al badia golf club

STYLISH SLEEK SPECTACULAR Al Badia Golf Club InterContinental Dubai Festival City PO Box 79126, Dubai Festival City, Al Badia, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 (0)4 601 0101, Fax: +971 (0)4 601 0102 [email protected]

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Al Badia Golf Club, Dubai


Page 1: Al Badia Golf Club


Al Badia Golf Club InterContinental Dubai Festival CityPO Box 79126, Dubai Festival City, Al Badia, Dubai, UAETel: +971 (0)4 601 0101, Fax: +971 (0)4 601 [email protected]

Page 2: Al Badia Golf Club

EnTEr A wOrlD OF slEEk, sTrEAmlinED ElEgAnCE, shimmEring wiTh nATUrAl lighT.

in Dubai Festival City – a dynamic waterfront community – you will discover a dazzling destination for golf, dining and special events. The centrepiece is an iconic club house, where unique design is matched with interContinental’s unrivalled service.

02An insPiring DEsTinATiOn

Page 3: Al Badia Golf Club

Oasis-themed by master golf architect Robert Trent Jones II, the surfaces glistenwith lakes and waterfalls. Rivers of sand weave through emerald fairways. Every detail is immaculately tended, creating an unmistakable InterContinental experience.

risE TO ThE ChAmPiOnshiP ChAllEngE OF ThE Al BADiA gOlF COUrsE – PAr 72 AnD 7,303 yArDs.

An EXTrAOrDinAry gOlF COUrsE 04

واحة غناء قام بت�صميمها روبرت ترنت جونز الثاين،

الذي يعد اأحد عباقرة الت�صميم املعماري، تتلألأ

فيها البحريات وم�صاقط املياه و�صط اأنهار من

الرمال الذهبية الناعمة. جتربة رائعة يقدمها فندق

انرتكونتيننتال بتفا�صيل غاية يف الرثاء والروعة.

Page 4: Al Badia Golf Club

high-TECh gOlF ACADEmy

The region’s only TaylorMade Performance Lab will assist you with swing analysis and customised club fitting, while you can hone your putting technique at the SAM PuttLab. Dedicated practice areas include a floodlit driving range, chipping area and putting green.

shArPEn yOUr skills UnDEr ThE gUiDAnCE OF gOlF PrOFEssiOnAls AT OUr CUTTing EDgE gOlF ACADEmy.


Page 5: Al Badia Golf Club

sUPrEmE Dining EXPEriEnCE

Our menus will tempt you with some of the best cuts of steak at Terra Firma and Asian cuisine at Blades. You can simply relax at Spikes, our Café style restaurant. Enjoy beverages in the airy atrium at The Tee Lounge or at Trent’s, our premium bar. Outdoor terraces present sweeping golf-course views. Our staff will serve you with the famous InterContinental hospitality and style. For more information on these outlets, visit

sAvOUr sUPErB DUBAi Dining – DisTingUishED By DrAmATiC DEsign, insPirED CUisinE AnD DEvOTED sErviCE.


قوائم الطعام لدينا �صوف تثري �صهيتك �صواء لدى

مطعم تريا فريما » �صتيك هاو�س« اأو مطعم بليد�س

الأ�صيوي. ميكنك كذلك الإ�صرتخاء لدى مقهى

ومطعم �صبايك�س. متتع بامل�رشوبات املنع�صة يف

الباحة الرئي�صية �صواء يف تي لوجن اأو يف بار ترينت�س

الرئي�صي .متع نظرك بروؤية امل�صهد اخللب الذي توفره

ال�رشفات الوا�صعة املطلة على ملعب الغولف.

ايا كان اختيارك فاإن طاقم ال�صيافة لدينا �صوف

يقوم بخدمتك على طريقة انرتكونتيننتال الراقية

لت�صتمتع باألذ الوجبات يف اأرقى الأماكن حماطاً

بت�صميمات معمارية رائعة.

Page 6: Al Badia Golf Club

UnwinD On OUr TErrACE 10

Page 7: Al Badia Golf Club

EXqUisiTE mEETing rOOms 12

Sunlit function spaces will come to life with high-tech audiovisual systems, supported by on-site technical experts. Attentive staff will assist to ensure that your event is professional, productive and superbly catered.

hOsT BUsinEss mEETings wiTh FlAir AnD FinEssE – whEThEr A BOArD mEETing FOr 12 OrA TrAining sEssiOn FOr 140.

