bio-fuel b. obstacle c. suspension d. tumour

2. I changed the ------------------------- of my car because the rubber is worn out.

a. tumour b. suspension c. satnav d. bio-fuel

3. While carrying out the project, try to avoid any ------------------------- which may face you.

a. anniversary b. heart rate c. torso d. obstacle

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1-Thanks to modern technology, how will cars change in the future?



2 -Why is bio- fuel preferable to petrol as a fuel source?



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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


Module three - Unit 8 lessons 4 & 5 S.B page 64– 65

The power of technology Word

Part of speech Meaning Word

Part of speech Meaning

bifocal obedient

frequent patient

instigate reputation

legible software


From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

1. I have a headache. Maybe I need to buy ---------------------- glasses.

a. bifocal b. legible c. obedient d. patient

2. The poor customer services of some companies ruin their ----------------------

a. spot b. reputation c. software d. cure-all

3. We should be so ---------------------- to our parents and grandparents.

a. bifocal b. legible c. obedient d. patient

4. I cannot read the message he has just written. His handwriting wasn’t -------------------

a. legible b. patient c. outlandish d. frequent


Expressing abilities, possibilities and obligations

[can / could / be able to / must / should]; wish + simple past / past perfect

(Can / could / be able to)

(Check Grammar file, Unit 5, page 129)

◗ For some tenses, we have to use the verb be able to + the base form:

Future: I hope I’ll be able to come to your graduation.

Present perfect: She hasn’t been able to find a new job.

Infinitive: I’d like to be able to climb mountains


A Form (Must + base form)

Statements: You must be more careful with your money.

Questions: Do I have to get a new passport?

Negative forms: You mustn’t drive someone’s car without asking them first.

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


Note: The more normal way of asking questions is: Do I have to…?

This is better than: Must I…?

◗ The form must does not change with different pronouns:

I must / mustn’t He must / mustn’t, etc.

◗ We use must / mustn’t to refer to the present and the future:

You must pay your university fees either today or tomorrow.

◗ For some tenses we use the verb have to + base form.

Past simple: I had to pay a large fine.

B Use / Meaning

1 Must / mustn’t is used for obligations that the speaker feels strongly about:

I must finish this letter before I go to bed. / You must wear a seat belt at all times.

2 We also use must / mustn’t for strong advice or recommendations:

You must see your doctor – you look terrible!

3 We use the negative, mustn’t, to tell someone not to do something or to say that something

is wrong.

You mustn’t steal. / You mustn’t make a noise after midnight.

Note: We use mustn’t or can’t to refer to things people are not allowed to do:

You mustn’t / can’t eat in the library.

4 For rules or laws, we normally use have to / don’t have to, but if you personally agree

strongly with the rule or law, use must / mustn’t:

You must wear a school uniform. / You mustn’t make a loud noise in public places.

You have to register with the police. / You don’t have to pay for water in restaurants.

Wish + simple past / past perfect

We use wish + the past simple tense of the verb to express that we want a situation in the

present (or future) to be different:

a. I wish I spoke Italian. (I don’t speak Italian.)

b. I wish I had a big car. (I don’t have a big car.)

We use wish + the past perfect tense of the verb to express a regret, in the past to be different:

a. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much. (I ate a lot.)

b. I wish they’d come on holiday with us. (They didn’t come on holiday with us.)

I wish + past simple

To express that we want a situation in the present to be different

Choose the correct answer:

1. He earns a lot of money but he ………….. to work ten hours a day.

a. has b. must c. should d- can

2. I ………….. forget to pay him the money I owe him.

a. don't have to b. must c. shouldn't d- could

3. Students ………….. pay for their books. They are free.

a. don't have to b. mustn't c. shouldn't d- can

4. You ………….. use his mobile phone without asking him. It's wrong.

a. don't have to b. mustn't c. shouldn't d- can

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


Correct the underlined mistakes in each of the following sentences:

1- He have to take his medicine before go to bed. --------- ----------

2- Mobile phones will continue to got smaller and most sophisticated. --------- ----------

Match the following adjectives with the proper prefixes to form their negative: formal – frequent – friendly – honest – legal – legible – obedient – patient – polite – regular – relevant - tidy

un-.............................. in-.............................. dis-.............................

ir-............................... il-.............................. im-.............................

Module three - Unit 8 lesson 6 W.B page 60 – 61

Correct the underline words:

1- Students should speak loud in the library. ………………… …………………

2- Could you reads this statements for me, please? ……………….. …………………

3- Should you helping me move this table, please? ………………… …………………

4- He mustn't be more polite in order to has more friends. …………… …………………

Correct the underlined mistakes:

1- There is no one in home. I wish I remembers my keys.………………… …………………

2- Oh no! It's broken. I wish I touching them. ………………… …………………

3- I'm late with school. I wish I woke up earlier. ………………… …………………

4- Your coat look warm. I wish I leaves mine at home. ………………… …………………

5- I failed on my English exam. I wish I studied more. ………………… …………………

6- It's raining now. I wish we brings a umbrella. ………………… …………………

7- I wish I studied harder when I were young. ………………… …………………

8- I wish you took care at the baby earlier. ………………… …………………

9- She wish she went to the party last night. ………………… …………….…

10- I wish I not eat too much on the party yesterday. ………………… …………….…

11- Fahd speak Italian. I wish I had spoken Italian too. ………………… …………….…

12- My car is small. I wish I has a biggest one. ………………… …………….…

13- That poor man is at trouble. I wish I can help him. ………………… ……….………

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d:

