al qudoos class 7 17th november, 2015 - sistersnotes


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K n o w i n g A l l a h A l Q u d o o s

17th November 2015. Introduction

You need to understand the Names of Allah and apply it in your life practically. You can call upon Allah with His names and also worship Him through His names. If we see Allah then we will not even see at each other but we are unable to see Allah and believe in Him. Every name of Allah should have some feelings in you. Even if I don’t see Allah but I believe in Him and obey Him. The more you know the Names of Allah the more your belief will be strong. Allah will show you the Names all around you. When you learn the theory of a Name then Allah will give you situations when you will practically see the name. Allah is teaching us that He is Qudoos and His actions are most pure. There are not even lacking in perfection of any Name of Allah. Whatever Allah has commanded us to do is also from Al Qudoos. Relation between Purity and barakah: We should know that whatever means we take to get purity once we do the acts that will lead to make us pure then Allah will give barakah in those actions. We need to do any good deed with purity and good intention. The blessings come from the purity. Allah is the blessed one and everything He does is pure. Every situation that Allah gives you is a blessing. When the anbiya devote them for ALLAH then they became the blessed one. The people who follow Allah are the blessed one like the prophets and their followers. Prevention for Evil eye.

• We said that we should always say tabarakAllah for any blessing that you have. Sometimes the person gives evil eye to himself. The moment we feel something is amazing then we should say tabarakAllah.

• In addition to this we should ask Allah to give barakah in that thing. This protects the blessing and increases it more. Sometimes one can get evil eye by loved ones by mistake and not out of jealousy. So it’s very important to ask for barakah in the blessing. Nabi (Sallelaho alehe

K n o w i n g A l l a h A l Q u d o o s

wasslam) whenever he was amazed with something in this world so he would say that this blessing is nothing in front of the blessing of the akhirah. This is the way of protection from evil eye.

• One should also say the morning/evening adhkar also for protecting yourself. If we like anything in this world then we should not cause them any harm by giving evil eye even in love. We should say all adhkaar because the evil eye is not more powerful than the dhikr of Allah.

Dua for new things in life: If we get some new blessing like buying any kind of transport or getting a servant and if we are getting married or we get a new house then Nabi (Sallelaho alehe wassalam) said that you should say to them,

“O Allah! I ask You for the good in her and the good that You have endowed her with and I seek your protection from her evil and the evil that You have placed within her.” You should make this dua for your wife so that you get blessings from her and to protect from evil eye. You should not rely on the means that you will be protected if you used this or that so you will be protected. You should make duas and rely on Allah completely. You should say the same for servant, car or wife or any thing new. We don’t need to investigate and become cid over people rather we should say this dua. If we go after people to know what they are doing then we will just exhaust our selves. We will get all the goodness from this and we will be protected from all evil if we say this dua. You cannot guarantee for anyone and neither can you be sure if someone is good for you or not. This is like a precaution and you need to say it before you find someone and be with them. We should not be doubtful after we say the dua. Sometimes we send our children out but we worry for them that something will happen to them. This is completely wrong you should say your dua and then completely

K n o w i n g A l l a h A l Q u d o o s

rely on Allah and not get confused that whether the dua will be accepted or not and will my children be safe. Dua for newly marrid couple: You should give the following dua to the couple who will be getting married,

This is for their protection. This is what we learn from our prophet so that everything they get is blessed. This is the dua they need at that time. This is a blessing because if you make this dua for them then Allah will give you also. Don’t worry for them just make duas and rely on Allah. Then don’t investigate and get worried. How to get Dua of Prophet for yourself? There is a hadith of Nabi (Salellaho alehe wassalam) that he made dua that if you do this then you will get the dua of prophet.

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Prophet Muhamamd (Sallelaho alehewassalam) prayed for the Ummah saying that May Allah bless my Ummah in their morning. So if you stay awake in the morning then you will get the dua of Prophet Muhammad (Sallelaho alehe wassalam). Another dua of the Prophet is that may Allah give glow to the face of the person who spreads the Hadith of prophet. There was a man who used to start his business at early morning and he did just because it was the command of prophet. Now adays people will say who will come to your shop but this man did it as a command and he got the prayer of prophet and hence he was blessed in his business and got a lot of wealth. The sahaba used to sleep early and wake up early. Dua for Anad Ibn Malik (Radi Allah anhu) Mother of Anas ibn malik asked Prophet that make dua for Anas ibn malik so prophet gave him dua,

This is such a beautiful dua for anyone and we should use it. This is a special dua and we must follow the prophet in making this dua. This is dua of barakah. Get blessing by sending As Salaat on prophet.

The second is to send blessing upon the prophet and this will become a reason of barakah upon us. This is from Allah that He blesses you when you send the blessing on prophet and this should be done for the sake of Allah. The person himself will become Mubarak from Allah. When you send blessing on Prophet

K n o w i n g A l l a h A l Q u d o o s

Muhammad (SAW) then Allah will praise you ten times and that makes you bessed and any work that person will do will bring blessings and even the advice of the person will bring blessings. Everyone has 24 hours but this person will have blessing in his time. We need to attach to Al Qudoos and not to the blessing because Allah provided that blessing. Please be sure that the blessing is not from invoking to the prophet or touching his things but by sending blessing on him. Dua:

Make dua that make . This is from Surah Maryam that we learn. This will make us meet people and do all things with blessings. Wherever I am I am asking for blessing. When you are busy in worshipping Allah then it is a blessed moment and you should take advantage of this moment. When you spend time for the worship of Allah will make it blessed for you. The moment you forget and become ghafil from Allah then it creates so many problems. When you worship Allah your time will be blessed. The sins will deprive you in your blessing. When you see that there is no barakah in your children and they are disobedient then go back to yourself and do istighfaar and ask forgiveness of Allah. Don’t accuse anyone and ask repentance of Allah. The sins are obstacles of barakah and when you wipe them out then you will get blessings. If you want barakah of the knowledge then you need to make a lot of istighfaa. You need to ascribe all the perfection to Allah and all the mistakes to yourself.