alexandria gazette (alexandria, va. : 1834).(alexandria, va.) 1920 … · 2017. 12. 18. · an* now...

Stomach Out oS Fix? Thone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digeslant,.a glass tvitli meals gives delightful relief, or no charge for the first dozen u«ed. Shlvar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE ARCMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it for renovalh.j tired stomachs, converting food rich Idood and sound fle-h. Shivar Ale retails at 15c per bot¬ tle, or $1.75 per dozen. If your reg¬ ular dealer cannot supply you, tele¬ phone ^ F. S. HARPER, Inc. Distributors for Alexandria As early as 1770 a raft of timber was sent across the Atlantic from One camiphor tree wil vie!:! camph¬ or worth $5000. Zinc roofs have been used in Eu¬ rope for centuries. Delicious Aid to Digestion For a eranky appetite and a balky digestion nothing is more delightfully effective than Cloverdale Ginger Ale Prepared with the famous Cloverdale Mineral Water and pore, digestive aromatics. Order a case today from your druggist or grocer. If he can¬ not supply you telephone lindsby-'ki'kk cor pop ;,ro\ HSTRIBUTORS FOR ALEXANDRIA . Oil production in the United States increased 21,000,000 barrels in the last year. Negroes form about onetertth of the entire population oT the United State;. iibmpipbcmbbbbmwbbmmbmpmebmm^" Whec Thai Cold Gclc Dowq Into Your Che It i3 time for you to take quick steps to relieve it, and prevent pneumonia or other serious trouble. Just try a Eood warming application of Mothers joy Ojoup end, Pneumoiua salve It wall rurprise you how quickly it penetrates to the sent of the trouble, relieving con¬ gestion and soreness. It is also nn invaluable rem¬ edy for Croup, and can beused freely without irritating or burning effects. Keep a jar on hand for emer¬ gencies. Sec¬ tors recommend it. Good deal¬ ers sel it. Leather taken from the hide over the Lack and kidneys has the best wearing power. California's area is IS times that of Massachusetts. a. aa At AAAAA A4AA4AA One day of unusual heat at the critical time may reduce the yield of an oat field 25 per cent. Electric lines i nthe.United States handle more tha ten times the traffic of the steam railroads. RESALE at PUBLIC AUCTION of the entire plant of the General Shipbuilding Com¬ pany, Incorporated, On the premises at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, May 22nd, 1920. At 12 o'clock noon Consisting of six (G) acres on Po¬ tomac River improved by fourteen (H) buildings, brick and frame con¬ struction; ranging from 12x25 to 175 ;<22U; Railroad sidings into plant; dc-ep water piers; marine railways. Terms of sale, Opening bid to be not les sthan fifty thousand ($50,000) dol¬ lars; one-fourth cash and balance in six and months or all cash at option purchaser. For further particulars apply to LOUIS N. DUFFEY, Trustee in Bankruptcy, 123 South- Royal Street .Alexandria, Va. GLAD TO TESTIFY Says Watoga Lady, "As to What Cardui Has Done for Me, So As To Help Other- Watoga, W. Va.,.Mrs. S. W. Glad- well, of says: "When about 15 years of age, I suffered greatly. SomelLrmes would go a month or two, and I had terrible headache, backache, and bearing down paitrvs, un£ would just drag and had no appetite. Then It would last two weeks, and was so weakening, and my healbh was awful.' My mother bought me a bottle of Cardui, and' I began to improve after taking the first battle, so kept it up till I took three. I gained, and was well and strong, and 1 owe it all to Car¬ dui. I am married now xnd have 3 chd-^ dren. Have never had to have a doc¬ tor for female trouble, and just resort to Cardui if I need a tor.ic. I am glad to testify to what it has done for me, so as to help others. If you are nervous or weak, have headaches, backaches, or any of tlje other ailments so common to women, why not give Cardui a trial? Recom¬ mended by many physicians. In use over 40 years. Begin taking Cardui today. It may be the eery medicine you need. FN CONSTANT USE BY PHYSICIANS EVERY DAY Medicinal Value of S. S. S. la Fully Recognized. Almost every human ailment can be traced, one way or another, to impurities in the blood. So you cannot overestimate the impor¬ tance of keeping your circulation built up, so that your heart will be constantly pumping rich, red, life- giving blood to all parts of the system. Any slight disorder or im¬ purity that creeps into the blood is a source of danger, for every vital organ of the body depends upon the blood supply to properly per¬ form its functions. It is quite true that practically every one is equally exposed to the attacks of disease. You are just as liable to be attacked as the man or woman sitting next to you on the street car. It all depends upon the con¬ dition of your blood. If it is thin and impoverished, and has been allowed to reach a low state by the accumulation of impurities, you have not sufficient vitality to resist these germ attacks, and they find a fertile field in your system to spread disease. Over a hundred years ago the In¬ dians made many excellent rem- dies and tonic