14- You ………………… stop when the traffic light is red.

a- should b-must c- would d- could

15- He should ………………… carefully in snowstorms.

a- driven b- drive c– driving d- drives

16- They would ………………… the situation if they worked harder.

a- change b- changed c– changes d- changing

From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer: 1- When the fog lifts, we ………………… to see clearly

a. can b. could c. will be able d. may

2- I am an adult. I ………………… to understand teenagers.

a. am unable b. won't c. can't d. could

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


3- If he knew your address, he ………………… come to see you.

a. would b. might c. can d. must

4- I had no key, so I ………………… lock the door.

a. can't b. wasn't able to c. might not d. must

7- Employers ………………… reach their offices on time because of the heavy traffic.

a. can b. must c. could d. can't

8- You ………………… drink this water. It is full of dust.

a. have to b. shouldn't c. wouldn't d. can

9- ………………… you mind opening the door?

a. Should b. Would c. Could d. Can

10- I ………………… like to know where you have been.

a. should b. would c. could d. can

From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer:

1- I think I must ………………… again.

a) to try b) trying c) try d) tries

2- Amna may ………………… from London tomorrow.

a) arrive b) arriving c) arrived d) will arrive

3- You should ………………… here.

a) don't smoke b) not smokes c) no smoking d) not smoke

4 - She doesn't ………………… pay for water in restaurants.

a) has to b) had to c) have to d) must

5- Long ago, people ………………… move from place to place easily.

a) can b) couldn't c) could d) should

From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer:

1- Khaled never seems to get tired. I wish I ………………… his energy.

a. have b. has c. have had d. had

2- The flat was great, but I wish I ………… used to the constant noise from the street below.

a. got b. can get c. had got d. gets

3. I'm sleepy today. I wish I ………………… Ali to the airport late last night.

a. weren't taking b. hadn't had to take c. didn't have to take d. didn't


4- Alice didn't get good grades. She wishes she ………………… harder.

a. had worked b. worked c. works d. was working

5- Tom likes football very much. He wishes he ………………… a professional football


a. become b. became c. becomes d. had become

6- He was running very fast when he had a heart attack. I wish he ………………… so fast.

a. hadn't run b. didn't run c. doesn't run d. wasn't running

7- She's keen on computers. She wishes she ………………… computer science last year.

a. study b. studies c. studied d. had studied

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Al-Ahmadi Educational Area Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Sec. School Book 10 Second Term 2017/2018


8- I am sorry I don’t know how to use the computer. I wish I ………………… how to use it.

a. know b. had known c. knows d. knew

9- I stayed late at work and missed the last bus. I wish I ………………… at work late.

a. hadn't stayed b. didn't stay c. don't stay d. doesn't stay

10- I don't like my job much. I wish I ………………… something more interesting.

a. had done b. did c. do d. am doing

11- I drive a Citroen car. I like it but I wish I ………………… a BMW.

a. bought b. had bought c. buy d. will buy

12- I have worked for 10 successive hours. I wish I ………………… at home in bed.

a. would be b. had been c. am d. were

13- I can't come to the party. I wish I………………… a break.

a. had taken b. took c. take d. can take

14- I don't have enough money. I wish I ………………… rich now?

a. were b. are c. would be d. had been

15- We live in a small house. We wish we ………………… in a big one.

a. live b. had lived c. would live d. lived

Module three - Unit 8 lessons 7 & 8 S.B page 66– 67

The power of technology Word

Part of speech Meaning Word

Part of speech Meaning

anniversary torso

heart rate transmit

recharge trespass

remind wearer


From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

1. As far as I know the information is ---------------------- and got electronically.

a. recharged b. trespassed c. reminded d. transmitted

2. The air bag is intended to protect the---------------------- and the head of the car driver.

a. torso b. anniversary c. heart rate d. wearer

3. My parents always ---------------------- us to read the Holy Quran daily.

a. recharge b. trespass c. remind d. transmit

4. February 25th is the ---------------------- of the Independence Day of Kuwait.

a. torso b. anniversary c. heart rate d. wearer

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[heart rate – wearer – trespass – recharge]

5. Clothes say a lot about the ----------------------.

6. Do you know how to measure the ---------------------- of the patient?

7. Oops! The battery is too low! I have forgotten to ---------------------- it.

8. Can’t you read that sign? We aren’t allowed to ---------------------- this military area.

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Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- Smart Clothes might help save lives in the future. Discuss.


2- Housewives think that robomates are important to do boring jobs. Explain.


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Write what you would say in the following situations.

1-Your brother took your laptop and now you need it.


2- You did something wrong and you want to apologize.


Language Functions

What would you say in the following situations?

1-You arrive to school late. Your teacher is upset.


2- Your brother took your laptop and now you need it.


3- You cannot fix your mobile phone, but your friend does.


4-You did something wrong and you want to apologize.