Page 8: Al Badia Golf Club


Entertain in formal grandeur, host a one-of-a-kind theme party or celebrate your wedding. The magnificent golf-view terrace and lawn welcome up to 500 guests for buffet events and for receptions. Meticulous InterContinental event planners promise smooth, seamless precision.

DElighT yOUr gUEsTs wiTh mEmOrABlE sOCiAl OCCAsiOns – sPArkling wiTh glAmOUr AnD EXCiTEmEnT.


Page 9: Al Badia Golf Club


The new outdoor venue at the Al Badia golf Club is fully licensed and serviced by interContinental Dubai Festival City. Conveniently located within the 18-hole championship golf course, this open plan space provides the ultimate in flexibility of set ups, service quality, and space.

you won’t find a more memorable setting under the stars.

ThE imPrEssivE nEw OUTDOOr vEnUE By ThE Al BADiA gOlF ClUB.


يدار املكان اجلديد للموؤمترات و احلفلت من قبل فندق

انرتكونتيننتال دبي ف�صتيفال �صيتي. و يقع يف الهواء

الطلق يف نادي البادية لبطولت لعب الغولف ذي الـ

18 حفرة.

يوفر هذا املكان الف�صيح اأجود اخلدمات و كل اأنواع

الرتتيبات لأي نوع من الفعاليات و احلفلت.

جتربة ل تن�صى حتت النجوم

Page 10: Al Badia Golf Club

Inspirational skyline views, unrivalled consistently good service, and freedom of space and choice.

The outdoor concert venue has an open plan layout which allows for high degrees of flexibility in lighting, stage, sound and seating arrangements.

Located within an oasis of greenery under the stars, with stunning views of the city skyline as a backdrop.

TAkE yOUr imAginATiOn, AnD rUn wiTh iT.

gOlF ClUB COnCErT vEnUE 18

مناظر ملهمة و خلبة لأفق ال�صماء، وخدمات

مميزة ل مثيل لها و خيارات ل متناهية.

يقع هذا املكان اجلديد اخلا�س باملوؤمترات و احلفلت

�صمن واحة خ�رشاء مفتوحة، حتت اأ�صواء النجوم

و اأمام املناظر ال�صاحرة لأفق ال�صماء، و يتميز

بامل�صاحة الكبرية التي تتيح احل�صول على درجة

عالية من املرونة يف ا�صتخدام اأنظمة الإ�صاءة و

امل�رشح و اأنظمة ال�صوت وترتيبات اجللو�س.

Page 11: Al Badia Golf Club


rEsTFUl AnD rEjUvEnATing, ThE rElAXATiOn rOOms will CAlm yOU wiTh COOl, minimAlisT COmFOrT.


Ease tired muscles in heated jacuzzis, saunas and steam rooms. Feel your stress wash away under gentle rain showers. All this in the privacy of the separate facilities for men and women. Take advantage of the dedicated sPA interContinental treatment suites.

Page 12: Al Badia Golf Club

A hAvEn in DUBAi

Custom-design an unforgettable day of golf, meetings and dining. you’ll experience the distinction of internationally renowned interContinental hospitality and standards of excellence.

A sOPhisTiCATED hAvEn in ThE swirl OF DUBAi, Al BADiA gOlF ClUB will rEwArD yOU wiTh ElEgAnT, EngAging EnTErTAinmEnT.


Page 13: Al Badia Golf Club

AT inTErCOnTinEnTAl DUBAi FEsTivAl CiTy, wE OFFEr EvEry FEATUrE OF A wOrlD-ClAss hOTEl - AnD ThEn sOmE.

interContinental Dubai Festival City is located minutes away from Al Badia golf Club. we have luxury facilities, exceptional services and special extras. we promise absolute convenience and sincere attention. we pride ourselves on superb dining and entertainment. we also smooth the way for business opportunities and corporate interactions.

we’re waiting to give you whatever you need, and more.

UnrivAllED hOsPiTAliTy 24

Page 14: Al Badia Golf Club

whErE wE ArE

Outdoor Concert


To Hatta, Mirdif







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