from roots and herbs gathered from the forests. One of these formulas was hand¬ ed down to the white man and for more than fifty years has been" used as S. S. S., which is recogniz- ed as the best known blood medi¬ cine on the market. This fine old remedy is still made as of old from roots and herbs of proven medicinal value. In fact, physicians everywhere recognize the wonderful efficiency of these roots, and they are prescribed in some form or other almost daily. An * now after being in con- ; stant use for more than half a century, S. S. S. is more popular than ever. It is sold by practically every drug store in the land, and every druggist is well acquainted with its sterling merit, for they have seen its results. S. S. S. is a yery valuable agent in the treatment of Catarrh, Rheu¬ matism, Eczema, Tetter boils, pim¬ ples, skin eruptions, malaria, and other disorders that come from blood impurities. It is also without an equal as a general tonic and system builder. By its efficacy in cleansing the blood of impurities, it builds up the appetite and gives new life and vigor to the entire body. You are invited to write for val¬ uable literature and medical ad¬ vice, which will be sent without cost. Address Chief Medical Ad¬ viser, Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. I Ly A \ffi mil l\Wm% > w/ IK:h.\ V'Vf' Jf #^r ^ ,-,l'_±' *WP Sp *ef° 0 Kp .?, f -1 fi\^ BSCS ( i I IS ^w #a,i! w"-1 ^vnv* V.vy- V v ^w£l !##! LyO °w <^jrQjQturing IJnu&ualJQIsplucfs and oypQcialcj)ciiuQS ii miH*Hl., Infants Coats Infants white pique coats, sizes (> mo. to 3 years, hand embroid¬ ered collar and fronts, some with belts, spe¬ cial $6.98, $4.25 and $3.50 Infants Slips Long or short . Freneh knots in white pink and dainty blue, special $1.75 and $1.49. Birdeye "Red Star" Birdeye 24 inches wide, special 49c a yard or priced per bolt of 10 yards at $4.75 Infants Slips Hand embroidered yokes, dainty mater- ials used, long or short, special $2.09 & $2.50. Muslin Gowns Women's finest quality muslin gowns, lace trimmed, blue or pink stitching, special $2.49 and $2.25. I Chemise Women's fine ehenv ise, in camisole ef- feels, embroidered in pink or blue, regular $1.98, special .. $1.25 CHEMISE Sample lines of soft nainsook chemise trim¬ med in high class manner with finest lace, all sizes One Third Off FOR WOMEN AND MISSES 1 While Gabardine, Linen and Pique Skirts in a Wonderful Selec- » lion of Snappy Styles AT ABOUT ONE HALF PRESENT MARKET PRICE Trimmed wiOh large and small ])oarl buttons, new pocket effects SIZES 25 UP TO 39. 'DIVIDED INTO TWO LOTS L ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER. White Silk Long Gloves Long white gloves plain or embroidered silks, all standard makes, such as Kayser, Niagra Maid, etc. actually worth up to $4.50 a pair, special while they last, one pair to a custo¬ mer ..." $2.00 ' DRAWERS \ Women's drawers, extra sizes, finest quality muslin used, full cut specially priced $2.50 and $2.25 1 SPECIALS Huck linen towels, lSx 32 size, worth 85c a piece, special 69c 22x40 heavy Turkish towels, regular price $1.50, special $1.00 Ruby pillow cases, 42x 36, regular 49c, special 35c Rosedale sheets, full double bed size .... $1.69 All Bed Spreads on Sale at Special Prices 1 . W\ I « K \ £M Pi %h Sale of White Waists $2.50 to $2.75 plain voile waists, all sizes, special at $1.75 White voile waists, plain and fancy trimmed worth $3.00 to $3.25, special ... $2.25 White georgettes, plain or fajjfcy -.^finest, georgettes, worth up to $12.50 at...... $7.98 White crepe de chine waists in plain a'n'd^tek- . ed models, values up to $12.50 at ./4$7'98 Mohawk Sheeting 9-4 Mohawk Sheet¬ ing, limited amount to each customer at this price $1.39 Mohawk Sheeting 10-4 Mohawk Sheet¬ ing, amount limited in *ach;case, special $1.59 rr GIRLS DRESSES White organdie and dainty white voile dresses, hand em- » broidered, empire, long waist and Eton Jacket styles, dainty lace trimmings, sizes 6 to 18 \ years. Priced specially for this sale <8.98 to $17.98 DRAWERS Women's fine mus- Hn drawers, embroid- ered trimmed, sizes 25 . 27 and 29, open or closed, worth .$1.50, special 79c Children's Hats White-pique for in¬ fants and children, hand embroidered, black velvet trimming $1.75 and as low $1.25 $1.25 white voiles, 38 inches wide .. $1.00 ft if.* Lie| $1.39 plain and fancy white voiles .... $1.00 $1.39 -i white) fancy flaxons, 32 inches* ». ' wide 98c 79c plain white flax ons, special 59c $1.25 white shirting madras, 36 inches wide finest quality 85c 79c white stripe madras, 36 inches... wide, special . 45c $1.50 white skirting Gabardine in plain and fancy designs $1. $1.39 white repp for skirtings, special 95c 89c chamois finish English long cloth, special 55c 50c white India Lin¬ en, fine quality .. 39c $1.00 white oxford' .suiting, 36 inches wide at 85c $6.50 all white pure linen damask, 72 in. wide, special .. $4.50 ! CAMBRIC -White Berkley cambric, full 36 inches wide, regu¬ lar price 85c, special 69c NAPKINS Mercerized dinner nap¬ kin,' 18x18, hemmer, splen¬ did quality, worth $3.75, special $3.00