Translate the following into English:

في السنوات القادمة سنكون قادرين على شراء الثلاجات الذكية التي ستخبرنا بشكل آلي عندما ننفذ من الطعام. علي:…………………………………..………………………………………………………………

نهاية الازدحام المروري و حوادث السيارات. وسنرى حق . معك ناصر:…………………………………..………………………………………………………………

Module three - Unit 9 lessons 1 & 2 S.B page 68 – 69

MONEY Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


accounting invest

barter investment

confidentiality loan

economics management

insurance transaction

Choose the most suitable answers from a, b, c and d:

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1. Governments must reduce taxes to encourage …………………….

a. investment b. loan c. management d. accounting

2-The relationship between the lawyer and the client should be based on ………………..

a. transaction b. confidentiality c. economics d. insurance

3- Ahmed graduated last year, and now he is taking a job at a/an …………………. firm.

a. transaction b. loan c. confidentiality d. accounting

Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list:

(invest – confidentiality – insurance – management – transactions)

1- The bank manager must respect the ------------------------ of the clients.

2- My father works for a /an ----------------------- company in Salmiya.

3- He's not certain whether to ----------------------- his money or not.

4- Our local bank encourages the clients to do their --------------------- online.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

In your opinion what are the qualities needed to be a good bank manager?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module three - Unit 9 lesson 3 W.B page 64 – 65 MONEY

Words to remember

Word Part of speech






tax return

Choose the most suitable answers from a, b, c and d:

1. My brother and I are going to take part in a ---------------------- organization.

a. extinct b. evil c. complimentary d. charitable

2. They will ---------------------- a lot of money after their grandfather’s death.

a. inherit b. invest c. transmit d. resolve

3. He’s well known for being a/an ---------------------- businessman who likes to help the poor.

a. sophisticated b. philanthropic c. invisible d. interpersonal

4. You must submit a ---------------------- to show the amount of money you earned annually.

a. billionaire b. tax return c. management d. transaction

Fill in the spaces with the suitable word(s) from the list:

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[philanthropic / billionaire / inherit / tax return / charitable]

5. I work for a -------------------- organization that always offers help to the needy.

6. A self-employed person must fill in a/an ---------------------- to give information about

how much they have earned in a year.

7. I wish I were a/an ----------------------. I would build mosques and help the poor.

8. Children ---------------------- their parents' body types and health. They look like the same.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- How has Warren Buffett lived?


2- How did Buffet make most of his fortune?


3- In your opinion, how can you make a fortune of your own?


4- In your opinion, what is the importance of donation in our society?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module three - Unit 9 lessons 4 & 5 S.B page 70 – 71 MONEY

Words to remember

Word Part of speech







Fill in the spaces with the suitable word(s) from the list:

[auction / complimentary / login / shipping / tax]

1- The restaurant offers valet parking as a----------------------- service. It is for free.

2- They're holding a/an ----------------------- of jewelry in two weeks.

3- There has been a big increase in online -----------------------.

4- Your ------------------------ to your computer must be confidential. No one knows it.


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From a, b, c and d, choose the right word:

1. These drinks are complimentary. You ……………. pay for them.

a. must b. mustn’t c. don’t have to d. have to

2. You …………………… drive someone’s car without asking for permission.

a. should b. mustn’t c. must d. have to

3. You ……………………. be more careful with your money.

a. mustn't b. has to c. don't have to d. should

4. You ………………… eat in the school library. It’s completely forbidden.

a. must b. should c. mustn’t d. have to

Module three - Unit 9 lesson 6 W.B page 66 – 67

From a, b, c and d, choose the correct answer:

1- I think I'd better ………………… again.

a- to try b- trying c- try d- tries

2- Amna may ………………… from London tomorrow.

a- arrive b- arriving c- arrived d- will arrive

3- You should ………………… here.

a- don't smoke b- not smoke c- no smoking d- not smoke

4- Customers don't ………………… pay for water in restaurants.

a- has to b- had to c- have to d- must

5- A long time ago, people ………………… move from place to farther places easily.

a- can b- couldn't c- could d- should

6- Muslims ………………… keep praying regularly.

a- should b- ought to c- mustn't d- have to

7- He said that it ………………… rain sooner or later.

a- could b- have to c- should d- has to

8- When the fog lifts, we ………………… to see clearly.

a- can b- could c- will be able d- have to

Module three - Unit 9 lessons 7 & 8 S.B page 72 – 73

MONEY Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


affluent in this sense

evil profit

extinct spur

generosity success


From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

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1- He is ----------------------- and can afford to send his children to foreign based schools.

a. affluent b. evil c. extinct d. complimentary

2- She makes a big ----------------------- from selling waste material to textile companies.

a. success b. profit c. generosity d. auction

3- Many species of animals became ----------------------- due to illegal hunting.

a. charitable b. evil c. extinct d. affluent

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[evil – profit – generosity – spur – extinct – grossed]

1- The company ---------------------- over three million dollars last year.

2- All companies operate in the market and therefore have to produce a ---------------------.

3- Parents are always keen on keeping their children from ---------------------- company.

4- He was known for his----------------------- to his colleagues, so they all love him.

5- A lot of trades have become ----------------------- due to the development of technology.

Set Book Questions

1- Do you think that money makes the world go round? Justify


2- Money is said to be the root of all evil. How far do you agree or disagree? Justify?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Write what you would say in the following situations:

1- Your cousin is going to drive his father's car without permission.


2- A friend claims that money is the most important thing in life.


Module Three - S.B page 74

Focus on The National Assembly Building

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- How is the Kuwait National Assembly of great significance?


