alastair the cross

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Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/14/2019 Alastair the cross



    DUP MLA Alastair Ross has expressed grave concern at the actions of UCUNF Chief

    Whip Fred Cobain during a recent DRD Committee trip to Dublin. Yesterday the

    DRD Committee met with some Irish officials and were invited to watch proceedings

    of the Irish Parliamentary Transport Committee. The Irish Committee then invitedNorthern Ireland Assembly members to take part in formal proceedings of the Dail

    Committee an invitation that was taken up by Nationalists Willie Clarke and John

    Dallat, Green MLA Brian Wilson and UUP Chief Whip Fred Cobain. DUP members

    Alastair Ross and Jim Wells declined the invitation, saying that it would be deeply

    inappropriate for MLAs to be taking part in official proceedings of the Irish


    Alastair Ross said:

    Aside from referring to Londonderry as Derry during his contribution to the Dail

    committee, Fred Cobain managed to expose the massive and duplicitous hypocrisy of

    UCUNF. The party that made all sorts of false accusations against the DUP over the

    Irish plans to give MPs speaking rights in the Irish Parliament is to be found

    despatching senior party figures to Dublin to engage in voluntary participation in the

    committees of that foreign parliament.

    Fred Cobain has crossed a major line. Never before in the near 90-year history of

    Northern Ireland has any Unionist elected representative from the Northern Ireland

    Assembly or its predecessor bodies participated in Dail proceedings. Fred Cobain did

    so yesterday, whats more he chose to shun fellow-Unionists who indicated they

    would not be taking part in the proceedings and lined up alongside Sinn Fein, the

    SDLP and the Green Party to break Unionist principles.

    People will be disgusted that Fred Cobain should have behaved in the way he did.

    Did he have the approval of his party leader to do what he did? If not, we shouldexpect a forthright and immediate denunciation of Mr. Cobains behaviour. Attacking

    me or the DUP for pointing out what Mr. Cobain has done will be no defence. Fred

    Cobain needs to admit that he made a mistake and say sorry to the Unionist people of

    Northern Ireland.

    Whilst the UCUNF volunteers more North-Southery and shuns fellow-Unionists, the

    DUP has made north-south arrangements accountable to the people of Northern

    Ireland. We believe in sensible co-operation when it is to the mutual benefit of both

    countries, Fred Cobains actions yesterday gave us an interesting glimpse into what

    UCUNF believes, said the DUP MLA.