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Page 1: Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria, Va.) 1920 … · 2017. 12. 18. · An* now after being in con- ; stant use for more than half a century, S. S. S. is more

StomachOut oS Fix?Thone your grocer or

druggist for a dozen bottlesof this delicious digeslant,.a glasstvitli meals gives delightful relief, or

no charge for the first dozen u«ed.


Nothing like it for renovalh.jtired stomachs, converting rich Idood and sound fle-h.Shivar Ale retails at 15c per bot¬

tle, or $1.75 per dozen. If your reg¬ular dealer cannot supply you, tele¬phone ^

F. S. HARPER, Inc.Distributors for Alexandria

As early as 1770 a raft of timberwas sent across the Atlantic from

One camiphor tree wil vie!:! camph¬or worth $5000.

Zinc roofs have been used in Eu¬

rope for centuries.

DeliciousAid to

DigestionFor a eranky appetite and a

balky digestion nothing is moredelightfully effective than

CloverdaleGinger Ale

Prepared with the famousCloverdale Mineral Water andpore, digestive aromatics.

Order a case today from yourdruggist or grocer. If he can¬

not supply you telephonelindsby-'ki'kk corpop ;,ro\HSTRIBUTORS FOR ALEXANDRIA.

Oil production in the United Statesincreased 21,000,000 barrels in thelast year.

Negroes form about onetertth ofthe entire population oT the UnitedState;.


Whec Thai Cold GclcDowq Into Your CheIt i3 time for you to take quick stepsto relieve it, and prevent pneumoniaor other serious trouble. Just tryaEood warming application of

MothersjoyOjoup end,Pneumoiuasalve

It wall rurprise you howquickly it penetrates to the sentof the trouble, relieving con¬gestion and soreness.

It is also nn invaluable rem¬edy for Croup, and can beusedfreely withoutirritating orburning effects.Keep a jar onhand for emer¬gencies. Sec¬torsrecommendit. Good deal¬ers sel it.

Leather taken from the hide over

the Lack and kidneys has the bestwearing power.