2- Why is Kuwait National Assembly an expressionist building?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

From a, b, c or d choose the most suitable answer:

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1. ………………… he arrives, we will have lunch.

a. Although b. As soon as c. Even though d. While

2. He gave me a call ………………… he came back home.

a. when b. although c. though d. even though

Correct the underlined mistakes:

3. Despite it was raining heavily, they play football. ………… …………..

4. He got the better marks at school and he studied very hard. ………… …………..

5. Hamad is go to lose the game because he plays with slow player. ………… ……..….. Translate the following into English:

الحالي.تعتبر المقايضة من الصفقات القديمة التي لم يعد الناس يقومون بها في الوقت أحمد:

…………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………… .ةالإلكترونييستطيع الناس ان يقوموا بالبيع والشراء عن طريق المزادات ناصر:



Quiz 1

Total Mark (60)

(15)Vocabulary -I

A)- Choose the most suitable answers from a, b, c and d: (3 X 5 = 15)

1. Don't plug in an electrical …………….. with wet hands – you will get an electric shock.

a- megawatt b- motoring c- appliance d- congestion

2. I need to ……………… with my lawyer before I can sign the contract.

a- diminish b- consult c- procure d- squander

3. He is a …………….. visitor to the country, and knows all the best places to visit.

a- legible b- obedient c- bifocal d- frequent

II-Grammar (15)

B)- Correct the underlined mistakes: (3 X 5 = 15)

4. If it snowed heavy, schools will be cancelled for the day. ……………… ………………

5. I don’t like my work. I wish I can get a better job. ………………

V-Writing (30)

Write a paragraph about how technology will change our lives in future.

(6 sentences/60 words).









Quiz 2

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A. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)

1. I need to buy an electrical ……………….. from this mall.

a- appliance b- smog c- congestion d- asthma

2. My friends ………..her money on very silly items.

a- spoiled b- squandered c- resolved d- diminished 3. Be careful, wearing……………….. frequently could harm your eyes

a- nanoshells b-micro-robots c-contact lenses d- polymers

II. GRAMMAR (15 Marks)

Correct the underlined mistakes: (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)

4. If they have enough time, they would gave us a hand. ……………. ……………

5. I wish you attend my birthday party. It was amazing. …………….

V- Writing (30 Marks)

We live in the era of technology, which can't live without. However it has many advantages

and disadvantages. Discuss this topic in 6 sentences of your own.









Quiz 3

A- Choose the correct answers from a, b, c and d: (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)

1- Water is used to ------------------- electricity in many developed countries.

a) last b) generate c) resolve d) spoil

2- We should respect the citizens who are ------------------ to the law.

a) frequent b) patient c) outlandish d) obedient

3- Japanese electrical and electronic -------------- have a durable reputation.

a) appliances b) crude oil c) fossil fuel d) break down

II. GRAMMAR (15 M Marks)

B- Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: (3 x 5 = 15 Marks)

4- The football team lose the match yesterday. They wish they train hard. ……..… ………

5- I wish I be a pilot. If I were a pilot, I would tour the world. …………...…..

III-Writing (30 Marks)

Write a paragraph of (6) sentences about "science and technology."





Module four - Unit 10 lessons 1 & 2 S.B page 78 – 79

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Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


composure injustice

constancy insolence

enjoin self-restraint


Choose the most suitable answers from a, b, c and d:

1- Ali’s ……………….. cost him losing all his friends. They all hate his way of treatment.

a. gratefulness b. insolence c. border d. constancy

2- The Holy Qur'an ………………. us to be good to our parents and the elderly.

a. smuggles b. overtakes c. enjoins d. re-loads

3- After he had regained his…………………., he began to speak quietly and gently.

a. fleet b. injustice c. composure d. deadline

Fill in the spaces with the suitable word(s) from the list:

(self-restraint – injustice – gratefulness – constancy – stacks of)

1- What distinguishes Khalid more is his ……………….. of working hard.

2- Offering our mothers presents shows our respect and …………………. to them.

3- The sight of people suffering aroused a deep feeling of ………………….. in the world.

4- Ali was calm though he heard bad words. He showed admirable…………. and kindness.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- What different types of stories are there in the Holy Quran?


2- In your opinion, how do the stories in the Holy Quran benefit us?


3- What pieces of advice did Luqman give to his son?


4- Suggest some forms of the virtues that Luqman stresses on!


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module four - Unit 10 lesson 3 W.B page 76 – 77

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Words to remember

Word Part of speech






Choose the most suitable answers from a, b, c and d:

1- My friend ---------------------- from his job and started his own business. a. smuggled b. overtook c. retired d. recuperated

2- My uncle ---------------------- as I told him how I lost my way home. a. chuckled b. retired c. smuggled d. overtook

3- Maher is very angry and sad because the trainer spoke to him so ---------------------- a- kindly b. firmly c. slowly d. friendly

Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list:

(fleet / firmly / retires / chuckled)

1- My father will set up his own business after he ---------------------------.

2- My friend's father is a wealthy man. He has a --------------------------- of boats.

3- In my opinion, I think that instructions should be given ---------------------------.

4- My friend --------------------------- when I told him that I lost my way home.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- What makes a person satisfied and happy in life?


2– In your opinion, what can people do after retirement?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module four - Unit 10 lessons 4 & 5 S.B page 80 – 81

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Stories Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


border set off

drop off smuggle

pick up sudden

register touch down

re-load turn up

Choose the most suitable answers from a, b, c and d:

1- You must have a valid passport to cross the --------------------- of any country.

a. stack b. composure c. constancy d. border

2- Unfortunately, nobody came to -------------------- at the airport.

a. overtook b. dropped off c. knocked off d. picked me up

3- I tried to -------------------- the bus, but unfortunately, a speeding car knocked me off.

a. overtake b. drop off c. smuggle d. touch down

4- The first thing you must do at the airport before travelling is to --------------------

a. touch down b. recuperate c. register d. reload

Fill in the spaces with the suitable words from the list:

(fleet – sudden – smuggle – set off)

5- This woman was caught trying to ------------- more than 25 mobile phones into the country.

6- It's said the footballer had had a --------------- heart attack during the first half of the match.

7- My friends will --------------------- for the airport at 11 o’clock as the plane leaves at 3.


Adverbs of manner:

A- Form: Most adverbs are formed by adding –ly to an adjective

* He is a dangerous driver. * He drives dangerously.

* She is a slow worker. * She works slowly.

B- Some adverbs have the same form as adjectives:

* He is a fast driver. * He drives fast.

* She is a hard worker. * She works hard.

USE: We use adverbs of manner to describe how someone does something.

Used to

The construction 'used to' describes a past action.

a- He used to travel everywhere by taxi.

b- He used to drive his car fast.

Correct the underlined words:

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1- Fahd is a dangerously persons. …………………. ………………….

2- Khaled is an carelessly driver. …………………. ………………….

3- Ali is a hardly workers. …………………. ………………….

Module four - Unit 10 lesson 6 W.B page 78 – 79

1- In the past, people didn't used to travel by plane, didn't they? ………..… ………….

2- No they did not. They use to travelling by land and sea. ………..… ….……….

3- How long did a boat used to takes from England to Hong Kong? ……….… ………….

4- A boat use take about three weeks. ………..… ………….

5- Wow, did not they used to got bored? ………..… ………….

6- No, they use to spend their time reading or play board games.………..… ………….

Module four - Unit 10 lessons 7 & 8 S.B page 82 – 83

Stories Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


crazily monotonous

dreadful overtake

emotive recuperate

knock off stack of

From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

1. He spent a month in the country ------------------------- after the operation.

a. retiring b. overtaking c. smuggling d. recuperating

2- I still have got ---------------------------- of work to do. So, leave me alone.

a. stacks b. border c. fleet d. injustice

3- The continuous white line in the middle of the road means you mustn't ---------------------

a. register b. smuggle c. knock off d. overtake

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

(emotive – monotonous – borders – recuperate – stacks)

4- Have you really read all these ------------------------- of books?

5- Ali stayed about two months in hospital to -------------------------.

6- I hate leading a -------------------- life. I need to change my lifestyles a lot.

7- The leader's speech was extremely ------------------------- for the audience.

Set Book Questions

1- What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by air?

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2- What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by sea?


3- In your opinion, life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

How can you create yourself?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Write what you would say in the following situation?

1- Your friend has got marks in the exam.


2- Your brother passed his driving test.


3- You did something wrong and you want to apologize.


Module four - Unit 11 lessons 1 & 2 S.B page 84 – 85


Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


asap starvation

colleague unreliable

current urgent

impromptu well-sealed


Fill in the spaces with the suitable word from the list:

[urgent / unreliable / current / well-sealed / rearrange]

1- The information sources are --------------------------. Your siting isn't accredited.

2- There must be -------------------------- measures to stop the spread cancer disease.

3- The report is quite good, but you'd better -------------------------- some of the ideas.

4- Make sure that the bottles are --------------------------. The road is full of sharp turns.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

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1- Messages are sent for communication. What are the different types of messages?


2- Messages are sent for many reasons. Why do people send messages?


3- Messages are sent in many ways Mention three. OR How do we send messages?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module four - Unit 11 lesson 3 W.B page 82 – 83

Messages Words to remember

Word Part of speech






Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[fasten / homing / instinct / illegally]

1- Don't forget to ------------------ your seatbelt while driving your car.

2- The criminal was caught as he was ------------------ selling furniture.

3- Pigeons have a ------------------ instinct that helps them find their way home.

4- The animal's first ------------------ is to run away from danger when it occurs.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- Why are pigeons called "homing pigeons"?


2- In recent times, carrier pigeons have been used in wartime. Give reasons.


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module four - Unit 11 lessons 4 & 5 S.B page 86 – 87


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Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


activate harmony

band hassle

conference call portable

deadline slide

flash unlock

frequency upgrade


From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

1- You know technology changes rapidly, so I have to ---------------- my knowledge.

a. upgrade b. fasten c. unlock d. flash

2- We should live in peace and ---------------- with ourselves and those around us.

a. entrance b. harmony c. hassle d. frequency

3- A good tool-box and a first aid-kit are very ---------------- things to have in the house.

a. homing b. handy c. active d. portable

4- You have to change the ---------------- of the BBC World Service channel to watch it better.

a. conference call b. harmony c. starvation d. frequency

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[deadline – conference call – slide – unlock – portable]

1- Long-legged drivers ---------------- their seats backward to be able to drive comfortably.

2- When the first computer was invented, no one imagined that it would be ----------------

3- I've tried hard to ---------------- the gate, but I didn't manage to as the keyhole was rusty.

4- We are not able to meet the ---------------- because of accidental manufacturing delays.

From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

1- The manager asked me to send this report --------------------------.

a- handy b- unreliable c- asap d- impromptu

2- Being aware of the mentality of your -------------------------- helps you avoid any trouble.

a- starvation b- colleague c- harmony d- deadline

3- It isn’t easy to swim against the --------------------------, or you will get drowned.

a- colleague b- band c- starvation d- current

4. Isn't it fair to see people die of -------------------------- while others lead a prosperous life?

a- frequency b- current c- colleague d- starvation

Set Book Questions

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Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- Changing your SIM card from a phone to another isn't a problem. Explain.