California's area is IS times thatof Massachusetts.


One day of unusual heat at thecritical time may reduce the yield ofan oat field 25 per cent.

Electric lines i nthe.United Stateshandle more tha ten times the trafficof the steam railroads.


PUBLIC AUCTIONof the entire plant of the

General Shipbuilding Com¬pany, Incorporated,

On the premises at Alexandria, Va.

Saturday, May 22nd, 1920.At 12 o'clock noon

Consisting of six (G) acres on Po¬

tomac River improved by fourteen

(H) buildings, brick and frame con¬

struction; ranging from 12x25 to 175

;<22U; Railroad sidings into plant;dc-ep water piers; marine railways.Terms of sale, Opening bid to be not

les sthan fifty thousand ($50,000) dol¬lars; one-fourth cash and balance insix and months or all cash at

option purchaser.For further particulars apply to

LOUIS N. DUFFEY,Trustee in Bankruptcy, 123 South-

Royal Street .Alexandria, Va.


Says Watoga Lady, "As to WhatCardui Has Done for Me, So

As To Help Other-Watoga, W. Va.,.Mrs. S. W. Glad-

well, of says: "When about15 years of age, I suffered greatly.SomelLrmes would go a month or two,and I had terrible headache, backache,and bearing down paitrvs, un£ wouldjust drag and had no appetite. ThenIt would last two weeks, and was so

weakening, and my healbh was awful.'My mother bought me a bottle of

Cardui, and' I began to improve aftertaking the first battle, so kept it uptill I took three. I gained, and was welland strong, and 1 owe it all to Car¬dui.

I am married now xnd have 3 chd-^dren. Have never had to have a doc¬tor for female trouble, and just resort

to Cardui if I need a tor.ic. I am gladto testify to what it has done for me,so as to help others.

If you are nervous or weak, haveheadaches, backaches, or any of tljeother ailments so common to women,why not give Cardui a trial? Recom¬mended by many physicians. In use

over 40 years.Begin taking Cardui today. It may

be the eery medicine you need.


Medicinal Value of S. S. S. la FullyRecognized.

Almost every human ailment can

be traced, one way or another, toimpurities in the blood. So youcannot overestimate the impor¬tance of keeping your circulationbuilt up, so that your heart will beconstantly pumping rich, red, life-giving blood to all parts of thesystem. Any slight disorder or im¬purity that creeps into the blood isa source of danger, for every vitalorgan of the body depends uponthe blood supply to properly per¬form its functions. It is quitetrue that practically every one isequally exposed to the attacks ofdisease. You are just as liable tobe attacked as the man or woman

sitting next to you on the streetcar. It all depends upon the con¬

dition of your blood. If it is thinand impoverished, and has beenallowed to reach a low state bythe accumulation of impurities,you have not sufficient vitality toresist these germ attacks, and theyfind a fertile field in your systemto spread disease.Over a hundred years ago the In¬

dians made many excellent rem-

dies and tonic from roots andherbs gathered from the forests.

One of these formulas was hand¬ed down to the white man and for

more than fifty years has been"used as S. S. S., which is recogniz-ed as the best known blood medi¬cine on the market.This fine old remedy is still made

as of old from roots and herbs ofproven medicinal value. In fact,physicians everywhere recognizethe wonderful efficiency of theseroots, and they are prescribed insome form or other almost daily.An *

now after being in con- ;stant use for more than half a

century, S. S. S. is more popularthan ever. It is sold by practicallyevery drug store in the land, andevery druggist is well acquaintedwith its sterling merit, for theyhave seen its results.

S. S. S. is a yery valuable agentin the treatment of Catarrh, Rheu¬matism, Eczema, Tetter boils, pim¬ples, skin eruptions, malaria, andother disorders that come fromblood impurities.

It is also without an equal as a

general tonic and system builder.By its efficacy in cleansing theblood of impurities, it builds up theappetite and gives new life andvigor to the entire body.You are invited to write for val¬

uable literature and medical ad¬vice, which will be sent withoutcost. Address Chief Medical Ad¬viser, Swift Laboratory, Atlanta.