2- What personal identity information does the SIM card hold?



(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)


Correct he underlined mistakes in each of the following sentences:

1- Toyota cars is make in Japan. ………… …………

2- An e-mail were send yesterday. ………… …………

3- The time of my appointment have change. ………… …………

4- New furniture are usually choose attentively. ………… …………

5- An old coin is finding on the beach last week. ………… …………

6- The amphitheatre is build long time ago by the Romans. ………… …………

7- The Olympic Games will watch by millions of people last year. ………… …………

8- This football match is been watching now all over the world. ………… …………

Module four - Unit 11 lesson 6 W.B page 84 – 85


Choose the correct words that best complete the sentences

1- The poet ---------------- his poem emotionally when the audience applauded loudly.

a. recite b. was reciting c. is reciting d. were reciting

2- While Hamad ---------------- a bath, the post officer arrived and rang the bell.

a. has b. is having c. was having d. had

3- While the astronaut was leaving the Earth’s atmosphere, he ---------------- weightless.

a. feels b. feel c. felt d. feeling

4- We ---------------- through a photograph album when we recalled the good old days.

a. looks b. am looking c. were looking d. looked

5- John was watching TV when his friend David ---------------- him a sudden visit.

a. pays b. was paying c. pays d. paid

6- While the sniper ---------------- across the street, gun bullets tore up the ground around him.

a. ran b. is running c. run d. was running

7- While the war was raging, the CNN ---------------- live from the war- torn country.

a. reported b. is reporting c. report d. was reporting

8- As I ---------------- along the beach, I saw my friends practicing some morning exercises.

a. walk b. is walking c. was walking d. walks

9- The students ---------------- their homework silently when the light went out.

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a. do b. were doing c. was doing d. doing

10- My father's car broke down while he ---------------- towards the camping site.

a. was driving b. drive c. is driving d. driving

Correct the underlined verbs

1- While the students was downloading new programs, the light go out. ………… ………

2- As I watch a film on TV, somebody rung the doorbell continuously. ………… ………

3- While I got home, smoke come out of one of the upstairs windows. ………… ………

4- While they was enjoying fishing, they see a dolphin jumping around. ………… ………

5- We were have lunch when we hear a loud explosion in the kitchen. ………… ………

Module four - Unit 11 lessons 7 & 8 S.B page 88 – 89


Words to remember Word

Part of speech Meaning Word

Part of speech Meaning

alarm next of kin

answer phone ring

briefly tone

confident tutor

Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

[alarm – answerphone – briefly – confident – next of kin – ring – tutors]

1- May I have your full name, address, phone number and --------------------, please?

2- I don't need such full details. Would you explain the problem --------------------?

3- Good -------------------- should innovate new ways to boost their learners' motivation.

4- I don't want to -------------------- you, but I am sorry, I can't find the key of your car.

From a, b, c, and d, choose the correct word:

1- Dad checks the -------------------- messages when he gets back home to see who called him.

a- answer phone b- tone c- ring d- tutor

2- You must be -------------------- while you are being interviewed.

a- confident b- urgent c- portable d- handy

3- Please, give me a -------------------- the moment you arrive home.

a- tone b-tutor c-ring d-next of kin

4- I asked my friend to -------------------- me when I drive faster than 80 k ph.

a- upgrade b- fasten c. alarm d. flash

Set Book Questions

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Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- In your opinion, what are the steps of leaving an answer phone message?


2. When do we sometimes need to leave an answerphone message rather than a text message?


3- In your opinion, answerphone messages are a relatively new form of communication.


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module four - Unit 12 lessons 1 & 2 S.B page 90 – 91

Flying stories Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


aviation instructor

coincide with intensely

exemplary notably


Fill in the spaces with a suitable words from the list :

(gliding – coincide – instructor – aviation – exemplary)

1- The major ---------------------- companies need to cut prices to compete with budget airlines.

2- I have timed my holiday to ---------------------- with the children's school holiday next week.

3- Our religion provides other nations with ---------------------- teachings to live peacefully.

4- I am keen on having some ---------------------- lessons, but I need an experienced tutor.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- Write the advantages and disadvantages of being a pilot.

Advantages: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Disadvantages: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2- What are the qualities needed to be a pilot?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module four - Unit 12 lesson 3 W.B page 88 – 89

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Flying stories

Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


biplane prejudicial

landmark rusty

plague transcontinental

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer:

1- Unfortunately, some financial problems continued to ------------------------ my company.

a. activate b. plague c. flash d. slide

2- The marvelous ------------------------ railway goes from New York to San Francisco.

a. prejudicial b. portable c. handy d. transcontinental

3- Have you ever flown a ------------------------? It is really a magnificent experience.

a. landmark b. biplane c. gliding d. instructor

Fill in the spaces with a suitable word from the list:

(rusty – landmarks – biplane – plague – transcontinental)

1- Kuwait Towers are of the famous ------------------------ in Kuwait.

2- A/An------------------------ was commonly used during the First World War.

3- You can’t eat from this tin as it’s------------------------ and out of date.

4- The first ------------------------ radio transmission was in 1890.

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- In what ways has air travel changed the way people live?


2- Mention some of the air travel problems?


3- Fulfilling your dreams requires a lot. How far do you agree or disagree? Justify?


4- Mention some of the air travel problems?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

Module four - Unit 12 lessons 4 & 5 S.B page 92 – 93

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Flying stories

Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


acclaimed expression

attendant mumble

cabin resemble

confrontational stern

corporation stunned


Fill in the spaces with a suitable word from the list:

(courteously – stern – corporation – cabin – acclaimed)

1- He gave me a ------------------------ look once I started to criticize him.

2- Can you give me some information about the ------------------------ you're working for?

3- The pilot and his co-pilot are staying in a ------------------------.

4- Ali always behaves ------------------------ towards his family, so they love him a lot.

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer:

1- You should ask the flight ------------------------ to show you where your seat is.

a. harmony b. attendant c. instructor d. colleague

2- I watched Titanic last night and I was ------------------------ by the film's tragic end.

a. confident b. stunned c. handy d. unrealizable

3- Hamad always ------------------------ about being too busy,

a. coincides b. plagues c. resembles d. mumbles

4- They ------------------------ their parents in the way they behave when they are angry.

a. aviate b. resemble c. endeavour d. retire


Relative clauses

who which that where when whoseeeee

{1} who

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This is the boy. He won the gold medal. (who)

* This is the boy who won the gold medals.

We bought a new a car. It is very expensive (which)

* We bought a new car which is very expensive.

We take our holiday in July. We go to Alex at that time. (when)

* We take our holiday in July when we go to Alex.

I went to the museum. I saw many statutes there.

* I went to the museum where I saw many statues.

I met my friend. His car broke down. (whose)

* I met my friend whose car broke down.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- I can't buy you the car …………….. you asked for.

a) who b) whose c) when d) which

2- He travelled to London …………….. he was born.

a) where b) whose c) when d) which

3- That's the villa …………….. my uncle lives in.

a) where b) which c) when d) whose

4-The first of January is the day …………….. we celebrate the New Year.

a) which b) where c) when d) that


Correct the underlined words:

1- If you asked me to paint your room, I would have helping you. ……...… ….….….

2-He will be on time if he had be able to. ……...… ….….….

3- If I had money, I would have buy this Rolls Royce. ……...… ….….….

Correct the underlined mistakes in each of the following sentences:

{2} which

{3} When

{5} whose

Would \ + have + P.P ( ( had + P.P +If (had + P.P ) +if +\ + have + P.P would

{4} where

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1- If Munirah hadn't been fascinated with planes, she wouldn't join the JRA. ……. ..…….…

2- This is the place when I spend the weekend last week. ……...… ….….….

Module four - Unit 12 lesson 6 W.B page 90 – 91 From a, b, c and d choose the most suitable word:

1. My brother, ……………………….. name is Ali, is seventeen years old.

a. who b. whose c. which d. when

2. My school, ……………………….. has over 1000 students, is near the city center.

a. who b. whose c. which d. where

3. In London, ……………………….. he was born, Ahmed has got his bachelor degree.

a. who b. whose c. which d. where

4. My mobile, ……………………….. was made in Japan, is very small.

a. who b. whose c. which d. when

5. My father, ……………………….. really enjoys his job, is a teacher.

a. who b. whose c. which d. when


Correct the underlined mistakes:

1– If you come early, you gets the first seat. ………………

2– If he does more works, he earned more money. ………………

3– If you take exercises, you be fit. ………………

4– If you came early, you getting the first seat. ………………

5– If he did more works, he earns more money. ………………

6– If you took exercises, you be fit. ………………

7– If you had come early, you would gets the first seat. ………………

8– If he had done more works, he will earns more money. ………………

9– If I had seen you, I will talk to you. ………………

10– If there had been life on Mars, we will has find it. ………………

Module four - Unit 12 lessons 7 & 8 S.B page 94 – 95

Flying stories Words to remember

Word Part of speech

Meaning Word Part of speech


altitude eyewitness

aviate fog

baby carriage headline

buzzing incident

control radar

co-pilot velocity

custom-built voice-activated


Fill in the spaces with suitable words from the list:

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(buzzing – incident – control – fog – eyewitness)

1- Thick ------------------------ has made driving conditions dangerous.

2- A young man was seriously injured in a shooting ------------------------ on Saturday night.

3- If you can't ------------------------ your dog, put it on a lead.

4- I heard a/an ------------------------ sound that made me so irritable.

From a, b, c and d choose the correct answer :

1- Engineers are -------------------- hard to locate the source of the problem in Toyota cars.

a. endeavouring b. overtaking c. enjoying d. aviating

2- The pilot announced that we are currently flying at a/an -------------------- of 15000 meters.

a. altitude b. baby-carriage c. plague d. fog

3- The -------------------- always helps the pilot to take control of the car.

a. co-pilot b. fog c. incident d. velocity

4- The news of his death was splashed in the -------------------- across all the newspapers.

a. headline b. fog c. incident d. velocity

Set Book Questions

Answer the following questions. Your answers should be in meaningful sentences:

1- How do you show respect and belonging towards your beloved country?


2- Ahmed Meshari has done a lot for Kuwait but what is his major contribution?


3-What are the advantages of choosing a career as a writer?


4- What are the disadvantages of choosing a career as a writer?


(Bear in mind that the above questions are merely suggestions and are not exclusive.)

What would you say in the following situations:

1- A friend of yours wants your opinion about his new mobile phone.


2- Your brother always complains of a terrible headache.