I Ly A \ffimill\Wm%> w/ IK:h.\ V'Vf' Jf

#^r ^,-,l'_±' *WP


0Kp .?, f -1 fi\^ BSCS ( i I IS ^w

#a,i! w"-1^vnv* V.vy- V v

^w£l !##!


<^jrQjQturingIJnu&ualJQIsplucfs and oypQcialcj)ciiuQS ii miH*Hl.,

Infants Coats

Infants white piquecoats, sizes (> mo. to 3years, hand embroid¬ered collar and fronts,some with belts, spe¬cial $6.98, $4.25 and$3.50

Infants Slips

Long or short .Freneh knots in whitepink and dainty blue,special $1.75 and $1.49.

Birdeye"Red Star" Birdeye

24 inches wide, special49c a yard or pricedper bolt of 10 yardsat $4.75

Infants SlipsHand embroidered

yokes, dainty mater-ials used, long or

short, special $2.09 &$2.50.

Muslin Gowns

Women's finestquality muslin gowns,lace trimmed, blue or

pink stitching, special$2.49 and $2.25.



Women's fine ehenvise, in camisole ef-feels, embroidered inpink or blue, regular$1.98, special .. $1.25

CHEMISESample lines of soft

nainsook chemise trim¬med in high class mannerwith finest lace, all sizes

One Third Off


While Gabardine, Linen and Pique Skirts in a Wonderful Selec-»


Trimmed wiOh large and small ])oarl buttons, new pocket effects



White SilkLong Gloves

Long white gloves plainor embroidered silks, allstandard makes, such as

Kayser, Niagra Maid, etc.actually worth up to $4.50a pair, special while theylast, one pair to a custo¬mer ..." $2.00


Women's drawers, extrasizes, finest quality muslinused, full cut speciallypriced $2.50 and $2.25

1 SPECIALSHuck linen towels, lSx

32 size, worth 85c a piece,special 69c22x40 heavy Turkish

towels, regular price $1.50,special $1.00Ruby pillow cases, 42x

36, regular 49c, special 35cRosedale sheets, full

double bed size .... $1.69All Bed Spreads on Sale at

Special Prices 1


W\ I « K \

£M Pi %hSale of White Waists

$2.50 to $2.75 plain voile waists, all sizes, specialat $1.75

White voile waists, plain and fancy trimmedworth $3.00 to $3.25, special ... $2.25White georgettes, plain or fajjfcy -.^finest,

georgettes, worth up to $12.50 at...... $7.98White crepe de chine waists in plain a'n'd^tek- .

ed models, values up to $12.50 at ./4$7'98

Mohawk Sheeting9-4 Mohawk Sheet¬

ing, limited amount toeach customer at thisprice $1.39

Mohawk Sheeting10-4 Mohawk Sheet¬

ing, amount limited in*ach;case, special $1.59



White organdie and daintywhite voile dresses, hand em-


broidered, empire, long waist

and Eton Jacket styles, dainty

lace trimmings, sizes 6 to 18\

years. Priced specially for this

sale <8.98 to $17.98


Women's fine mus-

Hn drawers, embroid-ered trimmed, sizes 25 .

27 and 29, open or

closed, worth .$1.50,special 79c

Children's Hats

White-pique for in¬fants and children,hand embroidered,black velvet trimming$1.75 and as low $1.25

$1.25 white voiles,38 inches wide .. $1.00

ft if.* Lie|$1.39 plain and fancywhite voiles .... $1.00

$1.39 -i white) fancyflaxons, 32 inches*

». '

wide 98c79c plain white flax

ons, special 59c

$1.25 white shirtingmadras, 36 incheswide finest quality 85c

79c white stripemadras, 36 inches...wide, special . 45c

$1.50 white skirtingGabardine in plainand fancy designs $1.

$1.39 white repp forskirtings, special 95c

89c chamois finishEnglish long cloth,special 55c

50c white India Lin¬en, fine quality .. 39c

$1.00 white oxford'.suiting, 36 inches wideat 85c

$6.50 all white purelinen damask, 72 in.wide, special .. $4.50


-White Berkley cambric,full 36 inches wide, regu¬lar price 85c, special 69c


Mercerized dinner nap¬kin,' 18x18, hemmer, splen¬did quality, worth $3.75,special $3.00