Module four - Unit 12 lesson 9 W.B page 92 – 93

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Some people prefer to be pilots. If you want to be a pilot, you have to study flight physics,

learn how to use aviation computer, improve your English.

Write a report of 10 sentences (120 words) about the advantages and disadvantages of

working as a pilot.
















Write your topic here


















Reading Comprehension (120 Marks)

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{1} My name is Steven. On the eve of my 18-month smoke-free milestone, I am feeling

nostalgic and grateful and moved to share my story. Well, one night I was at a party, and

someone offered me a cigarette. I took it and never looked back. I bought a pack the next day

and began my new identity as a 'not so good boy' smoker.

{2} When I was 12 years old, my dad quit smoking, and once told me that if he ever saw

me smoking, it would be like putting a stake through his heart. I never let him see me smoke.

When I finally became an engineer, I didn't want my colleagues to know that I was a smoker,

so I was careful not to let them see me. I also knew that my health was being affected by my

addiction. I used to wake up during the night coughing. I wouldn't know until after I quit

smoking that my smoking had also likely caused my chronic back pain.

{3}I found a Website called "The No Smoke Café". I read everything I could read about

the addiction and quitting, and I paid close attention to what people were thinking and feeling

as they began their journey to freedom from nicotine. I wanted to quit more than I wanted to

keep smoking, so I chose a quit date, January 13, 2002, and I decided that I would use a patch.

I researched the Nicotine Replacement Therapy's too, weaning off the nicotine after smoking

2 packs a day for 14 years made the best sense to me. I broadcast my first post on the website

18 hours after my quit, and I have been smoke-free ever since.

{4} I owe my success so far to The No Smoke Café for providing a place for people to

support each other. I believe that support is the main factor in successfully quitting smoking.

Now, after 3 years and a half, there's nothing I enjoy more than trying to help others realize

their goal of freedom from nicotine. Quitting smoking isn't that easy, but almost nothing in life

that's worthwhile is, and it is easier when you don't have to do it alone.

I- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c and d: (5 x 10 = 50 M)

1- The text is mainly about ………………………………...…………………………..…

a. an ex- smoker successful quitting story

b. respiratory and lung diseases caused by smoking

c. Nicotine Replacement Therapy Smoking Cessation aids

d. the negative impacts of the Internet addiction on smokers

2- The synonym (a word with the same meaning) of the underlined phrasal verb "

weaning off is

a. increasingly using Nicotine patches

b. gradually stopping doing something

c. suddenly cutting down on something

d. successfully recovering from an illness

3- The underlined word "it" in paragraph 1 refers to ………………………………

a. story b. party c. cigarette d. milestone

4- All the sentences below are not true except:

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a. Steven’s father was indifferent to his son’s smoking habit.

b. Steven knew about his chronic back pain before quitting smoking.

c. Steven was really interested in other addicted smokers' experiences.

d. Steven thinks that being a smoker is something one should be proud of.

5- Steve has a become a non-smoker thanks to …………………………………………

a. his father.

b. his colleagues.

c. his broadcast pot.

d. The No Smoke Café.

II- Answer the following questions: (3 x 10 = 30 M)

6- When did Steven start his smoking addiction journey?


7- How did Steven share his smoking experience with others?


8- With reference to the text, complete the missing pieces of information.

Smoking affected Steven’s health badly.

Impact 1:


Impact 2:


III- In four sentences of your own, summarize paragraph 3 showing the process Steven

followed in order to quit smoking: (4 x 10 = 40 M)






The most common Irregular Verbs

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Infinitive Past P.P. المعنى Infinitive Past P.P. المعنى

read read read يقرأ build built built يبني

put put put يضع send sent sent يرُْسِل

hit hit hit يضرب lend lent lent يقُرِض

hurt hurt hurt يؤذى spend spent spent يقضي ينُْفِق

cost cost cost يكل ِف bend bent bent يثنى

split split split ق يصبح become became become يمز ِ

drink drank drunk يشرب overcome overcame overcome يهزم

swim swam swum يسَْبَح come came come يأتي

sing sang sung يغُن ي run ran run يركض

ring rang rung يتصل يرن buy bought bought يشتري

sink sank sunk يغطس fight fought fought يحارب

spring sprang sprung ينبثق - ينُْبت bring brought brought يجلب

begin began begun يبدأ think thought thought يعتقد

wear wore worn يلبس seek sought sought ينَْشد

tear tore torn ق س teach taught taught يمز يدر ِ

deal dealt dealt يعامل catch caught caught يصطاد

lose lost lost يضيع hear heard heard يسَْمَع

get got got ينال lead led led يرُْشد

leave left left يترك leave left left يغادر

feel felt felt يشَْعر say said said يقول

keep kept kept يحتفظ pay paid paid يدفع

sleep slept slept ينام hold held held يمُسِك بـ

shoot shot shot يطُلِق الرصاص tell told told يخُبر

sit sat sat يَجْلِس sell sold sold يبيع

meet met met يقابل stand stood stood يقف

eat ate eaten يأكل find found found يجد

take took taken يأخذ make made made يصَْنَع

forget forgot forgotten ينسى speak spoke spoken يتكل م

fall fell fallen يسقط break broke broken يكسر

choose chose chosen يختار steal stole stolen يسرق

grow grew grown يزرع write wrote written يكتب

know knew known يَعرف see saw seen يرى

fly flew flown يطَير give gave given يعطي

go went gone يذهب ride rode ridden يركب

to be am / is / are was / were been

to have

have / has had had

to do

do / does did done

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